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iapyang 3 years ago
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# 更新日志 # 更新日志
- 支持BI.config(function(){})进行系统配置
- 限制了复选下拉框一次粘贴添加值个数最大2000
2.0(2021-10) 2.0(2021-10)
- combo增加window.blur事件触发隐藏 - combo增加window.blur事件触发隐藏
2.0(2021-09) 2.0(2021-09)
- 支持自动watch - 支持自动watch
- 支持h函数传递left、right,优化left_right_vertical_adapt布局的jsx写法 - 支持h函数传递left、right,优化left_right_vertical_adapt布局的jsx写法

dist/fix/fix.compact.js vendored

@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ = target = targetStack.pop(); = target = targetStack.pop();
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var oldWatch =; var oldWatch =; = function (model, expOrFn, cb, options) { = function (model, expOrFn, cb, options) {
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Binary file not shown.

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content="PullRequest is a platform for code review, built for teams of all sizes. We have thousands of on-demand reviewers and they are backed by best-in-class automation tools. Because code quality is important."
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BI.config("bi.provider.system", function (provider) {
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css: {
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text: "PullRequest provides on-demand code review by world-class engineers, built for teams of any size. We review within your tools to catch security threats, stop crashes, and fix performance issues before they reach production.",
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text: "Move fast and reduce cycle times.",
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color: "#28557a",
text: "Save time reviewing code so you can focus on shipping new features.",
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text: "Deliver high quality code with an extra line of defense to prevent security vulnerabilities and other fatal flaws.",
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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
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@ -197,5 +197,6 @@ BI.i18n = {
"BI-Basic_Year_Month_Range_Error": "请选择{R1}年{R2}月-{R3}年{R4}月的日期", "BI-Basic_Year_Month_Range_Error": "请选择{R1}年{R2}月-{R3}年{R4}月的日期",
"BI-Basic_Year_Quarter_Range_Error": "请选择{R1}年{R2}季度-{R3}年{R4}季度的日期", "BI-Basic_Year_Quarter_Range_Error": "请选择{R1}年{R2}季度-{R3}年{R4}季度的日期",
"BI-Basic_Search_And_Patch_Paste": "搜索,支持批量粘贴、粘贴值通过换行识别", "BI-Basic_Search_And_Patch_Paste": "搜索,支持批量粘贴、粘贴值通过换行识别",
"BI-Basic_Recommend_Color": "推荐色" "BI-Basic_Recommend_Color": "推荐色",
"BI-Basic_Too_Much_Value_Get_Two_Thousand": "粘贴的值过多,只能识别出前2000个值"
}; };


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@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ BI.BasicButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
_init: function () { _init: function () {
BI.BasicButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); BI.BasicButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments);
var opts = this.options; var opts = this.options;
if (opts.selected === true) {
BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () {
}, this));
BI.nextTick(BI.bind(this.bindEvent, this));
if (opts.shadow) { if (opts.shadow) {
this._createShadow(); this._createShadow();
@ -46,6 +40,14 @@ BI.BasicButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
} }
}, },
_initRef: function () {
if (this.options.selected === true) {
BI.BasicButton.superclass._initRef.apply(this, arguments);
// 默认render方法 // 默认render方法
render: function () { render: function () {
return this.options.el; return this.options.el;


@ -9,18 +9,17 @@
BI.NodeButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { BI.NodeButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, {
_defaultConfig: function () { _defaultConfig: function () {
var conf = BI.NodeButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); var conf = BI.NodeButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments);
return BI.extend( conf, { return BI.extend(conf, {
_baseCls: (conf._baseCls || "") + " bi-node", _baseCls: (conf._baseCls || "") + " bi-node",
open: false open: false
}); });
}, },
_init: function () { _initRef: function () {
BI.NodeButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isOpened()) {
var self = this; this.setOpened(this.isOpened());
BI.nextTick(function () { }
self.setOpened(self.isOpened()); BI.NodeButton.superclass._initRef.apply(this, arguments);
}, },
doClick: function () { doClick: function () {
@ -41,14 +40,14 @@ BI.NodeButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, {
}, },
triggerCollapse: function () { triggerCollapse: function () {
if(this.isOpened()) { if (this.isOpened()) {
this.setOpened(false); this.setOpened(false);
this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, this.getValue(), this);
} }
}, },
triggerExpand: function () { triggerExpand: function () {
if(!this.isOpened()) { if (!this.isOpened()) {
this.setOpened(true); this.setOpened(true);
this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, this.getValue(), this);
} }


@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ BI.Input = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
var _keydown = BI.debounce(function (keyCode) { var _keydown = BI.debounce(function (keyCode) {
self.onKeyDown(keyCode, ctrlKey); self.onKeyDown(keyCode, ctrlKey);
self._keydown_ = false; self._keydown_ = false;
var _clk = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._click, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { var _clk = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._click, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, {
"leading": true, "leading": true,
"trailing": false "trailing": false
@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ BI.Input = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
"leading": true, "leading": true,
"trailing": false "trailing": false
}); });
this._blurDebounce = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._blur, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME); this._blurDebounce = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._blur, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, {
"leading": true,
"trailing": false
this.element this.element
.keydown(function (e) { .keydown(function (e) {
inputEventValid = false; inputEventValid = false;
@ -92,7 +95,11 @@ BI.Input = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
_blur: function () { _blur: function () {
var self = this; var self = this;
blur(); if (self._keydown_ === true) {
BI.delay(blur, 300);
} else {
function blur () { function blur () {
if (!self.isValid() && self.options.quitChecker.apply(self, [BI.trim(self.getValue())]) !== false) { if (!self.isValid() && self.options.quitChecker.apply(self, [BI.trim(self.getValue())]) !== false) {


@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ BI.Radio = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, {
var self = this, o = this.options; var self = this, o = this.options;
return { return {
type: "bi.center_adapt", type: "bi.center_adapt",
element: this.element,
items: [{ items: [{
type: "bi.layout", type: "bi.layout",
cls: "radio-content", cls: "radio-content",


@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ BI.SignEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
setWaterMark: function (v) { setWaterMark: function (v) {
this.options.watermark = v; this.options.watermark = v;
this.editor.setWaterMark(v); this.editor.setWaterMark(v);
}, },


@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
}); });
BI.createWidget({ BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.default", type: "bi.default",
element: this.element, element: this,
items: [this.tree] items: [this.tree]
}); });
}, },


@ -150,6 +150,11 @@
} }
}; };
BI.config = BI.config || function (type, configFn, opt) { BI.config = BI.config || function (type, configFn, opt) {
if (BI.isFunction(type)) {
opt = configFn;
configFn = type;
type = "bi.provider.system";
opt = opt || {}; opt = opt || {};
// 系统配置直接执行 // 系统配置直接执行
@ -171,84 +176,6 @@
fn: configFn, fn: configFn,
opt: opt opt: opt
}); });
// // 初始化过或者系统配置需要立刻执行
// if (BI.initialized || "bi.provider.system" === type) {
// if (constantInjection[type]) {
// return (constantInjection[type] = configFn(constantInjection[type]));
// }
// if (providerInjection[type]) {
// if (!providers[type]) {
// providers[type] = new providerInjection[type]();
// }
// // 如果config被重新配置的话,需要删除掉之前的实例
// if (providerInstance[type]) {
// delete providerInstance[type];
// }
// return configFn(providers[type]);
// }
// return BI.Plugin.configWidget(type, configFn, opt);
// }
// if (!configFunctions[type]) {
// configFunctions[type] = [];
// BI.prepares.push(function () {
// var queue = configFunctions[type];
// var dependencies = BI.Providers.getProvider("bi.provider.system").getDependencies();
// var modules = moduleInjectionMap.components[type]
// || moduleInjectionMap.constants[type]
// ||[type]
// || moduleInjectionMap.stores[type]
// || moduleInjectionMap.models[type]
// || moduleInjectionMap.providers[type];
// for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
// var conf = queue[i];
// var version = conf.opt.version;
// var fn = conf.fn;
// if (modules && version) {
// var findVersion = false;
// for (var j = 0; j < modules.length; j++) {
// var module = modules[i];
// if (module && dependencies[module.moduleId] && module.version === version) {
// var minVersion = dependencies[module.moduleId].minVersion,
// maxVersion = dependencies[module.moduleId].maxVersion;
// if (minVersion && (moduleInjection[module.moduleId].version || version) < minVersion) {
// findVersion = true;
// break;
// }
// if (maxVersion && (moduleInjection[module.moduleId].version || version) > maxVersion) {
// findVersion = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// if (findVersion === true) {
// _global.console && console.error("moduleId: [" + module.moduleId + "] 接口: [" + type + "] 接口版本: [" + version + "] 已过期,版本要求为:", dependencies[module.moduleId], "=>", moduleInjection[module.moduleId]);
// continue;
// }
// }
// if (constantInjection[type]) {
// constantInjection[type] = fn(constantInjection[type]);
// continue;
// }
// if (providerInjection[type]) {
// if (!providers[type]) {
// providers[type] = new providerInjection[type]();
// }
// if (providerInstance[type]) {
// delete providerInstance[type];
// }
// fn(providers[type]);
// continue;
// }
// BI.Plugin.configWidget(type, fn);
// }
// configFunctions[type] = null;
// });
// }
// configFunctions[type].push({
// fn: configFn,
// opt: opt
// });
}; };
BI.getReference = BI.getReference || function (type, fn) { BI.getReference = BI.getReference || function (type, fn) {


@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ BI.prepares.push(function () {
}); });
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_horizontal", function (ob) { BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_horizontal", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx !== false) { if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx !== false) {
if (ob.hgap > 0 || ob.rgap > 0) {// flex中最后一个margin-right不生效 if (ob.hgap > 0 || ob.lgap > 0 || ob.rgap > 0) {
if (BI.Providers.getProvider("bi.provider.system").getResponsiveMode()) { if (BI.Providers.getProvider("bi.provider.system").getResponsiveMode()) {
return BI.extend({}, ob, {type: "bi.responsive_flex_scrollable_horizontal"}); return BI.extend({}, ob, {type: "bi.responsive_flex_scrollable_horizontal"});
} }
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ BI.prepares.push(function () {
}); });
BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_vertical", function (ob) { BI.Plugin.configWidget("bi.flex_vertical", function (ob) {
if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true) { if (ob.scrollable === true || ob.scrollx === true) {
if (ob.hgap > 0 || ob.rgap > 0) {// flex中最后一个margin-right不生效 if (ob.hgap > 0 || ob.lgap > 0 || ob.rgap > 0) {
return BI.extend({}, ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical"}); return BI.extend({}, ob, {type: "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical"});
} }
} }


@ -267,26 +267,73 @@ BI.Layout = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
this.options.items.splice(index, 1); this.options.items.splice(index, 1);
}, },
_clearGap: function (w) {
"margin-top": "",
"margin-bottom": "",
"margin-left": "",
"margin-right": "",
_optimiseGap: function (gap) {
return gap > 0 && gap < 1 ? (gap * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : gap / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit;
_handleGap: function (w, item, hIndex, vIndex) { _handleGap: function (w, item, hIndex, vIndex) {
var o = this.options; var o = this.options;
if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
var top = ((BI.isNull(vIndex) || vIndex === 0) ? o.vgap : 0) + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-top": (((BI.isNull(vIndex) || vIndex === 0) ? o.vgap : 0) + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-top": this._optimiseGap(top)
}); });
} }
if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
var left = ((BI.isNull(hIndex) || hIndex === 0) ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-left": (((BI.isNull(hIndex) || hIndex === 0) ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-left": this._optimiseGap(left)
}); });
} }
if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
var right = o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-right": (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-right": this._optimiseGap(right)
}); });
} }
if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
var bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
"margin-bottom": this._optimiseGap(bottom)
// 横向换纵向
_handleReverseGap: function (w, item, index) {
var o = this.options;
if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
var top = (index === 0 ? o.vgap : 0) + (index === 0 ? o.tgap : 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
"margin-top": this._optimiseGap(top)
if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
var left = o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0);
"margin-left": this._optimiseGap(left)
if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
var right = o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0);
"margin-right": this._optimiseGap(right)
// 这里的代码是关键
if (o.vgap + o.hgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
var bottom = (index === o.items.length - 1 ? o.vgap : o.hgap) + (index === o.items.length - 1 ? o.bgap : 0) + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-bottom": (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-bottom": this._optimiseGap(bottom)
}); });
} }
}, },


@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); var w = BI.AbsoluteCenterLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: this._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)),
right: (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: this._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)),
top: (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: this._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)),
bottom: (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: this._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)),
margin: "auto" margin: "auto"
}); });
return w; return w;


@ -48,9 +48,7 @@ BI.TableAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var td, width = ""; var td, width = "";
var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width; var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width;
if (columnSize > 0) { if (columnSize > 0) {
width = columnSize < 1 ? width = this._optimiseGap(columnSize + (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap);
((columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%")
: (columnSize + (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap);
} }
if ((BI.isNull(columnSize) || columnSize === "") && this._hasFill()) { if ((BI.isNull(columnSize) || columnSize === "") && this._hasFill()) {
width = 2; width = 2;
@ -71,17 +69,16 @@ BI.TableAdaptLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch) { if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch) {
var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0),
bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0); bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + ((top + bottom) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")"); w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + this._optimiseGap(top + bottom) + ")");
} }
// 对于表现为td的元素设置最大宽度,有几点需要注意 // 对于表现为td的元素设置最大宽度,有几点需要注意
// 1、由于直接对td设置最大宽度是在规范中未定义的, 所以要使用类似td:firstChild来迂回实现 // 1、由于直接对td设置最大宽度是在规范中未定义的, 所以要使用类似td:firstChild来迂回实现
// 2、不能给多个td设置最大宽度,这样只会平分宽度 // 2、不能给多个td设置最大宽度,这样只会平分宽度
// 3、多百分比宽度就算了 // 3、多百分比宽度就算了
if (columnSize > 0) { if (columnSize > 0) {
columnSize = columnSize < 1 ? width : width / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit;
td.element.css({ td.element.css({
"max-width": columnSize, "max-width": width,
"min-width": columnSize "min-width": width
}); });
} }
if (i === 0) { if (i === 0) {


@ -43,42 +43,42 @@ BI.FloatHorizontalFillLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-top": (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-top": self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0))
}); });
} }
if (desc) { if (desc) {
if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-right": ((i === o.items.length - 1 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-right": self._optimiseGap((i === o.items.length - 1 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0))
}); });
} }
if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-left": (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-left": self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0))
}); });
} }
} else { } else {
if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-left": ((i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-left": self._optimiseGap((i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0))
}); });
} }
if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-right": (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-right": self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0))
}); });
} }
} }
if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-bottom": (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-bottom": self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0))
}); });
} }
var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0),
bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0); bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch && BI.isNull(item.height)) { if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch && BI.isNull(item.height)) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
height: "calc(100% - " + ((top + bottom) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" height: "calc(100% - " + self._optimiseGap(top + bottom) + ")"
}); });
} }
w.element.css({ w.element.css({


@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ BI.FlexHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
} }
if (columnSize > 0) { if (columnSize > 0) {
w.element.width(columnSize < 1 ? ((columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") : (columnSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit)); w.element.width(this._optimiseGap(columnSize));
} }
if (columnSize === "fill") { if (columnSize === "fill") {
w.element.addClass("f-f"); w.element.addClass("f-f");


@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ BI.FlexVerticalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
} }
if (rowSize > 0) { if (rowSize > 0) {
w.element.height(rowSize < 1 ? ((rowSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") : (rowSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit)); w.element.height(this._optimiseGap(rowSize));
} }
if (rowSize === "fill") { if (rowSize === "fill") {
w.element.addClass("f-f"); w.element.addClass("f-f");


@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ BI.FlexWrapperHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
} }
if (columnSize > 0) { if (columnSize > 0) {
w.element.width(columnSize < 1 ? ((columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") : (columnSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit)); w.element.width(this._optimiseGap(columnSize));
} }
if (columnSize === "fill") { if (columnSize === "fill") {
w.element.addClass("f-f"); w.element.addClass("f-f");


@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ BI.FlexWrapperVerticalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
} }
if (rowSize > 0) { if (rowSize > 0) {
w.element.height(rowSize < 1 ? ((rowSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") : (rowSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit)); w.element.height(this._optimiseGap(rowSize));
} }
if (rowSize === "fill") { if (rowSize === "fill") {
w.element.addClass("f-f"); w.element.addClass("f-f");


@ -25,57 +25,57 @@ BI.AbsoluteLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); var w = BI.AbsoluteLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments);
var left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0; var left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) {
w.element.css({left: BI.isNumber(item.left) ? item.left / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.left}); w.element.css({left: BI.isNumber(item.left) ? this._optimiseGap(item.left) : item.left});
left += item.left; left += item.left;
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) {
w.element.css({right: BI.isNumber(item.right) ? item.right / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.right}); w.element.css({right: BI.isNumber(item.right) ? this._optimiseGap(item.right) : item.right});
right += item.right; right += item.right;
} }
if (BI.isNotNull( { if (BI.isNotNull( {
w.element.css({top: BI.isNumber( ? / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit :}); w.element.css({top: BI.isNumber( ? this._optimiseGap( :});
top +=; top +=;
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) {
w.element.css({bottom: BI.isNumber(item.bottom) ? item.bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.bottom}); w.element.css({bottom: BI.isNumber(item.bottom) ? this._optimiseGap(item.bottom) : item.bottom});
bottom += item.bottom; bottom += item.bottom;
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(o.hgap)) { if (BI.isNotNull(o.hgap)) {
left += o.hgap; left += o.hgap;
w.element.css({left: left / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({left: this._optimiseGap(left)});
right += o.hgap; right += o.hgap;
w.element.css({right: right / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({right: this._optimiseGap(right)});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(o.vgap)) { if (BI.isNotNull(o.vgap)) {
top += o.vgap; top += o.vgap;
w.element.css({top: top / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({top: this._optimiseGap(top)});
bottom += o.vgap; bottom += o.vgap;
w.element.css({bottom: bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({bottom: this._optimiseGap(bottom)});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(o.lgap)) { if (BI.isNotNull(o.lgap)) {
left += o.lgap; left += o.lgap;
w.element.css({left: left / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({left: this._optimiseGap(left)});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(o.rgap)) { if (BI.isNotNull(o.rgap)) {
right += o.rgap; right += o.rgap;
w.element.css({right: right / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({right: this._optimiseGap(right)});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(o.tgap)) { if (BI.isNotNull(o.tgap)) {
top += o.tgap; top += o.tgap;
w.element.css({top: top / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({top: this._optimiseGap(top)});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(o.bgap)) { if (BI.isNotNull(o.bgap)) {
bottom += o.bgap; bottom += o.bgap;
w.element.css({bottom: bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit}); w.element.css({bottom: this._optimiseGap(bottom)});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.width)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.width)) {
w.element.css({width: BI.isNumber(item.width) ? item.width / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.width}); w.element.css({width: BI.isNumber(item.width) ? this._optimiseGap(item.width) : item.width});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.height)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.height)) {
w.element.css({height: BI.isNumber(item.height) ? item.height / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.height}); w.element.css({height: BI.isNumber(item.height) ? this._optimiseGap(item.height) : item.height});
} }
w.element.css({position: "absolute"}); w.element.css({position: "absolute"});
return w; return w;


@ -21,32 +21,32 @@ BI.AdaptiveLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
w.element.css({position: "relative"}); w.element.css({position: "relative"});
if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
left: BI.isNumber(item.left) ? item.left / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.left left: BI.isNumber(item.left) ? this._optimiseGap(item.left) : item.left
}); });
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
right: BI.isNumber(item.right) ? item.right / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.right right: BI.isNumber(item.right) ? this._optimiseGap(item.right) : item.right
}); });
} }
if (BI.isNotNull( { if (BI.isNotNull( {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
top: BI.isNumber( ? / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : top: BI.isNumber( ? this._optimiseGap( :
}); });
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
bottom: BI.isNumber(item.bottom) ? item.bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.bottom bottom: BI.isNumber(item.bottom) ? this._optimiseGap(item.bottom) : item.bottom
}); });
} }
this._handleGap(w, item); this._handleGap(w, item);
if (BI.isNotNull(item.width)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.width)) {
w.element.css({width: BI.isNumber(item.width) ? item.width / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.width}); w.element.css({width: BI.isNumber(item.width) ? this._optimiseGap(item.width) : item.width});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.height)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.height)) {
w.element.css({height: BI.isNumber(item.height) ? item.height / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.height}); w.element.css({height: BI.isNumber(item.height) ? this._optimiseGap(item.height) : item.height});
} }
return w; return w;
}, },


@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ BI.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
this.addWidget(this._getChildName("north"), w); this.addWidget(this._getChildName("north"), w);
} }
this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("north")).element.height(item.height / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("north")).element.height(this._optimiseGap(item.height))
.css({ .css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
top: ( || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: this._optimiseGap( || 0),
left: (item.left || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: this._optimiseGap(item.left || 0),
right: (item.right || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: this._optimiseGap(item.right || 0),
bottom: "initial" bottom: "initial"
}); });
} }
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ BI.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
this.addWidget(this._getChildName("south"), w); this.addWidget(this._getChildName("south"), w);
} }
this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("south")).element.height(item.height / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("south")).element.height(this._optimiseGap(item.height))
.css({ .css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
bottom: (item.bottom || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: this._optimiseGap(item.bottom || 0),
left: (item.left || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: this._optimiseGap(item.left || 0),
right: (item.right || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: this._optimiseGap(item.right || 0),
top: "initial" top: "initial"
}); });
} }
@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ BI.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
this.addWidget(this._getChildName("west"), w); this.addWidget(this._getChildName("west"), w);
} }
this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("west")).element.width(item.width / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("west")).element.width(this._optimiseGap(item.width))
.css({ .css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: (item.left || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: this._optimiseGap(item.left || 0),
top: top / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: this._optimiseGap(top),
bottom: bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: this._optimiseGap(bottom),
right: "initial" right: "initial"
}); });
} }
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ BI.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
this.addWidget(this._getChildName("east"), w); this.addWidget(this._getChildName("east"), w);
} }
this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("east")).element.width(item.width / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("east")).element.width(this._optimiseGap(item.width))
.css({ .css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
right: (item.right || 0) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: this._optimiseGap(item.right || 0),
top: top / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: this._optimiseGap(top),
bottom: bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: this._optimiseGap(bottom),
left: "initial" left: "initial"
}); });
} }
@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ BI.BorderLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("center")).element this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName("center")).element
.css({ .css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
top: top / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: this._optimiseGap(top),
bottom: bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: this._optimiseGap(bottom),
left: left / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: this._optimiseGap(left),
right: right / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit right: this._optimiseGap(right)
}); });
} }
} }


@ -38,7 +38,13 @@ BI.CardLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} else { } else {
var w = self.getWidgetByName(self._getChildName(item.cardName)); var w = self.getWidgetByName(self._getChildName(item.cardName));
} }
w.element.css({position: "absolute", top: "0", right: "0", bottom: "0", left: "0"}); w.element.css({
position: "relative",
top: "0",
left: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
w.setVisible(false); w.setVisible(false);
} }
}); });


@ -30,35 +30,39 @@ BI.FloatLeftLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI.FloatLeftLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); var w = BI.FloatLeftLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments);
w.element.css({position: "relative", float: "left"}); w.element.css({position: "relative", float: "left"});
if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.left)) {
w.element.css({left: BI.isNumber(item.left) ? item.left / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.left}); w.element.css({left: BI.isNumber(item.left) ? this._optimiseGap(item.left) : item.left});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.right)) {
w.element.css({right: BI.isNumber(item.right) ? item.right / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.right}); w.element.css({right: BI.isNumber(item.right) ? this._optimiseGap(item.right) : item.right});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull( { if (BI.isNotNull( {
w.element.css({top: BI.isNumber( ? / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit :}); w.element.css({top: BI.isNumber( ? this._optimiseGap( :});
} }
if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) { if (BI.isNotNull(item.bottom)) {
w.element.css({bottom: BI.isNumber(item.bottom) ? item.bottom / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : item.bottom}); w.element.css({bottom: BI.isNumber(item.bottom) ? this._optimiseGap(item.bottom) : item.bottom});
} }
if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
var top = o.vgap / 2 + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-top": (o.vgap / 2 + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-top": this._optimiseGap(top)
}); });
} }
if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
var left = o.hgap / 2 + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-left": (o.hgap / 2 + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-left": this._optimiseGap(left)
}); });
} }
if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
var right = o.hgap / 2 + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-right": (o.hgap / 2 + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-right": this._optimiseGap(right)
}); });
} }
if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
var bottom = o.vgap / 2 + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
"margin-bottom": (o.vgap / 2 + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-bottom": this._optimiseGap(bottom)
}); });
} }
return w; return w;


@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ BI.InlineLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
}); });
w.element.addClass("i-item"); w.element.addClass("i-item");
if (columnSize === "fill" || columnSize === "") { if (columnSize === "fill" || columnSize === "") {
var length = o.hgap; var length = 0, gap = o.hgap;
var fillCount = 0, autoCount = 0; var fillCount = 0, autoCount = 0;
for (var k = 0, len = o.columnSize.length || o.items.length; k < len; k++) { for (var k = 0, len = o.columnSize.length || o.items.length; k < len; k++) {
var cz = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[k] : o.items[k].width; var cz = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[k] : o.items[k].width;
@ -63,16 +63,19 @@ BI.InlineLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
autoCount++; autoCount++;
cz = 0; cz = 0;
} }
length += o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap + (o.items[k].lgap || 0) + (o.items[k].rgap || 0) + (o.items[k].hgap || 0) + cz; gap += o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap + (o.items[k].lgap || 0) + (o.items[k].rgap || 0) + (o.items[k].hgap || 0);
length += cz;
} }
length = length > 0 && length < 1 ? (length * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit;
gap = gap > 0 && gap < 1 ? (gap * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : gap / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit;
if (columnSize === "fill") { if (columnSize === "fill") {
w.element.css("min-width", "calc((100% - " + (length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" + (fillCount > 1 ? "/" + fillCount : "") + ")"); w.element.css("min-width", "calc((100% - " + length + " - " + gap + ")" + (fillCount > 1 ? "/" + fillCount : "") + ")");
} }
if (o.horizontalAlign === BI.HorizontalAlign.Stretch || !(o.scrollable === true || o.scrollx === true)) { if (o.horizontalAlign === BI.HorizontalAlign.Stretch || !(o.scrollable === true || o.scrollx === true)) {
if (columnSize === "fill") { if (columnSize === "fill") {
w.element.css("max-width", "calc((100% - " + (length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" + (fillCount > 1 ? "/" + fillCount : "") + ")"); w.element.css("max-width", "calc((100% - " + length + " - " + gap + ")" + (fillCount > 1 ? "/" + fillCount : "") + ")");
} else { } else {
w.element.css("max-width", "calc((100% - " + (length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" + (autoCount > 1 ? "/" + autoCount : "") + ")"); w.element.css("max-width", "calc((100% - " + length + " - " + gap + ")" + (autoCount > 1 ? "/" + autoCount : "") + ")");
} }
} }
} }
@ -80,7 +83,8 @@ BI.InlineLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch && BI.isNull(item.height)) { if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch && BI.isNull(item.height)) {
var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0),
bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0); bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + ((top + bottom) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")"); var gap = (top + bottom) > 0 && (top + bottom) < 1 ? ((top + bottom) * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : (top + bottom) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit;
w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + gap + ")");
} }
return w; return w;
}, },


@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ BI.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
abs.push(BI.extend({ abs.push(BI.extend({
top: 0, top: 0,
bottom: 0, bottom: 0,
left: o.columnSize[i] < 1 ? (left * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : left, left: this._optimiseGap(left),
width: o.columnSize[i] < 1 ? (o.columnSize[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : o.columnSize[i] width: this._optimiseGap(o.columnSize[i])
}, arr[i])); }, arr[i]));
left += o.columnSize[i] + (o.columnSize[i] < 1 ? 0 : o.hgap); left += o.columnSize[i] + (o.columnSize[i] < 1 ? 0 : o.hgap);
} else { } else {
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ BI.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
abs.push(BI.extend({ abs.push(BI.extend({
top: 0, top: 0,
bottom: 0, bottom: 0,
right: o.columnSize[j] < 1 ? (right * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : right, right: this._optimiseGap(right),
width: o.columnSize[j] < 1 ? (o.columnSize[j] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : o.columnSize[j] width: this._optimiseGap(o.columnSize[j])
}, arr[j])); }, arr[j]));
right += o.columnSize[j] + (o.columnSize[j] < 1 ? 0 : o.hgap); right += o.columnSize[j] + (o.columnSize[j] < 1 ? 0 : o.hgap);
} else { } else {
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ BI.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
abs.push(BI.extend({ abs.push(BI.extend({
top: 0, top: 0,
bottom: 0, bottom: 0,
left: left < 1 ? (left * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : left, left: this._optimiseGap(left),
right: right < 1 ? (right * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : right right: this._optimiseGap(right)
}, arr[i])); }, arr[i]));
} }
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget({ var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget({
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ BI.TableLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
}); });
if (this.rows > 0) { if (this.rows > 0) {
this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(this.rows - 1)).element.css({ this.getWidgetByName(this._getChildName(this.rows - 1)).element.css({
"margin-bottom": o.vgap / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit "margin-bottom": this._optimiseGap(o.vgap)
}); });
} }
w.element.css({ w.element.css({


@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ BI.HTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
top: ((item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: self._optimiseGap((item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap),
bottom: ((item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit bottom: self._optimiseGap((item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.bgap)
}); });
if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Middle) { if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Middle) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
@ -77,17 +77,11 @@ BI.HTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var preColumnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i - 1] : items[i - 1].width; var preColumnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i - 1] : items[i - 1].width;
left[i] = left[i - 1] + preColumnSize + (items[i - 1].lgap || 0) + (items[i - 1].rgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i - 1].hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap; left[i] = left[i - 1] + preColumnSize + (items[i - 1].lgap || 0) + (items[i - 1].rgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i - 1].hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap;
} }
if (columnSize < 1 && columnSize > 0) { w.element.css({
w.element.css({ left: self._optimiseGap(left[i] + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap),
left: (left[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%", width: BI.isNumber(columnSize) ? self._optimiseGap(columnSize) : ""
width: (columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" });
} else {
left: (left[i] + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit,
width: BI.isNumber(columnSize) ? columnSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : ""
if (columnSize === "" || columnSize === "fill") { if (columnSize === "" || columnSize === "fill") {
return true; return true;
} }
@ -102,17 +96,11 @@ BI.HTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var nextColumnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i + 1] : items[i + 1].width; var nextColumnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i + 1] : items[i + 1].width;
right[i] = right[i + 1] + nextColumnSize + (items[i + 1].lgap || 0) + (items[i + 1].rgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i + 1].hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap; right[i] = right[i + 1] + nextColumnSize + (items[i + 1].lgap || 0) + (items[i + 1].rgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i + 1].hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap;
} }
if (columnSize < 1 && columnSize > 0) { w.element.css({
w.element.css({ right: self._optimiseGap(right[i] + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.rgap),
right: (right[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%", width: BI.isNumber(columnSize) ? self._optimiseGap(columnSize) : ""
width: (columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" });
} else {
right: (right[i] + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit,
width: BI.isNumber(columnSize) ? columnSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : ""
if (columnSize === "" || columnSize === "fill") { if (columnSize === "" || columnSize === "fill") {
return true; return true;
} }
@ -175,8 +163,8 @@ BI.VTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: ((item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: self._optimiseGap((item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap),
right: ((item.hgap || 0) + (item.rgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit right: self._optimiseGap((item.hgap || 0) + (item.rgap || 0) + o.hgap + o.rgap)
}); });
if (o.horizontalAlign === BI.HorizontalAlign.Center) { if (o.horizontalAlign === BI.HorizontalAlign.Center) {
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
@ -209,17 +197,11 @@ BI.VTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var preRowSize = o.rowSize.length > 0 ? o.rowSize[i - 1] : items[i - 1].height; var preRowSize = o.rowSize.length > 0 ? o.rowSize[i - 1] : items[i - 1].height;
top[i] = top[i - 1] + preRowSize + (items[i - 1].tgap || 0) + (items[i - 1].bgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i - 1].vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + o.bgap; top[i] = top[i - 1] + preRowSize + (items[i - 1].tgap || 0) + (items[i - 1].bgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i - 1].vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + o.bgap;
} }
if (rowSize < 1 && rowSize > 0) { w.element.css({
w.element.css({ top: self._optimiseGap(top[i] + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap),
top: (top[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%", height: BI.isNumber(rowSize) ? self._optimiseGap(rowSize) : ""
height: (rowSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" });
} else {
top: (top[i] + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.tgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit,
height: BI.isNumber(rowSize) ? rowSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : ""
if (rowSize === "" || rowSize === "fill") { if (rowSize === "" || rowSize === "fill") {
return true; return true;
} }
@ -234,17 +216,11 @@ BI.VTapeLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var nextRowSize = o.rowSize.length > 0 ? o.rowSize[i + 1] : items[i + 1].height; var nextRowSize = o.rowSize.length > 0 ? o.rowSize[i + 1] : items[i + 1].height;
bottom[i] = bottom[i + 1] + nextRowSize + (items[i + 1].tgap || 0) + (items[i + 1].bgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i + 1].vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + o.bgap; bottom[i] = bottom[i + 1] + nextRowSize + (items[i + 1].tgap || 0) + (items[i + 1].bgap || 0) + 2 * (items[i + 1].vgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.tgap + o.bgap;
} }
if (rowSize < 1 && rowSize > 0) { w.element.css({
w.element.css({ bottom: self._optimiseGap(bottom[i] + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.bgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.bgap),
bottom: (bottom[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%", height: BI.isNumber(rowSize) ? self._optimiseGap(rowSize) : ""
height: (rowSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" });
} else {
bottom: (bottom[i] + (item.vgap || 0) + (item.bgap || 0) + o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit,
height: BI.isNumber(rowSize) ? rowSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit : ""
if (rowSize === "" || rowSize === "fill") { if (rowSize === "" || rowSize === "fill") {
return true; return true;
} }


@ -75,15 +75,14 @@ BI.TdLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
} }
} }
var height = o.rowSize[idx] === "" ? "" : (o.rowSize[idx] < 1 ? ((o.rowSize[idx] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") : o.rowSize[idx]); var height = o.rowSize[idx] === "" ? "" : this._optimiseGap(o.rowSize[idx]);
var rowHeight = BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[idx]) ? (o.rowSize[idx] <= 1 ? height : height / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) : height;
var tr = BI._lazyCreateWidget({ var tr = BI._lazyCreateWidget({
type: "bi.default", type: "bi.default",
tagName: "tr", tagName: "tr",
height: height, height: height,
css: { css: {
"max-height": rowHeight, "max-height": height,
"min-height": rowHeight "min-height": height
} }
}); });
@ -92,37 +91,16 @@ BI.TdLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch) { if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch) {
var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (arr[i].tgap || 0) + (arr[i].vgap || 0), var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (arr[i].tgap || 0) + (arr[i].vgap || 0),
bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (arr[i].bgap || 0) + (arr[i].vgap || 0); bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (arr[i].bgap || 0) + (arr[i].vgap || 0);
w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + ((top + bottom) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")"); w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + this._optimiseGap(top + bottom) + ")");
} }
w.element.css({position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0px auto"}); w.element.css({position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0px auto"});
var item = arr[i]; var item = arr[i];
if (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) { this._handleGap(w, item, i);
"margin-top": (o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit
if (o.hgap + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
"margin-left": ((i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.lgap + (item.lgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit
if (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0) !== 0) {
"margin-right": (o.hgap + o.rgap + (item.rgap || 0) + (item.hgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit
if (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0) !== 0) {
"margin-bottom": (o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0)) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit
first(w, this.rows++, i); first(w, this.rows++, i);
var width = ""; var width = "";
var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width; var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width;
if (columnSize > 0) { if (columnSize > 0) {
width = columnSize < 1 ? width = this._optimiseGap(columnSize + (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap);
((columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%")
: (columnSize + (i === 0 ? o.hgap : 0) + o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap);
} }
function hasFill() { function hasFill() {
if (o.columnSize.length > 0) { if (o.columnSize.length > 0) {
@ -148,10 +126,9 @@ BI.TdLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
// 2、不能给多个td设置最大宽度,这样只会平分宽度 // 2、不能给多个td设置最大宽度,这样只会平分宽度
// 3、多百分比宽度就算了 // 3、多百分比宽度就算了
if (columnSize > 0) { if (columnSize > 0) {
columnSize = columnSize < 1 ? width : width / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit;
td.element.css({ td.element.css({
"max-width": columnSize, "max-width": width,
"min-width": columnSize "min-width": width
}); });
} }
td.element.css({ td.element.css({


@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ BI.WindowLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (BI.isNull(top[i])) { if (BI.isNull(top[i])) {
top[i] = top[i - 1] + (o.rowSize[i - 1] < 1 ? o.rowSize[i - 1] : o.rowSize[i - 1] + o.vgap + o.bgap); top[i] = top[i - 1] + (o.rowSize[i - 1] < 1 ? o.rowSize[i - 1] : o.rowSize[i - 1] + o.vgap + o.bgap);
} }
var t = top[i] <= 1 ? (top[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : (top[i] + o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, h = ""; var t = this._optimiseGap(top[i] + o.vgap + o.tgap), h = "";
if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) { if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) {
h = o.rowSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.rowSize[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : o.rowSize[i] / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit; h = this._optimiseGap(o.rowSize[i]);
} }
wi.element.css({top: t, height: h}); wi.element.css({top: t, height: h});
first(wi, i, j); first(wi, i, j);
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ BI.WindowLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (BI.isNull(bottom[i])) { if (BI.isNull(bottom[i])) {
bottom[i] = bottom[i + 1] + (o.rowSize[i + 1] < 1 ? o.rowSize[i + 1] : o.rowSize[i + 1] + o.vgap + o.tgap); bottom[i] = bottom[i + 1] + (o.rowSize[i + 1] < 1 ? o.rowSize[i + 1] : o.rowSize[i + 1] + o.vgap + o.tgap);
} }
var b = bottom[i] <= 1 ? (bottom[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : (bottom[i] + o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, h = ""; var b = this._optimiseGap(bottom[i] + o.vgap + o.bgap), h = "";
if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) { if (BI.isNumber(o.rowSize[i])) {
h = o.rowSize[i] <= 1 ? (o.rowSize[i] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : o.rowSize[i] / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit; h = this._optimiseGap(o.rowSize[i]);
} }
wi.element.css({bottom: b, height: h}); wi.element.css({bottom: b, height: h});
first(wi, i, j); first(wi, i, j);
@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ BI.WindowLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (BI.isNull(left[j])) { if (BI.isNull(left[j])) {
left[j] = left[j - 1] + (o.columnSize[j - 1] < 1 ? o.columnSize[j - 1] : o.columnSize[j - 1] + o.hgap + o.rgap); left[j] = left[j - 1] + (o.columnSize[j - 1] < 1 ? o.columnSize[j - 1] : o.columnSize[j - 1] + o.hgap + o.rgap);
} }
var l = left[j] <= 1 ? (left[j] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : (left[j] + o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, w = ""; var l = this._optimiseGap(left[j] + o.hgap + o.lgap), w = "";
if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) {
w = o.columnSize[j] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[j] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : o.columnSize[j] / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit; w = this._optimiseGap(o.columnSize[j]);
} }
wi.element.css({left: l, width: w}); wi.element.css({left: l, width: w});
first(wi, i, j); first(wi, i, j);
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ BI.WindowLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
if (BI.isNull(right[j])) { if (BI.isNull(right[j])) {
right[j] = right[j + 1] + (o.columnSize[j + 1] < 1 ? o.columnSize[j + 1] : o.columnSize[j + 1] + o.hgap + o.lgap); right[j] = right[j + 1] + (o.columnSize[j + 1] < 1 ? o.columnSize[j + 1] : o.columnSize[j + 1] + o.hgap + o.lgap);
} }
var r = right[j] <= 1 ? (right[j] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : (right[j] + o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, w = ""; var r = this._optimiseGap(right[j] + o.hgap + o.rgap), w = "";
if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) { if (BI.isNumber(o.columnSize[j])) {
w = o.columnSize[j] <= 1 ? (o.columnSize[j] * 100).toFixed(1) + "%" : o.columnSize[j] / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit; w = this._optimiseGap(o.columnSize[j]);
} }
wi.element.css({right: r, width: w}); wi.element.css({right: r, width: w});
first(wi, i, j); first(wi, i, j);


@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ BI.CenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: (o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.lgap),
right: (o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.rgap),
top: (o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.tgap),
bottom: (o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.bgap),
width: "auto", width: "auto",
height: "auto" height: "auto"
}); });


@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ BI.FloatCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: (o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.lgap),
right: (o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.rgap),
top: (o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.tgap),
bottom: (o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.bgap),
width: "auto", width: "auto",
height: "auto" height: "auto"
}); });


@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ BI.HorizontalCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: (o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.lgap),
right: (o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.rgap),
top: (o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.tgap),
bottom: (o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.bgap),
width: "auto" width: "auto"
}); });
list[i].el.addItem(w); list[i].el.addItem(w);


@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ BI.VerticalCenterLayout = BI.inherit(BI.Layout, {
var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item); var w = BI._lazyCreateWidget(item);
w.element.css({ w.element.css({
position: "absolute", position: "absolute",
left: (o.hgap + o.lgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, left: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.lgap),
right: (o.hgap + o.rgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, right: self._optimiseGap(o.hgap + o.rgap),
top: (o.vgap + o.tgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, top: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.tgap),
bottom: (o.vgap + o.bgap) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit, bottom: self._optimiseGap(o.vgap + o.bgap),
height: "auto" height: "auto"
}); });
list[i].el.addItem(w); list[i].el.addItem(w);


@ -6,42 +6,52 @@
* @extends BI.FlexHorizontalLayout * @extends BI.FlexHorizontalLayout
*/ */
BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.FlexHorizontalLayout, { BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.FlexHorizontalLayout, {
props: function () { // props: function () {
return BI.extend(BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { // return BI.extend(BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), {
extraCls: "bi-responsive-f-h" // // extraCls: "bi-responsive-f-h"
}); // });
}, // },
_addElement: function (i, item) { mounted: function () {
var w = BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options;
var o = this.options; if (o.horizontalAlign !== BI.HorizontalAlign.Center){
var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width >= 1 ? null : item.width; return;
if (o.columnSize.length > 0) {
if (item.width >= 1 && o.columnSize[i] >= 1 && o.columnSize[i] !== item.width) {
columnSize = null;
} }
if (columnSize === "fill") { var defaultResize = function () {
// 给自适应列设置一个min-width if (o.scrollable !== true && o.scrollx !== true) {
var length = 0; var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
var fillCount = 0, autoCount = 0; if(self.element.width() > 2/3 * clientWidth){
for (var k = 0, len = o.columnSize.length || o.items.length; k < len; k++) { if (clientWidth <= 768) {
var cz = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[k] : o.items[k].width; BI.each(self._children, function (i, child) {
if (cz === "fill") { self._clearGap(child);
fillCount++; self._handleReverseGap(child, o.items[i], i | 0);
cz = 0; });
} else if (cz === "" || BI.isNull(cz)) { self.element.css("flex-direction", "column");
autoCount++; }
cz = 0;
} }
length += cz;
} }
var count = (o.columnSize.length || o.items.length) - fillCount - autoCount; }
if (count > 0) { var resize = function () {
w.element.css("min-width", length / count / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit); defaultResize();
if (o.scrollable !== true && o.scrollx !== true) {
var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
if(self.element.width() > 2/3 * clientWidth){
if (clientWidth > 768) {
BI.each(self._children, function (i, child) {
self.element.css("flex-direction", "row");
} }
} }
return w; this.unResize = BI.Resizers.add(this.getName(), resize);
destroyed: function () {
} }
}); });
BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_flex_horizontal", BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout); BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_flex_horizontal", BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout);


@ -6,42 +6,54 @@
* @extends BI.FlexWrapperHorizontalLayout * @extends BI.FlexWrapperHorizontalLayout
*/ */
BI.ResponsiveFlexWrapperHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.FlexWrapperHorizontalLayout, { BI.ResponsiveFlexWrapperHorizontalLayout = BI.inherit(BI.FlexWrapperHorizontalLayout, {
props: function () { // props: function () {
return BI.extend(BI.ResponsiveFlexWrapperHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), { // return BI.extend(BI.ResponsiveFlexWrapperHorizontalLayout.superclass.props.apply(this, arguments), {
extraCls: "bi-responsive-f-h" // extraCls: "bi-responsive-f-h"
}); // });
}, // },
_addElement: function (i, item) { mounted: function () {
var w = BI.ResponsiveFlexHorizontalLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options;
var o = this.options; if (o.horizontalAlign !== BI.HorizontalAlign.Center){
var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width >= 1 ? null : item.width; return;
if (o.columnSize.length > 0) {
if (item.width >= 1 && o.columnSize[i] >= 1 && o.columnSize[i] !== item.width) {
columnSize = null;
} }
if (columnSize === "fill") { var defaultResize = function () {
// 给自适应列设置一个min-width if (o.scrollable !== true && o.scrollx !== true) {
var length = 0; var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
var fillCount = 0, autoCount = 0; if(self.element.width() > 2/3 * clientWidth){
for (var k = 0, len = o.columnSize.length || o.items.length; k < len; k++) { if (clientWidth <= 768) {
var cz = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[k] : o.items[k].width; BI.each(self._children, function (i, child) {
if (cz === "fill") { self._clearGap(child);
fillCount++; self._handleReverseGap(child, o.items[i], i | 0);
cz = 0; });
} else if (cz === "" || BI.isNull(cz)) { self.element.css("flex-direction", "column");
autoCount++; self.$wrapper.element.css("flex-direction", "column");
cz = 0; }
} }
length += cz;
} }
var count = (o.columnSize.length || o.items.length) - fillCount - autoCount; }
if (count > 0) { var resize = function () {
w.element.css("min-width", length / count / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit); defaultResize();
if (o.scrollable !== true && o.scrollx !== true) {
var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
if(self.element.width() > 2/3 * clientWidth){
if (clientWidth > 768) {
BI.each(self._children, function (i, child) {
self.element.css("flex-direction", "row");
self.$wrapper.element.css("flex-direction", "row");
} }
} }
return w; this.unResize = BI.Resizers.add(this.getName(), resize);
destroyed: function () {
} }
}); });
BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_flex_scrollable_horizontal", BI.ResponsiveFlexWrapperHorizontalLayout); BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_flex_scrollable_horizontal", BI.ResponsiveFlexWrapperHorizontalLayout);


@ -6,60 +6,45 @@
* @extends BI.InlineLayout * @extends BI.InlineLayout
*/ */
BI.ResponsiveInlineLayout = BI.inherit(BI.InlineLayout, { BI.ResponsiveInlineLayout = BI.inherit(BI.InlineLayout, {
_addElement: function (i, item) { mounted: function () {
var o = this.options; var self = this, o = this.options;
var w = BI.InlineLayout.superclass._addElement.apply(this, arguments); if (o.horizontalAlign !== BI.HorizontalAlign.Center){
var columnSize = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[i] : item.width >= 1 ? null : item.width; return;
if (o.columnSize.length > 0) {
if (item.width >= 1 && o.columnSize[i] >= 1 && o.columnSize[i] !== item.width) {
columnSize = null;
if (columnSize > 0) {
w.element.width(columnSize < 1 ? ((columnSize * 100).toFixed(1) + "%") : (columnSize / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit));
} }
w.element.css({ var defaultResize = function () {
position: "relative", if (o.scrollable !== true && o.scrollx !== true) {
"vertical-align": o.verticalAlign var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
}); if(self.element.width() > 2/3 * clientWidth){
w.element.addClass("i-item"); if (clientWidth <= 768) {
if (columnSize === "fill" || columnSize === "") { BI.each(self._children, function (i, child) {
var length = o.hgap, czs = 0; self._clearGap(child);
var fillCount = 0, autoCount = 0; self._handleReverseGap(child, o.items[i], i | 0);
for (var k = 0, len = o.columnSize.length || o.items.length; k < len; k++) { child.elemenet.css("display", "");
var cz = o.columnSize.length > 0 ? o.columnSize[k] : o.items[k].width; });
if (cz === "fill") { }
cz = 0;
} else if (cz === "" || BI.isNull(cz)) {
cz = 0;
length += o.hgap + o.lgap + o.rgap + (o.items[k].lgap || 0) + (o.items[k].rgap || 0) + (o.items[k].hgap || 0) + cz;
czs += cz;
if (columnSize === "fill") {
var count = (o.columnSize.length || o.items.length) - fillCount - autoCount;
if (count > 0) {
w.element.css("min-width", czs / count / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit);
} }
w.element.css("width", "calc((100% - " + (length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" + (fillCount > 1 ? "/" + fillCount : "") + ")");
} }
if (o.horizontalAlign === BI.HorizontalAlign.Stretch || !(o.scrollable === true || o.scrollx === true)) { }
if (columnSize === "fill") { var resize = function () {
w.element.css("max-width", "calc((100% - " + (length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" + (fillCount > 1 ? "/" + fillCount : "") + ")"); defaultResize();
} else { if (o.scrollable !== true && o.scrollx !== true) {
w.element.css("max-width", "calc((100% - " + (length / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")" + (autoCount > 1 ? "/" + autoCount : "") + ")"); var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
if(self.element.width() > 2/3 * clientWidth){
if (clientWidth > 768) {
BI.each(self._children, function (i, child) {
} }
} }
} }
this._handleGap(w, item, i); this.unResize = BI.Resizers.add(this.getName(), resize);
if (o.verticalAlign === BI.VerticalAlign.Stretch && BI.isNull(item.height)) { defaultResize();
var top = o.vgap + o.tgap + (item.tgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0), },
bottom = o.vgap + o.bgap + (item.bgap || 0) + (item.vgap || 0);
w.element.css("height", "calc(100% - " + ((top + bottom) / BI.pixRatio + BI.pixUnit) + ")"); destroyed: function () {
} this.unResize();
return w;
} }
}); });
BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_inline", BI.ResponsiveInlineLayout); BI.shortcut("bi.responsive_inline", BI.ResponsiveInlineLayout);


@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
.bi-switch{ .bi-switch{
.border-radius(40px 40px 40px 40px); .border-radius(40px 40px 40px 40px);
background-color: @color-bi-background-dark-gray; background-color: @color-bi-background-dark-gray;
&:active, &.active { &.active {
background-color: @color-bi-background-highlight; background-color: @color-bi-background-highlight;
} }
& .circle-button{ & .circle-button{
@ -11,23 +11,17 @@
} }
&.disabled { &.disabled {
background-color: @color-bi-background-disabled; background-color: @color-bi-background-disabled;
&:active {
background-color: @color-bi-background-disabled;
} }
} }
.bi-theme-dark { .bi-theme-dark {
.bi-switch{ .bi-switch{
background-color: @color-bi-background-dark-gray-theme-dark; background-color: @color-bi-background-dark-gray-theme-dark;
&:active, &.active { &.active {
background-color: @color-bi-background-highlight; background-color: @color-bi-background-highlight;
} }
&.disabled { &.disabled {
background-color: @color-bi-background-disabled-theme-dark; background-color: @color-bi-background-disabled-theme-dark;
&:active {
background-color: @color-bi-background-disabled-theme-dark;
} }
} }
} }


@ -62,17 +62,6 @@
-o-flex-wrap: nowrap; -o-flex-wrap: nowrap;
flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-wrap: nowrap;
&.bi-responsive-f-h {
/* 09版 */
/*-webkit-box-lines: multiple;*/
/* 12版 */
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
-moz-flex-wrap: wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
-o-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
&.v-middle { &.v-middle {
/* 09版 */ /* 09版 */
-webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-box-align: center;


@ -269,17 +269,4 @@
flex-grow: 1; flex-grow: 1;
} }
} }
&.bi-responsive-f-h {
& .f-s-h-w {
/* 09版 */
/*-webkit-box-lines: multiple;*/
/* 12版 */
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
-moz-flex-wrap: wrap;
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
-o-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
} }


@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
//base case //base case
@import "base/pane.less"; @import "base/pane.less";
@import "base/calendar/calendar.year.less";
@import "base/colorchooser/colorchooser.trigger.less"; @import "base/colorchooser/colorchooser.trigger.less";
@import "base/colorchooser/colorchooser.popup.less"; @import "base/colorchooser/colorchooser.popup.less";
@import "base/colorchooser/colorpicker/button.colorpicker.less"; @import "base/colorchooser/colorpicker/button.colorpicker.less";

src/core/proto/number.js → src/polyfill/number.js


@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
!function () {
var patch = BI.Snabbdom.init([BI.Snabbdom.attributesModule, BI.Snabbdom.classModule, BI.Snabbdom.datasetModule, BI.Snabbdom.propsModule, BI.Snabbdom.styleModule, BI.Snabbdom.eventListenersModule]);
BI.Element2Vnode = function (parentNode) {
if (parentNode.nodeType === 3) {
return BI.Snabbdom.vnode(undefined, undefined, undefined, parentNode.textContent, parentNode);
var data = BI.jQuery._data(parentNode);
var on = {};
BI.each(data &&, function (eventName, events) {
on[eventName] = function () {
var ob = this, args = arguments;
BI.each(events, function (i, ev) {
ev.handler.apply(ob, args);
var attrs = {};
var elmAttrs = parentNode.attributes;
var elmChildren = parentNode.childNodes;
var key = parentNode.getAttribute("key");
for (var i = 0, n = elmAttrs.length; i < n; i++) {
var name = elmAttrs[i].nodeName;
if (name !== "id" && name !== "class") {
attrs[name] = elmAttrs[i].nodeValue;
var vnode = BI.Snabbdom.vnode(parentNode.nodeName, {
class: BI.makeObject(parentNode.classList),
attrs: attrs,
key: key,
on: on,
hook: {
create: function () {
BI.each(BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(parentNode).data("__widgets"), function (i, w) {
w.element = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(vnode.elm);
},, function (i, childNode) {
return BI.Element2Vnode(childNode);
}), undefined, parentNode);
return vnode;
BI.patchVNode = function (element, node) {
patch(element, node);


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
var last = BI.last(keywords); var last = BI.last(keywords);
keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []);
if (keywords.length > 0) { if (keywords.length > 0) {
self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { self._joinKeywords(keywords.slice(0, 2000), function () {
if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) { if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) {
self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue);
assertShowValue(); assertShowValue();
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
} }
self._dataChange = true; self._dataChange = true;
}); });
keywords.length > 2000 && BI.Msg.alert(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Prompt"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Too_Much_Value_Get_Two_Thousand"));
} }
self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.EVENT_SEARCHING); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertCombo.EVENT_SEARCHING);
}); });


@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
var last = BI.last(keywords); var last = BI.last(keywords);
keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []);
if (keywords.length > 0) { if (keywords.length > 0) {
self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { self._joinKeywords(keywords.slice(0, 2000), function () {
if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) { if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) {
self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue); self.combo.setValue(self.storeValue);
assertShowValue(); assertShowValue();
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
} }
self._dataChange = true; self._dataChange = true;
}); });
keywords.length > 2000 && BI.Msg.alert(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Prompt"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Too_Much_Value_Get_Two_Thousand"));
} }
}); });


@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertList = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
var last = BI.last(keywords); var last = BI.last(keywords);
keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []);
if (keywords.length > 0) { if (keywords.length > 0) {
self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { self._joinKeywords(keywords.slice(0, 2000), function () {
if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) { if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) {
self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue);
assertShowValue(); assertShowValue();
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertList = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
} }
self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertList.EVENT_CHANGE);
}); });
keywords.length > 2000 && BI.Msg.alert(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Prompt"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Too_Much_Value_Get_Two_Thousand"));
} }
} }
}, { }, {


@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertNoBarList = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
var last = BI.last(keywords); var last = BI.last(keywords);
keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []); keywords = BI.initial(keywords || []);
if (keywords.length > 0) { if (keywords.length > 0) {
self._joinKeywords(keywords, function () { self._joinKeywords(keywords.slice(0, 2000), function () {
if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) { if (BI.endWith(last, BI.BlankSplitChar)) {
self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue); self.adapter.setValue(self.storeValue);
assertShowValue(); assertShowValue();
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ BI.MultiSelectInsertNoBarList = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
} }
self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertNoBarList.EVENT_CHANGE); self.fireEvent(BI.MultiSelectInsertNoBarList.EVENT_CHANGE);
}); });
keywords.length > 2000 && BI.Msg.alert(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Prompt"), BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Too_Much_Value_Get_Two_Thousand"));
} }
} }
}, { }, {


@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ BI.NumberInterval = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
}); });
BI.createWidget({ BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this.smallEditor.element, element: this.smallEditor,
items: [{ items: [{
el: this.smallTip, el: this.smallTip,
top: 0, top: 0,
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ BI.NumberInterval = BI.inherit(BI.Single, {
}); });
BI.createWidget({ BI.createWidget({
type: "bi.absolute", type: "bi.absolute",
element: this.bigEditor.element, element: this.bigEditor,
items: [{ items: [{
el: this.bigTip, el: this.bigTip,
top: 0, top: 0,
