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Introduce html/css color constants

This resolve #890: Introduce complete list of HTML color aliases
Shagen Ogandzhanian 3 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 149
  5. 302


@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ object SwitcherStylesheet : StyleSheet(AppStylesheet) {
border { border {
style(LineStyle.Solid) style(LineStyle.Solid)
width(3.px) width(3.px)
color(Color("transparent")) color(Color.transparent)
borderRadius(20.px, 20.px, 20.px) borderRadius(20.px, 20.px, 20.px)
} }
color("#aaa") color("#aaa")


@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ fun FormattedCodeSnippet(code: String, language: String = "kotlin") {
property("font-family", "'JetBrains Mono', monospace") property("font-family", "'JetBrains Mono', monospace")
property("tab-size", 4) property("tab-size", 4)
fontSize( fontSize(
backgroundColor(Color("transparent")) backgroundColor(Color.transparent)
} }
} }
) { ) {


@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ object WtTexts : StyleSheet(AppStylesheet) {
display(DisplayStyle.LegacyInlineFlex) display(DisplayStyle.LegacyInlineFlex)
justifyContent(JustifyContent.Center) justifyContent(JustifyContent.Center)
alignItems(AlignItems.Center) alignItems(AlignItems.Center)
backgroundColor(Color("transparent")) backgroundColor(Color.transparent)
border(0.px) border(0.px)
property("outline", "none") property("outline", "none")


@ -2,13 +2,9 @@
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
external interface CSSColorValue: StylePropertyValue, CSSVariableValueAs<CSSColorValue> external interface CSSColorValue : StylePropertyValue, CSSVariableValueAs<CSSColorValue>
object Color { object Color {
data class Named(val value: String) : CSSColorValue {
override fun toString(): String = value
data class RGB(val r: Number, val g: Number, val b: Number) : CSSColorValue { data class RGB(val r: Number, val g: Number, val b: Number) : CSSColorValue {
override fun toString(): String = "rgb($r, $g, $b)" override fun toString(): String = "rgb($r, $g, $b)"
} }
@ -28,6 +24,147 @@ object Color {
override fun toString(): String = "hsla($h, $s%, $l%, $a)" override fun toString(): String = "hsla($h, $s%, $l%, $a)"
} }
inline val aliceblue get() = Color("aliceblue")
inline val antiquewhite get() = Color("antiquewhite")
inline val aquamarine get() = Color("aquamarine")
inline val azure get() = Color("azure")
inline val beige get() = Color("beige")
inline val bisque get() = Color("bisque")
inline val black get() = Color("black")
inline val blanchedalmond get() = Color("blanchedalmond")
inline val blue get() = Color("blue")
inline val blueviolet get() = Color("blueviolet")
inline val brown get() = Color("brown")
inline val burlywood get() = Color("burlywood")
inline val cadetblue get() = Color("cadetblue")
inline val chartreuse get() = Color("chartreuse")
inline val chocolate get() = Color("chocolate")
inline val cornflowerblue get() = Color("cornflowerblue")
inline val cornsilk get() = Color("cornsilk")
inline val crimson get() = Color("crimson")
inline val cyan get() = Color("cyan")
inline val darkblue get() = Color("darkblue")
inline val darkcyan get() = Color("darkcyan")
inline val darkgoldenrod get() = Color("darkgoldenrod")
inline val darkgray get() = Color("darkgray")
inline val darkgreen get() = Color("darkgreen")
inline val darkkhaki get() = Color("darkkhaki")
inline val darkmagenta get() = Color("darkmagenta")
inline val darkolivegreen get() = Color("darkolivegreen")
inline val darkorange get() = Color("darkorange")
inline val darkorchid get() = Color("darkorchid")
inline val darkred get() = Color("darkred")
inline val darksalmon get() = Color("darksalmon")
inline val darkslateblue get() = Color("darkslateblue")
inline val darkslategray get() = Color("darkslategray")
inline val darkturquoise get() = Color("darkturquoise")
inline val darkviolet get() = Color("darkviolet")
inline val deeppink get() = Color("deeppink")
inline val deepskyblue get() = Color("deepskyblue")
inline val dimgray get() = Color("dimgray")
inline val dodgerblue get() = Color("dodgerblue")
inline val firebrick get() = Color("firebrick")
inline val floralwhite get() = Color("floralwhite")
inline val forestgreen get() = Color("forestgreen")
inline val fuchsia get() = Color("fuchsia")
inline val gainsboro get() = Color("gainsboro")
inline val ghostwhite get() = Color("ghostwhite")
inline val goldenrod get() = Color("goldenrod")
inline val gold get() = Color("gold")
inline val gray get() = Color("gray")
inline val green get() = Color("green")
inline val greenyellow get() = Color("greenyellow")
inline val honeydew get() = Color("honeydew")
inline val hotpink get() = Color("hotpink")
inline val indianred get() = Color("indianred")
inline val indigo get() = Color("indigo")
inline val ivory get() = Color("ivory")
inline val khaki get() = Color("khaki")
inline val lavenderblush get() = Color("lavenderblush")
inline val lavender get() = Color("lavender")
inline val lawngreen get() = Color("lawngreen")
inline val lemonchiffon get() = Color("lemonchiffon")
inline val lightblue get() = Color("lightblue")
inline val lightcoral get() = Color("lightcoral")
inline val lightcyan get() = Color("lightcyan")
inline val lightgoldenrodyellow get() = Color("lightgoldenrodyellow")
inline val lightgray get() = Color("lightgray")
inline val lightgreen get() = Color("lightgreen")
inline val lightpink get() = Color("lightpink")
inline val lightsalmon get() = Color("lightsalmon")
inline val lightseagreen get() = Color("lightseagreen")
inline val lightskyblue get() = Color("lightskyblue")
inline val lightslategray get() = Color("lightslategray")
inline val lightsteelblue get() = Color("lightsteelblue")
inline val lightyellow get() = Color("lightyellow")
inline val limegreen get() = Color("limegreen")
inline val lime get() = Color("lime")
inline val linen get() = Color("linen")
inline val magenta get() = Color("magenta")
inline val maroon get() = Color("maroon")
inline val mediumaquamarine get() = Color("mediumaquamarine")
inline val mediumblue get() = Color("mediumblue")
inline val mediumorchid get() = Color("mediumorchid")
inline val mediumpurple get() = Color("mediumpurple")
inline val mediumseagreen get() = Color("mediumseagreen")
inline val mediumslateblue get() = Color("mediumslateblue")
inline val mediumspringgreen get() = Color("mediumspringgreen")
inline val mediumturquoise get() = Color("mediumturquoise")
inline val mediumvioletred get() = Color("mediumvioletred")
inline val midnightblue get() = Color("midnightblue")
inline val mintcream get() = Color("mintcream")
inline val mistyrose get() = Color("mistyrose")
inline val moccasin get() = Color("moccasin")
inline val navajowhite get() = Color("navajowhite")
inline val navi get() = Color("navi")
inline val oldlace get() = Color("oldlace")
inline val olivedrab get() = Color("olivedrab")
inline val olive get() = Color("olive")
inline val orange get() = Color("orange")
inline val orangered get() = Color("orangered")
inline val orchid get() = Color("orchid")
inline val palegoldenrod get() = Color("palegoldenrod")
inline val palegreen get() = Color("palegreen")
inline val paleturquoise get() = Color("paleturquoise")
inline val palevioletred get() = Color("palevioletred")
inline val papayawhip get() = Color("papayawhip")
inline val peachpuff get() = Color("peachpuff")
inline val peru get() = Color("peru")
inline val pink get() = Color("pink")
inline val plum get() = Color("plum")
inline val powderblue get() = Color("powderblue")
inline val purple get() = Color("purple")
inline val rebeccapurple get() = Color("rebeccapurple")
inline val red get() = Color("red")
inline val rosybrown get() = Color("rosybrown")
inline val royalblue get() = Color("royalblue")
inline val saddlebrown get() = Color("saddlebrown")
inline val salmon get() = Color("salmon")
inline val sandybrown get() = Color("sandybrown")
inline val seagreen get() = Color("seagreen")
inline val seashell get() = Color("seashell")
inline val sienna get() = Color("sienna")
inline val silver get() = Color("silver")
inline val skyblue get() = Color("skyblue")
inline val slateblue get() = Color("slateblue")
inline val slategray get() = Color("slategray")
inline val snow get() = Color("snow")
inline val springgreen get() = Color("springgreen")
inline val steelblue get() = Color("steelblue")
inline val teal get() = Color("teal")
inline val thistle get() = Color("thistle")
inline val tomato get() = Color("tomato")
inline val turquoise get() = Color("turquoise")
inline val violet get() = Color("violet")
inline val wheat get() = Color("wheat")
inline val white get() = Color("white")
inline val whitesmoke get() = Color("whitesmoke")
inline val yellowgreen get() = Color("yellowgreen")
inline val yellow get() = Color("yellow")
inline val transparent get() = Color("transparent")
inline val currentColor get() = Color("currentColor")
} }
fun Color(name: String): CSSColorValue = Color.Named(name) fun Color(name: String): CSSColorValue = name.unsafeCast<CSSColorValue>()


@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.core.tests.css
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.core.tests.runTest
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.css.Color
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.css.color
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom.Div
import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
import org.w3c.dom.get
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class ColorTests {
fun colorConstants() = runTest {
composition {
Div({ style { color(Color.aliceblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.antiquewhite) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.aquamarine) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.beige) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.bisque) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.blanchedalmond) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.blueviolet) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.brown) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.burlywood) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.cadetblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.chartreuse) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.chocolate) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.cornflowerblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.cornsilk) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.crimson) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.cyan) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkcyan) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkgoldenrod) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkgray) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkgreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkkhaki) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkmagenta) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkolivegreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkorange) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkorchid) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkred) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darksalmon) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkslateblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkslategray) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkturquoise) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.darkviolet) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.deeppink) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.deepskyblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.dimgray) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.dodgerblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.firebrick) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.floralwhite) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.forestgreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.fuchsia) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.gainsboro) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.ghostwhite) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.goldenrod) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.gray) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.greenyellow) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.honeydew) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.hotpink) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.indianred) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.indigo) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.ivory) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.khaki) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lavenderblush) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lavender) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lawngreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lemonchiffon) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightcoral) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightcyan) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightgoldenrodyellow) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightgray) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightgreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightpink) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightsalmon) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightseagreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightskyblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightslategray) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightsteelblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lightyellow) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.limegreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.lime) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.linen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.magenta) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.maroon) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumaquamarine) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumorchid) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumpurple) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumseagreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumslateblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumspringgreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumturquoise) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mediumvioletred) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.midnightblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mintcream) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.mistyrose) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.moccasin) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.navajowhite) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.oldlace) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.olivedrab) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.olive) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.orangered) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.orchid) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.palegoldenrod) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.palegreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.paleturquoise) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.palevioletred) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.papayawhip) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.peachpuff) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.peru) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.plum) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.powderblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.purple) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.rebeccapurple) } })
Div({ style { color( } })
Div({ style { color(Color.rosybrown) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.royalblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.saddlebrown) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.salmon) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.sandybrown) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.seagreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.seashell) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.sienna) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.silver) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.skyblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.slateblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.slategray) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.snow) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.springgreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.steelblue) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.teal) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.thistle) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.tomato) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.turquoise) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.violet) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.wheat) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.white) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.whitesmoke) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.yellowgreen) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.yellow) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.transparent) } })
Div({ style { color(Color.currentColor) } })
var counter = 0
assertEquals("aliceblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("antiquewhite", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("aquamarine", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("azure", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("beige", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("bisque", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("black", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("blanchedalmond", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("blue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("blueviolet", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("brown", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("burlywood", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("cadetblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("chartreuse", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("chocolate", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("cornflowerblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("cornsilk", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("crimson", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("cyan", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkcyan", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkgoldenrod", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkgray", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkgreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkkhaki", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkmagenta", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkolivegreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkorange", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkorchid", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkred", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darksalmon", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkslateblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkslategray", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkturquoise", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("darkviolet", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("deeppink", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("deepskyblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("dimgray", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("dodgerblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("firebrick", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("floralwhite", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("forestgreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("fuchsia", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("gainsboro", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("ghostwhite", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("goldenrod", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("gold", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("gray", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("green", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("greenyellow", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("honeydew", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("hotpink", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("indianred", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("indigo", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("ivory", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("khaki", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lavenderblush", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lavender", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lawngreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lemonchiffon", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightcoral", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightcyan", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightgoldenrodyellow", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightgray", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightgreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightpink", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightsalmon", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightseagreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightskyblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightslategray", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightsteelblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lightyellow", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("limegreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("lime", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("linen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("magenta", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("maroon", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumaquamarine", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumorchid", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumpurple", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumseagreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumslateblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumspringgreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumturquoise", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mediumvioletred", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("midnightblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mintcream", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("mistyrose", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("moccasin", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("navajowhite", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("oldlace", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("olivedrab", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("olive", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("orange", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("orangered", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("orchid", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("palegoldenrod", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("palegreen", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("paleturquoise", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("palevioletred", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("papayawhip", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("peachpuff", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("peru", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("pink", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("plum", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("powderblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("purple", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("rebeccapurple", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("red", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("rosybrown", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("royalblue", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("saddlebrown", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("salmon", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("sandybrown", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
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assertEquals("thistle", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
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assertEquals("yellow", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("transparent", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)
assertEquals("currentcolor", (root.children[counter++] as HTMLElement).style.color)