branchAlreadyExists=A branch named ''{0}'' already exists.
branchCreatedFrom=branch: Created from {0}
branchDetachedHEAD=detached HEAD
branchIsNotAnAncestorOfYourCurrentHEAD=The branch '{0}' is not an ancestor of your current HEAD.\nIf you are sure you want to delete it, run 'jgit branch -D {0}'.
branchNotFound=branch '{0}' not found.
branchIsNotAnAncestorOfYourCurrentHEAD=The branch ''{0}'' is not an ancestor of your current HEAD.\nIf you are sure you want to delete it, run ''jgit branch -D {0}''.
branchNotFound=branch ''{0}'' not found.
cacheTreePathInfo="{0}": {1} entries, {2} children
cannotBeRenamed={0} cannot be renamed
cannotChekoutNoHeadsAdvertisedByRemote=cannot checkout; no HEAD advertised by remote