@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
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"general": { |
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"no": "No", |
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"close": "Zavřít", |
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"rename": "Rename", |
"reload": "Reload", |
"reset": "Reset", |
"install": "Install", |
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"hide": "Hide", |
"showAll": "Show all", |
"hideAll": "Hide all", |
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"signUp": "SIGN UP", |
"signIn": "SIGN IN", |
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"or": "nebo", |
"add": "Přidat", |
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"save": "Uložit", |
"cancel": "Zrušit", |
"submit": "Potvrdit", |
"create": "Vytvořit", |
"duplicate": "Duplikovat", |
"insert": "Vložit", |
"delete": "Smazat", |
"update": "Aktualizovat", |
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"install": "Instalovat", |
"show": "Zobrazit", |
"hide": "Skrýt", |
"showAll": "Zobrazit vše", |
"hideAll": "Skrýt vše", |
"showMore": "Zobrazit více", |
"showOptions": "Zobrazit možnosti", |
"hideOptions": "Skrýt možnosti", |
"showMenu": "Zobrazit menu", |
"hideMenu": "Skrýt menu", |
"addAll": "Přidat vše", |
"removeAll": "Odstranit vše", |
"signUp": "REGISTROVAT", |
"signIn": "PŘIHLÁSIT SE", |
"signOut": "Odhlásit se", |
"required": "Vyžadováno", |
"preferred": "Preferováno", |
"mandatory": "Povinné", |
"loading": "Načítání ...", |
"title": "Název", |
"upload": "Nahrát", |
"download": "Stáhnout", |
"default": "Výchozí", |
"more": "Více", |
"less": "Méně", |
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"condition": "Podmínka", |
"after": "Po", |
"before": "Před", |
"search": "Hledat", |
"notification": "Oznámení", |
"reference": "Reference", |
"function": "Function", |
"confirm": "Confirm", |
"function": "Funkce", |
"confirm": "Potvrdit", |
"generate": "Generate", |
"copy": "Copy", |
"copy": "Kopírovat", |
"misc": "Miscellaneous", |
"lock": "Lock", |
"unlock": "Unlock", |
"credentials": "Credentials", |
"help": "Help", |
"questions": "Questions", |
"lock": "Uzamknout", |
"unlock": "Odemknout", |
"credentials": "Přihlašovací údaje", |
"help": "Pomoc", |
"questions": "Otázky", |
"reachOut": "Reach out here", |
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.", |
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here", |
"logs": "Logs", |
"betaNote": "Tato funkce je momentálně v beta verzi.", |
"moreInfo": "Více informací naleznete zde", |
"logs": "Protokoly", |
"groupingField": "Grouping Field", |
"insertAfter": "Insert After", |
"insertBefore": "Insert Before", |
"hideField": "Hide Field", |
"sortAsc": "Sort Ascending", |
"sortDesc": "Sort Descending" |
"insertAfter": "Vložit za", |
"insertBefore": "Vložit před", |
"hideField": "Skrýt pole", |
"sortAsc": "Seřadit vzestupně", |
"sortDesc": "Seřadit sestupně" |
}, |
"objects": { |
"project": "Project", |
"projects": "Projects", |
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"columns": "Columns", |
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"records": "records", |
"project": "Projekt", |
"projects": "Projekty", |
"table": "Tabulka", |
"tables": "Tabulky", |
"field": "Pole", |
"fields": "Pole", |
"column": "Sloupec", |
"columns": "Sloupce", |
"page": "Stránka", |
"pages": "Stránky", |
"record": "záznam", |
"records": "záznamy", |
"webhook": "Webhook", |
"webhooks": "Webhooks", |
"view": "View", |
"views": "Views", |
"webhooks": "Webhooky", |
"view": "Pohled", |
"views": "Pohledy", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grid", |
"gallery": "Gallery", |
"form": "Form", |
"grid": "Mřížka", |
"gallery": "Galerie", |
"form": "Formulář", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"calendar": "Calendar" |
"calendar": "Kalendář" |
}, |
"user": "User", |
"users": "Users", |
"user": "Uživatel", |
"users": "Uživatelé", |
"role": "Role", |
"roles": "Roles", |
"roles": "Role", |
"roleType": { |
"owner": "Owner", |
"creator": "Creator", |
"owner": "Vlastník", |
"creator": "Autor", |
"editor": "Editor", |
"commenter": "Commenter", |
"viewer": "Viewer", |
"commenter": "Komentátor", |
"viewer": "Sledující", |
"orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator", |
"orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer" |
}, |
@ -117,51 +117,51 @@
}, |
"datatype": { |
"ID": "ID", |
"ForeignKey": "Foreign Key", |
"SingleLineText": "Single Line Text", |
"LongText": "Long Text", |
"Attachment": "Attachment", |
"Checkbox": "Checkbox", |
"MultiSelect": "Multi Select", |
"SingleSelect": "Single Select", |
"Collaborator": "Collaborator", |
"Date": "Date", |
"Year": "Year", |
"Time": "Time", |
"PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", |
"Email": "Email", |
"ForeignKey": "Cizí klíč", |
"SingleLineText": "Jednořádkový text", |
"LongText": "Dlouhý text", |
"Attachment": "Příloha", |
"Checkbox": "Zaškrtávací políčko", |
"MultiSelect": "Vícenásobný výběr", |
"SingleSelect": "Jednoduchý výběr", |
"Collaborator": "Spolupracovník", |
"Date": "Datum", |
"Year": "Rok", |
"Time": "Čas", |
"PhoneNumber": "Telefonní číslo", |
"Email": "E-mail", |
"URL": "URL", |
"Number": "Number", |
"Decimal": "Decimal", |
"Currency": "Currency", |
"Percent": "Percent", |
"Duration": "Duration", |
"Rating": "Rating", |
"Formula": "Formula", |
"Number": "Číslo", |
"Decimal": "Desetinné číslo", |
"Currency": "Měna", |
"Percent": "Procenta", |
"Duration": "Doba trvání", |
"Rating": "Hodnocení", |
"Formula": "Vzorec", |
"Rollup": "Rollup", |
"Count": "Count", |
"Count": "Počet", |
"Lookup": "Lookup", |
"DateTime": "Date Time", |
"DateTime": "Datum a čas", |
"CreateTime": "Create Time", |
"LastModifiedTime": "Last Modified Time", |
"LastModifiedTime": "Čas poslední úpravy", |
"AutoNumber": "Auto Number", |
"Barcode": "Barcode", |
"Button": "Button", |
"Password": "Password", |
"Barcode": "Čárový kód", |
"Button": "Tlačítko", |
"Password": "Heslo", |
"relationProperties": { |
"noAction": "No Action", |
"cascade": "Cascade", |
"noAction": "Žádná akce", |
"cascade": "Kaskádově", |
"restrict": "Restrict", |
"setNull": "Set NULL", |
"setDefault": "Set Default" |
"setNull": "Nastavit NULL", |
"setDefault": "Nastavit výchozí" |
} |
}, |
"filterOperation": { |
"isEqual": "is equal", |
"isNotEqual": "is not equal", |
"isLike": "is like", |
"isNot like": "is not like", |
"isEmpty": "is empty", |
"isEqual": "je rovno", |
"isNotEqual": "není rovno", |
"isLike": "je jako", |
"isNot like": "není jako", |
"isEmpty": "je prázdný", |
"isNotEmpty": "is not empty", |
"isNull": "is null", |
"isNotNull": "is not null" |
@ -201,63 +201,63 @@
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support", |
"helpCenter": "Help center", |
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation", |
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From", |
"quickImport": "Quick Import", |
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings", |
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet", |
"keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts" |
"quickImportFrom": "Rychlý import z", |
"quickImport": "Rychlý import", |
"advancedSettings": "Pokročilá nastavení", |
"codeSnippet": "Úryvek kódu", |
"keyboardShortcut": "Klávesové zkratky" |
}, |
"labels": { |
"createdBy": "Created By", |
"notifyVia": "Notify Via", |
"projName": "Project name", |
"tableName": "Table name", |
"viewName": "View name", |
"viewLink": "View Link", |
"columnName": "Column Name", |
"columnType": "Column Type", |
"roleName": "Role Name", |
"roleDescription": "Role Description", |
"databaseType": "Type in Database", |
"lengthValue": "Length/ value", |
"dbType": "Database Type", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite File", |
"hostAddress": "Host Address", |
"port": "Port Number", |
"username": "Username", |
"password": "Password", |
"schemaName": "Schema name", |
"database": "Database", |
"action": "Action", |
"actions": "Actions", |
"operation": "Operation", |
"operationType": "Operation type", |
"operationSubType": "Operation sub-type", |
"description": "Description", |
"createdBy": "Vytvořil/a", |
"notifyVia": "Upozornit pomocí", |
"projName": "Název projektu", |
"tableName": "Název tabulky", |
"viewName": "Název zobrazení", |
"viewLink": "Zobrazit odkaz", |
"columnName": "Název sloupce", |
"columnType": "Typ sloupce", |
"roleName": "Název role", |
"roleDescription": "Popis role", |
"databaseType": "Typ v databázi", |
"lengthValue": "Délka / hodnota", |
"dbType": "Typ databáze", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite soubor", |
"hostAddress": "Adresa hostitele", |
"port": "Číslo portu", |
"username": "Uživatelské jméno", |
"password": "Heslo", |
"schemaName": "Název schématu", |
"database": "Databáze", |
"action": "Akce", |
"actions": "Akce", |
"operation": "Operace", |
"operationType": "Typ operace", |
"operationSubType": "Podtyp operace", |
"description": "Popis", |
"authentication": "Authentication", |
"token": "Token", |
"where": "Where", |
"cache": "Cache", |
"where": "Kde", |
"cache": "Mezipaměť", |
"chat": "Chat", |
"email": "E-mail", |
"storage": "Storage", |
"storage": "Úložiště", |
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL", |
"models": "Models", |
"syncState": "Sync state", |
"created": "Created", |
"sqlOutput": "SQL Output", |
"addOption": "Add option", |
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value", |
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value", |
"barcodeFormat": "Barcode format", |
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code", |
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode", |
"aggregateFunction": "Aggregate function", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database : create if not exists", |
"clientKey": "Client Key", |
"clientCert": "Client Cert", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "Required-CA", |
"models": "Modely", |
"syncState": "Stav synchronizace", |
"created": "Vytvořeno", |
"sqlOutput": "Výstup SQL", |
"addOption": "Přidat možnost", |
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Sloupec s hodnotou QR kódu", |
"barcodeValueColumn": "Sloupec s hodnotou čárového kódu", |
"barcodeFormat": "Formát čárového kódu", |
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Příliš mnoho znaků pro QR kód", |
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Příliš mnoho znaků pro čárový kód", |
"aggregateFunction": "Agregační funkce", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Databáze : vytvořit, pokud neexistuje", |
"clientKey": "Klíč klienta", |
"clientCert": "Certifikát klienta", |
"serverCA": "CA serveru", |
"requriedCa": "Požadovaná CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Required-IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflection - Table name", |
@ -265,89 +265,89 @@
}, |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Star", |
"starUs2": "us on Github", |
"bookDemo": "Book a Free DEMO", |
"starUs2": "nás na Githubu", |
"bookDemo": "Zarezervujte si DEMO zdarma", |
"getAnswered": "Get your questions answered", |
"joinDiscord": "Join Discord", |
"joinCommunity": "Join NocoDB Community", |
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Follow NocoDB" |
}, |
"docReference": "Document Reference", |
"selectUserRole": "Select User Role", |
"childTable": "Child table", |
"childColumn": "Child column", |
"onUpdate": "On Update", |
"onDelete": "On Delete", |
"account": "Account", |
"language": "Language", |
"primaryColor": "Primary Color", |
"accentColor": "Accent Color", |
"customTheme": "Custom Theme", |
"joinDiscord": "Připojte se na Discord", |
"joinCommunity": "Připojte se k NocoDB komunitě", |
"joinReddit": "Připojte se k /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Sledovat NocoDB" |
}, |
"docReference": "Odkaz na dokument", |
"selectUserRole": "Vybrat uživatelskou roli", |
"childTable": "Podřízená tabulka", |
"childColumn": "Podřízený sloupec", |
"onUpdate": "Při aktualizaci", |
"onDelete": "Při odstranění", |
"account": "Účet", |
"language": "Jazyk", |
"primaryColor": "Hlavní barva", |
"accentColor": "Barva zvýraznění", |
"customTheme": "Vlastní motiv", |
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?", |
"apiKey": "API Key", |
"apiKey": "API klíč", |
"sharedBase": "Shared Base", |
"importData": "Import Data", |
"importData": "Importovat data", |
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views", |
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns", |
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns", |
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns", |
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns", |
"noData": "No Data", |
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard", |
"noData": "Žádná data", |
"goToDashboard": "Přejít na přehled", |
"importing": "Importing", |
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested", |
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed", |
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!", |
"primaryKey": "Primary key", |
"hasMany": "has many", |
"belongsTo": "belongs to", |
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation", |
"primaryKey": "Primární klíč", |
"hasMany": "má mnoho", |
"belongsTo": "patří do", |
"manyToMany": "má mnoho vztahů", |
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters", |
"commentsOnly": "Comments only", |
"documentation": "Documentation", |
"commentsOnly": "Pouze komentáře", |
"documentation": "Dokumentace", |
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter", |
"signUpWithGoogle": "Sign up with Google", |
"signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google", |
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service", |
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!", |
"inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url" |
"inviteOnlySignup": "Povolit registraci pouze pomocí pozvánky s odkazem" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"createProject": "Create Project", |
"importProject": "Import Project", |
"searchProject": "Search Project", |
"editProject": "Edit Project", |
"stopProject": "Stop Project", |
"startProject": "Start Project", |
"restartProject": "Restart Project", |
"deleteProject": "Delete Project", |
"refreshProject": "Refresh projects", |
"saveProject": "Save Project", |
"createProject": "Vytvořit projekt", |
"importProject": "Import projektu", |
"searchProject": "Vyhledat projekt", |
"editProject": "Upravit projekt", |
"stopProject": "Zastavit projekt", |
"startProject": "Spustit projekt", |
"restartProject": "Restartovat projekt", |
"deleteProject": "Smazat projekt", |
"refreshProject": "Aktualizovat projekty", |
"saveProject": "Uložit projekt", |
"deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Create By Connecting <br>To An External Database", |
"excel": "Create Project from excel", |
"template": "Create Project from template" |
"extDB": "Vytvořit připojením <br>k externí databázi", |
"excel": "Vytvořit projekt z Excelu", |
"template": "Vytvořit projekt ze šablony" |
}, |
"OkSaveProject": "Ok & Save Project", |
"OkSaveProject": "Potvrdit a uložit projekt", |
"upgrade": { |
"available": "Upgrade available", |
"releaseNote": "Release notes", |
"howTo": "How to upgrade ?" |
"available": "Dostupná aktualizace", |
"releaseNote": "Seznam změn", |
"howTo": "Jak aktualizovat?" |
}, |
"translate": "Help translate", |
"translate": "Pomozte s překladem", |
"account": { |
"authToken": "Copy Auth Token", |
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs", |
"projInfo": "Copy Project Info", |
"themes": "Themes" |
}, |
"sort": "Sort", |
"addSort": "Add Sort Option", |
"filter": "Filter", |
"addFilter": "Add Filter", |
"share": "Share", |
"authToken": "Kopírovat ověřovací token", |
"swagger": "Swagger: REST API", |
"projInfo": "Kopírovat informace o projektu", |
"themes": "Motivy" |
}, |
"sort": "Řazení", |
"addSort": "Přidat možnost řazení", |
"filter": "Filtr", |
"addFilter": "Přidat filtr", |
"share": "Sdílet", |
"shareBase": { |
"disable": "Disable shared base", |
"enable": "Anyone with the link", |
@ -377,50 +377,50 @@
"deleteTable": "Table Delete", |
"addField": "Add new field to this table", |
"setPrimary": "Set as Primary value", |
"addRow": "Add new row", |
"saveRow": "Save row", |
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit", |
"saveAndStay": "Save & Stay", |
"insertRow": "Insert New Row", |
"deleteRow": "Delete Row", |
"deleteSelectedRow": "Delete Selected Rows", |
"importExcel": "Import Excel", |
"importCSV": "Import CSV", |
"downloadCSV": "Download as CSV", |
"downloadExcel": "Download as XLSX", |
"uploadCSV": "Upload CSV", |
"import": "Import", |
"importMetadata": "Import Metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Export Metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata", |
"exportToFile": "Export to file", |
"changePwd": "Change Password", |
"createView": "Create a View", |
"shareView": "Share View", |
"addRow": "Přidat nový řádek", |
"saveRow": "Uložit řádek", |
"saveAndExit": "Uložit a odejít", |
"saveAndStay": "Uložit a zůstat", |
"insertRow": "Vložit nový řádek", |
"deleteRow": "Odstranit řádek", |
"deleteSelectedRow": "Odstranit vybrané řádky", |
"importExcel": "Importovat Excel", |
"importCSV": "Importovat CSV", |
"downloadCSV": "Stáhnout jako CSV", |
"downloadExcel": "Stáhnout jako XLSX", |
"uploadCSV": "Nahrát CSV", |
"import": "Importovat", |
"importMetadata": "Importovat metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Exportovat metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Vymazat metadata", |
"exportToFile": "Exportovat do souboru", |
"changePwd": "Změnit heslo", |
"createView": "Vytvořit pohled", |
"shareView": "Sdílet pohled", |
"listSharedView": "Shared View List", |
"ListView": "Views List", |
"copyView": "Copy view", |
"renameView": "Rename view", |
"deleteView": "Delete view", |
"ListView": "Seznam pohledů", |
"copyView": "Kopírovat pohled", |
"renameView": "Přejmenovat pohled", |
"deleteView": "Odstranit pohled", |
"createGrid": "Create Grid View", |
"createGallery": "Create Gallery View", |
"createCalendar": "Create Calendar View", |
"createKanban": "Create Kanban View", |
"createForm": "Create Form View", |
"showSystemFields": "Show system fields", |
"copyUrl": "Copy URL", |
"openTab": "Open new tab", |
"copyUrl": "Kopírovat URL adresu", |
"openTab": "Otevřít novou kartu", |
"iFrame": "Copy embeddable HTML code", |
"addWebhook": "Add New Webhook", |
"newToken": "Add New Token", |
"exportZip": "Export zip", |
"importZip": "Import zip", |
"metaSync": "Sync Now", |
"settings": "Settings", |
"previewAs": "Preview as", |
"resetReview": "Reset Preview", |
"testDbConn": "Test Database Connection", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Remove Database from environment", |
"addWebhook": "Přidat nový webhook", |
"newToken": "Přidat nový token", |
"exportZip": "Exportovat zip archív", |
"importZip": "Importovat zip archív", |
"metaSync": "Synchronizovat nyní", |
"settings": "Nastavení", |
"previewAs": "Náhled jako", |
"resetReview": "Obnovit náhled", |
"testDbConn": "Otestovat připojení k databázi", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Odstranit databázi z prostředí", |
"editConnJson": "Edit connection JSON", |
"sponsorUs": "Sponsor Us", |
"sendEmail": "SEND EMAIL", |