@ -248,35 +248,36 @@ const onKeyDown = async (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
e.preventDefault() |
if (selected.row < data.value.length - 1) selected.row++ |
break |
default: { |
const rowObj = data.value[selected.row] |
const columnObj = fields.value[selected.col] |
if ((!editEnabled && e.metaKey) || e.ctrlKey) { |
switch (e.keyCode) { |
// copy - ctrl/cmd +c |
case 67: |
await copy(rowObj.row[columnObj.title] || '') |
break |
default: |
{ |
const rowObj = data.value[selected.row] |
const columnObj = fields.value[selected.col] |
if ((!editEnabled && e.metaKey) || e.ctrlKey) { |
switch (e.keyCode) { |
// copy - ctrl/cmd +c |
case 67: |
await copy(rowObj.row[columnObj.title] || '') |
break |
} |
} |
} |
if (editEnabled || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) { |
return |
} |
/** on letter key press make cell editable and empty */ |
if (e?.key?.length === 1) { |
if (!isPkAvail && !rowObj.rowMeta.new) { |
// Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key |
return message.info(t('msg.info.updateNotAllowedWithoutPK')) |
if (editEnabled || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) { |
return |
} |
if (makeEditable(rowObj, columnObj)) { |
rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = '' |
/** on letter key press make cell editable and empty */ |
if (e?.key?.length === 1) { |
if (!isPkAvail && !rowObj.rowMeta.new) { |
// Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key |
return message.info(t('msg.info.updateNotAllowedWithoutPK')) |
} |
if (makeEditable(rowObj, columnObj)) { |
rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = '' |
} |
// editEnabled = true |
} |
// editEnabled = true |
} |
} |
break |
} |
} |
@ -326,16 +327,21 @@ const showContextMenu = (e: MouseEvent, target?: { row: number; col: number }) =
const rowRefs = $ref<any[]>() |
/** save/update records before unmounting the component */ |
onBeforeUnmount(async () => { |
console.log(rowRefs) |
for (const [index, currentRow] of Object.entries(data.value)) { |
let index = -1 |
for (const currentRow of data.value) { |
index++ |
/** if new record save row and save the LTAR cells */ |
if (currentRow.rowMeta.new) { |
const syncLTARRefs = rowRefs[index]!.syncLTARRefs |
const savedRow = await updateOrSaveRow(currentRow, null) |
const savedRow = await updateOrSaveRow(currentRow, '') |
await syncLTARRefs(savedRow) |
currentRow.rowMeta.changed = false |
continue |
} |
/** if existing row check updated cell and invoke update method */ |
if (currentRow.rowMeta.changed) { |
currentRow.rowMeta.changed = false |
for (const field of meta?.value.columns ?? []) { |
@ -347,7 +353,6 @@ onBeforeUnmount(async () => {
} |
} |
}) |
</script> |
<template> |
@ -363,88 +368,87 @@ onBeforeUnmount(async () => {
@contextmenu="showContextMenu" |
> |
<thead> |
<tr class="nc-grid-header border-1 bg-gray-100 sticky top[-1px]"> |
<th> |
<div class="w-full h-full bg-gray-100 flex min-w-[70px] pl-5 pr-1 items-center"> |
<template v-if="!readOnly"> |
<div class="nc-no-label text-gray-500" :class="{ hidden: selectedAllRecords }">#</div> |
<div |
:class="{ hidden: !selectedAllRecords, flex: selectedAllRecords }" |
class="nc-check-all w-full items-center" |
> |
<a-checkbox v-model:checked="selectedAllRecords" /> |
<tr class="nc-grid-header border-1 bg-gray-100 sticky top[-1px]"> |
<th> |
<div class="w-full h-full bg-gray-100 flex min-w-[70px] pl-5 pr-1 items-center"> |
<template v-if="!readOnly"> |
<div class="nc-no-label text-gray-500" :class="{ hidden: selectedAllRecords }">#</div> |
<div |
:class="{ hidden: !selectedAllRecords, flex: selectedAllRecords }" |
class="nc-check-all w-full items-center" |
> |
<a-checkbox v-model:checked="selectedAllRecords" /> |
<span class="flex-1" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<div class="text-gray-500">#</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</th> |
<th |
v-for="col in fields" |
:key="col.title" |
v-xc-ver-resize |
:data-col="col.id" |
:data-title="col.title" |
@xcresize="onresize(col.id, $event)" |
@xcresizing="onXcResizing(col.title, $event)" |
@xcresized="resizingCol = null" |
> |
<div class="w-full h-full bg-gray-100 flex items-center"> |
<SmartsheetHeaderVirtualCell v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" :column="col" :hide-menu="readOnly" /> |
<SmartsheetHeaderCell v-else :column="col" :hide-menu="readOnly" /> |
</div> |
</th> |
<th |
v-if="!readOnly && !isLocked && isUIAllowed('add-column') && !isSqlView" |
v-t="['c:column:add']" |
class="cursor-pointer" |
@click.stop="addColumnDropdown = true" |
> |
<a-dropdown v-model:visible="addColumnDropdown" :trigger="['click']"> |
<div class="h-full w-[60px] flex items-center justify-center"> |
<MdiPlus class="text-sm nc-column-add" /> |
<span class="flex-1" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<div class="text-gray-500">#</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</th> |
<th |
v-for="col in fields" |
:key="col.title" |
v-xc-ver-resize |
:data-col="col.id" |
:data-title="col.title" |
@xcresize="onresize(col.id, $event)" |
@xcresizing="onXcResizing(col.title, $event)" |
@xcresized="resizingCol = null" |
> |
<div class="w-full h-full bg-gray-100 flex items-center"> |
<SmartsheetHeaderVirtualCell v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" :column="col" :hide-menu="readOnly" /> |
<SmartsheetHeaderCell v-else :column="col" :hide-menu="readOnly" /> |
</div> |
</th> |
<th |
v-if="!readOnly && !isLocked && isUIAllowed('add-column') && !isSqlView" |
v-t="['c:column:add']" |
class="cursor-pointer" |
@click.stop="addColumnDropdown = true" |
> |
<a-dropdown v-model:visible="addColumnDropdown" :trigger="['click']"> |
<div class="h-full w-[60px] flex items-center justify-center"> |
<MdiPlus class="text-sm nc-column-add" /> |
</div> |
<template #overlay> |
<SmartsheetColumnEditOrAddProvider |
v-if="addColumnDropdown" |
@submit="addColumnDropdown = false" |
@cancel="addColumnDropdown = false" |
@click.stop |
@keydown.stop |
/> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown> |
</th> |
</tr> |
<template #overlay> |
<SmartsheetColumnEditOrAddProvider |
v-if="addColumnDropdown" |
@submit="addColumnDropdown = false" |
@cancel="addColumnDropdown = false" |
@click.stop |
@keydown.stop |
/> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown> |
</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<SmartsheetRow ref="rowRefs" v-for="(row, rowIndex) of data" :key="rowIndex" :row="row"> |
<template #default="{ state }"> |
<tr class="nc-grid-row"> |
<td key="row-index" class="caption nc-grid-cell pl-5 pr-1"> |
<div class="items-center flex gap-1 min-w-[55px]"> |
<div |
v-if="!readOnly || !isLocked" |
class="nc-row-no text-xs text-gray-500" |
:class="{ toggle: !readOnly, hidden: row.rowMeta.selected }" |
> |
{{ rowIndex + 1 }} |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="!readOnly" |
:class="{ hidden: !row.rowMeta.selected, flex: row.rowMeta.selected }" |
class="nc-row-expand-and-checkbox" |
> |
<a-checkbox v-model:checked="row.rowMeta.selected" /> |
</div> |
<span class="flex-1" /> |
<div v-if="!readOnly && !isLocked" class="nc-expand" |
:class="{ 'nc-comment': row.rowMeta?.commentCount }"> |
<SmartsheetRow v-for="(row, rowIndex) of data" ref="rowRefs" :key="rowIndex" :row="row"> |
<template #default="{ state }"> |
<tr class="nc-grid-row"> |
<td key="row-index" class="caption nc-grid-cell pl-5 pr-1"> |
<div class="items-center flex gap-1 min-w-[55px]"> |
<div |
v-if="!readOnly || !isLocked" |
class="nc-row-no text-xs text-gray-500" |
:class="{ toggle: !readOnly, hidden: row.rowMeta.selected }" |
> |
{{ rowIndex + 1 }} |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="!readOnly" |
:class="{ hidden: !row.rowMeta.selected, flex: row.rowMeta.selected }" |
class="nc-row-expand-and-checkbox" |
> |
<a-checkbox v-model:checked="row.rowMeta.selected" /> |
</div> |
<span class="flex-1" /> |
<div v-if="!readOnly && !isLocked" class="nc-expand" :class="{ 'nc-comment': row.rowMeta?.commentCount }"> |
<span |
v-if="row.rowMeta?.commentCount" |
class="py-1 px-3 rounded-full text-xs cursor-pointer select-none transform hover:(scale-110)" |
@ -453,87 +457,87 @@ onBeforeUnmount(async () => {
> |
{{ row.rowMeta.commentCount }} |
</span> |
<div |
v-else |
class="cursor-pointer flex items-center border-1 active:ring rounded p-1 hover:(bg-primary bg-opacity-10)" |
> |
<MdiArrowExpand |
v-t="['c:row-expand']" |
class="select-none transform hover:(text-accent scale-120) nc-row-expand" |
@click="expandForm(row, state)" |
/> |
<div |
v-else |
class="cursor-pointer flex items-center border-1 active:ring rounded p-1 hover:(bg-primary bg-opacity-10)" |
> |
<MdiArrowExpand |
v-t="['c:row-expand']" |
class="select-none transform hover:(text-accent scale-120) nc-row-expand" |
@click="expandForm(row, state)" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</td> |
<td |
v-for="(columnObj, colIndex) of fields" |
:ref="cellRefs.set" |
:key="columnObj.id" |
class="cell relative cursor-pointer nc-grid-cell" |
:class="{ |
</td> |
<td |
v-for="(columnObj, colIndex) of fields" |
:ref="cellRefs.set" |
:key="columnObj.id" |
class="cell relative cursor-pointer nc-grid-cell" |
:class="{ |
active: isUIAllowed('xcDatatableEditable') && selected.col === colIndex && selected.row === rowIndex, |
}" |
:data-key="rowIndex + columnObj.id" |
:data-col="columnObj.id" |
:data-title="columnObj.title" |
@click="selectCell(rowIndex, colIndex)" |
@dblclick="makeEditable(row, columnObj)" |
@contextmenu="showContextMenu($event, { row: rowIndex, col: colIndex })" |
> |
<div class="w-full h-full"> |
<SmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(columnObj)" |
v-model="row.row[columnObj.title]" |
:column="columnObj" |
:active="selected.col === colIndex && selected.row === rowIndex" |
:row="row" |
@navigate="onNavigate" |
/> |
<SmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="row.row[columnObj.title]" |
:column="columnObj" |
:edit-enabled=" |
:data-key="rowIndex + columnObj.id" |
:data-col="columnObj.id" |
:data-title="columnObj.title" |
@click="selectCell(rowIndex, colIndex)" |
@dblclick="makeEditable(row, columnObj)" |
@contextmenu="showContextMenu($event, { row: rowIndex, col: colIndex })" |
> |
<div class="w-full h-full"> |
<SmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(columnObj)" |
v-model="row.row[columnObj.title]" |
:column="columnObj" |
:active="selected.col === colIndex && selected.row === rowIndex" |
:row="row" |
@navigate="onNavigate" |
/> |
<SmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="row.row[columnObj.title]" |
:column="columnObj" |
:edit-enabled=" |
isUIAllowed('xcDatatableEditable') && |
editEnabled && |
selected.col === colIndex && |
selected.row === rowIndex |
" |
:row-index="rowIndex" |
:active="selected.col === colIndex && selected.row === rowIndex" |
@update:edit-enabled="editEnabled = false" |
@save="updateOrSaveRow(row, columnObj.title)" |
@navigate="onNavigate" |
@cancel="editEnabled = false" |
/> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</template> |
</SmartsheetRow> |
<!-- |
TODO: add relationType !== 'bt' ? |
v1: <tr v-if="!isView && !isLocked && !isPublicView && isEditable && relationType !== 'bt'"> |
--> |
<tr v-if="!isView && !isLocked && isUIAllowed('xcDatatableEditable') && !isSqlView"> |
<td |
v-t="['c:row:add:grid-bottom']" |
:colspan="visibleColLength + 1" |
class="text-left pointer nc-grid-add-new-cell cursor-pointer" |
@click="addEmptyRow()" |
> |
<div class="px-2 w-full flex items-center text-gray-500"> |
<MdiPlus class="text-pint-500 text-xs ml-2 text-primary" /> |
<span class="ml-1"> |
:row-index="rowIndex" |
:active="selected.col === colIndex && selected.row === rowIndex" |
@update:edit-enabled="editEnabled = false" |
@save="updateOrSaveRow(row, columnObj.title)" |
@navigate="onNavigate" |
@cancel="editEnabled = false" |
/> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</template> |
</SmartsheetRow> |
<!-- |
TODO: add relationType !== 'bt' ? |
v1: <tr v-if="!isView && !isLocked && !isPublicView && isEditable && relationType !== 'bt'"> |
--> |
<tr v-if="!isView && !isLocked && isUIAllowed('xcDatatableEditable') && !isSqlView"> |
<td |
v-t="['c:row:add:grid-bottom']" |
:colspan="visibleColLength + 1" |
class="text-left pointer nc-grid-add-new-cell cursor-pointer" |
@click="addEmptyRow()" |
> |
<div class="px-2 w-full flex items-center text-gray-500"> |
<MdiPlus class="text-pint-500 text-xs ml-2 text-primary" /> |
<span class="ml-1"> |
{{ $t('activity.addRow') }} |
</span> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |