title: 'Dashboard'
description: 'Accessing the Dashboard!'
position: 500
category: 'Product'
menuTitle: 'Dashboard'
## Setup Your First Super Admin
Once you have started NocoDB, you can visit the dashboard via `example.com` . You will be redirected to `example.com/#/signup` .
Enter your work email and your password.
< img width = "1485" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189030350-89a4d361-1f0c-495f-bb03-4958dc5eb556.png" >
< alert id = "password-conditions" >
Your password has at least 8 letters with one uppercase, one number and one special letter
< / alert >
## Initialize Your First Project
Once you have logged into NocoDB, you should see `My Projects` .
< img width = "1482" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189045961-0801accb-e07f-42cd-b679-cab5c3cab8a6.png" >
To create a project, you can click `New Project` . You can choose create an empty project or a project connecting to an external database.
< img width = "1497" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189046071-113c424f-c908-4bb6-99f1-a4447337f1fc.png" >
### Creating Empty Project
Click `Create Project` , you need to specify the project name. The data will be stored in `NC_DB` . If it is not specified, a local SQLite will be created and used.
< alert >
NC_DB is an environment variable used to store the meta data in the given database.
< / alert >
< img width = "1499" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189047000-e2f9cf80-fe85-4a79-9e34-76b8a28d66ec.png" >
### Connecting to External Database
Click `Create By Connecting To An External Database` , you need to specify the project name, API type, and other database parameters.
< alert type = "success" >
Tip: If you are running NocoDB on Docker and your local DB is running on your host machine, your Host Address would be host.docker.internal instead of localhost.
< / alert >
< img width = "1500" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189047070-7600d2f9-bec5-47ed-948e-c6da46202e9c.png" >
Currently it supports MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL and SQLite.
You can also configure associated SSL & advanced parameters.
< img width = "689" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189047293-05176c44-e162-495a-a7cd-e02377c1f42c.png" >
< alert type = "success" >
Tip: You can click Edit Connection JSON and modify SSL settings in "ssl".
< / alert >
"client": "pg",
"connection": {
"host": "< YOUR_HOST > ",
"port": "5432",
"user": "< YOUR_DB_USER > ",
"password": "< YOUR_DB_PASSWORD > ",
"database": "< YOUR_DB_NAME > ",
"ssl": {
"require": true,
"rejectUnauthorized": false,
"sslMode": "no-verify"
< alert type = "success" >
Tip: You can click Edit Connection JSON and specify the schema you want to use in "searchPath".
< / alert >
"client": "pg",
"connection": {
"searchPath": [ "< YOUR_TARGET_SCHEMA > " ]
Click `Test Database Connection` to see if the connection can be established or not. NocoDB creates a new **empty database** with specified parameters if the database doesn't exist.
< img width = "632" alt = "image" src = "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/189048167-0725c306-12d3-4c5c-91a9-55b0aa63732d.png" >