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JGitText: Remove unused externalized strings

Change-Id: I995d7a1b6ab2866221eee9f5cb828b97192daf4a
Signed-off-by: David Pursehouse <>
David Pursehouse 5 years ago committed by Matthias Sohn
  1. 66
  2. 66


@ -35,13 +35,10 @@ badRef=Bad ref: {0}: {1}
badSectionEntry=Bad section entry: {0}
badShallowLine=Bad shallow line: {0}
bareRepositoryNoWorkdirAndIndex=Bare Repository has neither a working tree, nor an index
base64InputNotProperlyPadded=Base64 input not properly padded.
baseLengthIncorrect=base length incorrect
bitmapMissingObject=Bitmap at {0} is missing {1}.
bitmapsMustBePrepared=Bitmaps must be prepared before they may be written.
blameNotCommittedYet=Not Committed Yet
blobNotFound=Blob not found: {0}
blobNotFoundForPath=Blob not found: {0} for path: {1}
blockLimitNotMultipleOfBlockSize=blockLimit {0} must be a multiple of blockSize {1}
blockLimitNotPositive=blockLimit must be positive: {0}
blockSizeNotPowerOf2=blockSize must be a power of 2
@ -54,7 +51,6 @@ cannotAccessLastModifiedForSafeDeletion=Unable to access lastModifiedTime of fil
cannotBeCombined=Cannot be combined.
cannotBeRecursiveWhenTreesAreIncluded=TreeWalk shouldn't be recursive when tree objects are included.
cannotChangeActionOnComment=Cannot change action on comment line in git-rebase-todo file, old action: {0}, new action: {1}.
cannotChangeToComment=Cannot change a non-comment line to a comment line.
cannotCheckoutFromUnbornBranch=Cannot checkout from unborn branch
cannotCheckoutOursSwitchBranch=Checking out ours/theirs is only possible when checking out index, not when switching branches.
cannotCombineSquashWithNoff=Cannot combine --squash with --no-ff.
@ -71,8 +67,6 @@ cannotCreateTempDir=Cannot create a temp dir
cannotDeleteCheckedOutBranch=Branch {0} is checked out and cannot be deleted
cannotDeleteFile=Cannot delete file: {0}
cannotDeleteObjectsPath=Cannot delete {0}/{1}: {2}
cannotDeleteStaleTrackingRef=Cannot delete stale tracking ref {0}
cannotDeleteStaleTrackingRef2=Cannot delete stale tracking ref {0}: {1}
cannotDetermineProxyFor=Cannot determine proxy for {0}
cannotDownload=Cannot download {0}
cannotEnterObjectsPath=Cannot enter {0}/objects: {1}
@ -104,20 +98,16 @@ cannotReadObject=Cannot read object
cannotReadObjectsPath=Cannot read {0}/{1}: {2}
cannotReadTree=Cannot read tree {0}
cannotRebaseWithoutCurrentHead=Can not rebase without a current HEAD
cannotResolveLocalTrackingRefForUpdating=Cannot resolve local tracking ref {0} for updating.
cannotSaveConfig=Cannot save config file ''{0}''
cannotSquashFixupWithoutPreviousCommit=Cannot {0} without previous commit.
cannotStoreObjects=cannot store objects
cannotResolveUniquelyAbbrevObjectId=Could not resolve uniquely the abbreviated object ID
cannotUnloadAModifiedTree=Cannot unload a modified tree.
cannotUpdateUnbornBranch=Cannot update unborn branch
cannotWorkWithOtherStagesThanZeroRightNow=Cannot work with other stages than zero right now. Won't write corrupt index.
cannotWriteObjectsPath=Cannot write {0}/{1}: {2}
canOnlyCherryPickCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot cherry-pick commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported.
canOnlyRevertCommitsWithOneParent=Cannot revert commit ''{0}'' because it has {1} parents, only commits with exactly one parent are supported
commitDoesNotHaveGivenParent=The commit ''{0}'' does not have a parent number {1}.
cantFindObjectInReversePackIndexForTheSpecifiedOffset=Can''t find object in (reverse) pack index for the specified offset {0}
cantPassMeATree=Can't pass me a tree!
channelMustBeInRange1_255=channel {0} must be in range [1, 255]
characterClassIsNotSupported=The character class {0} is not supported.
checkingOutFiles=Checking out files
@ -132,7 +122,6 @@ collisionOn=Collision on {0}
commandClosedStderrButDidntExit=Command {0} closed stderr stream but didn''t exit within timeout {1} seconds
commandRejectedByHook=Rejected by "{0}" hook.\n{1}
commandWasCalledInTheWrongState=Command {0} was called in the wrong state
commitAlreadyExists=exists {0}
commitMessageNotSpecified=commit message not specified
commitOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported=Commit on repo without HEAD currently not supported
commitAmendOnInitialNotPossible=Amending is not possible on initial commit.
@ -148,14 +137,11 @@ corruptionDetectedReReadingAt=Corruption detected re-reading at {0}
corruptObjectBadDate=bad date
corruptObjectBadEmail=bad email
corruptObjectBadStream=bad stream
corruptObjectBadStreamCorruptHeader=bad stream, corrupt header
corruptObjectBadTimezone=bad time zone
corruptObjectDuplicateEntryNames=duplicate entry names
corruptObjectGarbageAfterSize=garbage after size
corruptObjectIncorrectLength=incorrect length
corruptObjectIncorrectSorting=incorrectly sorted
corruptObjectInvalidEntryMode=invalid entry mode
corruptObjectInvalidMode=invalid mode
corruptObjectInvalidModeChar=invalid mode character
corruptObjectInvalidModeStartsZero=mode starts with '0'
corruptObjectInvalidMode2=invalid mode {0,number,#}
@ -175,7 +161,6 @@ corruptObjectInvalidParent=invalid parent
corruptObjectInvalidTree=invalid tree
corruptObjectInvalidType=invalid type
corruptObjectInvalidType2=invalid type {0}
corruptObjectMalformedHeader=malformed header: {0}
corruptObjectMissingEmail=missing email
corruptObjectNameContainsByte=name contains byte 0x%x
corruptObjectNameContainsChar=name contains '%c'
@ -188,15 +173,9 @@ corruptObjectNegativeSize=negative size
corruptObjectNoAuthor=no author
corruptObjectNoCommitter=no committer
corruptObjectNoHeader=no header
corruptObjectNoObject=no object
corruptObjectNoObjectHeader=no object header
corruptObjectNoTaggerBadHeader=no tagger/bad header
corruptObjectNoTaggerHeader=no tagger header
corruptObjectNoTagHeader=no tag header
corruptObjectNoTagName=no tag name
corruptObjectNotree=no tree
corruptObjectNotreeHeader=no tree header
corruptObjectNoType=no type
corruptObjectNoTypeHeader=no type header
corruptObjectPackfileChecksumIncorrect=Packfile checksum incorrect.
corruptObjectTruncatedInMode=truncated in mode
@ -204,20 +183,12 @@ corruptObjectTruncatedInName=truncated in name
corruptObjectTruncatedInObjectId=truncated in object id
corruptObjectZeroId=entry points to null SHA-1
corruptUseCnt=close() called when useCnt is already zero for {0}
couldNotCheckOutBecauseOfConflicts=Could not check out because of conflicts
couldNotDeleteLockFileShouldNotHappen=Could not delete lock file. Should not happen
couldNotDeleteTemporaryIndexFileShouldNotHappen=Could not delete temporary index file. Should not happen
couldNotGetAdvertisedRef=Remote {0} did not advertise Ref for branch {1}. This Ref may not exist in the remote or may be hidden by permission settings.
couldNotGetRepoStatistics=Could not get repository statistics
couldNotLockHEAD=Could not lock HEAD
couldNotReadIndexInOneGo=Could not read index in one go, only {0} out of {1} read
couldNotReadObjectWhileParsingCommit=Could not read an object while parsing commit {0}
couldNotRenameDeleteOldIndex=Could not rename delete old index
couldNotRenameTemporaryFile=Could not rename temporary file {0} to new location {1}
couldNotRenameTemporaryIndexFileToIndex=Could not rename temporary index file to index
couldNotRewindToUpstreamCommit=Could not rewind to upstream commit
couldNotURLEncodeToUTF8=Could not URL encode to UTF-8
couldNotWriteFile=Could not write file {0}
countingObjects=Counting objects
corruptPack=Pack file {0} is corrupt, removing it from pack list
createBranchFailedUnknownReason=Create branch failed for unknown reason
@ -245,8 +216,6 @@ DIRCExtensionIsTooLargeAt=DIRC extension {0} is too large at {1} bytes.
DIRCExtensionNotSupportedByThisVersion=DIRC extension {0} not supported by this version.
DIRCHasTooManyEntries=DIRC has too many entries.
DIRCUnrecognizedExtendedFlags=Unrecognized extended flags: {0}
dirtyFilesExist=Dirty files exist. Refusing to merge
doesNotHandleMode=Does not handle mode {0} ({1})
downloadCancelled=Download cancelled
downloadCancelledDuringIndexing=Download cancelled during indexing
duplicateAdvertisementsOf=duplicate advertisements of {0}
@ -265,9 +234,6 @@ enumValueNotSupported0=Invalid value: {0}
enumValueNotSupported2=Invalid value: {0}.{1}={2}
enumValueNotSupported3=Invalid value: {0}.{1}.{2}={3}
enumValuesNotAvailable=Enumerated values of type {0} not available
errorDecodingFromFile=Error decoding from file {0}
errorEncodingFromFile=Error encoding from file {0}
errorInBase64CodeReadingStream=Error in Base64 code reading stream.
errorInPackedRefs=error in packed-refs
errorInvalidProtocolWantedOldNewRef=error: invalid protocol: wanted 'old new ref'
errorListing=Error listing {0}
@ -311,7 +277,6 @@ failureDueToOneOfTheFollowing=Failure due to one of the following:
failureUpdatingFETCH_HEAD=Failure updating FETCH_HEAD: {0}
failureUpdatingTrackingRef=Failure updating tracking ref {0}: {1}
fileCannotBeDeleted=File cannot be deleted: {0}
fileIsTooBigForThisConvenienceMethod=File is too big for this convenience method ({0} bytes).
fileIsTooLarge=File is too large: {0}
fileModeNotSetForPath=FileMode not set for path {0}
filterExecutionFailed=Execution of filter command ''{0}'' on file ''{1}'' failed
@ -323,9 +288,7 @@ flagNotFromThis={0} not from this.
flagsAlreadyCreated={0} flags already created.
funnyRefname=funny refname
gcFailed=Garbage collection failed.
gcLogExists=A previous GC run reported an error: ''{0}''. Automatic gc will fail until ''{1}'' is removed.
gcTooManyUnpruned=Too many loose, unpruneable objects after garbage collection. Consider adjusting or gc.pruneExpire.
gitmodulesNotFound=.gitmodules not found in tree.
headRequiredToStash=HEAD required to stash local changes
hoursAgo={0} hours ago
httpConfigCannotNormalizeURL=Cannot normalize URL path {0}: too many .. segments
@ -338,14 +301,10 @@ illegalArgumentNotA=Not {0}
illegalCombinationOfArguments=The combination of arguments {0} and {1} is not allowed
illegalHookName=Illegal hook name {0}
illegalPackingPhase=Illegal packing phase {0}
illegalStateExists=exists {0}
improperlyPaddedBase64Input=Improperly padded Base64 input.
incorrectHashFor=Incorrect hash for {0}; computed {1} as a {2} from {3} bytes.
indexFileCorruptedNegativeBucketCount=Invalid negative bucket count read from pack v2 index file: {0}
indexFileIsInUse=Index file is in use
indexFileIsTooLargeForJgit=Index file is too large for jgit
indexSignatureIsInvalid=Index signature is invalid: {0}
indexWriteException=Modified index could not be written
initFailedBareRepoDifferentDirs=When initializing a bare repo with directory {0} and separate git-dir {1} specified both folders must point to the same location
initFailedDirIsNoDirectory=Cannot set directory to ''{0}'' which is not a directory
@ -363,7 +322,6 @@ invalidAdvertisementOf=invalid advertisement of {0}
invalidAncestryLength=Invalid ancestry length
invalidBooleanValue=Invalid boolean value: {0}.{1}={2}
invalidChannel=Invalid channel {0}
invalidCharacterInBase64Data=Invalid character in Base64 data.
invalidCommitParentNumber=Invalid commit parent number
invalidDepth=Invalid depth: {0}
invalidEncryption=Invalid encryption
@ -388,10 +346,6 @@ invalidObject=Invalid {0} {1}: {2}
invalidOldIdSent=invalid old id sent
invalidPacketLineHeader=Invalid packet line header: {0}
invalidPath=Invalid path: {0}
invalidPathContainsSeparator=Invalid path (contains separator ''{0}''): {1}
invalidPathPeriodAtEndWindows=Invalid path (period at end is ignored by Windows): {0}
invalidPathSpaceAtEndWindows=Invalid path (space at end is ignored by Windows): {0}
invalidPathReservedOnWindows=Invalid path (''{0}'' is reserved on Windows): {1}
invalidPurgeFactor=Invalid purgeFactor {0}, values have to be in range between 0 and 1
invalidRedirectLocation=Invalid redirect location {0} -> {1}
invalidRefAdvertisementLine=Invalid ref advertisement line: ''{1}''
@ -434,7 +388,6 @@ lockError=lock error: {0}
lockFailedRetry=locking {0} failed after {1} retries
lockOnNotClosed=Lock on {0} not closed.
lockOnNotHeld=Lock on {0} not held.
malformedpersonIdentString=Malformed PersonIdent string (no < was found): {0}
maxCountMustBeNonNegative=max count must be >= 0
mergeConflictOnNonNoteEntries=Merge conflict on non-note entries: base = {0}, ours = {1}, theirs = {2}
mergeConflictOnNotes=Merge conflict on note {0}. base = {1}, ours = {2}, theirs = {2}
@ -442,7 +395,6 @@ mergeStrategyAlreadyExistsAsDefault=Merge strategy "{0}" already exists as a def
mergeStrategyDoesNotSupportHeads=merge strategy {0} does not support {1} heads to be merged into HEAD
mergeUsingStrategyResultedInDescription=Merge of revisions {0} with base {1} using strategy {2} resulted in: {3}. {4}
mergeRecursiveConflictsWhenMergingCommonAncestors=Multiple common ancestors were found and merging them resulted in a conflict: {0}, {1}
mergeRecursiveReturnedNoCommit=Merge returned no commit:\n Depth {0}\n Head one {1}\n Head two {2}
mergeRecursiveTooManyMergeBasesFor = "More than {0} merge bases for:\n a {1}\n b {2} found:\n count {3}"
messageAndTaggerNotAllowedInUnannotatedTags = Unannotated tags cannot have a message or tagger
minutesAgo={0} minutes ago
@ -466,9 +418,6 @@ monthsAgo={0} months ago
multipleMergeBasesFor=Multiple merge bases for:\n {0}\n {1} found:\n {2}\n {3}
nameMustNotBeNullOrEmpty=Ref name must not be null or empty.
need2Arguments=Need 2 arguments
needPackOut=need packOut
needsAtLeastOneEntry=Needs at least one entry
needsWorkdir=Needs workdir
newIdMustNotBeNull=New ID must not be null
newlineInQuotesNotAllowed=Newline in quotes not allowed
noApplyInDelete=No apply in delete
@ -497,16 +446,13 @@ nothingToPush=Nothing to push.
notMergedExceptionMessage=Branch was not deleted as it has not been merged yet; use the force option to delete it anyway
noXMLParserAvailable=No XML parser available.
objectAtHasBadZlibStream=Object at {0} in {1} has bad zlib stream
objectAtPathDoesNotHaveId=Object at path "{0}" does not have an id assigned. All object ids must be assigned prior to writing a tree.
objectIsCorrupt=Object {0} is corrupt: {1}
objectIsCorrupt3={0}: object {1}: {2}
objectIsNotA=Object {0} is not a {1}.
objectNotFound=Object {0} not found.
objectNotFoundIn=Object {0} not found in {1}.
obtainingCommitsForCherryPick=Obtaining commits that need to be cherry-picked
offsetWrittenDeltaBaseForObjectNotFoundInAPack=Offset-written delta base for object not found in a pack
oldIdMustNotBeNull=Expected old ID must not be null
onlyAlreadyUpToDateAndFastForwardMergesAreAvailable=only already-up-to-date and fast forward merges are available
onlyOneFetchSupported=Only one fetch supported
onlyOneOperationCallPerConnectionIsSupported=Only one operation call per connection is supported.
openFilesMustBeAtLeast1=Open files must be >= 1
@ -516,7 +462,6 @@ outputHasAlreadyBeenStarted=Output has already been started.
overflowedReftableBlock=Overflowed reftable block
packChecksumMismatch=Pack checksum mismatch detected for pack file {0}: .pack has {1} whilst .idx has {2}
packCorruptedWhileWritingToFilesystem=Pack corrupted while writing to filesystem
packDoesNotMatchIndex=Pack {0} does not match index
packedRefsHandleIsStale=packed-refs handle is stale, {0}. retry
packetSizeMustBeAtLeast=packet size {0} must be >= {1}
packetSizeMustBeAtMost=packet size {0} must be <= {1}
@ -538,7 +483,6 @@ packWriterStatistics=Total {0,number,#0} (delta {1,number,#0}), reused {2,number
panicCantRenameIndexFile=Panic: index file {0} must be renamed to replace {1}; until then repository is corrupt
patchApplyException=Cannot apply: {0}
patchFormatException=Format error: {0}
pathIsNotInWorkingDir=Path is not in working dir
pathNotConfigured=Submodule path is not configured
peeledLineBeforeRef=Peeled line before ref.
peeledRefIsRequired=Peeled ref is required.
@ -551,7 +495,6 @@ progressMonUploading=Uploading {0}
propertyIsAlreadyNonNull=Property is already non null
pruneLoosePackedObjects=Prune loose objects also found in pack files
pruneLooseUnreferencedObjects=Prune loose, unreferenced objects
pullOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported=Pull on repository without HEAD currently not supported
pushCancelled=push cancelled
pushCertificateInvalidField=Push certificate has missing or invalid value for {0}
@ -637,7 +580,6 @@ shortReadOfOptionalDIRCExtensionExpectedAnotherBytes=Short read of optional DIRC
shortSkipOfBlock=Short skip of block.
signingNotSupportedOnTag=Signing isn't supported on tag operations yet.
similarityScoreMustBeWithinBounds=Similarity score must be between 0 and 100.
sizeExceeds2GB=Path {0} size {1} exceeds 2 GiB limit.
skipMustBeNonNegative=skip must be >= 0
smartHTTPPushDisabled=smart HTTP push disabled
sourceDestinationMustMatch=Source/Destination must match.
@ -658,7 +600,6 @@ sslVerifyCannotSave=Could not save setting for http.sslVerify
staleRevFlagsOn=Stale RevFlags on {0}
startingReadStageWithoutWrittenRequestDataPendingIsNotSupported=Starting read stage without written request data pending is not supported
stashApplyConflict=Applying stashed changes resulted in a conflict
stashApplyConflictInIndex=Applying stashed index changes resulted in a conflict. Dropped index changes.
stashApplyFailed=Applying stashed changes did not successfully complete
stashApplyOnUnsafeRepository=Cannot apply stashed commit on a repository with state: {0}
stashApplyWithoutHead=Cannot apply stashed commit in an empty repository or onto an unborn branch
@ -678,9 +619,7 @@ submoduleNameInvalid=Invalid submodule name ''{0}''
submoduleParentRemoteUrlInvalid=Cannot remove segment from remote url ''{0}''
submodulePathInvalid=Invalid submodule path ''{0}''
submoduleUrlInvalid=Invalid submodule URL ''{0}''
submodulesNotSupported=Submodules are not supported
supportOnlyPackIndexVersion2=Only support index version 2
symlinkCannotBeWrittenAsTheLinkTarget=Symlink "{0}" cannot be written as the link target cannot be read from within Java.
systemConfigFileInvalid=System wide config file {0} is invalid {1}
tagAlreadyExists=tag ''{0}'' already exists
tagNameInvalid=tag name {0} is invalid
@ -702,7 +641,6 @@ transportExceptionMissingAssumed=Missing assumed {0}
transportExceptionReadRef=read {0}
transportNeedsRepository=Transport needs repository
transportProvidedRefWithNoObjectId=Transport provided ref {0} with no object id
transportProtoAmazonS3=Amazon S3
transportProtoBundleFile=Git Bundle File
transportProtoGitAnon=Anonymous Git
@ -714,7 +652,6 @@ transportProtoTest=Test
transportSSHRetryInterrupt=Interrupted while waiting for retry
treeEntryAlreadyExists=Tree entry "{0}" already exists.
treeFilterMarkerTooManyFilters=Too many markTreeFilters passed, maximum number is {0} (passed {1})
treeIteratorDoesNotSupportRemove=TreeIterator does not support remove()
treeWalkMustHaveExactlyTwoTrees=TreeWalk should have exactly two trees.
truncatedHunkLinesMissingForAncestor=Truncated hunk, at least {0} lines missing for ancestor {1}
truncatedHunkNewLinesMissing=Truncated hunk, at least {0} new lines is missing
@ -724,10 +661,8 @@ unableToCheckConnectivity=Unable to check connectivity.
unableToCreateNewObject=Unable to create new object: {0}
unableToReadPackfile=Unable to read packfile {0}
unableToRemovePath=Unable to remove path ''{0}''
unableToStore=Unable to store {0}.
unableToWrite=Unable to write {0}
underflowedReftableBlock=Underflowed reftable block
unencodeableFile=Unencodable file: {0}
unexpectedCompareResult=Unexpected metadata comparison result: {0}
unexpectedEndOfConfigFile=Unexpected end of config file
@ -743,7 +678,6 @@ unexpectedSubmoduleStatus=Unexpected submodule status: ''{0}''
unknownOrUnsupportedCommand=Unknown or unsupported command "{0}", only "{1}" is allowed.
unknownDIRCVersion=Unknown DIRC version {0}
unknownHost=unknown host
unknownIndexVersionOrCorruptIndex=Unknown index version (or corrupt index): {0}
unknownObject=unknown object
unknownObjectInIndex=unknown object {0} found in index but not in pack file
unknownObjectType=Unknown object type {0}.


@ -96,13 +96,10 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String badSectionEntry;
/***/ public String badShallowLine;
/***/ public String bareRepositoryNoWorkdirAndIndex;
/***/ public String base64InputNotProperlyPadded;
/***/ public String baseLengthIncorrect;
/***/ public String bitmapMissingObject;
/***/ public String bitmapsMustBePrepared;
/***/ public String blameNotCommittedYet;
/***/ public String blobNotFound;
/***/ public String blobNotFoundForPath;
/***/ public String blockLimitNotMultipleOfBlockSize;
/***/ public String blockLimitNotPositive;
/***/ public String blockSizeNotPowerOf2;
@ -115,7 +112,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String cannotBeCombined;
/***/ public String cannotBeRecursiveWhenTreesAreIncluded;
/***/ public String cannotChangeActionOnComment;
/***/ public String cannotChangeToComment;
/***/ public String cannotCheckoutFromUnbornBranch;
/***/ public String cannotCheckoutOursSwitchBranch;
/***/ public String cannotCombineSquashWithNoff;
@ -132,8 +128,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String cannotDeleteCheckedOutBranch;
/***/ public String cannotDeleteFile;
/***/ public String cannotDeleteObjectsPath;
/***/ public String cannotDeleteStaleTrackingRef;
/***/ public String cannotDeleteStaleTrackingRef2;
/***/ public String cannotDetermineProxyFor;
/***/ public String cannotDownload;
/***/ public String cannotEnterObjectsPath;
@ -165,20 +159,16 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String cannotReadObjectsPath;
/***/ public String cannotReadTree;
/***/ public String cannotRebaseWithoutCurrentHead;
/***/ public String cannotResolveLocalTrackingRefForUpdating;
/***/ public String cannotSaveConfig;
/***/ public String cannotSquashFixupWithoutPreviousCommit;
/***/ public String cannotStoreObjects;
/***/ public String cannotResolveUniquelyAbbrevObjectId;
/***/ public String cannotUnloadAModifiedTree;
/***/ public String cannotUpdateUnbornBranch;
/***/ public String cannotWorkWithOtherStagesThanZeroRightNow;
/***/ public String cannotWriteObjectsPath;
/***/ public String canOnlyCherryPickCommitsWithOneParent;
/***/ public String canOnlyRevertCommitsWithOneParent;
/***/ public String commitDoesNotHaveGivenParent;
/***/ public String cantFindObjectInReversePackIndexForTheSpecifiedOffset;
/***/ public String cantPassMeATree;
/***/ public String channelMustBeInRange1_255;
/***/ public String characterClassIsNotSupported;
/***/ public String checkingOutFiles;
@ -193,7 +183,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String commandClosedStderrButDidntExit;
/***/ public String commandRejectedByHook;
/***/ public String commandWasCalledInTheWrongState;
/***/ public String commitAlreadyExists;
/***/ public String commitMessageNotSpecified;
/***/ public String commitOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported;
/***/ public String commitAmendOnInitialNotPossible;
@ -209,14 +198,11 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadDate;
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadEmail;
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadStream;
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadStreamCorruptHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadTimezone;
/***/ public String corruptObjectDuplicateEntryNames;
/***/ public String corruptObjectGarbageAfterSize;
/***/ public String corruptObjectIncorrectLength;
/***/ public String corruptObjectIncorrectSorting;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidEntryMode;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidMode;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidModeChar;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidModeStartsZero;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidMode2;
@ -236,7 +222,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidTree;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidType;
/***/ public String corruptObjectInvalidType2;
/***/ public String corruptObjectMalformedHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectMissingEmail;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNameContainsByte;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNameContainsChar;
@ -249,15 +234,9 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoAuthor;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoCommitter;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoObject;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoObjectHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoTaggerBadHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoTaggerHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoTagHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoTagName;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNotree;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNotreeHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoType;
/***/ public String corruptObjectNoTypeHeader;
/***/ public String corruptObjectPackfileChecksumIncorrect;
/***/ public String corruptObjectTruncatedInMode;
@ -266,20 +245,12 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String corruptObjectZeroId;
/***/ public String corruptPack;
/***/ public String corruptUseCnt;
/***/ public String couldNotCheckOutBecauseOfConflicts;
/***/ public String couldNotDeleteLockFileShouldNotHappen;
/***/ public String couldNotDeleteTemporaryIndexFileShouldNotHappen;
/***/ public String couldNotGetAdvertisedRef;
/***/ public String couldNotGetRepoStatistics;
/***/ public String couldNotLockHEAD;
/***/ public String couldNotReadIndexInOneGo;
/***/ public String couldNotReadObjectWhileParsingCommit;
/***/ public String couldNotRenameDeleteOldIndex;
/***/ public String couldNotRenameTemporaryFile;
/***/ public String couldNotRenameTemporaryIndexFileToIndex;
/***/ public String couldNotRewindToUpstreamCommit;
/***/ public String couldNotURLEncodeToUTF8;
/***/ public String couldNotWriteFile;
/***/ public String countingObjects;
/***/ public String createBranchFailedUnknownReason;
/***/ public String createBranchUnexpectedResult;
@ -306,8 +277,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String DIRCExtensionNotSupportedByThisVersion;
/***/ public String DIRCHasTooManyEntries;
/***/ public String DIRCUnrecognizedExtendedFlags;
/***/ public String dirtyFilesExist;
/***/ public String doesNotHandleMode;
/***/ public String downloadCancelled;
/***/ public String downloadCancelledDuringIndexing;
/***/ public String duplicateAdvertisementsOf;
@ -326,9 +295,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String enumValueNotSupported2;
/***/ public String enumValueNotSupported3;
/***/ public String enumValuesNotAvailable;
/***/ public String errorDecodingFromFile;
/***/ public String errorEncodingFromFile;
/***/ public String errorInBase64CodeReadingStream;
/***/ public String errorInPackedRefs;
/***/ public String errorInvalidProtocolWantedOldNewRef;
/***/ public String errorListing;
@ -372,7 +338,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String failureUpdatingFETCH_HEAD;
/***/ public String failureUpdatingTrackingRef;
/***/ public String fileCannotBeDeleted;
/***/ public String fileIsTooBigForThisConvenienceMethod;
/***/ public String fileIsTooLarge;
/***/ public String fileModeNotSetForPath;
/***/ public String filterExecutionFailed;
@ -384,9 +349,7 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String flagsAlreadyCreated;
/***/ public String funnyRefname;
/***/ public String gcFailed;
/***/ public String gcLogExists;
/***/ public String gcTooManyUnpruned;
/***/ public String gitmodulesNotFound;
/***/ public String headRequiredToStash;
/***/ public String hoursAgo;
/***/ public String httpConfigCannotNormalizeURL;
@ -399,14 +362,10 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String illegalCombinationOfArguments;
/***/ public String illegalHookName;
/***/ public String illegalPackingPhase;
/***/ public String illegalStateExists;
/***/ public String improperlyPaddedBase64Input;
/***/ public String incorrectHashFor;
/***/ public String incorrectOBJECT_ID_LENGTH;
/***/ public String indexFileCorruptedNegativeBucketCount;
/***/ public String indexFileIsInUse;
/***/ public String indexFileIsTooLargeForJgit;
/***/ public String indexSignatureIsInvalid;
/***/ public String indexWriteException;
/***/ public String initFailedBareRepoDifferentDirs;
/***/ public String initFailedDirIsNoDirectory;
@ -424,7 +383,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String invalidAncestryLength;
/***/ public String invalidBooleanValue;
/***/ public String invalidChannel;
/***/ public String invalidCharacterInBase64Data;
/***/ public String invalidCommitParentNumber;
/***/ public String invalidDepth;
/***/ public String invalidEncryption;
@ -449,10 +407,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String invalidOldIdSent;
/***/ public String invalidPacketLineHeader;
/***/ public String invalidPath;
/***/ public String invalidPathContainsSeparator;
/***/ public String invalidPathPeriodAtEndWindows;
/***/ public String invalidPathSpaceAtEndWindows;
/***/ public String invalidPathReservedOnWindows;
/***/ public String invalidPurgeFactor;
/***/ public String invalidRedirectLocation;
/***/ public String invalidRefAdvertisementLine;
@ -495,7 +449,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String lockFailedRetry;
/***/ public String lockOnNotClosed;
/***/ public String lockOnNotHeld;
/***/ public String malformedpersonIdentString;
/***/ public String maxCountMustBeNonNegative;
/***/ public String mergeConflictOnNonNoteEntries;
/***/ public String mergeConflictOnNotes;
@ -503,7 +456,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String mergeStrategyDoesNotSupportHeads;
/***/ public String mergeUsingStrategyResultedInDescription;
/***/ public String mergeRecursiveConflictsWhenMergingCommonAncestors;
/***/ public String mergeRecursiveReturnedNoCommit;
/***/ public String mergeRecursiveTooManyMergeBasesFor;
/***/ public String messageAndTaggerNotAllowedInUnannotatedTags;
/***/ public String minutesAgo;
@ -527,9 +479,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String multipleMergeBasesFor;
/***/ public String nameMustNotBeNullOrEmpty;
/***/ public String need2Arguments;
/***/ public String needPackOut;
/***/ public String needsAtLeastOneEntry;
/***/ public String needsWorkdir;
/***/ public String newIdMustNotBeNull;
/***/ public String newlineInQuotesNotAllowed;
/***/ public String noApplyInDelete;
@ -558,16 +507,13 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String notMergedExceptionMessage;
/***/ public String noXMLParserAvailable;
/***/ public String objectAtHasBadZlibStream;
/***/ public String objectAtPathDoesNotHaveId;
/***/ public String objectIsCorrupt;
/***/ public String objectIsCorrupt3;
/***/ public String objectIsNotA;
/***/ public String objectNotFound;
/***/ public String objectNotFoundIn;
/***/ public String obtainingCommitsForCherryPick;
/***/ public String offsetWrittenDeltaBaseForObjectNotFoundInAPack;
/***/ public String oldIdMustNotBeNull;
/***/ public String onlyAlreadyUpToDateAndFastForwardMergesAreAvailable;
/***/ public String onlyOneFetchSupported;
/***/ public String onlyOneOperationCallPerConnectionIsSupported;
/***/ public String openFilesMustBeAtLeast1;
@ -577,7 +523,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String overflowedReftableBlock;
/***/ public String packChecksumMismatch;
/***/ public String packCorruptedWhileWritingToFilesystem;
/***/ public String packDoesNotMatchIndex;
/***/ public String packedRefsHandleIsStale;
/***/ public String packetSizeMustBeAtLeast;
/***/ public String packetSizeMustBeAtMost;
@ -599,7 +544,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String panicCantRenameIndexFile;
/***/ public String patchApplyException;
/***/ public String patchFormatException;
/***/ public String pathIsNotInWorkingDir;
/***/ public String pathNotConfigured;
/***/ public String peeledLineBeforeRef;
/***/ public String peeledRefIsRequired;
@ -612,7 +556,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String propertyIsAlreadyNonNull;
/***/ public String pruneLoosePackedObjects;
/***/ public String pruneLooseUnreferencedObjects;
/***/ public String pullOnRepoWithoutHEADCurrentlyNotSupported;
/***/ public String pullTaskName;
/***/ public String pushCancelled;
/***/ public String pushCertificateInvalidField;
@ -698,7 +641,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String shortSkipOfBlock;
/***/ public String signingNotSupportedOnTag;
/***/ public String similarityScoreMustBeWithinBounds;
/***/ public String sizeExceeds2GB;
/***/ public String skipMustBeNonNegative;
/***/ public String smartHTTPPushDisabled;
/***/ public String sourceDestinationMustMatch;
@ -719,7 +661,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String staleRevFlagsOn;
/***/ public String startingReadStageWithoutWrittenRequestDataPendingIsNotSupported;
/***/ public String stashApplyConflict;
/***/ public String stashApplyConflictInIndex;
/***/ public String stashApplyFailed;
/***/ public String stashApplyWithoutHead;
/***/ public String stashApplyOnUnsafeRepository;
@ -738,10 +679,8 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String submoduleNameInvalid;
/***/ public String submoduleParentRemoteUrlInvalid;
/***/ public String submodulePathInvalid;
/***/ public String submodulesNotSupported;
/***/ public String submoduleUrlInvalid;
/***/ public String supportOnlyPackIndexVersion2;
/***/ public String symlinkCannotBeWrittenAsTheLinkTarget;
/***/ public String systemConfigFileInvalid;
/***/ public String tagAlreadyExists;
/***/ public String tagNameInvalid;
@ -762,7 +701,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String transportExceptionMissingAssumed;
/***/ public String transportExceptionReadRef;
/***/ public String transportNeedsRepository;
/***/ public String transportProtoAmazonS3;
/***/ public String transportProtoBundleFile;
/***/ public String transportProtoFTP;
/***/ public String transportProtoGitAnon;
@ -775,7 +713,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String transportSSHRetryInterrupt;
/***/ public String treeEntryAlreadyExists;
/***/ public String treeFilterMarkerTooManyFilters;
/***/ public String treeIteratorDoesNotSupportRemove;
/***/ public String treeWalkMustHaveExactlyTwoTrees;
/***/ public String truncatedHunkLinesMissingForAncestor;
/***/ public String truncatedHunkNewLinesMissing;
@ -785,10 +722,8 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String unableToCreateNewObject;
/***/ public String unableToReadPackfile;
/***/ public String unableToRemovePath;
/***/ public String unableToStore;
/***/ public String unableToWrite;
/***/ public String unauthorized;
/***/ public String underflowedReftableBlock;
/***/ public String unencodeableFile;
/***/ public String unexpectedCompareResult;
/***/ public String unexpectedEndOfConfigFile;
@ -804,7 +739,6 @@ public class JGitText extends TranslationBundle {
/***/ public String unknownOrUnsupportedCommand;
/***/ public String unknownDIRCVersion;
/***/ public String unknownHost;
/***/ public String unknownIndexVersionOrCorruptIndex;
/***/ public String unknownObject;
/***/ public String unknownObjectInIndex;
/***/ public String unknownObjectType;
