| **LOWER** | `LOWER(str)` | `LOWER($Column$)` | Lower case converted string of input parameter |
| **MID** | `SUBTR(str, position, [count])` | `MID($Column$, 3, 2)` | Alias for `SUBSTR` |
| **REPEAT** | `REPEAT(str, count)` | `REPEAT($Column$, 2)` | Specified copies of the input parameter string concatenated together |
| **REPLACE** | `REPLACE(str, srchStr, rplcStr)` | `REPLACE($Column$, 'int', 'num')` | String, after replacing all occurrences of `srchStr` with `rplcStr` |
| **RIGHT** | `RIGHT(str, count)` | `RIGHT($Column$, 3)` | `n` characters from the end of input parameter |
| **SEARCH** | `SEARCH(str, srchStr)` | `SEARCH($Column$, 'str')` | Index of `srchStr` specified if found, 0 otherwise |
| **SUBSTR** | `SUBTR(str, position, [count])` | `SUBSTR($Column$, 3, 2)` | Substring of length 'count' of input string, from the postition specified |
| **TRIM** | `TRIM(str)` | `TRIM($Column$)` | Remove trailing and leading whitespaces from input parameter |
| **UPPER** | `UPPER(str)` | `UPPER($Column$)` | Upper case converted string of input parameter |
| **URL** | `URL(str)` | `URL($Column$)` | Convert to a hyperlink if it is a valid URL |
### Date Functions
| Name | Syntax | Sample | Output | Remark |
| **DATEADD** | `DATEADD(DATE_COL, 1, 'day')` | `DATEADD(date, 1, 'day')` | Supposing the DATE_COL is 2022-03-14. The result is 2022-03-15. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -1, 'day')` |
| | `DATEADD(DATE_COL, 2, 'month')` | `DATEADD(date, 2, 'month')` | Supposing the DATE_COL is 2022-03-14 03:14. The result is 2022-05-14 03:14. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -2, 'month')` |
| | `IF(NOW() < DATE_COL, "true", "false")` | `IF(NOW() < date, "true", "false")` | If current date is less than DATE_COL, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. |
| | `IF(NOW() < DATEADD(DATE_COL,10,'day'), "true", "false")` | `IF(NOW() < DATEADD(date,10,'day'), "true", "false")` | If the current date is less than DATE_COL plus 10 days, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. |
| **DATEADD** | `DATEADD($DATE_COL$, 1, 'day')` | `DATEADD(date, 1, 'day')` | Supposing $DATE_COL$ is 2022-03-14. The result is 2022-03-15. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -1, 'day')` |
| | `DATEADD($DATE_COL$, 2, 'month')` | `DATEADD(date, 2, 'month')` | Supposing $DATE_COL$ is 2022-03-14 03:14. The result is 2022-05-14 03:14. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. Example: `DATEADD(DATE_TIME_COL, -2, 'month')` |
| | `IF(NOW() < $DATE_COL$, "true", "false")` | `IF(NOW() < date, "true", "false")` | If current date is less than $DATE_COL$, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. |
| | `IF(NOW() < DATEADD($DATE_COL$,10,'day'), "true", "false")` | `IF(NOW() < DATEADD(date,10,'day'), "true", "false")` | If the current date is less than $DATE_COL$ plus 10 days, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. | DateTime columns and negative values are supported. |