You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

958 lines
29 KiB

feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
<script setup lang="ts">
import { UITypes, isHiddenCol, jsepCurlyHook } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import type { ListItem as AntListItem } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/list'
import { KeyCode, type editor as MonacoEditor, Position, Range, languages, editor as monacoEditor } from 'monaco-editor'
import jsep from 'jsep'
import formulaLanguage from '../../monaco/formula'
import { isCursorInsideString } from '../../../utils/formulaUtils'
interface Props {
error?: boolean
value: string
label?: string
editorHeight?: string
suggestionHeight?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
disableSuggestionHeaders?: boolean
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
suggestionHeight: 'large',
disableSuggestionHeaders: false,
const emits = defineEmits(['update:value'])
const { error, suggestionHeight, editorHeight } = toRefs(props)
const value = useVModel(props, 'value', emits)
const uiTypesNotSupportedInFormulas = [UITypes.QrCode, UITypes.Barcode, UITypes.Button]
const { sqlUi, column, fromTableExplorer, validateInfos } = useColumnCreateStoreOrThrow()
const { isAiModeFieldModal } = usePredictFields()
const { isFeatureEnabled } = useBetaFeatureToggle()
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const supportedColumns = computed(
() =>
meta?.value?.columns?.filter((col) => {
if (uiTypesNotSupportedInFormulas.includes(col.uidt as UITypes)) {
return false
if (isHiddenCol(col, meta.value)) {
return false
return true
}) || [],
const suggestionPreviewed = ref<Record<any, string> | undefined>()
// If -1 Show Fields first, if 1 show Formulas first
const priority = ref(0)
const showFunctionList = ref<boolean>(true)
const availableFunctions = formulaList
const availableBinOps = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '>', '<', '==', '<=', '>=', '!=', '&']
const autocomplete = ref(false)
const variableListRef = ref<(typeof AntListItem)[]>([])
const sugOptionsRef = ref<(typeof AntListItem)[]>([])
const wordToComplete = ref<string | undefined>('')
const selected = ref(0)
const sortOrder: Record<string, number> = {
column: 0,
function: 1,
op: 2,
const suggestionsList = computed(() => {
const unsupportedFnList = sqlUi.value.getUnsupportedFnList()
return (
...availableFunctions.map((fn: string) => ({
text: `${fn}()`,
type: 'function',
description: formulas[fn].description,
syntax: formulas[fn].syntax,
examples: formulas[fn].examples,
docsUrl: formulas[fn].docsUrl,
unsupported: unsupportedFnList.includes(fn),
.filter((c) => {
// skip system LTAR columns
if (c.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && c.system) return false
// v1 logic? skip the current column
if (!column) return true
return column.value?.id !== c.id
.map((c: any) => ({
text: c.title,
type: 'column',
icon: getUIDTIcon(c.uidt) ? markRaw(getUIDTIcon(c.uidt)!) : undefined,
uidt: c.uidt,
...availableBinOps.map((op: string) => ({
text: op,
type: 'op',
// move unsupported functions to the end
.sort((a: Record<string, any>, b: Record<string, any>) => {
if (a.unsupported && !b.unsupported) {
return 1
if (!a.unsupported && b.unsupported) {
return -1
return 0
// set default suggestion list
const suggestion: Ref<Record<string, any>[]> = ref(suggestionsList.value)
const acTree = computed(() => {
const ref = new NcAutocompleteTree()
for (const sug of suggestionsList.value) {
return ref
const suggestedFormulas = computed(() => {
return suggestion.value.filter((s) => s && s.type !== 'column')
const variableList = computed(() => {
return suggestion.value.filter((s) => s && s.type === 'column')
const monacoRoot = ref<HTMLDivElement>()
let editor: MonacoEditor.IStandaloneCodeEditor
function getCurrentKeyword() {
const model = editor.getModel()
const position = editor.getPosition()
if (!model || !position) {
return null
const word = model.getWordAtPosition(position)
return word?.word
const handleInputDeb = useDebounceFn(function () {
}, 250)
onMounted(async () => {
if (monacoRoot.value) {
const model = monacoEditor.createModel(value.value, 'formula')
id: formulaLanguage.name,
monacoEditor.defineTheme(formulaLanguage.name, formulaLanguage.theme)
// replace @ with \x01 to avoid conflict with monaco's tokenizer
formulaLanguage.generateLanguageDefinition(supportedColumns.value.map((c) => c.title!.replace(/@/g, '\x01'))),
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
languages.setLanguageConfiguration(formulaLanguage.name, formulaLanguage.languageConfiguration)
keybinding: KeyCode.DownArrow,
when: 'editorTextFocus',
keybinding: KeyCode.UpArrow,
when: 'editorTextFocus',
editor = monacoEditor.create(monacoRoot.value, {
'contextmenu': false,
'theme': 'formula',
'selectOnLineNumbers': false,
'language': 'formula',
'roundedSelection': false,
'scrollBeyondLastLine': false,
'lineNumbers': 'off',
'glyphMargin': false,
'folding': false,
'wordWrap': 'on',
'wrappingStrategy': 'advanced',
// This seems to be a bug in the monoco.
// https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/4535#issuecomment-2234042290
'bracketPairColorization.enabled': false,
'padding': {
top: 8,
bottom: 8,
'lineDecorationsWidth': 8,
'lineNumbersMinChars': 0,
'renderLineHighlight': 'none',
'renderIndentGuides': false,
'scrollbar': {
horizontal: 'hidden',
'tabSize': 2,
'automaticLayout': false,
'overviewRulerLanes': 0,
'hideCursorInOverviewRuler': true,
'overviewRulerBorder': false,
'matchBrackets': 'never',
'minimap': {
enabled: false,
width: 339,
height: 120,
editor.onDidChangeModelContent(async () => {
value.value = editor.getValue()
await handleInputDeb()
editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(() => {
const position = editor.getPosition()
const model = editor.getModel()
if (!position || !model) return
const text = model.getValue()
const offset = model.getOffsetAt(position)
// IF cursor is inside string, don't show any suggestions
if (isCursorInsideString(text, offset)) {
autocomplete.value = false
suggestion.value = []
} else {
const findEnclosingFunction = (text: string, offset: number) => {
const formulaRegex = /\b(?<!['"])(\w+)\s*\(/g // Regular expression to match function names
const quoteRegex = /"/g // Regular expression to match quotes
const functionStack = [] // Stack to keep track of functions
let inQuote = false
let match
// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
while ((match = formulaRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
if (match.index > offset) break
if (!inQuote) {
const functionData = {
name: match[1],
start: match.index,
end: formulaRegex.lastIndex,
let parenBalance = 1
let childValueStart = -1
let childValueEnd = -1
for (let i = formulaRegex.lastIndex; i < text.length; i++) {
if (text[i] === '(') {
} else if (text[i] === ')') {
if (parenBalance === 0) {
functionData.end = i + 1
// Child value handling
if (childValueStart === -1 && ['(', ',', '{'].includes(text[i])) {
childValueStart = i
} else if (childValueStart !== -1 && ['(', ',', '{'].includes(text[i])) {
childValueStart = i
} else if (childValueStart !== -1 && ['}', ',', ')'].includes(text[i])) {
childValueEnd = i
childValueStart = -1
if (i >= offset) {
// If we've reached the offset and parentheses are still open, consider the current position as the end of the function
if (parenBalance > 0) {
functionData.end = i + 1
// Check for nested functions
const nestedFunction = findEnclosingFunction(
text.substring(functionData.start + match[1].length + 1, i),
offset - functionData.start - match[1].length - 1,
if (nestedFunction) {
return nestedFunction
} else {
// If child value ended before offset, use child value end as function end
if (childValueEnd !== -1 && childValueEnd < offset) {
functionData.end = childValueEnd + 1
// Check for quotes
let quoteMatch
// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
while ((quoteMatch = quoteRegex.exec(text)) !== null && quoteMatch.index < match.index) {
inQuote = !inQuote
const enclosingFunctions = functionStack.filter((func) => func.start <= offset && func.end >= offset)
return enclosingFunctions.length > 0 ? enclosingFunctions[enclosingFunctions.length - 1].name : null
const lastFunction = findEnclosingFunction(text, offset)
suggestionPreviewed.value =
(suggestionsList.value.find((s) => s.text === `${lastFunction}()`) as Record<any, string>) || undefined
useResizeObserver(monacoRoot, (entries) => {
const entry = entries[0]
const { height } = entry.contentRect
width: 339,
function insertStringAtPosition(editor: MonacoEditor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, text: string, skipCursorMove = false) {
const position = editor.getPosition()
if (!position) {
const range = new Range(position.lineNumber, position.column, position.lineNumber, position.column)
editor.executeEdits('', [
forceMoveMarkers: true,
// Move the cursor to the end of the inserted text
if (!skipCursorMove) {
const newPosition = new Position(position.lineNumber, position.column + text.length - 1)
function appendText(item: Record<string, any>) {
const len = wordToComplete.value?.length || 0
if (!item?.text) return
const text = item.text
const position = editor.getPosition()
if (!position) {
return // No cursor position available
const newColumn = Math.max(1, position.column - len)
const range = new Range(position.lineNumber, newColumn, position.lineNumber, position.column)
editor.executeEdits('', [
text: '',
forceMoveMarkers: true,
if (item.type === 'function') {
insertStringAtPosition(editor, text)
} else if (item.type === 'column') {
insertStringAtPosition(editor, `{${text}}`, true)
} else {
insertStringAtPosition(editor, text, true)
autocomplete.value = false
wordToComplete.value = ''
if (item.type === 'function' || item.type === 'op') {
// if function / operator is chosen, display columns only
suggestion.value = suggestionsList.value.filter((f) => f.type === 'column')
} else {
// show all options if column is chosen
suggestion.value = suggestionsList.value
function isCursorBetweenParenthesis() {
const cursorPosition = editor?.getPosition()
if (!cursorPosition || !editor) return false
const line = editor.getModel()?.getLineContent(cursorPosition.lineNumber)
if (!line) {
return false
const cursorLine = line.substring(0, cursorPosition.column - 1)
const openParenthesis = (cursorLine.match(/\(/g) || []).length
const closeParenthesis = (cursorLine.match(/\)/g) || []).length
return openParenthesis > closeParenthesis
function handleInput() {
if (!editor) return
const model = editor.getModel()
const position = editor.getPosition()
if (!model || !position) return
const text = model.getValue()
const offset = model.getOffsetAt(position)
if (text.length === 0) {
// clear error if formula is empty
if (validateInfos.formula_raw.validateStatus === 'error') {
validateInfos.formula_raw.validateStatus = 'success'
validateInfos.formula_raw.help = []
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
// IF cursor is inside string, don't show any suggestions
if (isCursorInsideString(text, offset)) {
autocomplete.value = false
suggestion.value = []
if (!isCursorBetweenParenthesis()) priority.value = 1
selected.value = 0
suggestion.value = []
const query = getCurrentKeyword() ?? ''
const parts = query.split(/\W+/)
wordToComplete.value = parts.pop() || ''
suggestion.value = acTree.value
?.sort((x: Record<string, any>, y: Record<string, any>) => sortOrder[x.type] - sortOrder[y.type])
if (isCursorBetweenParenthesis()) {
// Show columns at top
suggestion.value = suggestion.value.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.type === 'column') return -1
if (b.type === 'column') return 1
return 0
selected.value = 0
priority.value = -1
} else if (!showFunctionList.value) {
showFunctionList.value = true
autocomplete.value = !!suggestion.value.length
function selectText() {
if (suggestion.value && selected.value > -1 && selected.value < suggestionsList.value.length) {
if (selected.value < suggestedFormulas.value.length) {
if (suggestedFormulas.value[selected.value].unsupported) return
} else {
appendText(variableList.value[selected.value + suggestedFormulas.value.length])
selected.value = 0
function suggestionListUp() {
if (suggestion.value) {
selected.value = --selected.value > -1 ? selected.value : suggestion.value.length - 1
suggestionPreviewed.value = suggestedFormulas.value[selected.value]
function suggestionListDown() {
if (suggestion.value) {
selected.value = ++selected.value % suggestion.value.length
suggestionPreviewed.value = suggestedFormulas.value[selected.value]
function scrollToSelectedOption() {
nextTick(() => {
if (sugOptionsRef.value[selected.value]) {
try {
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'start',
} catch (e) {}
const suggestionPreviewPostion = ref({
top: '0px',
left: '344px',
onMounted(() => {
until(() => monacoRoot.value as HTMLDivElement)
.then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const monacoDivPosition = monacoRoot.value?.getBoundingClientRect()
if (!monacoDivPosition) return
suggestionPreviewPostion.value.top = `${monacoDivPosition.top - 75}px`
if (fromTableExplorer?.value || monacoDivPosition.left > 352) {
suggestionPreviewPostion.value.left = `${monacoDivPosition.left - 344}px`
} else {
suggestionPreviewPostion.value.left = `${monacoDivPosition.right + 8}px`
}, 250)
const handleKeydown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
switch (e.key) {
case 'ArrowUp': {
case 'ArrowDown': {
case 'Enter': {
const { aiIntegrationAvailable, aiLoading, predictFormula, repairFormula } = useNocoAi()
enum AI_MODE {
NONE = 'none',
PROMPT = 'prompt',
const aiMode = ref<AI_MODE>(AI_MODE.NONE)
const aiPrompt = ref('')
const oldAiPrompt = ref('')
const calledFun = ref<null | string>(null)
const promptAI = async () => {
if (!aiPrompt.value?.trim()) return
calledFun.value = 'promptAI'
const formula = await predictFormula(aiPrompt.value, value.value)
if (formula) {
oldAiPrompt.value = aiPrompt.value
const repairFormulaAI = async () => {
calledFun.value = 'repairFormulaAI'
const formula = await repairFormula(value.value, validateInfos?.formula_raw?.help.join(' | '))
if (formula) {
const enableAI = async () => {
if (validateInfos?.formula_raw?.validateStatus === 'error') {
await repairFormulaAI()
} else {
aiMode.value = AI_MODE.PROMPT
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
v-if="suggestionPreviewed && !suggestionPreviewed.unsupported && suggestionPreviewed.type === 'function'"
class="w-84 fixed bg-white z-11 pl-3 pt-3 border-1 shadow-md rounded-xl"
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
left: suggestionPreviewPostion.left,
top: suggestionPreviewPostion.top,
<div class="pr-3">
<div class="flex flex-row w-full justify-between pb-2 border-b-1">
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-1 font-semibold text-lg text-gray-600">
<component :is="iconMap.function" class="text-lg" />
{{ suggestionPreviewed.text }}
<NcButton type="text" size="small" class="!h-7 !w-7 !min-w-0" @click="suggestionPreviewed = undefined">
<GeneralIcon icon="close" />
<div class="flex flex-col max-h-120 nc-scrollbar-thin pr-2">
<div class="flex mt-3 text-[13px] leading-6">{{ suggestionPreviewed.description }}</div>
<div class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[11px] mt-3 mb-2">Syntax</div>
<div class="bg-white rounded-md py-1 text-[13px] mono-font leading-6 px-2 border-1">{{ suggestionPreviewed.syntax }}</div>
<div class="text-gray-500 uppercase text-[11px] mt-3 mb-2">Examples</div>
v-for="(example, index) of suggestionPreviewed.examples"
class="bg-gray-100 mono-font text-[13px] leading-6 py-1 px-2"
'border-t-1 border-gray-200': index !== 0,
'rounded-b-md': index === suggestionPreviewed.examples.length - 1 && suggestionPreviewed.examples.length !== 1,
'rounded-t-md': index === 0 && suggestionPreviewed.examples.length !== 1,
'rounded-md': suggestionPreviewed.examples.length === 1,
{{ example }}
<div class="flex flex-row mt-3 mb-3 justify-end pr-3">
<a v-if="suggestionPreviewed.docsUrl" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" :href="suggestionPreviewed.docsUrl">
<NcButton type="text" size="small" class="!text-gray-400 !hover:text-gray-700 !text-xs"
>View in Docs
<GeneralIcon icon="openInNew" class="ml-1" />
<a-form-item :label="label" required v-bind="validateInfos.formula_raw">
height: editorHeight ?? '100px',
'!border-red-500 formula-error': error,
'!focus-within:border-brand-500 shadow-default hover:shadow-hover formula-success': !error,
'bg-white': isAiModeFieldModal,
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
class="formula-monaco transition-colors duration-300"
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
<template v-if="isFeatureEnabled(FEATURE_FLAG.AI_FEATURES)">
<div v-if="aiMode === AI_MODE.NONE" class="w-full flex justify-end mt-2">
<NcButton size="small" type="text" :loading="aiLoading" @click="enableAI">
<template #icon>
<GeneralIcon icon="ncAutoAwesome" class="text-nc-content-purple-medium h-4 w-4" />
<template #loadingIcon>
<GeneralLoader class="!text-nc-content-purple-medium" size="regular" />
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center">
<span v-if="validateInfos?.formula_raw?.validateStatus === 'error'" class="text-[13px] font-semibold">Fix Formula</span>
<span v-else class="text-[13px] font-semibold">Formula Helper</span>
<template v-else-if="aiMode === AI_MODE.PROMPT">
<AiIntegrationNotFound v-if="!aiIntegrationAvailable" class="mt-4" />
<div v-else class="prompt-wrapper">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="9" viewBox="0 0 18 9" fill="none" class="nc-polygon-2">
<path d="M1.51476 8.5L9 0.721111L16.4852 8.5H1.51476Z" fill="white" stroke="#e5d4f5" />
<div class="prompt-input-wrapper w-full flex">
<div class="nc-triangle-bottom-bar"></div>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 pl-3 pr-1 py-1">
<div class="flex-1 text-small leading-[18px] font-bold text-nc-content-gray-subtle2">Prompt</div>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
v-if="validateInfos?.formula_raw?.validateStatus === 'error'"
class="nc-formula-helper-ai-btn !px-2"
:disabled="aiLoading && calledFun === 'repairFormulaAI'"
:loading="aiLoading && calledFun === 'repairFormulaAI'"
<template #icon>
<GeneralIcon icon="ncAutoAwesome" class="!text-current h-4 w-4" />
<template #loadingIcon>
<GeneralLoader class="!text-current" size="regular" />
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">
<span class="text-[13px] font-semibold text-purple-400">Repair</span>
class="nc-formula-helper-ai-btn !px-2"
:loading="aiLoading && calledFun === 'promptAI'"
!aiPrompt?.trim() ||
(!!aiPrompt.trim() && aiPrompt.trim() === oldAiPrompt.trim()) ||
(aiLoading && calledFun === 'promptAI')
<template #icon>
<GeneralIcon icon="ncAutoAwesome" class="!text-current h-4 w-4" />
<template #loadingIcon>
<GeneralLoader class="!text-current" size="regular" />
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">Generate</div>
class="nc-ai-formula-helper-input nc-input-shadow nc-ai-input nc-scrollbar-thin !min-h-[80px]"
:placeholder="`Enter prompt to ${value ? 'modify' : 'generate'} formula`"
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
'h-[250px]': suggestionHeight === 'large',
'h-[150px]': suggestionHeight === 'medium',
'h-[125px]': suggestionHeight === 'small',
'bg-white': isAiModeFieldModal,
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
class="overflow-auto flex flex-col nc-suggestion-list nc-scrollbar-thin border-1 border-gray-200 rounded-lg mt-4"
<div v-if="suggestedFormulas && showFunctionList" :style="{ order: priority === -1 ? 2 : 1 }">
class="border-b-1 bg-gray-50 px-3 py-1 uppercase text-gray-600 text-xs font-semibold sticky top-0 z-10"
<a-list :data-source="suggestedFormulas" :locale="{ emptyText: $t('msg.formula.noSuggestedFormulaFound') }">
<template #renderItem="{ item, index }">
(el) => {
sugOptionsRef[index] = el
class="cursor-pointer !overflow-hidden hover:bg-gray-50"
'!bg-gray-100': selected === index,
'cursor-not-allowed': item.unsupported,
@click.prevent.stop="!item.unsupported && appendText(item)"
@mouseenter="suggestionPreviewed = item"
<template #title>
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-1" :class="{ 'text-gray-400': item.unsupported }">
<component :is="iconMap.function" v-if="item.type === 'function'" class="w-4 h-4 !text-gray-600" />
<component :is="iconMap.calculator" v-if="item.type === 'op'" class="w-4 h-4 !text-gray-600" />
<component :is="item.icon" v-if="item.type === 'column'" class="w-4 h-4 !text-gray-600" />
<span class="text-small leading-[18px]" :class="{ 'text-gray-800': !item.unsupported }">{{ item.text }}</span>
<div v-if="item.unsupported" class="ml-5 text-gray-400 text-xs">{{ $t('msg.formulaNotSupported') }}</div>
<div v-if="variableList" :style="{ order: priority === 1 ? 2 : 1 }">
class="border-b-1 bg-gray-50 px-3 py-1 uppercase text-gray-600 text-xs font-semibold sticky top-0 z-10"
:locale="{ emptyText: $t('msg.formula.noSuggestedFieldFound') }"
<template #renderItem="{ item, index }">
(el) => {
sugOptionsRef[index + suggestedFormulas.length] = el
'!bg-gray-100': selected === index + suggestedFormulas.length,
class="cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-50"
<a-list-item-meta class="nc-variable-list-item">
<template #title>
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-1 justify-between">
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-1 rounded-md px-1 h-5">
<component :is="item.icon" class="w-4 h-4 !text-gray-600" />
<span class="text-small leading-[18px] text-gray-800 font-weight-500">{{ item.text }}</span>
<NcButton size="small" type="text" class="nc-variable-list-item-use-field-btn !h-7 px-3 !text-small invisible">
{{ $t('general.use') }} {{ $t('objects.field').toLowerCase() }}
<style scoped lang="scss">
.nc-suggestion-list {
@apply resize-y max-h-[300px] min-h-[50px];
:deep(.ant-list-item) {
@apply !py-0 !px-2;
&:not(:has(.nc-variable-list-item)) {
@apply !py-[7px] !px-2;
.nc-variable-list-item {
@apply min-h-8 flex items-center;
.ant-list-item-meta-title {
@apply m-0;
&.ant-list-item:last-child {
@apply !border-b-1 border-gray-200 border-solid;
&:hover .nc-variable-list-item-use-field-btn {
@apply visible;
.formula-monaco {
@apply rounded-md nc-scrollbar-md border-gray-200 border-1 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden resize-y;
max-height: 250px;
min-height: 50px;
&:focus-within:not(.formula-error) {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--ant-primary-color-outline);
&:focus-within:not(.formula-success) {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--ant-error-color-outline);
.view-line {
width: auto !important;
.prompt-wrapper {
@apply relative mt-2.5;
.nc-polygon-2 {
@apply absolute -top-[8px] left-[50%] transform -translate-x-1/2 z-0;
.nc-triangle-bottom-bar {
@apply absolute -top-[8px] left-[50%] transform -translate-x-1/2 w-3.5 h-2 bg-transparent border-2 border-transparent !border-b-nc-bg-gray-extralight;
.prompt-input-wrapper {
@apply relative inline-block transition-all duration-300 shadow-default border-1 rounded-lg bg-nc-bg-gray-extralight border-purple-100 z-10;
.nc-ai-formula-helper-input {
@apply rounded-b-lg !border-purple-100 !-m-[1px] !max-w-[calc(100%_+_2px)] !w-[calc(100%_+_2px)] !shadow-none;
&:focus {
@apply rounded-lg !border-nc-border-purple !shadow-selected-ai;
feat: button field (#9144) * feat: static button type * fix: swagger * fix: style corrections * feat: webhook trigger * fix: disables * feat: Button icons fix: row Delete failing * fix: expanded-form ux fix: disable buttons in forms fix: update PlainCell button handling fix: webhook delete, active change handling * fix: disable case * fix: disable case * fix: update Button styles * fix: refactor min/max with limit for columns fix: disable filter, groupby for Button Field fix: disable aggregation for Buttons * fix: hide button field in Filters * fix: fields menu corrections fix: update menu corrections * fix: rebase * feat: support webhook creation from ButtonOptions * fix: sort related tests * fix: keep webhook modal open * fix: ui fixes * fix: icon duplicate * fix: syntax highlighing for handlebar fix: disable mascot fix: truncate selected webhook * fix: sort disable tooltip * test: button playwright test * fix: button column duplication * fix: add error fix: column options * fix: EditOrAddProvider.vue * fix: add invalid configuration * fix: ux corrections * fix: ux corrections * fix: error handling fix: clear single query cache on hook delete * fix: include button type in api * fix: update overlay styles fix: webhook update * fix: formula placeholder * fix: playwright tests * fix: playwright tests * feat: refactor formula input * fix: added more spacing * fix: no icon text * fix: lint * fix: handle invalid url * fix: handle sort by for button causes issue when button used as lookup * fix: button field position * docs: button field * fix: tooltip correction * fix: link * fix: add btn href * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: handle some edge cases * fix: update font color * fix: add manual trigger docs * fix: sqlite BaseModel fix * docs: button share view info * fix: rebase * fix: reduce height and added resize support fix: added tooltip if label overflow * fix: manual hook disable state * docs: manual trigger details in webhook page * fix: chevron grey shade to 500 * docs: sample payload for manual trigger * fix: style update * fix: pr review comments * fix: pr review changes * fix: reactivity issue * fix: reactivity issue * fix: filter enabled on button * fix: reload meta on webhook change * fix: error handling in formula filter * fix: handle url error --------- Co-authored-by: Raju Udava <86527202+dstala@users.noreply.github.com>
5 months ago
<style lang="scss">
.formula-placeholder {
@apply !text-gray-500 !text-xs !font-medium;
font-family: 'Manrope';