< script lang = "ts" setup >
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { type ColumnType , UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Row } from '~/lib/types'
const emit = defineEmits ( [ 'expandRecord' , 'newRecord' ] )
const {
calDataType ,
selectedDate ,
selectedTime ,
formattedData ,
calendarRange ,
formattedSideBarData ,
updateRowProperty ,
displayField ,
sideBarFilterOption ,
showSideMenu ,
updateFormat ,
} = useCalendarViewStoreOrThrow ( )
const { $e } = useNuxtApp ( )
const container = ref < null | HTMLElement > ( null )
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles ( )
const meta = inject ( MetaInj , ref ( ) )
const fields = inject ( FieldsInj , ref ( ) )
const isPublic = inject ( IsPublicInj , ref ( false ) )
const { fields : _fields } = useViewColumnsOrThrow ( )
const fieldStyles = computed ( ( ) => {
if ( ! _fields . value ) return new Map ( )
return new Map (
_fields . value . map ( ( field ) => [
field . fk _column _id ,
underline : field . underline ,
bold : field . bold ,
italic : field . italic ,
} ,
] ) ,
} )
const getFieldStyle = ( field : ColumnType ) => {
return fieldStyles . value . get ( field . id )
const hours = computed ( ( ) => {
const hours : Array < dayjs .Dayjs > = [ ]
const _selectedDate = dayjs ( selectedDate . value )
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i ++ ) {
hours . push ( _selectedDate . clone ( ) . startOf ( 'day' ) . add ( i , 'hour' ) )
return hours
} )
const currTime = ref ( dayjs ( ) )
const overlayTop = computed ( ( ) => {
const perRecordHeight = 52
const minutes = currTime . value . minute ( ) + currTime . value . hour ( ) * 60
const top = ( perRecordHeight / 60 ) * minutes - 9
return top
} )
const shouldEnableOverlay = computed ( ( ) => {
return ! isPublic . value && dayjs ( ) . isSame ( selectedDate . value , 'day' )
} )
onMounted ( ( ) => {
const intervalId = setInterval ( ( ) => {
currTime . value = dayjs ( )
} , 10000 ) // 10000 ms = 10 seconds
// Clean up the interval when the component is unmounted
onUnmounted ( ( ) => {
clearInterval ( intervalId )
} )
} )
const calculateNewDates = useMemoize (
( {
endDate ,
startDate ,
scheduleStart ,
scheduleEnd ,
} : {
endDate : dayjs . Dayjs
startDate : dayjs . Dayjs
scheduleStart : dayjs . Dayjs
scheduleEnd : dayjs . Dayjs
} ) => {
// If there is no end date, we add 15 minutes to the start date and use that as the end date
if ( ! endDate . isValid ( ) ) {
endDate = startDate . clone ( ) . add ( 15 , 'minutes' )
// If the start date is before the opened date, we use the schedule start as the start date
// This is to ensure the generated style of the record is not outside the bounds of the calendar
if ( startDate . isSameOrBefore ( scheduleStart ) ) {
startDate = scheduleStart
// If the end date is after the schedule end, we use the schedule end as the end date
// This is to ensure the generated style of the record is not outside the bounds of the calendar
if ( endDate . isAfter ( scheduleEnd ) ) {
endDate = scheduleEnd
return { endDate , startDate }
} ,
const getGridTime = ( date : dayjs . Dayjs , round = false ) => {
const gridCalc = date . hour ( ) * 60 + date . minute ( )
if ( round ) {
return Math . ceil ( gridCalc )
} else {
return Math . floor ( gridCalc )
const getGridTimeSlots = ( from : dayjs . Dayjs , to : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
return {
from : getGridTime ( from , false ) ,
to : getGridTime ( to , true ) - 1 ,
const hasSlotForRecord = (
columnArray : Row [ ] ,
dates : {
fromDate : dayjs . Dayjs
toDate : dayjs . Dayjs
} ,
) => {
const { fromDate , toDate } = dates
if ( ! fromDate || ! toDate ) return false
for ( const column of columnArray ) {
const columnFromCol = column . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const columnToCol = column . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
if ( ! columnFromCol ) return false
const { startDate : columnFromDate , endDate : columnToDate } = calculateNewDates ( {
startDate : dayjs ( column . row [ columnFromCol . title ! ] ) ,
endDate : columnToCol
? dayjs ( column . row [ columnToCol . title ! ] )
: dayjs ( column . row [ columnFromCol . title ! ] ) . add ( 1 , 'hour' ) . subtract ( 1 , 'minute' ) ,
scheduleStart : dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . startOf ( 'day' ) ,
scheduleEnd : dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . endOf ( 'day' ) ,
} )
if (
fromDate . isBetween ( columnFromDate , columnToDate , null , '[]' ) ||
toDate . isBetween ( columnFromDate , columnToDate , null , '[]' )
) {
return false
return true
const getMaxOverlaps = ( {
row ,
columnArray ,
graph ,
} : {
row : Row
columnArray : Array < Array < Row > >
graph : Map < string , Set < string > >
} ) => {
const visited : Set < string > = new Set ( )
const dfs = ( id : string ) : number => {
visited . add ( id )
let maxOverlaps = 1
const neighbors = graph . get ( id )
if ( neighbors ) {
for ( const neighbor of neighbors ) {
if ( maxOverlaps >= columnArray . length ) return maxOverlaps
if ( ! visited . has ( neighbor ) ) {
maxOverlaps = Math . min ( Math . max ( maxOverlaps , dfs ( neighbor ) + 1 ) , columnArray . length )
return maxOverlaps
const id = row . rowMeta . id as string
if ( graph . has ( id ) ) {
dfs ( id )
const overlapIterations : Array < number > = [ ]
. flat ( )
. filter ( ( record ) => visited . has ( record . rowMeta . id ! ) )
. forEach ( ( record ) => {
overlapIterations . push ( record . rowMeta . overLapIteration ! )
} )
return Math . max ( ... overlapIterations )
const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed < {
record : Row [ ]
spanningRecords : Row [ ]
gridTimeMap : Map <
number ,
count : number
id : string [ ]
} > ( ( ) => {
if ( ! calendarRange . value || ! formattedData . value ) return { record : [ ] , count : { } }
const scheduleStart = dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . startOf ( 'day' )
const scheduleEnd = dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . endOf ( 'day' )
const perRecordHeight = 52
const columnArray : Array < Array < Row > > = [ [ ] ]
const gridTimeMap = new Map <
number ,
count : number
id : string [ ]
> ( )
const recordsByRange : Array < Row > = [ ]
const recordSpanningDays : Array < Row > = [ ]
calendarRange . value . forEach ( ( range ) => {
const { fk _from _col : fromCol , fk _to _col : endCol } = range
// We fetch all the records that match the calendar ranges in a single time.
// But not all fetched records are valid for the certain range, so we filter them out & sort them
const sortedFormattedData = [ ... formattedData . value ]
. filter ( ( record ) => {
const fromDate = record . row [ fromCol ? . title ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol ? . title ! ] ) : null
if ( fromCol && endCol ) {
const toDate = record . row [ endCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ endCol . title ! ] ) : null
if ( fromDate ? . isValid ( ) && toDate ? . isValid ( ) ) {
if ( ! fromDate . isSame ( toDate , 'day' ) ) {
// TODO: If multiple range is introduced, we have to make sure no duplicate records are inserted
recordSpanningDays . push ( record )
return false
return fromDate . isSameOrBefore ( toDate )
return true
return fromCol ? ! ! fromDate : false
} )
. sort ( ( a , b ) => ( dayjs ( a . row [ fromCol ! . title ! ] ) . isBefore ( dayjs ( b . row [ fromCol ! . title ! ] ) ) ? 1 : - 1 ) )
for ( const record of sortedFormattedData ) {
const id = record . rowMeta . id ? ? generateRandomNumber ( )
if ( fromCol && endCol ) {
const { endDate , startDate } = calculateNewDates ( {
endDate : dayjs ( record . row [ endCol . title ! ] ) ,
startDate : dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) ,
scheduleStart ,
scheduleEnd ,
} )
// The top of the record is calculated based on the start hour and minute
const topInPixels = ( startDate . minute ( ) / 60 + startDate . hour ( ) ) * perRecordHeight
// A minimum height of 52px is set for each record
// The height of the record is calculated based on the difference between the start and end date
const heightInPixels = Math . max ( ( endDate . diff ( startDate , 'minute' ) / 60 ) * 52 , perRecordHeight )
const style : Partial < CSSStyleDeclaration > = {
height : ` ${ heightInPixels - 2 } px ` ,
top : ` ${ topInPixels + 1 } px ` ,
recordsByRange . push ( {
... record ,
rowMeta : {
... record . rowMeta ,
style ,
id ,
range : range as any ,
} ,
} )
} else if ( fromCol ) {
const { startDate , endDate } = calculateNewDates ( {
startDate : dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) ,
endDate : dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) . add ( 1 , 'hour' ) . subtract ( 1 , 'minute' ) ,
scheduleStart ,
scheduleEnd ,
} )
let style : Partial < CSSStyleDeclaration > = { }
// The top of the record is calculated based on the start hour
// Update such that it is also based on Minutes
const topInPixels = ( startDate . minute ( ) / 60 + startDate . hour ( ) ) * perRecordHeight
// A minimum height of 80px is set for each record
const heightInPixels = Math . max ( ( endDate . diff ( startDate , 'minute' ) / 60 ) * 52 , perRecordHeight )
style = {
... style ,
top : ` ${ topInPixels + 1 } px ` ,
height : ` ${ heightInPixels - 2 } px ` ,
recordsByRange . push ( {
... record ,
rowMeta : {
... record . rowMeta ,
range : range as any ,
style ,
id ,
} ,
} )
} )
recordsByRange . sort ( ( a , b ) => {
const fromColA = a . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const fromColB = b . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
if ( ! fromColA || ! fromColB ) return 0
return dayjs ( a . row [ fromColA . title ! ] ) . isBefore ( dayjs ( b . row [ fromColB . title ! ] ) ) ? - 1 : 1
} )
for ( const record of recordsByRange ) {
const fromCol = record . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const toCol = record . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
if ( ! fromCol ) continue
const { startDate , endDate } = calculateNewDates ( {
startDate : dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) ,
endDate : toCol ? dayjs ( record . row [ toCol . title ! ] ) : dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) . add ( 1 , 'hour' ) . subtract ( 1 , 'minute' ) ,
scheduleStart ,
scheduleEnd ,
} )
const gridTimes = getGridTimeSlots ( startDate , endDate )
for ( let gridCounter = gridTimes . from ; gridCounter <= gridTimes . to ; gridCounter ++ ) {
if ( ! gridTimeMap . has ( gridCounter ) ) {
gridTimeMap . set ( gridCounter , {
count : 1 ,
id : [ record . rowMeta . id ! ] ,
} )
} else {
gridTimeMap . set ( gridCounter , {
count : gridTimeMap . get ( gridCounter ) ! . count + 1 ,
id : [ ... gridTimeMap . get ( gridCounter ) ! . id , record . rowMeta . id ! ] ,
} )
let foundAColumn = false
for ( const column in columnArray ) {
if (
hasSlotForRecord ( columnArray [ column ] , {
fromDate : startDate ,
toDate : endDate ,
} )
) {
columnArray [ column ] . push ( record )
foundAColumn = true
if ( ! foundAColumn ) {
columnArray . push ( [ record ] )
for ( const columnIndex in columnArray ) {
for ( const record of columnArray [ columnIndex ] ) {
record . rowMeta . overLapIteration = parseInt ( columnIndex ) + 1
const graph = new Map < string , Set < string > > ( )
// Build the graph
for ( const [ _gridTime , { id : ids } ] of gridTimeMap ) {
for ( const id1 of ids ) {
if ( ! graph . has ( id1 ) ) {
graph . set ( id1 , new Set ( ) )
for ( const id2 of ids ) {
if ( id1 !== id2 ) {
graph . get ( id1 ) ! . add ( id2 )
for ( const record of recordsByRange ) {
const numberOfOverlaps = getMaxOverlaps ( {
row : record ,
columnArray ,
graph ,
} )
record . rowMeta . numberOfOverlaps = numberOfOverlaps
let width
let left = 100
let display = 'block'
if ( numberOfOverlaps && numberOfOverlaps > 0 ) {
width = 100 / Math . min ( numberOfOverlaps , 8 )
if ( record . rowMeta . overLapIteration ! - 1 > 7 ) {
display = 'none'
} else {
left = width * ( record . rowMeta . overLapIteration ! - 1 )
} else {
width = 100
left = 0
record . rowMeta . style = {
... record . rowMeta . style ,
display ,
width : ` calc(max(calc( ${ width . toFixed ( 2 ) } % - 4px), 180px)) ` ,
left : ` min(calc( ${ left . toFixed ( 2 ) } % + 4px), calc(100% - max( ${ width . toFixed ( 2 ) } %, 180px) + 4px)) ` ,
minWidth : '180px' ,
return {
gridTimeMap ,
record : recordsByRange ,
spanningRecords : recordSpanningDays ,
} )
const dragRecord = ref < Row | null > ( null )
const isDragging = ref ( false )
const dragElement = ref < HTMLElement | null > ( null )
const resizeDirection = ref < 'right' | 'left' | null > ( )
const resizeRecord = ref < Row | null > ( null )
const dragTimeout = ref < ReturnType < typeof setTimeout > > ( )
const hoverRecord = ref < string | null > ( null )
const useDebouncedRowUpdate = useDebounceFn ( ( row : Row , updateProperty : string [ ] , isDelete : boolean ) => {
updateRowProperty ( row , updateProperty , isDelete )
} , 500 )
// When the user is dragging a record, we calculate the new start and end date based on the mouse position
const calculateNewRow = ( event : MouseEvent , skipChangeCheck ? : boolean ) => {
if ( ! container . value || ! dragRecord . value ) return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
const { top } = container . value . getBoundingClientRect ( )
const { scrollHeight } = container . value
// We calculate the percentage of the mouse position in the scroll container
const percentY = ( event . clientY - top + container . value . scrollTop ) / scrollHeight
const fromCol = dragRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const toCol = dragRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
// We calculate the hour based on the percentage of the mouse position in the scroll container
// It can be between 0 and 23 (inclusive)
const hour = Math . max ( Math . floor ( percentY * 23 ) , 0 )
const minutes = Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . round ( Math . floor ( ( percentY * 23 - hour ) * 60 ) / 15 ) * 15 , 0 ) , 60 )
// We calculate the new startDate by adding the hour to the start of the selected date
const newStartDate = dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . startOf ( 'day' ) . add ( hour , 'hour' ) . add ( minutes , 'minute' )
if ( ! newStartDate || ! fromCol ) return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
let endDate
const newRow = {
... dragRecord . value ,
row : {
... dragRecord . value . row ,
[ fromCol . title ! ] : dayjs ( newStartDate ) . format ( updateFormat . value ) ,
} ,
const updateProperty = [ fromCol . title ! ]
if ( toCol ) {
const fromDate = dragRecord . value . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( dragRecord . value . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) : null
const toDate = dragRecord . value . row [ toCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( dragRecord . value . row [ toCol . title ! ] ) : null
// If there is an end date, we calculate the new end date based on the new start date and add the difference between the start and end date to the new start date
if ( fromDate && toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . add ( toDate . diff ( fromDate , 'hour' ) , 'hour' )
} else if ( fromDate && ! toDate ) {
// If there is no end date, we set the end date to the end of the day
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . endOf ( 'hour' )
} else if ( ! fromDate && toDate ) {
// If there is no start date, we set the end date to the end of the day
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . endOf ( 'hour' )
} else {
endDate = newStartDate . clone ( )
newRow . row [ toCol . title ! ] = dayjs ( endDate ) . format ( updateFormat . value )
updateProperty . push ( toCol . title ! )
// If from and to columns of the dragRecord and the newRow are the same, we don't manipulate the formattedRecords and formattedSideBarData. This removes unwanted computation
if ( dragRecord . value . row [ fromCol . title ! ] === newRow . row [ fromCol . title ! ] && ! skipChangeCheck ) {
return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
if ( ! newRow ) {
return { newRow : null , updateProperty : [ ] }
// We use the primary key of the new row to find the old row in the formattedData array
// If the old row is found, we replace it with the new row in the formattedData array
const newPk = extractPkFromRow ( newRow . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
if ( dragElement . value ) {
formattedData . value = formattedData . value . map ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
} )
} else {
// If the old row is not found, we add the new row to the formattedData array and remove the old row from the formattedSideBarData array
formattedData . value = [ ... formattedData . value , newRow ]
formattedSideBarData . value = formattedSideBarData . value . filter ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk !== newPk
} )
dragRecord . value = {
... dragRecord . value ,
row : newRow . row ,
return { newRow , updateProperty }
const onResize = ( event : MouseEvent ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! container . value || ! resizeRecord . value ) return
if ( resizeRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
const { top , bottom } = container . value . getBoundingClientRect ( )
const { scrollHeight } = container . value
// If the mouse position is near the top or bottom of the scroll container, we scroll the container
if ( event . clientY > bottom - 20 ) {
container . value . scrollTop += 10
} else if ( event . clientY < top + 20 ) {
container . value . scrollTop -= 10
const percentY = ( event . clientY - top + container . value . scrollTop ) / scrollHeight
const fromCol = resizeRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const toCol = resizeRecord . value . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
if ( ! fromCol || ! toCol ) return
const ogEndDate = dayjs ( resizeRecord . value . row [ toCol . title ! ] )
const ogStartDate = dayjs ( resizeRecord . value . row [ fromCol . title ! ] )
const minutes = Math . round ( ( percentY * 24 * 60 ) / 15 ) * 15 // Round to nearest 15 minutes
let newRow : Row | null = null
let updateProperty : string [ ] = [ ]
if ( resizeDirection . value === 'right' ) {
// If the user is resizing the record to the right, we calculate the new end date based on the mouse position
let newEndDate = dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . startOf ( 'day' ) . add ( minutes , 'minute' )
updateProperty = [ toCol . title ! ]
// If the new end date is before the start date, we set the new end date to the start date
// This is to ensure the end date is always same or after the start date
if ( dayjs ( newEndDate ) . isBefore ( ogStartDate . add ( 1 , 'hour' ) ) ) {
newEndDate = ogStartDate . clone ( ) . add ( 1 , 'hour' )
if ( ! newEndDate . isValid ( ) ) return
newRow = {
... resizeRecord . value ,
row : {
... resizeRecord . value . row ,
[ toCol . title ! ] : newEndDate . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
} else if ( resizeDirection . value === 'left' ) {
let newStartDate = dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . startOf ( 'day' ) . add ( minutes , 'minute' )
updateProperty = [ fromCol . title ! ]
// If the new start date is after the end date, we set the new start date to the end date
// This is to ensure the start date is always before or same the end date
if ( dayjs ( newStartDate ) . isAfter ( ogEndDate . subtract ( 1 , 'hour' ) ) ) {
newStartDate = dayjs ( dayjs ( ogEndDate ) ) . clone ( ) . add ( - 1 , 'hour' )
if ( ! newStartDate ) return
newRow = {
... resizeRecord . value ,
row : {
... resizeRecord . value . row ,
[ fromCol . title ! ] : dayjs ( newStartDate ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
if ( ! newRow ) return
const newPk = extractPkFromRow ( newRow . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
formattedData . value = formattedData . value . map ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
} ) as Row [ ]
useDebouncedRowUpdate ( newRow , updateProperty , false )
const onResizeEnd = ( ) => {
resizeDirection . value = null
resizeRecord . value = null
document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onResize )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onResizeEnd )
const onResizeStart = ( direction : 'right' | 'left' , _event : MouseEvent , record : Row ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) ) return
if ( record . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
resizeDirection . value = direction
resizeRecord . value = record
document . addEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onResize )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onResizeEnd )
const onDrag = ( event : MouseEvent ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! container . value || ! dragRecord . value ) return
const { top , bottom } = container . value . getBoundingClientRect ( )
if ( event . clientY > bottom - 20 ) {
container . value . scrollTop += 10
} else if ( event . clientY < top + 20 ) {
container . value . scrollTop -= 10
calculateNewRow ( event )
const stopDrag = ( event : MouseEvent ) => {
event . preventDefault ( )
clearTimeout ( dragTimeout . value ! )
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! isDragging . value || ! container . value || ! dragRecord . value ) return
const { newRow , updateProperty } = calculateNewRow ( event , true )
if ( ! newRow && ! updateProperty ) return
if ( dragElement . value ) {
dragElement . value . style . boxShadow = 'none'
dragElement . value = null
if ( dragRecord . value ) {
dragRecord . value = null
if ( ! newRow ) return
updateRowProperty ( newRow , updateProperty , false )
$e ( 'c:calendar:day:drag-record' )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onDrag )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , stopDrag )
const dragStart = ( event : MouseEvent , record : Row ) => {
let target = event . target as HTMLElement
isDragging . value = false
// We use a timeout to determine if the user is dragging or clicking on the record
dragTimeout . value = setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) ) return
if ( record . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
isDragging . value = true
while ( ! target . classList . contains ( 'draggable-record' ) ) {
target = target . parentElement as HTMLElement
dragRecord . value = record
dragElement . value = target
document . addEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onDrag )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , stopDrag )
} , 200 )
const onMouseUp = ( ) => {
clearTimeout ( dragTimeout . value ! )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onMouseUp )
if ( ! isDragging . value ) {
emit ( 'expandRecord' , record )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onMouseUp )
// We support drag and drop from the sidebar to the day view of the date field
const dropEvent = ( event : DragEvent ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! container . value ) return
event . preventDefault ( )
const data = event . dataTransfer ? . getData ( 'text/plain' )
if ( data ) {
const {
record ,
isWithoutDates ,
} : {
record : Row
initialClickOffsetY : number
initialClickOffsetX : number
isWithoutDates : boolean
} = JSON . parse ( data )
if ( record . rowMeta . range ? . is _readonly ) return
const fromCol = record . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col
const toCol = record . rowMeta . range ? . fk _to _col
if ( ! fromCol ) return
const { top } = container . value . getBoundingClientRect ( )
const { scrollHeight } = container . value
// We calculate the percentage of the mouse position in the scroll container
const percentY = ( event . clientY - top + container . value . scrollTop ) / scrollHeight
const hour = Math . max ( Math . floor ( percentY * 23 ) , 0 )
const minutes = Math . min ( Math . max ( Math . round ( Math . floor ( ( percentY * 23 - hour ) * 60 ) / 15 ) * 15 , 0 ) , 60 )
const newStartDate = dayjs ( selectedDate . value ) . startOf ( 'day' ) . add ( hour , 'hour' ) . add ( minutes , 'minute' )
let endDate
const newRow = {
... record ,
row : {
... record . row ,
[ fromCol . title ! ] : dayjs ( newStartDate ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
const updateProperty = [ fromCol . title ! ]
if ( toCol ) {
const fromDate = record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ fromCol . title ! ] ) : null
const toDate = record . row [ toCol . title ! ] ? dayjs ( record . row [ toCol . title ! ] ) : null
if ( fromDate && toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . add ( toDate . diff ( fromDate , 'day' ) , 'day' )
} else if ( fromDate && ! toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . endOf ( 'day' )
} else if ( ! fromDate && toDate ) {
endDate = dayjs ( newStartDate ) . endOf ( 'day' )
} else {
endDate = newStartDate . clone ( )
newRow . row [ toCol . title ! ] = dayjs ( endDate ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' )
updateProperty . push ( toCol . title ! )
if ( ! newRow ) return
const newPk = extractPkFromRow ( newRow . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
if ( dragElement . value && ! isWithoutDates ) {
formattedData . value = formattedData . value . map ( ( r ) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! )
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
} )
} else {
formattedData . value = [ ... formattedData . value , newRow ]
if ( sideBarFilterOption . value !== 'allRecords' ) {
formattedSideBarData . value = formattedSideBarData . value . filter ( ( r ) => {
return extractPkFromRow ( r . row , meta . value ! . columns ! ) !== newPk
} )
if ( dragElement . value ) {
dragElement . value . style . boxShadow = 'none'
dragElement . value = null
updateRowProperty ( newRow , updateProperty , false )
$e ( 'c:calendar:day:drag-record' )
const isOverflowAcrossHourRange = ( hour : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
if ( ! recordsAcrossAllRange . value || ! recordsAcrossAllRange . value . gridTimeMap ) return { isOverflow : false , overflowCount : 0 }
const { gridTimeMap } = recordsAcrossAllRange . value
const startMinute = hour . hour ( ) * 60 + hour . minute ( )
const endMinute = hour . hour ( ) * 60 + hour . minute ( ) + 59
let overflowCount = 0
for ( let minute = startMinute ; minute <= endMinute ; minute ++ ) {
const recordCount = gridTimeMap . get ( minute ) ? . count ? ? 0
overflowCount = Math . max ( overflowCount , recordCount )
return { isOverflow : overflowCount - 8 > 0 , overflowCount : overflowCount - 8 }
const viewMore = ( hour : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
sideBarFilterOption . value = 'selectedHours'
selectedTime . value = hour
showSideMenu . value = true
const selectHour = ( hour : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
selectedTime . value = hour
dragRecord . value = null
// TODO: Add Support for multiple ranges when multiple ranges are supported
const newRecord = ( hour : dayjs . Dayjs ) => {
if ( ! isUIAllowed ( 'dataEdit' ) || ! calendarRange . value ? . length ) return
const record = {
row : {
[ calendarRange . value [ 0 ] . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] : hour . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
emit ( 'newRecord' , record )
watch (
( ) => recordsAcrossAllRange . value ,
( ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( isDragging . value ) return
const records = document . querySelectorAll ( '.draggable-record' )
if ( records . length ) records . item ( 0 ) ? . scrollIntoView ( { behavior : 'smooth' , block : 'center' } )
else document . querySelectorAll ( '.nc-calendar-day-hour' ) . item ( 9 ) ? . scrollIntoView ( { behavior : 'smooth' , block : 'center' } )
} , 100 )
} ,
{ immediate : true } ,
const expandRecord = ( record : Row ) => {
emit ( 'expandRecord' , record )
< / script >
< template >
< div class = "h-[calc(100vh-5.3rem)] overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md" >
< SmartsheetCalendarDateTimeSpanningContainer
v - if = "calendarRange.some((range) => range.fk_to_col !== null && range.fk_to_col !== undefined)"
: records = "recordsAcrossAllRange.spanningRecords"
@ expand - record = "expandRecord"
/ >
< div ref = "container" class = "w-full flex relative no-selection" data -testid = " nc -calendar -day -view " @drop ="dropEvent" >
< div
v - if = "shouldEnableOverlay"
class = "absolute ml-2 pointer-events-none w-full z-4"
: style = " {
top : ` ${ overlayTop } px ` ,
} "
< div class = "flex w-full items-center" >
< span
class = "text-brand-500 text-xs rounded-md border-1 pointer-events-auto px-0.5 border-brand-200 cursor-pointer bg-brand-50"
@ click = "newRecord(currTime)"
{ { currTime . format ( 'hh:mm A' ) } }
< / span >
< div class = "flex-1 border-b-1 border-brand-500" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div >
< div
v - for = "(hour, index) in hours"
: key = "index"
class = "flex h-13 relative border-1 group hover:bg-gray-50 border-white"
data - testid = "nc-calendar-day-hour"
@ click = "selectHour(hour)"
@ dblclick = "newRecord(hour)"
< div class = "w-16 border-b-0 pr-2 pl-2 text-right text-xs text-gray-400 font-semibold h-13" >
{ { dayjs ( hour ) . format ( 'hh a' ) } }
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "w-full" >
< div
v - for = "(hour, index) in hours"
: key = "index"
: class = " {
'selected-hour' : hour . isSame ( selectedTime ) ,
} "
class = "flex w-full border-l-gray-100 h-13 transition nc-calendar-day-hour relative border-1 group hover:bg-gray-50 border-white border-b-gray-100"
data - testid = "nc-calendar-day-hour"
@ click = "selectHour(hour)"
@ dblclick = "newRecord(hour)"
< NcDropdown
v - if = "calendarRange.length > 1 && !isPublic"
: class = " {
'!block' : hour . isSame ( selectedTime ) ,
'!hidden' : ! hour . isSame ( selectedTime ) ,
} "
auto - close
< NcButton
class = "!group-hover:block mr-12 my-auto ml-auto z-10 top-0 bottom-0 !group-hover:block absolute"
size = "xsmall"
type = "secondary"
< component :is ="iconMap.plus" class = "h-4 w-4" / >
< / NcButton >
< template # overlay >
< NcMenu class = "w-64" >
< NcMenuItem > Select date field to add < / NcMenuItem >
< template v-for ="(range, calIndex) in calendarRange" :key ="calIndex" >
< NcMenuItem
v - if = "!range.is_readonly"
class = "text-gray-800 font-semibold text-sm"
@ click = "
( ) => {
let record = {
row : {
[ range . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] : hour . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
if ( range . fk _to _col ) {
record = {
row : {
... record . row ,
[ range . fk _to _col ! . title ! ] : hour . add ( 1 , 'hour' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
emit ( 'newRecord' , record )
< div class = "flex items-center gap-1" >
< LazySmartsheetHeaderCellIcon :column-meta ="range.fk_from_col" / >
< span class = "ml-1" > { { range . fk _from _col ! . title ! } } < / span >
< / div >
< / NcMenuItem >
< / template >
< / NcMenu >
< / template >
< / NcDropdown >
< NcButton
v - else - if = "!isPublic && isUIAllowed('dataEdit') && [UITypes.DateTime, UITypes.Date].includes(calDataType)"
: class = " {
'!block' : hour . isSame ( selectedTime ) ,
'!hidden' : ! hour . isSame ( selectedTime ) ,
} "
class = "!group-hover:block mr-12 my-auto ml-auto z-10 top-0 bottom-0 !group-hover:block absolute"
size = "xsmall"
type = "secondary"
@ click = "
( ) => {
let record = {
row : {
[ calendarRange [ 0 ] . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] : hour . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
if ( calendarRange [ 0 ] . fk _to _col ) {
record = {
row : {
... record . row ,
[ calendarRange [ 0 ] . fk _to _col ! . title ! ] : hour . add ( 1 , 'hour' ) . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ' ) ,
} ,
emit ( 'newRecord' , record )
< component :is ="iconMap.plus" class = "h-4 w-4" / >
< / NcButton >
< NcButton
v - if = "isOverflowAcrossHourRange(hour).isOverflow"
v - e = "`['c:calendar:week-view-more']`"
class = "!absolute bottom-2 text-center w-15 mx-auto inset-x-0 z-3 text-gray-500"
size = "xxsmall"
type = "secondary"
@ click = "viewMore(hour)"
< span class = "text-xs" >
{ { isOverflowAcrossHourRange ( hour ) . overflowCount } }
< / span >
< / NcButton >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none" >
< div class = "relative !ml-[68px] !mr-1 nc-calendar-day-record-container" data -testid = " nc -calendar -day -record -container " >
< template v-for ="record in recordsAcrossAllRange.record" :key="record.rowMeta.id" >
< div
v - if = "record.rowMeta.style?.display !== 'none'"
: data - testid = "`nc-calendar-day-record-${record.row[displayField!.title!]}`"
: data - unique - id = "record.rowMeta.id"
: style = " {
... record . rowMeta . style ,
opacity :
( dragRecord === null || record . rowMeta . id === dragRecord ? . rowMeta . id ) &&
( resizeRecord === null || record . rowMeta . id === resizeRecord ? . rowMeta . id )
? 1
: 0.3 ,
} "
class = "absolute draggable-record transition group cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto"
@ mousedown = "dragStart($event, record)"
@ mouseleave = "hoverRecord = null"
@ mouseover = "hoverRecord = record.rowMeta.id as string"
@ dragover . prevent
< LazySmartsheetRow :row ="record" >
< LazySmartsheetCalendarVRecordCard
: hover = "hoverRecord === record.rowMeta.id || record.rowMeta.id === dragRecord?.rowMeta?.id"
: selected = "record.rowMeta.id === dragRecord?.rowMeta?.id"
: record = "record"
: resize = "!!record.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col && isUIAllowed('dataEdit')"
@ resize - start = "onResizeStart"
< template v-for ="(field, id) in fields" :key ="id" >
< LazySmartsheetPlainCell
v - if = "!isRowEmpty(record, field!)"
v - model = "record.row[field!.title!]"
class = "text-xs font-medium"
: bold = "getFieldStyle(field).bold"
: column = "field"
: italic = "getFieldStyle(field).italic"
: underline = "getFieldStyle(field).underline"
/ >
< / template >
< template # time >
< div class = "text-xs font-medium text-gray-400" >
{ { dayjs ( record . row [ record . rowMeta . range ? . fk _from _col ! . title ! ] ) . format ( 'h:mm a' ) } }
< / div >
< / template >
< / LazySmartsheetCalendarVRecordCard >
< / LazySmartsheetRow >
< / div >
< / template >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
< style lang = "scss" scoped >
. no - selection {
- webkit - touch - callout : none ;
- webkit - user - select : none ;
- moz - user - select : none ;
- ms - user - select : none ;
user - select : none ;
. selected - hour {
@ apply relative ;
& : after {
@ apply rounded - sm pointer - events - none absolute inset - 0 w - full h - full ;
content : '' ;
z - index : 3 ;
box - shadow : 0 0 0 2 px # 3366 ff ! important ;
< / style >