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title: 'String functions'
description: 'This article explains various string functions that can be used in formula fields.'
tags: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Formula']
keywords: ['Fields', 'Field types', 'Formula', 'Create formula field', 'String functions']
This cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide for various string based functions commonly used in data analysis and programming. Each function is accompanied by its syntax, a sample usage, and a brief description.
The CONCAT function concatenates one or more strings into a single string.
#### Syntax
CONCAT(text, [text,...])
#### Sample
CONCAT('John', ' ', 'Doe') => 'John Doe'
The LEFT function retrieves the first 'n' characters specified from the beginning of the input string.
#### Syntax
LEFT(text, count)
#### Sample
LEFT('123-456-7890', 3) => '123'
## LEN
The LEN function calculates and returns the total number of characters present in the provided string.
#### Syntax
#### Sample
LEN('Product Description') => 19
The LOWER function transforms all characters in the input string to lowercase
#### Syntax
#### Sample
LOWER('User INPUT') => 'user input'
## MID
The MID function retrieves a substring from the input string starting at the specified position and extending for the specified count of characters.
#### Syntax
MID(text, position, [count])
#### Sample
MID('This is a sentence', 5, 3) => 'is '
The REGEX_EXTRACT function searches the input string for the first occurrence of the specified regular expression pattern and returns the matched substring.
#### Syntax
REGEX_EXTRACT(text, pattern)
#### Sample
REGEX_EXTRACT('Error: Something went wrong', 'Error: (.*)') => 'Something went wrong'
The REGEX_MATCH function evaluates whether the input string matches the specified regular expression pattern, returning 1 if there is a match and 0 if there is no match.
#### Syntax
REGEX_MATCH(text, pattern)
#### Sample
REGEX_MATCH('123-45-6789', '\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}') => 1
The REGEX_REPLACE function identifies all occurrences of the specified regular expression pattern in the input string and substitutes them with the provided replacement string.
#### Syntax
REGEX_REPLACE(text, pattern, replacer)
#### Sample
REGEX_REPLACE('Replace all bugs', 'bug', 'feature') => 'Replace all features'
The REPEAT function duplicates the provided string the specified number of times, facilitating the creation of repeated patterns or sequences.
#### Syntax
REPEAT(text, count)
#### Sample
REPEAT('😃', 3) => '😃😃😃'
The REPLACE function identifies all instances of a particular substring within the given string and substitutes them with another specified substring.
#### Syntax
REPLACE(text, srchStr, rplcStr)
#### Sample
REPLACE('Replace old text', 'old', 'new') => 'Replace new text'
The RIGHT function retrieves the last 'n' characters from the end of the input string, allowing you to extract a substring starting from the right.
#### Syntax
RIGHT(text, n)
#### Sample
RIGHT('file_name.txt', 3) => 'txt'
The SEARCH function identifies the position of the specified substring within the input string, returning the index if found, and 0 otherwise.
#### Syntax
SEARCH(text, srchStr)
#### Sample
SEARCH('user@example.com', '@') => 5
The SUBSTR function extracts a substring from the input string, starting at the specified position and optionally extending for the specified count of characters.
#### Syntax
SUBSTR(text, position, [count])
#### Sample
SUBSTR('Extract this text', 9, 4) => 'this'
The TRIM function eliminates any leading or trailing whitespaces from the input string.
#### Syntax
#### Sample
TRIM(' Trim this ') => 'Trim this'
The UPPER function transforms all characters in the input string to uppercase.
#### Syntax
#### Sample
UPPER('title') => 'TITLE'
## URL
The URL function checks if the input string is a valid URL and converts it into a hyperlink
#### Syntax
#### Sample
URL('https://www.example.com') => a clickable link for https://www.example.com
The URLENCODE function percent-encodes special characters in a string so it can
be substituted as a query parameter into a URL.
It is similar to JavaScript `encodeURIComponent()` function, except it encodes
only characters that have a special meaning according to RFC 3986 section 2.2
and also percent signs and spaces; other characters such as letters from
non-Latin alphabets will not be encoded. Like `encodeURIComponent()`, it should
be used only for encoding URL components, not whole URLs.
#### Syntax
#### Sample
'https://example.com/q?param=' & URLENCODE('Hello, world')
=> 'https://example.com/q?param=Hello%2C%20world'
## Related Articles
- [Numeric and Logical Operators](015.operators.md)
- [Numeric Functions](020.numeric-functions.md)
- [Date Functions](040.date-functions.md)
- [Conditional Expressions](050.conditional-expressions.md)