@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/// Declare a JavaScript class, in a simpler way.
/// This can make declaration of JavaScript classes easier by using an hybrid
/// This can make declaration of JavaScript classes easier by using a hybrid
/// declarative approach. The class itself follows a closer syntax to JavaScript
/// while the method arguments/results and bodies are written in Rust.
@ -10,8 +10,57 @@
/// be declared separately as a Rust type, along with necessary derives and
/// traits.
/// Here's an example using the animal class declared in [`boa_engine::class`]:
/// # Allowed declarations (in order):
/// ## Any number of JS fields
/// ```ignore
/// public <field_name>(<field_args>) -> <field_ty> { <field_body> }
/// ```
/// Declare public fields on the JavaScript prototype at construction. This is optional.
/// Those fields can be overwritten on the object itself.
/// ## Any number of properties
/// ```ignore
/// property <field_getset_name> [as "<js_field_name>"] {
/// get(<field_getset_get_args>) -> <field_getset_get_ty> { <field_getset_get_body> }
/// set(<field_getset_set_args>) [-> JsResult<()>] { <field_getset_set_body> }
/// }
/// ```
/// Declare a getter and/or a setter on a JavaScript class property. This is optional.
/// Both get and set are optional, but at least one must be present. The `set` method
/// must either return the unit type or a `JsResult<...>`. The value returned will be
/// ignored, only errors will be used.
/// Using the `as` keyword, you can set the name of the property in JavaScript that
/// would otherwise not be possible in Rust.
/// ## Required JavaScript Constructor
/// ```ignore
/// constructor(<ctor_args>) { <constructor_body> }
/// ```
/// Declares the JS constructor for the class. This is required, but could throw if creating
/// the object fails.
/// The body MUST return `JsResult<Self>`.
/// ## An optional init function
/// ```ignore
/// fn init(class: &mut ClassBuilder) -> JsResult<()> { <init_body> }
/// ```
/// Declare a block of code to add at the end of the implementation's init function.
/// ## Any number of methods
/// ```ignore
/// fn <method_name> [as <js_method_name>](<fn_args>) -> <result_type> { <method_body> }
/// ```
/// Declare methods on the class. This is optional.
/// Using the `as` keyword, you can set the name of the property in JavaScript that
/// would otherwise not be possible in Rust.
/// ----
/// # Example
/// Here's an example using the animal class declared in [`boa_engine::class`]:
/// ```
/// # use boa_engine::{JsString, JsData, js_string};
/// # use boa_gc::{Finalize, Trace};
@ -90,10 +139,35 @@ macro_rules! js_class {
$field_body : block
) *
$( #[ $field_prop_attr: meta ] ) *
property $field_prop_name : ident $( as $field_prop_js_name : literal ) ? {
$( #[ $field_prop_get_attr: meta ] ) *
$( fn ) ? get ( $( $field_prop_get_arg : ident : $field_prop_get_arg_type : ty ) , * ) -> $field_prop_get_ty : ty
$field_prop_get_body : block
) ?
$( #[ $field_prop_set_attr: meta ] ) *
$( fn ) ? set ( $( $field_prop_set_arg : ident : $field_prop_set_arg_type : ty ) , * )
$( -> $field_prop_set_ty : ty ) ?
$field_prop_set_body : block
) ?
) *
$( #[ $constructor_attr: meta ] ) *
constructor ( $( $ctor_arg : ident : $ctor_arg_ty : ty ) , * )
$constructor_body : block
$( #[ $init_attr: meta ] ) *
init ( $init_class_builder_name : ident : & mut ClassBuilder ) -> JsResult < ( ) >
$init_body : block
) ?
$( #[ $method_attr: meta ] ) *
fn $method_name : ident $( as $method_js_name : literal ) ?
@ -109,7 +183,30 @@ macro_rules! js_class {
const LENGTH : usize = $crate ::__count ! ( $( $ctor_arg ) * ) ;
#[ allow(clippy::items_after_statements) ]
fn init ( class : & mut $crate ::boa_engine ::class ::ClassBuilder < ' _ > ) -> $crate ::boa_engine ::JsResult < ( ) > {
// Add properties.
// Declare a function so that the compiler prevents duplicated names.
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
fn $field_prop_name ( ) { }
$crate ::__get_set_decl ! (
class ,
$field_prop_name ,
$( $field_prop_js_name ) ? ,
@ get ( $( $field_prop_get_arg : $field_prop_get_arg_type ) , * ) -> $field_prop_get_ty
$field_prop_get_body ,
) ?
@ set ( $( $field_prop_set_arg : $field_prop_set_arg_type ) , * )
$( -> $field_prop_set_ty ) ?
) ?
) ;
) *
// Add all methods to the class.
fn $method_name ( $( $fn_arg : $fn_arg_type ) , * ) -> $( $result_type ) ?
@ -129,9 +226,18 @@ macro_rules! js_class {
) ;
) *
// Add the init body, if any.
$( {
let $init_class_builder_name = class ;
let result : $crate ::boa_engine ::JsResult < ( ) > = $init_body ;
result ? ;
} ) ?
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ allow(unused_variables) ]
fn data_constructor (
new_target : & $crate ::boa_engine ::JsValue ,
args : & [ $crate ::boa_engine ::JsValue ] ,
@ -150,6 +256,7 @@ macro_rules! js_class {
args : & [ $crate ::boa_engine ::JsValue ] ,
context : & mut $crate ::boa_engine ::Context
) -> $crate ::boa_engine ::JsResult < ( ) > {
// Public JS fields first.
fn $field_name ( $( $field_arg : $field_arg_type ) , * ) -> $field_ty
@ -164,7 +271,7 @@ macro_rules! js_class {
function . call ( & $crate ::boa_engine ::JsValue ::undefined ( ) , args , context ) ? ,
false ,
) ;
) ? ;
) *
Ok ( ( ) )
@ -193,3 +300,241 @@ macro_rules! __count {
1 + $crate ::__count ! ( $( $rest ) * )
} ;
/// Internal macro to declare a getter/setter name.
#[ macro_export ]
macro_rules! __get_set_decl {
$class : ident ,
$field_name : ident ,
$( $js_field_name : literal ) ? ,
@ get ( $( $get_arg : ident : $get_arg_type : ty ) , * ) -> $get_ty : ty
$get_body : block ,
) = > {
let function = | $( $get_arg : $get_arg_type ) , * | -> $get_ty { $get_body } ;
let function_get =
$crate ::IntoJsFunctionCopied ::into_js_function_copied ( function , $class . context ( ) )
. to_js_function ( $class . context ( ) . realm ( ) ) ;
let field_name = $crate ::__js_class_name ! ( $field_name , $( $js_field_name ) ? ) ;
$class . accessor (
$crate ::boa_engine ::JsString ::from ( field_name ) ,
Some ( function_get ) ,
None ,
$crate ::boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ::CONFIGURABLE
| $crate ::boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ::NON_ENUMERABLE ,
) ;
} ;
$class : ident ,
$field_name : ident ,
$( $js_field_name : literal ) ? ,
@ set ( $( $set_arg : ident : $set_arg_type : ty ) , * )
$( -> $field_prop_set_ty : ty ) ?
$set_body : block
) = > {
let function = | $( $set_arg : $set_arg_type ) , * | $( -> $field_prop_set_ty ) ? { $set_body } ;
let function_set =
$crate ::IntoJsFunctionCopied ::into_js_function_copied ( function , $class . context ( ) )
. to_js_function ( $class . context ( ) . realm ( ) ) ;
let field_name = $crate ::__js_class_name ! ( $field_name , $( $js_field_name ) ? ) ;
$class . accessor (
$crate ::boa_engine ::JsString ::from ( field_name ) ,
None ,
Some ( function_set ) ,
$crate ::boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ::CONFIGURABLE
| $crate ::boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ::NON_ENUMERABLE ,
) ;
} ;
$class : ident ,
$field_name : ident ,
$( $js_field_name : literal ) ? ,
@ get ( $( $get_arg : ident : $get_arg_type : ty ) , * ) -> $get_ty : ty
$get_body : block ,
@ set ( $( $set_arg : ident : $set_arg_type : ty ) , * )
$( -> $field_prop_set_ty : ty ) ?
$set_body : block
) = > {
let function_get =
$crate ::IntoJsFunctionCopied ::into_js_function_copied (
| $( $get_arg : $get_arg_type ) , * | -> $get_ty { $get_body } ,
$class . context ( )
) . to_js_function ( $class . context ( ) . realm ( ) ) ;
let function_set =
$crate ::IntoJsFunctionCopied ::into_js_function_copied (
| $( $set_arg : $set_arg_type ) , * | $( -> $field_prop_set_ty ) ? { $set_body } ,
$class . context ( )
) . to_js_function ( $class . context ( ) . realm ( ) ) ;
let field_name = $crate ::__js_class_name ! ( $field_name , $( $js_field_name ) ? ) ;
$class . accessor (
$crate ::boa_engine ::JsString ::from ( field_name ) ,
Some ( function_get ) ,
Some ( function_set ) ,
$crate ::boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ::CONFIGURABLE
| $crate ::boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ::NON_ENUMERABLE ,
) ;
} ;
$class : ident ,
$field_name : ident ,
$( $js_field_name : literal ) ? ,
) = > {
compile_error! ( "Property must have at least a getter or a setter" ) ;
} ;
// We allow too many lines. This test is straightforward but has a lot of boilerplate
// still.
#[ test ]
#[ allow(clippy::too_many_lines) ]
fn js_class_test ( ) {
use crate ::IntoJsFunctionCopied ;
use crate ::{ js_class , loaders , JsClass } ;
use boa_engine ::property ::Attribute ;
use boa_engine ::{ js_string , Context , JsData , JsError , JsResult , Module , Source } ;
use boa_gc ::{ Finalize , Trace } ;
use std ::rc ::Rc ;
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Trace, Finalize, JsData) ]
struct Test {
f1 : u32 ,
f2 : u32 ,
f3 : u32 ,
js_class ! {
class Test {
public fp ( ) -> u32 {
property f1 {
get ( this : JsClass < Test > ) -> u32 {
this . borrow ( ) . f1
property f2 {
set ( this : JsClass < Test > , new_value : u32 ) {
this . borrow_mut ( ) . f1 = new_value ;
property f3 {
get ( this : JsClass < Test > ) -> u32 {
this . borrow ( ) . f3
set ( this : JsClass < Test > , new_value : u32 ) {
this . borrow_mut ( ) . f3 = new_value ;
property f4 {
set ( ) -> JsResult < ( ) > {
Err ( JsError ::from_opaque ( boa_engine ::JsString ::from ( "Cannot set f4." ) . into ( ) ) )
// Just to test the branch with both get, set and return value.
property f5 {
get ( ) -> u8 { 1 }
set ( ) -> ( ) { }
constructor ( ) {
Ok ( Test ::default ( ) )
init ( class : & mut ClassBuilder ) -> JsResult < ( ) > {
let get_value_getter = ( | this : JsClass < Test > | {
this . borrow ( ) . f2
} )
. into_js_function_copied ( class . context ( ) )
. to_js_function ( class . context ( ) . realm ( ) ) ;
let set_value_setter = ( | this : JsClass < Test > , new_value : u32 | {
this . borrow_mut ( ) . f2 = new_value ;
} )
. into_js_function_copied ( class . context ( ) )
. to_js_function ( class . context ( ) . realm ( ) ) ;
class . accessor (
js_string ! ( "value2" ) ,
Some ( get_value_getter ) ,
Some ( set_value_setter ) ,
Attribute ::CONFIGURABLE | Attribute ::NON_ENUMERABLE ,
) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
let loader = Rc ::new ( loaders ::HashMapModuleLoader ::new ( ) ) ;
let mut context = Context ::builder ( )
. module_loader ( loader . clone ( ) )
. build ( )
. unwrap ( ) ;
context . register_global_class ::< Test > ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let source = Source ::from_bytes (
r "
function assert_eq ( name , actual , expected ) {
if ( expected ! = = actual ) {
throw ` Assertion failed : $ { name } - expected $ { expected } , got $ { actual } ` ;
let t = new Test ( ) ;
assert_eq ( ' fp ' , t . fp , 10 ) ;
assert_eq ( ' value2 ' , t . value2 , 0 ) ;
t . value2 = 123 ;
assert_eq ( ' value2 ' , t . value2 , 123 ) ;
// This should do nothing in Rust as this is a JS property and not a getter/setter.
t . fp = 123 ;
assert_eq ( ' fp ( set ) ' , t . fp , 123 ) ;
// Test separate getter/setter.
assert_eq ( ' f1 ' , t . f1 , 0 ) ;
t . f2 = 1 ;
assert_eq ( ' f2 ' , t . f1 , 1 ) ;
// Test same getter/setter.
assert_eq ( ' f3 ' , t . f3 , 0 ) ;
t . f3 = 456 ;
assert_eq ( ' f3 ( set ) ' , t . f3 , 456 ) ;
// Test exception on setter.
try {
t . f4 = 123 ;
throw ' Expected an exception ' ;
} catch ( e ) {
if ( e ! = = ' Cannot set f4 . ' ) {
throw e ;
" ,
) ;
let root_module = Module ::parse ( source , None , & mut context ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let promise_result = root_module . load_link_evaluate ( & mut context ) ;
context . run_jobs ( ) ;
// Checking if the final promise didn't return an error.
assert! (
promise_result . state ( ) . as_fulfilled ( ) . is_some ( ) ,
"module didn't execute successfully! Promise: {:?} ({:?})" ,
promise_result . state ( ) ,
. state ( )
. as_rejected ( )
. map ( | r | r . to_json ( & mut context ) )
) ;