@ -143,34 +143,44 @@ public class FineTabbedPane extends Box {
setMatchParentSize ( true ) ;
float flexRatio = ( 1 - headRatio ) / 2 ;
int headHeight = FlatUIUtils . getUIInt ( "Component.defaultHeight" , 24 ) * tabLayout . length / 2 ;
Component component = useFitTab ? row ( flex ( ) , cell ( tabGroup ) , flex ( ) ) . getComponent ( ) : row ( flex ( flexRatio ) , cell ( tabGroup ) . weight ( headRatio ) , flex ( flexRatio ) ) . getComponent ( ) ;
Component tabRow = useFitTab ? row ( flex ( ) , cell ( tabGroup ) , flex ( ) ) . getComponent ( ) : row ( flex ( flexRatio ) , cell ( tabGroup ) . weight ( headRatio ) , flex ( flexRatio ) ) . getComponent ( ) ;
Component backgroundComp = createBackGroundComp ( ) ;
add (
column (
cell ( component ) ,
flex ( )
cell ( tabRow ) ,
cell ( centerPane ) . with ( it - > it . setBorder ( new ScaledEmptyBorder ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ) ) ) . weight ( 1 )
) ,
column (
fix ( headHeight ) ,
cell ( centerPane ) . with ( it - > it . setBorder ( new ScaledEmptyBorder ( headHeight + 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ) ) ) . weight ( 1 )
cell ( backgroundComp ) . weight ( 1 )
) ;
fillBackgroundColor ( ) ;
private Component createBackGroundComp ( ) {
JPanel pane = new JPanel ( ) ;
pane . putClientProperty ( PANEL_TYPE , ROUNDED_PANEL ) ;
pane . setBackground ( getFillColor ( ) ) ;
return pane ;
private void initCoreComponents ( ) {
cards = new CardLayout ( ) ;
centerPane = new JPanel ( cards ) ;
centerPane . putClientProperty ( PANEL_TYPE , ROUNDED_PANEL ) ;
tabComponents . forEach ( ( key , value ) - > {
value . setOpaque ( false ) ;
centerPane . add ( value , key ) ;
} ) ;
private Color getFillColor ( ) {
return FineUIUtils . getUIColor ( "FineTabbedPane.background" , "fill.gray" ) ;
private void fillBackgroundColor ( ) {
Color fillColor = FineUIUtils . getUIColor ( "FineTabbedPane.background" , "fill.gray" ) ;
Color defaultColor = FineUIUtils . getUIColor ( "default.background" , "Component.background" ) ;
ColorUtils . syncBackgroundIfAbsent ( centerPane , fillColor , defaultColor ) ;
ColorUtils . syncBackgroundIfAbsent ( centerPane , getFillColor ( ) , defaultColor ) ;
private void initListeners ( ) {