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Pull request #3438: KERNEL-14241 refactor:demo的es6化

Merge in VISUAL/fineui from ~VIVY.PAN/fineui:es6 to es6

* commit 'c8f1c832c7c8967bcdf71e7a747597588569559b':
  KERNEL-14241 refactor:demo的es6化
Vivy.Pan-潘柯芋 2 years ago
  1. 831
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  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More


@ -1,408 +1,449 @@
(function () { import { shortcut, Widget, parseInt, Msg, map } from "@/core";
var JokerIcon = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { @shortcut()
type: "bi.label", export class Button extends Widget {
cls: "anim-rotate", static xtype = "demo.button";
ref: function(ref) {
self.text = ref; props = { baseCls: "demo-button" };
loading: function () {
loaded: function () {
BI.shortcut("demo.joker.icon", JokerIcon);
Demo.Button = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { render() {
props: { const items = [
baseCls: "demo-button", {
}, type: "bi.button",
render: function () { text: "一般按钮1111111111111",
var items = [{ level: "common",
type: "bi.button", whiteSpace: "nowrap",
text: "一般按钮1111111111111", width: 100,
level: "common", height: 30,
whiteSpace: "nowrap", handler() {
width: 100, console.log("触发点击事件");
height: 30, this.loading();
handler() { setTimeout(() => {
console.log("触发点击事件"); this.loaded();
this.loading(); }, 5 * 1000);
setTimeout(() => { },
this.loaded(); },
}, 5 * 1000); {
}, type: "bi.button",
}, { text: "表示成功状态按钮",
type: "bi.button", level: "success",
text: "表示成功状态按钮", height: 30,
level: "success", },
height: 30, {
}, { type: "bi.button",
type: "bi.button", text: "表示警告状态的按钮",
text: "表示警告状态的按钮", level: "warning",
level: "warning", height: 30,
height: 30, },
}, { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "表示错误状态的按钮", text: "表示错误状态的按钮",
level: "error", level: "error",
height: 30, height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
text: "表示忽略状态的按钮", type: "bi.button",
level: "ignore", text: "表示忽略状态的按钮",
height: 30, level: "ignore",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "普通灰化按钮", {
disabled: true, type: "bi.button",
level: "success", text: "普通灰化按钮",
height: 30, disabled: true,
}, { level: "success",
type: "bi.button", height: 30,
text: "忽略状态灰化按钮", },
disabled: true, {
level: "ignore", type: "bi.button",
height: 30, text: "忽略状态灰化按钮",
}, { disabled: true,
type: "bi.button", level: "ignore",
text: "带图标的按钮", height: 30,
// level: 'ignore', },
iconCls: "close-font", {
height: 30, type: "bi.button",
}, { text: "带图标的按钮",
type: "bi.button", // level: 'ignore',
text: "一般按钮", iconCls: "close-font",
block: true, height: 30,
level: "common", },
height: 30, {
}, { type: "bi.button",
type: "bi.button", text: "一般按钮",
text: "表示成功状态按钮", block: true,
block: true, level: "common",
level: "success", height: 30,
height: 30, },
}, { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "表示警告状态的按钮", text: "表示成功状态按钮",
block: true, block: true,
level: "warning", level: "success",
height: 30, height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
text: "表示忽略状态的按钮", type: "bi.button",
block: true, text: "表示警告状态的按钮",
level: "ignore", block: true,
height: 30, level: "warning",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "普通灰化按钮", {
block: true, type: "bi.button",
disabled: true, text: "表示忽略状态的按钮",
level: "success", block: true,
height: 30, level: "ignore",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "忽略状态灰化按钮", {
block: true, type: "bi.button",
disabled: true, text: "普通灰化按钮",
level: "ignore", block: true,
height: 30, disabled: true,
}, { level: "success",
type: "bi.button", height: 30,
text: "带图标的按钮", },
block: true, {
// level: 'ignore', type: "bi.button",
iconCls: "close-font", text: "忽略状态灰化按钮",
height: 30, block: true,
}, { disabled: true,
type: "bi.button", level: "ignore",
text: "一般按钮", height: 30,
clear: true, },
level: "common", {
height: 30, type: "bi.button",
}, { text: "带图标的按钮",
type: "bi.button", block: true,
text: "表示成功状态按钮", // level: 'ignore',
clear: true, iconCls: "close-font",
level: "success", height: 30,
height: 30, },
}, { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "表示警告状态的按钮", text: "一般按钮",
clear: true, clear: true,
level: "warning", level: "common",
height: 30, height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
text: "表示忽略状态的按钮", type: "bi.button",
clear: true, text: "表示成功状态按钮",
level: "ignore", clear: true,
height: 30, level: "success",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "普通灰化按钮", {
clear: true, type: "bi.button",
disabled: true, text: "表示警告状态的按钮",
level: "success", clear: true,
height: 30, level: "warning",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "忽略状态灰化按钮", {
clear: true, type: "bi.button",
disabled: true, text: "表示忽略状态的按钮",
level: "ignore", clear: true,
height: 30, level: "ignore",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "带图标的按钮", {
clear: true, type: "bi.button",
// level: 'ignore', text: "普通灰化按钮",
iconCls: "close-font", clear: true,
height: 30, disabled: true,
}, { level: "success",
type: "bi.text_button", height: 30,
text: "文字按钮", },
height: 30, {
}, { type: "bi.button",
type: "bi.button", text: "忽略状态灰化按钮",
text: "幽灵按钮(common)", clear: true,
ghost: true, disabled: true,
height: 30, level: "ignore",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
iconCls: "plus-font", {
text: "幽灵按钮(common)", type: "bi.button",
ghost: true, text: "带图标的按钮",
height: 30, clear: true,
}, { // level: 'ignore',
type: "bi.button", iconCls: "close-font",
iconCls: "plus-font", height: 30,
text: "幽灵按钮(common)", },
ghost: true, {
level: "warning", type: "bi.text_button",
height: 30, text: "文字按钮",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
iconCls: "plus-font", {
text: "幽灵按钮(common)", type: "bi.button",
ghost: true, text: "幽灵按钮(common)",
level: "error", ghost: true,
height: 30, height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
iconCls: "plus-font", type: "bi.button",
text: "幽灵按钮(common)", iconCls: "plus-font",
ghost: true, text: "幽灵按钮(common)",
level: "success", ghost: true,
height: 30, height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
text: "幽灵按钮(common)灰化", type: "bi.button",
disabled: true, iconCls: "plus-font",
ghost: true, text: "幽灵按钮(common)",
height: 30, ghost: true,
}, { level: "warning",
type: "bi.button", height: 30,
text: "弹出bubble", },
bubble: function () { {
return BI.parseInt(Math.random() * 100) % 10 + "提示"; type: "bi.button",
}, iconCls: "plus-font",
handler: function () { text: "幽灵按钮(common)",
BI.Msg.toast("1111"); ghost: true,
}, level: "error",
height: 30, height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
text: "自动撑开", type: "bi.button",
iconCls: "close-font", iconCls: "plus-font",
// textHeight: 32, text: "幽灵按钮(common)",
// height: 32, ghost: true,
iconGap: 64, level: "success",
vgap: 16, height: 30,
hgap: 100, },
iconPosition: "bottom", {
}, { type: "bi.button",
type: "bi.button", text: "幽灵按钮(common)灰化",
text: "图标在下面的按钮", disabled: true,
iconCls: "close-font", ghost: true,
iconPosition: "bottom", height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
text: "图标在左边的按钮", type: "bi.button",
iconCls: "close-font", text: "弹出bubble",
iconPosition: "left", bubble() {
}, { return `${parseInt(Math.random() * 100) % 10}提示`;
type: "bi.button", },
text: "图标在右边的按钮", handler() {
iconCls: "close-font", Msg.toast("1111");
iconPosition: "right", },
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "浅色的一般按钮", {
iconCls: "plus-font", type: "bi.button",
light: true, text: "自动撑开",
}, { iconCls: "close-font",
type: "bi.button", // textHeight: 32,
text: "浅色的成功按钮", // height: 32,
level: "success", iconGap: 64,
iconCls: "plus-font", vgap: 16,
light: true, hgap: 100,
}, { iconPosition: "bottom",
type: "bi.button", },
text: "浅色的警告按钮", {
level: "warning", type: "bi.button",
iconCls: "plus-font", text: "图标在下面的按钮",
light: true, iconCls: "close-font",
}, { iconPosition: "bottom",
type: "bi.button", },
iconCls: "plus-font", {
text: "浅色的失败按钮", type: "bi.button",
level: "error", text: "图标在左边的按钮",
cls: "hover-mask", iconCls: "close-font",
light: true, iconPosition: "left",
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
iconCls: "plus-font", type: "bi.button",
text: "朴素的按钮", text: "图标在右边的按钮",
level: "common", iconCls: "close-font",
plain: true, iconPosition: "right",
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
iconCls: "plus-font", type: "bi.button",
text: "朴素的按钮", text: "浅色的一般按钮",
level: "success", iconCls: "plus-font",
plain: true, light: true,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
iconCls: "plus-font", type: "bi.button",
text: "朴素的按钮", text: "浅色的成功按钮",
level: "error", level: "success",
plain: true, iconCls: "plus-font",
}, { light: true,
type: "bi.button", },
iconCls: "plus-font", {
text: "朴素的按钮", type: "bi.button",
level: "warning", text: "浅色的警告按钮",
plain: true, level: "warning",
}, { iconCls: "plus-font",
type: "bi.button", light: true,
iconCls: "plus-font", },
text: "朴素的按钮", {
level: "ignore", type: "bi.button",
plain: true, iconCls: "plus-font",
}, { text: "浅色的失败按钮",
type: "bi.button", level: "error",
iconCls: "plus-font", cls: "hover-mask",
plain: true, light: true,
level: "error", },
}, { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
iconCls: "plus-font", iconCls: "plus-font",
text: "朴素的按钮", text: "朴素的按钮",
plain: true, level: "common",
disabled: true, plain: true,
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
iconCls: "plus-font", type: "bi.button",
text: "点我,更改图标", iconCls: "plus-font",
handler() { text: "朴素的按钮",
this.i = this.i === undefined ? 0 : ++this.i; level: "success",
const arr = ["text-background-font", "check-mark-ha-font", "close-font", "search-font", "date-change-h-font"]; plain: true,
if (this.i >= arr.length) { },
this.i = 0; {
} type: "bi.button",
this.setIcon(arr[this.i]); iconCls: "plus-font",
}, text: "朴素的按钮",
height: 24, level: "error",
}, { plain: true,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "带加载的按钮", {
handler() { type: "bi.button",
console.log("触发点击事件"); iconCls: "plus-font",
this.loading(); text: "朴素的按钮",
setTimeout(() => { level: "warning",
this.loaded(); plain: true,
}, 5 * 1000); },
}, {
}, { type: "bi.button",
type: "bi.button", iconCls: "plus-font",
text: "带加载的按钮", text: "朴素的按钮",
iconCls: "circle-close-font", level: "ignore",
handler() { plain: true,
console.log("触发点击事件"); },
this.loading(); {
setTimeout(() => { type: "bi.button",
this.loaded(); iconCls: "plus-font",
}, 5 * 1000); plain: true,
}, level: "error",
}, { },
type: "bi.button", {
clear: true, type: "bi.button",
text: "带加载的按钮", iconCls: "plus-font",
iconCls: "circle-close-font", text: "朴素的按钮",
handler() { plain: true,
console.log("触发点击事件"); disabled: true,
this.loading(); },
setTimeout(() => { {
this.loaded(); type: "bi.button",
}, 5 * 1000); iconCls: "plus-font",
}, text: "点我,更改图标",
}, { handler() {
type: "bi.button", this.i = this.i === undefined ? 0 : ++this.i;
text: "加载中的按钮", const arr = [
loading: true, "text-background-font",
handler() { "check-mark-ha-font",
console.log("我是无法被触发的!"); "close-font",
}, "search-font",
}, { "date-change-h-font"
type: "bi.button", ];
text: "自定义图标按钮(点我修改)", if (this.i >= arr.length) {
icon: { this.i = 0;
type: "demo.joker.icon", }
}, this.setIcon(arr[this.i]);
handler() { },
console.log("触发点击事件"); height: 24,
this.loading(); },
setTimeout(() => { {
this.loaded(); type: "bi.button",
}, 5 * 1000); text: "带加载的按钮",
}, handler() {
}, { console.log("触发点击事件");
type: "bi.button", this.loading();
text: "文字偏左的按钮", setTimeout(() => {
textAlign: "left", this.loaded();
width: 200, }, 5 * 1000);
}, { },
type: "bi.button", },
text: "小于最小宽度的按钮", {
width: 50, type: "bi.button",
}, { text: "带加载的按钮",
type: "bi.button", iconCls: "circle-close-font",
text: "一个文字超级超级长的 button, 他比按钮宽度还长。", handler() {
textWidth: 500, console.log("触发点击事件");
width: 100, this.loading();
}]; setTimeout(() => {
}, 5 * 1000);
type: "bi.button",
clear: true,
text: "带加载的按钮",
iconCls: "circle-close-font",
handler() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5 * 1000);
type: "bi.button",
text: "加载中的按钮",
loading: true,
handler() {
type: "bi.button",
text: "自定义图标按钮(点我修改)",
icon: {
type: "demo.joker.icon",
handler() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5 * 1000);
type: "bi.button",
text: "文字偏左的按钮",
textAlign: "left",
width: 200,
type: "bi.button",
text: "小于最小宽度的按钮",
width: 50,
type: "bi.button",
text: "一个文字超级超级长的 button, 他比按钮宽度还长。",
textWidth: 500,
width: 100,
return { return {
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
scrolly: true, scrolly: true,
vgap: 100, vgap: 100,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
items:, function (index, value) { items: map(items, (index, value) => {
return { return {
el: value, el: value,
}; };
}), }),
}; };
}, }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.button", Demo.Button);


@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
Demo.Button = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-button" @shortcut()
}, export class Button extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.icon_button";
var items = [
props = { baseCls: "demo-button" };
render() {
const items = [
{ {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.icon_button", type: "bi.icon_button",
cls: "close-ha-font", cls: "close-ha-font",
width: 25, width: 25,
height: 25 height: 25,
} },
} }
]; ];
return { return {
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
vgap: 200, vgap: 200,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
items: items items,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.icon_button", Demo.Button);


@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
Demo.Button = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-button" @shortcut()
}, export class Button extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.image_button";
var items = [
props = { baseCls: "demo-button" };
render() {
const items = [
{ {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.image_button", type: "bi.image_button",
src: "", src: "",
width: 100, width: 100,
height: 100 height: 100,
} },
} }
]; ];
return { return {
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
vgap: 200, vgap: 200,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
items: items items,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.image_button", Demo.Button);


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
export class JokerIcon extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.joker.icon";
render() {
const self = this;
return {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "anim-rotate",
ref (ref) {
self.text = ref;
loading() {
loaded() {


@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
Demo.Button = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-button" @shortcut()
}, export class Button extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.text_button";
var items = [
props = { baseCls: "demo-button" };
render() {
const items = [
{ {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.text_button",
text: "文字按钮", text: "文字按钮",
height: 30, height: 30,
keyword: "w" keyword: "w",
} },
} }
]; ];
return { return {
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
vgap: 200, vgap: 200,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
items: items items,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.text_button", Demo.Button);


@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
Demo.Html = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-html" @shortcut()
}, export class Html extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.html";
props = { baseCls: "demo-html" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.html", {
text: "<h1>在bi.html标签中使用html原生标签</h1>" type: "bi.html",
}, { text: "<h1>在bi.html标签中使用html原生标签</h1>",
type: "bi.html", },
text: "<ul>ul列表<li>list item1</li><li>list item2</li></ul>" {
}], type: "bi.html",
text: "<ul>ul列表<li>list item1</li><li>list item2</li></ul>",
hgap: 300, hgap: 300,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.html", Demo.Html);


@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
Demo.IconLabel = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-bubble" @shortcut()
}, export class IconLabel extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.icon_label";
props = { baseCls: "demo-bubble" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.default", type: "bi.default",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "这是一个icon标签,在加了border之后仍然是居中显示的" type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "这是一个icon标签,在加了border之后仍然是居中显示的",
type: "bi.icon_label", },
cls: "date-font bi-border", {
height: 40, type: "bi.icon_label",
width: 40 cls: "date-font bi-border",
}] height: 40,
width: 40,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.icon_label", Demo.IconLabel);


@ -1,139 +1,167 @@
Demo.Label = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-label" @shortcut()
}, export class Label extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.label";
props = { baseCls: "demo-label" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
cls: "layout-bg6", type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一个label控件,默认居中", cls: "layout-bg6",
disabled: true, text: "这是一个label控件,默认居中",
textAlign: "center" disabled: true,
}, { textAlign: "center",
type: "bi.label", },
cls: "layout-bg1", {
text: "这是一个label控件, 高度为30,默认居中", type: "bi.label",
textAlign: "center", cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 30 text: "这是一个label控件, 高度为30,默认居中",
}, { textAlign: "center",
type: "bi.label", height: 30,
cls: "layout-bg3", },
text: "这是一个label控件,使用水平居左", {
textAlign: "left",
height: 30
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace是normal,不设置高度,为了演示这个是真的是normal的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
whiteSpace: "normal"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg5",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace是默认的nowrap,不设置高度,为了演示这个是真的是nowrap的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg7",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace是默认的nowrap,高度为30,为了演示这个是真的是nowrap的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
height: 30
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为normal,高度为60,为了演示这个是真的是normal的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
whiteSpace: "normal",
height: 60
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg5",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为normal,textHeight控制text的lineHeight,这样可以实现换行效果,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
whiteSpace: "normal",
textHeight: 30,
height: 60
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为nowrap,textWidth控制text的width",
textWidth: 200,
height: 60
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg8",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为normal,textWidth控制text的width,这样可以实现换行效果,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
whiteSpace: "normal",
textWidth: 200,
height: 60
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg7",
text: "whiteSpace为默认的nowrap,高度设置为60,宽度设置为300",
height: 60,
width: 300
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg6",
text: "设置了宽度300,高度60,whiteSpace设置为normal",
whiteSpace: "normal",
width: 300,
height: 60
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg8",
text: "textWidth设置为200,textHeight设置为30,width设置300,凑点字数看效果",
width: 300,
textWidth: 200,
textHeight: 30,
height: 60,
whiteSpace: "normal"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "textWidth设置为200,width设置300,看下水平居左的换行效果",
textAlign: "left",
width: 300,
textWidth: 200,
textHeight: 30,
height: 60,
whiteSpace: "normal"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2",
text: "使用默认的nowrap,再去设置textHeight,只会有一行的效果",
textAlign: "left",
width: 300,
textWidth: 200,
textHeight: 30,
height: 60
}, {
type: "bi.left",
items: [{
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3", cls: "layout-bg3",
text: "在float布局中自适应的,不设高度和宽度,文字多长这个就有多长" text: "这是一个label控件,使用水平居左",
}], textAlign: "left",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, { },
type: "bi.left", {
items: [{
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg4", cls: "layout-bg2",
text: "在float布局中自适应的,设置了宽度200,后面还有", text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace是normal,不设置高度,为了演示这个是真的是normal的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
width: 200 whiteSpace: "normal",
}], },
height: 30 {
}, { type: "bi.label",
type: "bi.left", cls: "layout-bg5",
items: [{ text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace是默认的nowrap,不设置高度,为了演示这个是真的是nowrap的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg7",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace是默认的nowrap,高度为30,为了演示这个是真的是nowrap的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
height: 30,
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为normal,高度为60,为了演示这个是真的是normal的,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
whiteSpace: "normal",
height: 60,
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "在float布局中自适应的,设置了高度,文字多长这个就有多长",
cls: "layout-bg5", cls: "layout-bg5",
height: 30 text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为normal,textHeight控制text的lineHeight,这样可以实现换行效果,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
}], whiteSpace: "normal",
height: 30 textHeight: 30,
}], height: 60,
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为nowrap,textWidth控制text的width",
textWidth: 200,
height: 60,
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg8",
text: "这是一个label控件,whiteSpace设置为normal,textWidth控制text的width,这样可以实现换行效果,我凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数,凑点字数",
whiteSpace: "normal",
textWidth: 200,
height: 60,
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg7",
text: "whiteSpace为默认的nowrap,高度设置为60,宽度设置为300",
height: 60,
width: 300,
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg6",
text: "设置了宽度300,高度60,whiteSpace设置为normal",
whiteSpace: "normal",
width: 300,
height: 60,
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg8",
text: "textWidth设置为200,textHeight设置为30,width设置300,凑点字数看效果",
width: 300,
textWidth: 200,
textHeight: 30,
height: 60,
whiteSpace: "normal",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "textWidth设置为200,width设置300,看下水平居左的换行效果",
textAlign: "left",
width: 300,
textWidth: 200,
textHeight: 30,
height: 60,
whiteSpace: "normal",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2",
text: "使用默认的nowrap,再去设置textHeight,只会有一行的效果",
textAlign: "left",
width: 300,
textWidth: 200,
textHeight: 30,
height: 60,
type: "bi.left",
items: [
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3",
text: "在float布局中自适应的,不设高度和宽度,文字多长这个就有多长",
height: 30,
type: "bi.left",
items: [
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg4",
text: "在float布局中自适应的,设置了宽度200,后面还有",
width: 200,
height: 30,
type: "bi.left",
items: [
type: "bi.label",
text: "在float布局中自适应的,设置了高度,文字多长这个就有多长",
cls: "layout-bg5",
height: 30,
height: 30,
hgap: 300, hgap: 300,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.label", Demo.Label);


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
Demo.Message = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: { import { Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-bubble"
}, @shortcut()
render: function () { export class Message extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.message";
props = { baseCls: "demo-bubble" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.center_adapt", type: "bi.center_adapt",
items: [ items: [
@ -11,13 +16,12 @@ Demo.Message = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "点击我弹出一个消息框", text: "点击我弹出一个消息框",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {
BI.Msg.alert("测试消息框", "我是测试消息框的内容"); Msg.alert("测试消息框", "我是测试消息框的内容");
} },
} },
} }
] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.message", Demo.Message);


@ -1,120 +1,126 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.pager";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: "默认的分页"
}, {
type: "bi.pager",
height: 50,
pages: 18,
groups: 5,
curr: 6,
first: "首页",
last: "尾页"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "显示上一页、下一页、首页、尾页"
}, {
type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
height: 50,
pages: 18,
groups: 5,
curr: 1,
first: "首页>",
last: "<尾页"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "显示上一页、下一页"
}, {
type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
dynamicShowFirstLast: true,
height: 50,
pages: 18,
groups: 5,
curr: 1,
first: "首页>",
last: "<尾页"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "自定义上一页、下一页"
}, {
type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
height: 50,
pages: 18,
groups: 5,
curr: 6,
prev: {
type: "bi.button",
cls: "",
text: "上一页",
value: "prev",
once: false,
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { text: "默认的分页",
}, },
next: { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.pager",
cls: "", height: 50,
text: "下一页", pages: 18,
value: "next", groups: 5,
once: false, curr: 6,
handler: function () { first: "首页",
last: "尾页",
} },
} {
}, { type: "bi.label",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "不知道总页数的情况(测试条件 1<=page<=3)"
}, {
type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
height: 50,
pages: false,
curr: 1,
prev: {
type: "bi.button",
cls: "",
text: "上一页",
value: "prev",
once: false,
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { text: "显示上一页、下一页、首页、尾页",
}, },
next: { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.pager",
cls: "", dynamicShow: false,
text: "下一页", height: 50,
value: "next", pages: 18,
once: false, groups: 5,
handler: function () { curr: 1,
first: "首页>",
} last: "<尾页",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "显示上一页、下一页",
type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
dynamicShowFirstLast: true,
height: 50,
pages: 18,
groups: 5,
curr: 1,
first: "首页>",
last: "<尾页",
}, },
hasPrev: function (v) { {
return v > 1; type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "自定义上一页、下一页",
type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
height: 50,
pages: 18,
groups: 5,
curr: 6,
prev: {
type: "bi.button",
cls: "",
text: "上一页",
value: "prev",
once: false,
height: 30,
handler() {},
next: {
type: "bi.button",
cls: "",
text: "下一页",
value: "next",
once: false,
handler() {},
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "不知道总页数的情况(测试条件 1<=page<=3)",
}, },
hasNext: function (v) { {
return v < 3; type: "bi.pager",
dynamicShow: false,
height: 50,
pages: false,
curr: 1,
prev: {
type: "bi.button",
cls: "",
text: "上一页",
value: "prev",
once: false,
height: 30,
handler() {},
next: {
type: "bi.button",
cls: "",
text: "下一页",
value: "next",
once: false,
handler() {},
hasPrev(v) {
return v > 1;
hasNext(v) {
return v < 3;
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.pager", Demo.Func);


@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
Demo.Editor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: { import { Editor as BIEditor} from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-editor",
}, @shortcut()
render: function () { export class Editor extends Widget {
var editor1 = BI.createWidget({ static xtype = "demo.editor";
props = { baseCls: "demo-editor" };
render() {
const editor1 = createWidget({
type: "bi.editor", type: "bi.editor",
cls: "bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
watermark: "报错信息显示在控件上方", watermark: "报错信息显示在控件上方",
@ -11,16 +16,16 @@ Demo.Editor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
width: 200, width: 200,
height: 24, height: 24,
}); });
editor1.on(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, function () { editor1.on(BIEditor.EVENT_ENTER, () => {
editor1.blur(); editor1.blur();
}); });
var editor2 = BI.createWidget({ const editor2 = createWidget({
type: "bi.editor", type: "bi.editor",
cls: "bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
watermark: "输入'a'会有错误信息", watermark: "输入'a'会有错误信息",
disabled: true, disabled: true,
errorText: "字段不可重名", errorText: "字段不可重名",
validationChecker: function (v) { validationChecker(v) {
if (v == "a") { if (v == "a") {
return false; return false;
} }
@ -31,27 +36,27 @@ Demo.Editor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
width: 200, width: 200,
height: 24, height: 24,
}); });
var editor3 = BI.createWidget({ const editor3 = createWidget({
type: "bi.editor", type: "bi.editor",
cls: "bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
watermark: "输入'a'会有错误信息且回车键不能退出编辑", watermark: "输入'a'会有错误信息且回车键不能退出编辑",
errorText: "字段不可重名", errorText: "字段不可重名",
value: "a", value: "a",
validationChecker: function (v) { validationChecker(v) {
if (v == "a") { if (v == "a") {
return false; return false;
} }
return true; return true;
}, },
quitChecker: function (v) { quitChecker(v) {
return false; return false;
}, },
allowBlank: true, allowBlank: true,
width: 300, width: 300,
height: 24, height: 24,
}); });
var editor4 = BI.createWidget({ const editor4 = createWidget({
type: "bi.editor", type: "bi.editor",
cls: "bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
inputType: "password", inputType: "password",
@ -61,53 +66,59 @@ Demo.Editor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
width: 300, width: 300,
height: 24, height: 24,
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: editor1, {
left: 0, el: editor1,
top: 0, left: 0,
}, { top: 0,
el: editor2, },
left: 250, {
top: 30, el: editor2,
}, { left: 250,
el: editor3, top: 30,
left: 500,
top: 60,
}, {
el: editor4,
left: 700,
top: 60,
}, {
el: {
type: "bi.button",
text: "disable",
handler: function () {
height: 30,
}, },
left: 100, {
bottom: 60, el: editor3,
}, { left: 500,
el: { top: 60,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "enable", {
handler: function () { el: editor4,
editor1.setEnable(true); left: 700,
editor2.setEnable(true); top: 60,
editor3.setEnable(true); },
el: {
type: "bi.button",
text: "disable",
handler() {
height: 30,
}, },
height: 30, left: 100,
bottom: 60,
}, },
left: 200, {
bottom: 60, el: {
}], type: "bi.button",
text: "enable",
handler() {
height: 30,
left: 200,
bottom: 60,
}); });
}, }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.editor", Demo.Editor);


@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
Demo.CodeEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-editor" @shortcut()
}, export class CodeEditor extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.multifile_editor";
props = { baseCls: "demo-editor" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.adaptive", el: {
cls: "layout-bg1", type: "bi.adaptive",
items: [{ cls: "layout-bg1",
type: "bi.multifile_editor", items: [
type: "bi.multifile_editor",
width: 400,
height: 300,
width: 400, width: 400,
height: 300 height: 300,
}], },
width: 400, top: 50,
height: 300 left: 50,
}, }
top: 50, ],
left: 50
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.multifile_editor", Demo.CodeEditor);


@ -1,44 +1,52 @@
Demo.CodeEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, isNotEmptyString } from "@/core";
props: { import { TextAreaEditor, Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-editor"
}, @shortcut()
render: function () { export class CodeEditor extends Widget {
var editor = BI.createWidget({ static xtype = "demo.textarea_editor";
props = { baseCls: "demo-editor" };
render() {
const editor = createWidget({
type: "bi.textarea_editor", type: "bi.textarea_editor",
cls: "bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
width: 600, width: 600,
height: 400, height: 400,
watermark: "请输入内容", watermark: "请输入内容",
errorText: "检测内容有误", errorText: "检测内容有误",
validationChecker: function (v) { validationChecker(v) {
return BI.isNotEmptyString(v); return isNotEmptyString(v);
}, },
}); });
editor.on(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { editor.on(TextAreaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS, () => {
BI.Msg.toast("Focus"); Msg.toast("Focus");
}); });
editor.on(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_BLUR, function () { editor.on(TextAreaEditor.EVENT_BLUR, () => {
BI.Msg.toast("Blur"); Msg.toast("Blur");
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
hgap: 30, hgap: 30,
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
items: [editor, { items: [
type: "bi.button", editor,
text: "getValue", {
handler: function () { type: "bi.button",
BI.Msg.toast(JSON.stringify(editor.getValue())); text: "getValue",
handler() {
type: "bi.button",
text: "setValue",
handler() {
} }
}, { ],
type: "bi.button",
text: "setValue",
handler: function () {
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.textarea_editor", Demo.CodeEditor);


@ -1,77 +1,84 @@
Demo.Bubble = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, Bubbles } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-bubble" @shortcut()
}, export class Bubble extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.bubble";
var btns = [];
var items = [ props = { baseCls: "demo-bubble" };
render() {
const btns = [];
const items = [
{ {
el: { el: {
ref: function (_ref) { ref(_ref) {
btns.push(_ref); btns.push(_ref);
}, },
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "bubble测试(消息)", text: "bubble测试(消息)",
title: "123", title: "123",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {"singleBubble1", "bubble测试", this, {"singleBubble1", "bubble测试", this, {
level: "common" level: "common",
}); });
} },
} },
}, { },
el: { el: {
ref: function (_ref) { ref(_ref) {
btns.push(_ref); btns.push(_ref);
}, },
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "bubble测试(成功)", text: "bubble测试(成功)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {"singleBubble2", "bubble测试", this, {"singleBubble2", "bubble测试", this, {
offsetStyle: "center", offsetStyle: "center",
level: "success" level: "success",
}); });
} },
} },
}, { },
el: { el: {
ref: function (_ref) { ref(_ref) {
btns.push(_ref); btns.push(_ref);
}, },
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "bubble测试(错误)", text: "bubble测试(错误)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {"singleBubble3", "bubble测试", this, {"singleBubble3", "bubble测试", this, {
offsetStyle: "right", offsetStyle: "right",
level: "error" level: "error",
}); });
} },
} },
}, { },
el: { el: {
ref: function (_ref) { ref(_ref) {
btns.push(_ref); btns.push(_ref);
}, },
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "bubble测试(警告)", text: "bubble测试(警告)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {"singleBubble4", "bubble测试", this, {"singleBubble4", "bubble测试", this, {
level: "warning" level: "warning",
}); });
} },
} },
} }
]; ];
return { return {
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
vgap: 200, vgap: 200,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
items: items items,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.bubble", Demo.Bubble);


@ -1,59 +1,68 @@
Demo.Title = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-title" @shortcut()
}, export class Title extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.title";
props = { baseCls: "demo-title" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
cls: "layout-bg1", type: "bi.label",
height: 50, cls: "layout-bg1",
title: "title提示", height: 50,
text: "移上去有title提示", title: "title提示",
textAlign: "center" text: "移上去有title提示",
}, { textAlign: "center",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg6",
height: 50,
disabled: true,
warningTitle: "title错误提示",
text: "移上去有title错误提示",
textAlign: "center"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2",
height: 50,
disabled: true,
tipType: "success",
title: "自定义title提示效果",
warningTitle: "自定义title提示效果",
text: "自定义title提示效果",
textAlign: "center"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3",
height: 50,
title: () => "函数返回值作为title提示",
text: "title提示支持函数",
textAlign: "center"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg4",
height: 50,
title: function () {
return {
level: "success",
text: "自定义title\n提示效果",
textAlign: "center"
}, },
text: "title提示支持对象,作为bi.tooltip的props", {
textAlign: "center" type: "bi.label",
}], cls: "layout-bg6",
height: 50,
disabled: true,
warningTitle: "title错误提示",
text: "移上去有title错误提示",
textAlign: "center",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2",
height: 50,
disabled: true,
tipType: "success",
title: "自定义title提示效果",
warningTitle: "自定义title提示效果",
text: "自定义title提示效果",
textAlign: "center",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3",
height: 50,
title: () => "函数返回值作为title提示",
text: "title提示支持函数",
textAlign: "center",
type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg4",
height: 50,
title() {
return {
level: "success",
text: "自定义title\n提示效果",
textAlign: "center",
text: "title提示支持对象,作为bi.tooltip的props",
textAlign: "center",
hgap: 300, hgap: 300,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.title", Demo.Title);


@ -1,74 +1,86 @@
Demo.Toast = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: { import { Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-toast"
}, @shortcut()
render: function () { export class Toast extends Widget {
var items = [ static xtype = "demo.toast";
props = { baseCls: "demo-toast" };
render() {
const items = [
{ {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "简单Toast测试(success)", text: "简单Toast测试(success)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {
BI.Msg.toast("这是一条简单的数据", { Msg.toast("这是一条简单的数据", {
level: "success" level: "success",
}); });
} },
} },
}, { },
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "很长的Toast测试(normal)", text: "很长的Toast测试(normal)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {
BI.Msg.toast("这是一条很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长的数据", { Msg.toast(
}); {}
} );
} },
}, { },
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "非常长的Toast测试(warning)", text: "非常长的Toast测试(warning)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {
BI.Msg.toast("这是一条非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长的数据", { Msg.toast(
level: "warning", "这是一条非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长非常长的数据",
autoClose: false {
}); level: "warning",
} autoClose: false,
} }
}, { );
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "错误提示Toast测试(error)", text: "错误提示Toast测试(error)",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {
BI.Msg.toast("错误提示Toast测试", { Msg.toast("错误提示Toast测试", {
level: "error" level: "error",
}); });
} },
} },
}, { },
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "错误提示Toast测试(error), 此toast不会自动消失", text: "错误提示Toast测试(error), 此toast不会自动消失",
height: 30, height: 30,
handler: function () { handler() {
BI.Msg.toast("错误提示Toast测试", { Msg.toast("错误提示Toast测试", {
autoClose: false autoClose: false,
}); });
} },
} },
} }
]; ];
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
element: this, element: this,
vgap: 200, vgap: 200,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
items: items items,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.toast", Demo.Toast);


@ -1,81 +1,97 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, TreeView, isNull } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
mounted: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.part_tree";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
mounted() {
this.partTree.stroke({ this.partTree.stroke({
keyword: "1" keyword: "1",
}); });
}, }
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.vtape", type: "bi.vtape",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 50, type: "bi.label",
text: "先初始化一份数据,然后再异步获取数据的树" height: 50,
}, { text: "先初始化一份数据,然后再异步获取数据的树",
type: "bi.part_tree",
ref: function (_ref) {
self.partTree = _ref;
}, },
paras: { {
selectedValues: {"1": {}, "2": {"1": {}}} type: "bi.part_tree",
}, ref(_ref) {
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { self.partTree = _ref;
if (op.type === BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA) { },
paras: {
selectedValues: { 1: {}, 2: { 1: {} } },
itemsCreator(op, callback) {
if (op.type === TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA) {
items: [
id: "1",
text: 1,
isParent: true,
open: true,
id: "11",
pId: "1",
text: 11,
isParent: true,
open: true,
id: "111",
pId: "11",
text: 111,
isParent: true,
id: "2",
text: 2,
id: "3",
text: 3,
hasNext: isNull(,
callback({ callback({
items: [{ items: [
id: "1", {
text: 1, id: `${ || ""}1`,
isParent: true, pId:,
open: true text: 1,
}, { isParent: true,
id: "11", },
pId: "1", {
text: 11, id: `${ || ""}2`,
isParent: true, pId:,
open: true text: 2,
}, { },
id: "111", {
pId: "11", id: `${ || ""}3`,
text: 111, pId:,
isParent: true text: 3,
}, { }
id: "2", ],
text: 2 hasNext: isNull(,
}, {
id: "3",
text: 3
hasNext: BI.isNull(
}); });
return; },
items: [{
id: ( || "") + "1",
text: 1,
isParent: true
}, {
id: ( || "") + "2",
text: 2
}, {
id: ( || "") + "3",
text: 3
hasNext: BI.isNull(
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.part_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, isNull } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
mounted: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.sync_tree";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
mounted() {
this.syncTree1.stroke({ this.syncTree1.stroke({
keyword: "1" keyword: "1",
}); });
this.syncTree2.stroke({ this.syncTree2.stroke({
keyword: "1" keyword: "1",
}); });
}, }
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.vtape", type: "bi.vtape",
rowSize: [0.5, 0.5], rowSize: [0.5, 0.5],
@ -24,39 +28,44 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
{ {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
height: 50, height: 50,
text: "可以异步获取数据的树" text: "可以异步获取数据的树",
}, { },
type: "bi.async_tree", type: "bi.async_tree",
ref: function (_ref) { ref(_ref) {
self.syncTree1 = _ref; self.syncTree1 = _ref;
}, },
paras: { paras: {
selectedValues: { "1": {}, "2": { "1": {} } } selectedValues: { 1: {}, 2: { 1: {} } },
}, },
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { itemsCreator(op, callback) {
callback({ callback({
items: [{ items: [
id: ( || "") + "1", {
pId:, id: `${ || ""}1`,
text: ( || "") + "1", pId:,
isParent: true, text: `${ || ""}1`,
iconCls: "close-h-font" isParent: true,
}, { iconCls: "close-h-font",
id: ( || "") + "2", },
pId:, {
text: ( || "") + "2", id: `${ || ""}2`,
iconCls: "search-font" pId:,
}, { text: `${ || ""}2`,
id: ( || "") + "3", iconCls: "search-font",
pId:, },
text: ( || "") + "3", {
iconCls: "date-font" id: `${ || ""}3`,
}], pId:,
hasNext: BI.isNull( text: `${ || ""}3`,
iconCls: "date-font",
hasNext: isNull(,
}); });
} },
}, }
] ],
}, },
{ {
type: "bi.vtape", type: "bi.vtape",
@ -64,44 +73,47 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
{ {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
height: 50, height: 50,
text: "showIcon属性搭配节点iconCls,可以显示图标" text: "showIcon属性搭配节点iconCls,可以显示图标",
}, { },
type: "bi.async_tree", type: "bi.async_tree",
ref: function (_ref) { ref(_ref) {
self.syncTree2 = _ref; self.syncTree2 = _ref;
}, },
paras: { paras: {
selectedValues: { "1": {}, "2": { "1": {} } } selectedValues: { 1: {}, 2: { 1: {} } },
}, },
showIcon: true, showIcon: true,
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { itemsCreator(op, callback) {
callback({ callback({
items: [{ items: [
id: ( || "") + "1", {
pId:, id: `${ || ""}1`,
text: ( || "") + "1", pId:,
isParent: true, text: `${ || ""}1`,
iconCls: "close-h-font" isParent: true,
}, { iconCls: "close-h-font",
id: ( || "") + "2", },
pId:, {
text: ( || "") + "2", id: `${ || ""}2`,
iconCls: "search-font" pId:,
}, { text: `${ || ""}2`,
id: ( || "") + "3", iconCls: "search-font",
pId:, },
text: ( || "") + "3", {
iconCls: "date-font" id: `${ || ""}3`,
}], pId:,
hasNext: BI.isNull( text: `${ || ""}3`,
iconCls: "date-font",
hasNext: isNull(,
}); });
} },
}, }
] ],
} }
] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.sync_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,52 +1,57 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createDefaultTree: function () { @shortcut()
var tree = BI.createWidget({ export class Func extends Widget {
type: "bi.tree_view" static xtype = "demo.tree_view";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createDefaultTree() {
const tree = createWidget({
type: "bi.tree_view",
}); });
tree.initTree([ tree.initTree([
{id: 1, pId: 0, text: "test1", open: true}, { id: 1, pId: 0, text: "test1", open: true },
{id: 11, pId: 1, text: "test11"}, { id: 11, pId: 1, text: "test11" },
{id: 12, pId: 1, text: "test12"}, { id: 12, pId: 1, text: "test12" },
{id: 111, pId: 11, text: "test111"}, { id: 111, pId: 11, text: "test111" },
{id: 2, pId: 0, text: "test2", open: true}, { id: 2, pId: 0, text: "test2", open: true },
{id: 21, pId: 2, text: "test21"}, { id: 21, pId: 2, text: "test21" },
{id: 22, pId: 2, text: "test22"} { id: 22, pId: 2, text: "test22" }
]); ]);
return tree; return tree;
}, }
render: function () { render() {
var self = this; const self = this;
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 1, columns: 1,
rows: 1, rows: 1,
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: { row: 0,
type: "bi.vtape", el: {
items: [ type: "bi.vtape",
{ items: [
el: this._createDefaultTree() {
}, el: this._createDefaultTree(),
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "tree.initTree([{\"id\":1, \"pId\":0, \"text\":\"test1\", open:true},{\"id\":11, \"pId\":1, \"text\":\"test11\"},{\"id\":12, \"pId\":1, \"text\":\"test12\"},{\"id\":111, \"pId\":11, \"text\":\"test111\"}])",
whiteSpace: "normal"
}, },
height: 50 {
} el: {
] type: "bi.label",
text: "tree.initTree([{\"id\":1, \"pId\":0, \"text\":\"test1\", open:true},{\"id\":11, \"pId\":1, \"text\":\"test11\"},{\"id\":12, \"pId\":1, \"text\":\"test12\"},{\"id\":111, \"pId\":11, \"text\":\"test111\"}])",
whiteSpace: "normal",
height: 50,
} }
}] ],
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.tree_view", Demo.Func);


@ -1,121 +1,150 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, makeArray } from "@/core";
props: { import { BubbleCombo } from "@/case/combo/bubblecombo/combo.bubble";
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
var self = this, count = 1; export class Func extends Widget {
var combo1 = BI.createWidget({ static xtype = "demo.bubble_combo";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
let self = this,
count = 1;
const combo1 = createWidget({
type: "bi.bubble_combo", type: "bi.bubble_combo",
trigger: "click,hover", trigger: "click,hover",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "测试", text: "测试",
height: 24 height: 24,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
items: BI.makeArray(100, { items: makeArray(100, {
type: "bi.text_item", type: "bi.text_item",
height: 24, height: 24,
text: "item" text: "item",
}), }),
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
}, },
maxHeight: 200 maxHeight: 200,
} },
}); });
var combo2 = BI.createWidget({ const combo2 = createWidget({
type: "bi.bubble_combo", type: "bi.bubble_combo",
direction: "right", direction: "right",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "测试", text: "测试",
height: 24 height: 24,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view", type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view",
text: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字", text: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字",
ref: function () { ref() {
self.popup = this; self.popup = this;
} },
}, },
listeners: [{ listeners: [
eventName: BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, {
action: function () { eventName: BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW,
self.popup.populate((count++) % 2 === 1 ? "我的文字变少了" : "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字"); action() {
count++ % 2 === 1
? "我的文字变少了"
: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字"
} }
}] ],
}); });
var combo3 = BI.createWidget({ const combo3 = createWidget({
type: "bi.bubble_combo", type: "bi.bubble_combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "测试", text: "测试",
height: 25 height: 25,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view", type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view",
text: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字", text: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字",
ref: function () { ref() {
self.popup = this; self.popup = this;
} },
}, },
listeners: [{ listeners: [
eventName: BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, {
action: function () { eventName: BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW,
self.popup.populate((count++) % 2 === 1 ? "我的文字变少了" : "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字"); action() {
count++ % 2 === 1
? "我的文字变少了"
: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字"
} }
}] ],
}); });
var combo4 = BI.createWidget({ const combo4 = createWidget({
type: "bi.bubble_combo", type: "bi.bubble_combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "测试", text: "测试",
height: 25 height: 25,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view", type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view",
text: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字", text: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字",
ref: function () { ref() {
self.popup = this; self.popup = this;
} },
}, },
listeners: [{ listeners: [
eventName: BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, {
action: function () { eventName: BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW,
self.popup.populate((count++) % 2 === 1 ? "我的文字变少了" : "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字"); action() {
count++ % 2 === 1
? "我的文字变少了"
: "我有很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字很多文字"
} }
}] ],
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: combo1, {
left: 150, el: combo1,
top: 10 left: 150,
}, { top: 10,
el: combo2, },
left: 10, {
bottom: 200 el: combo2,
}, { left: 10,
el: combo3, bottom: 200,
right: 10, },
bottom: 10 {
}, { el: combo3,
el: combo4, right: 10,
right: 10, bottom: 10,
top: 10 },
}] {
el: combo4,
right: 10,
top: 10,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.bubble_combo", Demo.Func);


@ -1,45 +1,52 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.TextValueCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class TextValueCombo extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.editor_icon_check_combo";
baseCls: ""
}, props = { baseCls: "" };
render: function () {
var self = this; render() {
const self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.editor_icon_check_combo", {
ref: function () { type: "bi.editor_icon_check_combo",
self.combo = this; ref() {
self.combo = this;
watermark: "默认值",
width: 200,
height: 24,
value: 2,
items: [
// text: "MVC-1",
value: "1",
// text: "MVC-2",
value: "2",
// text: "MVC-3",
value: "3",
}, },
watermark: "默认值", {
width: 200, type: "bi.button",
height: 24, width: 90,
value: 2, height: 25,
items: [{ text: "setValue为空",
// text: "MVC-1", handler() {
value: "1" self.combo.setValue();
}, { },
// text: "MVC-2",
value: "2"
}, {
// text: "MVC-3",
value: "3"
}, {
type: "bi.button",
width: 90,
height: 25,
text: "setValue为空",
handler: function () {
} }
}], ],
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.editor_icon_check_combo", Demo.TextValueCombo);


@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/12.
Demo.IconCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: ""
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class IconCombo extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.icon_combo";
var self = this; props = { baseCls: "" };
render() {
const self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.icon_combo", {
container: "body", type: "bi.icon_combo",
ref: function (_ref) { container: "body",
self.refs = _ref; ref(_ref) {
}, self.refs = _ref;
value: "第二项", },
items: [{
value: "第一项",
iconCls: "close-font"
}, {
value: "第二项", value: "第二项",
iconCls: "search-font" items: [
}, { {
value: "第三项", value: "第一项",
iconCls: "copy-font" iconCls: "close-font",
}] },
}], {
vgap: 20 value: "第二项",
iconCls: "search-font",
value: "第三项",
iconCls: "copy-font",
vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.icon_combo", Demo.IconCombo);


@ -1,36 +1,40 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Windy on 2017/12/13.
Demo.IconTextValueCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: ""
render: function () {
export class IconTextValueCombo extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.icon_text_value_combo";
props = { baseCls: "" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.icon_text_value_combo", {
text: "默认值", type: "bi.icon_text_value_combo",
// defaultIconCls: "next-page-h-font", text: "默认值",
width: 300, // defaultIconCls: "next-page-h-font",
items: [{ width: 300,
text: "MVC-1", items: [
iconCls: "close-font", {
value: 1 text: "MVC-1",
}, { iconCls: "close-font",
text: "MVC-2", value: 1,
iconCls: "date-font", },
value: 2 {
}, { text: "MVC-2",
text: "MVC-3", iconCls: "date-font",
iconCls: "search-close-h-font", value: 2,
value: 3 },
}] {
}], text: "MVC-3",
vgap: 20 iconCls: "search-close-h-font",
value: 3,
vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.icon_text_value_combo", Demo.IconTextValueCombo);


@ -1,102 +1,122 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Windy on 2018/2/4. import { Msg } from "@/base";
*/ import { AllValueMultiTextValueCombo } from "@/component";
Demo.SearchTextValueCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: { @shortcut()
baseCls: "" export class SearchTextValueCombo extends Widget {
}, static xtype = "demo.search_text_value_combo";
render: function () {
var combo, searchCombo; props = { baseCls: "" };
render() {
let combo, searchCombo;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.search_text_value_combo", {
ref: function () { type: "bi.search_text_value_combo",
combo = this; ref() {
combo = this;
warningTitle: "111",
text: "默认值",
value: 14,
width: 300,
items: [
text: "ABC-1",
iconCls: "date-font",
value: 1,
text: "BCD-2",
iconCls: "search-font",
value: 2,
text: "CDE-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 3,
text: "DEF-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 4,
text: "FEG-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 5,
text: "FGH-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 6,
text: "GHI-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 7,
text: "HIJ-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 8,
text: "IJK-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 9,
text: "JKL-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 10,
}, },
warningTitle: "111", {
text: "默认值", type: "bi.all_value_multi_text_value_combo",
value: 14, items: Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS,
width: 300, text: "提示文本",
items: [{ width: 200,
text: "ABC-1", value: {
iconCls: "date-font", type: 1,
value: 1 value: ["1", "2", "柳州市城贸金属材料有限责任公司", "3"],
}, { },
text: "BCD-2", ref() {
iconCls: "search-font", searchCombo = this;
value: 2 },
}, { listeners: [
text: "CDE-3", {
iconCls: "pull-right-font", eventName: AllValueMultiTextValueCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM,
value: 3 action() {
}, { BI.Msg.toast(JSON.stringify(searchCombo.getValue()));
text: "DEF-3", },
iconCls: "pull-right-font", }
value: 4 ],
}, {
text: "FEG-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 5
}, {
text: "FGH-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 6
}, {
text: "GHI-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 7
}, {
text: "HIJ-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 8
}, {
text: "IJK-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 9
}, {
text: "JKL-3",
iconCls: "pull-right-font",
value: 10
}, {
type: "bi.all_value_multi_text_value_combo",
text: "提示文本",
width: 200,
value: {
type: 1,
value: ["1", "2", "柳州市城贸金属材料有限责任公司", "3"]
}, },
ref: function () { {
searchCombo = this; type: "bi.button",
text: "setValue(3)",
width: 90,
height: 25,
handler() {
}, },
listeners: [{ {
eventName: "BI.AllValueMultiTextValueCombo.EVENT_CONFIRM", type: "bi.button",
action: function () { text: "getValue()",
width: 90,
height: 25,
handler() {
BI.Msg.toast(JSON.stringify(searchCombo.getValue())); BI.Msg.toast(JSON.stringify(searchCombo.getValue()));
} },
}, {
type: "bi.button",
text: "setValue(3)",
width: 90,
height: 25,
handler: function () {
}, {
type: "bi.button",
text: "getValue()",
width: 90,
height: 25,
handler: function () {
} }
}], ],
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.search_text_value_combo", Demo.SearchTextValueCombo);


@ -1,68 +1,83 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11. import { Msg } from "@/base";
Demo.TextValueDownListCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { @shortcut()
props: { export class TextValueDownListCombo extends Widget {
baseCls: "" static xtype = "demo.text_value_down_list_combo";
props = { baseCls: "" };
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.text_value_down_list_combo", {
width: 300, type: "bi.text_value_down_list_combo",
ref: function (_ref) { width: 300,
self.refs = _ref; ref(_ref) {
self.refs = _ref;
text: "默认值",
value: 11,
items: [
text: "属于",
value: 1,
cls: "dot-e-font",
text: "不属于",
value: 2,
cls: "dot-e-font",
el: {
text: "大于",
value: 3,
iconCls1: "dot-e-font",
value: 3,
children: [
text: "固定值",
value: 4,
cls: "dot-e-font",
text: "平均值",
value: 5,
cls: "dot-e-font",
}, },
text: "默认值", {
value: 11, type: "bi.button",
items: [[{ width: 90,
text: "属于", height: 25,
value: 1, text: "setValue",
cls: "dot-e-font" handler() {
}, { self.refs.setValue(2);
text: "不属于", },
value: 2, },
cls: "dot-e-font" {
}], [{ type: "bi.button",
el: { width: 90,
text: "大于", height: 25,
value: 3, text: "getValue",
iconCls1: "dot-e-font" handler() {
Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.refs.getValue()));
}, },
value: 3,
children: [{
text: "固定值",
value: 4,
cls: "dot-e-font"
}, {
text: "平均值",
value: 5,
cls: "dot-e-font"
}, {
type: "bi.button",
width: 90,
height: 25,
text: "setValue",
handler: function () {
}, {
type: "bi.button",
width: 90,
height: 25,
text: "getValue",
handler: function () {
BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.refs.getValue()));
} }
}], ],
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.text_value_down_list_combo", Demo.TextValueDownListCombo);


@ -1,43 +1,51 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11. import { Msg } from "@/base";
Demo.TextValueCheckCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { @shortcut()
props: { export class TextValueCheckCombo extends Widget {
baseCls: "" static xtype = "demo.text_value_check_combo";
render: function () { props = { baseCls: "" };
var self = this;
render() {
const self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.text_value_check_combo", {
ref: function () { type: "bi.text_value_check_combo",
self.combo = this; ref () {
self.combo = this;
text: "默认值",
// value: 1,
width: 300,
items: [
text: "MVC-1",
value: 1,
text: "MVC-2",
value: 2,
text: "MVC-3",
value: 3,
}, },
text: "默认值", {
//value: 1, type: "bi.button",
width: 300, width: 90,
items: [{ height: 25,
text: "MVC-1", handler () {
value: 1 BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.combo.getValue()));
}, { },
text: "MVC-2",
value: 2
}, {
text: "MVC-3",
value: 3
}, {
type: "bi.button",
width: 90,
height: 25,
handler: function () {
BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.combo.getValue()));
} }
}], ],
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.text_value_check_combo", Demo.TextValueCheckCombo);


@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.calendar";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
const date = new Date();
render: function () {
var self = this;
var date = new Date();
return { return {
type: "bi.calendar", type: "bi.calendar",
ref: function () { ref() {
self.calendar = this; self.calendar = this;
}, },
logic: { logic: {
dynamic: false dynamic: false,
}, },
year: date.getFullYear(), year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth(), month: date.getMonth(),
day: date.getDate() day: date.getDate(),
}; };
}, }
mounted: function () { mounted() {
var date = new Date(); const date = new Date();
this.calendar.setValue({ this.calendar.setValue({
year: date.getFullYear(), year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth(), month: date.getMonth(),
day: date.getDate() day: date.getDate(),
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.calendar", Demo.Func);


@ -1,40 +1,53 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.click_item_effect";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: BI.createItems([{ items: createItems(
text: "bi-list-item", [
cls: "bi-list-item close-font" {
}, { text: "bi-list-item",
text: "bi-list-item-simple", cls: "bi-list-item close-font",
cls: "bi-list-item-simple close-font" },
}, { {
text: "bi-list-item-effect", text: "bi-list-item-simple",
cls: "bi-list-item-effect close-font" cls: "bi-list-item-simple close-font",
}, { },
text: "bi-list-item-active", {
cls: "bi-list-item-active close-font" text: "bi-list-item-effect",
}, { cls: "bi-list-item-effect close-font",
text: "bi-list-item-active2", },
cls: "bi-list-item-active2 close-font" {
}, { text: "bi-list-item-active",
text: "bi-list-item-select", cls: "bi-list-item-active close-font",
cls: "bi-list-item-select close-font" },
}, { {
text: "bi-list-item-select2", text: "bi-list-item-active2",
cls: "bi-list-item-select2 close-font" cls: "bi-list-item-active2 close-font",
}], { },
type: "bi.icon_text_item", {
logic: { text: "bi-list-item-select",
dynamic: true cls: "bi-list-item-select close-font",
text: "bi-list-item-select2",
cls: "bi-list-item-select2 close-font",
type: "bi.icon_text_item",
logic: {
dynamic: true,
} }
}), ),
vgap: 10 vgap: 10,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.click_item_effect", Demo.Func);


@ -1,40 +1,46 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.color_chooser";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.color_chooser", el: {
recommendColorsGetter: function () { type: "bi.color_chooser",
return ["#ffffff", "#9d775f", "#dd4b4b", "#ef8b07", "#fcc800"] recommendColorsGetter() {
return ["#ffffff", "#9d775f", "#dd4b4b", "#ef8b07", "#fcc800"];
width: 24,
height: 24,
}, },
width: 24, left: 100,
height: 24 top: 250,
left: 100,
top: 250
}, {
el: {
type: "bi.simple_color_chooser",
width: 30,
height: 24
}, },
left: 400, {
top: 250 el: {
}, { type: "bi.simple_color_chooser",
el: { width: 30,
type: "bi.color_chooser", height: 24,
width: 230, },
height: 24 left: 400,
top: 250,
}, },
left: 100, {
top: 350 el: {
}] type: "bi.color_chooser",
width: 230,
height: 24,
left: 100,
top: 350,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.color_chooser", Demo.Func);


@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.color_chooser_popup";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.color_chooser_popup", el: {
cls: "bi-card" type: "bi.color_chooser_popup",
}, cls: "bi-card",
left: 100, },
top: 250 left: 100,
}, { top: 250,
el: {
type: "bi.simple_color_chooser_popup",
cls: "bi-card"
}, },
left: 400, {
top: 250 el: {
}] type: "bi.simple_color_chooser_popup",
cls: "bi-card",
left: 400,
top: 250,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.color_chooser_popup", Demo.Func);


@ -1,28 +1,36 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func",
render: function () { @shortcut()
BI.createWidget({ export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.segment";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
type: "bi.horizontal", type: "bi.horizontal",
element: this, element: this,
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
hgap: 30, hgap: 30,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.segment", {
items: [{ type: "bi.segment",
text: "较长的选项1", items: [
value: 1, {
}, { text: "较长的选项1",
text: "选项2", value: 1,
value: 2, },
}, { {
text: "选项3", text: "选项2",
value: 3, value: 2,
}], },
}], {
text: "选项3",
value: 3,
}); });
}, }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.segment", Demo.Func);


@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.ClearEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class ClearEditor extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.clear_editor";
baseCls: ""
}, props = { baseCls: "" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.clear_editor", {
cls: "bi-border", type: "bi.clear_editor",
width: 300, cls: "bi-border",
watermark: "这个是带清除按钮的", width: 300,
value: 123 watermark: "这个是带清除按钮的",
}], value: 123,
vgap: 20 }
vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.clear_editor", Demo.ClearEditor);


@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.ClearEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class ClearEditor extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.shelter_editor";
baseCls: ""
}, props = { baseCls: "" };
render: function () {
var editor = BI.createWidget({ render() {
const editor = createWidget({
type: "bi.shelter_editor", type: "bi.shelter_editor",
cls: "bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
validationChecker: function (v) { validationChecker(v) {
return v != "a"; return v != "a";
}, },
watermark: "可以设置标记的输入框", watermark: "可以设置标记的输入框",
value: "这是一个遮罩", value: "这是一个遮罩",
keyword: "z" keyword: "z",
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
hgap: 30, hgap: 30,
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
bgap: 50, bgap: 50,
items: [editor] items: [editor],
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.button", el: {
text: "focus", type: "bi.button",
height: 25, text: "focus",
handler: function () { height: 25,
editor.focus(); handler() {
} editor.focus();
}, },
right: 10, },
left: 10, right: 10,
bottom: 10 left: 10,
}] bottom: 10,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.shelter_editor", Demo.ClearEditor);


@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/14.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.SignEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class SignEditor extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.sign_editor";
baseCls: ""
}, props = { baseCls: "" };
render: function () {
var editor = BI.createWidget({ render() {
const editor = createWidget({
type: "bi.sign_editor", type: "bi.sign_editor",
cls: "bi-border bi-focus-shadow", cls: "bi-border bi-focus-shadow",
validationChecker: function (v) { validationChecker(v) {
return v != "abc"; return v != "abc";
}, },
watermark: "可以设置标记的输入框", watermark: "可以设置标记的输入框",
text: "这是一个标记,点击它即可进行输入" text: "这是一个标记,点击它即可进行输入",
}); });
editor.setValue(2); editor.setValue(2);
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
hgap: 30, hgap: 30,
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
items: [editor] items: [editor],
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.sign_editor", Demo.SignEditor);


@ -1,33 +1,34 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.SimpleStateEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class SimpleStateEditor extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.simple_state_editor";
baseCls: ""
}, props = { baseCls: "" };
render: function () {
var self = this; render() {
const self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_adapt", type: "bi.horizontal_adapt",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.simple_state_editor", {
ref: function () { type: "bi.simple_state_editor",
self.editor = this; ref() {
}, self.editor = this;
cls: "bi-border", },
width: 300 cls: "bi-border",
}], width: 300,
vgap: 20 }
vgap: 20,
}; };
}, }
mounted: function () { mounted() {
var self = this; const self = this;
setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(() => {
self.editor.setState(["*", "*"]); self.editor.setState(["*", "*"]);
}, 1000); }, 1000);
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.simple_state_editor", Demo.SimpleStateEditor);


@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/11.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.StateEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class StateEditor extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.state_editor";
baseCls: ""
}, props = { baseCls: "" };
render: function () {
var self = this; render() {
const self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_adapt", type: "bi.horizontal_adapt",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.state_editor", {
ref: function () { type: "bi.state_editor",
self.editor = this; ref() {
}, self.editor = this;
cls: "bi-border", },
width: 300 cls: "bi-border",
}], width: 300,
vgap: 20 }
vgap: 20,
}; };
}, }
mounted: function () { mounted() {
var self = this; const self = this;
setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(() => {
self.editor.setState(["*", "*"]); self.editor.setState(["*", "*"]);
}, 1000); }, 1000);
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.state_editor", Demo.StateEditor);


@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.multi_select_item";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: "复选item" height: 30,
}, { text: "复选item",
type: "bi.multi_select_item", },
text: "复选项" {
}], type: "bi.multi_select_item",
hgap: 300 text: "复选项",
hgap: 300,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.multi_select_item", Demo.Func);


@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/25.
Demo.Items = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { @shortcut()
export class Items extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.single_select_item";
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: "单选item" height: 30,
}, { text: "单选item",
type: "bi.single_select_item", },
text: "单选项" {
}], type: "bi.single_select_item",
hgap: 300 text: "单选项",
hgap: 300,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.single_select_item", Demo.Items);


@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by Dailer on 2017/7/25.
Demo.Items = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { @shortcut()
export class Items extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.single_select_radio_item";
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: "单选item" height: 30,
}, { text: "单选item",
type: "bi.single_select_radio_item", },
text: "单选项" {
}], type: "bi.single_select_radio_item",
hgap: 300 text: "单选项",
hgap: 300,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.single_select_radio_item", Demo.Items);


@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
var self = this; export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.lazy_loader";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
BI.createWidget({ BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.lazy_loader", type: "bi.lazy_loader",
element: this, element: this,
el: { el: {
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.left", {
hgap: 5 type: "bi.left",
}] hgap: 5,
}, },
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), { items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), {
type: "bi.button" type: "bi.button",
}) }),
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.lazy_loader", Demo.Func);


@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, createItems, deepClone, Selection } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
var self = this; export class Func extends Widget {
BI.createWidget({ static xtype = "demo.select_list";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
type: "bi.select_list", type: "bi.select_list",
toolbar: { toolbar: {
type: "bi.multi_select_bar", type: "bi.multi_select_bar",
iconWrapperWidth: 26 iconWrapperWidth: 26,
}, },
element: this, element: this,
el: { el: {
el: { el: {
chooseType: BI.Selection.Multi chooseType: Selection.Multi,
} },
}, },
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.SIMPLE_ITEMS), { items: createItems(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.SIMPLE_ITEMS), {
type: "bi.multi_select_item" type: "bi.multi_select_item",
}) }),
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.select_list", Demo.Func);


@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
BI.createWidget({ export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.all_count_pager";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
hgap: 200, hgap: 200,
vgap: 50, vgap: 50,
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: " (测试条件:总页数为3)" height: 30,
}, { text: " (测试条件:总页数为3)",
type: "bi.all_count_pager", },
pages: 3, {
curr: 1, type: "bi.all_count_pager",
count: 1000 pages: 3,
}] curr: 1,
count: 1000,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.all_count_pager", Demo.Func);


@ -1,50 +1,54 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
mounted: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.direction_pager";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
mounted() {
this.pager.populate(); this.pager.populate();
}, }
render: function () { render() {
var self = this; const self = this;
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
hgap: 200, hgap: 200,
vgap: 50, vgap: 50,
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.direction_pager", {
ref: function (_ref) { type: "bi.direction_pager",
self.pager = _ref; ref(_ref) {
}, self.pager = _ref;
horizontal: {
pages: false, // 总页数
curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用
hasPrev: function (v) {
return v > 1;
hasNext: function () {
return true;
}, },
firstPage: 1 horizontal: {
}, pages: false, // 总页数
vertical: { curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用
pages: false, // 总页数
curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用
hasPrev: function (v) { hasPrev(v) {
return v > 1; return v > 1;
hasNext() {
return true;
firstPage: 1,
}, },
hasNext: function () { vertical: {
return true; pages: false, // 总页数
curr: 1, // 初始化当前页, pages为数字时可用
hasPrev(v) {
return v > 1;
hasNext() {
return true;
firstPage: 1,
}, },
firstPage: 1
} }
}] ],
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.direction_pager", Demo.Func);


@ -1,34 +1,41 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.list_pane";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.list_pane", type: "bi.list_pane",
ref: function () { ref() {
self.pane = this; self.pane = this;
}, },
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { itemsCreator(op, callback) {
setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(() => {
callback(BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), { callback(
type: "bi.multi_select_item", createItems(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), {
height: 25 type: "bi.multi_select_item",
})); height: 25,
}, 2000); }, 2000);
}, },
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}; };
}, }
mounted: function () { mounted() {
this.pane.populate(); this.pane.populate();
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.list_pane", Demo.Func);


@ -1,39 +1,46 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.multi_popup_view";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.combo",
width: 200,
height: 30,
el: { el: {
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.combo",
text: "点击", width: 200,
cls: "bi-border", height: 30,
height: 30
popup: {
type: "bi.multi_popup_view",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.text_button",
layouts: [{ text: "点击",
type: "bi.vertical" cls: "bi-border",
}], height: 30,
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), { },
type: "bi.multi_select_item", popup: {
height: 25 type: "bi.multi_popup_view",
}) el: {
} type: "bi.button_group",
} layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical",
items: createItems(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), {
type: "bi.multi_select_item",
height: 25,
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.multi_popup_view", Demo.Func);


@ -1,28 +1,35 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.panel";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.panel", type: "bi.panel",
title: "title", title: "title",
titleButtons: [{ titleButtons: [
type: "bi.button", {
text: "操作" type: "bi.button",
}], text: "操作",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}], type: "bi.vertical",
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), { }
items: createItems(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), {
type: "bi.multi_select_item", type: "bi.multi_select_item",
height: 25 height: 25,
}) }),
} },
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.panel", Demo.Func);


@ -1,39 +1,46 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.popup_panel";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
render: function () {
var self = this;
return { return {
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.combo",
width: 200,
height: 30,
el: { el: {
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.combo",
text: "点击", width: 200,
cls: "bi-border", height: 30,
height: 30
popup: {
type: "bi.popup_panel",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.text_button",
layouts: [{ text: "点击",
type: "bi.vertical" cls: "bi-border",
}], height: 30,
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), { },
type: "bi.multi_select_item", popup: {
height: 25 type: "bi.popup_panel",
}) el: {
} type: "bi.button_group",
} layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical",
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS), {
type: "bi.multi_select_item",
height: 25,
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.popup_panel", Demo.Func);


@ -1,43 +1,53 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
var tree = BI.createWidget({ export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.display_tree";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const tree = createWidget({
type: "bi.display_tree", type: "bi.display_tree",
element: this element: this,
}); });
tree.initTree([{ tree.initTree([
id: 1, {
text: "第一项", id: 1,
open: true text: "第一项",
}, { open: true,
id: 2, },
text: "第二项" {
}, { id: 2,
id: 11, text: "第二项",
pId: 1, },
text: "子项1(共2个)", {
open: true id: 11,
}, { pId: 1,
id: 111, text: "子项1(共2个)",
pId: 11, open: true,
text: "子子项1" },
}, { {
id: 112, id: 111,
pId: 11, pId: 11,
text: "子子项2" text: "子子项1",
}, { },
id: 12, {
pId: 1, id: 112,
text: "子项2" pId: 11,
}, { text: "子子项2",
id: 13, },
pId: 1, {
text: "子项3" id: 12,
}]); pId: 1,
text: "子项2",
id: 13,
pId: 1,
text: "子项3",
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.display_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,92 +1,111 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: { import { Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
var tree = BI.createWidget({ export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.level_tree";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const tree = BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.level_tree", type: "bi.level_tree",
chooseType: 0, chooseType: 0,
items: [{ items: [
id: 1, {
text: "第一项", id: 1,
value: 1, text: "第一项",
isParent: true value: 1,
}, { isParent: true,
id: 2, },
text: "第二项", {
value: 2, id: 2,
isParent: true text: "第二项",
}, { value: 2,
id: 3, isParent: true,
text: "第三项", },
value: 1, {
isParent: true, id: 3,
open: true text: "第三项",
}, { value: 1,
id: 4, isParent: true,
text: "第四项", open: true,
value: 1 },
}, { {
id: 11, id: 4,
pId: 1, text: "第四项",
text: "子项1", value: 1,
value: 11 },
}, { {
id: 12, id: 11,
pId: 1, pId: 1,
text: "子项2", text: "子项1",
value: 12 value: 11,
}, { },
id: 13, {
pId: 1, id: 12,
text: "子项3", pId: 1,
value: 13 text: "子项2",
}, { value: 12,
id: 111, },
pId: 11, {
text: "子项1-1", id: 13,
value: 111 pId: 1,
}, { text: "子项3",
id: 21, value: 13,
pId: 2, },
text: "子项1", {
value: 21 id: 111,
}, { pId: 11,
id: 31, text: "子项1-1",
pId: 3, value: 111,
text: "子项1", },
value: 31 {
}, { id: 21,
id: 32, pId: 2,
pId: 3, text: "子项1",
text: "子项2", value: 21,
value: 32 },
}, { {
id: 33, id: 31,
pId: 3, pId: 3,
text: "子项3", text: "子项1",
value: 33 value: 31,
}] },
id: 32,
pId: 3,
text: "子项2",
value: 32,
id: 33,
pId: 3,
text: "子项3",
value: 33,
}); });
BI.createWidget({ BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.vtape", type: "bi.vtape",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: tree {
}, { el: tree,
height: 30, },
el: { {
type: "bi.button",
height: 30, height: 30,
text: "getValue", el: {
handler: function () { type: "bi.button",
BI.Msg.alert("", tree.getValue()); height: 30,
} text: "getValue",
handler() {
BI.Msg.alert("", tree.getValue());
} }
}] ],
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.level_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,57 +1,71 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: { import { Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.simple_tree";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
// value值一定要是字符串 // value值一定要是字符串
var tree = BI.createWidget({ const tree = BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.simple_tree", type: "bi.simple_tree",
items: [{ items: [
id: 1, {
text: "第一项", id: 1,
value: "1" text: "第一项",
}, { value: "1",
id: 2, },
text: "第二项", {
value: "2" id: 2,
}, { text: "第二项",
id: 3, value: "2",
text: "第三项", },
value: "3", {
open: true id: 3,
}, { text: "第三项",
id: 11, value: "3",
pId: 1, open: true,
text: "子项1", },
value: "11" {
}, { id: 11,
id: 12, pId: 1,
pId: 1, text: "子项1",
text: "子项2", value: "11",
value: "12" },
}, { {
id: 13, id: 12,
pId: 1, pId: 1,
text: "子项3", text: "子项2",
value: "13" value: "12",
}, { },
id: 31, {
pId: 3, id: 13,
text: "子项1", pId: 1,
value: "31" text: "子项3",
}, { value: "13",
id: 32, },
pId: 3, {
text: "子项2", id: 31,
value: "32" pId: 3,
}, { text: "子项1",
id: 33, value: "31",
pId: 3, },
text: "子项3", {
value: "33" id: 32,
}], pId: 3,
value: ["31", "32", "33"] text: "子项2",
value: "32",
id: 33,
pId: 3,
text: "子项3",
value: "33",
value: ["31", "32", "33"],
}); });
// tree.populate([{ // tree.populate([{
@ -101,30 +115,33 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
BI.createWidget({ BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.vtape", type: "bi.vtape",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: tree {
}, { el: tree,
height: 30, },
el: { {
type: "bi.button",
height: 30, height: 30,
text: "setValue(['31', '32', '33'])", el: {
handler: function () { type: "bi.button",
tree.setValue(["31", "32", "33"]); height: 30,
} text: "setValue(['31', '32', '33'])",
} handler() {
}, { tree.setValue(["31", "32", "33"]);
height: 30, },
el: { },
type: "bi.button", },
height: 30, height: 30,
text: "getValue", el: {
handler: function () { type: "bi.button",
BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(tree.getValue())); height: 30,
} text: "getValue",
handler() {
BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(tree.getValue()));
} }
}] ],
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.simple_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
BI.createWidget({ export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.editor_trigger";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "输入框加图标的trigger" type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "输入框加图标的trigger",
type: "bi.editor_trigger", },
watermark: "这是水印", {
width: 200, type: "bi.editor_trigger",
height: 24 watermark: "这是水印",
}], width: 200,
height: 24,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.editor_trigger", Demo.Func);


@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.icon_trigger";
BI.createWidget({ props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "只有一个图标的trigger" type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "只有一个图标的trigger",
type: "bi.icon_trigger", },
width: 30, {
height: 24 type: "bi.icon_trigger",
}], width: 30,
height: 24,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.icon_trigger", Demo.Func);


@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.select_text_trigger";
BI.createWidget({ props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "可被选择的trigger" type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "可被选择的trigger",
type: "bi.select_text_trigger", },
text: "这是一个简单的trigger", {
width: 200, type: "bi.select_text_trigger",
height: 24 text: "这是一个简单的trigger",
}], width: 200,
height: 24,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.select_text_trigger", Demo.Func);


@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.text_trigger";
BI.createWidget({ props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "文本加图标的trigger" type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "文本加图标的trigger",
type: "bi.text_trigger", },
text: "这是一个简单的trigger", {
width: 200, type: "bi.text_trigger",
height: 24 text: "这是一个简单的trigger",
}], width: 200,
height: 24,
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.text_trigger", Demo.Func);


@ -1,26 +1,16 @@
Demo.Center = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-center" @shortcut()
}, export class Center extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "";
var self = this;
return { props = { baseCls: "demo-center" };
type: "bi.router_view"
} render() {
} const self = this;
BI.shortcut("", Demo.Center);
Demo.Router = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-router"
render: function () {
var self = this;
var params = BI.Router.$router.history.current.params;
return { return {
type: params.componentId type: "bi.router_view",
} };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.router", Demo.Router);


@ -1,100 +1,111 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, isEmpty, isNotEmptyArray } from "@/core";
* @author windy
* @version 2.0 @shortcut()
* Created by windy on 2022/1/11 export class Form extends Widget {
*/ static xtype = "demo.form";
Demo.Form = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: { props = { baseCls: "demo-form" };
baseCls: "demo-form"
}, render() {
render: function () { const widget = BI.createWidget({
var widget = BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.custom_form", type: "bi.custom_form",
width: 300, width: 300,
labelWidth: 100, labelWidth: 100,
items: [{ items: [
validate: function (v) { {
return v !== "a" && v !== ""; validate(v) {
return v !== "a" && v !== "";
tip(v) {
if (BI.isEmpty(v)) {
return "不能为空";
return "不合法格式";
label: "E-mail",
el: {
type: "bi.text_editor",
watermark: "输入a报错",
allowBlank: true,
}, },
tip: function (v) { {
if (BI.isEmpty(v)) { validate(v) {
return BI.isNotEmptyArray(v);
tip() {
return "不能为空"; return "不能为空";
} },
return "不合法格式" label: "性别",
el: {
type: "bi.text_value_combo",
text: "请选择",
items: [
text: "男",
value: 1,
text: "女",
value: 2,
}, },
label: "E-mail", {
el: { validate(v) {
type: 'bi.text_editor', return v !== "";
watermark: "输入a报错", },
allowBlank: true, tip() {
} return "不能为空";
}, { },
validate: function (v) { label: "姓名",
return BI.isNotEmptyArray(v); el: {
}, type: "bi.text_editor",
tip: function () { watermark: "输入姓名",
return "不能为空"; allowBlank: true,
}, },
label: "性别",
el: {
type: 'bi.text_value_combo',
text: "请选择",
items: [{
text: "男",
value: 1
}, {
text: "女",
value: 2
}, {
validate: function (v) {
return v !== "";
tip: function () {
return "不能为空";
label: "姓名",
el: {
type: 'bi.text_editor',
watermark: "输入姓名",
allowBlank: true,
}, {
validate: function (v) {
return v !== "";
tip: function () {
return "不能为空";
}, },
label: "姓名", {
el: { validate(v) {
type: 'bi.textarea_editor', return v !== "";
cls: 'bi-border', },
watermark: "输入简介", tip() {
allowBlank: true, return "不能为空";
height: 200, },
label: "姓名",
el: {
type: "bi.textarea_editor",
cls: "bi-border",
watermark: "输入简介",
allowBlank: true,
height: 200,
} }
}], ],
layout: { layout: {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 30 vgap: 30,
} },
}); });
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
hgap: 200, hgap: 200,
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [widget, { items: [
type: "bi.button", widget,
text: "提交", {
handler: function () { type: "bi.button",
widget.validate(); text: "提交",
handler() {
console.log(widget.getValue()); console.log(widget.getValue());
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.form", Demo.Form);


@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
Demo.TreeValueChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-tree-value-chooser-combo"
render: function () {
var widget = BI.createWidget({ @shortcut()
export class TreeValueChooser extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.tree_value_chooser_combo";
props = { baseCls: "demo-tree-value-chooser-combo" };
render() {
const widget = createWidget({
type: "bi.tree_value_chooser_combo", type: "bi.tree_value_chooser_combo",
width: 300, width: 300,
// items: BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.TREEITEMS), // items: deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.TREEITEMS),
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { itemsCreator(op, callback) {
callback(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.TREEITEMS)); callback(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.TREEITEMS));
}, },
defaultText: "请选择", defaultText: "请选择",
}); });
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
hgap: 200, hgap: 200,
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [widget] items: [widget],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.tree_value_chooser_combo", Demo.TreeValueChooser);


@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
Demo.TreeValueChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-tree-value-chooser"
render: function () {
export class TreeValueChooser extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.tree_value_chooser_pane";
props = { baseCls: "demo-tree-value-chooser" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.tree_value_chooser_pane", type: "bi.tree_value_chooser_pane",
items: BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.TREEITEMS) items: deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.TREEITEMS),
// itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { // itemsCreator: function (op, callback) {
// callback(tree); // callback(tree);
// } // }
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.tree_value_chooser_pane", Demo.TreeValueChooser);


@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
Demo.ValueChooserCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-value-chooser-combo" @shortcut()
}, export class ValueChooserCombo extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.value_chooser_combo";
var widget = BI.createWidget({
props = { baseCls: "demo-value-chooser-combo" };
render() {
const widget = createWidget({
type: "bi.value_chooser_combo", type: "bi.value_chooser_combo",
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { itemsCreator (op, callback) {
callback(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS)); callback(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS));
} },
}); });
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
hgap: 200, hgap: 200,
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [widget] items: [widget],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.value_chooser_combo", Demo.ValueChooserCombo);


@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
Demo.ValueChooserPane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-value-chooser-pane" @shortcut()
}, export class ValueChooserPane extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.value_chooser_pane";
props = { baseCls: "demo-value-chooser-pane" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.value_chooser_pane", type: "bi.value_chooser_pane",
items: BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS) items: deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS),
// itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { // itemsCreator: function (op, callback) {
// callback(BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS)); // callback(deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS));
// } // }
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.value_chooser_pane", Demo.ValueChooserPane);


@ -1,36 +1,34 @@
/** import { shortcut } from "@/core";
* author: young import { Pane as BIPane } from "@/base";
* createdDate: 2018/11/30
* description:
!(function () {
var Pane = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
props: {
}, @shortcut()
export class Pane extends BIPane {
static xtype = "demo.pane";
mounted: function () { props = {};
console.log('loading pane mounted');
render: function () { mounted() {
return { console.log("loading pane mounted");
type: "bi.center_adapt", }
items: [{
render() {
return {
type: "bi.center_adapt",
items: [
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "this is pane center" text: "this is pane center",
}] }
}; ],
}, };
beforeRender: function (callback) { beforeRender(callback) {
var self = this; const self = this;
this.loading(); this.loading();
setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(() => {
self.loaded(); self.loaded();
callback(); callback();
}, 3000); }, 3000);
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.pane", Pane);


@ -1,495 +1,450 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, createItems, deepClone, map, delay, random, makeArray } from "@/core";
props: { import { Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
years: [{
text: "2010年", value: 2010, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2011年", value: 2011
}, {
text: "2012年", value: 2012, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2013年", value: 2013
}, {
text: "2014年", value: 2014, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2015年", value: 2015, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2016年", value: 2016, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2017年", value: 2017, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
child: [{
type: "bi.combo_group",
el: {
type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
text: "2010年",
value: 2010,
height: 25,
iconCls1: "close-ha-font",
iconCls2: "close-ha-font"
items: [{
type: "bi.single_select_item",
height: 25,
text: "一月",
value: 11
}, {
type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
height: 25,
text: "二月",
value: 12,
iconCls1: "close-ha-font",
iconCls2: "close-ha-font",
children: [{ type: "bi.single_select_item", text: "一号", value: 101, height: 25 }]
}, {
text: "2011年", value: 2011
}, {
text: "2012年", value: 2012, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2013年", value: 2013
}, {
text: "2014年", value: 2014, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2015年", value: 2015, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
months: [[{ @shortcut()
el: { export class Func extends Widget {
text: "一月", value: 1 static xtype = "demo.combo";
}, {
el: {
text: "二月", value: 2
}], [{
el: {
text: "三月", value: 3
}, {
el: {
text: "四月", value: 4
}], [{
el: {
text: "五月", value: 5
}, {
el: {
text: "六月", value: 6
}], [{
el: {
text: "七月", value: 7
}, {
el: {
text: "八月", value: 8
}], [{
el: {
text: "九月", value: 9
}, {
el: {
text: "十月", value: 10
}], [{
el: {
text: "十一月", value: 11
}, {
el: {
text: "十二月", value: 12
dynamic: [ props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
years = [
{ text: "2010年", value: 2010, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2011年", value: 2011 },
{ text: "2012年", value: 2012, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2013年", value: 2013 },
{ text: "2014年", value: 2014, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2015年", value: 2015, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2016年", value: 2016, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2017年", value: 2017, iconCls: "close-ha-font" }
child = [
{ {
text: "2010年", value: 1 type: "bi.combo_group",
}, { el: {
text: "20112222年", value: 2 type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
}, { text: "2010年",
text: "201233333年", value: 3 value: 2010,
}, { height: 25,
text: "2013年", value: 4 iconCls1: "close-ha-font",
}, { iconCls2: "close-ha-font",
text: "2012324年", value: 5 },
}, { items: [
text: "2015年", value: 6 { type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25, text: "一月", value: 11 },
}, { {
text: "2016年", value: 7 type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
}, { height: 25,
text: "201744444444444444444444444444444444444年", value: 8 text: "二月",
} value: 12,
], iconCls1: "close-ha-font",
iconCls2: "close-ha-font",
children: [{ type: "bi.single_select_item", text: "一号", value: 101, height: 25 }],
{ text: "2011年", value: 2011 },
{ text: "2012年", value: 2012, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2013年", value: 2013 },
{ text: "2014年", value: 2014, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "2015年", value: 2015, iconCls: "close-ha-font" }
months = [
[{ el: { text: "一月", value: 1 } }, { el: { text: "二月", value: 2 } }],
[{ el: { text: "三月", value: 3 } }, { el: { text: "四月", value: 4 } }],
[{ el: { text: "五月", value: 5 } }, { el: { text: "六月", value: 6 } }],
[{ el: { text: "七月", value: 7 } }, { el: { text: "八月", value: 8 } }],
[{ el: { text: "九月", value: 9 } }, { el: { text: "十月", value: 10 } }],
[{ el: { text: "十一月", value: 11 } }, { el: { text: "十二月", value: 12 } }]
dynamic = [
{ text: "2010年", value: 1 },
{ text: "20112222年", value: 2 },
{ text: "201233333年", value: 3 },
{ text: "2013年", value: 4 },
{ text: "2012324年", value: 5 },
{ text: "2015年", value: 6 },
{ text: "2016年", value: 7 },
{ text: "201744444444444444444444444444444444444年", value: 8 }
week = [
{ text: "周一", value: 100, iconClsLeft: "close-ha-font", iconClsRight: "close-font" },
{ text: "周二", value: 101, iconClsLeft: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "周三", value: 102 },
{ text: "周四", value: 103, iconClsRight: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "周五", value: 104, iconClsLeft: "close-ha-font", iconClsRight: "close-font" },
{ text: "周六", value: 105, iconClsLeft: "close-font", iconClsRight: "close-ha-font" },
{ text: "周日", value: 106, iconClsLeft: "close-font" }
week: [{ _createTop() {
text: "周一", value: 100, iconClsLeft: "close-ha-font", iconClsRight: "close-font" const self = this;
}, {
text: "周二", value: 101, iconClsLeft: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "周三", value: 102
}, {
text: "周四", value: 103, iconClsRight: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "周五", value: 104, iconClsLeft: "close-ha-font", iconClsRight: "close-font"
}, {
text: "周六", value: 105, iconClsLeft: "close-font", iconClsRight: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "周日", value: 106, iconClsLeft: "close-font"
_createTop: function () {
var self = this;
var yearCombo = BI.createWidget({ const yearCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "简单下拉框", text: "简单下拉框",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.years), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.years), {
type: "bi.single_select_radio_item", type: "bi.single_select_radio_item",
height: 25, height: 25,
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}), }),
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
var multiCombo = BI.createWidget({ var multiCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "多选下拉框", text: "多选下拉框",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.years), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.years), {
type: "bi.multi_select_item", type: "bi.multi_select_item",
height: 25, height: 25,
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}), }),
chooseType: 1, chooseType: 1,
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
}, },
tool: { tool: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一个下拉框", text: "这是一个下拉框",
height: 35 height: 35,
}, },
tabs: [{ tabs: [
type: "bi.multi_select_bar", {
height: 25, type: "bi.multi_select_bar",
text: "全选", height: 25,
onCheck: function (v) { text: "全选",
if (v) { onCheck(v) {
multiCombo.setValue(, "value")); if (v) {
} else { multiCombo.setValue(map(deepClone(self.years), "value"));
} else {
isAllCheckedBySelectedValue(selectedValue) {
return selectedValue.length == self.years.length;
// return true;
buttons: [
type: "bi.text_button",
text: "清空",
handler() {
multiCombo.setValue([]); multiCombo.setValue([]);
} },
}, },
isAllCheckedBySelectedValue: function (selectedValue) { {
return selectedValue.length == self.years.length; type: "bi.text_button",
// return true; text: "确定",
} handler() {
}], Msg.alert("", multiCombo.getValue());
buttons: [{ },
type: "bi.text_button",
text: "清空",
handler: function () {
}, {
type: "bi.text_button",
text: "确定",
handler: function () {
BI.Msg.alert("", multiCombo.getValue());
} }
}] ],
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
var dynamicPopupCombo = BI.createWidget({ const dynamicPopupCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
isNeedAdjustWidth: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false,
offsetStyle: "center", offsetStyle: "center",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "动态调整宽度", text: "动态调整宽度",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.dynamic), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.dynamic), {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
height: 25 height: 25,
}), }),
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
var dynamicCombo = BI.createWidget({ var dynamicCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "搜索", text: "搜索",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.loader", type: "bi.loader",
logic: { logic: {
dynamic: true, dynamic: true,
scrolly: true scrolly: true,
}, },
el: { el: {
behaviors: { behaviors: {
redmark: function () { redmark() {
return true; return true;
} },
}, },
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
}, },
itemsCreator: function (options, popuplate) { itemsCreator(options, popuplate) {
var times = options.times; const times = options.times;
BI.delay(function () { delay(() => {
if (times == 3) { if (times == 3) {
popuplate([{ popuplate([
type: "bi.single_select_item", {
text: "这是最后一个", type: "bi.single_select_item",
value: "这是最后一个", text: "这是最后一个",
py: "zszhyg", value: "这是最后一个",
height: 25 py: "zszhyg",
}]); height: 25,
return; return;
} }
var map =, null), function (i, v) { const map = map(makeArray(3, null), (i, v) => {
var val = i + "_" + BI.random(1, 100); const val = `${i}_${random(1, 100)}`;
return { return {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
text: val, text: val,
value: val, value: val,
height: 25 height: 25,
}; };
}); });
popuplate(map); popuplate(map);
}, 1000); }, 1000);
}, },
hasNext: function (options) { hasNext(options) {
return options.times < 3; return options.times < 3;
} },
}, },
buttons: [{ buttons: [
type: "bi.text_button", {
text: "清空", type: "bi.text_button",
handler: function () { text: "清空",
dynamicCombo.setValue([]); handler() {
} dynamicCombo.setValue([]);
}, { },
type: "bi.text_button", },
text: "确定", {
handler: function () { type: "bi.text_button",
BI.Msg.alert("", dynamicCombo.getValue()); text: "确定",
handler() {
Msg.alert("", dynamicCombo.getValue());
} }
}] ],
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
items: [yearCombo, multiCombo, dynamicPopupCombo, dynamicCombo], items: [yearCombo, multiCombo, dynamicPopupCombo, dynamicCombo],
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
}, }
_createBottom: function () { _createBottom() {
var combo = BI.createWidget({ const combo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "button-combo", cls: "button-combo",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.years), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.years), {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
iconWidth: 25, iconWidth: 25,
height: 25, height: 25,
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}), }),
chooseType: 1, chooseType: 1,
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
combo.setValue(BI.deepClone(this.years)[0].value); combo.setValue(deepClone(this.years)[0].value);
var childCombo = BI.createWidget({ const childCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "button-combo", cls: "button-combo",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_tree", type: "bi.button_tree",
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.child), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.child), {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
height: 25, height: 25,
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}), }),
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
childCombo.setValue(BI.deepClone(this.child)[0].items[0].value); childCombo.setValue(deepClone(this.child)[0].items[0].value);
var monthCombo = BI.createWidget({ const monthCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "多层样式下拉框", text: "多层样式下拉框",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.months), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.months), {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
cls: "button-combo", cls: "button-combo",
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}), }),
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.adaptive", {
items: [{ type: "bi.adaptive",
el: { items: [
type: "bi.table", {
columns: 2, el: {
rows: 6, type: "bi.table",
columnSize: [0.5, "fill"], columns: 2,
rowSize: 30 rows: 6,
}, columnSize: [0.5, "fill"],
left: 4, rowSize: 30,
right: 4, },
top: 2, left: 4,
bottom: 2 right: 4,
}] top: 2,
}, { bottom: 2,
type: "bi.absolute", }
el: { left: 4, top: 2, right: 4, bottom: 2 } ],
}] },
} {
type: "bi.absolute",
el: { left: 4, top: 2, right: 4, bottom: 2 },
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
var yearCombo = BI.createWidget({ const yearCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
text: "自定义控件", text: "自定义控件",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.navigation", type: "bi.navigation",
direction: "bottom", direction: "bottom",
logic: { logic: {
dynamic: true dynamic: true,
}, },
tab: { tab: {
height: 30, height: 30,
items: [{ items: [
once: false, {
text: "后退", once: false,
value: -1, text: "后退",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg3" value: -1,
}, { cls: "mvc-button layout-bg3",
once: false, },
text: "前进", {
value: 1, once: false,
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg4" text: "前进",
}] value: 1,
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg4",
}, },
cardCreator: function (v) { cardCreator(v) {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.text_button",
whiteSpace: "normal", whiteSpace: "normal",
text: new Date().getFullYear() + v text: new Date().getFullYear() + v,
}); });
} },
} },
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
items: [combo, childCombo, monthCombo, yearCombo], items: [combo, childCombo, monthCombo, yearCombo],
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 1, columns: 1,
rows: 2, rows: 2,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: this._createTop() row: 0,
}, { el: this._createTop(),
column: 0, },
row: 1, {
el: this._createBottom() column: 0,
}] row: 1,
el: this._createBottom(),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.combo", Demo.Func);


@ -1,33 +1,36 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createEl: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.combo2";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createEl() {
return { return {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.button",
height: 25, height: 25,
text: "点击" text: "点击",
}; };
}, }
oneCombo: function () { oneCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustLength: 5, adjustLength: 5,
el: this._createEl(), el: this._createEl(),
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
height: 500 height: 500,
}, },
maxHeight: 400 maxHeight: 400,
} },
}); });
}, }
twoCombo: function () { twoCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustXOffset: 25, adjustXOffset: 25,
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
@ -36,14 +39,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
height: 1200 height: 1200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
threeCombo: function () { threeCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
el: this._createEl(), el: this._createEl(),
@ -51,14 +54,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
height: 1200 height: 1200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
fourCombo: function () { fourCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustXOffset: 25, adjustXOffset: 25,
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
@ -68,14 +71,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
height: 1200 height: 1200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
fiveCombo: function () { fiveCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustXOffset: 25, adjustXOffset: 25,
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
@ -85,15 +88,15 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
height: 1200 height: 1200,
}, },
maxHeight: 2000 maxHeight: 2000,
} },
}); });
}, }
sixCombo: function () { sixCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustXOffset: 25, adjustXOffset: 25,
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
height: 1200 height: 1200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
sevenCombo: function () { sevenCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustXOffset: 25, adjustXOffset: 25,
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
@ -123,14 +126,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
width: 200, width: 200,
height: 1200 height: 1200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
eightCombo: function () { eightCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
adjustXOffset: 25, adjustXOffset: 25,
adjustYOffset: 5, adjustYOffset: 5,
@ -143,21 +146,22 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
width: 200, width: 200,
height: 200 height: 200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
hgap: 10, hgap: 10,
vgap: 5, vgap: 5,
items: [[this.oneCombo(), this.twoCombo(), this.threeCombo()], items: [
[this.oneCombo(), this.twoCombo(), this.threeCombo()],
[this.fourCombo(), this.fiveCombo(), this.sixCombo()], [this.fourCombo(), this.fiveCombo(), this.sixCombo()],
[this.sevenCombo(), this.eightCombo()]] [this.sevenCombo(), this.eightCombo()]
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.combo2", Demo.Func);


@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createEl: function () { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.combo3";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createEl() {
return { return {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls:"bi-border", cls: "bi-border",
height: "100%", height: "100%",
text: "点击" text: "点击",
}; };
}, }
oneCombo: function () { oneCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
direction: "right,innerRight", direction: "right,innerRight",
isNeedAdjustWidth: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false,
@ -23,14 +26,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
width: 200, width: 200,
height: 200 height: 200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
twoCombo: function () { twoCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
direction: "right,innerRight", direction: "right,innerRight",
isNeedAdjustWidth: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false,
@ -40,14 +43,14 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
width: 1000, width: 1000,
height: 200 height: 200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
threeCombo: function () { threeCombo() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
direction: "right,innerRight", direction: "right,innerRight",
isNeedAdjustWidth: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false,
@ -57,19 +60,18 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
width: 400, width: 400,
height: 200 height: 200,
} },
} },
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
hgap: 10, hgap: 10,
vgap: 5, vgap: 5,
items: [[this.oneCombo()], [this.twoCombo()], [this.threeCombo()]] items: [[this.oneCombo()], [this.twoCombo()], [this.threeCombo()]],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.combo3", Demo.Func);


@ -1,89 +1,81 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, createItems, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
child: [{ @shortcut()
type: "bi.combo_group", export class Func extends Widget {
el: { static xtype = "demo.combo_group";
type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
text: "2010年", props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
value: 2010, child = [
height: 25, {
iconCls: "close-ha-font" type: "bi.combo_group",
el: { type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item", text: "2010年", value: 2010, height: 25, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
items: [
{ type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25, text: "一月", value: 11 },
type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
height: 25,
text: "二月",
value: 12,
iconCls1: "close-ha-font",
iconCls2: "close-ha-font",
children: [{ type: "bi.single_select_item", text: "一号", value: 101, height: 25 }],
}, },
items: [{ { text: "2011年", value: 2011 },
type: "bi.single_select_item", { text: "2012年", value: 2012, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
height: 25, { text: "2013年", value: 2013 },
text: "一月", { text: "2014年", value: 2014, iconCls: "close-ha-font" },
value: 11 { text: "2015年", value: 2015, iconCls: "close-ha-font" }
}, { ];
type: "bi.icon_text_icon_item",
height: 25,
text: "二月",
value: 12,
iconCls1: "close-ha-font",
iconCls2: "close-ha-font",
children: [{type: "bi.single_select_item", text: "一号", value: 101, height: 25}]
}, {
text: "2011年", value: 2011
}, {
text: "2012年", value: 2012, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2013年", value: 2013
}, {
text: "2014年", value: 2014, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
}, {
text: "2015年", value: 2015, iconCls: "close-ha-font"
_createBottom: function () { _createBottom() {
var childCombo = BI.createWidget({ const childCombo = createWidget({
type: "bi.combo", type: "bi.combo",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.text_button", type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "button-combo", cls: "button-combo",
height: 30 height: 30,
}, },
popup: { popup: {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_tree", type: "bi.button_tree",
items: BI.createItems(BI.deepClone(this.child), { items: createItems(deepClone(this.child), {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
height: 25, height: 25,
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}), }),
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}, },
width: 200 width: 200,
}); });
childCombo.setValue(BI.deepClone(this.child)[0].items[0].value); childCombo.setValue(deepClone(this.child)[0].items[0].value);
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.left", type: "bi.left",
items: [childCombo], items: [childCombo],
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 1, columns: 1,
rows: 1, rows: 1,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: this._createBottom() row: 0,
}] el: this._createBottom(),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.combo_group", Demo.Func);


@ -1,41 +1,54 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.expander";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
hgap: 30, hgap: 30,
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.expander", {
el: { type: "bi.expander",
type: "bi.icon_text_node", el: {
cls: "pull-right-ha-font mvc-border", type: "bi.icon_text_node",
height: 25, cls: "pull-right-ha-font mvc-border",
text: "Expander" height: 25,
}, text: "Expander",
popup: { },
cls: "mvc-border", popup: {
items: BI.createItems([{ cls: "mvc-border",
text: "项目1", items: createItems(
value: 1 [
}, { {
text: "项目2", text: "项目1",
value: 2 value: 1,
}, { },
text: "项目3", {
value: 3 text: "项目2",
}, { value: 2,
text: "项目4", },
value: 4 {
}], { text: "项目3",
type: "bi.single_select_item", value: 3,
height: 25 },
}) {
text: "项目4",
value: 4,
type: "bi.single_select_item",
height: 25,
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.expander", Demo.Func);


@ -1,27 +1,33 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, deepClone, map, extend } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.loader";
var self = this;
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const self = this;
this.all = 0; this.all = 0;
var items = BI.deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS); const items = deepClone(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS);
return { return {
type: "bi.loader", type: "bi.loader",
itemsCreator: function (options, populate) { itemsCreator(options, populate) {
setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(() => {
populate( - 1) * 10, options.times * 10), function (i, v) { populate(
return BI.extend(v, { map(items.slice((options.times - 1) * 10, options.times * 10), (i, v) =>
type: "bi.single_select_item", extend(v, {
height: 25 type: "bi.single_select_item",
}); height: 25,
})); })
}, 1000); }, 1000);
}, },
hasNext: function (options) { hasNext(options) {
return options.times * 10 < items.length; return options.times * 10 < items.length;
} },
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.loader", Demo.Func);


@ -1,35 +1,41 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, random, bind } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
_createNav: function (v) { static xtype = "demo.navigation";
return BI.createWidget({
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createNav(v) {
return createWidget({
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg" + BI.random(1, 8), cls: `layout-bg${random(1, 8)}`,
text: "第" + v + "页" text: `${v}`,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.navigation", type: "bi.navigation",
showIndex: 0, showIndex: 0,
tab: { tab: {
height: 30, height: 30,
items: [{ items: [
once: false, {
text: "后退", once: false,
value: -1, text: "后退",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg3" value: -1,
}, { cls: "mvc-button layout-bg3",
once: false, },
text: "前进", {
value: 1, once: false,
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg4" text: "前进",
}] value: 1,
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg4",
}, },
cardCreator: BI.bind(this._createNav, this) cardCreator: bind(this._createNav, this),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.navigation", Demo.Func);


@ -1,84 +1,125 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createItems, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createItems: function (items) { @shortcut()
return BI.createItems(items, { export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.searcher";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createItems(items) {
return createItems(items, {
type: "bi.multi_select_item", type: "bi.multi_select_item",
height: 25, height: 25,
handler: function (v) { handler(v) {},
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
var self = this; const self = this;
var items = [{ const items = [
text: "2010年", value: 2010, py: "2010n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" {
}, { text: "2010年",
text: "2011年", value: 2011, py: "2011n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" value: 2010,
}, { py: "2010n",
text: "2012年", value: 2012, py: "2012n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
}, { },
text: "2013年", value: 2013, py: "2013n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" {
}, { text: "2011年",
text: "2014年", value: 2014, py: "2014n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" value: 2011,
}, { py: "2011n",
text: "2015年", value: 2015, py: "2015n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
}, { },
text: "2016年", value: 2016, py: "2016n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" {
}, { text: "2012年",
text: "2017年", value: 2017, py: "2017n", title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111" value: 2012,
}]; py: "2012n",
title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
text: "2013年",
value: 2013,
py: "2013n",
title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
text: "2014年",
value: 2014,
py: "2014n",
title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
text: "2015年",
value: 2015,
py: "2015n",
title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
text: "2016年",
value: 2016,
py: "2016n",
title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
text: "2017年",
value: 2017,
py: "2017n",
title: "1111111111111111111111111111111111",
var adapter = BI.createWidget({ const adapter = createWidget({
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
cls: "layout-bg1", cls: "layout-bg1",
items: this._createItems(items), items: this._createItems(items),
chooseType: 1, chooseType: 1,
behaviors: {}, behaviors: {},
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}] type: "bi.vertical",
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: adapter, {
top: 50, el: adapter,
left: 50, top: 50,
width: 200, left: 50,
height: 100 width: 200,
}] height: 100,
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.absolute", el: {
width: 200, type: "bi.absolute",
height: 30, width: 200,
items: [{ height: 30,
el: { items: [
type: "bi.searcher", {
adapter: adapter, el: {
width: 200, type: "bi.searcher",
height: 30 adapter,
}, width: 200,
left: 0, height: 30,
right: 0, },
top: 0, left: 0,
bottom: 0 right: 0,
}] top: 0,
}, bottom: 0,
top: 100, }
left: 300 ],
}] },
top: 100,
left: 300,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.searcher", Demo.Func);


@ -1,59 +1,73 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, createItems } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () {
var adapter = BI.createWidget({ @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.switcher";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
const adapter = createWidget({
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2", cls: "layout-bg2",
text: "将在该处弹出switcher" text: "将在该处弹出switcher",
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: adapter, {
top: 50, el: adapter,
left: 20, top: 50,
width: 200, left: 20,
height: 300 width: 200,
}] height: 300,
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
element: this, element: this,
hgap: 30, hgap: 30,
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.switcher", {
el: { type: "bi.switcher",
type: "bi.button", el: {
height: 25, type: "bi.button",
text: "Switcher" height: 25,
}, text: "Switcher",
popup: { },
cls: "mvc-border layout-bg5", popup: {
items: BI.createItems([{ cls: "mvc-border layout-bg5",
text: "项目1", items: createItems(
value: 1 [
}, { {
text: "项目2", text: "项目1",
value: 2 value: 1,
}, { },
text: "项目3", {
value: 3 text: "项目2",
}, { value: 2,
text: "项目4", },
value: 4 {
}], { text: "项目3",
type: "bi.single_select_item", value: 3,
height: 25 },
}) {
}, text: "项目4",
adapter: adapter value: 4,
}] }
type: "bi.single_select_item",
height: 25,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.switcher", Demo.Func);


@ -1,69 +1,80 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, bind } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createTabs: function (v) { @shortcut()
export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createTabs(v) {
switch (v) { switch (v) {
case 1: case 1:
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "面板1" text: "面板1",
}); });
case 2: case 2:
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg2", cls: "layout-bg2",
text: "面板2" text: "面板2",
}); });
} }
}, }
render: function () { render() { = BI.createWidget({ = createWidget({
type: "bi.button_group", type: "bi.button_group",
height: 30, height: 30,
items: [{ items: [
text: "Tab1", {
value: 1, text: "Tab1",
width: 50, value: 1,
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg3" width: 50,
}, { cls: "mvc-button layout-bg3",
text: "Tab2", },
value: 2, {
width: 50, text: "Tab2",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg4" value: 2,
}], width: 50,
layouts: [{ cls: "mvc-button layout-bg4",
type: "bi.center_adapt", }
items: [{ ],
el: { layouts: [
type: "bi.horizontal", {
width: 100 type: "bi.center_adapt",
} items: [
}] {
}] el: {
type: "bi.horizontal",
width: 100,
}); });
var tab = BI.createWidget({ const tab = createWidget({
direction: "custom", direction: "custom",
type: "", type: "",
element: this, element: this,
tab:, tab:,
cardCreator: BI.bind(this._createTabs, this) cardCreator: bind(this._createTabs, this),
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el:, {
left: 200, el:,
top: 200 left: 200,
}] top: 200,
}); });
tab.setSelect(2); tab.setSelect(2);
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("", Demo.Func);


@ -1,62 +1,80 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: { import { ButtonGroup } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
}, @shortcut()
render: function () { export class Func extends Widget {
var ref; static xtype = "demo.button_group";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
let ref;
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.button_group", {
ref: function (_ref) { type: "bi.button_group",
ref = _ref; ref(_ref) {
}, ref = _ref;
chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_NONE,
layouts: [{
type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{
type: "bi.vtape",
height: 200
items: [{
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "button_group是一类具有相同属性或相似属性的抽象, 本案例实现的是布局的嵌套(vertical布局下内嵌center_adapt布局)"
}, },
height: 150 chooseType: ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_NONE,
}, { layouts: [
el: { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.vertical",
text: "1" items: [
} {
}] type: "bi.vtape",
}, { height: 200,
type: "bi.button", }
text: "populate", ],
handler: function () { }
ref.populate([{ ],
el: { items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "1" el: {
}, type: "bi.label",
height: 50 text: "button_group是一类具有相同属性或相似属性的抽象, 本案例实现的是布局的嵌套(vertical布局下内嵌center_adapt布局)",
}, { },
el: { height: 150,
type: "bi.button",
text: "2"
}, },
height: 50 {
}, { el: {
el: { type: "bi.button",
type: "bi.label", text: "1",
text: "3" },
} }
}]); ],
type: "bi.button",
text: "populate",
handler() {
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "1",
height: 50,
el: {
type: "bi.button",
text: "2",
height: 50,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "3",
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.button_group", Demo.Func);


@ -1,26 +1,36 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: { import { ButtonGroup } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
}, @shortcut()
render: function () { export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.button_tree";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.button_tree", type: "bi.button_tree",
chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, chooseType: ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI,
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical" {
}, { type: "bi.vertical",
type: "bi.center_adapt" },
}], {
items: [{ type: "bi.center_adapt",
type: "bi.label", }
text: "0", ],
value: 0 items: [
}, { {
type: "bi.button", type: "bi.label",
text: "1", text: "0",
value: 1 value: 0,
}] },
type: "bi.button",
text: "1",
value: 1,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.button_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,41 +1,46 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.collection_view";
var items = [];
var cellCount = 100; props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
for (var i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
render() {
const items = [];
const cellCount = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
items[i] = { items[i] = {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: i text: i,
}; };
} }
var grid = BI.createWidget({ const grid = createWidget({
type: "bi.collection_view", type: "bi.collection_view",
width: 400, width: 400,
height: 300, height: 300,
items: items, items,
cellSizeAndPositionGetter: function (index) { cellSizeAndPositionGetter(index) {
return { return {
x: index % 10 * 50, x: (index % 10) * 50,
y: Math.floor(index / 10) * 50, y: Math.floor(index / 10) * 50,
width: 50, width: 50,
height: 50 height: 50,
}; };
} },
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: grid, {
left: 10, el: grid,
right: 10, left: 10,
top: 10, right: 10,
bottom: 10 top: 10,
}] bottom: 10,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.collection_view", Demo.Func);


@ -1,61 +1,74 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: { import { Msg } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createDefaultTree: function () { @shortcut()
var TREEITEMS = [{id: -1, pId: -2, value: "根目录", open: true, type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, export class Func extends Widget {
{id: 1, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录1", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, static xtype = "demo.custom_tree";
{id: 11, pId: 1, value: "第二级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25},
{id: 12, pId: 1, value: "第二级目录2", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
{id: 121, pId: 12, value: "第三级目录1", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25},
{id: 122, pId: 12, value: "第三级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25}, _createDefaultTree() {
{id: 1211, pId: 121, value: "第四级目录1", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, const TREEITEMS = [
{id: 12111, pId: 1211, value: "第五级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25}, { id: -1, pId: -2, value: "根目录", open: true, type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{id: 2, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录2", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, { id: 1, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录1", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{id: 21, pId: 2, value: "第二级目录3", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, { id: 11, pId: 1, value: "第二级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25 },
{id: 22, pId: 2, value: "第二级文件2", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25}, { id: 12, pId: 1, value: "第二级目录2", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{id: 211, pId: 21, value: "第三级目录2", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, { id: 121, pId: 12, value: "第三级目录1", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{id: 212, pId: 21, value: "第三级文件2", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25}, { id: 122, pId: 12, value: "第三级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25 },
{id: 2111, pId: 211, value: "第四级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25}]; { id: 1211, pId: 121, value: "第四级目录1", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
this.tree = BI.createWidget({ { id: 12111, pId: 1211, value: "第五级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25 },
{ id: 2, pId: -1, value: "第一级目录2", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{ id: 21, pId: 2, value: "第二级目录3", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{ id: 22, pId: 2, value: "第二级文件2", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25 },
{ id: 211, pId: 21, value: "第三级目录2", type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25 },
{ id: 212, pId: 21, value: "第三级文件2", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25 },
{ id: 2111, pId: 211, value: "第四级文件1", type: "bi.single_select_item", height: 25 }
this.tree = createWidget({
type: "bi.custom_tree", type: "bi.custom_tree",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_tree", type: "bi.button_tree",
chooseType: 0, chooseType: 0,
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical", {
hgap: 30 type: "bi.vertical",
}] hgap: 30,
}, },
items: BI.deepClone(TREEITEMS) items: deepClone(TREEITEMS),
}); });
return this.tree; return this.tree;
}, }
_createAsyncTree: function () { _createAsyncTree() {
this.asyncTree = BI.createWidget({ this.asyncTree = createWidget({
type: "bi.custom_tree", type: "bi.custom_tree",
itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { itemsCreator(op, callback) {
if (!op.node) {// 根节点 if (!op.node) {
callback([{ // 根节点
id: 1, callback([
pId: 0, {
type: "bi.plus_group_node", id: 1,
text: "test1", pId: 0,
value: 1, type: "bi.plus_group_node",
height: 25, text: "test1",
isParent: true value: 1,
}, { height: 25,
id: 2, isParent: true,
pId: 0, },
type: "bi.plus_group_node", {
text: "test2", id: 2,
value: 1, pId: 0,
isParent: true, type: "bi.plus_group_node",
open: true, text: "test2",
height: 25 value: 1,
}]); isParent: true,
open: true,
height: 25,
} else { } else {
if ( == 1) { if ( == 1) {
callback([ callback([
@ -66,7 +79,7 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
text: "test11", text: "test11",
value: 11, value: 11,
height: 25, height: 25,
isParent: true isParent: true,
}, },
{ {
id: 12, id: 12,
@ -74,7 +87,7 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
text: "test12", text: "test12",
value: 12, value: 12,
height: 35 height: 35,
}, },
{ {
id: 13, id: 13,
@ -82,7 +95,7 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
text: "test13", text: "test13",
value: 13, value: 13,
height: 35 height: 35,
}, },
{ {
id: 14, id: 14,
@ -90,7 +103,7 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
text: "test14", text: "test14",
value: 14, value: 14,
height: 35 height: 35,
}, },
{ {
id: 15, id: 15,
@ -98,7 +111,7 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
text: "test15", text: "test15",
value: 15, value: 15,
height: 35 height: 35,
}, },
{ {
id: 16, id: 16,
@ -106,36 +119,40 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
type: "bi.single_select_item", type: "bi.single_select_item",
text: "test16", text: "test16",
value: 16, value: 16,
height: 35 height: 35,
}, },
{id: 17, pId: 1, type: "bi.single_select_item", text: "test17", value: 17, height: 35} { id: 17, pId: 1, type: "bi.single_select_item", text: "test17", value: 17, height: 35 }
]); ]);
} else if ( == 2) { } else if ( == 2) {
callback([{ callback([
id: 21, {
pId: 2, id: 21,
type: "bi.single_select_item", pId: 2,
text: "test21", type: "bi.single_select_item",
value: 21, text: "test21",
height: 35 value: 21,
}, height: 35,
{ },
id: 22, {
pId: 2, id: 22,
type: "bi.single_select_item", pId: 2,
text: "test22", type: "bi.single_select_item",
value: 22, text: "test22",
height: 35 value: 22,
}]); height: 35,
} else if ( == 11) { } else if ( == 11) {
callback([{ callback([
id: 111, {
pId: 11, id: 111,
type: "bi.single_select_item", pId: 11,
text: "test111", type: "bi.single_select_item",
value: 111, text: "test111",
height: 35 value: 111,
}]); height: 35,
} }
} }
}, },
@ -145,101 +162,121 @@ Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.button_tree", type: "bi.button_tree",
chooseType: 0, chooseType: 0,
layouts: [{ layouts: [
type: "bi.vertical", {
hgap: 30, type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 0 hgap: 30,
}] vgap: 0,
} }
} ],
}); });
return this.asyncTree; return this.asyncTree;
}, }
render: function () { render() {
var self = this; const self = this;
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 2, columns: 2,
rows: 1, rows: 1,
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: { row: 0,
type: "bi.vtape", el: {
items: [ type: "bi.vtape",
{ items: [
el: this._createDefaultTree() {
}, el: this._createDefaultTree(),
el: {
type: "",
hgap: 10,
items: [{
type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2",
text: "getValue",
height: 30,
handler: function () {
BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.tree.getValue()));
}, {
type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2",
text: "getNodeByValue(第一级目录1)",
height: 30,
handler: function () {
BI.Msg.alert("", "节点名称为: " + self.tree.getNodeByValue("第一级目录1").getValue());
}, },
height: 30 {
} el: {
] type: "",
} hgap: 10,
}, { items: [
column: 1, {
row: 0, type: "bi.text_button",
el: { cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2",
type: "bi.vtape", text: "getValue",
items: [ height: 30,
{ handler() {
type: "bi.label", Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.tree.getValue()));
text: "异步加载数据", },
height: 30 },
}, {
{ type: "bi.text_button",
el: this._createAsyncTree() cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2",
}, text: "getNodeByValue(第一级目录1)",
{ height: 30,
el: { handler() {
type: "", Msg.alert(
hgap: 10, "",
items: [{ `节点名称为: ${self.tree.getNodeByValue("第一级目录1").getValue()}`
type: "bi.text_button", );
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2", },
text: "getValue", }
height: 30, ],
handler: function () { },
BI.Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.asyncTree.getValue())); height: 30,
} }
}, { ],
type: "bi.text_button", },
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2", },
text: "getNodeById(11)", {
height: 30, column: 1,
handler: function () { row: 0,
BI.Msg.alert("", "节点名称为: " + (self.asyncTree.getNodeById(11) && self.asyncTree.getNodeById(11).getText())); el: {
} type: "bi.vtape",
}] items: [
type: "bi.label",
text: "异步加载数据",
height: 30,
}, },
height: 30 {
} el: this._createAsyncTree(),
] },
el: {
type: "",
hgap: 10,
items: [
type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2",
text: "getValue",
height: 30,
handler() {
Msg.alert("", JSON.stringify(self.asyncTree.getValue()));
type: "bi.text_button",
cls: "mvc-button layout-bg2",
text: "getNodeById(11)",
height: 30,
handler() {
`节点名称为: ${
self.asyncTree.getNodeById(11) &&
height: 30,
} }
}] ],
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.custom_tree", Demo.Func);


@ -1,54 +1,62 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.grid_view";
var items = [];
var rowCount = 10000, columnCount = 100; props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
render() {
const items = [];
const rowCount = 10000,
columnCount = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
items[i] = []; items[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { for (let j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
items[i][j] = { items[i][j] = {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: i + "-" + j text: `${i}-${j}`,
}; };
} }
} }
var grid = BI.createWidget({ const grid = createWidget({
type: "bi.grid_view", type: "bi.grid_view",
width: 400, width: 400,
height: 300, height: 300,
estimatedRowSize: 30, estimatedRowSize: 30,
estimatedColumnSize: 100, estimatedColumnSize: 100,
items: items, items,
scrollTop: 100, scrollTop: 100,
rowHeightGetter: function () { rowHeightGetter() {
return 30; return 30;
}, },
columnWidthGetter: function () { columnWidthGetter() {
return 100; return 100;
} },
}); });
BI.createWidget({ createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this, element: this,
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.grid", el: {
columns: 1, type: "bi.grid",
rows: 1, columns: 1,
items: [{ rows: 1,
column: 0, items: [
row: 0, {
el: grid column: 0,
}] row: 0,
}, el: grid,
left: 10, }
right: 10, ],
top: 10, },
bottom: 10 left: 10,
}] right: 10,
top: 10,
bottom: 10,
}); });
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.grid_view", Demo.Func);


@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, map, extend } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.list_view";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.list_view", type: "bi.list_view",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.left" type: "bi.left",
}, },
items:, function (i, item) { items: map(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS, (i, item) =>
return BI.extend({}, item, { extend({}, item, {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
width: 200, width: 200,
height: 200, height: 200,
text: (i + 1) + "." + item.text text: `${i + 1}.${item.text}`,
}); })
}) ),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.list_view", Demo.Func);


@ -1,111 +1,86 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget, map, range, deepClone } from "@/core";
props: { import { ButtonGroup } from "@/base";
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createItems: function () { @shortcut()
var items =, function (i) { export class Func extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.virtual_group";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
_createItems() {
const items = map(range(1000), i => {
return { return {
type: "demo.virtual_group_item", type: "demo.virtual_group_item",
value: i, value: i,
key: i + 1 key: i + 1,
}; };
}); });
return items; return items;
}, }
render() {
const self = this;
const buttonGroupItems = self._createItems();
const virtualGroupItems = self._createItems();
render: function () {
var self = this;
var buttonGroupItems = self._createItems();
var virtualGroupItems = self._createItems();
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 20, vgap: 20,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
cls: "layout-bg5", type: "bi.label",
height: 50, cls: "layout-bg5",
text: "共1000个元素,演示button_group和virtual_group每次删除第一个元素,打开控制台看输出" height: 50,
}, { text: "共1000个元素,演示button_group和virtual_group每次删除第一个元素,打开控制台看输出",
type: "bi.button_group",
width: 500,
height: 300,
ref: function () {
self.buttonGroup = this;
}, },
chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, {
layouts: [{ type: "bi.button_group",
type: "bi.vertical" width: 500,
}], height: 300,
items: this._createItems() ref() {
}, { self.buttonGroup = this;
type: "bi.button", },
text: "演示button_group的刷新", chooseType: ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI,
handler: function () { layouts: [
buttonGroupItems.shift(); {
self.buttonGroup.populate(BI.deepClone(buttonGroupItems)); type: "bi.vertical",
} }
}, { ],
type: "bi.virtual_group", items: this._createItems(),
width: 500, },
height: 300, {
ref: function () { type: "bi.button",
self.virtualGroup = this; text: "演示button_group的刷新",
handler() {
}, },
chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI, {
layouts: [{ type: "bi.virtual_group",
type: "bi.vertical" width: 500,
}], height: 300,
items: this._createItems() ref() {
}, { self.virtualGroup = this;
type: "bi.button", },
text: "演示virtual_group的刷新", chooseType: ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI,
handler: function () { layouts: [
virtualGroupItems.shift(); {
self.virtualGroup.populate(BI.deepClone(virtualGroupItems)); type: "bi.vertical",
items: this._createItems(),
type: "bi.button",
text: "演示virtual_group的刷新",
handler() {
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.virtual_group", Demo.Func);
Demo.Item = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-item",
height: 30
render: function () {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.label",
ref: function () {
self.label = this;
height: this.options.height,
text: "key:" + o.key + ",随机数" + BI.UUID()
shouldUpdate: function (nextProps) {
var o = this.options;
return o.type !== nextProps.type || o.key !== nextProps.key || o.value !== nextProps.value;
update: function (item) {
return true;// 返回是不是更新成功
created: function () {
destroyed: function () {
BI.shortcut("demo.virtual_group_item", Demo.Item);


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import { shortcut, Widget, UUID } from "@/core";
export class Item extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.virtual_group_item";
props = { baseCls: "demo-item", height: 30 };
render() {
const self = this,
o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.label",
ref () {
self.label = this;
height: this.options.height,
text: `key:${o.key},随机数${UUID()}`,
shouldUpdate(nextProps) {
const o = this.options;
return o.type !== nextProps.type || o.key !== nextProps.key || o.value !== nextProps.value;
update(item) {
return true; // 返回是不是更新成功
created() {
destroyed() {


@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" @shortcut()
}, export class Func extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.virtual_list";
props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.virtual_list", type: "bi.virtual_list",
items:, function (i, item) { items: map(Demo.CONSTANTS.ITEMS, (i, item) =>
return BI.extend({}, item, { extend({}, item, {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
height: 30, height: 30,
text: (i + 1) + "." + item.text text: `${i + 1}.${item.text}`,
}); })
}) ),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.virtual_list", Demo.Func);


@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
Demo.AbsoluteLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-absolute" @shortcut()
}, export class AbsoluteLayout extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.absolute";
props = { baseCls: "demo-absolute" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
items: [{ items: [
el: { {
type: "bi.label", el: {
text: "绝对布局", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "绝对布局",
width: 300, cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 200 width: 300,
}, height: 200,
left: 100, },
top: 100 left: 100,
}] top: 100,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.absolute", Demo.AbsoluteLayout);


@ -1,66 +1,72 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-border"
_createNorth: function () { @shortcut()
return BI.createWidget({ export class BorderLayout extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.border";
props = { baseCls: "demo-border" };
_createNorth() {
return createWidget({
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "North", text: "North",
cls: "layout-bg1", cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 30 height: 30,
}); });
}, }
_createWest: function () { _createWest() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "", type: "",
cls: "layout-bg2", cls: "layout-bg2",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "West", type: "bi.label",
whiteSpace: "normal" text: "West",
}] whiteSpace: "normal",
}); });
}, }
_createCenter: function () { _createCenter() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "", type: "",
cls: "layout-bg3", cls: "layout-bg3",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "Center", type: "bi.label",
whiteSpace: "normal" text: "Center",
}] whiteSpace: "normal",
}); });
}, }
_createEast: function () { _createEast() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "", type: "",
cls: "layout-bg5", cls: "layout-bg5",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "East", type: "bi.label",
whiteSpace: "normal" text: "East",
}] whiteSpace: "normal",
}); });
}, }
_createSouth: function () { _createSouth() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "South", text: "South",
cls: "layout-bg6", cls: "layout-bg6",
height: 50 height: 50,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.border", type: "bi.border",
cls: "", cls: "",
@ -70,28 +76,27 @@ Demo.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
height: 30, height: 30,
top: 20, top: 20,
left: 20, left: 20,
right: 20 right: 20,
}, },
south: { south: {
el: this._createSouth(), el: this._createSouth(),
height: 50, height: 50,
bottom: 20, bottom: 20,
left: 20, left: 20,
right: 20 right: 20,
}, },
west: { west: {
el: this._createWest(), el: this._createWest(),
width: 200, width: 200,
left: 20 left: 20,
}, },
east: { east: {
el: this._createEast(), el: this._createEast(),
width: 300, width: 300,
right: 20 right: 20,
}, },
center: this._createCenter() center: this._createCenter(),
} },
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.border", Demo.BorderLayout);


@ -1,35 +1,40 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.CenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class CenterLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.center_layout";
baseCls: "demo-center"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-center" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "", type: "",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "其实是一个grid嵌套absolute的实现", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "其实是一个grid嵌套absolute的实现",
whiteSpace: "normal" cls: "layout-bg1",
}, { whiteSpace: "normal",
type: "bi.label", },
text: "Center 2,为了演示label是占满整个的,用了一个whiteSpace:normal", {
cls: "layout-bg2", type: "bi.label",
whiteSpace: "normal" text: "Center 2,为了演示label是占满整个的,用了一个whiteSpace:normal",
}, { cls: "layout-bg2",
type: "bi.label", whiteSpace: "normal",
text: "Center 3", },
cls: "layout-bg3" {
}, { type: "bi.label",
type: "bi.label", text: "Center 3",
text: "Center 4", cls: "layout-bg3",
cls: "layout-bg5" },
}], {
type: "bi.label",
text: "Center 4",
cls: "layout-bg5",
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.center_layout", Demo.CenterLayout);


@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
Demo.CenterAdapt = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
props: {
baseCls: "demo-absolute" @shortcut()
}, export class CenterAdapt extends Widget {
render: function () { static xtype = "demo.center_adapt";
props = { baseCls: "demo-absolute" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.center_adapt", type: "bi.center_adapt",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "水平垂直居中", type: "bi.label",
width: 300, text: "水平垂直居中",
height: 200, width: 300,
cls: "layout-bg1" height: 200,
}] cls: "layout-bg1",
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.center_adapt", Demo.CenterAdapt);


@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.FloatCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class FloatCenterLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.float_center";
baseCls: "demo-float-center"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-float-center" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.float_center", type: "bi.float_center",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "floatCenter与center的不同在于,它可以控制最小宽度和最大宽度", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "floatCenter与center的不同在于,它可以控制最小宽度和最大宽度",
whiteSpace: "normal" cls: "layout-bg1",
}, { whiteSpace: "normal",
type: "bi.label", },
text: "浮动式的中间布局", {
cls: "layout-bg2", type: "bi.label",
whiteSpace: "normal" text: "浮动式的中间布局",
}], cls: "layout-bg2",
whiteSpace: "normal",
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 20 vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.float_center", Demo.FloatCenterLayout);


@ -1,84 +1,89 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.FlowLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-flow"
render: function () {
return {
type: "bi.center_adapt",
items: [{
type: "bi.left",
items: [{
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-1",
cls: "layout-bg1"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-2",
cls: "layout-bg2"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-3",
cls: "layout-bg3"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-4",
cls: "layout-bg4"
}, {
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-5",
cls: "layout-bg5"
}], @shortcut()
hgap: 20 export class FlowLayout extends Widget {
}, { static xtype = "demo.flow";
type: "bi.right",
hgap: 20,
items: [{
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-1",
cls: "layout-bg1"
}, { props = { baseCls: "demo-flow" };
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-2",
cls: "layout-bg2"
}, { render() {
type: "bi.label", return {
height: 30, type: "bi.center_adapt",
text: "Right-3", items: [
cls: "layout-bg3" {
type: "bi.left",
}, { items: [
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: "Right-4", height: 30,
cls: "layout-bg4" text: "Left-1",
cls: "layout-bg1",
}, { },
type: "bi.label", {
height: 30, type: "bi.label",
text: "Right-5", height: 30,
cls: "layout-bg5" text: "Left-2",
cls: "layout-bg2",
}], },
vgap: 20 {
}] type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-3",
cls: "layout-bg3",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-4",
cls: "layout-bg4",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Left-5",
cls: "layout-bg5",
hgap: 20,
type: "bi.right",
hgap: 20,
items: [
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-1",
cls: "layout-bg1",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-2",
cls: "layout-bg2",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-3",
cls: "layout-bg3",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-4",
cls: "layout-bg4",
type: "bi.label",
height: 30,
text: "Right-5",
cls: "layout-bg5",
vgap: 20,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.flow", Demo.FlowLayout);


@ -1,137 +1,153 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.GridLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class GridLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.grid";
baseCls: "demo-grid"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-grid" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 5, columns: 5,
rows: 3, rows: 3,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: { row: 0,
type: "bi.label", el: {
text: "column-0, row-0", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1" text: "column-0, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg1",
column: 1,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-1, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg2",
column: 2,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-2, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg6",
column: 3,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-3, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg3",
column: 4,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-4, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg4",
column: 0,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-0, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg5",
column: 1,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-1, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg6",
column: 2,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-2, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg7",
column: 3,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-3, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg1",
column: 4,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-4, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg3",
column: 0,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-0, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg2",
column: 1,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-1, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg3",
column: 2,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-2, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg4",
column: 3,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-3, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg5",
column: 4,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-4, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg6",
} }
}, { ],
column: 1,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-1, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg2"
}, {
column: 2,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-2, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg6"
}, {
column: 3,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-3, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg3"
}, {
column: 4,
row: 0,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-4, row-0",
cls: "layout-bg4"
}, {
column: 0,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-0, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg5"
}, {
column: 1,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-1, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg6"
}, {
column: 2,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-2, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg7"
}, {
column: 3,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-3, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg1"
}, {
column: 4,
row: 1,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-4, row-1",
cls: "layout-bg3"
}, {
column: 0,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-0, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg2"
}, {
column: 1,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-1, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg3"
}, {
column: 2,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-2, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg4"
}, {
column: 3,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-3, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg5"
}, {
column: 4,
row: 2,
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "column-4, row-2",
cls: "layout-bg6"
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.grid", Demo.GridLayout);


@ -1,126 +1,153 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/21. import { VerticalAlign, HorizontalAlign } from "@/core";
Demo.Horizontal = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { @shortcut()
props: { export class Horizontal extends Widget {
baseCls: "demo-horizontal" static xtype = "demo.horizontal";
render: function () { props = { baseCls: "demo-horizontal" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.horizontal", {
height: 150, type: "bi.horizontal",
hgap: 10, height: 150,
items: [{ hgap: 10,
type: "bi.label", items: [
whiteSpace: "normal", {
text: "因为大多数场景下都需要垂直居中,所以这个布局一般会被vertical_adapt布局设置scrollx=true取代", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg3", whiteSpace: "normal",
width: 500, text: "因为大多数场景下都需要垂直居中,所以这个布局一般会被vertical_adapt布局设置scrollx=true取代",
height: 50 cls: "layout-bg3",
}, { width: 500,
type: "bi.label", height: 50,
text: "水平布局", },
cls: "layout-bg4", {
width: 300, type: "bi.label",
height: 30 text: "水平布局",
}, { cls: "layout-bg4",
type: "bi.label", width: 300,
text: "水平布局", height: 30,
cls: "layout-bg5", },
width: 300, {
height: 30 type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "水平布局",
type: "bi.label", cls: "layout-bg5",
text: "水平布局", width: 300,
cls: "layout-bg6", height: 30,
width: 300, },
height: 30 {
}] type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "水平布局",
type: "bi.layout", cls: "layout-bg6",
height: 1, width: 300,
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border" height: 30,
}, { }
type: "bi.horizontal", ],
height: 150, },
verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Middle, {
horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Left, type: "bi.layout",
vgap: 10, height: 1,
items: [{ cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border",
type: "bi.label", },
text: "以horizontal实现的vertical_adapt垂直居中", {
cls: "layout-bg1", type: "bi.horizontal",
width: 300, height: 150,
height: 30 verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Middle,
}, { horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Left,
type: "bi.label", vgap: 10,
text: "以horizontal实现的vertical_adapt垂直居中", items: [
cls: "layout-bg2", {
width: 300, type: "bi.label",
height: 30 text: "以horizontal实现的vertical_adapt垂直居中",
}] cls: "layout-bg1",
}, { width: 300,
type: "bi.layout", height: 30,
height: 1, },
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border" {
}, { type: "bi.label",
type: "bi.horizontal", text: "以horizontal实现的vertical_adapt垂直居中",
height: 150, cls: "layout-bg2",
verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top, width: 300,
horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Center, height: 30,
items: [{ }
type: "bi.label", ],
text: "以horizontal代替horizontal_adapt实现的水平居中(单元素)", },
cls: "layout-bg1", {
width: 300, type: "bi.layout",
height: 30 height: 1,
}] cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border",
}, { },
type: "bi.layout", {
height: 1, type: "bi.horizontal",
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border" height: 150,
}, { verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top,
type: "bi.horizontal", horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Center,
height: 150, items: [
verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top, {
horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Center, type: "bi.label",
columnSize: [300, "fill"], text: "以horizontal代替horizontal_adapt实现的水平居中(单元素)",
items: [{ cls: "layout-bg1",
type: "bi.label", width: 300,
text: "以horizontal代替horizontal_adapt实现的用于水平适应布局", height: 30,
cls: "layout-bg1", }
height: 30 ],
}, { },
type: "bi.label", {
text: "以horizontal代替horizontal_adapt实现的水平自适应列", type: "bi.layout",
cls: "layout-bg2", height: 1,
height: 30 cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border",
}] },
}, { {
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.horizontal",
height: 1, height: 150,
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border" verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Top,
}, { horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Center,
type: "bi.center_adapt", columnSize: [300, "fill"],
height: 150, items: [
verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Middle, {
horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Center, type: "bi.label",
items: [{ text: "以horizontal代替horizontal_adapt实现的用于水平适应布局",
type: "bi.label", cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "以horizontal代替center_adapt实现的水平垂直居中", height: 30,
width: 300, },
height: 100, {
cls: "layout-bg1" type: "bi.label",
}] text: "以horizontal代替horizontal_adapt实现的水平自适应列",
}, { cls: "layout-bg2",
type: "bi.layout", height: 30,
height: 1, }
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border" ],
}] },
type: "bi.layout",
height: 1,
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border",
type: "bi.center_adapt",
height: 150,
verticalAlign: BI.VerticalAlign.Middle,
horizontalAlign: BI.HorizontalAlign.Center,
items: [
type: "bi.label",
text: "以horizontal代替center_adapt实现的水平垂直居中",
width: 300,
height: 100,
cls: "layout-bg1",
type: "bi.layout",
height: 1,
cls: "bi-border-bottom bi-high-light-border",
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.horizontal", Demo.Horizontal);


@ -1,57 +1,64 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.HorizontalAdapt = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-horizontal-adapt"
_createLayout: function () { @shortcut()
return BI.createWidget({ export class HorizontalAdapt extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.horizontal_adapt";
props = { baseCls: "demo-horizontal-adapt" };
_createLayout() {
return createWidget({
type: "bi.horizontal_adapt", type: "bi.horizontal_adapt",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "例子1:可用做水平居中", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "例子1:可用做水平居中",
width: 300, cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 30 width: 300,
}] height: 30,
}); });
}, }
_createAdaptLayout: function () { _createAdaptLayout() {
return BI.createWidget({ return createWidget({
type: "bi.horizontal_adapt", type: "bi.horizontal_adapt",
columnSize: [300, "fill"], columnSize: [300, "fill"],
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "例子2:用于水平适应布局", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "例子2:用于水平适应布局",
height: 30 cls: "layout-bg1",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.label", },
text: "水平自适应列", {
cls: "layout-bg2", type: "bi.label",
height: 30 text: "水平自适应列",
}] cls: "layout-bg2",
height: 30,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 1, columns: 1,
rows: 2, rows: 2,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: this._createLayout() row: 0,
}, { el: this._createLayout(),
column: 0, },
row: 1, {
el: this._createAdaptLayout() column: 0,
}] row: 1,
el: this._createAdaptLayout(),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.horizontal_adapt", Demo.HorizontalAdapt);


@ -1,41 +1,45 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.HorizontalAuto = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-horizontal-auto"
_createLayout: function () { @shortcut()
return BI.createWidget({ export class HorizontalAuto extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.horizontal_auto";
props = { baseCls: "demo-horizontal-auto" };
_createLayout() {
return createWidget({
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", type: "bi.horizontal_auto",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "水平居中", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "水平居中",
width: 300, cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 30 width: 300,
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.label", },
text: "水平居中优先使用该布局", {
cls: "layout-bg2", type: "bi.label",
width: 300, text: "水平居中优先使用该布局",
height: 30 cls: "layout-bg2",
}] width: 300,
height: 30,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 1, columns: 1,
rows: 2, rows: 2,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: this._createLayout() row: 0,
}] el: this._createLayout(),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.horizontal_auto", Demo.HorizontalAuto);


@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.HorizontalFloat = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-horizontal-float"
render: function () { @shortcut()
export class HorizontalFloat extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.horizontal_float";
props = { baseCls: "demo-horizontal-float" };
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.horizontal_float", type: "bi.horizontal_float",
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "浮动式水平居中布局方案,用于宽度未知的情况", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "浮动式水平居中布局方案,用于宽度未知的情况",
height: 30 cls: "layout-bg1",
}] height: 30,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.horizontal_float", Demo.HorizontalFloat);


@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.HtapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class HtapeLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.htape";
baseCls: "demo-htape"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-htape" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.htape", type: "bi.htape",
items: [ items: [
@ -14,25 +15,26 @@ Demo.HtapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "1", text: "1",
cls: "bi-background" cls: "bi-background",
} },
}, { },
width: 200, width: 200,
el: { el: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "2", text: "2",
cls: "layout-bg2" cls: "layout-bg2",
} },
}, { },
width: "fill", width: "fill",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "3", text: "3",
cls: "layout-bg3" cls: "layout-bg3",
} },
} }
] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.htape", Demo.HtapeLayout);


@ -1,44 +1,50 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.left_right_vertical_adapt";
baseCls: "demo-left-right-vertical-adapt"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-left-right-vertical-adapt" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.left_right_vertical_adapt", type: "bi.left_right_vertical_adapt",
lhgap: 10, lhgap: 10,
rhgap: 30, rhgap: 30,
items: { items: {
left: [{ left: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "左边的垂直居中", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "左边的垂直居中",
width: 100, cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 30 width: 100,
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.label", },
text: "左边的垂直居中", {
cls: "layout-bg2", type: "bi.label",
width: 100, text: "左边的垂直居中",
height: 30 cls: "layout-bg2",
}], width: 100,
right: [{ height: 30,
type: "bi.label", }
text: "右边的垂直居中", ],
cls: "layout-bg1", right: [
width: 100, {
height: 30 type: "bi.label",
}, { text: "右边的垂直居中",
type: "bi.label", cls: "layout-bg1",
text: "右边的垂直居中", width: 100,
cls: "layout-bg2", height: 30,
width: 100, },
height: 30 {
}] type: "bi.label",
} text: "右边的垂直居中",
cls: "layout-bg2",
width: 100,
height: 30,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.left_right_vertical_adapt", Demo.LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout);


@ -1,145 +1,148 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createItems } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-table-layout"
_createTable1: function () { @shortcut()
export class TableLayout extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.table_layout";
props = { baseCls: "demo-table-layout" };
_createTable1() {
return { return {
type: "bi.table", type: "bi.table",
items: BI.createItems([ items: createItems(
el: {
cls: "layout-bg1"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg2"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg3"
[ [
{ [
el: { {
cls: "layout-bg4" el: {
} cls: "layout-bg1",
}, },
{ },
el: { {
cls: "layout-bg5" el: {
} cls: "layout-bg2",
}, },
{ },
el: { {
cls: "layout-bg6" el: {
} cls: "layout-bg3",
} },
el: {
cls: "layout-bg4",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg5",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg6",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg7",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg8",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg1",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg2",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg3",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg4",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg5",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg6",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg7",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg8",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg1",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg2",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg6",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg7",
el: {
cls: "layout-bg8",
], ],
[ {
{ type: "bi.layout",
el: { }
cls: "layout-bg7" ),
el: {
cls: "layout-bg8"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg1"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg2"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg3"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg4"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg5"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg6"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg7"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg8"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg1"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg2"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg6"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg7"
el: {
cls: "layout-bg8"
], {
type: "bi.layout"
columnSize: [100, "fill", 200], columnSize: [100, "fill", 200],
rowSize: [10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130], rowSize: [10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130],
hgap: 20, hgap: 20,
vgap: 10 vgap: 10,
}; };
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 1, columns: 1,
@ -148,15 +151,14 @@ Demo.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
{ {
column: 0, column: 0,
row: 0, row: 0,
el: this._createTable1() el: this._createTable1(),
} }
// , { // , {
// column: 0, // column: 0,
// row: 1, // row: 1,
// el: this._createTable2() // el: this._createTable2()
// } // }
] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.table_layout", Demo.TableLayout);


@ -1,59 +1,73 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createItems } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.TdLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class TdLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "";
baseCls: "demo-td"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-td" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
items: [{ items: [
type: "", {
columnSize: [100, 100, ""], type: "",
items: BI.createItems([ columnSize: [100, 100, ""],
[{ items: createItems(
el: { [
type: "bi.label", [
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写", {
cls: "layout-bg1" el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg1",
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg2",
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg3",
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg5",
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg6",
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg7",
whiteSpace: "normal",
} }
}, { ),
el: { }
type: "bi.label", ],
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg2"
}, {
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg3"
}], [{
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg5"
}, {
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg6"
}, {
el: {
type: "bi.label",
text: "这是一段可以换行的文字,为了使它换行我要多写几个字,但是我又凑不够这么多的字,万般焦急下,只能随便写写",
cls: "layout-bg7"
], {
whiteSpace: "normal"
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("", Demo.TdLayout);


@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/21.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.VerticalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class VerticalLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.vertical";
baseCls: "demo-vertical"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-vertical" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
cls: "layout-bg3", type: "bi.label",
text: "垂直布局", cls: "layout-bg3",
height: 30 text: "垂直布局",
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.label", },
cls: "layout-bg4", {
text: "垂直布局", type: "bi.label",
height: 30 cls: "layout-bg4",
}] text: "垂直布局",
height: 30,
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.vertical", Demo.VerticalLayout);


@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, createWidget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
Demo.VerticalAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-vertical-adapt"
_createLayout: function () { @shortcut()
return BI.createWidget({ export class VerticalAdaptLayout extends Widget {
static xtype = "demo.vertical_adapt";
props = { baseCls: "demo-vertical-adapt" };
_createLayout() {
return createWidget({
type: "bi.vertical_adapt", type: "bi.vertical_adapt",
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.label", {
text: "垂直居中", type: "bi.label",
cls: "layout-bg1", text: "垂直居中",
width: 300, cls: "layout-bg1",
height: 30 width: 300,
}, { height: 30,
type: "bi.label", },
text: "垂直居中", {
cls: "layout-bg2", type: "bi.label",
width: 300, text: "垂直居中",
height: 30 cls: "layout-bg2",
}] width: 300,
height: 30,
}); });
}, }
render: function () { render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.grid", type: "bi.grid",
columns: 2, columns: 2,
rows: 1, rows: 1,
items: [{ items: [
column: 0, {
row: 0, column: 0,
el: this._createLayout() row: 0,
}] el: this._createLayout(),
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.vertical_adapt", Demo.VerticalAdaptLayout);


@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget } from "@/core";
* Created by User on 2017/3/22.
*/ @shortcut()
Demo.VtapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { export class VtapeLayout extends Widget {
props: { static xtype = "demo.vtape";
baseCls: "demo-vtape"
}, props = { baseCls: "demo-vtape" };
render: function () {
render() {
return { return {
type: "bi.vtape", type: "bi.vtape",
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
@ -15,27 +16,28 @@ Demo.VtapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
el: { el: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "1", text: "1",
cls: "layout-bg1" cls: "layout-bg1",
}, },
tgap: 10, tgap: 10,
vgap: 10 vgap: 10,
}, { },
height: 200, height: 200,
el: { el: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "2", text: "2",
cls: "layout-bg2" cls: "layout-bg2",
} },
}, { },
height: "fill", height: "fill",
el: { el: {
type: "bi.label", type: "bi.label",
text: "3", text: "3",
cls: "layout-bg3" cls: "layout-bg3",
} },
} }
] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.vtape", Demo.VtapeLayout);


@ -1,68 +1,78 @@
/** import { shortcut, Widget, UUID } from "@/core";
* Created by Windy on 2017/12/13. import { Layers } from "@/base";
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { @shortcut()
props: { export class Func extends Widget {
baseCls: "demo-func" static xtype = "demo.layer";
render: function () { props = { baseCls: "demo-func" };
var self = this, id1 = BI.UUID(), id2 = BI.UUID();
render() {
const self = this,
id1 = UUID(),
id2 = UUID();
return { return {
type: "bi.vertical", type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 10, vgap: 10,
items: [{ items: [
type: "bi.button", {
text: "create形式创建layer, 遮住当前面板, 返回创建的面板对象", type: "bi.button",
height: 30, text: "create形式创建layer, 遮住当前面板, 返回创建的面板对象",
handler: function () { height: 30,
BI.Layers.create(id1, self, { handler() {
//偏移量 Layers.create(id1, self, {
offset: { // 偏移量
left: 10, offset: {
right: 10, left: 10,
top: 10, right: 10,
bottom: 10 top: 10,
}, bottom: 10,
type: "bi.center_adapt", },
cls: "bi-card", type: "bi.center_adapt",
items: [{ cls: "bi-card",
type: "bi.button", items: [
text: "点击关闭", {
handler: function () { type: "bi.button",
BI.Layers.hide(id1); text: "点击关闭",
} handler() {
}] Layers.hide(id1);
}); },; }
} ],
}, { });
type: "bi.button",;
text: "make形式创建layer,可以指定放到哪个面板内,这里指定当前面板(默认放在body下撑满), 返回创建的面板对象", },
height: 30, },
handler: function () { {
BI.Layers.make(id2, self, { type: "bi.button",
//偏移量 text: "make形式创建layer,可以指定放到哪个面板内,这里指定当前面板(默认放在body下撑满), 返回创建的面板对象",
offset: { height: 30,
left: 10, handler() {
right: 10, Layers.make(id2, self, {
top: 10, // 偏移量
bottom: 10 offset: {
}, left: 10,
type: "bi.center_adapt", right: 10,
cls: "bi-card", top: 10,
items: [{ bottom: 10,
type: "bi.button", },
text: "点击关闭", type: "bi.center_adapt",
handler: function () { cls: "bi-card",
BI.Layers.remove(id2); items: [
} {
}] type: "bi.button",
}); text: "点击关闭",; handler() {
} }
}] ],
}; };
} }
}); }
BI.shortcut("demo.layer", Demo.Func);

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