mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
Raju Udava
3 years ago
committed by
39 changed files with 4798 additions and 6366 deletions
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Mine projekter", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Opdater projekter", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nyt projekt", |
"subtext_1": "skab", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Opret et nyt projekt", |
"subtext_2": "Opret ved at forbinde <br> til en ekstern database", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Understøtter MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLITE", |
"from_template": "Opret projekt fra skabelon", |
"from_excel": "Opret projekt fra Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Søg projekt", |
"import_metadata": "Import metadata.", |
"export_metadata": "Eksport metadata.", |
"clear_metadata": "Klare metadata.", |
"stop_project": "Stop Project.", |
"start_project": "Start Project.", |
"restart_project": "Genstart Project.", |
"delete_project": "Slet projekt", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Tilgængelig via GraphQL Apis", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Tilgængelig via hvile API'er", |
"project_empty_message": "Kom i gang ved at oprette et nyt projekt", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Import Nocodb-projekt ved at uploade Metadata Zip-filen" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Stjerne", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "os på github.", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Book en gratis demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Få dine spørgsmål besvaret", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Deltag Diskord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Deltag /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Følg NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Din søgning efter {Søg} viste ingen resultater" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Rediger projekt", |
"create": "Opret projekt" |
}, |
"project_name": "Indtast projektnavn", |
"project_type": "Access Project Via.", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Gem projekt", |
"update_and_restart": "Opdatering og genstart", |
"myProject": "Mine projekter", |
"newProj": "Nyt projekt", |
"dbCredentials": "Database legitimationsoplysninger.", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Avancerede parametre", |
"headCreateProject": "Opret projekt | Nocodb.", |
"headLogin": "Log ind | Nocodb.", |
"resetPassword": "Nulstil din adgangskode", |
"appStore": "App butik", |
"team&auth": "Team & Auth.", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roller & Brugere Management", |
"projMeta": "Projektmetadata.", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta Management.", |
"audit": "Revidere", |
"auditLogs": "Audit log", |
"userMgmt": "Bruger Management", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API TOKENS MANAGEMENT", |
"rolesMgmt": "Roller Management.", |
"metaOperations": "Metadata Operations" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Opdater projekter", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Opret ved at forbinde <br> til en ekstern database", |
"template": "Opret projekt fra skabelon", |
"excel": "Opret projekt fra Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Søg projekt", |
"importMetadata": "Import metadata.", |
"exportMetadata": "Eksport metadata.", |
"clearMetadata": "Klare metadata.", |
"stopProject": "Stop Project.", |
"startProject": "Start Project.", |
"restartProject": "Genstart Project.", |
"deleteProject": "Slet projekt", |
"editProject": "Rediger projekt", |
"createProject": "Opret projekt", |
"saveProject": "Gem projekt", |
"testDbConn": "Test Database Connection.", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Fjern databasen fra miljøet", |
"editConnJson": "Rediger forbindelse JSON", |
"sendEmail": "SEND E-MAIL", |
"settings": "Indstillinger.", |
"previewAs": "Forhåndsvisning så", |
"resetReview": "Nulstil preview.", |
"copyView": "Kopi visning", |
"renameView": "Omdøb visning", |
"deleteView": "Slet visning", |
"createView": "Opret en visning", |
"shareView": "Del View", |
"ListView": "Visninger List", |
"copyApiURL": "COPY API URL.", |
"exportToFile": "Eksporter til filer", |
"import": "Importere", |
"exportZip": "Eksporter zip", |
"importZip": "Import Zip." |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "skab", |
"cancel": "Afbestille", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Annuller og returnerer" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Database legitimationsoplysninger.", |
"db_type": "Database type", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLITE FILE.", |
"host_address": "Værtsadresse.", |
"port": "Port nummer.", |
"username": "Brugernavn.", |
"password": "Adgangskode", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "DATABASE: Opret, hvis ikke eksisterer", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Test Database Connection.", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Fjern databasen fra miljøet" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & Avancerede parametre", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Klientnøgle", |
"toolip": "Vælg .Key File." |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Klient cert.", |
"toolip": "Vælg .cert File." |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server ca.", |
"toolip": "Vælg CA File." |
}, |
"preferred": "Foretrukne", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Ingen", |
"preferred": "Foretrukne", |
"required": "Påkrævet", |
"requried_ca": "Påkrævet-ca.", |
"requried_identity": "Påkrævet-identitet" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Bøjning - Bordnavn", |
"column_name": "Bøjning - kolonne navn" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Rediger forbindelse JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Ugyldig tegn i mappebanen.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Ugyldige databaseoplysninger.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Kan ikke oprette forbindelse til databasen, tjek venligst din database er op.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Brugeren eksisterer ikke eller har tilstrækkelig tilladelse til at skabe skema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Opret projekt | Nocodb." |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Forbindelsen var succesfuld", |
"failure": "Forbindelsesfejl:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "LOG IND", |
"signUp": "Tilmelde", |
"reset": "Nulstil" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Opret et nyt projekt", |
"extDB": "Understøtter MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLITE", |
"apiGQL": "Tilgængelig via GraphQL Apis", |
"apiRest": "Tilgængelig via hvile API'er", |
"updateRestart": "Opdatering og genstart", |
"cancelReturn": "Annuller og returnerer", |
"clientKey": "Vælg .Key File.", |
"clientCert": "Vælg .cert File.", |
"clientCA": "Vælg CA File.", |
"exportMetadata": "Eksporter alle metadata fra metabordene til metatirectory.", |
"importMetadata": "Importer alle metadata fra metatappen til metaborde.", |
"clearMetadata": "Ryd alle metadata fra metaborde." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Kom i gang ved at oprette et nyt projekt", |
"importText": "Import Nocodb-projekt ved at uploade Metadata Zip-filen", |
"apiOptions": "Access Project Via.", |
"dbConnected": "Forbindelsen var succesfuld", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Ingen nye meddelelser.", |
"clear": "Klar" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "LOG IND", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Indtast din arbejds-email", |
"enter_your_password": "Skriv dit kodeord", |
"forget_password": "Glemt din adgangskode ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Har du ikke en konto?", |
"sign_up": "Tilmelde", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail er påkrævet", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-mail skal være gyldig", |
"passwd_required": "adgangskode er påkrævet", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Din adgangskode skal være mindst 8 tegn" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Log ind | Nocodb.", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Log ind på NOCODB", |
"name": "Log ind på NOCODB", |
"content": "Log ind på NOCODB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Indtast din arbejds-email", |
"enterPassword": "Skriv dit kodeord", |
"forgotPassword": "Glemt din adgangskode ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Har du ikke en konto?", |
"superAdmin": "Du vil være 'super admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Har du allerede en bruger ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Nulstil din adgangskode", |
"loginMsg": "Log ind på NOCODB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Angiv venligst den e-mail-adresse, du brugte, når du tilmeldte dig.", |
"message_2": "Vi sender dig en email med et link for at nulstille dit kodeord.", |
"success": "Tjek venligst din email for at nulstille adgangskoden", |
"button": "SEND E-MAIL" |
"success": "Tjek venligst din email for at nulstille adgangskoden" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Kun synlig for skaberen", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Tilføj gridvisning", |
"gallery": "Tilføj Gallery View.", |
"calendar": "Tilføj kalendervisning", |
"kanban": "Tilføj Kanban View.", |
"form": "Tilføj formularvisning" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Denne visning deles via et privat link", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Folk med privat link kan kun se celler synlige i denne opfattelse", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Begræns adgang med et kodeord", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Adgang er adgangskode begrænset", |
"exportZip": "Eksporter Project Meta til ZIP-fil og download.", |
"importZip": "Import Project Meta Zip-fil og genstart." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Din søgning efter {Søg} viste ingen resultater", |
"invalidChar": "Ugyldig tegn i mappebanen.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ugyldige databaseoplysninger.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Kan ikke oprette forbindelse til databasen, tjek venligst din database er op.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Brugeren eksisterer ikke eller har tilstrækkelig tilladelse til at skabe skema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Forbindelsesfejl:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail er påkrævet", |
"emailInvalid": "E-mail skal være gyldig", |
"passwdRequired": "adgangskode er påkrævet", |
"passwdLength": "Din adgangskode skal være mindst 8 tegn" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "TILMELDE", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Du vil være 'super admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Har du allerede en bruger ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Indstillinger.", |
"tooltip": "Kun synlig for skaberen" |
}, |
"app_store": "App butik", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth.", |
"tooltip": "Roller & Brugere Management" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Projektmetadata.", |
"tooltip": "Meta Management." |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Revidere", |
"tooltip": "Audit log" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Forhåndsvisning så", |
"reset_review": "Nulstil preview." |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Visninger.", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Kopi visning", |
"rename": "Omdøb visning", |
"delete": "Slet visning" |
}, |
"title": "Opret en visning", |
"caption": "Kun synlig for skaberen", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grid.", |
"create": "Tilføj gridvisning" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galleri", |
"create": "Tilføj Gallery View." |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalender", |
"create": "Tilføj kalendervisning" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban.", |
"create": "Tilføj Kanban View." |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Form", |
"create": "Tilføj formularvisning" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Stjerne", |
"starUs2": "os på github.", |
"bookDemo": "Book en gratis demo", |
"getAnswered": "Få dine spørgsmål besvaret", |
"joinDiscord": "Deltag Diskord", |
"joinReddit": "Deltag /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Følg NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Database type", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLITE FILE.", |
"hostAddress": "Værtsadresse.", |
"port": "Port nummer.", |
"username": "Brugernavn.", |
"password": "Adgangskode", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "DATABASE: Opret, hvis ikke eksisterer", |
"clientKey": "Klientnøgle", |
"clientCert": "Klient cert.", |
"serverCA": "Server ca.", |
"requriedCa": "Påkrævet-ca.", |
"requriedIdentity": "Påkrævet-identitet", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Bøjning - Bordnavn", |
"columnName": "Bøjning - kolonne navn" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Del View", |
"views_list": "Visninger List", |
"copy_api_url": "COPY API URL." |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Denne visning deles via et privat link", |
"body": "Folk med privat link kan kun se celler synlige i denne opfattelse", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Begræns adgang med et kodeord", |
"option2": "Adgang er adgangskode begrænset" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Indtast projektnavn", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Indtast adgangskoden", |
"button": "Gem adgangskode." |
"enter": "Indtast adgangskoden", |
"save": "Gem adgangskode." |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Bruger Management", |
"roles": "Roller Management." |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metadata Operations", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Eksporter til filer", |
"desc": "Eksporter alle metadata fra metabordene til metatirectory." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importere", |
"desc": "Importer alle metadata fra metatappen til metaborde." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Eksporter zip", |
"desc": "Eksporter Project Meta til ZIP-fil og download." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Import Zip.", |
"desc": "Import Project Meta Zip-fil og genstart." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Nulstil", |
"desc": "Ryd alle metadata fra metaborde." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Visninger.", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grid.", |
"gallery": "Galleri", |
"calendar": "Kalender", |
"kanban": "Kanban.", |
"form": "Form" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Meine Projekte", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Projekte aktualisieren", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Neues Projekt", |
"subtext_1": "Erstellen", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Neues Projekt erstellen", |
"subtext_2": "Erstellen mit einer<br>externen Datenbank", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Unterstützt MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Projekt aus der Vorlage erstellen", |
"from_excel": "Projekt von Excel erstellen" |
}, |
"search_project": "Projekt suchen", |
"import_metadata": "Metadaten importieren", |
"export_metadata": "Metadaten exportieren", |
"clear_metadata": "Metadaten löschen", |
"stop_project": "Projekt stoppen", |
"start_project": "Projekt starten", |
"restart_project": "Projekt neu starten", |
"delete_project": "Projekt löschen", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Zugänglich über Graphql-APIs", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Zugänglich über Rest APIs", |
"project_empty_message": "Beginnen Sie mit dem Erstellen eines neuen Projekts", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importieren von NOCODB-Projekt, indem Sie Metadaten-ZIP-Datei hochladen" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Stern", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "uns auf Github.", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Buchen Sie eine kostenlose Demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Erhalten Sie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Discord beitreten", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Folgen Sie NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Ihre Suche nach {search} fand keine Ergebnisse" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Projekt bearbeiten.", |
"create": "Projekt erstellen" |
}, |
"project_name": "Geben Sie den Projektnamen ein", |
"project_type": "Zugriff auf Projekt via.", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Projekt speichern", |
"update_and_restart": "Update & Neustart.", |
"myProject": "Meine Projekte", |
"newProj": "Neues Projekt", |
"dbCredentials": "Datenbank-Anmeldeinformationen", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Erweiterte Parameter", |
"headCreateProject": "Projekt erstellen | NocOdb", |
"headLogin": "Anmelden | NocOdb", |
"resetPassword": "Setzen Sie Ihr Passwort zurück", |
"appStore": "Appstore", |
"team&auth": "Team & Auth.", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Rollen & Benutzermanagement", |
"projMeta": "Projektmetadaten", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta-Management.", |
"audit": "Prüfung", |
"auditLogs": "Audit-Log", |
"userMgmt": "Benutzermanagement.", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API-Tokens-Management.", |
"rolesMgmt": "Rollenmanagement.", |
"metaOperations": "Metadatenoperationen." |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Projekte aktualisieren", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Erstellen mit einer<br>externen Datenbank", |
"template": "Projekt aus der Vorlage erstellen", |
"excel": "Projekt von Excel erstellen" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Projekt suchen", |
"importMetadata": "Metadaten importieren", |
"exportMetadata": "Metadaten exportieren", |
"clearMetadata": "Metadaten löschen", |
"stopProject": "Projekt stoppen", |
"startProject": "Projekt starten", |
"restartProject": "Projekt neu starten", |
"deleteProject": "Projekt löschen", |
"editProject": "Projekt bearbeiten.", |
"createProject": "Projekt erstellen", |
"saveProject": "Projekt speichern", |
"testDbConn": "Datenbankverbindung testen.", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Datenbank aus der Umgebung entfernen", |
"editConnJson": "Verbindung JSON bearbeiten", |
"sendEmail": "E-MAIL SENDEN", |
"settings": "Einstellungen", |
"previewAs": "Vorschau anzeigen als", |
"resetReview": "Vorschau zurücksetzen.", |
"copyView": "Ansicht kopieren", |
"renameView": "Ansicht umbenennen", |
"deleteView": "Ansicht löschen", |
"createView": "Eine Ansicht erstellen.", |
"shareView": "Ansicht teilen.", |
"ListView": "Ansichten Liste.", |
"copyApiURL": "API-URL kopieren", |
"exportToFile": "Export in die Datei.", |
"import": "Importieren", |
"exportZip": "Zip-Datei exportieren", |
"importZip": "Zip-Datei importieren" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Erstellen", |
"cancel": "Abbrechen", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Abbrechen und Rückkehr." |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Datenbank-Anmeldeinformationen", |
"db_type": "Datenbanktyp.", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite-Datei.", |
"host_address": "Host-Adresse", |
"port": "Port-Nummer", |
"username": "Nutzername", |
"password": "Passwort", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Datenbank: Erstellen, falls nicht vorhanden", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Datenbankverbindung testen.", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Datenbank aus der Umgebung entfernen" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & Erweiterte Parameter", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Client-Schlüssel", |
"toolip": "Wählen Sie .key-Datei aus" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Client Cert.", |
"toolip": "Wählen Sie .Cert-Datei" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server CA", |
"toolip": "Wählen Sie CA-Datei" |
}, |
"preferred": "Bevorzugt", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Nein", |
"preferred": "Bevorzugt", |
"required": "Erforderlich", |
"requried_ca": "CA Erforderlich", |
"requried_identity": "Erforderliche Identität" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Flexion - Tabellenname", |
"column_name": "Flexion - Spaltenname" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Verbindung JSON bearbeiten" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Ungültiges Zeichen im Ordnerpfad.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Ungültige Datenbankanmeldeinformationen.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Es kann keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Datenbank.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Den Benutzer gibt es nicht oder er hat keine ausreichenden Rechte, das Schema zu erstellen." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Projekt erstellen | NocOdb" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Verbindung war erfolgreich", |
"failure": "Verbindungsfehler:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "EINLOGGEN", |
"signUp": "Anmeldung", |
"reset": "Zurücksetzen" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Neues Projekt erstellen", |
"extDB": "Unterstützt MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Zugänglich über Graphql-APIs", |
"apiRest": "Zugänglich über Rest APIs", |
"updateRestart": "Update & Neustart.", |
"cancelReturn": "Abbrechen und Rückkehr.", |
"clientKey": "Wählen Sie .key-Datei aus", |
"clientCert": "Wählen Sie .Cert-Datei", |
"clientCA": "Wählen Sie CA-Datei", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportieren Sie alle Metadaten von den Metastabellen in Meta-Verzeichnis.", |
"importMetadata": "Importieren Sie alle Metadaten aus dem Meta-Verzeichnis in Meta-Tabellen.", |
"clearMetadata": "Alle Metadaten aus Meta-Tabellen löschen." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Beginnen Sie mit dem Erstellen eines neuen Projekts", |
"importText": "Importieren von NOCODB-Projekt, indem Sie Metadaten-ZIP-Datei hochladen", |
"apiOptions": "Zugriff auf Projekt via.", |
"dbConnected": "Verbindung war erfolgreich", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Keine neuen Benachrichtigungen", |
"clear": "Löschen" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "EINLOGGEN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Geben Sie Ihre Arbeits-E-Mail ein", |
"enter_your_password": "Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein", |
"forget_password": "Passwort vergessen ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Ich habe kein Konto?", |
"sign_up": "Anmeldung", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-Mail ist erforderlich", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Email muss gültig sein", |
"passwd_required": "Passwort ist erforderlich", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Ihr Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen sein" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Anmelden | NocOdb", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Melden Sie sich bei NOCODB an", |
"name": "Melden Sie sich bei NOCODB an", |
"content": "Melden Sie sich bei NOCODB an" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Geben Sie Ihre Arbeits-E-Mail ein", |
"enterPassword": "Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein", |
"forgotPassword": "Passwort vergessen ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Ich habe kein Konto?", |
"superAdmin": "Du wirst der \"Super Admin\" sein", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Sie haben bereits ein Konto ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Setzen Sie Ihr Passwort zurück", |
"loginMsg": "Melden Sie sich bei NOCODB an", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Bitte geben Sie die E-Mail-Adresse an, die Sie bei der Anmeldung verwendet haben.", |
"message_2": "Wir senden Ihnen eine E-Mail mit einem Link, um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen.", |
"success": "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail, um das Passwort zurückzusetzen", |
"button": "E-MAIL SENDEN" |
"success": "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail, um das Passwort zurückzusetzen" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Nur für den Ersteller sichtbar", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Grid-Ansicht hinzufügen.", |
"gallery": "Galerieansicht hinzufügen", |
"calendar": "Kalenderansicht hinzufügen", |
"kanban": "Kanban-Sicht hinzufügen", |
"form": "Fügen Sie den Formularansicht hinzu" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Diese Ansicht wird über einen privaten Link geteilt", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Personen mit privatem Link können nur Zellen sehen, die in dieser Ansicht angezeigt werden", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Den Zugriff mit einem Passwort einschränken", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Zugriff ist Passwort eingeschränkt", |
"exportZip": "Exportieren Sie das Projekt Meta in ZIP-Datei und downloaden.", |
"importZip": "Importieren Sie das Projekt Meta-ZIP-Datei und starten Sie erneut." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Ihre Suche nach {search} fand keine Ergebnisse", |
"invalidChar": "Ungültiges Zeichen im Ordnerpfad.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ungültige Datenbankanmeldeinformationen.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Es kann keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Datenbank.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Den Benutzer gibt es nicht oder er hat keine ausreichenden Rechte, das Schema zu erstellen.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Verbindungsfehler:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-Mail ist erforderlich", |
"emailInvalid": "Email muss gültig sein", |
"passwdRequired": "Passwort ist erforderlich", |
"passwdLength": "Ihr Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen sein" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "ANMELDUNG", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Du wirst der \"Super Admin\" sein", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Sie haben bereits ein Konto ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Einstellungen", |
"tooltip": "Nur für den Ersteller sichtbar" |
}, |
"app_store": "Appstore", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth.", |
"tooltip": "Rollen & Benutzermanagement" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Projektmetadaten", |
"tooltip": "Meta-Management." |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Prüfung", |
"tooltip": "Audit-Log" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Vorschau anzeigen als", |
"reset_review": "Vorschau zurücksetzen." |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Ansichten", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Ansicht kopieren", |
"rename": "Ansicht umbenennen", |
"delete": "Ansicht löschen" |
}, |
"title": "Eine Ansicht erstellen.", |
"caption": "Nur für den Ersteller sichtbar", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grid", |
"create": "Grid-Ansicht hinzufügen." |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galerie", |
"create": "Galerieansicht hinzufügen" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalender", |
"create": "Kalenderansicht hinzufügen" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban.", |
"create": "Kanban-Sicht hinzufügen" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formular", |
"create": "Fügen Sie den Formularansicht hinzu" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Stern", |
"starUs2": "uns auf Github.", |
"bookDemo": "Buchen Sie eine kostenlose Demo", |
"getAnswered": "Erhalten Sie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen", |
"joinDiscord": "Discord beitreten", |
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Folgen Sie NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Datenbanktyp.", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite-Datei.", |
"hostAddress": "Host-Adresse", |
"port": "Port-Nummer", |
"username": "Nutzername", |
"password": "Passwort", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Datenbank: Erstellen, falls nicht vorhanden", |
"clientKey": "Client-Schlüssel", |
"clientCert": "Client Cert.", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "CA Erforderlich", |
"requriedIdentity": "Erforderliche Identität", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Flexion - Tabellenname", |
"columnName": "Flexion - Spaltenname" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Ansicht teilen.", |
"views_list": "Ansichten Liste.", |
"copy_api_url": "API-URL kopieren" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Diese Ansicht wird über einen privaten Link geteilt", |
"body": "Personen mit privatem Link können nur Zellen sehen, die in dieser Ansicht angezeigt werden", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Den Zugriff mit einem Passwort einschränken", |
"option2": "Zugriff ist Passwort eingeschränkt" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Geben Sie den Projektnamen ein", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Geben Sie das Passwort ein", |
"button": "Passwort speichern" |
"enter": "Geben Sie das Passwort ein", |
"save": "Passwort speichern" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Benutzermanagement.", |
"api": "API-Tokens-Management.", |
"roles": "Rollenmanagement." |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metadatenoperationen.", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Export in die Datei.", |
"desc": "Exportieren Sie alle Metadaten von den Metastabellen in Meta-Verzeichnis." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importieren", |
"desc": "Importieren Sie alle Metadaten aus dem Meta-Verzeichnis in Meta-Tabellen." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Zip-Datei exportieren", |
"desc": "Exportieren Sie das Projekt Meta in ZIP-Datei und downloaden." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Zip-Datei importieren", |
"desc": "Importieren Sie das Projekt Meta-ZIP-Datei und starten Sie erneut." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Zurücksetzen", |
"desc": "Alle Metadaten aus Meta-Tabellen löschen." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Ansichten", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grid", |
"gallery": "Galerie", |
"calendar": "Kalender", |
"kanban": "Kanban.", |
"form": "Formular" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,511 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "My Projects", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Refresh projects", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "New Project", |
"subtext_1": "Create", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Create a new project", |
"subtext_2": "Create By Connecting <br>To An External Database", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Create Project from template", |
"from_excel": "Create Project from excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Search Project", |
"import_metadata": "Import Metadata", |
"export_metadata": "Export Metadata", |
"clear_metadata": "Clear Metadata", |
"stop_project": "Stop Project", |
"start_project": "Start Project", |
"restart_project": "Restart Project", |
"delete_project": "Delete Project", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Accessible via GraphQL APIs", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Accessible via REST APIs", |
"project_empty_message": "Get started by creating a new project", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Import NocoDB Project by uploading metadata zip file" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Star", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "us on Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Book a Free DEMO", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Get your questions answered", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Join Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Follow NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Your search for {search} found no results" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Edit Project", |
"create": "Create Project" |
}, |
"project_name": "Enter Project Name", |
"project_type": "Access Project via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Save Project", |
"update_and_restart": "Update & Restart", |
"general": { |
"home": "Home", |
"load": "Load", |
"open": "Open", |
"close": "Close", |
"yes": "Yes", |
"no": "No", |
"ok": "OK", |
"and": "And", |
"or": "Or", |
"add": "Add", |
"edit": "Edit", |
"remove": "Remove", |
"save": "Save", |
"cancel": "Cancel", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Cancel and Return" |
"submit": "Submit", |
"create": "Create", |
"delete": "Delete", |
"update": "Update", |
"rename": "Rename", |
"reload": "Reload", |
"reset": "Reset", |
"install": "Install", |
"show": "Show", |
"hide": "Hide", |
"showAll": "Show all", |
"hideAll": "Hide all", |
"showMore": "Show more", |
"showOptions": "Show options", |
"hideOptions": "Hide options", |
"showMenu": "Show menu", |
"hideMenu": "Hide menu", |
"addAll": "Add all", |
"removeAll": "Remove all", |
"signUp": "SIGN UP", |
"signIn": "SIGN IN", |
"signOut": "Sign Out", |
"required": "Required", |
"preferred": "Preferred", |
"mandatory": "Mandatory", |
"loading": "Loading ..." |
}, |
"objects": { |
"project": "Project", |
"projects": "Projects", |
"table": "Table", |
"tables": "Tables", |
"field": "Field", |
"fields": "Fields", |
"column": "Column", |
"columns": "Columns", |
"page": "Page", |
"pages": "Pages", |
"record": "Record", |
"records": "Records", |
"webhook": "Webhook", |
"webhooks": "Webhooks", |
"view": "View", |
"views": "Views", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grid", |
"gallery": "Gallery", |
"form": "Form", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"calendar": "Calendar" |
}, |
"user": "User", |
"users": "Users", |
"role": "Role", |
"roles": "Roles", |
"roleType": { |
"owner": "Owner", |
"creator": "Creator", |
"editor": "Editor", |
"commenter": "Commenter", |
"viewer": "Viewer" |
} |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Database Credentials", |
"db_type": "Database Type", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite File", |
"host_address": "Host Address", |
"datatype": { |
"ID": "ID", |
"ForeignKey": "Foreign Key", |
"SingleLineText": "Single Line Text", |
"LongText": "Long Text", |
"Attachment": "Attachment", |
"Checkbox": "Checkbox", |
"MultiSelect": "Multi Select", |
"SingleSelect": "Single Select", |
"Collaborator": "Collaborator", |
"Date": "Date", |
"Year": "Year", |
"Time": "Time", |
"PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", |
"Email": "Email", |
"URL": "URL", |
"Number": "Number", |
"Decimal": "Decimal", |
"Currency": "Currency", |
"Percent": "Percent", |
"Duration": "Duration", |
"Rating": "Rating", |
"Formula": "Formula", |
"Rollup": "Rollup", |
"Count": "Count", |
"Lookup": "Lookup", |
"DateTime": "Date Time", |
"CreateTime": "Create Time", |
"LastModifiedTime": "Last Modified Time", |
"AutoNumber": "Auto Number", |
"Barcode": "Barcode", |
"Button": "Button", |
"Password": "Password" |
}, |
"filterOperation": { |
"isEqual": "is equal", |
"isNotEqual": "is not equal", |
"isLike": "is like", |
"isNot like": "is not like", |
"isEmpty": "is empty", |
"isNotEmpty": "is not empty", |
"isNull": "is null", |
"isNotNull": "is not null" |
}, |
"title": { |
"newProj": "New Project", |
"myProject": "My Projects", |
"formTitle": "Form Title", |
"collabView": "Collaborative View", |
"lockedView": "Locked View", |
"personalView": "Personal View", |
"appStore": "App Store", |
"team&auth": "Team & Auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roles & Users Management", |
"userMgmt": "Users management", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokens Management", |
"rolesMgmt": "Roles Management", |
"projMeta": "Project Metadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta Management", |
"metadata": "Metadata", |
"exportImportMeta": "Export/ Import Metadata", |
"metaOperations": "Metadata Operations", |
"audit": "Audit", |
"auditLogs": "Audit Log", |
"sqlMigrations": "SQL Migrations", |
"dbCredentials": "Database Credentials", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Advanced parameters", |
"headCreateProject": "Create Project | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Log In | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "Reset your password" |
}, |
"labels": { |
"projName": "Project name", |
"viewName": "View name", |
"viewLink": "View Link", |
"columnName": "Column Name", |
"columnType": "Column Type", |
"roleName": "Role Name", |
"roleDescription": "Role Description", |
"databaseType": "Type in Database", |
"lengthValue": "Length/ value", |
"dbType": "Database Type", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite File", |
"hostAddress": "Host Address", |
"port": "Port Number", |
"username": "Username", |
"password": "Password", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Database : create if not exists", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Test Database Connection", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Remove Database from environment" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & Advanced parameters", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Client Key", |
"toolip": "Select .key file" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Client Cert", |
"toolip": "Select .cert file" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server CA", |
"toolip": "Select CA file" |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferred", |
"usage": { |
"no": "No", |
"preferred": "Preferred", |
"required": "Required", |
"requried_ca": "Required-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Required-IDENTITY" |
} |
}, |
"action": "Action", |
"actions": "Actions", |
"operation": "Operation", |
"operationType": "Operation type", |
"operationSubType": "Operation sub-type", |
"description": "Description", |
"authentication": "Authentication", |
"token": "Token", |
"where": "Where", |
"cache": "Cache", |
"chat": "Chat", |
"email": "E-mail", |
"storage": "Storage", |
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL", |
"models": "Models", |
"syncState": "Sync state", |
"created": "Created", |
"sqlOutput": "SQL Output", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database : create if not exists", |
"clientKey": "Client Key", |
"clientCert": "Client Cert", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "Required-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Required-IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflection - Table name", |
"column_name": "Inflection - Column name" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Edit connection JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Invalid character in folder path.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Invalid database credentials.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Unable to connect to database, please check your database is up.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "User does not exist or have sufficient permission to create schema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Create Project | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Connection was successful", |
"failure": "Connection Failure:" |
"tableName": "Inflection - Table name", |
"columnName": "Inflection - Column name" |
}, |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Star", |
"starUs2": "us on Github", |
"bookDemo": "Book a Free DEMO", |
"getAnswered": "Get your questions answered", |
"joinDiscord": "Join Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Follow NocoDB" |
} |
}, |
"activity": { |
"createProject": "Create Project", |
"importProject": "Import Project", |
"searchProject": "Search Project", |
"editProject": "Edit Project", |
"stopProject": "Stop Project", |
"startProject": "Start Project", |
"restartProject": "Restart Project", |
"deleteProject": "Delete Project", |
"refreshProject": "Refresh projects", |
"saveProject": "Save Project", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Create By Connecting <br>To An External Database", |
"excel": "Create Project from excel", |
"template": "Create Project from template" |
}, |
"OkSaveProject": "Ok & Save Project", |
"upgrade": { |
"available": "Upgrade available", |
"releaseNote": "Release notes", |
"howTo": "How to upgrade ?" |
}, |
"translate": "Help translate", |
"account": { |
"authToken": "Copy Auth Token", |
"swagger": "Swagger APIs Doc", |
"projInfo": "Copy Project Info", |
"themes": "Themes" |
}, |
"sort": "Sort", |
"addSort": "Add Sort Option", |
"filter": "Filter", |
"addFilter": "Add Filter", |
"share": "Share", |
"shareBase": { |
"disable": "Disable shared base", |
"enable": "Anyone with the link", |
"link": "Shared base link" |
}, |
"invite": "Invite", |
"inviteMore": "Invite more", |
"inviteTeam": "Invite Team", |
"inviteToken": "Invite Token", |
"newUser": "New User", |
"editUser": "Edit user", |
"deleteUser": "Remove user from project", |
"resendInvite": "Resend invite E-mail", |
"copyInviteURL": "Copy invite URL", |
"newRole": "New role", |
"reloadRoles": "Reload roles", |
"nextPage": "Next page", |
"prevPage": "Previous page", |
"nextRecord": "Next record", |
"previousRecord": "Previous record", |
"copyApiURL": "Copy API URL", |
"createTable": "Table Create", |
"refreshTable": "Tables Refresh", |
"renameTable": "Table Rename", |
"addField": "Add new field to this table", |
"setPrimary": "Set as Primary value", |
"addRow": "Add new row", |
"saveRow": "Save row", |
"insertRow": "Insert New Row", |
"deleteRow": "Delete Row", |
"deleteSelectedRow": "Delete Selected Rows", |
"importExcel": "Import Excel", |
"downloadCSV": "Download as CSV", |
"uploadCSV": "Upload CSV", |
"import": "Import", |
"importMetadata": "Import Metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Export Metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata", |
"exportToFile": "Export to file", |
"changePwd": "Change Password", |
"createView": "Create a View", |
"shareView": "Share View", |
"listSharedView": "Shared View List", |
"ListView": "Views List", |
"copyView": "Copy view", |
"renameView": "Rename view", |
"deleteView": "Delete view", |
"createGrid": "Create Grid View", |
"createGallery": "Create Gallery View", |
"createCalendar": "Create Calendar View", |
"createKanban": "Create Kanban View", |
"createForm": "Create Form View", |
"showSystemFields": "Show system fields", |
"copyUrl": "Copy URL", |
"openTab": "Open new tab", |
"iFrame": "Copy embeddable HTML code", |
"addWebhook": "Add New Webhook", |
"newToken": "Add New Token", |
"exportZip": "Export zip", |
"importZip": "Import zip", |
"metaSync": "Sync Now", |
"settings": "Settings", |
"previewAs": "Preview as", |
"resetReview": "Reset Preview", |
"testDbConn": "Test Database Connection", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Remove Database from environment", |
"editConnJson": "Edit connection JSON", |
"sponsorUs": "Sponsor Us", |
"sendEmail": "SEND EMAIL" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Create a new project", |
"extDB": "Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiRest": "Accessible via REST APIs", |
"apiGQL": "Accessible via GraphQL APIs", |
"theme": { |
"dark": "It does come in Black (^⇧B)", |
"light": "Does it come in Black ? (^⇧B)" |
}, |
"addTable": "Add new table", |
"inviteMore": "Invite more users", |
"toggleNavDraw": "Toggle navigation drawer", |
"reloadApiToken": "Reload API tokens", |
"generateNewApiToken": "Generate new API token", |
"addRole": "Add new role", |
"metaReloadList": "Reload list", |
"metaSync": "Sync metadata", |
"sqlMigration": "Reload migrations", |
"updateRestart": "Update & Restart", |
"cancelReturn": "Cancel and Return", |
"exportMetadata": "Export all metadata from the meta tables to meta directory.", |
"importMetadata": "Import all metadata from the meta directory to meta tables.", |
"clearMetadata": "Clear all metadata from meta tables.", |
"clientKey": "Select .key file", |
"clientCert": "Select .cert file", |
"clientCA": "Select CA file" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Enter Project Name", |
"password": { |
"enter": "Enter the password", |
"current": "Current password", |
"new": "New password", |
"save": "Save password", |
"confirm": "Confirm new password" |
}, |
"searchProjectTree": "Search tables", |
"searchFields": "Search fields", |
"searchColumn": "Search {search} column", |
"searchApps": "Search apps", |
"searchModels": "Search models", |
"noItemsFound": "No items found", |
"defaultValue": "Default value", |
"filterByEmail": "Filter by E-mail" |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"footerInfo": "Rows per page", |
"upload": "Select file to Upload", |
"upload_sub": "or drag and drop file", |
"excelSupport": "Supported: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots", |
"excelURL": "Enter excel file URL", |
"footMsg": "# of rows to parse to infer datatype", |
"excelImport": "sheet(s) are available for import", |
"exportMetadata": "Do you want to export metadata from meta tables?", |
"importMetadata": "Do you want to import metadata from meta tables?", |
"clearMetadata": "Do you want to clear metadata from meta tables?", |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Get started by creating a new project", |
"stopProject": "Do you want to stop the project?", |
"startProject": "Do you want to start the project?", |
"restartProject": "Do you want to restart the project?", |
"deleteProject": "Do you want to delete the project?", |
"shareBasePrivate": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base", |
"shareBasePublic": "Anyone on the internet with this link can view", |
"userInviteNoSMTP": "Looks like you have not configured mailer yet! \nPlease copy above invite link and send it to", |
"dragDropHide": "Drag and drop fields here to hide", |
"formInput": "Enter form input label", |
"formHelpText": "Add some help text", |
"onlyCreator": "Only visible to Creator", |
"formDesc": "Add form description", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restrict access with a password", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Access is password restricted", |
"privateLink": "This view is shared via a private link", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "People with private link can only see cells visible in this view", |
"afterFormSubmitted": "After form is submitted", |
"apiOptions": "Access Project via", |
"submitAnotherForm": "Show 'Submit Another Form' button", |
"showBlankForm": "Show a blank form after 5 seconds", |
"emailForm": "E-mail me at ", |
"showSysFields": "Show system fields", |
"filterAutoApply": "Auto apply", |
"showMessage": "Show this message", |
"viewNotShared": "Current view is not shared!", |
"showAllViews": "Show all shared views of this table", |
"collabView": "Collaborators with edit permissions or higher can change the view configuration.", |
"lockedView": "No one can edit the view configuration until it is unlocked.", |
"personalView": "Only you can edit the view configuration. Other collaborators’ personal views are hidden by default.", |
"ownerDesc": "Can add/remove creators. And full edit database structures & fields.", |
"creatorDesc": "Can fully edit database structure & values.", |
"editorDesc": "Can edit records but cannot change structure of database/fields.", |
"commenterDesc": "Can view and comment the records but cannot edit anything", |
"viewerDesc": "Can view the records but cannot edit anything", |
"addUser": "Add new user", |
"staticRoleInfo": "System defined roles can't be edited", |
"exportZip": "Export project meta to zip file and download.", |
"importZip": "Import project meta zip file and restart.", |
"importText": "Import NocoDB Project by uploading metadata zip file", |
"metaNoChange": "No change identified", |
"sqlMigration": "Schema migrations will be created automatically. Create a table and refresh this page.", |
"dbConnectionStatus": "Environment validated", |
"dbConnected": "Connection was successful", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "No new notifications", |
"clear": "Clear" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "SIGN IN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Enter your work email", |
"enter_your_password": "Enter your password", |
"forget_password": "Forgot your password ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Don't have an account ?", |
"sign_up": "Sign Up", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail is required", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-mail must be valid", |
"passwd_required": "Password is required", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "You password must be atleast 8 characters" |
} |
"sponsor": { |
"header": "You can help us!", |
"message": "We are a tiny team working full time to make NocoDB Open-source. We believe a tool like NocoDB should be available freely to every problem solver on Internet." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Log In | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Log In To NocoDB", |
"name": "Log In To NocoDB", |
"content": "Log In To NocoDB" |
} |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Reset your password", |
"loginMsg": "Log In To NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Please provide the email address you used when you signed up.", |
"message_2": "We will send you an email with a link to reset your password.", |
"success": "Please check your email to reset the password", |
"button": "SEND EMAIL" |
} |
"success": "Please check your email to reset the password" |
}, |
"signUp": { |
"superAdmin": "You will be the 'Super Admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Already have an account ?", |
"workEmail": "Enter your work email", |
"enterPassword": "Enter your password", |
"forgotPassword": "Forgot your password ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Don't have an account ?" |
}, |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Add Grid View", |
"gallery": "Add Gallery View", |
"form": "Add Form View", |
"kanban": "Add Kanban View", |
"calendar": "Add Calendar View" |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "SIGN UP", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "You will be the 'Super Admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Already have an account ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Settings", |
"tooltip": "Only visible to Creator" |
}, |
"app_store": "App Store", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth", |
"tooltip": "Roles & Users Management" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Project Metadata", |
"tooltip": "Meta Management" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Audit", |
"tooltip": "Audit Log" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Preview as", |
"reset_review": "Reset Preview" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Views", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Copy view", |
"rename": "Rename view", |
"delete": "Delete view" |
}, |
"title": "Create a View", |
"caption": "Only visible to Creator", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grid", |
"create": "Add Grid View" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Gallery", |
"create": "Add Gallery View" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Calendar", |
"create": "Add Calendar View" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Add Kanban View" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Form", |
"create": "Add Form View" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Share View", |
"views_list": "Views List", |
"copy_api_url": "Copy API URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "This view is shared via a private link", |
"body": "People with private link can only see cells visible in this view", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Restrict access with a password", |
"option2": "Access is password restricted" |
}, |
"password": { |
"caption": "Enter the password", |
"button": "Save password" |
} |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Your search for {search} found no results", |
"invalidChar": "Invalid character in folder path.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Invalid database credentials.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Unable to connect to database, please check your database is up.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "User does not exist or have sufficient permission to create schema.", |
"dbConnectionStatus": "Invalid database parameters", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Connection Failure", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail is required", |
"emailInvalid": "E-mail must be valid", |
"passwdRequired": "Password is required", |
"passwdLength": "You password must be atleast 8 characters" |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Users Management", |
"api": "API Tokens Management", |
"roles": "Roles Management" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metadata Operations", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Export to file", |
"desc": "Export all metadata from the meta tables to meta directory." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Import", |
"desc": "Import all metadata from the meta directory to meta tables." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Export zip", |
"desc": "Export project meta to zip file and download." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Import zip", |
"desc": "Import project meta zip file and restart." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Reset", |
"desc": "Clear all metadata from meta tables." |
} |
"toast": { |
"exportMetadata": "Project metadata exported successfully", |
"importMetadata": "Project metadata imported successfully", |
"clearMetadata": "Project metadata cleared successfully", |
"stopProject": "Project stopped successfully", |
"startProject": "Project started successfully", |
"restartProject": "Project restarted successfully", |
"deleteProject": "Project deleted successfully", |
"authToken": "Auth token copied to clipboard", |
"projInfo": "Copied project info to clipboard", |
"inviteUrlCopy": "Copied invite URL to clipboard", |
"createView": "View created successfully", |
"formEmailSMTP": "Please activate SMTP plugin in App store for enabling email notification", |
"collabView": "Successfully Switched to collaborative view", |
"lockedView": "Successfully Switched to locked view", |
"futureRelease": "Coming soon!" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Mis proyectos", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Refrescar proyectos", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nuevo proyecto", |
"subtext_1": "Crear", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Crear un nuevo proyecto", |
"subtext_2": "Conéctate a una <br>base de datos externa", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Soporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Crear proyecto de plantilla", |
"from_excel": "Crear proyecto de Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Buscar proyecto", |
"import_metadata": "Importar Metadata", |
"export_metadata": "Exportar Metadata", |
"clear_metadata": "Limpiar Metadata", |
"stop_project": "Detener proyecto", |
"start_project": "Iniciar proyecto", |
"restart_project": "Reiniciar proyecto", |
"delete_project": "Borrar proyecto", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Accesible vía GraphQL APIs", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Accesible vía REST APIs", |
"project_empty_message": "Comienza creando un nuevo proyecto", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importar el proyecto NocoDB cargando un archivo zip de metadatos" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Síguenos", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "en Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Agendar un DEMO Gratuito", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Obtén respuestas a tus preguntas", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Ingresar a Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Únete /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Seguir a NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Tu búsqueda de {search} no encontró resultados" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Editar proyecto", |
"create": "Crear proyecto" |
}, |
"project_name": "Ingresa el nombre de proyecto", |
"project_type": "Accede al proyecto a través de", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Guardar proyecto", |
"update_and_restart": "Actualizar y Reiniciar", |
"myProject": "Mis proyectos", |
"newProj": "Nuevo proyecto", |
"dbCredentials": "Credenciales de Base de Datos", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL y parámetros avanzados", |
"headCreateProject": "Crear proyecto | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Acceder | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "Cambiar contraseña", |
"appStore": "Tienda de aplicaciones", |
"team&auth": "Equipo y autenticación", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roles y gestión de usuarios", |
"projMeta": "Proyecto Metadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Gestionar Meta", |
"audit": "Auditoría", |
"auditLogs": "Registro de auditoría", |
"userMgmt": "Administrar usuarios", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Administrar tokens del API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Administrar roles", |
"metaOperations": "Operaciones del Metadata" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Refrescar proyectos", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Conéctate a una <br>base de datos externa", |
"template": "Crear proyecto de plantilla", |
"excel": "Crear proyecto de Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Buscar proyecto", |
"importMetadata": "Importar Metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportar Metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Limpiar Metadata", |
"stopProject": "Detener proyecto", |
"startProject": "Iniciar proyecto", |
"restartProject": "Reiniciar proyecto", |
"deleteProject": "Borrar proyecto", |
"editProject": "Editar proyecto", |
"createProject": "Crear proyecto", |
"saveProject": "Guardar proyecto", |
"testDbConn": "Probar conexión a base de datos", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Eliminar base de datos del ambiente", |
"editConnJson": "Editar conexión JSON", |
"sendEmail": "ENVIAR CORREO", |
"settings": "Configuraciones", |
"previewAs": "Visualizar como", |
"resetReview": "Restaurar visualización", |
"copyView": "Copiar vista", |
"renameView": "Renombrar vista", |
"deleteView": "Borrar vista", |
"createView": "Crear una Vista", |
"shareView": "Compartir vista", |
"ListView": "Listar vistas", |
"copyApiURL": "Copiar URL del API", |
"exportToFile": "Exportar a archivo", |
"import": "Importar", |
"exportZip": "Exportar a zip", |
"importZip": "Importar zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Crear", |
"cancel": "Cancelar", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Cancelar y Regresar" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Credenciales de Base de Datos", |
"db_type": "Tipo de Base de Datos", |
"sqlite_file": "Archivo SQLite", |
"host_address": "Dirección del servidor", |
"port": "Puerto", |
"username": "Usuario", |
"password": "Contraseña", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Base de datos : Crear si no existe", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Probar conexión a base de datos", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Eliminar base de datos del ambiente" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL y parámetros avanzados", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Clave de Cliente", |
"toolip": "Seleccionar archivo .key" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Certificado de Cliente", |
"toolip": "Seleccionar archivo .cert" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Servidor CA", |
"toolip": "Seleccionar archivo CA" |
}, |
"preferred": "Privilegios", |
"usage": { |
"no": "No", |
"preferred": "Privilegios", |
"required": "Requerido", |
"requried_ca": "Requerido-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Requerido-IDENTITY" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflección - Nombre de tabla", |
"column_name": "Inflección - Nombre de columna" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Editar conexión JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Caracteres invalidos en la ruta de la carpeta.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Credenciales de Base de Datos incorrectas.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Sin conexión a la base de datos, por favor verifica qué tu base de datos esté en línea.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "El usuario no existe o tiene permisos insuficientes para crear el esquema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Crear proyecto | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Conexión exitosa", |
"failure": "Conexión incorrecta:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "INICIAR SESIÓN", |
"signUp": "Regístrarse", |
"reset": "Reiniciar" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Crear un nuevo proyecto", |
"extDB": "Soporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Accesible vía GraphQL APIs", |
"apiRest": "Accesible vía REST APIs", |
"updateRestart": "Actualizar y Reiniciar", |
"cancelReturn": "Cancelar y Regresar", |
"clientKey": "Seleccionar archivo .key", |
"clientCert": "Seleccionar archivo .cert", |
"clientCA": "Seleccionar archivo CA", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportar todos los metadada de las tablas meta al directorio meta.", |
"importMetadata": "Importar todos los metadata del directorio meta a las tablas meta.", |
"clearMetadata": "Limpiar todos los metadata de las tablas meta." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Comienza creando un nuevo proyecto", |
"importText": "Importar el proyecto NocoDB cargando un archivo zip de metadatos", |
"apiOptions": "Accede al proyecto a través de", |
"dbConnected": "Conexión exitosa", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Sin notificaciones", |
"clear": "Limpiar" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "INICIAR SESIÓN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Ingresa tu e-mail de trabajo", |
"enter_your_password": "Ingresa tu contraseña", |
"forget_password": "Has olvidado tu contraseña?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "No tienes una cuenta?", |
"sign_up": "Regístrarse", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail requerido", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-mail debe ser correcto", |
"passwd_required": "Contraseña requerida", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Tu contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Acceder | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Acceder a NocoDB", |
"name": "Acceder a NocoDB", |
"content": "Acceder a NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Ingresa tu e-mail de trabajo", |
"enterPassword": "Ingresa tu contraseña", |
"forgotPassword": "Has olvidado tu contraseña?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "No tienes una cuenta?", |
"superAdmin": "Serás 'Super Admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Ya tienes una cuenta?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Cambiar contraseña", |
"loginMsg": "Acceder a NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Por favor ingresa el e-mail que usas para conectarte.", |
"message_2": "Enviaremos un link a tu e-mail para cambiar la contraseña.", |
"success": "Por favor revisa tu e-mail para cambiar la contraseña", |
"button": "ENVIAR CORREO" |
"success": "Por favor revisa tu e-mail para cambiar la contraseña" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Sólo visible por el creador", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Agregar vista de grilla", |
"gallery": "Agregar vista de Galería", |
"calendar": "Agregar vista de Calendario", |
"kanban": "Agregar vista de Kanban", |
"form": "Agregar vista de Formulario" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Esta vista es compartida por link privado", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Las personas con el link privado podrán únicamente ver celdas visibles de esta vista", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restringir acceso mediante contraseña", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Restricción mediante contraseña", |
"exportZip": "Exportar proyecto meta a un archivo zip y descargar.", |
"importZip": "Importar proyecto meta a un archivo zip y reiniciar." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Tu búsqueda de {search} no encontró resultados", |
"invalidChar": "Caracteres invalidos en la ruta de la carpeta.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenciales de Base de Datos incorrectas.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Sin conexión a la base de datos, por favor verifica qué tu base de datos esté en línea.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "El usuario no existe o tiene permisos insuficientes para crear el esquema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Conexión incorrecta:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail requerido", |
"emailInvalid": "E-mail debe ser correcto", |
"passwdRequired": "Contraseña requerida", |
"passwdLength": "Tu contraseña debe tener al menos 8 carácteres" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "REGISTRARSE", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Serás 'Super Admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Ya tienes una cuenta?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Configuraciones", |
"tooltip": "Sólo visible por el creador" |
}, |
"app_store": "Tienda de aplicaciones", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Equipo y autenticación", |
"tooltip": "Roles y gestión de usuarios" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Proyecto Metadata", |
"tooltip": "Gestionar Meta" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Auditoría", |
"tooltip": "Registro de auditoría" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Visualizar como", |
"reset_review": "Restaurar visualización" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Vistas", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Copiar vista", |
"rename": "Renombrar vista", |
"delete": "Borrar vista" |
}, |
"title": "Crear una Vista", |
"caption": "Sólo visible por el creador", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grilla", |
"create": "Agregar vista de grilla" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galeria", |
"create": "Agregar vista de Galería" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Calendario", |
"create": "Agregar vista de Calendario" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Agregar vista de Kanban" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formulario", |
"create": "Agregar vista de Formulario" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Síguenos", |
"starUs2": "en Github", |
"bookDemo": "Agendar un DEMO Gratuito", |
"getAnswered": "Obtén respuestas a tus preguntas", |
"joinDiscord": "Ingresar a Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Únete /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Seguir a NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Tipo de Base de Datos", |
"sqliteFile": "Archivo SQLite", |
"hostAddress": "Dirección del servidor", |
"port": "Puerto", |
"username": "Usuario", |
"password": "Contraseña", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Base de datos : Crear si no existe", |
"clientKey": "Clave de Cliente", |
"clientCert": "Certificado de Cliente", |
"serverCA": "Servidor CA", |
"requriedCa": "Requerido-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Requerido-IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflección - Nombre de tabla", |
"columnName": "Inflección - Nombre de columna" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Compartir vista", |
"views_list": "Listar vistas", |
"copy_api_url": "Copiar URL del API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Esta vista es compartida por link privado", |
"body": "Las personas con el link privado podrán únicamente ver celdas visibles de esta vista", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Restringir acceso mediante contraseña", |
"option2": "Restricción mediante contraseña" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Ingresa el nombre de proyecto", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Ingrese la contraseña", |
"button": "Guardar contraseña" |
"enter": "Ingrese la contraseña", |
"save": "Guardar contraseña" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Administrar usuarios", |
"api": "Administrar tokens del API", |
"roles": "Administrar roles" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operaciones del Metadata", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Exportar a archivo", |
"desc": "Exportar todos los metadada de las tablas meta al directorio meta." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importar", |
"desc": "Importar todos los metadata del directorio meta a las tablas meta." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Exportar a zip", |
"desc": "Exportar proyecto meta a un archivo zip y descargar." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importar zip", |
"desc": "Importar proyecto meta a un archivo zip y reiniciar." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Reiniciar", |
"desc": "Limpiar todos los metadata de las tablas meta." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Vistas", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grilla", |
"gallery": "Galeria", |
"calendar": "Calendario", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Formulario" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Omat hankkeet", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Päivitä projekteja", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Uusi projekti", |
"subtext_1": "Luoda", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Luo uusi projekti", |
"subtext_2": "Luo liittämällä <br> ulkoiseen tietokantaan", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Tukee MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Luo projekti mallilta", |
"from_excel": "Luo projekti Excelistä" |
}, |
"search_project": "Hakuprojekti", |
"import_metadata": "Tuo metatieto", |
"export_metadata": "Vie Metatieto", |
"clear_metadata": "Selkeä metatieto", |
"stop_project": "Pysäytä projekti", |
"start_project": "Käynnistä projekti", |
"restart_project": "Käynnistä projekti uudelleen", |
"delete_project": "Poista projekti", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Pääsee GraphQL API: n kautta", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Pääsee lepoa varten", |
"project_empty_message": "Aloita luomalla uusi projekti", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Tuo NocoDB-projekti lataamalla metatiedot zip-tiedosto" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Tähti", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "Me Githubissa", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Varaa ilmainen demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Hanki kysymyksesi vastasi", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Liity discordiin", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Liity /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Seuraa NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Hakusi {haku} ei löytänyt tuloksia" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Muokkaa projektia", |
"create": "Luo projekti" |
}, |
"project_name": "Anna projektin nimi", |
"project_type": "Access Project kautta", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Tallenna projekti", |
"update_and_restart": "Päivitä ja käynnistä uudelleen", |
"myProject": "Omat hankkeet", |
"newProj": "Uusi projekti", |
"dbCredentials": "Tietokannan valtakirjat", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Advanced Parameters", |
"headCreateProject": "Luo projekti Nokodb", |
"headLogin": "Kirjaudu sisään | Nokodb", |
"resetPassword": "Nollaa salasana", |
"appStore": "Sovelluskauppa", |
"team&auth": "Team & Auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roolit ja käyttäjien hallinta", |
"projMeta": "Project Metadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta Management", |
"audit": "Tarkastaa", |
"auditLogs": "Tarkastusloki", |
"userMgmt": "Käyttäjien hallinta", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokensin hallinta", |
"rolesMgmt": "Roolit hallinta", |
"metaOperations": "Metatietotoiminta" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Päivitä projekteja", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Luo liittämällä <br> ulkoiseen tietokantaan", |
"template": "Luo projekti mallilta", |
"excel": "Luo projekti Excelistä" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Hakuprojekti", |
"importMetadata": "Tuo metatieto", |
"exportMetadata": "Vie Metatieto", |
"clearMetadata": "Selkeä metatieto", |
"stopProject": "Pysäytä projekti", |
"startProject": "Käynnistä projekti", |
"restartProject": "Käynnistä projekti uudelleen", |
"deleteProject": "Poista projekti", |
"editProject": "Muokkaa projektia", |
"createProject": "Luo projekti", |
"saveProject": "Tallenna projekti", |
"testDbConn": "Testitietokantayhteys", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Poista tietokanta ympäristöstä", |
"editConnJson": "Muokkaa yhteyttä JSON", |
"settings": "asetukset", |
"previewAs": "Esikatselua jksk", |
"resetReview": "Nollaa esikatselu", |
"copyView": "Kopionä näkymä", |
"renameView": "Nimeä näkymä uudelleen", |
"deleteView": "Poista näkymä", |
"createView": "Luo näkymä", |
"shareView": "Jaa näkymä", |
"ListView": "Näkymät", |
"copyApiURL": "Kopioi API URL", |
"exportToFile": "Vie tiedostoon", |
"import": "Tuonti", |
"exportZip": "Vie Zip", |
"importZip": "Tuo zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Luoda", |
"cancel": "Peruuttaa", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Peruuta ja palaa" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Tietokannan valtakirjat", |
"db_type": "Tietokantatyyppi", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite-tiedosto", |
"host_address": "Isäntäosoite", |
"port": "Porttinumero", |
"username": "Käyttäjätunnus", |
"password": "Salasana", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Tietokanta: Luo jos ei ole olemassa", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testitietokantayhteys", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Poista tietokanta ympäristöstä" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & Advanced Parameters", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Asiakasnäppäin", |
"toolip": "Valitse .key-tiedosto" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Asiakassuhde", |
"toolip": "Valitse .cert-tiedosto" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Palvelin ca", |
"toolip": "Valitse CA-tiedosto" |
}, |
"preferred": "Edullinen", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Ei", |
"preferred": "Edullinen", |
"required": "Vaaditaan", |
"requried_ca": "Vaaditaan", |
"requried_identity": "Vaadittu identiteetti" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Taivutus - Taulukon nimi", |
"column_name": "Taivutus - sarakkeen nimi" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Muokkaa yhteyttä JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Virheellinen merkki kansioreitillä.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Virheelliset tietokannan tunnistetiedot.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Tietokantaan ei voi muodostaa yhteyttä, tarkista tietokantaasi.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Käyttäjää ei ole olemassa tai jolla on riittävä lupa luoda kaavio." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Luo projekti Nokodb" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Yhteys onnistui", |
"failure": "Yhteys epäonnistuminen:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "KIRJAUDU SISÄÄN", |
"signUp": "Kirjaudu", |
"reset": "Nollata" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Luo uusi projekti", |
"extDB": "Tukee MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"apiGQL": "Pääsee GraphQL API: n kautta", |
"apiRest": "Pääsee lepoa varten", |
"updateRestart": "Päivitä ja käynnistä uudelleen", |
"cancelReturn": "Peruuta ja palaa", |
"clientKey": "Valitse .key-tiedosto", |
"clientCert": "Valitse .cert-tiedosto", |
"clientCA": "Valitse CA-tiedosto", |
"exportMetadata": "Vie kaikki metatiedot metapöydistä Meta-hakemistoon.", |
"importMetadata": "Tuo kaikki metatiedot Meta-hakemistosta Meta-pöydille.", |
"clearMetadata": "Tyhjennä kaikki metatiedot metapöydistä." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Aloita luomalla uusi projekti", |
"importText": "Tuo NocoDB-projekti lataamalla metatiedot zip-tiedosto", |
"apiOptions": "Access Project kautta", |
"dbConnected": "Yhteys onnistui", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Ei uusia ilmoituksia", |
"clear": "Asia selvä" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "KIRJAUDU SISÄÄN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Anna työsi sähköpostiosoite", |
"enter_your_password": "Syötä salasanasi", |
"forget_password": "Unohditko salasanasi ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Eikö sinulla ole tiliä?", |
"sign_up": "Kirjaudu", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "Sähköposti vaaditaan", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Sähköpostin on oltava voimassa", |
"passwd_required": "salasana tarvitaan", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Salasanan on oltava vähintään 8 merkkiä" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Kirjaudu sisään | Nokodb", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Kirjaudu sisään NOCODB", |
"name": "Kirjaudu sisään NOCODB", |
"content": "Kirjaudu sisään NOCODB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Anna työsi sähköpostiosoite", |
"enterPassword": "Syötä salasanasi", |
"forgotPassword": "Unohditko salasanasi ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Eikö sinulla ole tiliä?", |
"superAdmin": "Olet \"super admin\"", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Onko sinulla jo tili ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Nollaa salasana", |
"loginMsg": "Kirjaudu sisään NOCODB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Anna sähköpostiosoite, jota käytit, kun olet rekisteröitynyt.", |
"message_2": "Lähetämme sinulle sähköpostiviestin, jossa on linkki salasanan palauttamiseksi.", |
"success": "Tarkista sähköpostisi salasanan palauttamiseksi", |
"success": "Tarkista sähköpostisi salasanan palauttamiseksi" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Näkyy vain Luojalle", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Lisää verkkokuva", |
"gallery": "Lisää galleria-näkymä", |
"calendar": "Lisää kalenteri-näkymä", |
"kanban": "Lisää Kanban View", |
"form": "Lisää lomake" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Tämä näkymä on jaettu yksityisen linkin kautta", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Ihmiset, joilla on oma linkki, voivat nähdä vain tässä näkymässä näkyviä soluja", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Rajoita pääsy salasanalla", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Pääsy on salasana rajoitettu", |
"exportZip": "Vie Project Meta Zip-tiedostoon ja ladata.", |
"importZip": "Tuo projekti Meta Zip-tiedosto ja käynnistä uudelleen." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Hakusi {haku} ei löytänyt tuloksia", |
"invalidChar": "Virheellinen merkki kansioreitillä.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Virheelliset tietokannan tunnistetiedot.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Tietokantaan ei voi muodostaa yhteyttä, tarkista tietokantaasi.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Käyttäjää ei ole olemassa tai jolla on riittävä lupa luoda kaavio.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Yhteys epäonnistuminen:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "Sähköposti vaaditaan", |
"emailInvalid": "Sähköpostin on oltava voimassa", |
"passwdRequired": "salasana tarvitaan", |
"passwdLength": "Salasanan on oltava vähintään 8 merkkiä" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "KIRJAUDU", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Olet \"super admin\"", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Onko sinulla jo tili ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "asetukset", |
"tooltip": "Näkyy vain Luojalle" |
}, |
"app_store": "Sovelluskauppa", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth", |
"tooltip": "Roolit ja käyttäjien hallinta" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Project Metadata", |
"tooltip": "Meta Management" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Tarkastaa", |
"tooltip": "Tarkastusloki" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Esikatselua jksk", |
"reset_review": "Nollaa esikatselu" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Näkymät", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Kopionä näkymä", |
"rename": "Nimeä näkymä uudelleen", |
"delete": "Poista näkymä" |
}, |
"title": "Luo näkymä", |
"caption": "Näkyy vain Luojalle", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Ruudukko", |
"create": "Lisää verkkokuva" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galleria", |
"create": "Lisää galleria-näkymä" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalenteri", |
"create": "Lisää kalenteri-näkymä" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Lisää Kanban View" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Lomake", |
"create": "Lisää lomake" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Tähti", |
"starUs2": "Me Githubissa", |
"bookDemo": "Varaa ilmainen demo", |
"getAnswered": "Hanki kysymyksesi vastasi", |
"joinDiscord": "Liity discordiin", |
"joinReddit": "Liity /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Seuraa NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Tietokantatyyppi", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite-tiedosto", |
"hostAddress": "Isäntäosoite", |
"port": "Porttinumero", |
"username": "Käyttäjätunnus", |
"password": "Salasana", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Tietokanta: Luo jos ei ole olemassa", |
"clientKey": "Asiakasnäppäin", |
"clientCert": "Asiakassuhde", |
"serverCA": "Palvelin ca", |
"requriedCa": "Vaaditaan", |
"requriedIdentity": "Vaadittu identiteetti", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Taivutus - Taulukon nimi", |
"columnName": "Taivutus - sarakkeen nimi" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Jaa näkymä", |
"views_list": "Näkymät", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopioi API URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Tämä näkymä on jaettu yksityisen linkin kautta", |
"body": "Ihmiset, joilla on oma linkki, voivat nähdä vain tässä näkymässä näkyviä soluja", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Rajoita pääsy salasanalla", |
"option2": "Pääsy on salasana rajoitettu" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Anna projektin nimi", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Anna salasana", |
"button": "Tallenna salasana" |
"enter": "Anna salasana", |
"save": "Tallenna salasana" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Käyttäjien hallinta", |
"api": "API Tokensin hallinta", |
"roles": "Roolit hallinta" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metatietotoiminta", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Vie tiedostoon", |
"desc": "Vie kaikki metatiedot metapöydistä Meta-hakemistoon." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Tuonti", |
"desc": "Tuo kaikki metatiedot Meta-hakemistosta Meta-pöydille." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Vie Zip", |
"desc": "Vie Project Meta Zip-tiedostoon ja ladata." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Tuo zip", |
"desc": "Tuo projekti Meta Zip-tiedosto ja käynnistä uudelleen." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Nollata", |
"desc": "Tyhjennä kaikki metatiedot metapöydistä." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Näkymät", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Ruudukko", |
"gallery": "Galleria", |
"calendar": "Kalenteri", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Lomake" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Mes projets", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Rafraichir les projets", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nouveau projet", |
"subtext_1": "Créer", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Créer un nouveau projet", |
"subtext_2": "Créer en se connectant<br>à une base de données", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Base de données supportées MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Créer un projet à partir du modèle", |
"from_excel": "Créer un projet d'Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Rechercher un projet", |
"import_metadata": "Importer les métadonnées", |
"export_metadata": "Exporter les métadonnées", |
"clear_metadata": "Effacer les métadonnées", |
"stop_project": "Arrêter le projet", |
"start_project": "Démarrer le projet", |
"restart_project": "Redémarrer le projet", |
"delete_project": "Supprimer le projet", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Accessible via l'API GraphQL", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Accessible via l'API REST", |
"project_empty_message": "Commencer par créer un nouveau projet", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importer un projet NocoDB à partir d'un fichier ZIP de métadonnées" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Donner nous une étoile", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "sur Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Planifier une démo gratuite", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Obtenir des réponses à vos questions", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Join Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Suivre NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Votre recherche pour {search} n'a renvoyée aucun résultat" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Editer le projet", |
"create": "Créer un projet" |
}, |
"project_name": "Saisir le nom du projet", |
"project_type": "Accéder au projet via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Enregistrer le projet", |
"update_and_restart": "Mettre à jour et redémarrer", |
"myProject": "Mes projets", |
"newProj": "Nouveau projet", |
"dbCredentials": "Identifiants de la base de données", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL et paramètres avancés", |
"headCreateProject": "Créer un projet | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Connexion | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "réinitialisez votre mot de passe", |
"appStore": "Magasin d'applications", |
"team&auth": "Équipe & Authentification", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roles & Gestion utilisateurs", |
"projMeta": "Métadonnées du projet", |
"metaMgmt": "Gestion des métadonnées", |
"audit": "Audit", |
"auditLogs": "Journal d'audit", |
"userMgmt": "Gestion des utilisateurs", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Gestion des jetons API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Gestion des rôles", |
"metaOperations": "Opérations de métadonnées" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Rafraichir les projets", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Créer en se connectant<br>à une base de données", |
"template": "Créer un projet à partir du modèle", |
"excel": "Créer un projet d'Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Rechercher un projet", |
"importMetadata": "Importer les métadonnées", |
"exportMetadata": "Exporter les métadonnées", |
"clearMetadata": "Effacer les métadonnées", |
"stopProject": "Arrêter le projet", |
"startProject": "Démarrer le projet", |
"restartProject": "Redémarrer le projet", |
"deleteProject": "Supprimer le projet", |
"editProject": "Editer le projet", |
"createProject": "Créer un projet", |
"saveProject": "Enregistrer le projet", |
"testDbConn": "Test la connexion à la base de données", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Supprimer la base de données de l'environement", |
"editConnJson": "Editer le JSON de la connexion", |
"sendEmail": "Envoyer un email", |
"settings": "Paramètres", |
"previewAs": "Aperçu comme", |
"resetReview": "Réinitiliser l'aperçu", |
"copyView": "Copier la vue", |
"renameView": "Renommer la vue", |
"deleteView": "Supprimer la vue", |
"createView": "Créer une vue", |
"shareView": "Partager la vue", |
"ListView": "Liste des vues", |
"copyApiURL": "Copier l'URL de l'API", |
"exportToFile": "Exporter vers le fichier", |
"import": "Importer", |
"exportZip": "Exportation zip", |
"importZip": "Importer zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Créer", |
"cancel": "Annuler", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Annuler et revenir" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Identifiants de la base de données", |
"db_type": "Type de base de données", |
"sqlite_file": "Fichier SQLite", |
"host_address": "Adresse de l'hôte", |
"port": "Numéro de port", |
"username": "Utilisateur", |
"password": "Mot de passe", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Base de données : la créér si elle n'existe pas", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Test la connexion à la base de données", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Supprimer la base de données de l'environement" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL et paramètres avancés", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Clé Client", |
"toolip": "Selectionner le fichier .key" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Certificat Client", |
"toolip": "Selectionner le fichier .cert" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "serveur d'AC", |
"toolip": "Selectionner le fichier CA" |
}, |
"preferred": "Préférée", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Non", |
"preferred": "Préférée", |
"required": "Requise", |
"requried_ca": "AC requise", |
"requried_identity": "Identité requise" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflexion - Nom de la table", |
"column_name": "Inflexion - Nom de la colonne" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Editer le JSON de la connexion" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Caractère invalide dans le chemin du dossier.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Identifiants de base de données invalides.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Connexion impossible à la base de données, merci de vérifier que la base de données est démarrée et accessible.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "L’utilisateur n’existe pas ou n’a pas les permissions suffisantes pour créer le schéma." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Créer un projet | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Connexion réussi", |
"failure": "Echec de connexion :" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "Connexion", |
"signUp": "Déconnexion", |
"reset": "Réinitialiser" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Créer un nouveau projet", |
"extDB": "Base de données supportées MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Accessible via l'API GraphQL", |
"apiRest": "Accessible via l'API REST", |
"updateRestart": "Mettre à jour et redémarrer", |
"cancelReturn": "Annuler et revenir", |
"clientKey": "Selectionner le fichier .key", |
"clientCert": "Selectionner le fichier .cert", |
"clientCA": "Selectionner le fichier CA", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportez toutes les métadonnées des méta-tables vers le répertoire Meta.", |
"importMetadata": "Importer toutes les métadonnées du répertoire Meta en méta-tables.", |
"clearMetadata": "Effacer toutes les métadonnées des méta-tables." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Commencer par créer un nouveau projet", |
"importText": "Importer un projet NocoDB à partir d'un fichier ZIP de métadonnées", |
"apiOptions": "Accéder au projet via", |
"dbConnected": "Connexion réussi", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "pas de nouvelles notifications", |
"clear": "Dégager" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "Connexion", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Saisir votre adresse email professionnel", |
"enter_your_password": "Saisir votre mot de passe", |
"forget_password": "Mot de passe oublié ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Vous n'avez pas de compte ?", |
"sign_up": "Déconnexion", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "Adresse Email requise", |
"email_must_be_valid": "L'adresse Email doit être valide", |
"passwd_required": "Mot de passe requis", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Connexion | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Se connecter à NocoDB", |
"name": "Se connecter à NocoDB", |
"content": "Se connecter à NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Saisir votre adresse email professionnel", |
"enterPassword": "Saisir votre mot de passe", |
"forgotPassword": "Mot de passe oublié ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Vous n'avez pas de compte ?", |
"superAdmin": "Vous serez le 'super admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Vous avez déjà un compte ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "réinitialisez votre mot de passe", |
"loginMsg": "Se connecter à NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Veuillez fournir l'adresse e-mail que vous avez utilisée lorsque vous vous êtes inscrit.", |
"message_2": "Nous vous enverrons un email avec un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.", |
"success": "Veuillez vérifier votre email pour réinitialiser le mot de passe", |
"button": "Envoyer un email" |
"success": "Veuillez vérifier votre email pour réinitialiser le mot de passe" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Visible uniquement pour les créateurs", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Ajouter une vue Grille", |
"gallery": "Ajouter une vue Galerie", |
"calendar": "Ajouter une vue Calendrier", |
"kanban": "Ajouter une vue Kanban", |
"form": "Ajouter une vue Formulaire" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Cette vue est partagée via un lien privé", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Les personnes ayant le lien privé peuvent voir uniquement les cellules visibles de cette vue", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restreindre l’accès à l’aide d’un mot de passe", |
"afterEnablePwd": "L’accès est restreint par un mot de passe", |
"exportZip": "Export Project Meta vers Zip Fichier et télécharger.", |
"importZip": "Importer le projet META ZIP et redémarrer." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Votre recherche pour {search} n'a renvoyée aucun résultat", |
"invalidChar": "Caractère invalide dans le chemin du dossier.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Identifiants de base de données invalides.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Connexion impossible à la base de données, merci de vérifier que la base de données est démarrée et accessible.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "L’utilisateur n’existe pas ou n’a pas les permissions suffisantes pour créer le schéma.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Echec de connexion :", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "Adresse Email requise", |
"emailInvalid": "L'adresse Email doit être valide", |
"passwdRequired": "Mot de passe requis", |
"passwdLength": "Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "S'INSCRIRE", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Vous serez le 'super admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Vous avez déjà un compte ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Paramètres", |
"tooltip": "Visible uniquement pour les créateurs" |
}, |
"app_store": "Magasin d'applications", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Équipe & Authentification", |
"tooltip": "Roles & Gestion utilisateurs" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Métadonnées du projet", |
"tooltip": "Gestion des métadonnées" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Audit", |
"tooltip": "Journal d'audit" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Aperçu comme", |
"reset_review": "Réinitiliser l'aperçu" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Vues", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Copier la vue", |
"rename": "Renommer la vue", |
"delete": "Supprimer la vue" |
}, |
"title": "Créer une vue", |
"caption": "Visible uniquement pour les créateurs", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grille", |
"create": "Ajouter une vue Grille" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galerie", |
"create": "Ajouter une vue Galerie" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Calendrier", |
"create": "Ajouter une vue Calendrier" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Ajouter une vue Kanban" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formulaire", |
"create": "Ajouter une vue Formulaire" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Donner nous une étoile", |
"starUs2": "sur Github", |
"bookDemo": "Planifier une démo gratuite", |
"getAnswered": "Obtenir des réponses à vos questions", |
"joinDiscord": "Join Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Suivre NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Type de base de données", |
"sqliteFile": "Fichier SQLite", |
"hostAddress": "Adresse de l'hôte", |
"port": "Numéro de port", |
"username": "Utilisateur", |
"password": "Mot de passe", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Base de données : la créér si elle n'existe pas", |
"clientKey": "Clé Client", |
"clientCert": "Certificat Client", |
"serverCA": "serveur d'AC", |
"requriedCa": "AC requise", |
"requriedIdentity": "Identité requise", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflexion - Nom de la table", |
"columnName": "Inflexion - Nom de la colonne" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Partager la vue", |
"views_list": "Liste des vues", |
"copy_api_url": "Copier l'URL de l'API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Cette vue est partagée via un lien privé", |
"body": "Les personnes ayant le lien privé peuvent voir uniquement les cellules visibles de cette vue", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Restreindre l’accès à l’aide d’un mot de passe", |
"option2": "L’accès est restreint par un mot de passe" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Saisir le nom du projet", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Saisie le mot de passe", |
"button": "Enregistrer le mot de passe" |
"enter": "Saisie le mot de passe", |
"save": "Enregistrer le mot de passe" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Gestion des utilisateurs", |
"api": "Gestion des jetons API", |
"roles": "Gestion des rôles" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Opérations de métadonnées", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Exporter vers le fichier", |
"desc": "Exportez toutes les métadonnées des méta-tables vers le répertoire Meta." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importer", |
"desc": "Importer toutes les métadonnées du répertoire Meta en méta-tables." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Exportation zip", |
"desc": "Export Project Meta vers Zip Fichier et télécharger." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importer zip", |
"desc": "Importer le projet META ZIP et redémarrer." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Réinitialiser", |
"desc": "Effacer toutes les métadonnées des méta-tables." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Vues", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grille", |
"gallery": "Galerie", |
"calendar": "Calendrier", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Formulaire" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Moji projekti", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Osvježi projekti", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Novi projekt", |
"subtext_1": "Stvoriti", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Stvoriti novi projekt", |
"subtext_2": "Stvoriti povezivanjem u vanjskoj bazi podataka", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Podržava MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Stvorite projekt iz predloška", |
"from_excel": "Stvoriti projekt iz Excela" |
}, |
"search_project": "Projekt pretraživanja", |
"import_metadata": "Uvoz metapodataka", |
"export_metadata": "Izvoz metapodataka", |
"clear_metadata": "Jasne metapodatke", |
"stop_project": "Zaustaviti projekt", |
"start_project": "Pokrenuti projekt", |
"restart_project": "Ponovno pokretanje projekta", |
"delete_project": "Izbriši projekt", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Dostupan putem Graphql API-ja", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Dostupan putem API-ja", |
"project_empty_message": "Započnite stvaranjem novog projekta", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Uvoz NoCodb projekt upload Metapodata zip datoteku" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Zvijezda", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "nas na Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Rezervirajte besplatni demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Odgovorite na vaša pitanja", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Pridružite se nesloga", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Pridružite se /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Slijedite NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Vaša potraga za {Search} nije pronašla rezultate" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Projekt uređivanja", |
"create": "Stvoriti projekt" |
}, |
"project_name": "Unesite naziv projekta", |
"project_type": "Projekt pristupa putem", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Spremi projekt", |
"update_and_restart": "Ažuriranje i ponovno pokretanje", |
"myProject": "Moji projekti", |
"newProj": "Novi projekt", |
"dbCredentials": "Vjerodajnice baze podataka", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL i napredni parametri", |
"headCreateProject": "Stvoriti projekt | Nocodb", |
"headLogin": "Prijavite se | Nocodb", |
"resetPassword": "Vraćanje izvorne lozinke", |
"appStore": "Trgovina aplikacijama", |
"team&auth": "Tima", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Upravce i korisnici", |
"projMeta": "Projektni metapodaci", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta upravljanje", |
"audit": "Revizija", |
"auditLogs": "Dnevnik revizije", |
"userMgmt": "Upravljanje korisnicima", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Upravljanje API tokena", |
"rolesMgmt": "Upravljanje ulogama", |
"metaOperations": "Operacije metapodataka" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Osvježi projekti", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Stvoriti povezivanjem u vanjskoj bazi podataka", |
"template": "Stvorite projekt iz predloška", |
"excel": "Stvoriti projekt iz Excela" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Projekt pretraživanja", |
"importMetadata": "Uvoz metapodataka", |
"exportMetadata": "Izvoz metapodataka", |
"clearMetadata": "Jasne metapodatke", |
"stopProject": "Zaustaviti projekt", |
"startProject": "Pokrenuti projekt", |
"restartProject": "Ponovno pokretanje projekta", |
"deleteProject": "Izbriši projekt", |
"editProject": "Projekt uređivanja", |
"createProject": "Stvoriti projekt", |
"saveProject": "Spremi projekt", |
"testDbConn": "Povezivanje baze podataka test", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Uklonite bazu podataka iz okruženja", |
"editConnJson": "Uredi priključak JSON", |
"sendEmail": "POŠALJI E-MAIL", |
"settings": "Postavke", |
"previewAs": "Pregled kao", |
"resetReview": "Resetirajte pregled", |
"copyView": "Prikaz kopiranja", |
"renameView": "Preimenovati pogled", |
"deleteView": "Brisanje prikaza", |
"createView": "Stvorite pogled", |
"shareView": "Dionički prikaz", |
"ListView": "Popis pregleda", |
"copyApiURL": "Kopirajte API URL", |
"exportToFile": "Izvoz u datoteku", |
"import": "Uvoz", |
"exportZip": "Izvoz zip", |
"importZip": "Uvoz zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Stvoriti", |
"cancel": "Otkazati", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Otkazati i vratiti" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Vjerodajnice baze podataka", |
"db_type": "Vrsta baze podataka", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite datoteka", |
"host_address": "Adresa domaćina", |
"port": "Broj porta", |
"username": "Korisničko ime", |
"password": "Lozinka", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Baza podataka: stvoriti ako ne postoji", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Povezivanje baze podataka test", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Uklonite bazu podataka iz okruženja" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL i napredni parametri", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Ključ klijenta", |
"toolip": "Odaberite .Kekey datoteku" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Klijent cert", |
"toolip": "Odaberite .cert datoteku" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Poslužitelj ca", |
"toolip": "Odaberite CA datoteku" |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferiran", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Ne", |
"preferred": "Preferiran", |
"required": "Potreban", |
"requried_ca": "Obavezno-ca", |
"requried_identity": "Obavezan identitet" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflegija - Ime tablice", |
"column_name": "Inflegija - Naziv stupaca" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Uredi priključak JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Nevažeći znak u mapi.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Nevažeće vjerodajnice baze podataka.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Nije moguće povezati se s bazom podataka, provjerite je li vaša baza podataka gore.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Korisnik ne postoji ili ima dovoljno dopuštenje za stvaranje sheme." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Stvoriti projekt | Nocodb" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Veza je bila uspješna", |
"failure": "Neuspjeh veze:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "PRIJAVITI SE", |
"signUp": "Prijaviti se", |
"reset": "Resetirati" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Stvoriti novi projekt", |
"extDB": "Podržava MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"apiGQL": "Dostupan putem Graphql API-ja", |
"apiRest": "Dostupan putem API-ja", |
"updateRestart": "Ažuriranje i ponovno pokretanje", |
"cancelReturn": "Otkazati i vratiti", |
"clientKey": "Odaberite .Kekey datoteku", |
"clientCert": "Odaberite .cert datoteku", |
"clientCA": "Odaberite CA datoteku", |
"exportMetadata": "Izvezite sve metapodatke iz meta tablica u Meta direktorij.", |
"importMetadata": "Uvezite sve metapodatke iz Meta katalog u Meta tablice.", |
"clearMetadata": "Obrišite sve metapodatke iz meta stolova." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Započnite stvaranjem novog projekta", |
"importText": "Uvoz NoCodb projekt upload Metapodata zip datoteku", |
"apiOptions": "Projekt pristupa putem", |
"dbConnected": "Veza je bila uspješna", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Nema novih obavijesti", |
"clear": "Čisto" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "PRIJAVITI SE", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Unesite svoju radnu e-poštu", |
"enter_your_password": "Unesite svoju lozinku", |
"forget_password": "Zaboravili ste zaporku ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Nemate račun?", |
"sign_up": "Prijaviti se", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "Potrebna je e-pošta", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-pošta mora biti valjana", |
"passwd_required": "potrebna je lozinka", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Vi lozinka mora biti najmanje 8 znakova" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Prijavite se | Nocodb", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Prijavite se u Nocodb", |
"name": "Prijavite se u Nocodb", |
"content": "Prijavite se u Nocodb" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Unesite svoju radnu e-poštu", |
"enterPassword": "Unesite svoju lozinku", |
"forgotPassword": "Zaboravili ste zaporku ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Nemate račun?", |
"superAdmin": "Bit ćete 'Super admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Već imate račun ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Vraćanje izvorne lozinke", |
"loginMsg": "Prijavite se u Nocodb", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Navedite adresu e-pošte koju ste koristili kada ste se prijavili.", |
"message_2": "Poslat ćemo vam poruku e-pošte s linkom za resetiranje zaporke.", |
"success": "Provjerite svoju e-poštu za poništavanje zaporke", |
"button": "POŠALJI E-MAIL" |
"success": "Provjerite svoju e-poštu za poništavanje zaporke" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Samo vidljivo kreatoru", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Dodajte pogled na mrežu", |
"gallery": "Dodajte pogled na galeriju", |
"calendar": "Dodajte prikaz kalendara", |
"kanban": "Dodajte Kanban pogled", |
"form": "Dodajte prikaz obrasca" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Ovaj prikaz se dijeli putem privatne veze", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Osobe s privatnom vezom mogu vidjeti samo ćelije vidljive u ovom pogledu", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Ograničite pristup s lozinkom", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Pristup je ograničen lozinkom", |
"exportZip": "Izvoz Project Meta na zip datoteku i preuzimanje.", |
"importZip": "Uvoz Project Meta Zip datoteka i ponovno pokrenite." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Vaša potraga za {Search} nije pronašla rezultate", |
"invalidChar": "Nevažeći znak u mapi.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Nevažeće vjerodajnice baze podataka.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Nije moguće povezati se s bazom podataka, provjerite je li vaša baza podataka gore.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Korisnik ne postoji ili ima dovoljno dopuštenje za stvaranje sheme.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Neuspjeh veze:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "Potrebna je e-pošta", |
"emailInvalid": "E-pošta mora biti valjana", |
"passwdRequired": "potrebna je lozinka", |
"passwdLength": "Vi lozinka mora biti najmanje 8 znakova" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "Prijaviti se", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Bit ćete 'Super admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Već imate račun ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Postavke", |
"tooltip": "Samo vidljivo kreatoru" |
}, |
"app_store": "Trgovina aplikacijama", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Tima", |
"tooltip": "Upravce i korisnici" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Projektni metapodaci", |
"tooltip": "Meta upravljanje" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Revizija", |
"tooltip": "Dnevnik revizije" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Pregled kao", |
"reset_review": "Resetirajte pregled" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Pogleda", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Prikaz kopiranja", |
"rename": "Preimenovati pogled", |
"delete": "Brisanje prikaza" |
}, |
"title": "Stvorite pogled", |
"caption": "Samo vidljivo kreatoru", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grid", |
"create": "Dodajte pogled na mrežu" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galerija", |
"create": "Dodajte pogled na galeriju" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalendar", |
"create": "Dodajte prikaz kalendara" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Dodajte Kanban pogled" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Oblik", |
"create": "Dodajte prikaz obrasca" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Zvijezda", |
"starUs2": "nas na Github", |
"bookDemo": "Rezervirajte besplatni demo", |
"getAnswered": "Odgovorite na vaša pitanja", |
"joinDiscord": "Pridružite se nesloga", |
"joinReddit": "Pridružite se /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Slijedite NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Vrsta baze podataka", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite datoteka", |
"hostAddress": "Adresa domaćina", |
"port": "Broj porta", |
"username": "Korisničko ime", |
"password": "Lozinka", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Baza podataka: stvoriti ako ne postoji", |
"clientKey": "Ključ klijenta", |
"clientCert": "Klijent cert", |
"serverCA": "Poslužitelj ca", |
"requriedCa": "Obavezno-ca", |
"requriedIdentity": "Obavezan identitet", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflegija - Ime tablice", |
"columnName": "Inflegija - Naziv stupaca" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Dionički prikaz", |
"views_list": "Popis pregleda", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopirajte API URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Ovaj prikaz se dijeli putem privatne veze", |
"body": "Osobe s privatnom vezom mogu vidjeti samo ćelije vidljive u ovom pogledu", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Ograničite pristup s lozinkom", |
"option2": "Pristup je ograničen lozinkom" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Unesite naziv projekta", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Unesite zaporku", |
"button": "Spremi lozinku" |
"enter": "Unesite zaporku", |
"save": "Spremi lozinku" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Upravljanje korisnicima", |
"api": "Upravljanje API tokena", |
"roles": "Upravljanje ulogama" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operacije metapodataka", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Izvoz u datoteku", |
"desc": "Izvezite sve metapodatke iz meta tablica u Meta direktorij." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Uvoz", |
"desc": "Uvezite sve metapodatke iz Meta katalog u Meta tablice." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Izvoz zip", |
"desc": "Izvoz Project Meta na zip datoteku i preuzimanje." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Uvoz zip", |
"desc": "Uvoz Project Meta Zip datoteka i ponovno pokrenite." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Resetirati", |
"desc": "Obrišite sve metapodatke iz meta stolova." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Pogleda", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grid", |
"gallery": "Galerija", |
"calendar": "Kalendar", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Oblik" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Proyek saya", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Refresh Projects.", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Proyek baru", |
"subtext_1": "Membuat", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Buat proyek baru", |
"subtext_2": "Buat dengan menghubungkan <br> ke basis data eksternal", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Mendukung MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Buat proyek dari template", |
"from_excel": "Buat proyek dari Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Cari proyek", |
"import_metadata": "Impor Metadata.", |
"export_metadata": "Ekspor metadata.", |
"clear_metadata": "Clear Metadata.", |
"stop_project": "Stop Project.", |
"start_project": "Mulai Proyek", |
"restart_project": "Restart Project.", |
"delete_project": "Hapus proyek", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Dapat diakses melalui Apis Graphql", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Dapat diakses melalui API REST", |
"project_empty_message": "Mulailah dengan membuat proyek baru", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Impor proyek NOCODB dengan mengunggah file zip metadata" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Bintang", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "kami di GitHub", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Pesan demo gratis", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Dapatkan pertanyaan Anda dijawab", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Bergabunglah dengan Perselisihan", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Bergabunglah /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Ikuti NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Pencarian Anda untuk {Search} tidak menemukan hasil" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Edit proyek", |
"create": "Buat Proyek" |
}, |
"project_name": "Masukkan nama proyek", |
"project_type": "PROYEK AKSES VIA.", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Simpan proyek", |
"update_and_restart": "Perbarui & Restart.", |
"myProject": "Proyek saya", |
"newProj": "Proyek baru", |
"dbCredentials": "Kredensial basis data", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Parameter Lanjutan", |
"headCreateProject": "Buat Proyek | Nocodb.", |
"headLogin": "Masuk | Nocodb.", |
"resetPassword": "Mereset password Anda", |
"appStore": "Toko aplikasi", |
"team&auth": "Tim & AUTH.", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Manajemen Peran & Pengguna", |
"projMeta": "Metadata proyek", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta Management.", |
"audit": "Audit", |
"auditLogs": "Log audit", |
"userMgmt": "Manajemen Pengguna", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Token Management.", |
"rolesMgmt": "Manajemen peran.", |
"metaOperations": "Operasi metadata" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Refresh Projects.", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Buat dengan menghubungkan <br> ke basis data eksternal", |
"template": "Buat proyek dari template", |
"excel": "Buat proyek dari Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Cari proyek", |
"importMetadata": "Impor Metadata.", |
"exportMetadata": "Ekspor metadata.", |
"clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata.", |
"stopProject": "Stop Project.", |
"startProject": "Mulai Proyek", |
"restartProject": "Restart Project.", |
"deleteProject": "Hapus proyek", |
"editProject": "Edit proyek", |
"createProject": "Buat Proyek", |
"saveProject": "Simpan proyek", |
"testDbConn": "Tes Koneksi Basis Data", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Hapus basis data dari lingkungan", |
"editConnJson": "Edit koneksi JSON.", |
"sendEmail": "MENGIRIM EMAIL", |
"settings": "Pengaturan", |
"previewAs": "Pratinjau sebagai", |
"resetReview": "Reset Pratinjau", |
"copyView": "Salin Lihat", |
"renameView": "Ganti nama tampilan", |
"deleteView": "Hapus Lihat", |
"createView": "Buat tampilan", |
"shareView": "Bagikan Lihat", |
"ListView": "Tampilan daftar", |
"copyApiURL": "Salin API URL.", |
"exportToFile": "Ekspor ke File.", |
"import": "Impor", |
"exportZip": "Ekspor Zip.", |
"importZip": "Impor Zip." |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Membuat", |
"cancel": "Membatalkan", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Batalkan dan kembali" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Kredensial basis data", |
"db_type": "DATABASE TYPE.", |
"sqlite_file": "File SQLite.", |
"host_address": "Alamat Tuan Rumah", |
"port": "Nomor port.", |
"username": "Nama pengguna", |
"password": "Kata sandi", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Basis Data: Buat jika tidak ada", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Tes Koneksi Basis Data", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Hapus basis data dari lingkungan" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & Parameter Lanjutan", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Kunci klien", |
"toolip": "Pilih .Key File." |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Sertifikat klien", |
"toolip": "Pilih file .cert." |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server CA.", |
"toolip": "Pilih CA File." |
}, |
"preferred": "Lebih disukai", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Tidak", |
"preferred": "Lebih disukai", |
"required": "Yg dibutuhkan", |
"requried_ca": "Wajib-ca.", |
"requried_identity": "Wajib-identitas." |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Infleksi - Nama Tabel", |
"column_name": "Infleksi - Nama Kolom" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Edit koneksi JSON." |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Karakter tidak valid di jalur folder.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Kredensial basis data tidak valid.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke database, silakan periksa basis data Anda.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Pengguna tidak ada atau memiliki izin yang cukup untuk membuat skema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Buat Proyek | Nocodb." |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Koneksi berhasil", |
"failure": "Koneksi Bermasalah:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "MASUK", |
"signUp": "Mendaftar", |
"reset": "Mengatur ulang" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Buat proyek baru", |
"extDB": "Mendukung MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Dapat diakses melalui Apis Graphql", |
"apiRest": "Dapat diakses melalui API REST", |
"updateRestart": "Perbarui & Restart.", |
"cancelReturn": "Batalkan dan kembali", |
"clientKey": "Pilih .Key File.", |
"clientCert": "Pilih file .cert.", |
"clientCA": "Pilih CA File.", |
"exportMetadata": "Ekspor semua metadata dari tabel meta ke direktori meta.", |
"importMetadata": "Impor semua metadata dari direktori Meta ke Meta Tables.", |
"clearMetadata": "Bersihkan semua metadata dari Meta Tables." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Mulailah dengan membuat proyek baru", |
"importText": "Impor proyek NOCODB dengan mengunggah file zip metadata", |
"apiOptions": "PROYEK AKSES VIA.", |
"dbConnected": "Koneksi berhasil", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Tidak ada pemberitahuan baru", |
"clear": "Jernih" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "MASUK", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Masukkan email kantor Anda", |
"enter_your_password": "Masukkan kata sandi Anda", |
"forget_password": "Lupa kata sandi Anda ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Tidak punya akun?", |
"sign_up": "Mendaftar", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail diperlukan", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-mail harus valid", |
"passwd_required": "katakunci dibutuhkan", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Kata sandi Anda harus minimal 8 karakter" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Masuk | Nocodb.", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Masuk ke nocodb", |
"name": "Masuk ke nocodb", |
"content": "Masuk ke nocodb" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Masukkan email kantor Anda", |
"enterPassword": "Masukkan kata sandi Anda", |
"forgotPassword": "Lupa kata sandi Anda ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Tidak punya akun?", |
"superAdmin": "Anda akan menjadi 'super admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Sudah memiliki akun ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Mereset password Anda", |
"loginMsg": "Masuk ke nocodb", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Harap berikan alamat email yang Anda gunakan saat mendaftar.", |
"message_2": "Kami akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda dengan tautan untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda.", |
"success": "Silakan periksa email Anda untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi", |
"button": "MENGIRIM EMAIL" |
"success": "Silakan periksa email Anda untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Hanya terlihat oleh pencipta", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Tambahkan tampilan grid", |
"gallery": "Tambahkan Tampilan Galeri", |
"calendar": "Tambahkan tampilan kalender", |
"kanban": "Tambahkan Kanban Lihat", |
"form": "Tambahkan tampilan formulir" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Tampilan ini dibagikan melalui tautan pribadi", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Orang dengan tautan pribadi hanya dapat melihat sel yang terlihat dalam pandangan ini", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Batasi akses dengan kata sandi", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Akses dibatasi kata sandi", |
"exportZip": "Meta proyek ekspor ke file zip dan unduh.", |
"importZip": "Impor file meta zip file dan restart." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Pencarian Anda untuk {Search} tidak menemukan hasil", |
"invalidChar": "Karakter tidak valid di jalur folder.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Kredensial basis data tidak valid.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke database, silakan periksa basis data Anda.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Pengguna tidak ada atau memiliki izin yang cukup untuk membuat skema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Koneksi Bermasalah:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail diperlukan", |
"emailInvalid": "E-mail harus valid", |
"passwdRequired": "katakunci dibutuhkan", |
"passwdLength": "Kata sandi Anda harus minimal 8 karakter" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "DAFTAR", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Anda akan menjadi 'super admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Sudah memiliki akun ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Pengaturan", |
"tooltip": "Hanya terlihat oleh pencipta" |
}, |
"app_store": "Toko aplikasi", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Tim & AUTH.", |
"tooltip": "Manajemen Peran & Pengguna" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Metadata proyek", |
"tooltip": "Meta Management." |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Audit", |
"tooltip": "Log audit" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Pratinjau sebagai", |
"reset_review": "Reset Pratinjau" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Tampilan", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Salin Lihat", |
"rename": "Ganti nama tampilan", |
"delete": "Hapus Lihat" |
}, |
"title": "Buat tampilan", |
"caption": "Hanya terlihat oleh pencipta", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Kisi", |
"create": "Tambahkan tampilan grid" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galeri", |
"create": "Tambahkan Tampilan Galeri" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalender", |
"create": "Tambahkan tampilan kalender" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban.", |
"create": "Tambahkan Kanban Lihat" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Membentuk", |
"create": "Tambahkan tampilan formulir" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Bintang", |
"starUs2": "kami di GitHub", |
"bookDemo": "Pesan demo gratis", |
"getAnswered": "Dapatkan pertanyaan Anda dijawab", |
"joinDiscord": "Bergabunglah dengan Perselisihan", |
"joinReddit": "Bergabunglah /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Ikuti NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "DATABASE TYPE.", |
"sqliteFile": "File SQLite.", |
"hostAddress": "Alamat Tuan Rumah", |
"port": "Nomor port.", |
"username": "Nama pengguna", |
"password": "Kata sandi", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Basis Data: Buat jika tidak ada", |
"clientKey": "Kunci klien", |
"clientCert": "Sertifikat klien", |
"serverCA": "Server CA.", |
"requriedCa": "Wajib-ca.", |
"requriedIdentity": "Wajib-identitas.", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Infleksi - Nama Tabel", |
"columnName": "Infleksi - Nama Kolom" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Bagikan Lihat", |
"views_list": "Tampilan daftar", |
"copy_api_url": "Salin API URL." |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Tampilan ini dibagikan melalui tautan pribadi", |
"body": "Orang dengan tautan pribadi hanya dapat melihat sel yang terlihat dalam pandangan ini", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Batasi akses dengan kata sandi", |
"option2": "Akses dibatasi kata sandi" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Masukkan nama proyek", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Masukkan kata sandi", |
"button": "Simpan kata sandi" |
"enter": "Masukkan kata sandi", |
"save": "Simpan kata sandi" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Manajemen Pengguna", |
"api": "API Token Management.", |
"roles": "Manajemen peran." |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operasi metadata", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Ekspor ke File.", |
"desc": "Ekspor semua metadata dari tabel meta ke direktori meta." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Impor", |
"desc": "Impor semua metadata dari direktori Meta ke Meta Tables." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Ekspor Zip.", |
"desc": "Meta proyek ekspor ke file zip dan unduh." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Impor Zip.", |
"desc": "Impor file meta zip file dan restart." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Mengatur ulang", |
"desc": "Bersihkan semua metadata dari Meta Tables." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Tampilan", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Kisi", |
"gallery": "Galeri", |
"calendar": "Kalender", |
"kanban": "Kanban.", |
"form": "Membentuk" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "I miei progetti", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Aggiorna progetti", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nuovo progetto", |
"subtext_1": "Crea", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Crea un nuovo progetto", |
"subtext_2": "Crea collegandoti <br>ad un database esterno", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Supporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Crea progetto dal modello", |
"from_excel": "Crea un progetto da Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Cerca progetto", |
"import_metadata": "Importa metadati", |
"export_metadata": "Esporta metadati", |
"clear_metadata": "Cancella metadati", |
"stop_project": "Interrompi progetto", |
"start_project": "Avvia progetto", |
"restart_project": "Riavvia progetto", |
"delete_project": "Elimina progetto", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Accessibile tramite API GraphQL", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Accessibile tramite API REST", |
"project_empty_message": "Inizia creando un nuovo progetto", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importa progetto NocoDB caricando il file zip dei metadata" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Dacci una stella", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "su Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Prenota una demo gratuita", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Ottieni risposte alle tue domande", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Unisciti su Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Iscriviti /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Segui NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "La tua ricerca di {search} non ha trovato risultati" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Modifica progetto", |
"create": "Crea progetto" |
}, |
"project_name": "Inserisci il nome del progetto", |
"project_type": "Accedi al progetto tramite", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Salva il progetto", |
"update_and_restart": "Aggiorna e riavvia", |
"myProject": "I miei progetti", |
"newProj": "Nuovo progetto", |
"dbCredentials": "Credenziali del database", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL e parametri avanzati", |
"headCreateProject": "Crea progetto | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Accedi | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "Reimposta la tua password", |
"appStore": "App Store", |
"team&auth": "Team & Autorizzazioni", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Gestione dei ruoli e degli utenti", |
"projMeta": "Metadati del progetto", |
"metaMgmt": "Gestione metadati", |
"audit": "Audit.", |
"auditLogs": "Registro di audizione", |
"userMgmt": "Gestione degli utenti", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Gestione dei token API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Gestione dei ruoli", |
"metaOperations": "Operazioni sui metadati" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Aggiorna progetti", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Crea collegandoti <br>ad un database esterno", |
"template": "Crea progetto dal modello", |
"excel": "Crea un progetto da Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Cerca progetto", |
"importMetadata": "Importa metadati", |
"exportMetadata": "Esporta metadati", |
"clearMetadata": "Cancella metadati", |
"stopProject": "Interrompi progetto", |
"startProject": "Avvia progetto", |
"restartProject": "Riavvia progetto", |
"deleteProject": "Elimina progetto", |
"editProject": "Modifica progetto", |
"createProject": "Crea progetto", |
"saveProject": "Salva il progetto", |
"testDbConn": "Testa connessione al database", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Rimuovi il database dall'ambiente", |
"editConnJson": "Modifica JSON della connessione", |
"sendEmail": "INVIA EMAIL", |
"settings": "Impostazioni", |
"previewAs": "Anteprima come", |
"resetReview": "Ripristina anteprima", |
"copyView": "Copia vista", |
"renameView": "Rinomina vista", |
"deleteView": "Elimina vista", |
"createView": "Crea una vista", |
"shareView": "Condividi vista", |
"ListView": "Lista viste", |
"copyApiURL": "Copia l'URL delle API", |
"exportToFile": "Esporta su file", |
"import": "Importa", |
"exportZip": "Esporta zip", |
"importZip": "Importa zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Crea", |
"cancel": "Annulla", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Annulla e torna indietro" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Credenziali del database", |
"db_type": "Tipo di database", |
"sqlite_file": "File di SQLite", |
"host_address": "Indirizzo host", |
"port": "Numero di porta", |
"username": "Nome utente", |
"password": "Password", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Database: crea se non esiste", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testa connessione al database", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Rimuovi il database dall'ambiente" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL e parametri avanzati", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Chiave client", |
"toolip": "Seleziona file .key" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Certificato client", |
"toolip": "Seleziona file .cert" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server CA", |
"toolip": "Seleziona file CA" |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferito", |
"usage": { |
"no": "No", |
"preferred": "Preferito", |
"required": "Richiesto", |
"requried_ca": "Richiesto-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Richiesto-IDENTITY" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflessione - Nome della tabella", |
"column_name": "Inflessione - Nome della colonna" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Modifica JSON della connessione" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Carattere non valido nel percorso della cartella.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Credenziali del database non valide.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Impossibile connettersi al database, controllare che il database sia attivo.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "L'utente non esiste o non dispone di autorizzazioni sufficienti per creare schema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Crea progetto | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "La connessione ha avuto successo", |
"failure": "Connessione fallita:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "ACCEDI", |
"signUp": "Iscriviti", |
"reset": "Ripristina" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Crea un nuovo progetto", |
"extDB": "Supporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Accessibile tramite API GraphQL", |
"apiRest": "Accessibile tramite API REST", |
"updateRestart": "Aggiorna e riavvia", |
"cancelReturn": "Annulla e torna indietro", |
"clientKey": "Seleziona file .key", |
"clientCert": "Seleziona file .cert", |
"clientCA": "Seleziona file CA", |
"exportMetadata": "Esporta tutti i metadati dalle tabelle meta alla cartella meta.", |
"importMetadata": "Importa tutti i metadati dalla cartella meta alle tabelle meta.", |
"clearMetadata": "Cancella tutti i metadati dalle tabelle meta." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Inizia creando un nuovo progetto", |
"importText": "Importa progetto NocoDB caricando il file zip dei metadata", |
"apiOptions": "Accedi al progetto tramite", |
"dbConnected": "La connessione ha avuto successo", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Nessuna nuova notifica", |
"clear": "Cancella" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "ACCEDI", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Inserisci la tua email di lavoro", |
"enter_your_password": "Inserisci la tua password", |
"forget_password": "Hai dimenticato la password ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Non hai un account ?", |
"sign_up": "Iscriviti", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "L'e-mail è richiesta", |
"email_must_be_valid": "L'email deve essere valida", |
"passwd_required": "È richiesta la password", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "La tua password deve essere di almeno 8 caratteri" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Accedi | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Accedi a NocoDB", |
"name": "Accedi a NocoDB", |
"content": "Accedi a NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Inserisci la tua email di lavoro", |
"enterPassword": "Inserisci la tua password", |
"forgotPassword": "Hai dimenticato la password ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Non hai un account ?", |
"superAdmin": "Sarai il 'Super Admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Hai già un account ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Reimposta la tua password", |
"loginMsg": "Accedi a NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Per favore, fornisci l'indirizzo email che hai utilizzato durante la tua registrazione.", |
"message_2": "Ti invieremo un'e-mail con un link per ripristinare la password.", |
"success": "Per favore, controlla la tua e-mail per reimpostare la password", |
"button": "INVIA EMAIL" |
"success": "Per favore, controlla la tua e-mail per reimpostare la password" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Solo visibile al creatore", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Aggiungi vista griglia", |
"gallery": "Aggiungi vista galleria", |
"calendar": "Aggiungi vista calendario", |
"kanban": "Aggiungi vista kanban", |
"form": "Aggiungi vista modulo" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Questa vista è condivisa tramite un collegamento privato", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Le persone con collegamento privato possono vedere solo le celle visibili in questa vista", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Limitare l'accesso con una password", |
"afterEnablePwd": "L'accesso è protetto da una password", |
"exportZip": "Esporta e scarica meta del progetto come file zip.", |
"importZip": "Importa il file zip dei meta del progetto e riavvia." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "La tua ricerca di {search} non ha trovato risultati", |
"invalidChar": "Carattere non valido nel percorso della cartella.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenziali del database non valide.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Impossibile connettersi al database, controllare che il database sia attivo.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "L'utente non esiste o non dispone di autorizzazioni sufficienti per creare schema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Connessione fallita:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "L'e-mail è richiesta", |
"emailInvalid": "L'email deve essere valida", |
"passwdRequired": "È richiesta la password", |
"passwdLength": "La tua password deve essere di almeno 8 caratteri" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "ISCRIVITI", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Sarai il 'Super Admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Hai già un account ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Impostazioni", |
"tooltip": "Solo visibile al creatore" |
}, |
"app_store": "App Store", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Autorizzazioni", |
"tooltip": "Gestione dei ruoli e degli utenti" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Metadati del progetto", |
"tooltip": "Gestione metadati" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Audit.", |
"tooltip": "Registro di audizione" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Anteprima come", |
"reset_review": "Ripristina anteprima" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Viste", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Copia vista", |
"rename": "Rinomina vista", |
"delete": "Elimina vista" |
}, |
"title": "Crea una vista", |
"caption": "Solo visibile al creatore", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Griglia", |
"create": "Aggiungi vista griglia" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galleria", |
"create": "Aggiungi vista galleria" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Calendario", |
"create": "Aggiungi vista calendario" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Aggiungi vista kanban" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Modulo", |
"create": "Aggiungi vista modulo" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Dacci una stella", |
"starUs2": "su Github", |
"bookDemo": "Prenota una demo gratuita", |
"getAnswered": "Ottieni risposte alle tue domande", |
"joinDiscord": "Unisciti su Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Iscriviti /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Segui NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Tipo di database", |
"sqliteFile": "File di SQLite", |
"hostAddress": "Indirizzo host", |
"port": "Numero di porta", |
"username": "Nome utente", |
"password": "Password", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database: crea se non esiste", |
"clientKey": "Chiave client", |
"clientCert": "Certificato client", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "Richiesto-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Richiesto-IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflessione - Nome della tabella", |
"columnName": "Inflessione - Nome della colonna" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Condividi vista", |
"views_list": "Lista viste", |
"copy_api_url": "Copia l'URL delle API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Questa vista è condivisa tramite un collegamento privato", |
"body": "Le persone con collegamento privato possono vedere solo le celle visibili in questa vista", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Limitare l'accesso con una password", |
"option2": "L'accesso è protetto da una password" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Inserisci il nome del progetto", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Inserisci la password", |
"button": "Salva la password" |
"enter": "Inserisci la password", |
"save": "Salva la password" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Gestione degli utenti", |
"api": "Gestione dei token API", |
"roles": "Gestione dei ruoli" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operazioni sui metadati", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Esporta su file", |
"desc": "Esporta tutti i metadati dalle tabelle meta alla cartella meta." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importa", |
"desc": "Importa tutti i metadati dalla cartella meta alle tabelle meta." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Esporta zip", |
"desc": "Esporta e scarica meta del progetto come file zip." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importa zip", |
"desc": "Importa il file zip dei meta del progetto e riavvia." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Ripristina", |
"desc": "Cancella tutti i metadati dalle tabelle meta." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Viste", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Griglia", |
"gallery": "Galleria", |
"calendar": "Calendario", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Modulo" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "私のプロジェクト", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "プロジェクトを更新します", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "新たなプロジェクト", |
"subtext_1": "作成", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "新しいプロジェクトを作成します", |
"subtext_2": "<br>を外部データベースに接続することで作成します", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server&SQLiteをサポートしています", |
"from_template": "テンプレートからプロジェクトを作成します", |
"from_excel": "Excelからプロジェクトを作成します" |
}, |
"search_project": "プロジェクトの検索", |
"import_metadata": "メタデータを輸入する", |
"export_metadata": "輸出メタデータ", |
"clear_metadata": "明確なメタデータ", |
"stop_project": "プロジェクトを停止します", |
"start_project": "プロジェクトを開始します", |
"restart_project": "プロジェクトを再開します", |
"delete_project": "プロジェクトを削除します", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "GraphQL APIを介してアクセス可能", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "REST APIを介してアクセス可能", |
"project_empty_message": "新しいプロジェクトを作成することによって始められる", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "メタデータzipファイルをアップロードしてNoCoDBプロジェクトをインポートします" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "星", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "Githubの米国", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "無料のデモを予約する", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "あなたの質問に回答しましょう", |
"show_community_join_discord": "不意に参加してください", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "/r/NocoDBに参加します", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "NocoDBをフォローする", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "{検索}の検索結果が見つかりませんでした" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "プロジェクトを編集する", |
"create": "プロジェクトを作成します" |
}, |
"project_name": "プロジェクト名を入力してください", |
"project_type": "によるアクセスプロジェクト", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "プロジェクトを保存します", |
"update_and_restart": "更新と再起動", |
"myProject": "私のプロジェクト", |
"newProj": "新たなプロジェクト", |
"dbCredentials": "データベース認証情報", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL&高度なパラメータ", |
"headCreateProject": "プロジェクトを作成する野手", |
"headLogin": "ログイン|野手", |
"resetPassword": "あなたのパスワードをリセット", |
"appStore": "アプリストア", |
"team&auth": "チーム&auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "役割とユーザー管理", |
"projMeta": "プロジェクトメタデータ", |
"metaMgmt": "メタ管理", |
"audit": "監査", |
"auditLogs": "監査ログ", |
"userMgmt": "ユーザー管理", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "APIトークン管理", |
"rolesMgmt": "役割管理", |
"metaOperations": "メタデータ操作" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "プロジェクトを更新します", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "<br>を外部データベースに接続することで作成します", |
"template": "テンプレートからプロジェクトを作成します", |
"excel": "Excelからプロジェクトを作成します" |
}, |
"searchProject": "プロジェクトの検索", |
"importMetadata": "メタデータを輸入する", |
"exportMetadata": "輸出メタデータ", |
"clearMetadata": "明確なメタデータ", |
"stopProject": "プロジェクトを停止します", |
"startProject": "プロジェクトを開始します", |
"restartProject": "プロジェクトを再開します", |
"deleteProject": "プロジェクトを削除します", |
"editProject": "プロジェクトを編集する", |
"createProject": "プロジェクトを作成します", |
"saveProject": "プロジェクトを保存します", |
"testDbConn": "データベース接続をテストします", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "環境からデータベースを削除します", |
"editConnJson": "接続JSONを編集", |
"sendEmail": "メールを送る", |
"settings": "設定", |
"previewAs": "ASプレビュー", |
"resetReview": "リセットプレビュー", |
"copyView": "コピービュー", |
"renameView": "ビューの名前を変更します", |
"deleteView": "ビューを削除します", |
"createView": "ビューを作成します", |
"shareView": "シェアビュー", |
"ListView": "ビューリスト", |
"copyApiURL": "API URLをコピーする", |
"exportToFile": "ファイルにエクスポートします", |
"import": "輸入", |
"exportZip": "エクスポートジッパー", |
"importZip": "郵便番号をインポートします" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "作成", |
"cancel": "キャンセル", |
"cancel_tooltip": "キャンセルして返します" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "データベース認証情報", |
"db_type": "データベースタイプ", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLiteファイル", |
"host_address": "ホストアドレス", |
"port": "ポート番号", |
"username": "ユーザー名", |
"password": "パスワード", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "データベース:存在しない場合は作成します", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "データベース接続をテストします", |
"remove_db_from_env": "環境からデータベースを削除します" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL&高度なパラメータ", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "クライアントキー", |
"toolip": "。キーファイルを選択してください" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "クライアント証明書", |
"toolip": ".certファイルを選択してください" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "サーバーCA.", |
"toolip": "CAファイルを選択してください" |
}, |
"preferred": "優先", |
"usage": { |
"no": "番号", |
"preferred": "優先", |
"required": "必須", |
"requried_ca": "必須 - C.", |
"requried_identity": "必須アイデンティティ" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "変化 - テーブル名", |
"column_name": "変曲率 - 列名" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "接続JSONを編集" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "フォルダパスに無効な文字", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "無効なデータベース認証情報。", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "データベースに接続できない場合は、データベースが起動していることを確認してください。", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "ユーザーが存在しないか、スキーマを作成するのに十分な権限があります。" |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "プロジェクトを作成する野手" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "接続が成功しました", |
"failure": "接続失敗:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "ログイン", |
"signUp": "サインアップ", |
"reset": "リセットする" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "新しいプロジェクトを作成します", |
"extDB": "MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server&SQLiteをサポートしています", |
"apiGQL": "GraphQL APIを介してアクセス可能", |
"apiRest": "REST APIを介してアクセス可能", |
"updateRestart": "更新と再起動", |
"cancelReturn": "キャンセルして返します", |
"clientKey": "。キーファイルを選択してください", |
"clientCert": ".certファイルを選択してください", |
"clientCA": "CAファイルを選択してください", |
"exportMetadata": "メタテーブルからメタディレクトリにすべてのメタデータをエクスポートします。", |
"importMetadata": "メタデータからメタテーブルへのすべてのメタデータをインポートします。", |
"clearMetadata": "メタテーブルからすべてのメタデータをクリアします。" |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "新しいプロジェクトを作成することによって始められる", |
"importText": "メタデータzipファイルをアップロードしてNoCoDBプロジェクトをインポートします", |
"apiOptions": "によるアクセスプロジェクト", |
"dbConnected": "接続が成功しました", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "新しい通知はありません", |
"clear": "クリア" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "ログイン", |
"enter_your_work_email": "あなたの作品Eメールを入力してください", |
"enter_your_password": "パスワードを入力してください", |
"forget_password": "パスワードをお忘れですか ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "アカウントを持っていませんか?", |
"sign_up": "サインアップ", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "電子メールが必要です", |
"email_must_be_valid": "電子メールは有効でなければなりません", |
"passwd_required": "パスワードが必要です", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "あなたのパスワードは少なくとも8文字でなければなりません" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "ログイン|野手", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Nocodbにログインします", |
"name": "Nocodbにログインします", |
"content": "Nocodbにログインします" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "あなたの作品Eメールを入力してください", |
"enterPassword": "パスワードを入力してください", |
"forgotPassword": "パスワードをお忘れですか ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "アカウントを持っていませんか?", |
"superAdmin": "あなたは「スーパーアドミン」になります", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "すでにアカウントをお持ちですか ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "あなたのパスワードをリセット", |
"loginMsg": "Nocodbにログインします", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "サインアップしたときに使用したメールアドレスを入力してください。", |
"message_2": "パスワードをリセットするためのリンク付きの電子メールを送信します。", |
"success": "パスワードをリセットするには、Eメールを確認してください", |
"button": "メールを送る" |
"success": "パスワードをリセットするには、Eメールを確認してください" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "クリエイターには見えます", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "グリッドビューを追加します", |
"gallery": "ギャラリービューを追加します", |
"calendar": "カレンダービューを追加します", |
"kanban": "かんばんビューを追加してください", |
"form": "フォームビューを追加します" |
}, |
"privateLink": "このビューはプライベートリンクを介して共有されています", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "プライベートリンクを持つ人々は、このビューで表示されているセルのみを見ることができます", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "パスワードによるアクセスを制限します", |
"afterEnablePwd": "アクセスはパスワード制限です", |
"exportZip": "プロジェクトメタをZipファイルにエクスポートしてダウンロードします。", |
"importZip": "プロジェクトメタzipファイルをインポートして再起動します。" |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "{検索}の検索結果が見つかりませんでした", |
"invalidChar": "フォルダパスに無効な文字", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "無効なデータベース認証情報。", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "データベースに接続できない場合は、データベースが起動していることを確認してください。", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "ユーザーが存在しないか、スキーマを作成するのに十分な権限があります。", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "接続失敗:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "電子メールが必要です", |
"emailInvalid": "電子メールは有効でなければなりません", |
"passwdRequired": "パスワードが必要です", |
"passwdLength": "あなたのパスワードは少なくとも8文字でなければなりません" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "サインアップ", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "あなたは「スーパーアドミン」になります", |
"already_ve_an_account": "すでにアカウントをお持ちですか ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "設定", |
"tooltip": "クリエイターには見えます" |
}, |
"app_store": "アプリストア", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "チーム&auth", |
"tooltip": "役割とユーザー管理" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "プロジェクトメタデータ", |
"tooltip": "メタ管理" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "監査", |
"tooltip": "監査ログ" |
}, |
"preview_as": "ASプレビュー", |
"reset_review": "リセットプレビュー" |
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"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "ビュー", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "コピービュー", |
"rename": "ビューの名前を変更します", |
"delete": "ビューを削除します" |
}, |
"title": "ビューを作成します", |
"caption": "クリエイターには見えます", |
"grid": { |
"title": "グリッド", |
"create": "グリッドビューを追加します" |
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"gallery": { |
"title": "ギャラリー", |
"create": "ギャラリービューを追加します" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "カレンダー", |
"create": "カレンダービューを追加します" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "かんばん", |
"create": "かんばんビューを追加してください" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "形", |
"create": "フォームビューを追加します" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "星", |
"starUs2": "Githubの米国", |
"bookDemo": "無料のデモを予約する", |
"getAnswered": "あなたの質問に回答しましょう", |
"joinDiscord": "不意に参加してください", |
"joinReddit": "/r/NocoDBに参加します", |
"followNocodb": "NocoDBをフォローする" |
}, |
"dbType": "データベースタイプ", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLiteファイル", |
"hostAddress": "ホストアドレス", |
"port": "ポート番号", |
"username": "ユーザー名", |
"password": "パスワード", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "データベース:存在しない場合は作成します", |
"clientKey": "クライアントキー", |
"clientCert": "クライアント証明書", |
"serverCA": "サーバーCA.", |
"requriedCa": "必須 - C.", |
"requriedIdentity": "必須アイデンティティ", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "変化 - テーブル名", |
"columnName": "変曲率 - 列名" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "シェアビュー", |
"views_list": "ビューリスト", |
"copy_api_url": "API URLをコピーする" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "このビューはプライベートリンクを介して共有されています", |
"body": "プライベートリンクを持つ人々は、このビューで表示されているセルのみを見ることができます", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "パスワードによるアクセスを制限します", |
"option2": "アクセスはパスワード制限です" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "プロジェクト名を入力してください", |
"password": { |
"caption": "パスワードを入力してください", |
"button": "パスワードを保存する" |
"enter": "パスワードを入力してください", |
"save": "パスワードを保存する" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "ユーザー管理", |
"api": "APIトークン管理", |
"roles": "役割管理" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "メタデータ操作", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "ファイルにエクスポートします", |
"desc": "メタテーブルからメタディレクトリにすべてのメタデータをエクスポートします。" |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "輸入", |
"desc": "メタデータからメタテーブルへのすべてのメタデータをインポートします。" |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "エクスポートジッパー", |
"desc": "プロジェクトメタをZipファイルにエクスポートしてダウンロードします。" |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "郵便番号をインポートします", |
"desc": "プロジェクトメタzipファイルをインポートして再起動します。" |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "リセットする", |
"desc": "メタテーブルからすべてのメタデータをクリアします。" |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "ビュー", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "グリッド", |
"gallery": "ギャラリー", |
"calendar": "カレンダー", |
"kanban": "かんばん", |
"form": "形" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "내 프로젝트", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "프로젝트 새로 고침", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "새 프로젝트", |
"subtext_1": "생성", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "새 프로젝트를 만듭니다", |
"subtext_2": "외부 데이터베이스에 <br>을 연결하여 작성하십시오", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 및 SQLite를 지원합니다", |
"from_template": "템플릿에서 프로젝트를 만듭니다", |
"from_excel": "Excel에서 프로젝트 만들기" |
}, |
"search_project": "프로젝트 검색", |
"import_metadata": "메타 데이터 가져오기", |
"export_metadata": "메타 데이터 내보내기", |
"clear_metadata": "메타 데이터 지우기", |
"stop_project": "프로젝트 중지", |
"start_project": "프로젝트 시작", |
"restart_project": "프로젝트 재시작", |
"delete_project": "프로젝트 삭제", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Graphql Apis를 통해 액세스 가능", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "REST API를 통해 액세스 가능", |
"project_empty_message": "새 프로젝트를 생성하여 시작하십시오", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "메타 데이터 zip 파일을 업로드하여 NocoDB 프로젝트를 가져옵니다" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "별", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "우리는 github에 있습니다", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "무료 데모를 예약하십시오", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "귀하의 질문에 답변 해주십시오", |
"show_community_join_discord": "디스코드 참가", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "가입 /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "NocoDB를 팔로우 하세요", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "{검색} 검색 결과가 없습니다" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "프로젝트 편집", |
"create": "프로젝트 생성" |
}, |
"project_name": "프로젝트 이름을 입력하십시오", |
"project_type": "프로젝트 via에 액세스하십시오", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "프로젝트를 저장하다", |
"update_and_restart": "업데이트 및 다시 시작", |
"myProject": "내 프로젝트", |
"newProj": "새 프로젝트", |
"dbCredentials": "데이터베이스 자격 증명", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL 및 고급 매개 변수", |
"headCreateProject": "프로젝트 만들기 | nocodb.", |
"headLogin": "로그인 | NocoDB.", |
"resetPassword": "비밀번호를 재설정", |
"appStore": "앱 스토어", |
"team&auth": "팀 및 인증", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "역할 및 사용자 관리", |
"projMeta": "프로젝트 메타 데이터", |
"metaMgmt": "메타 관리", |
"audit": "심사", |
"auditLogs": "감사 로그", |
"userMgmt": "사용자 관리", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API 토큰 관리", |
"rolesMgmt": "역할 관리", |
"metaOperations": "메타 데이터 작업" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "프로젝트 새로 고침", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "외부 데이터베이스에 <br>을 연결하여 작성하십시오", |
"template": "템플릿에서 프로젝트를 만듭니다", |
"excel": "Excel에서 프로젝트 만들기" |
}, |
"searchProject": "프로젝트 검색", |
"importMetadata": "메타 데이터 가져오기", |
"exportMetadata": "메타 데이터 내보내기", |
"clearMetadata": "메타 데이터 지우기", |
"stopProject": "프로젝트 중지", |
"startProject": "프로젝트 시작", |
"restartProject": "프로젝트 재시작", |
"deleteProject": "프로젝트 삭제", |
"editProject": "프로젝트 편집", |
"createProject": "프로젝트 생성", |
"saveProject": "프로젝트를 저장하다", |
"testDbConn": "데이터베이스 연결 테스트", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "환경에서 데이터베이스를 제거하십시오", |
"editConnJson": "연결 편집 JSON.", |
"sendEmail": "이메일 보내기", |
"settings": "설정", |
"previewAs": "미리보기", |
"resetReview": "미리보기 재설정", |
"copyView": "보기 복사", |
"renameView": "보기 이름 변경", |
"deleteView": "보기 삭제", |
"createView": "보기 생성", |
"shareView": "보기 공유", |
"ListView": "보기 목록", |
"copyApiURL": "API URL 복사", |
"exportToFile": "파일로 내보내기", |
"import": "가져오기", |
"exportZip": "zip 파일 내보내기", |
"importZip": "zip 파일 가져오기" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "생성", |
"cancel": "취소", |
"cancel_tooltip": "취소 및 되돌리기" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "데이터베이스 자격 증명", |
"db_type": "데이터베이스 유형", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite 파일", |
"host_address": "호스트 주소", |
"port": "포트 번호", |
"username": "사용자 이름", |
"password": "비밀번호", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "데이터베이스 : 존재하지 않는 경우 생성", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "데이터베이스 연결 테스트", |
"remove_db_from_env": "환경에서 데이터베이스를 제거하십시오" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL 및 고급 매개 변수", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "클라이언트 키", |
"toolip": "키 파일을 선택하십시오" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "클라이언트 Cert.", |
"toolip": ".cert 파일을 선택하십시오" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "서버 CA.", |
"toolip": "CA 파일을 선택하십시오" |
}, |
"preferred": "우선의", |
"usage": { |
"no": "아니요", |
"preferred": "우선의", |
"required": "필수의", |
"requried_ca": "필수 -CA", |
"requried_identity": "필수 - IDENTITY" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "편집 - 표 이름", |
"column_name": "편집 - 열 이름" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "연결 편집 JSON." |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "잘못된 폴더 경로입니다.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "데이터베이스 자격 증명 오류.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "데이터베이스에 연결할 수 없습니다. 데이터베이스 작동을 확인하십시오.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "사용자가 존재하지 않거나 schema를 만들 수있는 충분한 권한이 있습니다." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "프로젝트 만들기 | nocodb." |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "연결 되었습니다.", |
"failure": "연결 실패 :" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "로그인", |
"signUp": "가입하기", |
"reset": "초기화" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "새 프로젝트를 만듭니다", |
"extDB": "MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 및 SQLite를 지원합니다", |
"apiGQL": "Graphql Apis를 통해 액세스 가능", |
"apiRest": "REST API를 통해 액세스 가능", |
"updateRestart": "업데이트 및 다시 시작", |
"cancelReturn": "취소 및 되돌리기", |
"clientKey": "키 파일을 선택하십시오", |
"clientCert": ".cert 파일을 선택하십시오", |
"clientCA": "CA 파일을 선택하십시오", |
"exportMetadata": "메타 테이블에서 메타 디렉토리로 모든 메타 데이터를 내보냅니다.", |
"importMetadata": "모든 메타 데이터를 메타 디렉토리에서 메타 테이블로 가져옵니다.", |
"clearMetadata": "메타 테이블에서 모든 메타 데이터를 지우십시오." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "새 프로젝트를 생성하여 시작하십시오", |
"importText": "메타 데이터 zip 파일을 업로드하여 NocoDB 프로젝트를 가져옵니다", |
"apiOptions": "프로젝트 via에 액세스하십시오", |
"dbConnected": "연결 되었습니다.", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "새로운 알림 없음", |
"clear": "지우기" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "로그인", |
"enter_your_work_email": "작업 이메일을 입력하십시오", |
"enter_your_password": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오", |
"forget_password": "비밀번호를 잊어 버렸습니까 ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "계정이 없습니까?", |
"sign_up": "가입하기", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "이메일이 필요합니다", |
"email_must_be_valid": "이메일이 유효해야합니다", |
"passwd_required": "비밀번호가 필요합니다", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "비밀번호는 8자 이상이어야 합니다." |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "로그인 | NocoDB.", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "NocoDB에 로그인하십시오", |
"name": "NocoDB에 로그인하십시오", |
"content": "NocoDB에 로그인하십시오" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "작업 이메일을 입력하십시오", |
"enterPassword": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오", |
"forgotPassword": "비밀번호를 잊어 버렸습니까 ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "계정이 없습니까?", |
"superAdmin": "당신은 'Super Admin'가 될 것입니다.", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "이미 계정이 있습니까?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "비밀번호를 재설정", |
"loginMsg": "NocoDB에 로그인하십시오", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "가입 할 때 사용한 이메일 주소를 입력하십시오.", |
"message_2": "이메일을 통해 비밀번호를 재설정할 링크를 보내드리겠습니다.", |
"success": "이메일을 확인하여 암호를 재설정하십시오", |
"button": "이메일 보내기" |
"success": "이메일을 확인하여 암호를 재설정하십시오" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "작성자에게만 표시됩니다", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "그리드 보기를 추가하십시오", |
"gallery": "갤러리 보기를 추가하십시오", |
"calendar": "달력 보기를 추가하십시오", |
"kanban": "Kanban 보기를 추가하십시오", |
"form": "양식 보기를 추가하십시오" |
}, |
"privateLink": "현재 보기가 비공개 링크를 통해 공유됩니다.", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "비공개 링크가 있는 사용자는 현재 보기에서 표시되는 셀만 볼 수 있습니다.", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "비밀번호로 액세스 제한", |
"afterEnablePwd": "엑세스는 비밀번호로 제한되어 있습니다.", |
"exportZip": "프로젝트 메타를 zip 파일로 내보내고 다운로드하십시오.", |
"importZip": "프로젝트 메타 zip 파일을 가져와서 다시 시작하십시오." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "{검색} 검색 결과가 없습니다", |
"invalidChar": "잘못된 폴더 경로입니다.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "데이터베이스 자격 증명 오류.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "데이터베이스에 연결할 수 없습니다. 데이터베이스 작동을 확인하십시오.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "사용자가 존재하지 않거나 schema를 만들 수있는 충분한 권한이 있습니다.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "연결 실패 :", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "이메일이 필요합니다", |
"emailInvalid": "이메일이 유효해야합니다", |
"passwdRequired": "비밀번호가 필요합니다", |
"passwdLength": "비밀번호는 8자 이상이어야 합니다." |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "가입하기", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "당신은 'Super Admin'가 될 것입니다.", |
"already_ve_an_account": "이미 계정이 있습니까?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "설정", |
"tooltip": "작성자에게만 표시됩니다" |
}, |
"app_store": "앱 스토어", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "팀 및 인증", |
"tooltip": "역할 및 사용자 관리" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "프로젝트 메타 데이터", |
"tooltip": "메타 관리" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "심사", |
"tooltip": "감사 로그" |
}, |
"preview_as": "미리보기", |
"reset_review": "미리보기 재설정" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "보기", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "보기 복사", |
"rename": "보기 이름 변경", |
"delete": "보기 삭제" |
}, |
"title": "보기 생성", |
"caption": "작성자에게만 표시됩니다", |
"grid": { |
"title": "그리드", |
"create": "그리드 보기를 추가하십시오" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "갤러리", |
"create": "갤러리 보기를 추가하십시오" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "달력", |
"create": "달력 보기를 추가하십시오" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Kanban 보기를 추가하십시오" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "양식", |
"create": "양식 보기를 추가하십시오" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "별", |
"starUs2": "우리는 github에 있습니다", |
"bookDemo": "무료 데모를 예약하십시오", |
"getAnswered": "귀하의 질문에 답변 해주십시오", |
"joinDiscord": "디스코드 참가", |
"joinReddit": "가입 /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "NocoDB를 팔로우 하세요" |
}, |
"dbType": "데이터베이스 유형", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite 파일", |
"hostAddress": "호스트 주소", |
"port": "포트 번호", |
"username": "사용자 이름", |
"password": "비밀번호", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "데이터베이스 : 존재하지 않는 경우 생성", |
"clientKey": "클라이언트 키", |
"clientCert": "클라이언트 Cert.", |
"serverCA": "서버 CA.", |
"requriedCa": "필수 -CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "필수 - IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "편집 - 표 이름", |
"columnName": "편집 - 열 이름" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "보기 공유", |
"views_list": "보기 목록", |
"copy_api_url": "API URL 복사" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "현재 보기가 비공개 링크를 통해 공유됩니다.", |
"body": "비공개 링크가 있는 사용자는 현재 보기에서 표시되는 셀만 볼 수 있습니다.", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "비밀번호로 액세스 제한", |
"option2": "엑세스는 비밀번호로 제한되어 있습니다." |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "프로젝트 이름을 입력하십시오", |
"password": { |
"caption": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오", |
"button": "비밀번호 저장" |
"enter": "비밀번호를 입력하십시오", |
"save": "비밀번호 저장" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "사용자 관리", |
"api": "API 토큰 관리", |
"roles": "역할 관리" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "메타 데이터 작업", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "파일로 내보내기", |
"desc": "메타 테이블에서 메타 디렉토리로 모든 메타 데이터를 내보냅니다." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "가져오기", |
"desc": "모든 메타 데이터를 메타 디렉토리에서 메타 테이블로 가져옵니다." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "zip 파일 내보내기", |
"desc": "프로젝트 메타를 zip 파일로 내보내고 다운로드하십시오." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "zip 파일 가져오기", |
"desc": "프로젝트 메타 zip 파일을 가져와서 다시 시작하십시오." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "초기화", |
"desc": "메타 테이블에서 모든 메타 데이터를 지우십시오." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "보기", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "그리드", |
"gallery": "갤러리", |
"calendar": "달력", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "양식" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Mijn projecten", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Projecten vernieuwen", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nieuw project", |
"subtext_1": "Creëren", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Maak een nieuw project", |
"subtext_2": "Creëer door verbinding te maken met een externe database", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Ondersteunt MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Maak project van sjabloon", |
"from_excel": "Maak project van Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Zoekproject", |
"import_metadata": "Importeer metadata", |
"export_metadata": "Export metadata", |
"clear_metadata": "Wissen metadata", |
"stop_project": "Stopproject", |
"start_project": "Startproject", |
"restart_project": "Start Project opnieuw", |
"delete_project": "Project verwijderen", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Toegankelijk via grafische API's", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Toegankelijk via rustapis", |
"project_empty_message": "Ga aan de slag door een nieuw project te maken", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Import NocoDB-project door het uploaden van het metadata zip-bestand" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Ster", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "ons op Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Boek een gratis demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Krijg je vragen beantwoord", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Join", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Volg NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Uw zoekopdracht voor {sealch} vond geen resultaten" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Project bewerken", |
"create": "Maak project" |
}, |
"project_name": "Voer de projectnaam in", |
"project_type": "Toegangsproject via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Bewaar dit project", |
"update_and_restart": "Update & Startart", |
"myProject": "Mijn projecten", |
"newProj": "Nieuw project", |
"dbCredentials": "Database-inloggegevens", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Advanced Parameters", |
"headCreateProject": "Project maken | Nocodb", |
"headLogin": "Log in | Nocodb", |
"resetPassword": "Stel je wachtwoord opnieuw in", |
"appStore": "App Winkel", |
"team&auth": "Team & Auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Rollen en gebruikersbeheer", |
"projMeta": "Project metadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta management", |
"audit": "Audit", |
"auditLogs": "Auditlogboek", |
"userMgmt": "Gebruikersbeheer", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Api tokens management", |
"rolesMgmt": "Rollen Management", |
"metaOperations": "Metadata-operaties" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Projecten vernieuwen", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Creëer door verbinding te maken met een externe database", |
"template": "Maak project van sjabloon", |
"excel": "Maak project van Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Zoekproject", |
"importMetadata": "Importeer metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Export metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Wissen metadata", |
"stopProject": "Stopproject", |
"startProject": "Startproject", |
"restartProject": "Start Project opnieuw", |
"deleteProject": "Project verwijderen", |
"editProject": "Project bewerken", |
"createProject": "Maak project", |
"saveProject": "Bewaar dit project", |
"testDbConn": "Testdatabase-verbinding", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Verwijder de database uit de omgeving", |
"editConnJson": "Bewerk verbinding JSON", |
"sendEmail": "Stuur e-mail", |
"settings": "Instellingen", |
"previewAs": "Voorbeeld als", |
"resetReview": "Reset Preview", |
"copyView": "Kopieerweergave", |
"renameView": "Hernoem weergave", |
"deleteView": "Weergave verwijderen", |
"createView": "Maak een weergave", |
"shareView": "Aandeel", |
"ListView": "Bekeken Lijst", |
"copyApiURL": "Kopieer API URL", |
"exportToFile": "Exporteren naar het bestand", |
"import": "Importeren", |
"exportZip": "Export rits", |
"importZip": "Import rits" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Creëren", |
"cancel": "Annuleren", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Annuleren en terugkeren" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Database-inloggegevens", |
"db_type": "Database-type", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLITE-bestand", |
"host_address": "Hostadres", |
"port": "Poortnummer", |
"username": "Gebruikersnaam", |
"password": "Wachtwoord", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Database: creëer als het niet bestaat", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testdatabase-verbinding", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Verwijder de database uit de omgeving" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & Advanced Parameters", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Klantentoets", |
"toolip": "Selecteer het bestand" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Client CERT", |
"toolip": "Selecteer .cert-bestand" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server ca", |
"toolip": "Selecteer CA-bestand" |
}, |
"preferred": "Gewenst", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Nee", |
"preferred": "Gewenst", |
"required": "Verplicht", |
"requried_ca": "Verplicht-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Vereiste identiteit" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "BUMMERING - TABEL NAAM", |
"column_name": "Buwering - Kolomnaam" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Bewerk verbinding JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Ongeldig teken in mappad.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Ongeldige database-inloggegevens.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de database, controleer dan uw database is op.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Gebruiker bestaat niet of heeft voldoende toestemming om schema te maken." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Project maken | Nocodb" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Verbinding was succesvol", |
"failure": "Verbindingsstoring:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "INLOGGEN", |
"signUp": "Inschrijven", |
"reset": "Reset" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Maak een nieuw project", |
"extDB": "Ondersteunt MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"apiGQL": "Toegankelijk via grafische API's", |
"apiRest": "Toegankelijk via rustapis", |
"updateRestart": "Update & Startart", |
"cancelReturn": "Annuleren en terugkeren", |
"clientKey": "Selecteer het bestand", |
"clientCert": "Selecteer .cert-bestand", |
"clientCA": "Selecteer CA-bestand", |
"exportMetadata": "Exporteer alle metadata van de meta-tabellen naar de meta-map.", |
"importMetadata": "Importeer alle metadata van de meta-map naar Meta Tables.", |
"clearMetadata": "Wis alle metadata van Meta Tables." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Ga aan de slag door een nieuw project te maken", |
"importText": "Import NocoDB-project door het uploaden van het metadata zip-bestand", |
"apiOptions": "Toegangsproject via", |
"dbConnected": "Verbinding was succesvol", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "geen nieuwe notificaties", |
"clear": "Duidelijk" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "INLOGGEN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Voer uw werkmail in", |
"enter_your_password": "Voer uw wachtwoord in", |
"forget_password": "Uw wachtwoord vergeten ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Heb je geen account?", |
"sign_up": "Inschrijven", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail is vereist", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Email moet geldig zijn", |
"passwd_required": "Een wachtwoord is verplicht", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Jij wachtwoord moet ten minste 8 tekens zijn" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Log in | Nocodb", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Log in bij NocoDB", |
"name": "Log in bij NocoDB", |
"content": "Log in bij NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Voer uw werkmail in", |
"enterPassword": "Voer uw wachtwoord in", |
"forgotPassword": "Uw wachtwoord vergeten ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Heb je geen account?", |
"superAdmin": "Je bent de 'Super Admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Heb je al een account?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Stel je wachtwoord opnieuw in", |
"loginMsg": "Log in bij NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Geef het e-mailadres op dat u hebt gebruikt toen u zich hebt aangemeld.", |
"message_2": "We sturen u een e-mail met een link om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen.", |
"success": "Controleer uw e-mail om het wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen", |
"button": "Stuur e-mail" |
"success": "Controleer uw e-mail om het wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Alleen zichtbaar voor de maker", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Rasterweergave toevoegen", |
"gallery": "Voeg uitzicht op de galerij", |
"calendar": "Voeg kalenderweergave toe", |
"kanban": "Voeg KANBAN-weergave toe", |
"form": "Voeg eenvormweergave toe" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Deze weergave wordt gedeeld via een privélink", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Mensen met privélink kunnen alleen cellen zien die zichtbaar zijn in deze weergave", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Beperk de toegang met een wachtwoord", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Toegang is wachtwoord beperkt", |
"exportZip": "Export project meta naar zipbestand en download.", |
"importZip": "Import project meta zip-bestand en start opnieuw op." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Uw zoekopdracht voor {sealch} vond geen resultaten", |
"invalidChar": "Ongeldig teken in mappad.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ongeldige database-inloggegevens.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de database, controleer dan uw database is op.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Gebruiker bestaat niet of heeft voldoende toestemming om schema te maken.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Verbindingsstoring:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail is vereist", |
"emailInvalid": "Email moet geldig zijn", |
"passwdRequired": "Een wachtwoord is verplicht", |
"passwdLength": "Jij wachtwoord moet ten minste 8 tekens zijn" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "INSCHRIJVEN", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Je bent de 'Super Admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Heb je al een account?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Instellingen", |
"tooltip": "Alleen zichtbaar voor de maker" |
}, |
"app_store": "App Winkel", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth", |
"tooltip": "Rollen en gebruikersbeheer" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Project metadata", |
"tooltip": "Meta management" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Audit", |
"tooltip": "Auditlogboek" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Voorbeeld als", |
"reset_review": "Reset Preview" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Keer bekeken", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Kopieerweergave", |
"rename": "Hernoem weergave", |
"delete": "Weergave verwijderen" |
}, |
"title": "Maak een weergave", |
"caption": "Alleen zichtbaar voor de maker", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Rooster", |
"create": "Rasterweergave toevoegen" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galerij", |
"create": "Voeg uitzicht op de galerij" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalender", |
"create": "Voeg kalenderweergave toe" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Voeg KANBAN-weergave toe" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formulier", |
"create": "Voeg eenvormweergave toe" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Ster", |
"starUs2": "ons op Github", |
"bookDemo": "Boek een gratis demo", |
"getAnswered": "Krijg je vragen beantwoord", |
"joinDiscord": "Join", |
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Volg NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Database-type", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLITE-bestand", |
"hostAddress": "Hostadres", |
"port": "Poortnummer", |
"username": "Gebruikersnaam", |
"password": "Wachtwoord", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database: creëer als het niet bestaat", |
"clientKey": "Klantentoets", |
"clientCert": "Client CERT", |
"serverCA": "Server ca", |
"requriedCa": "Verplicht-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Vereiste identiteit", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "BUMMERING - TABEL NAAM", |
"columnName": "Buwering - Kolomnaam" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Aandeel", |
"views_list": "Bekeken Lijst", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopieer API URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Deze weergave wordt gedeeld via een privélink", |
"body": "Mensen met privélink kunnen alleen cellen zien die zichtbaar zijn in deze weergave", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Beperk de toegang met een wachtwoord", |
"option2": "Toegang is wachtwoord beperkt" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Voer de projectnaam in", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Voer het wachtwoord in", |
"button": "Wachtwoord opslaan" |
"enter": "Voer het wachtwoord in", |
"save": "Wachtwoord opslaan" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Gebruikersbeheer", |
"api": "Api tokens management", |
"roles": "Rollen Management" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metadata-operaties", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Exporteren naar het bestand", |
"desc": "Exporteer alle metadata van de meta-tabellen naar de meta-map." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importeren", |
"desc": "Importeer alle metadata van de meta-map naar Meta Tables." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Export rits", |
"desc": "Export project meta naar zipbestand en download." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Import rits", |
"desc": "Import project meta zip-bestand en start opnieuw op." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Reset", |
"desc": "Wis alle metadata van Meta Tables." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Keer bekeken", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Rooster", |
"gallery": "Galerij", |
"calendar": "Kalender", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Formulier" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Mine prosjekter", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Oppdater prosjekter", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nytt prosjekt", |
"subtext_1": "Opprett", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Opprett et nytt prosjekt", |
"subtext_2": "Opprett ved å koble til <br> til en ekstern database", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Støtter MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Opprett prosjektet fra mal", |
"from_excel": "Opprett prosjekt fra Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Søk etter prosjekt", |
"import_metadata": "Importer metadata", |
"export_metadata": "Eksporter metadata", |
"clear_metadata": "Tøm metadata", |
"stop_project": "Stopp prosjekt", |
"start_project": "Start prosjekt", |
"restart_project": "Start prosjekt på nytt", |
"delete_project": "Slett prosjekt", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Tilgjengelig via GraphQL-API-er", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Tilgjengelig via REST-API-er", |
"project_empty_message": "Kom i gang med å opprette et nytt prosjekt", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importer NocoDB-prosjekt ved å laste opp metadata Zip-fil" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Stjerne", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "oss på GitHub.", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Bestill en gratis demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Få dine spørsmål besvart", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Bli med på Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Bli med /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Følg NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Søket ditt etter {søk} fant ingen resultater" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Rediger prosjekt", |
"create": "Opprett prosjekt" |
}, |
"project_name": "Skriv inn prosjektnavn", |
"project_type": "Tilgang til prosjekt via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Lagre prosjekt", |
"update_and_restart": "Oppdatering og omstart", |
"myProject": "Mine prosjekter", |
"newProj": "Nytt prosjekt", |
"dbCredentials": "Database-autentisering", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL og avanserte parametere", |
"headCreateProject": "Opprett prosjektet | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Logg inn | NocoDB.", |
"resetPassword": "Tilbakestill passordet ditt", |
"appStore": "App Store", |
"team&auth": "Team og Auth.", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roller og brukeradministrasjon", |
"projMeta": "Prosjektmetadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Organiser prosjektmetadata", |
"audit": "Revidere", |
"auditLogs": "Revisjonslogg", |
"userMgmt": "Brukeradministrasjon", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Administrering av API-nøkler", |
"rolesMgmt": "Rolleadministrering", |
"metaOperations": "Metadataoperasjoner" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Oppdater prosjekter", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Opprett ved å koble til <br> til en ekstern database", |
"template": "Opprett prosjektet fra mal", |
"excel": "Opprett prosjekt fra Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Søk etter prosjekt", |
"importMetadata": "Importer metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Eksporter metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Tøm metadata", |
"stopProject": "Stopp prosjekt", |
"startProject": "Start prosjekt", |
"restartProject": "Start prosjekt på nytt", |
"deleteProject": "Slett prosjekt", |
"editProject": "Rediger prosjekt", |
"createProject": "Opprett prosjekt", |
"saveProject": "Lagre prosjekt", |
"testDbConn": "Test databaseforbindelse", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Fjern databasen fra miljøet", |
"editConnJson": "Rediger tilkoblings-JSON", |
"sendEmail": "SEND E-POST", |
"settings": "Innstillinger", |
"previewAs": "Forhåndsvisning som", |
"resetReview": "Tilbakestill forhåndsvisning", |
"copyView": "Kopier visning", |
"renameView": "Gi nytt navn til visning", |
"deleteView": "Slett visning", |
"createView": "Opprett en visning", |
"shareView": "Del visning", |
"ListView": "Visningsliste", |
"copyApiURL": "Kopier API URL", |
"exportToFile": "Eksporter til fil", |
"import": "Importer", |
"exportZip": "Eksporter zip", |
"importZip": "Importer zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Opprett", |
"cancel": "Avbryt", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Avbryt og retur" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Database-autentisering", |
"db_type": "Databasetype", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite-fil", |
"host_address": "Vertsadresse", |
"port": "Portnummer", |
"username": "Brukernavn", |
"password": "Passord", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Database: Opprett hvis ikke eksisterer", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Test databaseforbindelse", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Fjern databasen fra miljøet" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL og avanserte parametere", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Klientnøkkel", |
"toolip": "Velg .KEY-fil" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Klientsertifikat", |
"toolip": "Velg .CERT-fil" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server CA", |
"toolip": "Velg CA-fil" |
}, |
"preferred": "Foretrukket", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Nei", |
"preferred": "Foretrukket", |
"required": "Kreves", |
"requried_ca": "Påkrevd-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Nødvendig identitet" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Bøyning - tabellnavn", |
"column_name": "Bøyning - kolonnenavnn" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Rediger tilkoblings-JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Ugyldig karakter i mappebanen.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Ugyldig databaseautentisering.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Kan ikke koble til database, vennligst sjekk om databasen din er oppe.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Brukeren eksisterer ikke eller har ikke tilstrekkelig tillatelse til å opprette skjema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Opprett prosjektet | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Tilkoblingen var vellykket", |
"failure": "Tilkoblingsfeil:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "LOGG INN", |
"signUp": "Registrer deg", |
"reset": "Nullstill" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Opprett et nytt prosjekt", |
"extDB": "Støtter MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"apiGQL": "Tilgjengelig via GraphQL-API-er", |
"apiRest": "Tilgjengelig via REST-API-er", |
"updateRestart": "Oppdatering og omstart", |
"cancelReturn": "Avbryt og retur", |
"clientKey": "Velg .KEY-fil", |
"clientCert": "Velg .CERT-fil", |
"clientCA": "Velg CA-fil", |
"exportMetadata": "Eksporter alle metadata fra metatabellene til meta-katalogen.", |
"importMetadata": "Importer alle metadata fra meta-katalogen til metatabellene.", |
"clearMetadata": "Fjern alle metadata fra metatabeller." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Kom i gang med å opprette et nytt prosjekt", |
"importText": "Importer NocoDB-prosjekt ved å laste opp metadata Zip-fil", |
"apiOptions": "Tilgang til prosjekt via", |
"dbConnected": "Tilkoblingen var vellykket", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Ingen nye varsler", |
"clear": "Tøm" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "LOGG INN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Skriv inn jobb-e-post", |
"enter_your_password": "Skriv inn passordet ditt", |
"forget_password": "Glemt passordet?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Har du ikke en konto?", |
"sign_up": "Registrer deg", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-post er nødvendig", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-post må være gyldig", |
"passwd_required": "Passord er påkrevd", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Ditt passord må være minst 8 tegn" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Logg inn | NocoDB.", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Logg inn i NocoDB", |
"name": "Logg inn i NocoDB", |
"content": "Logg inn i NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Skriv inn jobb-e-post", |
"enterPassword": "Skriv inn passordet ditt", |
"forgotPassword": "Glemt passordet?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Har du ikke en konto?", |
"superAdmin": "Du vil være 'super admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Har du allerede en konto?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Tilbakestill passordet ditt", |
"loginMsg": "Logg inn i NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Vennligst oppgi e-postadressen du brukte når du registrerte deg.", |
"message_2": "Vi sender deg en e-post med en lenke for å tilbakestille passordet ditt.", |
"success": "Vennligst sjekk e-posten din for å tilbakestille passordet", |
"button": "SEND E-POST" |
"success": "Vennligst sjekk e-posten din for å tilbakestille passordet" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Bare synlig for skaperen", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Legg til rutenett", |
"gallery": "Legg til galleriutsikt", |
"calendar": "Legg til kalendervisning", |
"kanban": "Legg til Kanban View", |
"form": "Legg til skjemavisning" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Denne visningen deles via en privat lenke", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Personer med privat kobling kan bare se celler synlige i denne visningen", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Begrens tilgang med et passord", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Tilgang er passordbegrenset", |
"exportZip": "Eksporter prosjektets metadata til Zip-fil og last ned.", |
"importZip": "Importer metadata om prosjekt fra Zip-fil og start på nytt." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Søket ditt etter {søk} fant ingen resultater", |
"invalidChar": "Ugyldig karakter i mappebanen.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ugyldig databaseautentisering.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Kan ikke koble til database, vennligst sjekk om databasen din er oppe.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Brukeren eksisterer ikke eller har ikke tilstrekkelig tillatelse til å opprette skjema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Tilkoblingsfeil:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-post er nødvendig", |
"emailInvalid": "E-post må være gyldig", |
"passwdRequired": "Passord er påkrevd", |
"passwdLength": "Ditt passord må være minst 8 tegn" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "REGISTRER DEG", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Du vil være 'super admin'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Har du allerede en konto?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Innstillinger", |
"tooltip": "Bare synlig for skaperen" |
}, |
"app_store": "App Store", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team og Auth.", |
"tooltip": "Roller og brukeradministrasjon" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Prosjektmetadata", |
"tooltip": "Organiser prosjektmetadata" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Revidere", |
"tooltip": "Revisjonslogg" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Forhåndsvisning som", |
"reset_review": "Tilbakestill forhåndsvisning" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Visninger", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Kopier visning", |
"rename": "Gi nytt navn til visning", |
"delete": "Slett visning" |
}, |
"title": "Opprett en visning", |
"caption": "Bare synlig for skaperen", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Rutenett", |
"create": "Legg til rutenett" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galleri", |
"create": "Legg til galleriutsikt" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalender", |
"create": "Legg til kalendervisning" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Legg til Kanban View" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Skjema", |
"create": "Legg til skjemavisning" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Stjerne", |
"starUs2": "oss på GitHub.", |
"bookDemo": "Bestill en gratis demo", |
"getAnswered": "Få dine spørsmål besvart", |
"joinDiscord": "Bli med på Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Bli med /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Følg NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Databasetype", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite-fil", |
"hostAddress": "Vertsadresse", |
"port": "Portnummer", |
"username": "Brukernavn", |
"password": "Passord", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database: Opprett hvis ikke eksisterer", |
"clientKey": "Klientnøkkel", |
"clientCert": "Klientsertifikat", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "Påkrevd-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Nødvendig identitet", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Bøyning - tabellnavn", |
"columnName": "Bøyning - kolonnenavnn" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Del visning", |
"views_list": "Visningsliste", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopier API URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Denne visningen deles via en privat lenke", |
"body": "Personer med privat kobling kan bare se celler synlige i denne visningen", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Begrens tilgang med et passord", |
"option2": "Tilgang er passordbegrenset" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Skriv inn prosjektnavn", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Skriv inn passordet", |
"button": "Lagre passord" |
"enter": "Skriv inn passordet", |
"save": "Lagre passord" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Brukeradministrasjon", |
"api": "Administrering av API-nøkler", |
"roles": "Rolleadministrering" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metadataoperasjoner", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Eksporter til fil", |
"desc": "Eksporter alle metadata fra metatabellene til meta-katalogen." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importer", |
"desc": "Importer alle metadata fra meta-katalogen til metatabellene." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Eksporter zip", |
"desc": "Eksporter prosjektets metadata til Zip-fil og last ned." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importer zip", |
"desc": "Importer metadata om prosjekt fra Zip-fil og start på nytt." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Nullstill", |
"desc": "Fjern alle metadata fra metatabeller." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Visninger", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Rutenett", |
"gallery": "Galleri", |
"calendar": "Kalender", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Skjema" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Moje projekty", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Odśwież projekty", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nowy projekt", |
"subtext_1": "Utwórz", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Utwórz nowy projekt", |
"subtext_2": "Utwórz przez podłączenie <br> do zewnętrznej bazy danych", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Obsługuje MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Utwórz projekt z szablonu", |
"from_excel": "Utwórz projekt z Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Szukaj projektu", |
"import_metadata": "Importuj metadane", |
"export_metadata": "Eksportuj metadane", |
"clear_metadata": "Wyczyść metadane", |
"stop_project": "Zatrzymaj projekt", |
"start_project": "Rozpocznij projekt.", |
"restart_project": "Restartuj projekt", |
"delete_project": "Usuń Projekt.", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Dostępne przez API Graphql", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Dostępne przez API REST", |
"project_empty_message": "Zacznij od tworzenia nowego projektu", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importuj projekt NOCODB, przesyłając plik zip metadanych" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Gwiazda", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "My na Github.", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Zarezerwuj darmowe demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Odpowiedzi na pytania", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Dołącz do Discord.", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Dołącz /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Śledź NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Twoje wyszukiwanie dla {search}, nie znaleziono żadnych wyników" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Edytuj projekt.", |
"create": "Utwórz projekt" |
}, |
"project_name": "Wprowadź nazwę projektu.", |
"project_type": "Dostęp do projektu przez", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Zapisz Projekt", |
"update_and_restart": "Aktualizuj i uruchom ponownie", |
"cancel": "Anuluj", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Anuluj i wróć" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Poświadczenia bazy danych.", |
"db_type": "Typ bazy danych.", |
"sqlite_file": "Plik sqlite.", |
"host_address": "Adres hosta", |
"port": "Numer portu", |
"username": "Nazwa użytkownika", |
"password": "Hasło", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Baza danych: Utwórz, jeśli nie istnieje", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testowe połączenie bazy danych.", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Usuń bazę danych ze środowiska" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "Parametry SSL i zaawansowane", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Klucz klienta", |
"toolip": "Wybierz plik .key." |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Cert Client.", |
"toolip": "Wybierz plik .Cert." |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Serwer ca.", |
"toolip": "Wybierz plik CA." |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferowany", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Nie", |
"preferred": "Preferowany", |
"required": "Wymagany", |
"requried_ca": "Wymagany-ca.", |
"requried_identity": "Wymagana tożsamość" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Nazwa tabeli", |
"column_name": "Fleksja - Nazwa kolumny" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Edytuj połączenie JSON." |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Nieprawidłowy znak na ścieżce folderu.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Nieprawidłowe poświadczenia bazy danych.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Nie można połączyć się z bazą danych, sprawdź swoją bazę danych.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Użytkownik nie istnieje ani nie ma wystarczającej zgody na tworzenie schematu." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Utwórz projekt |. NOCODB." |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Połączenie udane", |
"failure": "Błąd połączenia:" |
} |
}, |
"myProject": "", |
"newProj": "", |
"dbCredentials": "", |
"advancedParameters": "", |
"headCreateProject": "", |
"headLogin": "", |
"resetPassword": "", |
"appStore": "", |
"team&auth": "", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "", |
"projMeta": "", |
"metaMgmt": "", |
"audit": "", |
"auditLogs": "", |
"userMgmt": "", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "", |
"rolesMgmt": "", |
"metaOperations": "" |
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"activity": { |
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"createProjectExtended": { |
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"startProject": "", |
"restartProject": "", |
"deleteProject": "", |
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"createProject": "", |
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"removeDbFromEnv": "", |
"editConnJson": "", |
"sendEmail": "", |
"settings": "", |
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"resetReview": "", |
"copyView": "", |
"renameView": "", |
"deleteView": "", |
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"ListView": "", |
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"import": "", |
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"no": "", |
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"msg": { |
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"projectEmptyMessage": "", |
"importText": "", |
"apiOptions": "", |
"dbConnected": "", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "brak nowych powiadomień", |
"clear": "Jasne" |
} |
"no_new": "", |
"clear": "" |
}, |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "", |
"enterPassword": "", |
"forgotPassword": "", |
"dontHaveAccount": "", |
"superAdmin": "", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "" |
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"loginMsg": "", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "", |
"message_2": "", |
"success": "" |
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"onlyCreator": "", |
"addView": { |
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"kanban": "", |
"form": "" |
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"privateLink": "", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "", |
"afterEnablePwd": "", |
"exportZip": "", |
"importZip": "" |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "ZALOGUJ SIĘ", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Wpisz swój adres e-mail", |
"enter_your_password": "Wprowadź hasło", |
"forget_password": "Zapomniałeś hasła ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Nie masz konta?", |
"sign_up": "Zapisać się", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "Email jest wymagany", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Adres email musi być poprawny", |
"passwd_required": "Wymagane jest hasło", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Użytkownik musi być co najmniej 8 znaków" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Zaloguj się | NOCODB.", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Zaloguj się do NOCODB", |
"name": "Zaloguj się do NOCODB", |
"content": "Zaloguj się do NOCODB" |
} |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Zresetuj swoje hasło", |
"message_1": "Podaj adres e-mail użyty podczas podpisania.", |
"message_2": "Wyślemy Ci wiadomość e-mail z linkiem, aby zresetować hasło.", |
"success": "Sprawdź swój adres e-mail, aby zresetować hasło", |
"button": "WYSŁAĆ EMAIL" |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "", |
"invalidChar": "", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "", |
"emailInvalid": "", |
"passwdRequired": "", |
"passwdLength": "" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "ZAPISZ SIĘ", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Będziesz \"super admin\"", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Posiadasz już konto ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Ustawienia", |
"tooltip": "Tylko widoczne dla twórcy" |
}, |
"app_store": "Sklep z aplikacjami", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth.", |
"tooltip": "Role i zarządzanie użytkownikami" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Metadane projektu.", |
"tooltip": "Meta Management." |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Rewizja", |
"tooltip": "Dziennik kontroli" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Podgląd AS.", |
"reset_review": "Zresetuj podgląd" |
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"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Wyświetlenia", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Widok kopiowania", |
"rename": "Zmień nazwę", |
"delete": "Usuń widok." |
}, |
"title": "Utwórz widok", |
"caption": "Tylko widoczne dla twórcy", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Siatka", |
"create": "Dodaj widok siatki" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galeria", |
"create": "Dodaj widok galerii." |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalendarz", |
"create": "Dodaj widok kalendarza" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban.", |
"create": "Dodaj widok Kanban." |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formularz", |
"create": "Dodaj widok formy" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "", |
"starUs2": "", |
"bookDemo": "", |
"getAnswered": "", |
"joinDiscord": "", |
"joinReddit": "", |
"followNocodb": "" |
}, |
"dbType": "", |
"sqliteFile": "", |
"hostAddress": "", |
"port": "", |
"username": "", |
"password": "", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "", |
"clientKey": "", |
"clientCert": "", |
"serverCA": "", |
"requriedCa": "", |
"requriedIdentity": "", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "", |
"columnName": "" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Widok udostępniania", |
"views_list": "Lista widoków", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopiuj adres URL API." |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Ten widok jest współdzielony przez prywatny link", |
"body": "Ludzie z prywatnym ogniwem mogą widzieć tylko komórki widoczne w tym widoku", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Ogranicz dostęp do hasła", |
"option2": "Dostęp jest ograniczony hasłem" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Podaj hasło", |
"button": "Zapisz hasło" |
} |
"enter": "", |
"save": "" |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Zarządzanie użytkownikami", |
"api": "Zarządzanie Tokeny API.", |
"roles": "Zarządzanie rólami" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operacje metadanych", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Eksportuj do pliku.", |
"desc": "Eksportuj wszystkie metadane z tabel meta do meta katalogu." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Import", |
"desc": "Importuj wszystkie metadane z meta katalogu do tabel meta." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Eksportuj Zip.", |
"desc": "Eksportuj projekt Meta do pliku zip i pobrać." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importuj Zip.", |
"desc": "Importuj projekt Meta Meta Zip i uruchom ponownie." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Resetowanie", |
"desc": "Wyczyść wszystkie metadane z stołów meta." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "", |
"gallery": "", |
"calendar": "", |
"kanban": "", |
"form": "" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Os meus Projectos", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Actualizar Projectos", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Novo Projecto", |
"subtext_1": "Criar", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Criar um novo projecto", |
"subtext_2": "Criar por Ligação <br>a Base de Dados Externa", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Suporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Criar projeto do modelo", |
"from_excel": "Criar projeto do Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Procurar Projecto", |
"import_metadata": "Importar Metadados", |
"export_metadata": "Exportar Metadados", |
"clear_metadata": "Limpar Metadados", |
"stop_project": "Parar Projecto", |
"start_project": "Iniciar Projecto", |
"restart_project": "Reiniciar Projecto", |
"delete_project": "Apagar Projecto", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Acessível por GraphQL APIs", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Acessível por REST APIs", |
"project_empty_message": "Comece por criar um projecto novo", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importar projecto NocoDB por carregamento de ficheiro zip de metadados" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Estrela", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "nós no Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Marque uma DEMONSTRAÇÃO gratuita", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Obtenha resposta às suas questões", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Junte-se ao Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Junte-se /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Siga NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "A sua pesquisa por {search} não encontrou resultados" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Editar Projecto", |
"create": "Criar Projecto" |
}, |
"project_name": "Introduzir Nome de Projecto", |
"project_type": "Aceder ao Projecto por", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Guardar Projecto", |
"update_and_restart": "Actualizar & Reiniciar", |
"myProject": "Os meus Projectos", |
"newProj": "Novo Projecto", |
"dbCredentials": "Credenciais da Base de Dados", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & parâmetros avançados", |
"headCreateProject": "Criar Projecto | Noco", |
"headLogin": "Autentique-se | Noco", |
"resetPassword": "Redefina a sua palavra-passe", |
"appStore": "Loja de Aplicações", |
"team&auth": "Equipa & Autenticação", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Papéis & Gestão de Utilizadores", |
"projMeta": "Metadados do Projecto", |
"metaMgmt": "Gestão de Metadados", |
"audit": "Auditoria", |
"auditLogs": "Log de auditoria", |
"userMgmt": "Gestão de Utilizadores", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Gestão de Tokens API Tokens", |
"rolesMgmt": "Gestão de papéis", |
"metaOperations": "Operações com Metadados" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Actualizar Projectos", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Criar por Ligação <br>a Base de Dados Externa", |
"template": "Criar projeto do modelo", |
"excel": "Criar projeto do Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Procurar Projecto", |
"importMetadata": "Importar Metadados", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportar Metadados", |
"clearMetadata": "Limpar Metadados", |
"stopProject": "Parar Projecto", |
"startProject": "Iniciar Projecto", |
"restartProject": "Reiniciar Projecto", |
"deleteProject": "Apagar Projecto", |
"editProject": "Editar Projecto", |
"createProject": "Criar Projecto", |
"saveProject": "Guardar Projecto", |
"testDbConn": "Testar ligação à Base de Dados", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Remover Base de Dados do ambiente", |
"editConnJson": "Editar ligação JSON", |
"sendEmail": "ENVIAR EMAIL", |
"settings": "Definições", |
"previewAs": "Pré-visualizar como", |
"resetReview": "Redefinir pré-visualização", |
"copyView": "Copiar vista", |
"renameView": "Renomear vista", |
"deleteView": "Apagar vista", |
"createView": "Criar uma vista", |
"shareView": "Partilhar Vista", |
"ListView": "Lista de Vistas", |
"copyApiURL": "Copiar URL da API", |
"exportToFile": "Exportar para ficheiro", |
"import": "Importar", |
"exportZip": "Exportar zip", |
"importZip": "Importar zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Criar", |
"cancel": "Cancelar", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Cancelar e voltar" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Credenciais da Base de Dados", |
"db_type": "Tipo de Base de Dados", |
"sqlite_file": "Ficheiro SQLite", |
"host_address": "Endereço do servidor", |
"port": "Número da Porta", |
"username": "Utilizador", |
"password": "Palavra-passe", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Base de Dados : criar se não existir", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testar ligação à Base de Dados", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Remover Base de Dados do ambiente" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & parâmetros avançados", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Chave do Cliente", |
"toolip": "Seleccione ficheiro .key" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Certificado do Cliente", |
"toolip": "Seleccione ficheiro .cert" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "CA do Servidor", |
"toolip": "Seleccione ficheiro CA" |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferido", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Não", |
"preferred": "Preferido", |
"required": "Obrigatório", |
"requried_ca": "Obrigatório-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Obrigatório-IDENTIDADE" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflexão - Nome da Tabela", |
"column_name": "Inflexão - Nome da Coluna" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Editar ligação JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Caracter inválido no caminho da pasta.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Credenciais de Base de Dados inválidas.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Incapaz de ligar à Base de Dados, por favor verifique que esta se encontra operacional.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "O Utilizador não existe ou não tem privilégios suficientes para criar o esquema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Criar Projecto | Noco" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "A ligação foi bem sucedida", |
"failure": "A ligação falhou:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "AUTENTIQUE-SE", |
"signUp": "Registe-se", |
"reset": "Redefinir" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Criar um novo projecto", |
"extDB": "Suporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Acessível por GraphQL APIs", |
"apiRest": "Acessível por REST APIs", |
"updateRestart": "Actualizar & Reiniciar", |
"cancelReturn": "Cancelar e voltar", |
"clientKey": "Seleccione ficheiro .key", |
"clientCert": "Seleccione ficheiro .cert", |
"clientCA": "Seleccione ficheiro CA", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas para um directório de metadados.", |
"importMetadata": "Importar todos os metadados do directório de metadados para as meta-tabelas.", |
"clearMetadata": "Limpar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Comece por criar um projecto novo", |
"importText": "Importar projecto NocoDB por carregamento de ficheiro zip de metadados", |
"apiOptions": "Aceder ao Projecto por", |
"dbConnected": "A ligação foi bem sucedida", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Sem novas notificações", |
"clear": "Limpar" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "AUTENTIQUE-SE", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Introduza o seu Email de trabalho", |
"enter_your_password": "Introduza a sua palavra-passe", |
"forget_password": "Esqueceu-se da palavra-passe ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Não tem uma conta ?", |
"sign_up": "Registe-se", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "O Email é obrigatório", |
"email_must_be_valid": "O Email deve ser válido", |
"passwd_required": "A Palavra-passe é obrigatória", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "A sua palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Autentique-se | Noco", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Autentique-se no Noco", |
"name": "Autentique-se no Noco", |
"content": "Autentique-se no Noco" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Introduza o seu Email de trabalho", |
"enterPassword": "Introduza a sua palavra-passe", |
"forgotPassword": "Esqueceu-se da palavra-passe ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Não tem uma conta ?", |
"superAdmin": "Será o 'Super Administrador'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Já tem uma conta ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Redefina a sua palavra-passe", |
"loginMsg": "Autentique-se no Noco", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Por favor introduza o email que utilizou para se registar.", |
"message_2": "Enviar-lhe-emos um email com uma ligação para redefinir a sua palavra-passe.", |
"success": "Por favor verifique o seu email para redefinir a palavra-passe", |
"button": "ENVIAR EMAIL" |
"success": "Por favor verifique o seu email para redefinir a palavra-passe" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Apenas visível para o Criador", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Adicionar vista de grelha", |
"gallery": "Adicionar vista de galeria", |
"calendar": "Adicionar vista de calendário", |
"kanban": "Adicionar vista de Kanban", |
"form": "Adicionar vista de formulário" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Esta vista é partilhada através de uma ligação privada", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "As pessoas com acesso à ligação privada só podem ver as células visíveis nesta vista", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restringir acesso com uma palavra-passe", |
"afterEnablePwd": "O acesso está protegido por uma palavra-passe", |
"exportZip": "Exportar metadados do projecto para ficheiro zip e descarregar.", |
"importZip": "Importar ficheiro zip de metadados do projecto e reiniciar." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "A sua pesquisa por {search} não encontrou resultados", |
"invalidChar": "Caracter inválido no caminho da pasta.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenciais de Base de Dados inválidas.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Incapaz de ligar à Base de Dados, por favor verifique que esta se encontra operacional.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "O Utilizador não existe ou não tem privilégios suficientes para criar o esquema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "A ligação falhou:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "O Email é obrigatório", |
"emailInvalid": "O Email deve ser válido", |
"passwdRequired": "A Palavra-passe é obrigatória", |
"passwdLength": "A sua palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "REGISTE-SE", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Será o 'Super Administrador'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Já tem uma conta ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Definições", |
"tooltip": "Apenas visível para o Criador" |
}, |
"app_store": "Loja de Aplicações", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Equipa & Autenticação", |
"tooltip": "Papéis & Gestão de Utilizadores" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Metadados do Projecto", |
"tooltip": "Gestão de Metadados" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Auditoria", |
"tooltip": "Log de auditoria" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Pré-visualizar como", |
"reset_review": "Redefinir pré-visualização" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Vistas", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Copiar vista", |
"rename": "Renomear vista", |
"delete": "Apagar vista" |
}, |
"title": "Criar uma vista", |
"caption": "Apenas visível para o Criador", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grelha", |
"create": "Adicionar vista de grelha" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galeria", |
"create": "Adicionar vista de galeria" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Calendário", |
"create": "Adicionar vista de calendário" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Adicionar vista de Kanban" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formulário", |
"create": "Adicionar vista de formulário" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Estrela", |
"starUs2": "nós no Github", |
"bookDemo": "Marque uma DEMONSTRAÇÃO gratuita", |
"getAnswered": "Obtenha resposta às suas questões", |
"joinDiscord": "Junte-se ao Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Junte-se /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Siga NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Tipo de Base de Dados", |
"sqliteFile": "Ficheiro SQLite", |
"hostAddress": "Endereço do servidor", |
"port": "Número da Porta", |
"username": "Utilizador", |
"password": "Palavra-passe", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Base de Dados : criar se não existir", |
"clientKey": "Chave do Cliente", |
"clientCert": "Certificado do Cliente", |
"serverCA": "CA do Servidor", |
"requriedCa": "Obrigatório-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Obrigatório-IDENTIDADE", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflexão - Nome da Tabela", |
"columnName": "Inflexão - Nome da Coluna" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Partilhar Vista", |
"views_list": "Lista de Vistas", |
"copy_api_url": "Copiar URL da API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Esta vista é partilhada através de uma ligação privada", |
"body": "As pessoas com acesso à ligação privada só podem ver as células visíveis nesta vista", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Restringir acesso com uma palavra-passe", |
"option2": "O acesso está protegido por uma palavra-passe" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Introduzir Nome de Projecto", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Introduza a palavra-passe", |
"button": "Guarde a palavra-passe" |
"enter": "Introduza a palavra-passe", |
"save": "Guarde a palavra-passe" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Gestão de Utilizadores", |
"api": "Gestão de Tokens API Tokens", |
"roles": "Gestão de papéis" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operações com Metadados", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Exportar para ficheiro", |
"desc": "Exportar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas para um directório de metadados." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importar", |
"desc": "Importar todos os metadados do directório de metadados para as meta-tabelas." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Exportar zip", |
"desc": "Exportar metadados do projecto para ficheiro zip e descarregar." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importar zip", |
"desc": "Importar ficheiro zip de metadados do projecto e reiniciar." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Redefinir", |
"desc": "Limpar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Vistas", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grelha", |
"gallery": "Galeria", |
"calendar": "Calendário", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Formulário" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Os meus Projetos", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Atualizar Projetos", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Novo Projeto", |
"subtext_1": "Criar", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Criar um novo projeto", |
"subtext_2": "Criar por Conexão <br>a Base de Dados Externa", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Suporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Criar projeto do modelo", |
"from_excel": "Criar projeto do Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Procurar Projeto", |
"import_metadata": "Importar Metadados", |
"export_metadata": "Exportar Metadados", |
"clear_metadata": "Limpar Metadados", |
"stop_project": "Parar Projeto", |
"start_project": "Iniciar Projeto", |
"restart_project": "Reiniciar Projeto", |
"delete_project": "Apagar Projeto", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Acessível por GraphQL APIs", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Acessível por REST APIs", |
"project_empty_message": "Comece criando um novo projeto", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importar projeto NocoDB por upload de arquivo zip de metadata" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Estrela", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "nós no Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Marque uma DEMONSTRAÇÃO gratuita", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Obtenha resposta às suas perguntas", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Junte-se ao Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Junte-se /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Siga NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "A sua pesquisa por {search} não encontrou resultados" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Editar Projeto", |
"create": "Criar Projeto" |
}, |
"project_name": "Insira o nome do projeto", |
"project_type": "Acesse o projeto via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Salvar projeto", |
"update_and_restart": "Atualizar & Reiniciar", |
"myProject": "Os meus Projetos", |
"newProj": "Novo Projeto", |
"dbCredentials": "Credenciais da Base de Dados", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & parâmetros avançados", |
"headCreateProject": "Criar Projeto | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Autentique-se | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "Redefina a sua senha", |
"appStore": "Loja de Aplicações", |
"team&auth": "Time & Autenticação", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Papéis & Gestão de Usuários", |
"projMeta": "Metadados do Projeto", |
"metaMgmt": "Gestão de Metadados", |
"audit": "Auditoria", |
"auditLogs": "Log de auditoria", |
"userMgmt": "Gestão de Usuários", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Gestão de Tokens API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Gestão de papéis", |
"metaOperations": "Operações com Metadados" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Atualizar Projetos", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Criar por Conexão <br>a Base de Dados Externa", |
"template": "Criar projeto do modelo", |
"excel": "Criar projeto do Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Procurar Projeto", |
"importMetadata": "Importar Metadados", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportar Metadados", |
"clearMetadata": "Limpar Metadados", |
"stopProject": "Parar Projeto", |
"startProject": "Iniciar Projeto", |
"restartProject": "Reiniciar Projeto", |
"deleteProject": "Apagar Projeto", |
"editProject": "Editar Projeto", |
"createProject": "Criar Projeto", |
"saveProject": "Salvar projeto", |
"testDbConn": "Testar conexão à Base de Dados", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Remover Base de Dados do ambiente", |
"editConnJson": "Editar conexão JSON", |
"sendEmail": "ENVIAR EMAIL", |
"settings": "Configurações", |
"previewAs": "Pré-visualizar como", |
"resetReview": "Redefinir pré-visualização", |
"copyView": "Copiar vizualização", |
"renameView": "Renomear vizualização", |
"deleteView": "Apagar vizualização", |
"createView": "Criar uma vizualização", |
"shareView": "Compartilhar Vizualização", |
"ListView": "Lista de Vizualizações", |
"copyApiURL": "Copiar URL da API", |
"exportToFile": "Exportar para arquivo", |
"import": "Importar", |
"exportZip": "Exportar zip", |
"importZip": "Importar zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Criar", |
"cancel": "Cancelar", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Cancelar e voltar" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Credenciais da Base de Dados", |
"db_type": "Tipo de Base de Dados", |
"sqlite_file": "Arquivo SQLite", |
"host_address": "Endereço do servidor", |
"port": "Número da Porta", |
"username": "Usuário", |
"password": "Senha", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Base de Dados : criar se não existir", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testar conexão à Base de Dados", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Remover Base de Dados do ambiente" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL & parâmetros avançados", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Chave do Cliente", |
"toolip": "Selecione arquivo .key" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Certificado do Cliente", |
"toolip": "Selecione arquivo .cert" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "CA do Servidor", |
"toolip": "Selecione arquivo CA" |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferencial", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Não", |
"preferred": "Preferencial", |
"required": "Obrigatório", |
"requried_ca": "Obrigatório-CA", |
"requried_identity": "Obrigatório-IDENTIDADE" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Inflexão - Nome da Tabela", |
"column_name": "Inflexão - Nome da Coluna" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Editar conexão JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Caracter inválido no caminho da pasta.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Credenciais de Base de Dados inválidas.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Incapaz de ligar à Base de Dados, por favor verifique que esta se encontra operacional.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "O Utilizador não existe ou não tem privilégios suficientes para criar o esquema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Criar Projeto | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "A conexão foi bem sucedida", |
"failure": "A conexão falhou:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "AUTENTIQUE-SE", |
"signUp": "Registe-se", |
"reset": "Redefinir" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Criar um novo projeto", |
"extDB": "Suporta MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Acessível por GraphQL APIs", |
"apiRest": "Acessível por REST APIs", |
"updateRestart": "Atualizar & Reiniciar", |
"cancelReturn": "Cancelar e voltar", |
"clientKey": "Selecione arquivo .key", |
"clientCert": "Selecione arquivo .cert", |
"clientCA": "Selecione arquivo CA", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas para um diretório de metadados.", |
"importMetadata": "Importar todos os metadados do diretório de metadados para as meta-tabelas.", |
"clearMetadata": "Limpar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Comece criando um novo projeto", |
"importText": "Importar projeto NocoDB por upload de arquivo zip de metadata", |
"apiOptions": "Acesse o projeto via", |
"dbConnected": "A conexão foi bem sucedida", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Sem novas notificações", |
"clear": "Limpar" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "AUTENTIQUE-SE", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Insira o seu Email de trabalho", |
"enter_your_password": "Insira a sua senha", |
"forget_password": "Esqueceu-se da senha ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Não tem uma conta ?", |
"sign_up": "Registe-se", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "O Email é obrigatório", |
"email_must_be_valid": "O Email deve ser válido", |
"passwd_required": "A Palavra-passe é obrigatória", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "A sua palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Autentique-se | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Autentique-se no Noco", |
"name": "Autentique-se no Noco", |
"content": "Autentique-se no Noco" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Insira o seu Email de trabalho", |
"enterPassword": "Insira a sua senha", |
"forgotPassword": "Esqueceu-se da senha ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Não tem uma conta ?", |
"superAdmin": "Será o 'Super Administrador'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Já tem uma conta ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Redefina a sua senha", |
"loginMsg": "Autentique-se no Noco", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Por favor insira o email que utilizou para se registar.", |
"message_2": "Enviaremos um email com uma link para redefinir a sua senha.", |
"success": "Por favor verifique o seu email para redefinir a senha", |
"button": "ENVIAR EMAIL" |
"success": "Por favor verifique o seu email para redefinir a senha" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Apenas visível para o Criador", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Adicionar vizualização de grade", |
"gallery": "Adicionar vizualização de galeria", |
"calendar": "Adicionar vizualização de calendário", |
"kanban": "Adicionar vizualização de Kanban", |
"form": "Adicionar vizualização de formulário" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Esta vizualização é compartilhada através de uma conexão privada", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "As pessoas com acesso a conexão privada só podem ver as células visíveis nesta vizualização", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restringir acesso com uma senha", |
"afterEnablePwd": "O acesso está protegido por uma senha", |
"exportZip": "Exportar metadados do projeto para arquivo zip e fazer o download.", |
"importZip": "Importar arquivo zip de metadados do projeto e reiniciar." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "A sua pesquisa por {search} não encontrou resultados", |
"invalidChar": "Caracter inválido no caminho da pasta.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Credenciais de Base de Dados inválidas.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Incapaz de ligar à Base de Dados, por favor verifique que esta se encontra operacional.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "O Utilizador não existe ou não tem privilégios suficientes para criar o esquema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "A conexão falhou:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "O Email é obrigatório", |
"emailInvalid": "O Email deve ser válido", |
"passwdRequired": "A Palavra-passe é obrigatória", |
"passwdLength": "A sua palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 caracteres" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "REGISTE-SE", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Será o 'Super Administrador'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Já tem uma conta ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Configurações", |
"tooltip": "Apenas visível para o Criador" |
}, |
"app_store": "Loja de Aplicações", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Time & Autenticação", |
"tooltip": "Papéis & Gestão de Usuários" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Metadados do Projeto", |
"tooltip": "Gestão de Metadados" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Auditoria", |
"tooltip": "Log de auditoria" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Pré-visualizar como", |
"reset_review": "Redefinir pré-visualização" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Vizualizações", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Copiar vizualização", |
"rename": "Renomear vizualização", |
"delete": "Apagar vizualização" |
}, |
"title": "Criar uma vizualização", |
"caption": "Apenas visível para o Criador", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Grade", |
"create": "Adicionar vizualização de grade" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galeria", |
"create": "Adicionar vizualização de galeria" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Calendário", |
"create": "Adicionar vizualização de calendário" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Adicionar vizualização de Kanban" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Formulário", |
"create": "Adicionar vizualização de formulário" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Estrela", |
"starUs2": "nós no Github", |
"bookDemo": "Marque uma DEMONSTRAÇÃO gratuita", |
"getAnswered": "Obtenha resposta às suas perguntas", |
"joinDiscord": "Junte-se ao Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Junte-se /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Siga NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Tipo de Base de Dados", |
"sqliteFile": "Arquivo SQLite", |
"hostAddress": "Endereço do servidor", |
"port": "Número da Porta", |
"username": "Usuário", |
"password": "Senha", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Base de Dados : criar se não existir", |
"clientKey": "Chave do Cliente", |
"clientCert": "Certificado do Cliente", |
"serverCA": "CA do Servidor", |
"requriedCa": "Obrigatório-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Obrigatório-IDENTIDADE", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflexão - Nome da Tabela", |
"columnName": "Inflexão - Nome da Coluna" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Compartilhar Vizualização", |
"views_list": "Lista de Vizualizações", |
"copy_api_url": "Copiar URL da API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Esta vizualização é compartilhada através de uma conexão privada", |
"body": "As pessoas com acesso a conexão privada só podem ver as células visíveis nesta vizualização", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Restringir acesso com uma senha", |
"option2": "O acesso está protegido por uma senha" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Insira o nome do projeto", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Insira a senha", |
"button": "Salve a senha" |
"enter": "Insira a senha", |
"save": "Salve a senha" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Gestão de Usuários", |
"api": "Gestão de Tokens API", |
"roles": "Gestão de papéis" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operações com Metadados", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Exportar para arquivo", |
"desc": "Exportar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas para um diretório de metadados." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importar", |
"desc": "Importar todos os metadados do diretório de metadados para as meta-tabelas." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Exportar zip", |
"desc": "Exportar metadados do projeto para arquivo zip e fazer o download." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importar zip", |
"desc": "Importar arquivo zip de metadados do projeto e reiniciar." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Redefinir", |
"desc": "Limpar todos os metadados das meta-tabelas." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Vizualizações", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grade", |
"gallery": "Galeria", |
"calendar": "Calendário", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Formulário" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Мои проекты", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Обновить проекты", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Новый проект", |
"subtext_1": "Создавать", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Создать новый проект", |
"subtext_2": "Создать, подключение к внешней базе данных", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Поддерживает MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Создать проект от шаблона", |
"from_excel": "Создать проект из Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Поиск проекта", |
"import_metadata": "Импорт метаданных", |
"export_metadata": "Экспорт метаданных", |
"clear_metadata": "Очистить метаданные", |
"stop_project": "Остановить проект", |
"start_project": "Начать проект", |
"restart_project": "Перезапустить проект", |
"delete_project": "Удалить проект", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Доступно через APIS-APIS", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Доступен через APIS-APIS", |
"project_empty_message": "Начните, создавая новый проект", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Импортировать проект NOCODB, загрузка ZIP-файла метаданных" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Звезда", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "США на Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Забронировать бесплатное демо", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Получите ответы на ваши вопросы", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Присоединиться к", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Присоединиться /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Следуйте NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Ваш поиск {поиск} не нашел результатов" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Редактировать проект", |
"create": "Создать проект" |
}, |
"project_name": "Введите название проекта", |
"project_type": "Доступ проекта через", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Сохранить проект", |
"update_and_restart": "Обновление и перезапуск", |
"myProject": "Мои проекты", |
"newProj": "Новый проект", |
"dbCredentials": "Учетные данные базы данных", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL и расширенные параметры", |
"headCreateProject": "Создать проект |. NOCODB", |
"headLogin": "Войти |. NOCODB", |
"resetPassword": "Сбросить пароль", |
"appStore": "Магазин приложений", |
"team&auth": "Команда & auth.", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Роли и управление пользователями", |
"projMeta": "Метаданные проекта", |
"metaMgmt": "Мета Управление", |
"audit": "Ревизия", |
"auditLogs": "Журнал аудита", |
"userMgmt": "Управление пользователями", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Управление токенами API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Роли управления", |
"metaOperations": "Метаданные операции" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Обновить проекты", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Создать, подключение к внешней базе данных", |
"template": "Создать проект от шаблона", |
"excel": "Создать проект из Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Поиск проекта", |
"importMetadata": "Импорт метаданных", |
"exportMetadata": "Экспорт метаданных", |
"clearMetadata": "Очистить метаданные", |
"stopProject": "Остановить проект", |
"startProject": "Начать проект", |
"restartProject": "Перезапустить проект", |
"deleteProject": "Удалить проект", |
"editProject": "Редактировать проект", |
"createProject": "Создать проект", |
"saveProject": "Сохранить проект", |
"testDbConn": "Тестовая база данных подключения", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Удалить базу данных из среды", |
"editConnJson": "Редактировать соединение JSON", |
"sendEmail": "Отправить письмо", |
"settings": "Настройки", |
"previewAs": "Предварительный просмотр как", |
"resetReview": "Сброс предварительного просмотра", |
"copyView": "Скопировать просмотр", |
"renameView": "Переименовать Взгляд", |
"deleteView": "Удалить просмотр", |
"createView": "Создать представление", |
"shareView": "Поделиться обзором", |
"ListView": "Список просмотров", |
"copyApiURL": "Скопируйте URL API", |
"exportToFile": "Экспорт в файл", |
"import": "Импортировать", |
"exportZip": "Экспорт молнии", |
"importZip": "Импорт молнии" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Создавать", |
"cancel": "Отмена", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Отмена и возврата" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Учетные данные базы данных", |
"db_type": "Тип базы данных", |
"sqlite_file": "Sqlite file.", |
"host_address": "Адрес хоста", |
"port": "Номер порта", |
"username": "Имя пользователя", |
"password": "Пароль", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "База данных: создать, если не существует", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Тестовая база данных подключения", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Удалить базу данных из среды" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL и расширенные параметры", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Ключ клиента", |
"toolip": "Выберите .key file." |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Client Cert.", |
"toolip": "Выберите .cert file." |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Сервер ca.", |
"toolip": "Выберите CA файл" |
}, |
"preferred": "Предпочтительнее", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Нет", |
"preferred": "Предпочтительнее", |
"required": "Необходимый", |
"requried_ca": "Требуется-ок", |
"requried_identity": "Требуемая идентичность" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Перегиба - имя таблицы", |
"column_name": "Перегиба - имя столбца" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Редактировать соединение JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Неверный символ в пути папки.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Неверные учетные данные базы данных.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Невозможно подключиться к базе данных, пожалуйста, проверьте вашу базу данных.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Пользователь не существует или имеет достаточное разрешение на создание схемы." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Создать проект |. NOCODB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Соединение было успешным", |
"failure": "Сбой соединения:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "ВОЙТИ", |
"signUp": "Зарегистрироваться", |
"reset": "Сброс настроек" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Создать новый проект", |
"extDB": "Поддерживает MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"apiGQL": "Доступно через APIS-APIS", |
"apiRest": "Доступен через APIS-APIS", |
"updateRestart": "Обновление и перезапуск", |
"cancelReturn": "Отмена и возврата", |
"clientKey": "Выберите .key file.", |
"clientCert": "Выберите .cert file.", |
"clientCA": "Выберите CA файл", |
"exportMetadata": "Экспортируйте все метаданные из металогической таблицы в металворитель META.", |
"importMetadata": "Импортируйте все метаданные из метадата META на металогические таблицы.", |
"clearMetadata": "Очистите все метаданные из металоги." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Начните, создавая новый проект", |
"importText": "Импортировать проект NOCODB, загрузка ZIP-файла метаданных", |
"apiOptions": "Доступ проекта через", |
"dbConnected": "Соединение было успешным", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Нет новых уведомлений", |
"clear": "Прозрачный" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "ВОЙТИ", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Введите свою работу по электронной почте", |
"enter_your_password": "Введите ваш пароль", |
"forget_password": "Забыли свой пароль ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "У вас нет аккаунта?", |
"sign_up": "Зарегистрироваться", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail требуется", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Электронная почта должна быть действительной", |
"passwd_required": "необходим пароль", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Вас пароль должен быть по крайней мере 8 символов" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Войти |. NOCODB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Войдите в NoCodb", |
"name": "Войдите в NoCodb", |
"content": "Войдите в NoCodb" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Введите свою работу по электронной почте", |
"enterPassword": "Введите ваш пароль", |
"forgotPassword": "Забыли свой пароль ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "У вас нет аккаунта?", |
"superAdmin": "Вы будете «супер админ»", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Уже есть аккаунт?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Сбросить пароль", |
"loginMsg": "Войдите в NoCodb", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Пожалуйста, укажите адрес электронной почты, который вы использовали, когда вы зарегистрировались.", |
"message_2": "Мы вышлем вам электронное письмо со ссылкой на сброс вашего пароля.", |
"success": "Пожалуйста, проверьте вашу электронную почту, чтобы сбросить пароль", |
"button": "Отправить письмо" |
"success": "Пожалуйста, проверьте вашу электронную почту, чтобы сбросить пароль" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Видно только для создателя", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Добавить сетку", |
"gallery": "Добавить галерею Взгляд", |
"calendar": "Добавить календарь Взгляд", |
"kanban": "Добавить Kanban View.", |
"form": "Добавить вид на вид" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Этот взгляд совместно используется через личную ссылку", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Люди с частной ссылкой могут видеть только видимые клетки в этой точке зрения", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Ограничить доступ с паролем", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Доступ - это пароль ограничен", |
"exportZip": "Экспорт проекта META на Zip-файл и загрузка.", |
"importZip": "Импорт проекта META ZIP-файл и перезапуск." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Ваш поиск {поиск} не нашел результатов", |
"invalidChar": "Неверный символ в пути папки.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Неверные учетные данные базы данных.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Невозможно подключиться к базе данных, пожалуйста, проверьте вашу базу данных.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Пользователь не существует или имеет достаточное разрешение на создание схемы.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Сбой соединения:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail требуется", |
"emailInvalid": "Электронная почта должна быть действительной", |
"passwdRequired": "необходим пароль", |
"passwdLength": "Вас пароль должен быть по крайней мере 8 символов" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Вы будете «супер админ»", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Уже есть аккаунт?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Настройки", |
"tooltip": "Видно только для создателя" |
}, |
"app_store": "Магазин приложений", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Команда & auth.", |
"tooltip": "Роли и управление пользователями" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Метаданные проекта", |
"tooltip": "Мета Управление" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Ревизия", |
"tooltip": "Журнал аудита" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Предварительный просмотр как", |
"reset_review": "Сброс предварительного просмотра" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Просмотры", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Скопировать просмотр", |
"rename": "Переименовать Взгляд", |
"delete": "Удалить просмотр" |
}, |
"title": "Создать представление", |
"caption": "Видно только для создателя", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Сетка", |
"create": "Добавить сетку" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Галерея", |
"create": "Добавить галерею Взгляд" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Календарь", |
"create": "Добавить календарь Взгляд" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Канбан", |
"create": "Добавить Kanban View." |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Форма", |
"create": "Добавить вид на вид" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Звезда", |
"starUs2": "США на Github", |
"bookDemo": "Забронировать бесплатное демо", |
"getAnswered": "Получите ответы на ваши вопросы", |
"joinDiscord": "Присоединиться к", |
"joinReddit": "Присоединиться /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Следуйте NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Тип базы данных", |
"sqliteFile": "Sqlite file.", |
"hostAddress": "Адрес хоста", |
"port": "Номер порта", |
"username": "Имя пользователя", |
"password": "Пароль", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "База данных: создать, если не существует", |
"clientKey": "Ключ клиента", |
"clientCert": "Client Cert.", |
"serverCA": "Сервер ca.", |
"requriedCa": "Требуется-ок", |
"requriedIdentity": "Требуемая идентичность", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Перегиба - имя таблицы", |
"columnName": "Перегиба - имя столбца" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Поделиться обзором", |
"views_list": "Список просмотров", |
"copy_api_url": "Скопируйте URL API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Этот взгляд совместно используется через личную ссылку", |
"body": "Люди с частной ссылкой могут видеть только видимые клетки в этой точке зрения", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Ограничить доступ с паролем", |
"option2": "Доступ - это пароль ограничен" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Введите название проекта", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Введите пароль", |
"button": "Сохранить пароль" |
"enter": "Введите пароль", |
"save": "Сохранить пароль" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Управление пользователями", |
"api": "Управление токенами API", |
"roles": "Роли управления" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Метаданные операции", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Экспорт в файл", |
"desc": "Экспортируйте все метаданные из металогической таблицы в металворитель META." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Импортировать", |
"desc": "Импортируйте все метаданные из метадата META на металогические таблицы." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Экспорт молнии", |
"desc": "Экспорт проекта META на Zip-файл и загрузка." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Импорт молнии", |
"desc": "Импорт проекта META ZIP-файл и перезапуск." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Сброс настроек", |
"desc": "Очистите все метаданные из металоги." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Просмотры", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Сетка", |
"gallery": "Галерея", |
"calendar": "Календарь", |
"kanban": "Канбан", |
"form": "Форма" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Moji projekti", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Osveži projekte", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Novi projekt", |
"subtext_1": "Ustvari", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Ustvari nov projekt", |
"subtext_2": "Ustvari s povezovanjem<br>z zunanjo bazo podatkov", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Podpira MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SqLite", |
"from_template": "Ustvarite projekt iz predlog", |
"from_excel": "Ustvarite projekt iz Excela" |
}, |
"search_project": "Poišči projekt", |
"import_metadata": "Uvozi metapodatkov", |
"export_metadata": "Izvozi metapodatkov", |
"clear_metadata": "Odstrani metapodatkov", |
"stop_project": "Ustavi projekt", |
"start_project": "Zaženi projekt", |
"restart_project": "Znova zaženi projekt", |
"delete_project": "Izbriši projekt", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Dostopen prek API-jev", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Dostopen prek REST API", |
"project_empty_message": "Začni z ustvarjanjem novega projekta", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Uvozi projekt NocoDB s nalaganjem metadata zip datoteko" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Zvezdi nas", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "na GitHub.", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Rezervirajte brezplačno demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Odgovorili na vaša vprašanja", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Pridružite se nam na Discord-u", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Pridružite se /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Sledite NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Vaše iskanje {search} ni dalo rezultatov" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Uredi projekt", |
"create": "Ustvari projek" |
}, |
"project_name": "Vnesite ime projekta", |
"project_type": "Dostopaj projekt prek", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Shrani projekt", |
"update_and_restart": "Posodobi in znova zaženi projekt", |
"myProject": "Moji projekti", |
"newProj": "Novi projekt", |
"dbCredentials": "Poverilnice baze podatkov", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL in napredni parametri", |
"headCreateProject": "Ustvari projekt | NocoDB.", |
"headLogin": "Prijava | Nocodb.", |
"resetPassword": "Ponastavi geslo", |
"appStore": "Trgovina z aplikacijami", |
"team&auth": "Ekipa in avtorizacija", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Upravljanje vlog in uporabnikov", |
"projMeta": "Projekt metapodatkov", |
"metaMgmt": "Upravljanje meta", |
"audit": "Revizija", |
"auditLogs": "Revizijski dnevnik", |
"userMgmt": "Upravljanje uporabnikov", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Upravljanje žetonov API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Upravljanje vlog", |
"metaOperations": "Operacije metapodatkov" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Osveži projekte", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Ustvari s povezovanjem<br>z zunanjo bazo podatkov", |
"template": "Ustvarite projekt iz predlog", |
"excel": "Ustvarite projekt iz Excela" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Poišči projekt", |
"importMetadata": "Uvozi metapodatkov", |
"exportMetadata": "Izvozi metapodatkov", |
"clearMetadata": "Odstrani metapodatkov", |
"stopProject": "Ustavi projekt", |
"startProject": "Zaženi projekt", |
"restartProject": "Znova zaženi projekt", |
"deleteProject": "Izbriši projekt", |
"editProject": "Uredi projekt", |
"createProject": "Ustvari projek", |
"saveProject": "Shrani projekt", |
"testDbConn": "Priključek za preskusno bazo podatkov", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Odstranite bazo podatkov iz okolja", |
"editConnJson": "Uredi povezavo JSON", |
"sendEmail": "POŠLJI SPOROČILO", |
"settings": "Nastavitve", |
"previewAs": "Predogled kot", |
"resetReview": "Ponastavi predogled", |
"copyView": "Kopiraj pogled", |
"renameView": "Preimenuj pogled", |
"deleteView": "Izbriši pogled", |
"createView": "Ustvari pogled", |
"shareView": "Deli pogled", |
"ListView": "Seznam pogledov", |
"copyApiURL": "Kopiraj API URL", |
"exportToFile": "Izvozi v datoteko", |
"import": "Uvozi", |
"exportZip": "Izvozi zip", |
"importZip": "Uvozi zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Ustvari", |
"cancel": "Prekliči", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Prekliči in vrni" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Poverilnice baze podatkov", |
"db_type": "Vrsta baze podatkov", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite datoteka", |
"host_address": "Naslov gostitelja", |
"port": "Številka vrat", |
"username": "Uporabniško ime", |
"password": "Geslo", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Baza podatkov: Ustvari, če ne obstaja", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Priključek za preskusno bazo podatkov", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Odstranite bazo podatkov iz okolja" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL in napredni parametri", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Odjemalski ključ", |
"toolip": "Izberi .key datoteko" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Potrdilo odjemalca", |
"toolip": "Izberi .cert datoteko" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Strežnik CA", |
"toolip": "Izberit CA datoteko" |
}, |
"preferred": "Prednost", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Ne", |
"preferred": "Prednost", |
"required": "Obvezno", |
"requried_ca": "Obvezni CA", |
"requried_identity": "Zahtevana identiteta" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Pregibanje - ime tabele", |
"column_name": "Pregibanje - ime stolpca" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Uredi povezavo JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Neveljaven znak v poti map.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Neveljavne poverilnice baze podatkov.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Ne morem se povezati z bazo podatkov, preverite bazo podatkov.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Uporabnik ne obstaja ali nima zadostnega dovoljenja za ustvarjanje sheme." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Ustvari projekt | NocoDB." |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Povezava je bila uspešna", |
"failure": "Povezava ni uspela:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "PRIJAVITI SE", |
"signUp": "Prijavite se", |
"reset": "Ponastavi" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Ustvari nov projekt", |
"extDB": "Podpira MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SqLite", |
"apiGQL": "Dostopen prek API-jev", |
"apiRest": "Dostopen prek REST API", |
"updateRestart": "Posodobi in znova zaženi projekt", |
"cancelReturn": "Prekliči in vrni", |
"clientKey": "Izberi .key datoteko", |
"clientCert": "Izberi .cert datoteko", |
"clientCA": "Izberit CA datoteko", |
"exportMetadata": "Izvozi vse metapodatke iz meta tabele v mapo meta.", |
"importMetadata": "Uvozi vse metapodatke iz meta mape v meta tabele.", |
"clearMetadata": "Počisti vse metapodatke iz meta tabel." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Začni z ustvarjanjem novega projekta", |
"importText": "Uvozi projekt NocoDB s nalaganjem metadata zip datoteko", |
"apiOptions": "Dostopaj projekt prek", |
"dbConnected": "Povezava je bila uspešna", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Ni novih obvestil", |
"clear": "Počisti" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "PRIJAVITI SE", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Vnesite svoje delovno e-pošto", |
"enter_your_password": "Vnesite svoje geslo", |
"forget_password": "Ste pozabili geslo ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Nimate računa?", |
"sign_up": "Prijavite se", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "Potrebna je e-pošta", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-pošta mora biti veljavna", |
"passwd_required": "zahtevano je geslo", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Geslo mora biti vsaj 8 znakov" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Prijava | Nocodb.", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Prijavite se v Nocodb", |
"name": "Prijavite se v Nocodb", |
"content": "Prijavite se v Nocodb" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Vnesite svoje delovno e-pošto", |
"enterPassword": "Vnesite svoje geslo", |
"forgotPassword": "Ste pozabili geslo ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Nimate računa?", |
"superAdmin": "Ti boš \"Super admin\"", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Že imate račun?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Ponastavi geslo", |
"loginMsg": "Prijavite se v Nocodb", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Navedite e-poštni naslov, ki ste ga uporabili, ko ste se prijavili.", |
"message_2": "Poslali vam bomo e-pošto s povezavo za ponastavitev gesla.", |
"success": "Preverite e-poštno sporočilo, da ponastavite geslo", |
"button": "POŠLJI SPOROČILO" |
"success": "Preverite e-poštno sporočilo, da ponastavite geslo" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Viden samo ustvarjalcu", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Dodaj mrežni pogled", |
"gallery": "Dodaj ogled galerije", |
"calendar": "Dodaj pogled koledarja", |
"kanban": "Dodaj pogled Kanban-a", |
"form": "Dodaj pogled obrazca" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Ta pogled je v skupni rabi prek zasebne povezave", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Ljudje z zasebno povezavo lahko vidijo le celice, ki so vidne v tem pogledu", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Omeji dostop z geslom", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Za dostop je potrebno geslo", |
"exportZip": "Izvozi meta projekta v datoteko zip in prenesi.", |
"importZip": "Uvozi projekt meta zip datoteko in znova zaženi." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Vaše iskanje {search} ni dalo rezultatov", |
"invalidChar": "Neveljaven znak v poti map.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Neveljavne poverilnice baze podatkov.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Ne morem se povezati z bazo podatkov, preverite bazo podatkov.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Uporabnik ne obstaja ali nima zadostnega dovoljenja za ustvarjanje sheme.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Povezava ni uspela:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "Potrebna je e-pošta", |
"emailInvalid": "E-pošta mora biti veljavna", |
"passwdRequired": "zahtevano je geslo", |
"passwdLength": "Geslo mora biti vsaj 8 znakov" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "PRIJAVITE SE", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Ti boš \"Super admin\"", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Že imate račun?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Nastavitve", |
"tooltip": "Viden samo ustvarjalcu" |
}, |
"app_store": "Trgovina z aplikacijami", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Ekipa in avtorizacija", |
"tooltip": "Upravljanje vlog in uporabnikov" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Projekt metapodatkov", |
"tooltip": "Upravljanje meta" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Revizija", |
"tooltip": "Revizijski dnevnik" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Predogled kot", |
"reset_review": "Ponastavi predogled" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Ogledi", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Kopiraj pogled", |
"rename": "Preimenuj pogled", |
"delete": "Izbriši pogled" |
}, |
"title": "Ustvari pogled", |
"caption": "Viden samo ustvarjalcu", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Mreža", |
"create": "Dodaj mrežni pogled" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galerija", |
"create": "Dodaj ogled galerije" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Koledar", |
"create": "Dodaj pogled koledarja" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Dodaj pogled Kanban-a" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Obrazec", |
"create": "Dodaj pogled obrazca" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Zvezdi nas", |
"starUs2": "na GitHub.", |
"bookDemo": "Rezervirajte brezplačno demo", |
"getAnswered": "Odgovorili na vaša vprašanja", |
"joinDiscord": "Pridružite se nam na Discord-u", |
"joinReddit": "Pridružite se /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Sledite NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Vrsta baze podatkov", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite datoteka", |
"hostAddress": "Naslov gostitelja", |
"port": "Številka vrat", |
"username": "Uporabniško ime", |
"password": "Geslo", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Baza podatkov: Ustvari, če ne obstaja", |
"clientKey": "Odjemalski ključ", |
"clientCert": "Potrdilo odjemalca", |
"serverCA": "Strežnik CA", |
"requriedCa": "Obvezni CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Zahtevana identiteta", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Pregibanje - ime tabele", |
"columnName": "Pregibanje - ime stolpca" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Deli pogled", |
"views_list": "Seznam pogledov", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopiraj API URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Ta pogled je v skupni rabi prek zasebne povezave", |
"body": "Ljudje z zasebno povezavo lahko vidijo le celice, ki so vidne v tem pogledu", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Omeji dostop z geslom", |
"option2": "Za dostop je potrebno geslo" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Vnesite ime projekta", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Vnesi geslo", |
"button": "Shrani geslo" |
"enter": "Vnesi geslo", |
"save": "Shrani geslo" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Upravljanje uporabnikov", |
"api": "Upravljanje žetonov API", |
"roles": "Upravljanje vlog" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Operacije metapodatkov", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Izvozi v datoteko", |
"desc": "Izvozi vse metapodatke iz meta tabele v mapo meta." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Uvozi", |
"desc": "Uvozi vse metapodatke iz meta mape v meta tabele." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Izvozi zip", |
"desc": "Izvozi meta projekta v datoteko zip in prenesi." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Uvozi zip", |
"desc": "Uvozi projekt meta zip datoteko in znova zaženi." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Ponastavi", |
"desc": "Počisti vse metapodatke iz meta tabel." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Ogledi", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Mreža", |
"gallery": "Galerija", |
"calendar": "Koledar", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Obrazec" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Mina projekt", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Uppdatera projekt", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Nytt projekt", |
"subtext_1": "Skapa", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Skapa ett nytt projekt", |
"subtext_2": "Skapa genom att ansluta <br> till en extern databas", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Stödjer MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "Skapa projekt från mall", |
"from_excel": "Skapa projekt från Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Sökprojekt", |
"import_metadata": "Importera metadata", |
"export_metadata": "Exportera metadata", |
"clear_metadata": "Rensa metadata", |
"stop_project": "Stoppa projektet", |
"start_project": "Startprojekt", |
"restart_project": "Starta om projektet", |
"delete_project": "Radera projekt", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Tillgänglig via GraphQL API", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Tillgänglig via REST API", |
"project_empty_message": "Kom igång med att skapa ett nytt projekt", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Importera NOCODB-projektet genom att ladda upp metadata zip-filen" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Stjärna", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "oss på github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Boka en gratis demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Få dina frågor besvarade", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Gå med i Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Gå med /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Följ NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Din sökning efter {Sök} har inga resultat" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Redigera projekt", |
"create": "Skapa projekt" |
}, |
"project_name": "Ange projektnamn", |
"project_type": "Åtkomstprojekt via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Spara projekt", |
"update_and_restart": "Uppdatering och omstart", |
"myProject": "Mina projekt", |
"newProj": "Nytt projekt", |
"dbCredentials": "Databasuppgifter", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL och avancerade parametrar", |
"headCreateProject": "Skapa projekt | Nocodb", |
"headLogin": "Logga in | Nocodb", |
"resetPassword": "Återställ ditt lösenord", |
"appStore": "Appbutik", |
"team&auth": "Team & Auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roller och användarhantering", |
"projMeta": "Projektmetadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Metahantering", |
"audit": "Granska", |
"auditLogs": "Revisionslogg", |
"userMgmt": "Användarhantering", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokens Management", |
"rolesMgmt": "Roller hantering", |
"metaOperations": "Metadataoperationer" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Uppdatera projekt", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Skapa genom att ansluta <br> till en extern databas", |
"template": "Skapa projekt från mall", |
"excel": "Skapa projekt från Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Sökprojekt", |
"importMetadata": "Importera metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportera metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Rensa metadata", |
"stopProject": "Stoppa projektet", |
"startProject": "Startprojekt", |
"restartProject": "Starta om projektet", |
"deleteProject": "Radera projekt", |
"editProject": "Redigera projekt", |
"createProject": "Skapa projekt", |
"saveProject": "Spara projekt", |
"testDbConn": "Testdatabasanslutning", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Ta bort databasen från miljö", |
"editConnJson": "Redigera anslutning JSON", |
"sendEmail": "SKICKA EPOST", |
"settings": "inställningar", |
"previewAs": "Förhandsgranskning som", |
"resetReview": "Återställ förhandsgranskning", |
"copyView": "Kopiera", |
"renameView": "Byt namn på", |
"deleteView": "Radera syn", |
"createView": "Skapa en vy", |
"shareView": "Visa vy", |
"ListView": "Visningar lista", |
"copyApiURL": "Kopiera API-URL", |
"exportToFile": "Exportera till fil", |
"import": "Importera", |
"exportZip": "Exportera zip", |
"importZip": "Importera zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Skapa", |
"cancel": "Avbryt", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Avbryt och returnera" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Databasuppgifter", |
"db_type": "Databas typ", |
"sqlite_file": "Sqlite-fil", |
"host_address": "Värdadress", |
"port": "Portnummer", |
"username": "Användarnamn", |
"password": "Lösenord", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "Databas: Skapa om det inte finns", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Testdatabasanslutning", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Ta bort databasen från miljö" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL och avancerade parametrar", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Klientnyckel", |
"toolip": "Välj. Key-filen" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Klientcert", |
"toolip": "Välj .cert-fil" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Server ca", |
"toolip": "Välj CA-fil" |
}, |
"preferred": "Föredraget", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Nej", |
"preferred": "Föredraget", |
"required": "Nödvändig", |
"requried_ca": "Krävs-ca", |
"requried_identity": "Obligatorisk identitet" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Böjning - tabellnamn", |
"column_name": "Böjning - Kolumnnamn" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Redigera anslutning JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Ogiltigt tecken i mappbanan.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Ogiltiga databasuppgifter.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Det går inte att ansluta till databasen, kolla din databas är upp.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Användaren existerar inte eller har tillräcklig tillåtelse att skapa schema." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Skapa projekt | Nocodb" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "Anslutningen var framgångsrik", |
"failure": "Anslutningsfel:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "LOGGA IN", |
"signUp": "Bli Medlem", |
"reset": "Återställa" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Skapa ett nytt projekt", |
"extDB": "Stödjer MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "Tillgänglig via GraphQL API", |
"apiRest": "Tillgänglig via REST API", |
"updateRestart": "Uppdatering och omstart", |
"cancelReturn": "Avbryt och returnera", |
"clientKey": "Välj. Key-filen", |
"clientCert": "Välj .cert-fil", |
"clientCA": "Välj CA-fil", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportera alla metadata från meta-tabellerna till metakatalogen.", |
"importMetadata": "Importera alla metadata från metakatalogen till meta-tabeller.", |
"clearMetadata": "Rensa alla metadata från meta-tabeller." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Kom igång med att skapa ett nytt projekt", |
"importText": "Importera NOCODB-projektet genom att ladda upp metadata zip-filen", |
"apiOptions": "Åtkomstprojekt via", |
"dbConnected": "Anslutningen var framgångsrik", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Inga nya meddelanden", |
"clear": "Klar" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "LOGGA IN", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Ange ditt jobb E-post", |
"enter_your_password": "Ange ditt lösenord", |
"forget_password": "Glömt ditt lösenord ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Har du inget konto?", |
"sign_up": "Bli Medlem", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-post krävs", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Email måste vara giltig", |
"passwd_required": "lösenord krävs", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Du lösenord måste vara minst 8 tecken" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Logga in | Nocodb", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Logga in på NocodB", |
"name": "Logga in på NocodB", |
"content": "Logga in på NocodB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Ange ditt jobb E-post", |
"enterPassword": "Ange ditt lösenord", |
"forgotPassword": "Glömt ditt lösenord ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Har du inget konto?", |
"superAdmin": "Du kommer att vara \"Super Admin\"", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Har du redan ett konto ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Återställ ditt lösenord", |
"loginMsg": "Logga in på NocodB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Vänligen ange den e-postadress du använde när du anmält dig.", |
"message_2": "Vi skickar dig ett mail med en länk för att återställa ditt lösenord.", |
"success": "Kontrollera din email för att återställa lösenordet", |
"button": "SKICKA EPOST" |
"success": "Kontrollera din email för att återställa lösenordet" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Bara synlig för skaparen", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Lägg till rutnät", |
"gallery": "Lägg till Gallery View", |
"calendar": "Lägg till kalendervisning", |
"kanban": "Lägg till Kanban View", |
"form": "Lägg till formulärvy" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Denna uppfattning delas via en privat länk", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Människor med privat länk kan bara se celler synliga i den här vyn", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Begränsa åtkomsten med ett lösenord", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Åtkomst är lösenordsbegränsad", |
"exportZip": "Exportera projekt Meta till ZIP-fil och nedladdning.", |
"importZip": "Importera projekt Meta Zip-fil och starta om." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Din sökning efter {Sök} har inga resultat", |
"invalidChar": "Ogiltigt tecken i mappbanan.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Ogiltiga databasuppgifter.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Det går inte att ansluta till databasen, kolla din databas är upp.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Användaren existerar inte eller har tillräcklig tillåtelse att skapa schema.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Anslutningsfel:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-post krävs", |
"emailInvalid": "Email måste vara giltig", |
"passwdRequired": "lösenord krävs", |
"passwdLength": "Du lösenord måste vara minst 8 tecken" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "BLI MEDLEM", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Du kommer att vara \"Super Admin\"", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Har du redan ett konto ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "inställningar", |
"tooltip": "Bara synlig för skaparen" |
}, |
"app_store": "Appbutik", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Team & Auth", |
"tooltip": "Roller och användarhantering" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Projektmetadata", |
"tooltip": "Metahantering" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Granska", |
"tooltip": "Revisionslogg" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Förhandsgranskning som", |
"reset_review": "Återställ förhandsgranskning" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Åsikter", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Kopiera", |
"rename": "Byt namn på", |
"delete": "Radera syn" |
}, |
"title": "Skapa en vy", |
"caption": "Bara synlig för skaparen", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Rutnät", |
"create": "Lägg till rutnät" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Galleri", |
"create": "Lägg till Gallery View" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Kalender", |
"create": "Lägg till kalendervisning" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Kanban", |
"create": "Lägg till Kanban View" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Form", |
"create": "Lägg till formulärvy" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Stjärna", |
"starUs2": "oss på github", |
"bookDemo": "Boka en gratis demo", |
"getAnswered": "Få dina frågor besvarade", |
"joinDiscord": "Gå med i Discord", |
"joinReddit": "Gå med /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Följ NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Databas typ", |
"sqliteFile": "Sqlite-fil", |
"hostAddress": "Värdadress", |
"port": "Portnummer", |
"username": "Användarnamn", |
"password": "Lösenord", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Databas: Skapa om det inte finns", |
"clientKey": "Klientnyckel", |
"clientCert": "Klientcert", |
"serverCA": "Server ca", |
"requriedCa": "Krävs-ca", |
"requriedIdentity": "Obligatorisk identitet", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Böjning - tabellnamn", |
"columnName": "Böjning - Kolumnnamn" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Visa vy", |
"views_list": "Visningar lista", |
"copy_api_url": "Kopiera API-URL" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Denna uppfattning delas via en privat länk", |
"body": "Människor med privat länk kan bara se celler synliga i den här vyn", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Begränsa åtkomsten med ett lösenord", |
"option2": "Åtkomst är lösenordsbegränsad" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Ange projektnamn", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Ange lösenordet", |
"button": "Spara lösenord" |
"enter": "Ange lösenordet", |
"save": "Spara lösenord" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Användarhantering", |
"api": "API Tokens Management", |
"roles": "Roller hantering" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Metadataoperationer", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Exportera till fil", |
"desc": "Exportera alla metadata från meta-tabellerna till metakatalogen." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Importera", |
"desc": "Importera alla metadata från metakatalogen till meta-tabeller." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Exportera zip", |
"desc": "Exportera projekt Meta till ZIP-fil och nedladdning." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Importera zip", |
"desc": "Importera projekt Meta Zip-fil och starta om." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Återställa", |
"desc": "Rensa alla metadata från meta-tabeller." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Åsikter", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Rutnät", |
"gallery": "Galleri", |
"calendar": "Kalender", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"form": "Form" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "Мої проекти", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "Оновити проекти", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "Новий проект", |
"subtext_1": "Створювати", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "Створіть новий проект", |
"subtext_2": "Створити шляхом підключення - до зовнішньої бази даних", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "Підтримує MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"from_template": "Створити проект з шаблону", |
"from_excel": "Створити проект з Excel" |
}, |
"search_project": "Пошуковий проект", |
"import_metadata": "Імпорт метаданих", |
"export_metadata": "Експортні метадані", |
"clear_metadata": "Очистити метадані", |
"stop_project": "Зупинити проект", |
"start_project": "Запуск проекту", |
"restart_project": "Restart Project", |
"delete_project": "Видалити проект", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "Доступно через Apis GraphQL", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "Доступні за допомогою Apis", |
"project_empty_message": "Початок роботи, створюючи новий проект", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "Імпортуйте проект NOCODB за допомогою завантаження ZIP-файлу METADATA" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "Зірка", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "нас на github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Забронюйте безкоштовну демонстрацію", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "Отримайте відповіді на запитання", |
"show_community_join_discord": "Приєднуватися", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "Приєднатися /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Слідувати NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "Ваш пошук {пошук} не знайдено жодних результатів" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "Редагувати проект", |
"create": "Створити проект" |
}, |
"project_name": "Введіть назву проекту", |
"project_type": "Доступ до проекту через", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "Зберегти проект", |
"update_and_restart": "Оновлення та перезавантаження", |
"myProject": "Мої проекти", |
"newProj": "Новий проект", |
"dbCredentials": "Дані бази даних", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL і розширені параметри", |
"headCreateProject": "Створити проект | Нокодб", |
"headLogin": "Вхід | Нокодб", |
"resetPassword": "Скинути пароль", |
"appStore": "App Store", |
"team&auth": "Команда та автор", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Ролі та управління користувачами", |
"projMeta": "Метадані проекту", |
"metaMgmt": "Метаерство", |
"audit": "Аудит", |
"auditLogs": "Аудит журнал", |
"userMgmt": "Управління користувачами", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "Управління токенами API", |
"rolesMgmt": "Ролі управління", |
"metaOperations": "Операції метаданих" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "Оновити проекти", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Створити шляхом підключення - до зовнішньої бази даних", |
"template": "Створити проект з шаблону", |
"excel": "Створити проект з Excel" |
}, |
"searchProject": "Пошуковий проект", |
"importMetadata": "Імпорт метаданих", |
"exportMetadata": "Експортні метадані", |
"clearMetadata": "Очистити метадані", |
"stopProject": "Зупинити проект", |
"startProject": "Запуск проекту", |
"restartProject": "Restart Project", |
"deleteProject": "Видалити проект", |
"editProject": "Редагувати проект", |
"createProject": "Створити проект", |
"saveProject": "Зберегти проект", |
"testDbConn": "Тестова база даних", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Видалити базу даних з навколишнього середовища", |
"editConnJson": "Редагувати підключення JSON", |
"sendEmail": "ВІДПРАВИТИ ЛИСТ", |
"settings": "Налаштування", |
"previewAs": "Попередній перегляд як", |
"resetReview": "Скидання попереднього перегляду", |
"copyView": "Перегляд копіювання", |
"renameView": "Перейменування перегляду", |
"deleteView": "Видалити вигляд", |
"createView": "Створіть вигляд", |
"shareView": "Вид", |
"ListView": "Перегляди переглядів", |
"copyApiURL": "Копіювати URL-адресу API", |
"exportToFile": "Експортувати до файлу", |
"import": "Імпортувати", |
"exportZip": "Експорт Zip", |
"importZip": "Імпорт ZIP" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "Створювати", |
"cancel": "Скасувати", |
"cancel_tooltip": "Скасувати і повернутися" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "Дані бази даних", |
"db_type": "Тип бази даних", |
"sqlite_file": "Файл sqlite", |
"host_address": "Адреса хоста", |
"port": "Номер порту", |
"username": "Ім'я користувача", |
"password": "Пароль", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "База даних: створити, якщо не існує", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "Тестова база даних", |
"remove_db_from_env": "Видалити базу даних з навколишнього середовища" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL і розширені параметри", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "Клієнтський ключ", |
"toolip": "Виберіть файл .Key" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "Клієнтський сертифікат", |
"toolip": "Виберіть файл .cert" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "Сервер", |
"toolip": "Виберіть файл CA" |
}, |
"preferred": "Переважний", |
"usage": { |
"no": "Немає", |
"preferred": "Переважний", |
"required": "вимагається", |
"requried_ca": "Необхідний", |
"requried_identity": "Обов'язкова ідентичність" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "Перехрестя - Назва таблиці", |
"column_name": "Перехрестя - Назва стовпців" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "Редагувати підключення JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "Недійсний символ у папці.", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "Неправильні облікові дані бази даних.", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "Неможливо підключитися до бази даних, перевірте свою базу даних.", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "Користувач не існує або має достатній дозвіл на створення схеми." |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Створити проект | Нокодб" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "З'єднання було успішним", |
"failure": "Невдача з'єднання:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "УВІЙТИ", |
"signUp": "Зареєструватися", |
"reset": "Скидання" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "Створіть новий проект", |
"extDB": "Підтримує MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & Sqlite", |
"apiGQL": "Доступно через Apis GraphQL", |
"apiRest": "Доступні за допомогою Apis", |
"updateRestart": "Оновлення та перезавантаження", |
"cancelReturn": "Скасувати і повернутися", |
"clientKey": "Виберіть файл .Key", |
"clientCert": "Виберіть файл .cert", |
"clientCA": "Виберіть файл CA", |
"exportMetadata": "Експортуйте всі метадані з мета-таблиць до каталогу Meta.", |
"importMetadata": "Імпортуйте всі метадані з мета-каталогу до металів.", |
"clearMetadata": "Очистити всі метадані з мета-таблиць." |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Початок роботи, створюючи новий проект", |
"importText": "Імпортуйте проект NOCODB за допомогою завантаження ZIP-файлу METADATA", |
"apiOptions": "Доступ до проекту через", |
"dbConnected": "З'єднання було успішним", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "Немає нових повідомлень", |
"clear": "Ясний" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "УВІЙТИ", |
"enter_your_work_email": "Введіть свою роботу електронної пошти", |
"enter_your_password": "Введіть ваш пароль", |
"forget_password": "Забули свій пароль ?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "Не маєте облікового запису?", |
"sign_up": "Зареєструватися", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "Потрібна електронна пошта", |
"email_must_be_valid": "Електронна пошта повинна бути дійсним", |
"passwd_required": "Необхідний пароль", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "Пароль повинен бути принаймні 8 символів" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "Вхід | Нокодб", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "Увійдіть до Nocodb", |
"name": "Увійдіть до Nocodb", |
"content": "Увійдіть до Nocodb" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "Введіть свою роботу електронної пошти", |
"enterPassword": "Введіть ваш пароль", |
"forgotPassword": "Забули свій пароль ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Не маєте облікового запису?", |
"superAdmin": "Ви будете \"супер адміністратором\"", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Вже є аккаунт ?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "Скинути пароль", |
"loginMsg": "Увійдіть до Nocodb", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Вкажіть адресу електронної пошти, яку ви використовували, коли ви зареєструвалися.", |
"message_2": "Ми надішлемо вам електронний лист із посиланням, щоб скинути пароль.", |
"success": "Перевірте свою електронну пошту, щоб скинути пароль", |
"button": "ВІДПРАВИТИ ЛИСТ" |
"success": "Перевірте свою електронну пошту, щоб скинути пароль" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "Тільки видимий Творець", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Додайте вигляд сітки", |
"gallery": "Додайте вигляд галереї", |
"calendar": "Додайте вигляд календаря", |
"kanban": "Додати Kanban View", |
"form": "Додайте вид форми" |
}, |
"privateLink": "Цей вигляд поділяється за допомогою приватного посилання", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "Люди з приватним посиланням можуть бачити лише клітини, видимі на цій точці", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Обмежити доступ за допомогою пароля", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Доступ - це обмежений пароль", |
"exportZip": "Експортувати проект Meta до ZIP-файлу та завантаження.", |
"importZip": "Імпортувати проект Meta Zip-файл та перезапустіть." |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Ваш пошук {пошук} не знайдено жодних результатів", |
"invalidChar": "Недійсний символ у папці.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Неправильні облікові дані бази даних.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Неможливо підключитися до бази даних, перевірте свою базу даних.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "Користувач не існує або має достатній дозвіл на створення схеми.", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Невдача з'єднання:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "Потрібна електронна пошта", |
"emailInvalid": "Електронна пошта повинна бути дійсним", |
"passwdRequired": "Необхідний пароль", |
"passwdLength": "Пароль повинен бути принаймні 8 символів" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "Зареєструватися", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "Ви будете \"супер адміністратором\"", |
"already_ve_an_account": "Вже є аккаунт ?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "Налаштування", |
"tooltip": "Тільки видимий Творець" |
}, |
"app_store": "App Store", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "Команда та автор", |
"tooltip": "Ролі та управління користувачами" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "Метадані проекту", |
"tooltip": "Метаерство" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "Аудит", |
"tooltip": "Аудит журнал" |
}, |
"preview_as": "Попередній перегляд як", |
"reset_review": "Скидання попереднього перегляду" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "Вигляд", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "Перегляд копіювання", |
"rename": "Перейменування перегляду", |
"delete": "Видалити вигляд" |
}, |
"title": "Створіть вигляд", |
"caption": "Тільки видимий Творець", |
"grid": { |
"title": "Сітка", |
"create": "Додайте вигляд сітки" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "Галерея", |
"create": "Додайте вигляд галереї" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "Календар", |
"create": "Додайте вигляд календаря" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "Канбан", |
"create": "Додати Kanban View" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "Форма", |
"create": "Додайте вид форми" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Зірка", |
"starUs2": "нас на github", |
"bookDemo": "Забронюйте безкоштовну демонстрацію", |
"getAnswered": "Отримайте відповіді на запитання", |
"joinDiscord": "Приєднуватися", |
"joinReddit": "Приєднатися /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Слідувати NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "Тип бази даних", |
"sqliteFile": "Файл sqlite", |
"hostAddress": "Адреса хоста", |
"port": "Номер порту", |
"username": "Ім'я користувача", |
"password": "Пароль", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "База даних: створити, якщо не існує", |
"clientKey": "Клієнтський ключ", |
"clientCert": "Клієнтський сертифікат", |
"serverCA": "Сервер", |
"requriedCa": "Необхідний", |
"requriedIdentity": "Обов'язкова ідентичність", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Перехрестя - Назва таблиці", |
"columnName": "Перехрестя - Назва стовпців" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "Вид", |
"views_list": "Перегляди переглядів", |
"copy_api_url": "Копіювати URL-адресу API" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "Цей вигляд поділяється за допомогою приватного посилання", |
"body": "Люди з приватним посиланням можуть бачити лише клітини, видимі на цій точці", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "Обмежити доступ за допомогою пароля", |
"option2": "Доступ - це обмежений пароль" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Введіть назву проекту", |
"password": { |
"caption": "Введіть пароль", |
"button": "Зберегти пароль" |
"enter": "Введіть пароль", |
"save": "Зберегти пароль" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "Управління користувачами", |
"api": "Управління токенами API", |
"roles": "Ролі управління" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "Операції метаданих", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "Експортувати до файлу", |
"desc": "Експортуйте всі метадані з мета-таблиць до каталогу Meta." |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "Імпортувати", |
"desc": "Імпортуйте всі метадані з мета-каталогу до металів." |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "Експорт Zip", |
"desc": "Експортувати проект Meta до ZIP-файлу та завантаження." |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "Імпорт ZIP", |
"desc": "Імпортувати проект Meta Zip-файл та перезапустіть." |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "Скидання", |
"desc": "Очистити всі метадані з мета-таблиць." |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "Вигляд", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Сітка", |
"gallery": "Галерея", |
"calendar": "Календар", |
"kanban": "Канбан", |
"form": "Форма" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "我的项目", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "刷新项目", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "创建新项目", |
"subtext_1": "新建", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "新建一个项目", |
"subtext_2": "通过连接新建 <br>连接到外部数据库", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite", |
"from_template": "从模板创建项目", |
"from_excel": "从Excel创建项目" |
}, |
"search_project": "搜索项目", |
"import_metadata": "导入元数据", |
"export_metadata": "导出元数据", |
"clear_metadata": "清除元数据", |
"stop_project": "停止项目", |
"start_project": "开启项目", |
"restart_project": "重启项目", |
"delete_project": "删除项目", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "通过 GraphQL APIs 访问", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "通过 REST APIs 访问", |
"project_empty_message": "创建新项目开始使用", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "通过上传元数据 zip 文件导入 NocoDB 项目" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "点赞", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "我们在 Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "查看免费演示", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "通过这里让你的问题得到解答", |
"show_community_join_discord": "加入 Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "加入/r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "关注 NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "你的搜索: {search} 没有发现匹配的结果" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "编辑项目", |
"create": "创建项目" |
}, |
"project_name": "输入项目名称", |
"project_type": "访问项目通过", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "保存项目", |
"update_and_restart": "更新 & 重启", |
"myProject": "我的项目", |
"newProj": "创建新项目", |
"dbCredentials": "数据库链接凭证", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL 和高级参数", |
"headCreateProject": "新建项目 | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "登录 | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "重置密码", |
"appStore": "软件商店", |
"team&auth": "团队和认证", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "角色和用户管理", |
"projMeta": "项目基础信息", |
"metaMgmt": "项目基础信息管理", |
"audit": "审计", |
"auditLogs": "审计日志", |
"userMgmt": "用户账号管理", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API 令牌管理", |
"rolesMgmt": "角色管理", |
"metaOperations": "元数据操作" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "刷新项目", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "通过连接新建 <br>连接到外部数据库", |
"template": "从模板创建项目", |
"excel": "从Excel创建项目" |
}, |
"searchProject": "搜索项目", |
"importMetadata": "导入元数据", |
"exportMetadata": "导出元数据", |
"clearMetadata": "清除元数据", |
"stopProject": "停止项目", |
"startProject": "开启项目", |
"restartProject": "重启项目", |
"deleteProject": "删除项目", |
"editProject": "编辑项目", |
"createProject": "创建项目", |
"saveProject": "保存项目", |
"testDbConn": "测试数据库链接", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "从环境中删除数据库", |
"editConnJson": "编辑链接JSON", |
"sendEmail": "发送邮件", |
"settings": "设置", |
"previewAs": "预览", |
"resetReview": "重置预览", |
"copyView": "复制视图", |
"renameView": "重命名视图", |
"deleteView": "删除视图", |
"createView": "创建视图", |
"shareView": "分享视图", |
"ListView": "视图列表", |
"copyApiURL": "复制 API 链接", |
"exportToFile": "导出到文件", |
"import": "导入", |
"exportZip": "导出为zip格式", |
"importZip": "zip格式导入" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "新建", |
"cancel": "取消", |
"cancel_tooltip": "取消并返回" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "数据库链接凭证", |
"db_type": "数据库类型", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite 文件", |
"host_address": "服务器地址", |
"port": "端口号", |
"username": "用户名", |
"password": "密码", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "数据库 : 如果不存在则创建", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "测试数据库链接", |
"remove_db_from_env": "从环境中删除数据库" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL 和高级参数", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "客户端 Key", |
"toolip": "选择 .key 文件" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "客户端 Cert", |
"toolip": "选择 .cert 文件" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "服务器 CA", |
"toolip": "选择 CA 文件" |
}, |
"preferred": "Preferred", |
"usage": { |
"no": "No", |
"preferred": "Preferred", |
"required": "必填项", |
"requried_ca": "必填项-CA", |
"requried_identity": "必填项-IDENTITY" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "修改 - 表名", |
"column_name": "修改 - 列名" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "编辑链接JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "文件夹路径中的字符无效。", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "无效的数据库凭据。", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "无法连接到数据库,请检查您的数据库是否已启动。", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "用户不存在或具有创建架构的足够权限。" |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "新建项目 | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "连接成功", |
"failure": "连接失败:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "登录", |
"signUp": "注册", |
"reset": "重置" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "新建一个项目", |
"extDB": "支持 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "通过 GraphQL APIs 访问", |
"apiRest": "通过 REST APIs 访问", |
"updateRestart": "更新 & 重启", |
"cancelReturn": "取消并返回", |
"clientKey": "选择 .key 文件", |
"clientCert": "选择 .cert 文件", |
"clientCA": "选择 CA 文件", |
"exportMetadata": "从元数据表格导出所有元数据到元数据目录", |
"importMetadata": "从元数据目录导入所有的元数据到元数据表格", |
"clearMetadata": "在元数据表格中清楚所有元数据" |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "创建新项目开始使用", |
"importText": "通过上传元数据 zip 文件导入 NocoDB 项目", |
"apiOptions": "访问项目通过", |
"dbConnected": "连接成功", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "没有新通知", |
"clear": "清空" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "登录", |
"enter_your_work_email": "请输入您的工作邮箱", |
"enter_your_password": "请输入你的密码", |
"forget_password": "忘记密码?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "还没有注册账号?", |
"sign_up": "注册", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "邮箱必填", |
"email_must_be_valid": "邮箱格式无效", |
"passwd_required": "密码必填", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "您的密码必须至少为8个字符" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "登录 | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "登录到 NocoDB", |
"name": "登录到 NocoDB", |
"content": "登录到 NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "请输入您的工作邮箱", |
"enterPassword": "请输入你的密码", |
"forgotPassword": "忘记密码?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "还没有注册账号?", |
"superAdmin": "你将成为 '超级管理员'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "已有账号?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "重置密码", |
"loginMsg": "登录到 NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "请提供你注册时使用的电子邮件地址。", |
"message_2": "我们将向你发送一封电子邮件,邮件中包含重置密码的链接。", |
"success": "请检查你的邮箱以重置密码", |
"button": "发送邮件" |
"success": "请检查你的邮箱以重置密码" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "仅创建人可见", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "添加表格视图", |
"gallery": "添加画廊视图", |
"calendar": "添加日历视图", |
"kanban": "添加看板视图", |
"form": "添加表单视图" |
}, |
"privateLink": "此视图是通过私人链接共享的", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "拥有私人链接的人只能看到此视图中可见的单元格", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "使用密码限制访问", |
"afterEnablePwd": "访问受密码限制", |
"exportZip": "导出项目数据为 zip 格式并下载。", |
"importZip": "导入项目 zip 格式的元数据并重新启动。" |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "你的搜索: {search} 没有发现匹配的结果", |
"invalidChar": "文件夹路径中的字符无效。", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "无效的数据库凭据。", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "无法连接到数据库,请检查您的数据库是否已启动。", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "用户不存在或具有创建架构的足够权限。", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "连接失败:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "邮箱必填", |
"emailInvalid": "邮箱格式无效", |
"passwdRequired": "密码必填", |
"passwdLength": "您的密码必须至少为8个字符" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "注册", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "你将成为 '超级管理员'", |
"already_ve_an_account": "已有账号?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "设置", |
"tooltip": "仅创建人可见" |
}, |
"app_store": "软件商店", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "团队和认证", |
"tooltip": "角色和用户管理" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "项目基础信息", |
"tooltip": "项目基础信息管理" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "审计", |
"tooltip": "审计日志" |
}, |
"preview_as": "预览", |
"reset_review": "重置预览" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "视图", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "复制视图", |
"rename": "重命名视图", |
"delete": "删除视图" |
}, |
"title": "创建视图", |
"caption": "仅创建人可见", |
"grid": { |
"title": "表格", |
"create": "添加表格视图" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "画廊", |
"create": "添加画廊视图" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "日历", |
"create": "添加日历视图" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "看板", |
"create": "添加看板视图" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "表单", |
"create": "添加表单视图" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "点赞", |
"starUs2": "我们在 Github", |
"bookDemo": "查看免费演示", |
"getAnswered": "通过这里让你的问题得到解答", |
"joinDiscord": "加入 Discord", |
"joinReddit": "加入/r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "关注 NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "数据库类型", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite 文件", |
"hostAddress": "服务器地址", |
"port": "端口号", |
"username": "用户名", |
"password": "密码", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "数据库 : 如果不存在则创建", |
"clientKey": "客户端 Key", |
"clientCert": "客户端 Cert", |
"serverCA": "服务器 CA", |
"requriedCa": "必填项-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "必填项-IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "修改 - 表名", |
"columnName": "修改 - 列名" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "分享视图", |
"views_list": "视图列表", |
"copy_api_url": "复制 API 链接" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "此视图是通过私人链接共享的", |
"body": "拥有私人链接的人只能看到此视图中可见的单元格", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "使用密码限制访问", |
"option2": "访问受密码限制" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "输入项目名称", |
"password": { |
"caption": "输入密码", |
"button": "保存密码" |
"enter": "输入密码", |
"save": "保存密码" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "用户账号管理", |
"api": "API 令牌管理", |
"roles": "角色管理" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "元数据操作", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "导出到文件", |
"desc": "从元数据表格导出所有元数据到元数据目录" |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "导入", |
"desc": "从元数据目录导入所有的元数据到元数据表格" |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "导出为zip格式", |
"desc": "导出项目数据为 zip 格式并下载。" |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "zip格式导入", |
"desc": "导入项目 zip 格式的元数据并重新启动。" |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "重置", |
"desc": "在元数据表格中清楚所有元数据" |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "视图", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "表格", |
"gallery": "画廊", |
"calendar": "日历", |
"kanban": "看板", |
"form": "表单" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "我嘅Projects", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "重新整理", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "開新Project", |
"subtext_1": "駁內置嘅SQLite", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "駁內置嘅SQLite", |
"subtext_2": "駁External嘅DB", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "支援 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"from_template": "從模板創建項目", |
"from_excel": "從Excel創建項目" |
}, |
"search_project": "搵下啲Projects", |
"import_metadata": "import metadata", |
"export_metadata": "export metadata", |
"clear_metadata": "清metadata", |
"stop_project": "停Project", |
"start_project": "Start Project", |
"restart_project": "重開Project", |
"delete_project": "Del Project", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "可通過 GraphQL API 訪問", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "可通過 REST API 訪問", |
"project_empty_message": "開嗰新Project", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "通過上傳metadata zip 文件導入 NocoDB Project" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "比", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "喺 Github", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "Book個 free demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "讓您的問題得到解答", |
"show_community_join_discord": "加入 Discord", |
"show_community_join_reddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "Fol下NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "搵唔到有關 {search}" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "改Project", |
"create": "開新Project" |
}, |
"project_name": "入Project名", |
"project_type": "Access Project via", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "save Project", |
"update_and_restart": "改完再重開", |
"myProject": "我嘅Projects", |
"newProj": "開新Project", |
"dbCredentials": "數據庫憑據", |
"advancedParameters": "安全證書及高級參數", |
"headCreateProject": "開新Project | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "登入 | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "reset你嗰密碼", |
"appStore": "應用商店", |
"team&auth": "團隊&auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "角色和用戶管理", |
"projMeta": "項目元數據", |
"metaMgmt": "元管理", |
"audit": "審計", |
"auditLogs": "審計日誌", |
"userMgmt": "用戶管理", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokens 管理", |
"rolesMgmt": "Roles 管理", |
"metaOperations": "元數據操作" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "重新整理", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "駁External嘅DB", |
"template": "從模板創建項目", |
"excel": "從Excel創建項目" |
}, |
"searchProject": "搵下啲Projects", |
"importMetadata": "import metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "export metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "清metadata", |
"stopProject": "停Project", |
"startProject": "Start Project", |
"restartProject": "重開Project", |
"deleteProject": "Del Project", |
"editProject": "改Project", |
"createProject": "開新Project", |
"saveProject": "save Project", |
"testDbConn": "駁下DB通唔通", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "從環境中delete DB", |
"editConnJson": "編輯連接 JSON.", |
"sendEmail": "發電子郵件", |
"settings": "設置", |
"previewAs": "預覽", |
"resetReview": "重置預覽", |
"copyView": "複製視圖", |
"renameView": "重命名視圖", |
"deleteView": "刪除視圖", |
"createView": "創建一個視圖", |
"shareView": "分享視圖", |
"ListView": "觀點列表", |
"copyApiURL": "複製API URL.", |
"exportToFile": "導出到文件", |
"import": "導出去file", |
"exportZip": "export去 zip", |
"importZip": "import去 zip" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "駁內置嘅SQLite", |
"cancel": "取消", |
"cancel_tooltip": "取消及返回" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "數據庫憑據", |
"db_type": "數據庫類型", |
"sqlite_file": "sqlite 文件", |
"host_address": "主機地址", |
"port": "端口號碼", |
"username": "用戶名稱", |
"password": "密碼", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "數據庫:創建如果不存在", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "駁下DB通唔通", |
"remove_db_from_env": "從環境中delete DB" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "安全證書及高級參數", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "client條key", |
"toolip": "揀 .key file" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "client張cert", |
"toolip": "揀 .cert file" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "服務器 CA", |
"toolip": "揀 CA file" |
}, |
"preferred": "首選", |
"usage": { |
"no": "不", |
"preferred": "首選", |
"required": "必填", |
"requried_ca": "必填卡", |
"requried_identity": "必要的身份" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "拐點 - 表名", |
"column_name": "拐點 - 列名稱" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "編輯連接 JSON." |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "文件夾路徑中的字符無效。", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "數據庫憑據無效。", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "無法連接數據庫,請檢查您的數據庫已啟動。", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "用戶不存在或具有足夠的權限來創建架構。" |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "開新Project | NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "駁到", |
"failure": "駁唔到:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "登入", |
"signUp": "Reg個AC", |
"reset": "重啟" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "駁內置嘅SQLite", |
"extDB": "支援 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "可通過 GraphQL API 訪問", |
"apiRest": "可通過 REST API 訪問", |
"updateRestart": "改完再重開", |
"cancelReturn": "取消及返回", |
"clientKey": "揀 .key file", |
"clientCert": "揀 .cert file", |
"clientCA": "揀 CA file", |
"exportMetadata": "將所有元數據從元表導出到Meta目錄。", |
"importMetadata": "將所有元數據從Meta目錄導入元表。", |
"clearMetadata": "清除元表中的所有元數據。" |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "開嗰新Project", |
"importText": "通過上傳metadata zip 文件導入 NocoDB Project", |
"apiOptions": "Access Project via", |
"dbConnected": "駁到", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "冇新notications", |
"clear": "清咗佢" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "登入", |
"enter_your_work_email": "入你嘅email", |
"enter_your_password": "入你嘅密碼", |
"forget_password": "唔記得密碼?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "無AC?", |
"sign_up": "Reg個AC", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "E-mail 必須填", |
"email_must_be_valid": "E-mail 唔valid", |
"passwd_required": "密碼必須填", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "你嗰密碼至少要8個字" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "登入 | NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "登入 NocoDB", |
"name": "登入 NocoDB", |
"content": "登入 NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "入你嘅email", |
"enterPassword": "入你嘅密碼", |
"forgotPassword": "唔記得密碼?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "無AC?", |
"superAdmin": "你會喺超級admin", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "已經有AC?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "reset你嗰密碼", |
"loginMsg": "登入 NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "用番你reg果陣果嗰email", |
"message_2": "我們將向您發送一封電子郵件,其中包含重置密碼的鏈接。", |
"success": "請檢查您的電子郵件以重置密碼", |
"button": "發電子郵件" |
"success": "請檢查您的電子郵件以重置密碼" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "僅創作者可見", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "添加網格視圖", |
"gallery": "添加圖庫視圖", |
"calendar": "添加日曆視圖", |
"kanban": "添加Kanban View.", |
"form": "添加表單視圖" |
}, |
"privateLink": "此視圖通過私人鏈接共享", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "具有私有鏈接的人只能看到此視圖中可見的細胞", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "限制密碼訪問權限", |
"afterEnablePwd": "訪問是受限制的密碼", |
"exportZip": "將項目元導出到zip文件和下載。", |
"importZip": "導入項目元拉鍊文件並重新啟動。" |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "搵唔到有關 {search}", |
"invalidChar": "文件夾路徑中的字符無效。", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "數據庫憑據無效。", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "無法連接數據庫,請檢查您的數據庫已啟動。", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "用戶不存在或具有足夠的權限來創建架構。", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "駁唔到:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail 必須填", |
"emailInvalid": "E-mail 唔valid", |
"passwdRequired": "密碼必須填", |
"passwdLength": "你嗰密碼至少要8個字" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "註冊", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "你會喺超級admin", |
"already_ve_an_account": "已經有AC?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "設置", |
"tooltip": "僅創作者可見" |
}, |
"app_store": "應用商店", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "團隊&auth", |
"tooltip": "角色和用戶管理" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "項目元數據", |
"tooltip": "元管理" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "審計", |
"tooltip": "審計日誌" |
}, |
"preview_as": "預覽", |
"reset_review": "重置預覽" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "意見", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "複製視圖", |
"rename": "重命名視圖", |
"delete": "刪除視圖" |
}, |
"title": "創建一個視圖", |
"caption": "僅對創造者可見", |
"grid": { |
"title": "網格", |
"create": "添加網格視圖" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "畫廊", |
"create": "添加圖庫視圖" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "日曆", |
"create": "添加日曆視圖" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "卡班", |
"create": "添加Kanban View." |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "形式", |
"create": "添加表單視圖" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "比", |
"starUs2": "喺 Github", |
"bookDemo": "Book個 free demo", |
"getAnswered": "讓您的問題得到解答", |
"joinDiscord": "加入 Discord", |
"joinReddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Fol下NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "數據庫類型", |
"sqliteFile": "sqlite 文件", |
"hostAddress": "主機地址", |
"port": "端口號碼", |
"username": "用戶名稱", |
"password": "密碼", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "數據庫:創建如果不存在", |
"clientKey": "client條key", |
"clientCert": "client張cert", |
"serverCA": "服務器 CA", |
"requriedCa": "必填卡", |
"requriedIdentity": "必要的身份", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "拐點 - 表名", |
"columnName": "拐點 - 列名稱" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "分享視圖", |
"views_list": "觀點列表", |
"copy_api_url": "複製API URL." |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "此視圖通過私人鏈接共享", |
"body": "具有私有鏈接的人只能看到此視圖中可見的細胞", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "限制密碼訪問權限", |
"option2": "訪問是受限制的密碼" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "入Project名", |
"password": { |
"caption": "輸入密碼", |
"button": "保存密碼" |
"enter": "輸入密碼", |
"save": "保存密碼" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "用戶管理", |
"api": "API Tokens 管理", |
"roles": "Roles 管理" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "元數據操作", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "導出到文件", |
"desc": "將所有元數據從元表導出到Meta目錄。" |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "導出去file", |
"desc": "將所有元數據從Meta目錄導入元表。" |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "export去 zip", |
"desc": "將項目元導出到zip文件和下載。" |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "import去 zip", |
"desc": "導入項目元拉鍊文件並重新啟動。" |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "重啟", |
"desc": "清除元表中的所有元數據。" |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "意見", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "網格", |
"gallery": "畫廊", |
"calendar": "日曆", |
"kanban": "卡班", |
"form": "形式" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,254 +1,181 @@
{ |
"projects": { |
"my_projects": "我的專案", |
"reload_projects_tooltip": "重新整理專案", |
"create_new_project_button": { |
"text": "建立新專案", |
"subtext_1": "建立", |
"subtext_1_tooltip": "建立新專案", |
"subtext_2": "連線至外部資料庫來建立", |
"subtext_2_tooltip": "支援 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite", |
"from_template": "從模板建立專案", |
"from_excel": "從 Excel 建立專案" |
}, |
"search_project": "搜尋專案", |
"import_metadata": "匯入中繼資料", |
"export_metadata": "匯出中繼資料", |
"clear_metadata": "清除中繼資料", |
"stop_project": "停止專案", |
"start_project": "啟動專案", |
"restart_project": "重啟專案", |
"delete_project": "刪除專案", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_graphql": "可透過 GraphQL API 存取", |
"project_api_type_tooltip_rest": "可透過 REST API 存取", |
"project_empty_message": "從建立新專案開始", |
"import_button": { |
"text": "透過上傳中繼資料 ZIP 檔案來匯入 NocoDB 專案" |
}, |
"show_community_star": "在 Github 上", |
"show_community_us_on_Github": "幫我們按讚", |
"show_community_book_a_free_demo": "預訂免費 Demo", |
"show_community_get_your_questions_answered": "解惑您的問題", |
"show_community_join_discord": "加入 Discord", |
"show_community_follow_reddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB", |
"show_community_follow_nocodb": "追蹤 NocoDB", |
"search": { |
"your_search_found_no_results": "您的搜尋 {search} 找不到結果" |
}, |
"ext_db": { |
"title": { |
"edit": "編輯專案", |
"create": "建立專案" |
}, |
"project_name": "輸入專案名稱", |
"project_type": "存取專案方式", |
"button": { |
"save_project": "儲存專案", |
"update_and_restart": "更新並重新啟動", |
"myProject": "我的專案", |
"newProj": "建立新專案", |
"dbCredentials": "資料庫憑證", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL 及進階參數", |
"headCreateProject": "建立新專案|NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "登入|NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "重設密碼", |
"appStore": "應用程式商店", |
"team&auth": "團隊和認證", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "角色和使用者管理", |
"projMeta": "專案中繼資料", |
"metaMgmt": "中繼資料管理", |
"audit": "稽核", |
"auditLogs": "稽核記錄", |
"userMgmt": "使用者管理", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API 權杖管理", |
"rolesMgmt": "角色管理", |
"metaOperations": "中繼資料操作" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"refreshProject": "重新整理專案", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "連線至外部資料庫來建立", |
"template": "從模板建立專案", |
"excel": "從 Excel 建立專案" |
}, |
"searchProject": "搜尋專案", |
"importMetadata": "匯入中繼資料", |
"exportMetadata": "匯出中繼資料", |
"clearMetadata": "清除中繼資料", |
"stopProject": "停止專案", |
"startProject": "啟動專案", |
"restartProject": "重啟專案", |
"deleteProject": "刪除專案", |
"editProject": "編輯專案", |
"createProject": "建立專案", |
"saveProject": "儲存專案", |
"testDbConn": "測試資料庫連線", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "從環境移除資料庫", |
"editConnJson": "編輯連線 JSON", |
"sendEmail": "傳送電子郵件", |
"settings": "設定", |
"previewAs": "預覽方式", |
"resetReview": "重設預覽", |
"copyView": "複製檢視表", |
"renameView": "重新命名檢視表", |
"deleteView": "刪除檢視表", |
"createView": "建立檢視表", |
"shareView": "分享檢視表", |
"ListView": "檢視表清單", |
"copyApiURL": "複製 API 網址", |
"exportToFile": "匯出為檔案", |
"import": "匯入", |
"exportZip": "輸出 ZIP", |
"importZip": "匯入 ZIP" |
}, |
"general": { |
"create": "建立", |
"cancel": "取消", |
"cancel_tooltip": "取消並返回" |
}, |
"credentials": { |
"title": "資料庫憑證", |
"db_type": "資料庫類型", |
"sqlite_file": "SQLite 檔案", |
"host_address": "主機位址", |
"port": "連線埠號碼", |
"username": "使用者名稱", |
"password": "密碼", |
"db_create_if_not_exists": "資料庫:不存在則建立", |
"button": { |
"test_db_conn": "測試資料庫連線", |
"remove_db_from_env": "從環境移除資料庫" |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title": "SSL 及進階參數", |
"ssl": { |
"client_key": { |
"title": "用戶端金鑰", |
"toolip": "選擇 .key 檔案" |
}, |
"client_cert": { |
"title": "用戶端憑證", |
"toolip": "選擇 .cert 檔案" |
}, |
"server_ca": { |
"title": "伺服器 CA", |
"toolip": "選擇 CA 檔案" |
}, |
"preferred": "首選", |
"usage": { |
"no": "否", |
"preferred": "首選", |
"required": "必填", |
"requried_ca": "必填 - CA", |
"requried_identity": "必填 - IDENTITY" |
} |
}, |
"inflection": { |
"table_name": "屈折 - 表格名稱", |
"column_name": "屈折 - 直行名稱" |
}, |
"button": { |
"edit_conn_json": "編輯連線 JSON" |
} |
} |
}, |
"error": { |
"invalid_char_in_folder_path": "資料夾路徑有無效字元。", |
"invalid_db_credentials": "資料庫憑證無效。", |
"unable_to_connect_to_db": "無法連線至資料庫。請檢查您的資料庫是否已經上線。", |
"user_doesnt_ve_sufficient_permission": "使用者不存在,或者是無權建立結構。" |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "建立新專案|NocoDB" |
}, |
"dialog": { |
"success": "連線成功", |
"failure": "連線失敗:" |
} |
}, |
"signIn": "登入", |
"signUp": "註冊", |
"reset": "重設" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"xcDB": "建立新專案", |
"extDB": "支援 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server 和 SQLite", |
"apiGQL": "可透過 GraphQL API 存取", |
"apiRest": "可透過 REST API 存取", |
"updateRestart": "更新並重新啟動", |
"cancelReturn": "取消並返回", |
"clientKey": "選擇 .key 檔案", |
"clientCert": "選擇 .cert 檔案", |
"clientCA": "選擇 CA 檔案", |
"exportMetadata": "將所有中繼資料從中繼資料表匯出至中繼目錄。", |
"importMetadata": "將所有中繼資料從中繼目錄匯入至中繼資料表。", |
"clearMetadata": "清除中繼資料表中的所有中繼資料。" |
}, |
"msg": { |
"info": { |
"projectEmptyMessage": "從建立新專案開始", |
"importText": "透過上傳中繼資料 ZIP 檔案來匯入 NocoDB 專案", |
"apiOptions": "存取專案方式", |
"dbConnected": "連線成功", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "沒有新通知", |
"clear": "清除" |
} |
}, |
"signin": { |
"title": "登入", |
"enter_your_work_email": "輸入您的工作電子信箱地址", |
"enter_your_password": "輸入您的密碼", |
"forget_password": "忘記密碼?", |
"dont_ve_an_account": "沒有帳號?", |
"sign_up": "註冊", |
"form": { |
"rules": { |
"email_is_reqd": "電子信箱地址為必填", |
"email_must_be_valid": "電子信箱地址格式錯誤", |
"passwd_required": "密碼為必填", |
"passwd_must_be_8_chars": "您的密碼應至少有 8 個字元" |
} |
}, |
"head": { |
"title": "登入|NocoDB", |
"meta": { |
"hid": "登入 NocoDB", |
"name": "登入 NocoDB", |
"content": "登入 NocoDB" |
} |
"signUp": { |
"workEmail": "輸入您的工作電子信箱地址", |
"enterPassword": "輸入您的密碼", |
"forgotPassword": "忘記密碼?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "沒有帳號?", |
"superAdmin": "您將是「超級管理員」", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "已經有帳號了?" |
}, |
"password": { |
"recovery": { |
"title": "重設密碼", |
"loginMsg": "登入 NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "請填入您註冊時使用的電子信箱位址。", |
"message_2": "我們將傳給您一封電子郵件,其中包含重設密碼的連結。", |
"success": "請確認您的電子郵件以重設密碼", |
"button": "傳送電子郵件" |
"success": "請確認您的電子郵件以重設密碼" |
}, |
"onlyCreator": "僅建立者可見", |
"addView": { |
"grid": "加入網格檢視表", |
"gallery": "加入圖庫檢視表", |
"calendar": "加入日曆檢視表", |
"kanban": "加入看板檢視表", |
"form": "加入表單檢視表" |
}, |
"privateLink": "此檢視表通過私人連結共享", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "具有私有連結的人只能看到此檢視表中可見的儲存格", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "使用密碼限制存取權限", |
"afterEnablePwd": "存取受密碼限制", |
"exportZip": "將專案中繼資料匯出為 ZIP 檔案並下載。", |
"importZip": "匯入專案中繼資料 ZIP 檔案並重新啟動。" |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "您的搜尋 {search} 找不到結果", |
"invalidChar": "資料夾路徑有無效字元。", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "資料庫憑證無效。", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "無法連線至資料庫。請檢查您的資料庫是否已經上線。", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "使用者不存在,或者是無權建立結構。", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "連線失敗:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "電子信箱地址為必填", |
"emailInvalid": "電子信箱地址格式錯誤", |
"passwdRequired": "密碼為必填", |
"passwdLength": "您的密碼應至少有 8 個字元" |
} |
} |
}, |
"signup": { |
"title": "註冊", |
"you_will_be_the_super_admin": "您將是「超級管理員」", |
"already_ve_an_account": "已經有帳號了?" |
}, |
"treeview": { |
"settings": { |
"title": "設定", |
"tooltip": "僅建立者可見" |
}, |
"app_store": "應用程式商店", |
"team_n_auth": { |
"title": "團隊和認證", |
"tooltip": "角色和使用者管理" |
}, |
"project_metadata": { |
"title": "專案中繼資料", |
"tooltip": "中繼資料管理" |
}, |
"audit": { |
"title": "稽核", |
"tooltip": "稽核記錄" |
}, |
"preview_as": "預覽方式", |
"reset_review": "重設預覽" |
}, |
"nav_drawer": { |
"title": "檢視表", |
"virtual_views": { |
"action": { |
"copy": "複製檢視表", |
"rename": "重新命名檢視表", |
"delete": "刪除檢視表" |
}, |
"title": "建立檢視表", |
"caption": "僅對建立者可見", |
"grid": { |
"title": "網格", |
"create": "加入網格檢視表" |
}, |
"gallery": { |
"title": "圖庫", |
"create": "加入圖庫檢視表" |
}, |
"calendar": { |
"title": "日曆", |
"create": "加入日曆檢視表" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"title": "看板", |
"create": "加入看板檢視表" |
}, |
"form": { |
"title": "表單", |
"create": "加入表單檢視表" |
"labels": { |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "在 Github 上", |
"starUs2": "幫我們按讚", |
"bookDemo": "預訂免費 Demo", |
"getAnswered": "解惑您的問題", |
"joinDiscord": "加入 Discord", |
"joinReddit": "加入 /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "追蹤 NocoDB" |
}, |
"dbType": "資料庫類型", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite 檔案", |
"hostAddress": "主機位址", |
"port": "連線埠號碼", |
"username": "使用者名稱", |
"password": "密碼", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "資料庫:不存在則建立", |
"clientKey": "用戶端金鑰", |
"clientCert": "用戶端憑證", |
"serverCA": "伺服器 CA", |
"requriedCa": "必填 - CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "必填 - IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "屈折 - 表格名稱", |
"columnName": "屈折 - 直行名稱" |
} |
}, |
"advanced": { |
"title1": "分享檢視表", |
"views_list": "檢視表清單", |
"copy_api_url": "複製 API 網址" |
}, |
"share_view": { |
"title": "此檢視表通過私人連結共享", |
"body": "具有私有連結的人只能看到此檢視表中可見的儲存格", |
"toggle": { |
"option1": "使用密碼限制存取權限", |
"option2": "存取受密碼限制" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "輸入專案名稱", |
"password": { |
"caption": "輸入密碼", |
"button": "儲存密碼" |
"enter": "輸入密碼", |
"save": "儲存密碼" |
} |
} |
}, |
"management": { |
"tabs": { |
"user": "使用者管理", |
"api": "API 權杖管理", |
"roles": "角色管理" |
}, |
"meta": { |
"title": "中繼資料操作", |
"export_to_file": { |
"title": "匯出為檔案", |
"desc": "將所有中繼資料從中繼資料表匯出至中繼目錄。" |
}, |
"import": { |
"title": "匯入", |
"desc": "將所有中繼資料從中繼目錄匯入至中繼資料表。" |
}, |
"export_to_zip": { |
"title": "輸出 ZIP", |
"desc": "將專案中繼資料匯出為 ZIP 檔案並下載。" |
}, |
"import_zip": { |
"title": "匯入 ZIP", |
"desc": "匯入專案中繼資料 ZIP 檔案並重新啟動。" |
}, |
"reset": { |
"title": "重設", |
"desc": "清除中繼資料表中的所有中繼資料。" |
} |
"objects": { |
"views": "檢視表", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "網格", |
"gallery": "圖庫", |
"calendar": "日曆", |
"kanban": "看板", |
"form": "表單" |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue