@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ exceptionCaughtDuringExecutionOfTagCommand=Exception caught during execution of
exceptionHookExecutionInterrupted=Execution of "{0}" hook interrupted.
exceptionOccurredDuringAddingOfOptionToALogCommand=Exception occurred during adding of {0} as option to a Log command
exceptionOccurredDuringReadingOfGIT_DIR=Exception occurred during reading of $GIT_DIR/{0}. {1}
exceptionWhileReadingPack=ERROR: Exception caught while accessing pack file {0}, the pack file might be corrupt, {1}. Caught {2} consecutive errors while trying to read this pack.
exceptionWhileReadingPack=Exception caught while accessing pack file {0}, the pack file might be corrupt. Caught {1} consecutive errors while trying to read this pack.
expectedACKNAKFoundEOF=Expected ACK/NAK, found EOF
expectedACKNAKGot=Expected ACK/NAK, got: {0}
expectedBooleanStringValue=Expected boolean string value