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Java DSL for reading and testing JSON documents.

0.8.2-SNAPSHOT 2013-01-24
- Changes from Gordon Dickens
- Removed dependency on sonatype parent project
- Added explicit versions for standard plugins
- Added logging for tests, replacing sysout
- Removed unnecessary boxing/unboxing of primitives
- Added @Unchecked for test classes
- Refactored out deprecated JUnit packages "junit.framework", replacing with Hamcrest matchers or "org.junit"
- Added Maven Site Reporting
- run "mvn site"
- open "target/site/index.html"
- net.minidev:json-smart - is NOT OSGi compliant
- HttpProviderTest - refactor out sun.misc.IOUtils, its an internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
- JsonAssert.mapContainingKey() contains unchecked assignment, can this be improved?

0.8.1 2012-04-16
- Fixed issue http://code.google.com/p/json-path/issues/detail?id=11
- HttpProvider SPI
- Improved JavaDoc
- More experimental work on JsonModel

0.8.0 2012-03-08
- Fixed issue http://code.google.com/p/json-path/issues/detail?id=8
- Fixed issue http://code.google.com/p/json-path/issues/detail?id=9
- Improved compliance
- Fixed bug with '=' sign when evaluating expressions
- OSGi support added
- Support for custom array filters in JsonPath
- Lots of new features in JsonModel

0.5.6 2012-02-09
- Replaced regexp with custom tokenizer
- Removed static declaration of JSON_PARSER
- Introduced SPI for JsonProvider
- Elaborating new concept with JsonModel

- Improved JSON bracket notation. $['store']['book'][*]['author name']
properties can also contain '.' eg $['store']['book'][*]['author.name']

- Replaced com.googlecode.json-simple with net.minidev.json-smart
- Introduced different parse modes, JsonPath.SLACK_MODE and JsonPath.STRICT_MODE (the slack mode lets you use single quotes or even no quotes at all)

- Major refactoring
- JsonPath does not always produce a List as response

- Fixed issue that path was never considered definite if containing a ':'
- Bracket notation is now first class citizen $.foo.bar == $.['foo'].['bar']
- Added JsonAsserter.assertNotDefined(String path) to allow checks for negative existence of a path