| `NC_REDIS_URL` | Yes | Specifies the Redis URL used for caching. Example format: `redis://:authpassword@` | Meta data is stored in memory. |
| `DB_QUERY_LIMIT_DEFAULT` | No | Default pagination limit for data tables. | Defaults to `25`. Maximum is `100` |
| `DB_QUERY_LIMIT_GROUP_BY_GROUP` | No | Number of groups per page. | Defaults to `10`. |
| `DB_QUERY_LIMIT_GROUP_BY_RECORD` | No | Number of records per group. | Defaults to `10`. |
| `DB_QUERY_LIMIT_MAX` | No | Maximum allowable pagination limit. | Defaults to `1000`. |
| `DB_QUERY_LIMIT_MIN` | No | Minimum allowable pagination limit. | Defaults to `1`. |
| `DB_QUERY_LIMIT_MIN` | No | Minimum allowable pagination limit. | Defaults to `10` |
| `NC_CONNECT_TO_EXTERNAL_DB_DISABLED` | No | Disables the ability to create bases on external databases. | |
| `NC_INVITE_ONLY_SIGNUP` | No | Disables public signup; signup is possible only via invitations. Integrated into the [super admin settings menu](/account-settings/oss-specific-details#enable--disable-signup) as of version 0.99.0. | |
| `NC_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE` | No | Maximum size of the request body, based on [ExpressJS limits](https://expressjs.com/en/resources/middleware/body-parser.html#limit). | Defaults to `1048576` (approximately 1 MB). |
| `NC_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE` | No | Maximum bytes allowed in the request body, based on [ExpressJS limits](https://expressjs.com/en/resources/middleware/body-parser.html#limit). | Defaults to `1048576` (1 MB). |
| `NC_EXPORT_MAX_TIMEOUT` | No | Sets a timeout in milliseconds for downloading CSVs in batches if not completed within this period. | Defaults to `5000` (5 seconds). |
| `NC_ALLOW_LOCAL_HOOKS` | No | Allows webhooks to call local network links, posing potential security risks. Set to `true` to enable; all other values are considered `false`. | Defaults to `false`. |
| `NC_SANITIZE_COLUMN_NAME` | No | Enables sanitization of column names during their creation to prevent SQL injection and other security issues. | Defaults to `true`. |