You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

743 lines
25 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { UITypes, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { type Row, computed, ref } from '#imports'
import { generateRandomNumber, isRowEmpty } from '~/utils'
const emit = defineEmits(['expandRecord', 'new-record'])
const {
} = useCalendarViewStoreOrThrow()
const container = ref<null | HTMLElement>(null)
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref())
const hours = computed(() => {
const hours: Array<dayjs.Dayjs> = []
const _selectedDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value)
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
hours.push(_selectedDate.clone().startOf('day').add(i, 'hour'))
return hours
const recordsAcrossAllRange = computed<{
record: Row[]
count: {
[key: string]: {
id: string
overflow: boolean
overflowCount: number
}>(() => {
if (!calendarRange.value || !formattedData.value) return { record: [], count: {} }
const scheduleStart = dayjs(selectedDate.value).startOf('day')
const scheduleEnd = dayjs(selectedDate.value).endOf('day')
// We use this object to keep track of the number of records that overlap at a given time, and if the number of records exceeds 4, we hide the record
// and show a button to view more records
// The key is the time in HH:mm format
// id is the id of the record generated below
const overlaps: {
[key: string]: {
id: string[]
overflow: boolean
overflowCount: number
} = {}
const perRecordHeight = 80
let recordsByRange: Array<Row> = []
calendarRange.value.forEach((range) => {
const fromCol = range.fk_from_col
const endCol = range.fk_to_col
// We fetch all the records that match the calendar ranges in a single time.
// But not all fetched records are valid for the certain range, so we filter them out & sort them
const sortedFormattedData = [...formattedData.value].filter((record) => {
const fromDate = record.row[fromCol!.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol!.title!]) : null
if (fromCol && endCol) {
const fromDate = record.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = record.row[endCol.title!] ? dayjs(record.row[endCol.title!]) : null
return fromDate && toDate?.isValid() ? fromDate.isBefore(toDate) : true
} else if (fromCol && !endCol) {
return !!fromDate
return false
// If there is a start and end column, we calculate the top and height of the record based on the start and end date
if (fromCol && endCol) {
for (const record of sortedFormattedData) {
// We use this id during the drag and drop operation and to keep track of the number of records that overlap at a given time
const id = generateRandomNumber()
let startDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!])
let endDate = dayjs(record.row[endCol.title!])
// If no start date is provided or startDate is after the endDate, we skip the record
if (!startDate.isValid() || startDate.isAfter(endDate)) continue
// If there is no end date, we add 30 minutes to the start date and use that as the end date
if (!endDate.isValid()) {
endDate = startDate.clone().add(30, 'minutes')
// If the start date is before the opened date, we use the schedule start as the start date
// This is to ensure the generated style of the record is not outside the bounds of the calendar
if (startDate.isBefore(scheduleStart, 'minutes')) {
startDate = scheduleStart
// If the end date is after the schedule end, we use the schedule end as the end date
// This is to ensure the generated style of the record is not outside the bounds of the calendar
if (endDate.isAfter(scheduleEnd, 'minutes')) {
endDate = scheduleEnd
// The top of the record is calculated based on the start hour and minute
const topInPixels = (startDate.hour() + startDate.minute() / 60) * 80
// A minimum height of 80px is set for each record
// The height of the record is calculated based on the difference between the start and end date
const heightInPixels = Math.max((endDate.diff(startDate, 'minute') / 60) * 80, perRecordHeight)
const startHour = startDate.hour()
let _startDate = startDate.clone()
const style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {
height: `${heightInPixels}px`,
top: `${topInPixels + 5 + startHour * 2}px`,
// We loop through every 15 minutes between the start and end date and keep track of the number of records that overlap at a given time
// If the number of records exceeds 4, we hide the record and show a button to view more records
while (_startDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
const timeKey = _startDate.format('HH:mm')
if (!overlaps[timeKey]) {
overlaps[timeKey] = {
id: [],
overflow: false,
overflowCount: 0,
// If the number of records exceeds 4, we hide the record mark the time as overflow
if (overlaps[timeKey].id.length > 4) {
overlaps[timeKey].overflow = true
style.display = 'none'
overlaps[timeKey].overflowCount += 1
_startDate = _startDate.add(15, 'minutes')
// This property is used to determine which side the record should be rounded. It can be top, bottom, both or none
// We use the start and end date to determine the position of the record
let position = 'none'
const isSelectedDay = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => date.isSame(selectedDate.value, 'day')
const isBeforeSelectedDay = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => date.isBefore(selectedDate.value, 'day')
const isAfterSelectedDay = (date: dayjs.Dayjs) => date.isAfter(selectedDate.value, 'day')
if (isSelectedDay(startDate) && isSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'rounded'
} else if (isBeforeSelectedDay(startDate) && isAfterSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'none'
} else if (isSelectedDay(startDate) && isAfterSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'topRounded'
} else if (isBeforeSelectedDay(startDate) && isSelectedDay(endDate)) {
position = 'bottomRounded'
} else {
position = 'none'
rowMeta: {
range: range as any,
} else if (fromCol) {
for (const record of sortedFormattedData) {
const id = generateRandomNumber()
const startDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!])
const endDate = dayjs(record.row[fromCol.title!]).add(15, 'minutes')
const startHour = startDate.hour()
let style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {}
let _startDate = startDate.clone()
// We loop through every 15 minutes between the start and end date and keep track of the number of records that overlap at a given time
while (_startDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
const timeKey = _startDate.startOf('hour').format('HH:mm')
if (!overlaps[timeKey]) {
overlaps[timeKey] = {
id: [],
overflow: false,
overflowCount: 0,
// If the number of records exceeds 8, we hide the record and mark it as overflow
if (overlaps[timeKey].id.length > 8) {
overlaps[timeKey].overflow = true
overlaps[timeKey].overflowCount += 1
style = {
display: 'none',
_startDate = _startDate.add(15, 'minutes')
const topInPixels = (startDate.hour() + startDate.startOf('hour').minute() / 60) * 80
// A minimum height of 80px is set for each record
const heightInPixels = Math.max((endDate.diff(startDate, 'minute') / 60) * 80, perRecordHeight)
const finalTopInPixels = topInPixels + startHour * 2
style = {
top: `${finalTopInPixels + 2}px`,
height: `${heightInPixels - 2}px`,
rowMeta: {
range: range as any,
position: 'rounded',
// We can't calculate the width & left of the records without knowing the number of records that overlap at a given time
// So we loop through the records again and calculate the width & left of the records based on the number of records that overlap at a given time
recordsByRange = recordsByRange.map((record) => {
// MaxOverlaps is the number of records that overlap at a given time
// overlapIndex is the index of the record in the list of records that overlap at a given time
let maxOverlaps = 1
let overlapIndex = 0
for (const minutes in overlaps) {
if (overlaps[minutes].id.includes(record.rowMeta.id!)) {
maxOverlaps = Math.max(maxOverlaps, overlaps[minutes].id.length - overlaps[minutes].overflowCount)
overlapIndex = Math.max(overlaps[minutes].id.indexOf(record.rowMeta.id!), overlapIndex)
const spacing = 0.25
const widthPerRecord = (100 - spacing * (maxOverlaps - 1)) / maxOverlaps
const leftPerRecord = (widthPerRecord + spacing) * overlapIndex
record.rowMeta.style = {
left: `${leftPerRecord - 0.08}%`,
width: `calc(${widthPerRecord}%)`,
return record
return {
count: overlaps,
record: recordsByRange,
const dragRecord = ref<Row | null>(null)
const isDragging = ref(false)
const dragElement = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)
const resizeDirection = ref<'right' | 'left' | null>()
const resizeRecord = ref<Row | null>()
const dragTimeout = ref<ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>>()
const hoverRecord = ref<string | null>(null)
const useDebouncedRowUpdate = useDebounceFn((row: Row, updateProperty: string[], isDelete: boolean) => {
updateRowProperty(row, updateProperty, isDelete)
}, 500)
// When the user is dragging a record, we calculate the new start and end date based on the mouse position
const calculateNewRow = (event: MouseEvent) => {
10 months ago
if (!container.value || !dragRecord.value) return { newRow: null, updateProperty: [] }
const { top } = container.value.getBoundingClientRect()
const { scrollHeight } = container.value
// We calculate the percentage of the mouse position in the scroll container
const percentY = (event.clientY - top + container.value.scrollTop) / scrollHeight
const fromCol = dragRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_from_col
const toCol = dragRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col
// We calculate the hour based on the percentage of the mouse position in the scroll container
// It can be between 0 and 23 (inclusive)
const hour = Math.max(Math.floor(percentY * 23), 0)
// We calculate the new startDate by adding the hour to the start of the selected date
const newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value).startOf('day').add(hour, 'hour')
if (!newStartDate || !fromCol) return { newRow: null, updateProperty: [] }
let endDate
const newRow = {
row: {
[fromCol.title!]: dayjs(newStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
const updateProperty = [fromCol.title!]
if (toCol) {
const fromDate = dragRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!] ? dayjs(dragRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!]) : null
const toDate = dragRecord.value.row[toCol.title!] ? dayjs(dragRecord.value.row[toCol.title!]) : null
// If there is an end date, we calculate the new end date based on the new start date and add the difference between the start and end date to the new start date
if (fromDate && toDate) {
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).add(toDate.diff(fromDate, 'hour'), 'hour')
} else if (fromDate && !toDate) {
// If there is no end date, we set the end date to the end of the day
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('hour')
} else if (!fromDate && toDate) {
// If there is no start date, we set the end date to the end of the day
endDate = dayjs(newStartDate).endOf('hour')
} else {
endDate = newStartDate.clone()
newRow.row[toCol.title!] = dayjs(endDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ')
if (!newRow) {
return { newRow: null, updateProperty: [] }
// We use the primary key of the new row to find the old row in the formattedData array
// If the old row is found, we replace it with the new row in the formattedData array
const newPk = extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)
if (dragElement.value) {
formattedData.value = formattedData.value.map((r) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
if (pk === newPk) {
return newRow
return r
} else {
// If the old row is not found, we add the new row to the formattedData array and remove the old row from the formattedSideBarData array
formattedData.value = [...formattedData.value, newRow]
formattedSideBarData.value = formattedSideBarData.value.filter((r) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
return pk !== newPk
return { newRow, updateProperty }
const onResize = (event: MouseEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
if (!container.value || !resizeRecord.value) return
const { top, bottom } = container.value.getBoundingClientRect()
const { scrollHeight } = container.value
// If the mouse position is near the top or bottom of the scroll container, we scroll the container
if (event.clientY > bottom - 20) {
container.value.scrollTop += 10
} else if (event.clientY < top + 20) {
container.value.scrollTop -= 10
const percentY = (event.clientY - top + container.value.scrollTop) / scrollHeight
const fromCol = resizeRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_from_col
const toCol = resizeRecord.value.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col
if (!fromCol || !toCol) return
const ogEndDate = dayjs(resizeRecord.value.row[toCol.title!])
const ogStartDate = dayjs(resizeRecord.value.row[fromCol.title!])
const hour = Math.max(Math.floor(percentY * 23), 0)
10 months ago
let newRow: Row | null = null
let updateProperty: string[] = []
if (resizeDirection.value === 'right') {
// If the user is resizing the record to the right, we calculate the new end date based on the mouse position
let newEndDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value).add(hour, 'hour')
updateProperty = [toCol.title!]
// If the new end date is before the start date, we set the new end date to the start date
// This is to ensure the end date is always same or after the start date
if (dayjs(newEndDate).isBefore(ogStartDate, 'day')) {
newEndDate = ogStartDate.clone()
if (!newEndDate.isValid()) return
newRow = {
row: {
[toCol.title!]: newEndDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
} else if (resizeDirection.value === 'left') {
let newStartDate = dayjs(selectedDate.value).add(hour, 'hour')
updateProperty = [fromCol.title!]
// If the new start date is after the end date, we set the new start date to the end date
// This is to ensure the start date is always before or same the end date
if (dayjs(newStartDate).isAfter(ogEndDate)) {
newStartDate = dayjs(dayjs(ogEndDate)).clone()
if (!newStartDate) return
newRow = {
row: {
[fromCol.title!]: dayjs(newStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
10 months ago
if (!newRow) return
const newPk = extractPkFromRow(newRow.row, meta.value!.columns!)
formattedData.value = formattedData.value.map((r) => {
const pk = extractPkFromRow(r.row, meta.value!.columns!)
10 months ago
return pk === newPk ? newRow : r
}) as Row[]
useDebouncedRowUpdate(newRow, updateProperty, false)
const onResizeEnd = () => {
resizeDirection.value = null
resizeRecord.value = null
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onResize)
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onResizeEnd)
const onResizeStart = (direction: 'right' | 'left', _event: MouseEvent, record: Row) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
resizeDirection.value = direction
resizeRecord.value = record
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onResize)
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onResizeEnd)
const onDrag = (event: MouseEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit') || !container.value || !dragRecord.value) return
const { top, bottom } = container.value.getBoundingClientRect()
if (event.clientY > bottom - 20) {
container.value.scrollTop += 10
} else if (event.clientY < top + 20) {
container.value.scrollTop -= 10
const stopDrag = (event: MouseEvent) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit') || !isDragging.value || !container.value || !dragRecord.value) return
const { newRow, updateProperty } = calculateNewRow(event)
if (!newRow && !updateProperty) return
const allRecords = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable-record')
allRecords.forEach((el) => {
el.style.visibility = ''
el.style.opacity = '100%'
if (dragElement.value) {
dragElement.value.style.boxShadow = 'none'
dragElement.value = null
10 months ago
if (!newRow) return
updateRowProperty(newRow, updateProperty, false)
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onDrag)
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag)
const dragStart = (event: MouseEvent, record: Row) => {
if (!isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) return
let target = event.target as HTMLElement
isDragging.value = false
// We use a timeout to determine if the user is dragging or clicking on the record
dragTimeout.value = setTimeout(() => {
isDragging.value = true
while (!target.classList.contains('draggable-record')) {
target = target.parentElement as HTMLElement
// When the user starts dragging a record, we reduce opacity of all other records
const allRecords = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable-record')
allRecords.forEach((el) => {
if (!el.getAttribute('data-unique-id').includes(record.rowMeta.id!)) {
// el.style.visibility = 'hidden'
el.style.opacity = '30%'
dragRecord.value = record
dragElement.value = target
dragRecord.value = record
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDrag)
document.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag)
}, 200)
const onMouseUp = () => {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp)
if (!isDragging.value) {
emit('expandRecord', record)
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp)
const viewMore = (hour: dayjs.Dayjs) => {
sideBarFilterOption.value = 'selectedHours'
selectedTime.value = hour
showSideMenu.value = true
class="w-full relative no-selection h-[calc(100vh-10rem)] overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-md"
v-for="(hour, index) in hours"
'!border-brand-500': hour.isSame(selectedTime),
class="flex w-full min-h-20 relative border-1 group hover:bg-gray-50 border-white border-b-gray-100"
@click="selectedTime = hour"
<div class="pt-2 px-4 text-xs text-gray-500 font-semibold h-20">
{{ dayjs(hour).format('H A') }}
v-if="calendarRange.length > 1"
'!block': hour.isSame(selectedTime),
'!hidden': !hour.isSame(selectedTime),
class="!group-hover:block mr-4 my-auto ml-auto z-10 top-0 bottom-0 !group-hover:block absolute"
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="h-4 w-4" />
<template #overlay>
<NcMenu class="w-64">
<NcMenuItem> Select date field to add </NcMenuItem>
v-for="(range, calIndex) in calendarRange"
class="text-gray-800 font-semibold text-sm"
() => {
let record = {
row: {
[range.fk_from_col!.title!]: hour.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
if (range.fk_to_col) {
record = {
row: {
[range.fk_to_col!.title!]: hour.add(1, 'hour').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
emit('new-record', record)
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">
<LazySmartsheetHeaderCellIcon :column-meta="range.fk_from_col" />
<span class="ml-1">{{ range.fk_from_col!.title! }}</span>
'!block': hour.isSame(selectedTime),
'!hidden': !hour.isSame(selectedTime),
class="!group-hover:block mr-4 my-auto ml-auto z-10 top-0 bottom-0 !group-hover:block absolute"
() => {
let record = {
row: {
[calendarRange[0].fk_from_col!.title!]: hour.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
if (calendarRange[0].fk_to_col) {
record = {
row: {
[calendarRange[0].fk_to_col!.title!]: hour.add(1, 'hour').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ'),
emit('new-record', record)
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="h-4 w-4" />
class="!absolute bottom-2 text-center w-15 mx-auto inset-x-0 z-3 text-gray-500"
<span class="text-xs">
{{ recordsAcrossAllRange?.count[hour.format('HH:mm')]?.overflowCount }}
<div class="absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none">
<div class="relative !ml-[60px]" data-testid="nc-calendar-day-record-container">
v-for="(record, rowIndex) in recordsAcrossAllRange.record"
class="absolute draggable-record group cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto"
@mousedown="dragStart($event, record)"
@mouseleave="hoverRecord = null"
10 months ago
@mouseover="hoverRecord = record.rowMeta.id as string"
<LazySmartsheetRow :row="record">
:hover="hoverRecord === record.rowMeta.id"
10 months ago
:resize="!!record.rowMeta.range?.fk_to_col && isUIAllowed('dataEdit')"
<template v-if="!isRowEmpty(record, displayField)">
10 months ago
'!mt-2': displayField!.uidt === UITypes.SingleLineText,
'!mt-1': displayField!.uidt === UITypes.MultiSelect || displayField!.uidt === UITypes.SingleSelect,
10 months ago
10 months ago
<div v-else class="w-full h-full flex text-md font-bold text-gray-500 items-center justify-center">No records in this day</div>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.no-selection {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;