@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ public class PaddingPane extends ConditionAttrSingleConditionPane<HighlightActio
public PaddingPane ( ConditionAttributesPane conditionAttributesPane ) {
super ( conditionAttributesPane ) ;
paddingLeft = new UILabel ( com . fr . design . i18n . Toolkit . i18nText ( "Fine-Design_Report_Style_Left_Indent" ) + ":" ) ;
paddingLeft = new UILabel ( com . fr . design . i18n . Toolkit . i18nText ( "Fine-Design_Report_Style_Left_Indent" ) ) ;
paddingLeftSpinner = new UIBasicSpinner ( new SpinnerNumberModel ( 2 , 0 , Integer . MAX_VALUE , 1 ) ) ;
GUICoreUtils . setColumnForSpinner ( paddingLeftSpinner , 5 ) ;
paddingRight = new UILabel ( com . fr . design . i18n . Toolkit . i18nText ( "Fine-Design_Report_Style_Right_Indent" ) + ":" ) ;
paddingRight = new UILabel ( com . fr . design . i18n . Toolkit . i18nText ( "Fine-Design_Report_Style_Right_Indent" ) ) ;
paddingRightSpinner = new UIBasicSpinner ( new SpinnerNumberModel ( 2 , 0 , Integer . MAX_VALUE , 1 ) ) ;
GUICoreUtils . setColumnForSpinner ( paddingRightSpinner , 5 ) ;
this . paddingScopeComboBox = new UIComboBox ( new String [ ] {
@ -71,13 +71,10 @@ public class PaddingPane extends ConditionAttrSingleConditionPane<HighlightActio
refreshIndentationUnit ( ) ;
UILabel label = new UILabel ( com . fr . design . i18n . Toolkit . i18nText ( "Fine-Design_Basic_Sytle_Indentation" ) ) ;
this . add ( row ( 10 , column ( 5 , cell ( label ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) , flex ( 0 . 5 ) ) . weight ( 0 . 2 )
. with ( it - > it . setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( - 1 , FineUIScale . scale ( 53 ) ) ) ) , row (
10 ,
this . add ( row ( 4 , column ( 4 , cell ( label ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) , flex ( 0 . 5 ) ) ,
column ( 5 , cell ( paddingLeftSpinner ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) , cell ( paddingLeft ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) ) ,
column ( 5 , cell ( paddingRightSpinner ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) , cell ( paddingRight ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) ) ,
column ( 5 , cell ( paddingScopeComboBox ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) , flex ( 0 . 5 ) ) ) . weight ( 0 . 8 )
) . with ( it - > it . setBorder ( new ScaledEmptyBorder ( 5 , 5 , 5 , 0 ) ) ) . getComponent ( ) ) ;
column ( 5 , cell ( paddingScopeComboBox ) . weight ( 0 . 5 ) , flex ( 0 . 5 ) ) ) . getComponent ( ) ) ;
/ * *