@ -11,306 +11,263 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List ;
/ * *
* < p >
* < code > Branch < / code > interface defines the common behaviour for Nodes which
* can contain child nodes ( content ) such as XML elements and documents . This
* interface allows both elements and documents to be treated in a polymorphic
* manner when changing or navigating child nodes ( content ) .
* < / p >
* @author < a href = "mailto:jstrachan@apache.org" > James Strachan < / a >
* @version $Revision$
* @version $Revision : 1 . 32 $
* /
@SuppressWarnings ( "unused" )
public interface Branch extends Node {
/ * *
* Returns the < code > Node < / code > at the specified index position .
* @param index
* the index of the node to return .
* @return the < code > Node < / code > at the specified position .
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the index is out of range ( index & lt ; 0 | | index & gt ; =
* { @link Branch # nodeCount ( ) } ) .
* /
Node node ( int index ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException ;
/ * *
* Returns the < code > Node < / code > at the specified index position .
* @param index the index of the node to return .
* @return the < code > Node < / code > at the specified position .
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range ( index & lt ; 0 | | index & gt ; =
* { @link Branch # nodeCount ( ) } ) .
* /
Node node ( int index ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException ;
/ * *
* Returns the index of the given node if it is a child node of this branch
* or - 1 if the given node is not a child node .
* @param node
* the content child node to find .
* @return the index of the given node starting at 0 or - 1 if the node is
* not a child node of this branch
* /
int indexOf ( Node node ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the index of the given node if it is a child node of this branch
* or - 1 if the given node is not a child node .
* @param node the content child node to find .
* @return the index of the given node starting at 0 or - 1 if the node is
* not a child node of this branch
* /
int indexOf ( Node node ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the number of < code > Node < / code > instances that this branch
* contains .
* @return the number of nodes this branch contains
* /
int nodeCount ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the number of < code > Node < / code > instances that this branch
* contains .
* @return the number of nodes this branch contains
* /
int nodeCount ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the element of the given ID attribute value . If this tree is
* capable of understanding which attribute value should be used for the ID
* then it should be used , otherwise this method should return null .
* @param elementID
* @return DOCUMENT ME !
* /
Element elementByID ( String elementID ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the element of the given ID attribute value . If this tree is
* capable of understanding which attribute value should be used for the ID
* then it should be used , otherwise this method should return null .
* @param elementID DOCUMENT ME !
* @return DOCUMENT ME !
* /
Element elementByID ( String elementID ) ;
/ * *
* < p >
* Returns the content nodes of this branch as a backed { @link List } so that
* the content of this branch may be modified directly using the
* { @link List } interface . The < code > List < / code > is backed by the
* < code > Branch < / code > so that changes to the list are reflected in the
* branch and vice versa .
* < / p >
* @return the nodes that this branch contains as a < code > List < / code >
* /
List content ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the content nodes of this branch as a backed { @link List } so that
* the content of this branch may be modified directly using the
* { @link List } interface . The < code > List < / code > is backed by the
* < code > Branch < / code > so that changes to the list are reflected in the
* branch and vice versa .
* @return the nodes that this branch contains as a < code > List < / code >
* /
List < Node > content ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an iterator through the content nodes of this branch
* @return an iterator through the content nodes of this branch
* /
Iterator nodeIterator ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an iterator through the content nodes of this branch
* @return an iterator through the content nodes of this branch
* /
Iterator < Node > nodeIterator ( ) ;
/ * *
* Sets the contents of this branch as a < code > List < / code > of
* < code > Node < / code > instances .
* @param content
* is the list of nodes to use as the content for this branch .
* /
void setContent ( List content ) ;
/ * *
* Sets the contents of this branch as a < code > List < / code > of
* < code > Node < / code > instances .
* @param content is the list of nodes to use as the content for this branch .
* /
void setContent ( List < Node > content ) ;
/ * *
* Appends the content of the given branch to this branch instance . This
* method behaves like the { @link
* java . util . Collection # addAll ( java . util . Collection ) } method .
* @param branch
* is the branch whose content will be added to me .
* /
void appendContent ( Branch branch ) ;
/ * *
* Appends the content of the given branch to this branch instance . This
* method behaves like the { @link
* java . util . Collection # addAll ( java . util . Collection ) } method .
* @param branch is the branch whose content will be added to me .
* /
void appendContent ( Branch branch ) ;
/ * *
* Clears the content for this branch , removing any < code > Node < / code >
* instances this branch may contain .
* /
void clearContent ( ) ;
/ * *
* Clears the content for this branch , removing any < code > Node < / code >
* instances this branch may contain .
* /
void clearContent ( ) ;
/ * *
* < p >
* Returns a list of all the processing instructions in this branch . The
* list is backed by this branch so that changes to the list will be
* reflected in the branch but the reverse is not the case .
* < / p >
* @return a backed list of the processing instructions
* /
List processingInstructions ( ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a list of all the processing instructions in this branch . The
* list is backed by this branch so that changes to the list will be
* reflected in the branch but the reverse is not the case .
* @return a backed list of the processing instructions
* /
List < ProcessingInstruction > processingInstructions ( ) ;
/ * *
* < p >
* Returns a list of the processing instructions for the given target . The
* list is backed by this branch so that changes to the list will be
* reflected in the branch but the reverse is not the case .
* < / p >
* @param target
* @return a backed list of the processing instructions
* /
List processingInstructions ( String target ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a list of the processing instructions for the given target . The
* list is backed by this branch so that changes to the list will be
* reflected in the branch but the reverse is not the case .
* @param target DOCUMENT ME !
* @return a backed list of the processing instructions
* /
List < ProcessingInstruction > processingInstructions ( String target ) ;
/ * *
* @param target
* @return the processing instruction for the given target
* /
ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction ( String target ) ;
/ * *
* @param target DOCUMENT ME !
* @return the processing instruction for the given target
* /
ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction ( String target ) ;
/ * *
* Sets all the processing instructions for this branch
* @param listOfPIs
* /
void setProcessingInstructions ( List listOfPIs ) ;
/ * *
* Sets all the processing instructions for this branch
* @param listOfPIs DOCUMENT ME !
* /
void setProcessingInstructions ( List < ProcessingInstruction > listOfPIs ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new < code > Element < / code > node with the given name to this branch
* and returns a reference to the new node .
* @param name
* is the name for the < code > Element < / code > node .
* @return the newly added < code > Element < / code > node .
* /
Element addElement ( String name ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new < code > Element < / code > node with the given name to this branch
* and returns a reference to the new node .
* @param name is the name for the < code > Element < / code > node .
* @return the newly added < code > Element < / code > node .
* /
Element addElement ( String name ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new < code > Element < / code > node with the given { @link QName } to
* this branch and returns a reference to the new node .
* @param qname
* is the qualified name for the < code > Element < / code > node .
* @return the newly added < code > Element < / code > node .
* /
Element addElement ( QName qname ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new < code > Element < / code > node with the given { @link QName } to
* this branch and returns a reference to the new node .
* @param qname is the qualified name for the < code > Element < / code > node .
* @return the newly added < code > Element < / code > node .
* /
Element addElement ( QName qname ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new < code > Element < / code > node with the given qualified name and
* namespace URI to this branch and returns a reference to the new node .
* @param qualifiedName
* is the fully qualified name of the Element
* @param namespaceURI
* is the URI of the namespace to use
* @return the newly added < code > Element < / code > node .
* /
Element addElement ( String qualifiedName , String namespaceURI ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a new < code > Element < / code > node with the given qualified name and
* namespace URI to this branch and returns a reference to the new node .
* @param qualifiedName is the fully qualified name of the Element
* @param namespaceURI is the URI of the namespace to use
* @return the newly added < code > Element < / code > node .
* /
Element addElement ( String qualifiedName , String namespaceURI ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the processing instruction for the given target if it exists
* @param target
* @return true if a processing instruction was removed else false
* /
boolean removeProcessingInstruction ( String target ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the processing instruction for the given target if it exists
* @param target DOCUMENT ME !
* @return true if a processing instruction was removed else false
* /
boolean removeProcessingInstruction ( String target ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > Node < / code > or throws { @link IllegalAddException }
* if the given node is not of a valid type . This is a polymorphic method
* which will call the typesafe method for the node type such as
* add ( Element ) or add ( Comment ) .
* @param node
* is the given node to add
* /
void add ( Node node ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > Node < / code > or throws { @link IllegalAddException }
* if the given node is not of a valid type . This is a polymorphic method
* which will call the typesafe method for the node type such as
* add ( Element ) or add ( Comment ) .
* @param node is the given node to add
* /
void add ( Node node ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > Comment < / code > to this branch . If the given node
* already has a parent defined then an < code > IllegalAddException < / code >
* will be thrown .
* @param comment
* is the comment to be added
* /
void add ( Comment comment ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > Comment < / code > to this branch . If the given node
* already has a parent defined then an < code > IllegalAddException < / code >
* will be thrown .
* @param comment is the comment to be added
* /
void add ( Comment comment ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > Element < / code > to this branch . If the given node
* already has a parent defined then an < code > IllegalAddException < / code >
* will be thrown .
* @param element
* is the element to be added
* /
void add ( Element element ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > Element < / code > to this branch . If the given node
* already has a parent defined then an < code > IllegalAddException < / code >
* will be thrown .
* @param element is the element to be added
* /
void add ( Element element ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > ProcessingInstruction < / code > to this branch . If
* the given node already has a parent defined then an
* < code > IllegalAddException < / code > will be thrown .
* @param pi
* is the processing instruction to be added
* /
void add ( ProcessingInstruction pi ) ;
/ * *
* Adds the given < code > ProcessingInstruction < / code > to this branch . If
* the given node already has a parent defined then an
* < code > IllegalAddException < / code > will be thrown .
* @param pi is the processing instruction to be added
* /
void add ( ProcessingInstruction pi ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > Node < / code > if the node is an immediate child
* of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate child of this
* branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used instead . This
* is a polymorphic method which will call the typesafe method for the node
* type such as remove ( Element ) or remove ( Comment ) .
* @param node
* is the given node to be removed
* @return true if the node was removed
* /
boolean remove ( Node node ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > Node < / code > if the node is an immediate child
* of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate child of this
* branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used instead . This
* is a polymorphic method which will call the typesafe method for the node
* type such as remove ( Element ) or remove ( Comment ) .
* @param node is the given node to be removed
* @return true if the node was removed
* /
boolean remove ( Node node ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > Comment < / code > if the node is an immediate
* child of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate child of this
* branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used instead .
* @param comment
* is the comment to be removed
* @return true if the comment was removed
* /
boolean remove ( Comment comment ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > Comment < / code > if the node is an immediate
* child of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate child of this
* branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used instead .
* @param comment is the comment to be removed
* @return true if the comment was removed
* /
boolean remove ( Comment comment ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > Element < / code > if the node is an immediate
* child of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate child of this
* branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used instead .
* @param element
* is the element to be removed
* @return true if the element was removed
* /
boolean remove ( Element element ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > Element < / code > if the node is an immediate
* child of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate child of this
* branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used instead .
* @param element is the element to be removed
* @return true if the element was removed
* /
boolean remove ( Element element ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > ProcessingInstruction < / code > if the node is an
* immediate child of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate
* child of this branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used
* instead .
* @param pi
* is the processing instruction to be removed
* @return true if the processing instruction was removed
* /
boolean remove ( ProcessingInstruction pi ) ;
/ * *
* Removes the given < code > ProcessingInstruction < / code > if the node is an
* immediate child of this branch . If the given node is not an immediate
* child of this branch then the { @link Node # detach ( ) } method should be used
* instead .
* @param pi is the processing instruction to be removed
* @return true if the processing instruction was removed
* /
boolean remove ( ProcessingInstruction pi ) ;
/ * *
* Puts all < code > Text < / code > nodes in the full depth of the sub - tree
* underneath this < code > Node < / code > , including attribute nodes , into a
* "normal" form where only structure ( e . g . , elements , comments , processing
* instructions , CDATA sections , and entity references ) separates
* < code > Text < / code > nodes , i . e . , there are neither adjacent
* < code > Text < / code > nodes nor empty < code > Text < / code > nodes . This can
* be used to ensure that the DOM view of a document is the same as if it
* were saved and re - loaded , and is useful when operations ( such as XPointer
* lookups ) that depend on a particular document tree structure are to be
* used . In cases where the document contains < code > CDATASections < / code > ,
* the normalize operation alone may not be sufficient , since XPointers do
* not differentiate between < code > Text < / code > nodes and
* < code > CDATASection < / code > nodes .
* @since DOM Level 2
* /
void normalize ( ) ;
/ * *
* Puts all < code > Text < / code > nodes in the full depth of the sub - tree
* underneath this < code > Node < / code > , including attribute nodes , into a
* "normal" form where only structure ( e . g . , elements , comments , processing
* instructions , CDATA sections , and entity references ) separates
* < code > Text < / code > nodes , i . e . , there are neither adjacent
* < code > Text < / code > nodes nor empty < code > Text < / code > nodes . This can
* be used to ensure that the DOM view of a document is the same as if it
* were saved and re - loaded , and is useful when operations ( such as XPointer
* lookups ) that depend on a particular document tree structure are to be
* used . In cases where the document contains < code > CDATASections < / code > ,
* the normalize operation alone may not be sufficient , since XPointers do
* not differentiate between < code > Text < / code > nodes and
* < code > CDATASection < / code > nodes .
* @since DOM Level 2
* /
void normalize ( ) ;
/ *