FR-Designer_Get_Activation_Code=Click\! Get user information code
FR-Designer_Get_Activation_Code=Click\! Get user information code
FR-Designer_Display_Position=Display position
FR-Designer_Display_Position=Display position
FR-Designer_Template-Version-Warning="Your template file is currently open by a later production designer, will continue to open the original template properties mistakes or risk losing Make sure your design template designer version lower than the deployment server version."
FR-Designer_Template-Version-Warning="Your template file is currently open by a later production designer, will continue to open the original template properties mistakes or risk losing Make sure your design template designer version lower than the deployment server version."
FR-Designer_Template-Version-Warning=The current template file is designed by higher vision designer. It may cause errors or loss of attributes if continue the operation! Please upgrade your designer. Make sure that your designer version is lower than the deployment server version.
FR-Designer_Template-Version-Warning=The current template file is designed by higher vision designer. It may cause errors or loss of attributes if continue the operation! Please upgrade your designer. Make sure that your designer version is lower than the deployment server version.