- For UI tests, it's common that the pages might need some time to load, or the operations might need some time to
- For UI tests, it's common that the pages might need some time to load, or the operations might need some time to
complete, we can use `await().untilAsserted(() -> {})` to wait for the assertions.
complete, we can use `await().untilAsserted(() -> {})` to wait for the assertions.
## Local development
### Mac M1
Add VM options to the test configuration in IntelliJ IDEA:
# In this mode you need to install docker desktop for mac and run it with locally
### Running locally(without Docker)
# In this mode you need to start frontend and backend services locally
### Running locally(with Docker)
# In this mode you only need to install docker locally
- To run the tests locally, you need to have the DolphinScheduler running locally. You should add `dolphinscheduler-e2e/pom.xml` to the maven project
Since it does not participate in project compilation, it is not in the main project.
- Running run test class `org.apache.dolphinscheduler.e2e.cases.UserE2ETest` in the IDE. After execution, the test video will be saved as mp4 in a local temporary directory. Such as