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Avoid TemporaryBuffer.Heap on very small deltas

TemporaryBuffer is great when the output size is not known, but must
be bound by a relatively large upper limit that fits in memory, e.g.
64 KiB or 20 MiB.  The buffer gracefully supports growing storage by
allocating 8 KiB blocks and storing them in an ArrayList.

In a Git repository many deltas are less than 8 KiB.  Typical tree
objects are well below this threshold, and their deltas must be
encoded even smaller.

For these much smaller cases avoid the 8 KiB minimum allocation used
by TemporaryBuffer.  Instead allocate a very small OutputStream
writing to an array that is sized at the limit.

Change-Id: Ie25c6d3a8cf4604e0f8cd9a3b5b701a592d6ffca
Shawn Pearce 12 years ago committed by Shawn Pearce
  1. 85


@ -83,11 +83,10 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
/** Window entry of the object we are currently considering. */
private DeltaWindowEntry res;
/** If we have a delta for {@link #res}, this is the shortest found yet. */
private TemporaryBuffer.Heap bestDelta;
/** If we have {@link #bestDelta}, the window entry it was created from. */
/** If we have chosen a base, the window entry it was created from. */
private DeltaWindowEntry bestBase;
private int deltaLen;
private Object deltaBuf;
/** Used to compress cached deltas. */
private Deflater deflater;
@ -207,7 +206,7 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
if (delta(src) /* == NEXT_SRC */)
bestBase = null;
bestDelta = null;
deltaBuf = null;
@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
bestBase = null;
bestDelta = null;
deltaBuf = null;
private boolean delta(final DeltaWindowEntry src)
@ -293,17 +292,31 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
try {
TemporaryBuffer.Heap delta = new TemporaryBuffer.Heap(msz);
if (srcIndex.encode(delta, resBuf, msz)) {
bestBase = src;
bestDelta = delta;
OutputStream delta = msz <= (8 << 10)
? new ArrayStream(msz)
: new TemporaryBuffer.Heap(msz);
if (srcIndex.encode(delta, resBuf, msz))
selectDeltaBase(src, delta);
} catch (IOException deltaTooBig) {
// Unlikely, encoder should see limit and return false.
return NEXT_SRC;
private void selectDeltaBase(DeltaWindowEntry src, OutputStream delta) {
bestBase = src;
if (delta instanceof ArrayStream) {
ArrayStream a = (ArrayStream) delta;
deltaBuf = a.buf;
deltaLen = a.cnt;
} else {
TemporaryBuffer.Heap b = (TemporaryBuffer.Heap) delta;
deltaBuf = b;
deltaLen = (int) b.length();
private int deltaSizeLimit(DeltaWindowEntry src) {
if (bestBase == null) {
// Any delta should be no more than 50% of the original size
@ -319,7 +332,7 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
// With a delta base chosen any new delta must be "better".
// Retain the distribution described above.
int d = bestBase.depth();
int n = (int) bestDelta.length();
int n = deltaLen;
// If src is whole (depth=0) and base is near limit (depth=9/10)
// any delta using src can be 10x larger and still be better.
@ -330,25 +343,23 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
private void cacheDelta(ObjectToPack srcObj, ObjectToPack resObj) {
if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < bestDelta.length())
int rawsz = (int) bestDelta.length();
if (deltaCache.canCache(rawsz, srcObj, resObj)) {
if (deltaCache.canCache(deltaLen, srcObj, resObj)) {
try {
byte[] zbuf = new byte[deflateBound(rawsz)];
byte[] zbuf = new byte[deflateBound(deltaLen)];
ZipStream zs = new ZipStream(deflater(), zbuf);
bestDelta.writeTo(zs, null);
bestDelta = null;
if (deltaBuf instanceof byte[])
zs.write((byte[]) deltaBuf, 0, deltaLen);
((TemporaryBuffer.Heap) deltaBuf).writeTo(zs, null);
deltaBuf = null;
int len = zs.finish();
resObj.setCachedDelta(deltaCache.cache(zbuf, len, rawsz));
resObj.setCachedDelta(deltaCache.cache(zbuf, len, deltaLen));
} catch (IOException err) {;;
} catch (OutOfMemoryError err) {;;
@ -468,4 +479,28 @@ final class DeltaWindow {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
static final class ArrayStream extends OutputStream {
final byte[] buf;
int cnt;
ArrayStream(int max) {
buf = new byte[max];
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
if (cnt == buf.length)
throw new IOException();
buf[cnt++] = (byte) b;
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (len > buf.length - cnt)
throw new IOException();
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, cnt, len);
cnt += len;
