Maxim Pestryakov
1 week ago
committed by
66 changed files with 739 additions and 665 deletions
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ |
plugins { |
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.30" apply false |
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.0" apply false |
} |
subprojects { |
group = "" |
version ="deploy.version") as String |
repositories { |
mavenCentral() |
} |
plugins.withType( { |
afterEvaluate { |
configureIfExists<JavaPluginExtension> { |
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 |
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 |
if (sourceSets.names.contains(SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME)) { |
withJavadocJar() |
withSourcesJar() |
} |
} |
} |
} |
plugins.withId("maven-publish") { |
configureIfExists<PublishingExtension> { |
configurePublishing(project) |
} |
} |
} |
fun PublishingExtension.configurePublishing(project: Project) { |
repositories { |
configureEach { |
val repoName = name |
project.tasks.register("publishTo${repoName}") { |
group = "publishing" |
dependsOn(project.tasks.named("publishAllPublicationsTo${repoName}Repository")) |
} |
} |
maven { |
name = "BuildRepo" |
url = uri("${rootProject.buildDir}/repo") |
} |
maven { |
name = "ComposeInternalRepo" |
url = uri( |
?: "" |
) |
credentials { |
username = |
?: System.getenv("COMPOSE_REPO_USERNAME") |
?: "" |
password = |
?: System.getenv("COMPOSE_REPO_KEY") |
?: "" |
} |
} |
} |
publications { |
create<MavenPublication>("main") { |
groupId = |
artifactId = |
version = project.version.toString() |
from(project.components["java"]) |
} |
} |
} |
inline fun <reified T> Project.configureIfExists(fn: T.() -> Unit) { |
extensions.findByType( |
} |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar |
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.gradleKotlinDsl |
plugins { |
`java` |
`maven-publish` |
`java-gradle-plugin` |
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") |
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") apply false |
} |
repositories { |
maven("") |
} |
val embeddedDependencies by configurations.creating { isTransitive = false } |
dependencies { |
compileOnly(gradleApi()) |
compileOnly(gradleKotlinDsl()) |
compileOnly(kotlin("stdlib")) |
fun embedded(dep: String) { |
compileOnly(dep) |
embeddedDependencies(dep) |
} |
val jacksonVersion = "2.12.5" |
implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml:$jacksonVersion") |
implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:$jacksonVersion") |
implementation("io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp:1.6.4") |
implementation("org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.24.1") |
implementation("org.jsoup:jsoup:1.14.3") |
implementation("org.jetbrains:space-sdk-jvm:83821-beta") |
embedded("de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:4.1.2") |
} |
val shadowJar by tasks.registering(ShadowJar::class) { |
val fromPackage = "de.undercouch" |
val toPackage = "org.jetbrains.compose.internal.publishing.$fromPackage" |
relocate(fromPackage, toPackage) |
archiveClassifier.set("shadow") |
configurations = listOf(embeddedDependencies) |
from(sourceSets["main"]!!.output) |
exclude("META-INF/gradle-plugins/") |
} |
val jar = tasks.named<Jar>("jar") { |
dependsOn(shadowJar) |
from(zipTree(shadowJar.get().archiveFile)) |
this.duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.publishing.* |
plugins { |
signing |
} |
val mavenCentral = MavenCentralProperties(project) |
if (mavenCentral.signArtifacts) { |
signing.useInMemoryPgpKeys( |
mavenCentral.signArtifactsKey.get(), |
mavenCentral.signArtifactsPassword.get() |
) |
} |
val publishingDir = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("publishing") |
val originalArtifactsRoot = { it.dir("original") } |
val preparedArtifactsRoot = { it.dir("prepared") } |
val modulesFile = { it.file("modules.txt") } |
val findComposeModules by tasks.registering(FindModulesInSpaceTask::class) { |
requestedCoordinates.set(mavenCentral.coordinates) |
spaceInstanceUrl.set("") |
spaceClientId.set(System.getenv("COMPOSE_REPO_USERNAME") ?: "") |
spaceClientSecret.set(System.getenv("COMPOSE_REPO_KEY") ?: "") |
spaceProjectId.set(System.getenv("COMPOSE_DEV_REPO_PROJECT_ID") ?: "") |
spaceRepoId.set(System.getenv("COMPOSE_DEV_REPO_REPO_ID") ?: "") |
modulesTxtFile.set(modulesFile) |
} |
val downloadArtifactsFromComposeDev by tasks.registering(DownloadFromSpaceMavenRepoTask::class) { |
dependsOn(findComposeModules) |
modulesToDownload.set(project.provider { |
readComposeModules( |
modulesFile, |
originalArtifactsRoot |
) |
}) |
spaceRepoUrl.set("") |
} |
val fixModulesBeforePublishing by tasks.registering(FixModulesBeforePublishingTask::class) { |
dependsOn(downloadArtifactsFromComposeDev) |
inputRepoDir.set(originalArtifactsRoot) |
outputRepoDir.set(preparedArtifactsRoot) |
} |
val reuploadArtifactsToMavenCentral by tasks.registering(UploadToSonatypeTask::class) { |
dependsOn(fixModulesBeforePublishing) |
modulesToUpload.set(project.provider { readComposeModules(modulesFile, preparedArtifactsRoot) }) |
sonatypeServer.set("") |
user.set(mavenCentral.user) |
password.set(mavenCentral.password) |
autoCommitOnSuccess.set(mavenCentral.autoCommitOnSuccess) |
stagingProfileName.set(mavenCentral.stage) |
stagingDescription.set(mavenCentral.description) |
} |
fun readComposeModules( |
modulesFile: Provider<out FileSystemLocation>, |
repoRoot: Provider<out FileSystemLocation> |
): List<ModuleToUpload> = |
modulesFile.get().asFile.readLines() |
.filter { it.isNotBlank() } |
.map { line -> |
val (group, artifact, version) = line.split(":") |
ModuleToUpload( |
groupId = group, |
artifactId = artifact, |
version = version, |
localDir = repoRoot.get().asFile.resolve("$group/$artifact/$version") |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.gradleKotlinDsl |
plugins { |
`java` |
`java-gradle-plugin` |
kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.24" |
} |
repositories { |
mavenCentral() |
maven("") |
} |
dependencies { |
compileOnly(gradleApi()) |
compileOnly(gradleKotlinDsl()) |
val jacksonVersion = "2.12.5" |
implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml:$jacksonVersion") |
implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:$jacksonVersion") |
implementation("io.ktor:ktor-client-okhttp:1.6.4") |
implementation("org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.24.1") |
implementation("org.jsoup:jsoup:1.14.3") |
implementation("org.jetbrains:space-sdk-jvm:83821-beta") |
implementation("de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:4.1.2") |
} |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ |
distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME |
distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME |
distributionPath=wrapper/dists |
distributionPath=wrapper/dists |
distributionUrl=https\:// |
distributionUrl=https\:// |
zipStorePath=wrapper/dists |
zipStorePath=wrapper/dists |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ |
package org.jetbrains.compose.resources |
import kotlin.test.Test |
import kotlin.test.assertEquals |
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith |
class StringFormatTest { |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs replaces placeholders with corresponding arguments`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$s, you have %2\$d new messages!" |
val args = listOf("Alice", "5") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("Hello Alice, you have 5 new messages!", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs works with multiple placeholders referring to the same argument`() { |
val template = "%1\$s and %1\$s are best friends!" |
val args = listOf("Alice") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("Alice and Alice are best friends!", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs works when placeholders are out of order`() { |
val template = "Order: %2\$s comes after %1\$s" |
val args = listOf("Alice", "Bob") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("Order: Bob comes after Alice", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs works when there are no placeholders`() { |
val template = "No placeholders here!" |
val args = emptyList<String>() |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("No placeholders here!", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs throws exception when placeholders index is out of bounds`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$s, %2\$s!" |
val args = listOf("Alice") |
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { |
template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
} |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs handles empty string template`() { |
val template = "" |
val args = listOf("Alice", "5") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs handles templates with no matching args`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$s, you have %3\$s messages" |
val args = listOf("Alice") |
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { |
template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
} |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs replaces multiple placeholders of the same index`() { |
val template = "Repeat: %1\$s, %1\$s, and again %1\$s!" |
val args = listOf("Echo") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("Repeat: Echo, Echo, and again Echo!", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs ensures %d and %s placeholders behave identically`() { |
val template = "%1\$d, %1\$s, %2\$d, %2\$s" |
val args = listOf("42", "hello") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals("42, 42, hello, hello", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs handles 15 arguments correctly`() { |
val template = "%1\$s, %2\$s, %3\$s, %4\$s, %5\$s, %6\$s, %7\$s, %8\$s, %9\$s, %10\$s, %11\$s, %12\$s, %13\$s, %14\$s, %15\$s!" |
val args = listOf( |
"arg1", "arg2", "arg3", "arg4", "arg5", |
"arg6", "arg7", "arg8", "arg9", "arg10", |
"arg11", "arg12", "arg13", "arg14", "arg15" |
) |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
assertEquals( |
"arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15!", |
result |
) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs throws exception for template with missing argument index`() { |
val template = "Hello %${'$'}s, how are you?" |
val args = listOf("Alice") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
// Since the template doesn't properly specify a valid index (e.g., %1$s), it will replace nothing. |
assertEquals("Hello %${'$'}s, how are you?", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs does not replace invalid placeholders`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$x, how are you?" |
val args = listOf("Alice") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
// %1$x is not a valid placeholder, so the template should remain unchanged |
assertEquals("Hello %1\$x, how are you?", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs throws exception for missing arguments`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$s, you have %2\$d messages!" |
val args = listOf("Alice") |
// An exception should be thrown because the second argument (%2$d) is missing |
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { |
template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
} |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs throws exception for unmatched placeholders`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$s, your rank is %3\$s" |
val args = listOf("Alice", "1") |
// The template has a %3$s placeholder, but there is no third argument |
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { |
template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
} |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs handles templates with invalid format`() { |
val template = "This is %1\$" |
val args = listOf("test") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
// The incomplete placeholder %1$ will not be replaced |
assertEquals("This is %1\$", result) |
} |
@Test |
fun `replaceWithArgs ignores extra arguments`() { |
val template = "Hello %1\$s!" |
val args = listOf("Alice", "ExtraData1", "ExtraData2") |
val result = template.replaceWithArgs(args) |
// Only the first argument should be used, ignoring the rest |
assertEquals("Hello Alice!", result) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
package org.jetbrains.compose.resources |
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontVariation |
import kotlin.test.Test |
import kotlin.test.assertEquals |
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith |
class VariationFontCacheTest { |
@Test |
fun `getCacheKey should return an empty string for an empty settings list`() { |
val settings = FontVariation.Settings() |
val cacheKey = settings.getCacheKey() |
assertEquals("", cacheKey, "Cache key for empty settings list should be an empty string") |
} |
@Test |
fun `getCacheKey should return a correct key for a single setting`() { |
val setting = FontVariation.Setting("wght", 700f) |
val settings = FontVariation.Settings(setting) |
val cacheKey = settings.getCacheKey() |
assertEquals("SettingFloat(wght,700.0)", cacheKey, "Cache key for a single setting is incorrect") |
} |
@Test |
fun `getCacheKey should correctly sort settings by class name and axis name`() { |
val setting1 = FontVariation.Setting("wght", 400f) |
val setting2 = FontVariation.Setting("ital", 1f) |
val settings = FontVariation.Settings(setting1, setting2) |
val cacheKey = settings.getCacheKey() |
assertEquals( |
"SettingFloat(ital,1.0),SettingFloat(wght,400.0)", |
cacheKey, |
"Cache key should sort settings by class name and axis name" |
) |
} |
@Test |
fun `getCacheKey should throw an exception when there are duplicate settings`() { |
val setting1 = FontVariation.Setting("wght", 400f) |
val setting2 = FontVariation.Setting("wght", 700f) |
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>( |
"'axis' must be unique" |
) { |
FontVariation.Settings(setting1, setting2) |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
<resources> |
<string name="macOS_str">macOS string</string> |
</resources> |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
package |
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable |
import kmpresourcepublication.appmodule.generated.resources.Res |
import kmpresourcepublication.appmodule.generated.resources.macOS_str |
import org.jetbrains.compose.resources.stringResource |
@Composable |
actual fun getPlatformSpecificString(): String = |
stringResource(Res.string.macOS_str) |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
plugins { |
kotlin("multiplatform") |
kotlin("plugin.compose") |
kotlin("native.cocoapods") |
id("org.jetbrains.compose") |
} |
kotlin { |
cocoapods { |
version = "1.0" |
summary = "Some description for a Kotlin/Native module" |
homepage = "Link to a Kotlin/Native module homepage" |
pod("Base64", "1.1.2") |
framework { |
baseName = "shared" |
isStatic = true |
} |
} |
macosX64() |
macosArm64() |
sourceSets { |
commonMain { |
dependencies { |
implementation(compose.runtime) |
implementation(compose.material) |
implementation(compose.components.resources) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ |
||||||| do |spec| |
|||||| = 'macosResources' |
spec.version = '1.0' |
spec.homepage = 'Link to a Kotlin/Native module homepage' |
spec.source = { :http=> ''} |
spec.authors = '' |
spec.license = '' |
spec.summary = 'Some description for a Kotlin/Native module' |
spec.vendored_frameworks = 'build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework' |
spec.libraries = 'c++' |
spec.dependency 'Base64', '1.1.2' |
if !Dir.exist?('build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework') || Dir.empty?('build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework') |
raise " |
Kotlin framework 'shared' doesn't exist yet, so a proper Xcode project can't be generated. |
'pod install' should be executed after running ':generateDummyFramework' Gradle task: |
./gradlew :generateDummyFramework |
Alternatively, proper pod installation is performed during Gradle sync in the IDE (if Podfile location is set)" |
end |
spec.xcconfig = { |
} |
spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { |
'PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME' => 'shared', |
} |
spec.script_phases = [ |
{ |
:name => 'Build macosResources', |
:execution_position => :before_compile, |
:shell_path => '/bin/sh', |
:script => <<-SCRIPT |
echo "Skipping Gradle build task invocation due to OVERRIDE_KOTLIN_BUILD_IDE_SUPPORTED environment variable set to \"YES\"" |
exit 0 |
fi |
set -ev |
"$REPO_ROOT/gradlew" -p "$REPO_ROOT" $KOTLIN_PROJECT_PATH:syncFramework \ |
-Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.platform=$PLATFORM_NAME \ |
-Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.archs="$ARCHS" \ |
-Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.configuration="$CONFIGURATION" |
} |
] |
spec.resources = ['build/compose/cocoapods/compose-resources'] |
end |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx8096M |
org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.macos.enabled=true |
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ |
||||||| = "macosResources" |
pluginManagement { |
repositories { |
mavenLocal() |
gradlePluginPortal() |
google() |
maven("") |
} |
plugins { |
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform").version("KOTLIN_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER") |
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose").version("KOTLIN_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER") |
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.native.cocoapods").version("KOTLIN_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER") |
id("org.jetbrains.compose").version("COMPOSE_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER") |
} |
} |
dependencyResolutionManagement { |
repositories { |
mavenLocal() |
maven("") |
mavenCentral() |
gradlePluginPortal() |
google() |
} |
} |
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ |
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android:pathData="M301.2,555.94C292.84,556.01 284.6,553.88 277.31,549.76L109.4,454.92C99.54,449.37 93.42,438.97 93.31,427.67L93.31,234.82C93.23,226.58 94.86,218.63 98.21,211.63C101.81,204.11 107.39,197.69 114.99,193.2L273.07,99.95C287.75,91.27 306.01,91.1 320.86,99.49L480.67,189.75C487.79,193.78 494.03,199.46 498.59,206.19C503.57,213.5 506.6,222.02 506.69,230.91L506.69,414.43C506.85,431.49 497.87,447.39 483.18,456.06L325.11,549.32C317.74,553.68 309.48,555.87 301.2,555.94Z" |
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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedVisibility |
import |
import |
import |
import androidx.compose.material.Button |
import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme |
import androidx.compose.material.Text |
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable |
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue |
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf |
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember |
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue |
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment |
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier |
import org.jetbrains.compose.resources.ExperimentalResourceApi |
import org.jetbrains.compose.resources.painterResource |
import iosResources.generated.resources.* |
@OptIn(ExperimentalResourceApi::class) |
@Composable |
fun App() { |
MaterialTheme { |
var greetingText by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello, World!") } |
var showImage by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } |
Column(Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { |
Button(onClick = { |
showImage = !showImage |
}) { |
Text(greetingText) |
} |
AnimatedVisibility(showImage) { |
Image( |
painterResource(Res.drawable.compose_multiplatform), |
null |
) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ |
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android.useAndroidX=true |
org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.jscanvas.enabled=true |
org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.jscanvas.enabled=true |
org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.macos.enabled=true |
Reference in new issue