| Register Model | Register the model or not. If register is selected, the following parameters are expanded. |
| model name | The registered model name is added to the original model version and registered as Production. |
| Data Path | The absolute path of the file or folder. Ends with .csv for file or contain train.csv and test.csv for folder(In the suggested way, users should build their own test sets for model evaluation). |
| Parameters | Parameter when initializing the algorithm/AutoML model, which can be empty. For example, parameters `n_estimators=200;learning_rate=0.2` for flaml. The convention will be passed with '; 'shards each parameter, using the name before the equal sign as the parameter name, and using the name after the equal sign to get the corresponding parameter value through `python eval()`. The detailed parameter list is as follows: <ul><li>[flaml](https://microsoft.github.io/FLAML/docs/reference/automl#automl-objects)</li><li>[autosklearn](https://automl.github.io/auto-sklearn/master/api.html)</li></ul> |
| AutoML tool | The AutoML tool used, currently supports [autosklearn](https://github.com/automl/auto-sklearn) and [flaml](https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML). |
| Register Model | Register the model or not. If register is selected, the following parameters are expanded. |
| model name | The registered model name is added to the original model version and registered as Production. |
| Data Path | The absolute path of the file or folder. Ends with .csv for file or contain train.csv and test.csv for folder(In the suggested way, users should build their own test sets for model evaluation). |
| Parameters | Parameter when initializing the algorithm/AutoML model, which can be empty. For example, parameters `n_estimators=200;learning_rate=0.2` for flaml. The convention will be passed with '; 'shards each parameter, using the name before the equal sign as the parameter name, and using the name after the equal sign to get the corresponding parameter value through `python eval()`. The detailed parameter list is as follows: <ul><li>[flaml](https://microsoft.github.io/FLAML/docs/Use-Cases/Task-Oriented-AutoML)</li><li>[autosklearn](https://automl.github.io/auto-sklearn/master/api.html)</li></ul> |
| AutoML tool | The AutoML tool used, currently supports [autosklearn](https://github.com/automl/auto-sklearn) and [flaml](https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML). |