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# What's changed? * `useGlobal` replaces `useGlobalState` * split into actions, getters, state * injects into nuxt app on init (regardless where it's called)pull/2877/head
2 years ago
8 changed files with 228 additions and 177 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
import { notification } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import type { UseGlobalStateReturn } from './state' |
import type { Actions } from '~/lib' |
import { useNuxtApp } from '#imports' |
export function useGlobalActions(state: UseGlobalStateReturn) { |
const { $api } = useNuxtApp() |
/** Actions */ |
/** Sign out by deleting the token from localStorage */ |
const signOut: Actions['signOut'] = () => { |
state.token.value = null |
state.user.value = null |
} |
/** Sign in by setting the token in localStorage */ |
const signIn: Actions['signIn'] = async (newToken) => { |
state.token.value = newToken |
if (state.payload.value) { |
state.user.value = { |
id: state.payload.value.id, |
email: state.payload.value.email, |
firstname: state.payload.value.firstname, |
lastname: state.payload.value.lastname, |
roles: state.payload.value.roles, |
} |
} |
} |
/** manually try to refresh token */ |
const refreshToken = async () => { |
$api.instance |
.post('/auth/refresh-token', null, { |
withCredentials: true, |
}) |
.then((response) => { |
if (response.data?.token) { |
signIn(response.data.token) |
} |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
notification.error({ |
// todo: add translation
message: err.message || 'You have been signed out.', |
}) |
console.error(err) |
signOut() |
}) |
} |
return { signIn, signOut, refreshToken } |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
import type { UseGlobalStateReturn } from './state' |
import type { Getters } from '~/lib' |
import { computed } from '#imports' |
export function useGlobalGetters(state: UseGlobalStateReturn) { |
/** Getters */ |
/** Verify that a user is signed in by checking if token exists and is not expired */ |
const signedIn: Getters['signedIn'] = computed( |
() => |
!!( |
!!state.token && |
state.token.value !== '' && |
state.payload.value && |
state.payload.value.exp && |
state.payload.value.exp > state.timestamp.value / 1000 |
), |
) |
return { signedIn } |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
import { useGlobalState } from './state' |
import { useGlobalActions } from './actions' |
import { toRefs, useNuxtApp, watch } from '#imports' |
import type { GlobalState } from '~/lib' |
import { useGlobalGetters } from '~/composables/useGlobal/getters' |
/** |
* Global state is injected by {@link import('~/plugins/state') state} plugin into our nuxt app (available as `$state`). |
* Manual initialization is unnecessary and should be avoided. |
* |
* The state is stored in {@link WindowLocalStorage localStorage}, so it will be available even if the user closes the browser tab. |
* |
* @example |
* ```js
* import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' |
* |
* const { $state } = useNuxtApp() |
* |
* const token = $state.token.value |
* const user = $state.user.value |
* ``` |
*/ |
export const useGlobal = (): GlobalState => { |
const { $state, provide } = useNuxtApp() |
if ($state) { |
console.warn( |
'[useGlobalState] Global state is injected by state plugin. Manual initialization is unnecessary and should be avoided.', |
) |
return $state |
} |
const state = $(useGlobalState()) |
const getters = useGlobalGetters($$(state)) |
const actions = useGlobalActions($$(state)) |
/** try to refresh token before expiry (5 min before expiry) */ |
watch( |
() => !!(state.payload && state.payload.exp && state.payload.exp - 5 * 60 < state.timestamp / 1000), |
async (expiring) => { |
if (getters.signedIn.value && state.payload && expiring) { |
await actions.refreshToken() |
} |
}, |
{ immediate: true }, |
) |
provide('state', state) |
return { ...toRefs(state), ...getters, ...actions } |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
import { usePreferredLanguages, useStorage } from '@vueuse/core' |
import { useJwt } from '@vueuse/integrations/useJwt' |
import type { JwtPayload } from 'jwt-decode' |
import type { ComputedRef, Ref, ToRefs } from 'vue' |
import type { WritableComputedRef } from '@vue/reactivity' |
import { computed, ref, toRefs, useNuxtApp, useTimestamp } from '#imports' |
import type { StoredState, User } from '~/lib' |
const storageKey = 'nocodb-gui-v2' |
export type UseGlobalStateReturn = ToRefs<StoredState> & { |
token: WritableComputedRef<string | null> |
payload: ComputedRef<(JwtPayload & User) | null> |
sidebarOpen: Ref<boolean> |
timestamp: Ref<number> |
} |
export function useGlobalState(): UseGlobalStateReturn { |
/** get the preferred languages of a user, according to browser settings */ |
const preferredLanguages = $(usePreferredLanguages()) |
/** todo: reimplement; get the preferred dark mode setting, according to browser settings */ |
// const prefersDarkMode = $(usePreferredDark())
const prefersDarkMode = false |
const { |
vueApp: { i18n }, |
} = useNuxtApp() |
/** |
* Set initial language based on browser settings. |
* If the user has not set a preferred language, we fallback to 'en'. |
* If the user has set a preferred language, we try to find a matching locale in the available locales. |
*/ |
const preferredLanguage = preferredLanguages.reduce<string>((locale, language) => { |
/** split language to language and code, e.g. en-GB -> [en, GB] */ |
const [lang, code] = language.split(/[_-]/) |
/** find all locales that match the language */ |
let availableLocales = i18n.availableLocales.filter((locale) => locale.startsWith(lang)) |
/** If we can match more than one locale, we check if the code of the language matches as well */ |
if (availableLocales.length > 1) { |
availableLocales = availableLocales.filter((locale) => locale.endsWith(code)) |
} |
/** if there are still multiple locales, pick the first one */ |
const availableLocale = availableLocales[0] |
/** if we found a matching locale, return it */ |
if (availableLocale) locale = availableLocale |
return locale |
}, 'en' /** fallback locale */) |
/** State */ |
const initialState: StoredState = { token: null, user: null, lang: preferredLanguage, darkMode: prefersDarkMode } |
/** saves a reactive state, any change to these values will write/delete to localStorage */ |
const storage = useStorage<StoredState>(storageKey, initialState) |
/** force turn off of dark mode, regardless of previously stored settings */ |
storage.value.darkMode = false |
/** current token ref, used by `useJwt` to reactively parse our token payload */ |
const token = computed({ |
get: () => storage.value.token || '', |
set: (val) => (storage.value.token = val), |
}) |
/** reactive token payload */ |
const { payload } = useJwt<JwtPayload & User>(token.value) |
/** is sidebar open */ |
const sidebarOpen = ref(false) |
/** reactive timestamp to check token expiry against */ |
const timestamp = useTimestamp({ immediate: true, interval: 100 }) |
return { |
...(toRefs(storage) as any), |
token, |
payload, |
sidebarOpen, |
timestamp, |
} |
} |
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ |
import { breakpointsTailwind, usePreferredLanguages, useStorage } from '@vueuse/core' |
import { useJwt } from '@vueuse/integrations/useJwt' |
import type { JwtPayload } from 'jwt-decode' |
import { notification } from 'ant-design-vue' |
import initialFeedBackForm from './initialFeedbackForm' |
import { computed, ref, toRefs, useBreakpoints, useNuxtApp, useTimestamp, watch } from '#imports' |
import type { Actions, Getters, GlobalState, StoredState, User } from '~/lib/types' |
const storageKey = 'nocodb-gui-v2' |
/** |
* Global state is injected by {@link import('~/plugins/state') state} plugin into our nuxt app (available as `$state`). |
* Manual initialization is unnecessary and should be avoided. |
* |
* The state is stored in {@link WindowLocalStorage localStorage}, so it will be available even if the user closes the browser tab. |
* |
* @example |
* ```js
* import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' |
* |
* const { $state } = useNuxtApp() |
* |
* const token = $state.token.value |
* const user = $state.user.value |
* ``` |
*/ |
export const useGlobalState = (): GlobalState => { |
const { $state } = useNuxtApp() |
if ($state) { |
console.warn( |
'[useGlobalState] Global state is injected by state plugin. Manual initialization is unnecessary and should be avoided.', |
) |
return $state |
} |
/** get the preferred languages of a user, according to browser settings */ |
const preferredLanguages = $(usePreferredLanguages()) |
/** todo: reimplement; get the preferred dark mode setting, according to browser settings */ |
// const prefersDarkMode = $(usePreferredDark())
const prefersDarkMode = false |
/** get current breakpoints (for enabling sidebar) */ |
const breakpoints = useBreakpoints(breakpointsTailwind) |
/** reactive timestamp to check token expiry against */ |
const timestamp = $(useTimestamp({ immediate: true, interval: 100 })) |
const { |
$api, |
vueApp: { i18n }, |
} = useNuxtApp() |
/** |
* Set initial language based on browser settings. |
* If the user has not set a preferred language, we fallback to 'en'. |
* If the user has set a preferred language, we try to find a matching locale in the available locales. |
*/ |
const preferredLanguage = preferredLanguages.reduce<string>((locale, language) => { |
/** split language to language and code, e.g. en-GB -> [en, GB] */ |
const [lang, code] = language.split(/[_-]/) |
/** find all locales that match the language */ |
let availableLocales = i18n.availableLocales.filter((locale) => locale.startsWith(lang)) |
/** If we can match more than one locale, we check if the code of the language matches as well */ |
if (availableLocales.length > 1) { |
availableLocales = availableLocales.filter((locale) => locale.endsWith(code)) |
} |
/** if there are still multiple locales, pick the first one */ |
const availableLocale = availableLocales[0] |
/** if we found a matching locale, return it */ |
if (availableLocale) locale = availableLocale |
return locale |
}, 'en' /** fallback locale */) |
/** State */ |
const initialState: StoredState = { |
token: null, |
user: null, |
lang: preferredLanguage, |
darkMode: prefersDarkMode, |
feedbackForm: initialFeedBackForm, |
} |
/** saves a reactive state, any change to these values will write/delete to localStorage */ |
const storage = $(useStorage<StoredState>(storageKey, initialState)) |
/** force turn off of dark mode, regardless of previously stored settings */ |
storage.darkMode = false |
/** current token ref, used by `useJwt` to reactively parse our token payload */ |
let token = $computed({ |
get: () => storage.token || '', |
set: (val) => (storage.token = val), |
}) |
/** reactive token payload */ |
const { payload } = $(useJwt<JwtPayload & User>($$(token!))) |
/** Getters */ |
/** Verify that a user is signed in by checking if token exists and is not expired */ |
const signedIn: Getters['signedIn'] = computed( |
() => !!(!!token && token !== '' && payload && payload.exp && payload.exp > timestamp / 1000), |
) |
/** is sidebar open */ |
const sidebarOpen = ref(signedIn.value && breakpoints.greater('md').value) |
/** Actions */ |
/** Sign out by deleting the token from localStorage */ |
const signOut: Actions['signOut'] = () => { |
storage.token = null |
storage.user = null |
} |
/** Sign in by setting the token in localStorage */ |
const signIn: Actions['signIn'] = async (newToken) => { |
token = newToken |
if (payload) { |
storage.user = { |
id: payload.id, |
email: payload.email, |
firstname: payload.firstname, |
lastname: payload.lastname, |
roles: payload.roles, |
} |
} |
} |
/** manually try to refresh token */ |
const refreshToken = async () => { |
$api.instance |
.post('/auth/refresh-token', null, { |
withCredentials: true, |
}) |
.then((response) => { |
if (response.data?.token) { |
signIn(response.data.token) |
} |
}) |
.catch((err) => { |
notification.error({ |
// todo: add translation
message: err.message || 'You have been signed out.', |
}) |
console.error(err) |
signOut() |
}) |
} |
/** try to refresh token before expiry (5 min before expiry) */ |
watch( |
() => !!(payload && payload.exp && payload.exp - 5 * 60 < timestamp / 1000), |
async (expiring) => { |
if (signedIn.value && payload && expiring) { |
await refreshToken() |
} |
}, |
{ immediate: true }, |
) |
return { ...toRefs(storage), signedIn, signOut, signIn, sidebarOpen } |
} |
Reference in new issue