@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ test.describe('View', () => {
}); |
test('Calendar', async () => { |
// Create & Verify Calendar View
await dashboard.viewSidebar.createCalendarView({ |
title: 'Calendar', |
}); |
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ test.describe('View', () => {
await dashboard.viewSidebar.openView({ title: 'Calendar' }); |
// Update Calendar range
await toolbar.clickCalendarViewSettings(); |
await toolbar.calendarRange.newCalendarRange({ |
@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ test.describe('View', () => {
await toolbar.clickCalendarViewSettings(); |
// Verify Sidebar
const calendar = dashboard.calendar; |
await calendar.verifySideBarOpen(); |
@ -136,6 +139,7 @@ test.describe('View', () => {
await calendar.verifySideBarOpen(); |
// Verify Calendar View Modes
await calendarTopbar.verifyActiveCalendarView({ view: 'month' }); |
await toolbar.calendarViewMode.changeCalendarView({ title: 'week' }); |
@ -158,6 +162,8 @@ test.describe('View', () => {
await calendarTopbar.moveToDate({ date: 'January 2024', action: 'prev' }); |
// Verify Sidebar Records & Filters
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: dateRecords.map(r => r.Title) }); |
await calendar.sideMenu.updateFilter({ |
@ -205,133 +211,41 @@ test.describe('View', () => {
await calendar.toolbar.calendarViewMode.changeCalendarView({ title: 'day' }); |
await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(10000); |
}); |
await calendar.calendarTopbar.moveToDate({ |
date: '1 January 2024', |
action: 'prev', |
}); |
test('Calendar view operations', async () => { |
/*test.slow(); |
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: dateRecords.map(r => r.Title) }); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.createKanbanView({ |
title: 'Film Kanban', |
}); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ |
title: 'Film Kanban', |
index: 0, |
}); |
await calendar.calendarDayDateTime.selectHour({ hourIndex: 10 }); |
await toolbar.sort.add({ |
title: 'Title', |
ascending: false, |
locallySaved: false, |
}); |
await calendar.sideMenu.updateFilter({ filter: 'In selected hours' }); |
await toolbar.clickFilter(); |
await toolbar.filter.add({ |
title: 'Title', |
operation: 'is like', |
value: 'BA', |
locallySaved: false, |
}); |
await toolbar.clickFilter(); |
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: ['Team Catchup'] }); |
await toolbar.fields.toggleShowAllFields(); |
await toolbar.fields.toggleShowAllFields(); |
await toolbar.fields.toggle({ title: 'Title' }); |
await calendar.calendarDayDateTime.selectHour({ hourIndex: 1 }); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.copyView({ title: 'Film Kanban' }); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.verifyView({ |
title: 'Kanban', |
index: 1, |
}); |
const kanban = dashboard.kanban; |
await kanban.verifyStackCount({ count: 6 }); |
await kanban.verifyStackOrder({ |
order: ['Uncategorized', 'G', 'PG', 'PG-13', 'R', 'NC-17'], |
}); |
await kanban.verifyStackFooter({ |
count: [0, 4, 5, 8, 6, 6], |
}); |
await kanban.verifyCardCount({ |
count: [0, 4, 5, 8, 6, 6], |
}); |
// verify card order
const order2 = [ |
]; |
for (let i = 1; i <= order2.length; i++) |
await kanban.verifyCardOrder({ |
stackIndex: i, |
order: order2[i - 1], |
}); |
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: [] }); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.changeViewIcon({ |
title: 'Kanban', |
icon: 'american-football', |
iconDisplay: '🏈', |
await calendar.calendarTopbar.moveToDate({ |
date: '3 January 2024', |
action: 'next', |
}); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.deleteView({ title: 'Kanban' }); |
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: [] }); |
await dashboard.viewSidebar.openView({ title: 'Film Kanban' }); |
await toolbar.calendarViewMode.changeCalendarView({ title: 'week' }); |
// add new stack
await kanban.addNewStack({ title: 'Test' }); |
await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000); |
await kanban.verifyStackCount({ count: 7 }); |
await kanban.verifyStackOrder({ |
order: ['Uncategorized', 'G', 'PG', 'PG-13', 'R', 'NC-17', 'Test'], |
}); |
await calendar.calendarWeekDateTime.selectHour({ dayIndex: 0, hourIndex: 10 }); |
// collapse stack
await kanban.verifyCollapseStackCount({ count: 0 }); |
await kanban.collapseStack({ index: 0 }); |
await kanban.verifyCollapseStackCount({ count: 1 }); |
await kanban.expandStack({ index: 0 }); |
await kanban.verifyCollapseStackCount({ count: 0 }); |
// add record to stack & verify
await toolbar.fields.toggleShowAllFields(); |
await toolbar.fields.toggleShowAllFields(); |
await toolbar.fields.toggleShowSystemFields(); |
await toolbar.fields.toggle({ title: 'LanguageId' }); |
await toolbar.fields.toggle({ title: 'Title' }); |
await toolbar.sort.reset(); |
await toolbar.filter.reset(); |
await kanban.addCard({ stackIndex: 6 }); |
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({ |
columnTitle: 'Title', |
value: 'New record', |
}); |
await dashboard.expandedForm.fillField({ |
columnTitle: 'LanguageId', |
value: '1', |
}); |
// todo: Check why kanban doesnt reload the rows data
await dashboard.expandedForm.save({ waitForRowsData: false }); |
// kludge: reload the page
await dashboard.rootPage.reload(); |
await kanban.verifyStackCount({ count: 7 }); |
await kanban.verifyStackOrder({ |
order: ['Uncategorized', 'G', 'PG', 'PG-13', 'R', 'NC-17', 'Test'], |
}); |
await kanban.verifyCardCount({ |
count: [0, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 1], |
}); |
await calendar.sideMenu.updateFilter({ filter: 'In selected hours' }); |
// delete stack
await kanban.deleteStack({ index: 6 }); |
await dashboard.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000); |
await kanban.verifyStackCount({ count: 6 }); |
await kanban.verifyStackOrder({ |
order: ['Uncategorized', 'G', 'PG', 'PG-13', 'R', 'NC-17'], |
}); |
await kanban.verifyCardCount({ |
count: [1, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25], |
});*/ |
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: ['Team Catchup'] }); |
await calendar.calendarWeekDateTime.selectHour({ dayIndex: 0, hourIndex: 1 }); |
await calendar.sideMenu.verifySideBarRecords({ records: [] }); |
}); |
test('Calendar shared view operations', async ({ page }) => { |