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feat(nc-gui): granularity in drag drop

DarkPhoenix2704 10 months ago
  1. 57
  2. 10
  3. 8
  4. 118


@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
record: Row[]
count: {
[key: string]: {
id: string
id: string[]
overflow: boolean
overflowCount: number
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
style.display = 'none'
overlaps[timeKey].overflowCount += 1
_startDate = _startDate.add(15, 'minutes')
_startDate = _startDate.add(1, 'minutes')
// This property is used to determine which side the record should be rounded. It can be top, bottom, both or none
@ -205,16 +205,16 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
const id = generateRandomNumber()
const startDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!])
const endDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]).add(15, 'minutes')
const endDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]).add(1, 'hour')
const startHour = startDate.hour()
let style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {}
let _startDate = startDate.clone()
// We loop through every 15 minutes between the start and end date and keep track of the number of records that overlap at a given time
// We loop through every minute between the start and end date and keep track of the number of records that overlap at a given time
while (_startDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
const timeKey = _startDate.startOf('hour').format('HH:mm')
const timeKey = _startDate.format('HH:mm')
if (!overlaps[timeKey]) {
overlaps[timeKey] = {
@ -234,15 +234,20 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
display: 'none',
_startDate = _startDate.add(15, 'minutes')
_startDate = _startDate.add(1, 'minute')
const topInPixels = (startDate.hour() + startDate.startOf('hour').minute() / 60) * 80
// The top of the record is calculated based on the start hour
// Update such that it is also based on Minutes
const minutes = startDate.minute() + startDate.hour() * 60
const updatedTopInPixels = (minutes * 80) / 60
// A minimum height of 80px is set for each record
const heightInPixels = Math.max((endDate.diff(startDate, 'minute') / 60) * 80, perRecordHeight)
const finalTopInPixels = topInPixels + startHour * 2
const finalTopInPixels = updatedTopInPixels + startHour * 2
style = {,
@ -331,9 +336,10 @@ const calculateNewRow = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// We calculate the hour based on the percentage of the mouse position in the scroll container
// It can be between 0 and 23 (inclusive)
const hour = Math.max(Math.floor(percentY * 23), 0)
const minutes = Math.floor(((percentY * 22 - hour) * 60) / 15) * 15
// We calculate the new startDate by adding the hour to the start of the selected date
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value).startOf('day').add(hour, 'hour')
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value).startOf('day').add(hour, 'hour').add(minutes, 'minute')
if (!newStartDate || !fromCol) return { newRow: null, updateProperty: [] }
let endDate
@ -570,6 +576,35 @@ const dragStart = (event: MouseEvent, record: Row) => {
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp)
const isOverflowAcrossHourRange = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
let startOfHour = hour.startOf('hour')
const endOfHour = hour.endOf('hour')
const ids: Array<string> = []
let isOverflow = false
let overflowCount = 0
while (startOfHour.isBefore(endOfHour, 'minute')) {
const hourKey = startOfHour.format('HH:mm')
if (recordsAcrossAllRange.value?.count?.[hourKey]?.overflow) {
isOverflow = true
recordsAcrossAllRange.value?.count?.[hourKey]?.id.forEach((id) => {
if (!ids.includes(id)) {
overflowCount += 1
startOfHour = startOfHour.add(1, 'minute')
overflowCount = overflowCount > 8 ? overflowCount - 8 : 0
return { isOverflow, overflowCount }
const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
sideBarFilterOption.value = 'selectedHours'
selectedTime.value = hour
@ -680,7 +715,7 @@ const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
class="!absolute bottom-2 text-center w-15 mx-auto inset-x-0 z-3 text-gray-500"
@ -688,7 +723,7 @@ const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
<span class="text-xs">
{{ recordsAcrossAllRange?.count[hour.format('HH:mm')]?.overflowCount }}
{{ isOverflowAcrossHourRange(hour).overflowCount }}


@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['resize-start'])
'min-h-9': size === 'small',
'h-full': size === 'auto',
'rounded-l-lg ml-1': position === 'leftRounded',
'rounded-r-lg mr-1': position === 'rightRounded',
'rounded-l-lg': position === 'leftRounded',
'rounded-r-lg': position === 'rightRounded',
'rounded-lg mx-1': position === 'rounded',
'rounded-none': position === 'none',
'bg-maroon-50': color === 'maroon',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['resize-start'])
'bg-pink-500': color === 'pink',
'bg-purple-500': color === 'purple',
class="block h-full min-h-5 w-1 rounded"
class="w-1 min-h-5 bg-blue-500 rounded-x rounded-y-sm"
<div v-if="(position === 'leftRounded' || position === 'rounded') && resize" class="mt-0.7 h-7.1 absolute -left-4 resize">
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['resize-start'])
<div class="overflow-hidden flex w-full ml-2 h-8 absolute">
<div class="overflow-hidden items-center flex w-full ml-2 h-8">
<span v-if="position === 'rightRounded' || position === 'none'" class="mr-1"> .... </span>
'pr-7': position === 'leftRounded',
class="text-sm pt-1.5 pr-3 mr-3 break-word space-x-2 whitespace-nowrap gap-2 overflow-hidden text-ellipsis w-full truncate text-gray-800"
class="text-sm pr-3 mr-3 break-word space-x-2 whitespace-nowrap gap-2 overflow-hidden text-ellipsis w-full truncate text-gray-800"
<slot />


@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['resize-start'])
'group-hover:(border-brand-500)': resize,
'!border-brand-500 border-1': selected || hover,
class="relative h-full ml-0.25 border-1 border-gray-50"
class="relative flex items-center h-full ml-0.25 border-1 border-gray-50"
<div class="h-full absolute py-2">
<div class="h-full py-1">
'bg-maroon-500': color === 'maroon',
@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['resize-start'])
'bg-pink-500': color === 'pink',
'bg-purple-500': color === 'purple',
class="block h-full min-h-5 ml-1 w-1 rounded mr-2"
class="block h-full min-h-5 ml-1 w-1 rounded"
<div v-if="position === 'bottomRounded' || position === 'none'" class="ml-3">....</div>
class="mt-1.5 pl-4 pr-1 text-sm h-[80%] text-gray-800 leading-7 space-x-2 break-all whitespace-normal truncate w-full overflow-y-hidden absolute"
class="pl-1 pr-1 text-sm h-[80%] text-gray-800 leading-7 space-x-2 break-all whitespace-normal truncate w-full overflow-y-hidden"
<slot />


@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
const scheduleStart = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).startOf('day')
const scheduleEnd = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.end).endOf('day')
// We need to keep track of the overlaps for each day and hour in the week to calculate the width and left position of each record
// We need to keep track of the overlaps for each day and hour, minute in the week to calculate the width and left position of each record
// The first key is the date, the second key is the hour, and the value is an object containing the ids of the records that overlap
// The key is in the format YYYY-MM-DD and the hour is in the format HH:mm
const overlaps: {
@ -137,48 +137,58 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
sortedFormattedData.forEach((record: Row) => {
if (!toCol && fromCol) {
// If there is no toColumn chosen in the range
const startDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
if (!startDate) return
const ogStartDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
if (!ogStartDate) return
// Hour Key currently is set as start of the hour
// TODO: Need to work on the granularity of the hour
const dateKey = startDate?.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const hourKey = startDate?.startOf('hour').format('HH:mm')
const endDate = ogStartDate.clone().add(1, 'hour')
const id = ?? generateRandomNumber()
let startDate = ogStartDate.clone()
let style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {}
// If the dateKey and hourKey are valid, we add the id to the overlaps object
if (dateKey && hourKey) {
if (!overlaps[dateKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey] = {}
if (!overlaps[dateKey][hourKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey] = {
id: [],
overflow: false,
overflowCount: 0,
while (startDate.isBefore(endDate, 'minutes')) {
const dateKey = startDate?.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const hourKey = startDate?.format('HH:mm')
// If the dateKey and hourKey are valid, we add the id to the overlaps object
if (dateKey && hourKey) {
if (!overlaps[dateKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey] = {}
if (!overlaps[dateKey][hourKey]) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey] = {
id: [],
overflow: false,
overflowCount: 0,
// If the number of records that overlap in a single hour is more than 4, we hide the record and set the overflow flag to true
// We also keep track of the number of records that overflow
if (overlaps[dateKey][hourKey].id.length > 4) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey].overflow = true
style.display = 'none'
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey].overflowCount += 1
// If the number of records that overlap in a single hour is more than 4, we hide the record and set the overflow flag to true
// We also keep track of the number of records that overflow
if (overlaps[dateKey][hourKey].id.length > 4) {
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey].overflow = true
style.display = 'none'
overlaps[dateKey][hourKey].overflowCount += 1
// TODO: dayIndex is not calculated perfectly
// Should revisit this part in next iteration
let dayIndex = dayjs(dateKey).day() - 1
if (dayIndex === -1) {
dayIndex = 6
// TODO: dayIndex is not calculated perfectly
// Should revisit this part in next iteration
let dayIndex = dayjs(dateKey).day() - 1
if (dayIndex === -1) {
dayIndex = 6
startDate = startDate.add(1, 'minute')
const dayIndex = - 1
const hourKey = ogStartDate.format('HH:mm')
// We calculate the index of the hour in the day and set the top and height of the record
const hourIndex = Math.min(
@ -188,10 +198,14 @@ const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
const minutes = ogStartDate.minute() + ogStartDate.hour() * 60
const topPx = (minutes * perHeight) / 60
style = {,
top: `${hourIndex * perHeight - hourIndex - hourIndex * 0.15}px`,
height: `${perHeight - 2}px`,
top: `${topPx - hourIndex - hourIndex * 0.15}px`,
height: `${perHeight - 4}px`,
@ -514,7 +528,9 @@ const calculateNewRow = (
const day = Math.max(0, Math.min(6, Math.floor(percentX * 7)))
const hour = Math.max(0, Math.min(23, Math.floor(percentY * 24)))
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).add(day, 'day').add(hour, 'hour')
const minutes = Math.floor(((percentY * 22 - hour) * 60) / 15) * 15
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDateRange.value.start).add(day, 'day').add(hour, 'hour').add(minutes, 'minute')
if (!newStartDate) return { newRow: null, updatedProperty: [] }
let endDate
@ -678,6 +694,36 @@ const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
selectedTime.value = hour
showSideMenu.value = true
const isOverflowAcrossHourRange = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
let startOfHour = hour.startOf('hour')
const endOfHour = hour.endOf('hour')
const ids: Array<string> = []
let isOverflow = false
let overflowCount = 0
while (startOfHour.isBefore(endOfHour, 'minute')) {
const dateKey = startOfHour.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
const hourKey = startOfHour.format('HH:mm')
if (recordsAcrossAllRange.value?.count?.[dateKey]?.[hourKey]?.overflow) {
isOverflow = true
recordsAcrossAllRange.value?.count?.[dateKey]?.[hourKey]?.id.forEach((id) => {
if (!ids.includes(id)) {
overflowCount += 1
startOfHour = startOfHour.add(1, 'minute')
overflowCount = overflowCount > 4 ? overflowCount - 4 : 0
return { isOverflow, overflowCount }
@ -726,7 +772,7 @@ const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
class="!absolute bottom-1 text-center w-15 ml-auto inset-x-0 z-3 text-gray-500"
@ -734,7 +780,7 @@ const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
<span class="text-xs">
{{ recordsAcrossAllRange?.count[hour.format('YYYY-MM-DD')][hour.format('HH:mm')]?.overflowCount }}
{{ isOverflowAcrossHourRange(hour).overflowCount }}
