* Fix selection in codeviewer example
* Limit line count on view layer
* Fix last line ending
* Fix missing last empty line in file
* Refactor reading file
* Add extra endPosition condition
* Polish removing line endings
* Add composable-test-cases project to check JB compose compiler for all targets
* Update README.MD
* Update README.MD
* Update CollectionOfComposablesTests
* Add a fun interface test case
* Add class constructors test cases
* Add anonymous objects test cases
* Add lambdas test cases
* Disable mingwX64 target for CI runs
* Update README.MD
* uncomment the getter in `val Project.isInIdea`
* Simplify GlobalSnapshotManager
Apparently some tests get stuck (timeout 60s) in jvm when running on CI. Every time it's a different test.
* add a partially failing test cases
`rememberAnonymousObj` fails with k/js, but works with other targets.
* try workaround tests timeout on CI
close the Channel in the end of a test
* Introduce fun RecompositionObserver.waitUntilChangesApplied
* Try runTest with UnconfinedTestDispatcher()
* remove Dispatchers.Default usage for recomposer
* revert "remove Dispatchers.Default usage for recomposer"
* pass test coroutine context to Recomposer
* add value class test cases
* add "same-module all-private" value class test case
* add a test case for value class with non-primitive property type
* value class: add a composable with a default value test case
* Update Readme
* Design changes; move to material3
* Use animations to move between different images
* More design changes, rounded corners and animations
* Introduce square gallery view, start with granularizing state management
* Introduce square gallery view, start with granularizing state management
* Make PreviewImage not depend on the whole gallery state
* Move in initialization logic from composition into launched effect
* Highlight currently selected image
* Hoist state for FullscreenImage TopAppBar
Move from Custom Implementation to Material App Bar, use color scheme from main page
Extract hardcoded colors to ImageViewerColors
* Provide floating action buttons with nicer colors
* Provide keyboard events via SharedFlow (remove passing around MutableState in the composable hierarchy as it may potentially violate UDF)
Commonize IOScope initialization
* Provide German translation in shared R-strings
* Move from immutable data classes to Compose-aware State Holders.
* Fix gradlew formatting issue?
* Regenerate gradle wrapper after Android Studio autoformatting debacle
* Resolve rememberCoroutineScope issue
* Provide mock name for remaining picture in repo
* Restore TEAM_ID in project.pbxproj
* Use emptyFlow as default to simplify nullability handling for external events
* Remove extraneous newline and unnecessary print statement
* Provide German translation in XML format
Consistently rename title to "My Memories"
* Remove commented-out code, cleanup rendundant modifiers
Make Title Bar use callbacks instead of accessing ViewModel directly
Add toggle & icon for list and grid view