5 changed files with 241 additions and 138 deletions
@ -1,124 +1,146 @@ |
package com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.ui.tools; |
//package com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.ui.tools;
import com.fr.base.FRContext; |
//import com.fr.base.FRContext;
import com.fr.base.extension.FileExtension; |
//import com.fr.base.extension.FileExtension;
import com.fr.data.SubmitJob; |
//import com.fr.data.SubmitJob;
import com.fr.design.dialog.BasicPane; |
//import com.fr.design.dialog.BasicPane;
import com.fr.design.gui.ibutton.UIButton; |
//import com.fr.design.gui.ibutton.UIButton;
import com.fr.file.filetree.FileNode; |
//import com.fr.design.gui.itextarea.UITextArea;
import com.fr.io.TemplateWorkBookIO; |
//import com.fr.file.filetree.FileNode;
import com.fr.main.impl.WorkBook; |
//import com.fr.io.TemplateWorkBookIO;
import com.fr.plugin.customsubmmit.core.PathConfig; |
//import com.fr.log.FineLoggerFactory;
import com.fr.plugin.customsubmmit.core.ServerPathColumnConfig; |
//import com.fr.main.TemplateWorkBook;
import com.fr.plugin.customsubmmit.report.ServerPathSubmiterJob; |
//import com.fr.main.impl.WorkBook;
import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.fun.OssSubmitTarget; |
//import com.fr.plugin.customsubmmit.core.PathConfig;
import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.fun.OssSubmitTargetConfig; |
//import com.fr.plugin.customsubmmit.core.ServerPathColumnConfig;
import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.fun.OssVariableValue; |
//import com.fr.plugin.customsubmmit.report.ServerPathSubmiterJob;
import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.job.OssSubmitJob; |
//import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.fun.OssSubmitTarget;
import com.fr.report.report.Report; |
//import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.fun.OssSubmitTargetConfig;
import com.fr.report.worksheet.WorkSheet; |
//import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.fun.OssVariableValue;
import com.fr.report.write.ReportWriteAttr; |
//import com.fr.plugin.file.submit.oss.job.OssSubmitJob;
import com.fr.report.write.SubmitVisitor; |
//import com.fr.report.report.Report;
import com.fr.report.write.WClassSubmiter; |
//import com.fr.report.worksheet.WorkSheet;
import com.fr.stable.project.ProjectConstants; |
//import com.fr.report.write.ReportWriteAttr;
//import com.fr.report.write.SubmitVisitor;
import javax.swing.*; |
//import com.fr.report.write.WClassSubmiter;
import java.awt.*; |
//import com.fr.stable.project.ProjectConstants;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; |
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; |
//import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.List; |
//import java.awt.*;
//import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
public class RewritePane extends BasicPane { |
//import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
public RewritePane() { |
//import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
initComponents(); |
} |
//public class RewritePane extends BasicPane {
private void initComponents() { |
// private UITextArea textArea;
setLayout(new BorderLayout()); |
UIButton button = new UIButton("Start"); |
// public RewritePane() {
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { |
// initComponents();
@Override |
// }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { |
rewrite(); |
// private void initComponents() {
} |
// setLayout(new BorderLayout());
}); |
// UIButton button = new UIButton("Start");
add(button, BorderLayout.NORTH); |
// button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
} |
// @Override
// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
private void rewrite() { |
// rewrite();
new SwingWorker<Void, Integer>() { |
// }
@Override |
// });
protected Void doInBackground() { |
// add(button, BorderLayout.NORTH);
FileNode[] fileNodes = FRContext.getFileNodes().list(ProjectConstants.REPORTLETS_NAME, FileExtension.CPT, true); |
// textArea = new UITextArea();
int len = fileNodes.length; |
// add(new JScrollPane(textArea), BorderLayout.CENTER);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
// }
FileNode fileNode = fileNodes[i]; |
try { |
// private void rewrite() {
WorkBook workBook = (WorkBook) TemplateWorkBookIO.readTemplateWorkBook(fileNode.getEnvPath().substring(10)); |
// new SwingWorker<List<String>, Integer>() {
int count = workBook.getReportCount(); |
// @Override
for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { |
// protected List<String> doInBackground() {
Report report = workBook.getReport(n); |
// FileNode[] fileNodes = FRContext.getFileNodes().list(ProjectConstants.REPORTLETS_NAME, FileExtension.CPT, true);
if (report instanceof WorkSheet) { |
// int len = fileNodes.length;
ReportWriteAttr reportWriteAttr = ((WorkSheet) report).getAttributeTarget(ReportWriteAttr.XML_TAG); |
// List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
if (reportWriteAttr != null) { |
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int submitJobCount = reportWriteAttr.getSubmitVisitorCount(); |
// boolean willSave = false;
for (int sn = 0; sn < submitJobCount; sn++) { |
// FileNode fileNode = fileNodes[i];
SubmitVisitor submitVisitor = reportWriteAttr.getSubmitVisitor(sn); |
// try {
if (submitVisitor instanceof WClassSubmiter) { |
// String path = fileNode.getEnvPath().substring(10);
SubmitJob job = ((WClassSubmiter) submitVisitor).getSubmitJob(); |
// WorkBook workBook = (WorkBook) TemplateWorkBookIO.readTemplateWorkBook(path);
if (job instanceof ServerPathSubmiterJob) { |
// int count = workBook.getReportCount();
((WClassSubmiter) submitVisitor).setSubmitJob(convert2OssJob((ServerPathSubmiterJob) job)); |
// for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) {
} |
// Report report = workBook.getReport(n);
} |
// if (report instanceof WorkSheet) {
} |
// ReportWriteAttr reportWriteAttr = ((WorkSheet) report).getAttributeTarget(ReportWriteAttr.XML_TAG);
} |
// if (reportWriteAttr != null) {
} |
// int submitJobCount = reportWriteAttr.getSubmitVisitorCount();
} |
// for (int sn = 0; sn < submitJobCount; sn++) {
} catch (Exception e) { |
// SubmitVisitor submitVisitor = reportWriteAttr.getSubmitVisitor(sn);
e.printStackTrace(); |
// if (submitVisitor instanceof WClassSubmiter) {
} |
// SubmitJob job = ((WClassSubmiter) submitVisitor).getSubmitJob();
try { |
// if (job instanceof ServerPathSubmiterJob) {
Thread.sleep(2000); |
// ((WClassSubmiter) submitVisitor).setSubmitJob(convert2OssJob((ServerPathSubmiterJob) job));
} catch (InterruptedException e) { |
// willSave = true;
e.printStackTrace(); |
// }
} |
// }
publish(i); |
// }
} |
// }
// }
return null; |
// }
} |
// if (willSave) {
// names.add(path);
@Override |
// TemplateWorkBookIO.writeTemplateWorkBook(workBook, path);
protected void process(List<Integer> chunks) { |
// }
System.out.println("已经到第" + chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1) + "个模板"); |
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
} |
// }
}.execute(); |
// publish(i);
} |
// }
private OssSubmitJob convert2OssJob(ServerPathSubmiterJob job) { |
// return names;
OssSubmitJob ossSubmitJob = new OssSubmitJob(); |
// }
OssSubmitTargetConfig targetConfig = new OssSubmitTargetConfig(); |
ossSubmitJob.setSubmitTargetConfig(targetConfig); |
// @Override
// protected void process(List<Integer> chunks) {
PathConfig pathConfig = job.getPathConfig(); |
// textArea.append("已经到第" + chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1) + "个模板" + "\n");
if (pathConfig != null) { |
// }
for (ServerPathColumnConfig config : pathConfig.getColumnConfigList()) { |
OssSubmitTarget target = new OssSubmitTarget(); |
// @Override
targetConfig.addSubmitTarget(target); |
// protected void done() {
target.setBucket("fanruan-crm"); |
// try {
target.setDirectory(new OssVariableValue(config.getPath())); |
// List<String> paths = get();
target.setFile(new OssVariableValue(config.getCellConfig().toString())); |
// for (String text : paths) {
target.setName(new OssVariableValue(config.getName())); |
// textArea.append("成功修改了模板:" + text + "\n");
} |
// }
} |
// } catch (Exception e) {
return ossSubmitJob; |
// FineLoggerFactory.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e);
} |
// }
// }
@Override |
// }.execute();
protected String title4PopupWindow() { |
// }
return "Transform"; |
} |
// private OssSubmitJob convert2OssJob(ServerPathSubmiterJob job) {
} |
// OssSubmitJob ossSubmitJob = new OssSubmitJob();
// OssSubmitTargetConfig targetConfig = new OssSubmitTargetConfig();
// ossSubmitJob.setSubmitTargetConfig(targetConfig);
// PathConfig pathConfig = job.getPathConfig();
// if (pathConfig != null) {
// for (ServerPathColumnConfig config : pathConfig.getColumnConfigList()) {
// OssSubmitTarget target = new OssSubmitTarget();
// targetConfig.addSubmitTarget(target);
// target.setBucket("fanruan-crm");
// target.setDirectory(new OssVariableValue(config.getPath()));
// target.setFile(new OssVariableValue(config.getCellConfig().toString()));
// target.setName(new OssVariableValue(config.getName()));
// }
// }
// return ossSubmitJob;
// }
// @Override
// protected String title4PopupWindow() {
// return "Transform";
// }
Reference in new issue