@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ const openDeleteModal = (user: UserType) => {
<template> |
<div data-testid="nc-super-user-list"> |
<div class="max-w-195 mx-auto"> |
<div class="text-2xl my-4 text-left font-weight-bold">{{ $t('title.userManagement') }}</div> |
<div class="max-w-195 mx-auto h-full"> |
<div class="text-2xl text-left font-weight-bold">{{ $t('title.userManagement') }}</div> |
<div class="py-2 flex gap-4 items-center justify-between"> |
<a-input v-model:value="searchText" class="!max-w-90 !rounded-md" placeholder="Search members" @change="loadUsers()"> |
<template #prefix> |
@ -172,112 +172,114 @@ const openDeleteModal = (user: UserType) => {
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="w-full mt-5 border-1 rounded-md h-[613px] max-w-250"> |
<div class="flex w-full bg-gray-50 border-b-1"> |
<span class="py-3.5 text-gray-500 font-medium text-3.5 w-1/3 text-start pl-10">{{ $t('labels.email') }}</span> |
<span class="py-3.5 text-gray-500 font-medium text-3.5 w-1/3 text-start pl-20">{{ $t('objects.role') }}</span> |
<span class="py-3.5 text-gray-500 font-medium text-3.5 w-1/3 text-end pl-42">{{ $t('labels.action') }}</span> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isLoading" class="flex items-center justify-center text-center h-[513px]"> |
<GeneralLoader size="xlarge" /> |
</div> |
<!-- if users are empty --> |
<div v-else-if="!users.length" class="flex items-center justify-center text-center h-128.25"> |
<a-empty :image="Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE" :description="$t('labels.noData')" /> |
</div> |
<section v-else class="tbody"> |
<div |
v-for="el of users" |
:key="el.id" |
data-testid="nc-token-list" |
class="flex py-3 justify-around px-5 border-b-1" |
:class="{ |
'py-4': el.roles?.includes('super'), |
}" |
> |
<span class="text-3.5 text-start w-1/3 pl-5"> |
{{ el.email }} |
</span> |
<span class="text-3.5 text-start w-1/3 pl-18"> |
<div v-if="el?.roles?.includes('super')" class="font-weight-bold">{{ $t('labels.superAdmin') }}</div> |
<a-select |
v-else |
v-model:value="el.roles" |
class="w-55 nc-user-roles" |
:dropdown-match-select-width="false" |
@change="updateRole(el.id, el.roles as string)" |
> |
<a-select-option |
class="nc-users-list-role-option" |
:value="OrgUserRoles.CREATOR" |
:label="$t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelCreator`)" |
<div class="mt-3 flex flex-col justify-between"> |
<div class="w-full border-1 rounded-md max-w-250 h-160"> |
<div class="flex w-full bg-gray-50 border-b-1"> |
<span class="py-3.5 text-gray-500 font-medium text-3.5 w-1/3 text-start pl-10">{{ $t('labels.email') }}</span> |
<span class="py-3.5 text-gray-500 font-medium text-3.5 w-1/3 text-start pl-20">{{ $t('objects.role') }}</span> |
<span class="py-3.5 text-gray-500 font-medium text-3.5 w-1/3 text-end pl-42">{{ $t('labels.action') }}</span> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isLoading" class="flex items-center justify-center text-center h-[513px]"> |
<GeneralLoader size="xlarge" /> |
</div> |
<!-- if users are empty --> |
<div v-else-if="!users.length" class="flex items-center justify-center text-center h-128.25"> |
<a-empty :image="Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE" :description="$t('labels.noData')" /> |
</div> |
<section v-else class="tbody"> |
<div |
v-for="el of users" |
:key="el.id" |
data-testid="nc-token-list" |
class="flex py-3 justify-around px-5 border-b-1" |
:class="{ |
'py-4': el.roles?.includes('super'), |
}" |
> |
<span class="text-3.5 text-start w-1/3 pl-5"> |
{{ el.email }} |
</span> |
<span class="text-3.5 text-start w-1/3 pl-18"> |
<div v-if="el?.roles?.includes('super')" class="font-weight-bold">{{ $t('labels.superAdmin') }}</div> |
<a-select |
v-else |
v-model:value="el.roles" |
class="w-55 nc-user-roles" |
:dropdown-match-select-width="false" |
@change="updateRole(el.id, el.roles as string)" |
> |
<div>{{ $t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelCreator`) }}</div> |
<span class="text-gray-500 text-xs whitespace-normal"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.roles.orgCreator') }} |
</span> |
</a-select-option> |
<a-select-option |
class="nc-users-list-role-option" |
:value="OrgUserRoles.VIEWER" |
:label="$t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelViewer`)" |
<a-select-option |
class="nc-users-list-role-option" |
:value="OrgUserRoles.CREATOR" |
:label="$t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelCreator`)" |
> |
<div>{{ $t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelCreator`) }}</div> |
<span class="text-gray-500 text-xs whitespace-normal"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.roles.orgCreator') }} |
</span> |
</a-select-option> |
<a-select-option |
class="nc-users-list-role-option" |
:value="OrgUserRoles.VIEWER" |
:label="$t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelViewer`)" |
> |
<div>{{ $t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelViewer`) }}</div> |
<span class="text-gray-500 text-xs whitespace-normal"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.roles.orgViewer') }} |
</span> |
</a-select-option> |
</a-select> |
</span> |
<span class="w-1/3 pl-43"> |
<div |
class="flex items-center gap-2" |
:class="{ |
'opacity-0': el.roles?.includes('super'), |
}" |
> |
<div>{{ $t(`objects.roleType.orgLevelViewer`) }}</div> |
<span class="text-gray-500 text-xs whitespace-normal"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.roles.orgViewer') }} |
</span> |
</a-select-option> |
</a-select> |
</span> |
<span class="w-1/3 pl-43"> |
<div |
class="flex items-center gap-2" |
:class="{ |
'opacity-0': el.roles?.includes('super'), |
}" |
> |
<NcDropdown :trigger="['click']"> |
<MdiDotsVertical |
class="border-1 !text-gray-600 h-5.5 w-5.5 rounded outline-0 p-0.5 nc-workspace-menu transform transition-transform !text-gray-400 cursor-pointer hover:(!text-gray-500 bg-gray-100)" |
/> |
<template #overlay> |
<NcMenu> |
<template v-if="!el.roles?.includes('super')"> |
<!-- Resend invite Email --> |
<NcMenuItem @click="resendInvite(el)"> |
<component :is="iconMap.email" class="flex text-gray-500" /> |
<div>{{ $t('activity.resendInvite') }}</div> |
<NcDropdown :trigger="['click']"> |
<MdiDotsVertical |
class="border-1 !text-gray-600 h-5.5 w-5.5 rounded outline-0 p-0.5 nc-workspace-menu transform transition-transform !text-gray-400 cursor-pointer hover:(!text-gray-500 bg-gray-100)" |
/> |
<template #overlay> |
<NcMenu> |
<template v-if="!el.roles?.includes('super')"> |
<!-- Resend invite Email --> |
<NcMenuItem @click="resendInvite(el)"> |
<component :is="iconMap.email" class="flex text-gray-500" /> |
<div>{{ $t('activity.resendInvite') }}</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem @click="copyInviteUrl(el)"> |
<component :is="iconMap.copy" class="flex text-gray-500" /> |
<div>{{ $t('activity.copyInviteURL') }}</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem @click="copyPasswordResetUrl(el)"> |
<component :is="iconMap.copy" class="flex text-gray-500" /> |
<div>{{ $t('activity.copyPasswordResetURL') }}</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</template> |
<NcDivider v-if="!el.roles?.includes('super')" /> |
<NcMenuItem class="!text-red-500 !hover:bg-red-50" @click="openDeleteModal(el)"> |
<MaterialSymbolsDeleteOutlineRounded /> |
{{ $t('general.remove') }} {{ $t('objects.user') }} |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem @click="copyInviteUrl(el)"> |
<component :is="iconMap.copy" class="flex text-gray-500" /> |
<div>{{ $t('activity.copyInviteURL') }}</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem @click="copyPasswordResetUrl(el)"> |
<component :is="iconMap.copy" class="flex text-gray-500" /> |
<div>{{ $t('activity.copyPasswordResetURL') }}</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</template> |
<NcDivider v-if="!el.roles?.includes('super')" /> |
<NcMenuItem class="!text-red-500 !hover:bg-red-50" @click="openDeleteModal(el)"> |
<MaterialSymbolsDeleteOutlineRounded /> |
{{ $t('general.remove') }} {{ $t('objects.user') }} |
</NcMenuItem> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
</NcDropdown> |
</div> |
</span> |
</div> |
</section> |
</div> |
<div v-if="pagination.total > 10" class="flex items-center justify-center mt-7"> |
<a-pagination |
v-model:current="currentPage" |
:total="pagination.total" |
show-less-items |
@change="loadUsers(currentPage, currentLimit)" |
/> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
</NcDropdown> |
</div> |
</span> |
</div> |
</section> |
</div> |
<div v-if="pagination.total > 10" class="flex items-center justify-center mt-4"> |
<a-pagination |
v-model:current="currentPage" |
:total="pagination.total" |
show-less-items |
@change="loadUsers(currentPage, currentLimit)" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<GeneralDeleteModal v-model:visible="isOpen" entity-name="User" :on-delete="() => deleteUser()"> |
<template #entity-preview> |