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//! This module implements the global `Array` object.
//! The JavaScript `Array` class is a global object that is used in the construction of arrays; which are high-level, list-like objects.
//! More information:
//! - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
//! - [MDN documentation][mdn]
//! [spec]:
//! [mdn]:
mod tests;
use super::function::{make_builtin_fn, make_constructor_fn};
use crate::{
value::{same_value_zero, ResultValue, Value, ValueData},
use std::{
cmp::{max, min},
/// JavaScript `Array` built-in implementation.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct Array;
impl Array {
/// The name of the object.
pub(crate) const NAME: &'static str = "Array";
/// The amount of arguments this function object takes.
pub(crate) const LENGTH: usize = 1;
/// Creates a new `Array` instance.
pub(crate) fn new_array(interpreter: &Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let array = Value::new_object(Some(
.expect("Could not get global object"),
.expect("Array was not initialized")
array.borrow().set_field("length", Value::from(0));
/// Utility function for creating array objects.
/// `array_obj` can be any array with prototype already set (it will be wiped and
/// recreated from `array_contents`)
pub(crate) fn construct_array(array_obj: &Value, array_contents: &[Value]) -> ResultValue {
let array_obj_ptr = array_obj.clone();
// Wipe existing contents of the array object
let orig_length = i32::from(&array_obj.get_field("length"));
for n in 0..orig_length {
// Create length
let length = Property::new()
.value(Value::from(array_contents.len() as i32))
array_obj_ptr.set_property("length".to_string(), length);
for (n, value) in array_contents.iter().enumerate() {
array_obj_ptr.set_field(n.to_string(), value);
/// Utility function which takes an existing array object and puts additional
/// values on the end, correctly rewriting the length
pub(crate) fn add_to_array_object(array_ptr: &Value, add_values: &[Value]) -> ResultValue {
let orig_length = i32::from(&array_ptr.get_field("length"));
for (n, value) in add_values.iter().enumerate() {
let new_index = orig_length.wrapping_add(n as i32);
array_ptr.set_field(new_index.to_string(), value);
Value::from(orig_length.wrapping_add(add_values.len() as i32)),
/// Create a new array
pub(crate) fn make_array(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
ctx: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
// Make a new Object which will internally represent the Array (mapping
// between indices and values): this creates an Object with no prototype
// Set Prototype
let prototype = ctx.realm.global_obj.get_field("Array").get_field(PROTOTYPE);
this.set_internal_slot(INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE, prototype);
// This value is used by console.log and other routines to match Object type
// to its Javascript Identifier (global constructor method name)
// add our arguments in
let mut length = args.len() as i32;
match args.len() {
1 if args[0].is_integer() => {
length = i32::from(&args[0]);
// TODO: It should not create an array of undefineds, but an empty array ("holy" array in V8) with length `n`.
for n in 0..length {
this.set_field(n.to_string(), Value::undefined());
1 if args[0].is_double() => {
return ctx.throw_range_error("invalid array length");
_ => {
for (n, value) in args.iter().enumerate() {
this.set_field(n.to_string(), value.clone());
// finally create length property
let length = Property::new()
this.set_property("length".to_string(), length);
/// `Array.isArray( arg )`
/// The isArray function takes one argument arg, and returns the Boolean value true
/// if the argument is an object whose class internal property is "Array"; otherwise it returns false.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn is_array(
_this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
_interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
match args.get(0).and_then(|x| x.as_object()) {
Some(object) => Ok(Value::from(object.is_array())),
None => Ok(Value::from(false)),
/// `Array.prototype.concat(...arguments)`
/// When the concat method is called with zero or more arguments, it returns an
/// array containing the array elements of the object followed by the array
/// elements of each argument in order.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn concat(this: &mut Value, args: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
// If concat is called with no arguments, it returns the original array
return Ok(this.clone());
// Make a new array (using this object as the prototype basis for the new
// one)
let mut new_values: Vec<Value> = Vec::new();
let this_length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
for n in 0..this_length {
for concat_array in args {
let concat_length = i32::from(&concat_array.get_field("length"));
for n in 0..concat_length {
Self::construct_array(this, &new_values)
/// `Array.prototype.push( ...items )`
/// The arguments are appended to the end of the array, in the order in which
/// they appear. The new length of the array is returned as the result of the
/// call.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn push(this: &mut Value, args: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let new_array = Self::add_to_array_object(this, args)?;
/// `Array.prototype.pop()`
/// The last element of the array is removed from the array and returned.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn pop(this: &mut Value, _: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let curr_length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
if curr_length < 1 {
return Ok(Value::undefined());
let pop_index = curr_length.wrapping_sub(1);
let pop_value: Value = this.get_field(pop_index.to_string());
this.set_field("length", Value::from(pop_index));
/// `Array.prototype.forEach( callbackFn [ , thisArg ] )`
/// This method executes the provided callback function for each element in the array.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn for_each(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from("Missing argument for Array.prototype.forEach"));
let callback_arg = args.get(0).expect("Could not get `callbackFn` argument.");
let mut this_arg = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
for i in 0..length {
let element = this.get_field(i.to_string());
let arguments = [element, Value::from(i), this.clone()];, &mut this_arg, &arguments)?;
/// `Array.prototype.join( separator )`
/// The elements of the array are converted to Strings, and these Strings are
/// then concatenated, separated by occurrences of the separator. If no
/// separator is provided, a single comma is used as the separator.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn join(this: &mut Value, args: &[Value], ctx: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let separator = if args.is_empty() {
} else {
ctx.to_string(args.get(0).expect("Could not get argument"))?
let mut elem_strs: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
for n in 0..length {
let elem_str: String = ctx.to_string(&this.get_field(n.to_string()))?;
/// `Array.prototype.toString( separator )`
/// The toString function is intentionally generic; it does not require that
/// its this value be an Array object. Therefore it can be transferred to
/// other kinds of objects for use as a method.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn to_string(
this: &mut Value,
_args: &[Value],
ctx: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
let method_name = "join";
let mut arguments = vec![Value::from(",")];
// 2.
let mut method = this.get_field(method_name);
// 3.
if !method.is_function() {
method = ctx
arguments = Vec::new();
// 4.
let join =, this, &arguments)?;
let string = if let ValueData::String(ref s) = {
} else {
/// `Array.prototype.reverse()`
/// The elements of the array are rearranged so as to reverse their order.
/// The object is returned as the result of the call.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn reverse(this: &mut Value, _: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let middle: i32 = len.wrapping_div(2);
for lower in 0..middle {
let upper = len.wrapping_sub(lower).wrapping_sub(1);
let upper_exists = this.has_field(&upper.to_string());
let lower_exists = this.has_field(&lower.to_string());
let upper_value = this.get_field(upper.to_string());
let lower_value = this.get_field(lower.to_string());
if upper_exists && lower_exists {
this.set_field(upper.to_string(), lower_value);
this.set_field(lower.to_string(), upper_value);
} else if upper_exists {
this.set_field(lower.to_string(), upper_value);
} else if lower_exists {
this.set_field(upper.to_string(), lower_value);
/// `Array.prototype.shift()`
/// The first element of the array is removed from the array and returned.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn shift(this: &mut Value, _: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
if len == 0 {
this.set_field("length", Value::from(0));
// Since length is 0, this will be an Undefined value
return Ok(this.get_field(0.to_string()));
let first: Value = this.get_field(0.to_string());
for k in 1..len {
let from = k.to_string();
let to = (k.wrapping_sub(1)).to_string();
let from_value = this.get_field(from);
if from_value.is_undefined() {
} else {
this.set_field(to, from_value);
let final_index = len.wrapping_sub(1);
this.set_field("length", Value::from(final_index));
/// `Array.prototype.unshift( ...items )`
/// The arguments are prepended to the start of the array, such that their order
/// within the array is the same as the order in which they appear in the
/// argument list.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn unshift(this: &mut Value, args: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let arg_c: i32 = args.len() as i32;
if arg_c > 0 {
for k in (1..=len).rev() {
let from = (k.wrapping_sub(1)).to_string();
let to = (k.wrapping_add(arg_c).wrapping_sub(1)).to_string();
let from_value = this.get_field(from);
if from_value.is_undefined() {
} else {
this.set_field(to, from_value);
for j in 0..arg_c {
args.get(j as usize)
.expect("Could not get argument")
let temp = len.wrapping_add(arg_c);
this.set_field("length", Value::from(temp));
/// `Array.prototype.every( callback, [ thisArg ] )`
/// The every method executes the provided callback function once for each
/// element present in the array until it finds the one where callback returns
/// a falsy value. It returns `false` if it finds such element, otherwise it
/// returns `true`.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn every(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from(
"missing callback when calling function Array.prototype.every",
let callback = &args[0];
let mut this_arg = if args.len() > 1 {
} else {
let mut i = 0;
let max_len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let mut len = max_len;
while i < len {
let element = this.get_field(i.to_string());
let arguments = [element, Value::from(i), this.clone()];
let result = interpreter
.call(callback, &mut this_arg, &arguments)?
if !result {
return Ok(Value::from(false));
len = min(max_len, i32::from(&this.get_field("length")));
i += 1;
/// ` callback, [ thisArg ] )`
/// For each element in the array the callback function is called, and a new
/// array is constructed from the return values of these calls.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn map(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from(
"missing argument 0 when calling function",
let callback = args.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let mut this_val = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let new = Self::new_array(interpreter)?;
let values: Vec<Value> = (0..length)
.map(|idx| {
let element = this.get_field(idx.to_string());
let args = [element, Value::from(idx), new.clone()];
.call(&callback, &mut this_val, &args)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| Value::undefined())
Self::construct_array(&new, &values)
/// `Array.prototype.indexOf( searchElement[, fromIndex ] )`
/// indexOf compares searchElement to the elements of the array, in ascending order,
/// using the Strict Equality Comparison algorithm, and if found at one or more indices,
/// returns the smallest such index; otherwise, -1 is returned.
/// The optional second argument fromIndex defaults to 0 (i.e. the whole array is searched).
/// If it is greater than or equal to the length of the array, -1 is returned,
/// i.e. the array will not be searched. If it is negative, it is used as the offset
/// from the end of the array to compute fromIndex. If the computed index is less than 0,
/// the whole array will be searched.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn index_of(this: &mut Value, args: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
// If no arguments, return -1. Not described in spec, but is what chrome does.
if args.is_empty() {
return Ok(Value::from(-1));
let search_element = args[0].clone();
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let mut idx = match args.get(1) {
Some(from_idx_ptr) => {
let from_idx = i32::from(from_idx_ptr);
if from_idx < 0 {
len + from_idx
} else {
None => 0,
while idx < len {
let check_element = this.get_field(idx.to_string()).clone();
if check_element.strict_equals(&search_element) {
return Ok(Value::from(idx));
idx += 1;
/// `Array.prototype.lastIndexOf( searchElement[, fromIndex ] )`
/// lastIndexOf compares searchElement to the elements of the array in descending order
/// using the Strict Equality Comparison algorithm, and if found at one or more indices,
/// returns the largest such index; otherwise, -1 is returned.
/// The optional second argument fromIndex defaults to the array's length minus one
/// (i.e. the whole array is searched). If it is greater than or equal to the length of the array,
/// the whole array will be searched. If it is negative, it is used as the offset from the end
/// of the array to compute fromIndex. If the computed index is less than 0, -1 is returned.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn last_index_of(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
_: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
// If no arguments, return -1. Not described in spec, but is what chrome does.
if args.is_empty() {
return Ok(Value::from(-1));
let search_element = args[0].clone();
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let mut idx = match args.get(1) {
Some(from_idx_ptr) => {
let from_idx = i32::from(from_idx_ptr);
if from_idx >= 0 {
min(from_idx, len - 1)
} else {
len + from_idx
None => len - 1,
while idx >= 0 {
let check_element = this.get_field(idx.to_string()).clone();
if check_element.strict_equals(&search_element) {
return Ok(Value::from(idx));
idx -= 1;
/// `Array.prototype.find( callback, [thisArg] )`
/// The find method executes the callback function once for each index of the array
/// until the callback returns a truthy value. If so, find immediately returns the value
/// of that element. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn find(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from(
"missing callback when calling function Array.prototype.find",
let callback = &args[0];
let mut this_arg = if args.len() > 1 {
} else {
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
for i in 0..len {
let element = this.get_field(i.to_string());
let arguments = [element.clone(), Value::from(i), this.clone()];
let result =, &mut this_arg, &arguments)?;
if result.is_true() {
return Ok(element);
/// `Array.prototype.findIndex( predicate [ , thisArg ] )`
/// This method executes the provided predicate function for each element of the array.
/// If the predicate function returns `true` for an element, this method returns the index of the element.
/// If all elements return `false`, the value `-1` is returned.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn find_index(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from(
"Missing argument for Array.prototype.findIndex",
let predicate_arg = args.get(0).expect("Could not get `predicate` argument.");
let mut this_arg = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
for i in 0..length {
let element = this.get_field(i.to_string());
let arguments = [element, Value::from(i), this.clone()];
let result =, &mut this_arg, &arguments)?;
if result.is_true() {
return Ok(Value::rational(f64::from(i)));
/// `Array.prototype.fill( value[, start[, end]] )`
/// The method fills (modifies) all the elements of an array from start index (default 0)
/// to an end index (default array length) with a static value. It returns the modified array.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn fill(this: &mut Value, args: &[Value], _: &mut Interpreter) -> ResultValue {
let len: i32 = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let default_value = Value::undefined();
let value = args.get(0).unwrap_or(&default_value);
let relative_start = args.get(1).unwrap_or(&default_value).to_number() as i32;
let relative_end_val = args.get(2).unwrap_or(&default_value);
let relative_end = if relative_end_val.is_undefined() {
} else {
relative_end_val.to_number() as i32
let start = if relative_start < 0 {
max(len + relative_start, 0)
} else {
min(relative_start, len)
let fin = if relative_end < 0 {
max(len + relative_end, 0)
} else {
min(relative_end, len)
for i in start..fin {
this.set_field(i.to_string(), value.clone());
/// `Array.prototype.includes( valueToFind [, fromIndex] )`
/// Determines whether an array includes a certain value among its entries, returning `true` or `false` as appropriate.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn includes_value(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
_: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
let search_element = args.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
for idx in 0..length {
let check_element = this.get_field(idx.to_string()).clone();
if same_value_zero(&check_element, &search_element) {
return Ok(Value::from(true));
/// `Array.prototype.slice( [begin[, end]] )`
/// The slice method takes two arguments, start and end, and returns an array containing the
/// elements of the array from element start up to, but not including, element end (or through the
/// end of the array if end is undefined). If start is negative, it is treated as length + start
/// where length is the length of the array. If end is negative, it is treated as length + end where
/// length is the length of the array.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn slice(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
let new_array = Self::new_array(interpreter)?;
let len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let start = match args.get(0) {
Some(v) => i32::from(v),
None => 0,
let end = match args.get(1) {
Some(v) => i32::from(v),
None => len,
let from = if start < 0 {
max(len.wrapping_add(start), 0)
} else {
min(start, len)
let to = if end < 0 {
max(len.wrapping_add(end), 0)
} else {
min(end, len)
let span = max(to.wrapping_sub(from), 0);
let mut new_array_len: i32 = 0;
for i in from..from.wrapping_add(span) {
new_array.set_field(new_array_len.to_string(), this.get_field(i.to_string()));
new_array_len = new_array_len.wrapping_add(1);
new_array.set_field("length", Value::from(new_array_len));
/// `Array.prototype.filter( callback, [ thisArg ] )`
/// For each element in the array the callback function is called, and a new
/// array is constructed for every value whose callback returned a truthy value.
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn filter(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from(
"missing argument 0 when calling function Array.prototype.filter",
let callback = args.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let mut this_val = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_else(Value::undefined);
let length = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let new = Self::new_array(interpreter)?;
let values = (0..length)
.filter_map(|idx| {
let element = this.get_field(idx.to_string());
let args = [element.clone(), Value::from(idx), new.clone()];
let callback_result = interpreter
.call(&callback, &mut this_val, &args)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| Value::undefined());
if callback_result.is_true() {
} else {
Self::construct_array(&new, &values)
/// Array.prototype.some ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
/// The some method tests whether at least one element in the array passes
/// the test implemented by the provided callback function. It returns a Boolean value,
/// true if the callback function returns a truthy value for at least one element
/// in the array. Otherwise, false.
/// Caution: Calling this method on an empty array returns false for any condition!
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [MDN documentation][mdn]
/// [spec]:
/// [mdn]:
pub(crate) fn some(
this: &mut Value,
args: &[Value],
interpreter: &mut Interpreter,
) -> ResultValue {
if args.is_empty() {
return Err(Value::from(
"missing callback when calling function Array.prototype.some",
let callback = &args[0];
let mut this_arg = if args.len() > 1 {
} else {
let mut i = 0;
let max_len = i32::from(&this.get_field("length"));
let mut len = max_len;
while i < len {
let element = this.get_field(i.to_string());
let arguments = [element, Value::from(i), this.clone()];
let result = interpreter
.call(callback, &mut this_arg, &arguments)?
if result {
return Ok(Value::from(true));
// the length of the array must be updated because the callback can mutate it.
len = min(max_len, i32::from(&this.get_field("length")));
i += 1;
/// Create a new `Array` object.
pub(crate) fn create(global: &Value) -> Value {
// Create prototype
let prototype = Value::new_object(Some(global));
let length = Property::default().value(Value::from(0));
prototype.set_property("length", length);
make_builtin_fn(Self::concat, "concat", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::push, "push", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::index_of, "indexOf", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::last_index_of, "lastIndexOf", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::includes_value, "includes", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::map, "map", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::fill, "fill", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::for_each, "forEach", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::filter, "filter", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::pop, "pop", &prototype, 0);
make_builtin_fn(Self::join, "join", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::to_string, "toString", &prototype, 0);
make_builtin_fn(Self::reverse, "reverse", &prototype, 0);
make_builtin_fn(Self::shift, "shift", &prototype, 0);
make_builtin_fn(Self::unshift, "unshift", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::every, "every", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::find, "find", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::find_index, "findIndex", &prototype, 1);
make_builtin_fn(Self::slice, "slice", &prototype, 2);
make_builtin_fn(Self::some, "some", &prototype, 2);
let array = make_constructor_fn(
// Static Methods
make_builtin_fn(Self::is_array, "isArray", &array, 1);
/// Initialise the `Array` object on the global object.
pub(crate) fn init(global: &Value) -> (&str, Value) {
let _timer = BoaProfiler::global().start_event(Self::NAME, "init");
(Self::NAME, Self::create(global))