@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"close": "Schließen", |
"yes": "Ja", |
"no": "Nein", |
"ok": "OK", |
"ok": "Ok", |
"and": "Und", |
"or": "Oder", |
"add": "Hinzufügen", |
@ -55,19 +55,19 @@
"notification": "Benachrichtigung", |
"reference": "Referenz", |
"function": "Funktion", |
"confirm": "Confirm", |
"generate": "Generate", |
"copy": "Copy", |
"misc": "Miscellaneous", |
"lock": "Lock", |
"unlock": "Unlock", |
"credentials": "Credentials", |
"help": "Help", |
"questions": "Questions", |
"reachOut": "Reach out here", |
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.", |
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here", |
"logs": "Logs" |
"confirm": "Bestätigen", |
"generate": "Generieren", |
"copy": "Kopieren", |
"misc": "Sonstiges", |
"lock": "Sperren", |
"unlock": "Entsperren", |
"credentials": "Anmeldeinformationen", |
"help": "Hilfe", |
"questions": "Fragen", |
"reachOut": "Erreichen sie uns hier", |
"betaNote": "Diese Funktion befindet sich derzeit in der Beta.", |
"moreInfo": "Mehr Informationen können hier gefunden werden", |
"logs": "Protokolle" |
}, |
"objects": { |
"project": "Projekt", |
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
"commenter": "Kommentator", |
"viewer": "Zuschauer" |
}, |
"sqlVIew": "SQL View" |
"sqlVIew": "SQL Ansicht" |
}, |
"datatype": { |
"ID": "ID", |
"ID": "Nummer", |
"ForeignKey": "Unbekannter Schlüssel", |
"SingleLineText": "Einzeiliger Text", |
"LongText": "Langer Text", |
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"Duration": "Dauer", |
"Rating": "Klassifizierung", |
"Formula": "Formel", |
"Rollup": "Rollup", |
"Rollup": "Zusammenfassung", |
"Count": "Zählen", |
"Lookup": "Nachschlagen", |
"DateTime": "Datum/Zeit", |
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"isNotNull": "ist nicht Null" |
}, |
"title": { |
"erdView": "ERD View", |
"erdView": "ERD Ansicht", |
"newProj": "Neues Projekt", |
"myProject": "Meine Projekte", |
"formTitle": "Formular Titel", |
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
"lockedView": "Gesperrte Ansicht", |
"personalView": "Persönliche Ansicht", |
"appStore": "App-Store", |
"teamAndAuth": "Team & Auth", |
"teamAndAuth": "Team & Authentifizierung", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Rollen- & Benutzermanagement", |
"userMgmt": "Benutzermanagement", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API-Tokens-Management", |
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
"exportImportMeta": "Metadaten exportieren / importieren", |
"uiACL": "UI-Zugangskontrolle", |
"metaOperations": "Metadatenoperationen", |
"audit": "Audit", |
"audit": "Revisionen", |
"auditLogs": "Audit-Log", |
"sqlMigrations": "SQL-Migrationen", |
"dbCredentials": "Datenbank-Anmeldeinformationen", |
@ -185,17 +185,17 @@
"headCreateProject": "Projekt erstellen | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Anmelden | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "Passwort zurücksetzen", |
"teamAndSettings": "Team & Settings", |
"apiDocs": "API Docs", |
"teamAndSettings": "Team & Einstellungen", |
"apiDocs": "API Dokumentation", |
"importFromAirtable": "Import aus Airtable", |
"generateToken": "Generate Token", |
"generateToken": "Token generieren", |
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support", |
"helpCenter": "Help center", |
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation", |
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From", |
"quickImport": "Quick Import", |
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings", |
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet" |
"helpCenter": "Hilfecenter", |
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Dokumentation", |
"quickImportFrom": "Schnell importieren von", |
"quickImport": "Schnell Importieren", |
"advancedSettings": "Erweiterte Einstellungen", |
"codeSnippet": "Code Ausschnitt" |
}, |
"labels": { |
"notifyVia": "Benachrichtigen mit", |
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
"chat": "Chat", |
"email": "Email", |
"storage": "Speicher", |
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL", |
"uiAcl": "Oberflächenzugriffskontrollliste", |
"models": "Modelle", |
"syncState": "Sync-Status", |
"created": "Erstellt", |
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
"aggregateFunction": "Globale Funktion", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Datenbank: Erstellen, falls nicht vorhanden", |
"clientKey": "Client-Schlüssel", |
"clientCert": "Client Cert", |
"clientCert": "Client Zertifikat", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "Erforderliches CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Erforderliche Identität", |
@ -263,15 +263,15 @@
"childColumn": "Child-Spalte", |
"onUpdate": "Update", |
"onDelete": "Löschen", |
"account": "Account", |
"language": "Language", |
"primaryColor": "Primary Color", |
"accentColor": "Accent Color", |
"customTheme": "Custom Theme", |
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?", |
"apiKey": "API Key", |
"sharedBase": "Shared Base", |
"importData": "Import Data", |
"account": "Benutzerkonto", |
"language": "Sprache", |
"primaryColor": "Primärfarbe", |
"accentColor": "Akzentfarbe", |
"customTheme": "Benutzerdefiniertes Theme", |
"requestDataSource": "Eine benötigte Datenquelle anfragen?", |
"apiKey": "API Schlüssel", |
"sharedBase": "Geteilte Basis", |
"importData": "Daten Importieren", |
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views", |
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns", |
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns", |
@ -569,17 +569,17 @@
"requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved", |
"updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key", |
"autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable", |
"editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported", |
"deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully", |
"cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty", |
"exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully", |
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list", |
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update", |
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully", |
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base", |
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?", |
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table", |
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables" |
"editingPKnotSupported": "Bearbeiten des Primärschlüssels nicht unterstützt", |
"deletedCache": "Cache erfolgreich gelöscht", |
"cacheEmpty": "Cache ist leer", |
"exportedCache": "Cache erfolgreich exportiert", |
"valueAlreadyInList": "Dieser Wert ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden", |
"noColumnsToUpdate": "Keine Spalten zu aktualisieren", |
"tableDeleted": "Tabelle erfolgreich gelöscht", |
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Öffentlich lesbare Basis generieren", |
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Ansicht löschen möchten?", |
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Möchten Sie die Tabelle löschen", |
"showM2mTables": "M2M Tabellen anzeigen" |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Ihre Suche nach {search} fand keine Ergebnisse", |
@ -595,17 +595,17 @@
"passwdRequired": "Passwort ist erforderlich", |
"passwdLength": "Ihr Passwort muß mindestens 8 Zeichen haben", |
"passwdMismatch": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", |
"completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character", |
"atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters", |
"atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter", |
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number", |
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character", |
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list" |
"completeRuleSet": "Mindestens 8 Zeichen mit einem Großbuchstaben, einer Zahl und einem Sonderzeichen", |
"atLeast8Char": "Mindestens 8 Zeichen", |
"atLeastOneUppercase": "Ein Großbuchstaben", |
"atLeastOneNumber": "Eine Nummer", |
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "Ein Sonderzeichen", |
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Erlaubte Sonderzeichenliste" |
}, |
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL", |
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred", |
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!", |
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file", |
"invalidURL": "Ungültige URL", |
"internalError": "Interner Fehler aufgetreten", |
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template-Generator kann nicht gefunden werden!", |
"fileUploadFailed": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei", |
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column", |
"formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description", |
"columnsRequired": "Following columns are required", |