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Gordon Dickens 883882f1b9 project build updates, reporting, replace deprecated junit classes, see README 12 years ago
json-path project build updates, reporting, replace deprecated junit classes, see README 12 years ago
json-path-assert project build updates, reporting, replace deprecated junit classes, see README 12 years ago
.gitignore initial commit 14 years ago
LICENSE initial commit 14 years ago
README project build updates, reporting, replace deprecated junit classes, see README 12 years ago
jsonpath.png improvements 14 years ago
pom.xml project build updates, reporting, replace deprecated junit classes, see README 12 years ago


Java DSL for reading and testing JSON documents.

0.8.2-SNAPSHOT 2013-01-24
- Changes from Gordon Dickens
- Removed dependency on sonatype parent project
- Added explicit versions for standard plugins
- Added logging for tests, replacing sysout
- Removed unnecessary boxing/unboxing of primitives
- Added @Unchecked for test classes
- Refactored out deprecated JUnit packages "junit.framework", replacing with Hamcrest matchers or "org.junit"
- Added Maven Site Reporting
- run "mvn site"
- open "target/site/index.html"
- net.minidev:json-smart - is NOT OSGi compliant
- HttpProviderTest - refactor out sun.misc.IOUtils, its an internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
- JsonAssert.mapContainingKey() contains unchecked assignment, can this be improved?

0.8.1 2012-04-16
- Fixed issue http://code.google.com/p/json-path/issues/detail?id=11
- HttpProvider SPI
- Improved JavaDoc
- More experimental work on JsonModel

0.8.0 2012-03-08
- Fixed issue http://code.google.com/p/json-path/issues/detail?id=8
- Fixed issue http://code.google.com/p/json-path/issues/detail?id=9
- Improved compliance
- Fixed bug with '=' sign when evaluating expressions
- OSGi support added
- Support for custom array filters in JsonPath
- Lots of new features in JsonModel

0.5.6 2012-02-09
- Replaced regexp with custom tokenizer
- Removed static declaration of JSON_PARSER
- Introduced SPI for JsonProvider
- Elaborating new concept with JsonModel

- Improved JSON bracket notation. $['store']['book'][*]['author name']
properties can also contain '.' eg $['store']['book'][*]['author.name']

- Replaced com.googlecode.json-simple with net.minidev.json-smart
- Introduced different parse modes, JsonPath.SLACK_MODE and JsonPath.STRICT_MODE (the slack mode lets you use single quotes or even no quotes at all)

- Major refactoring
- JsonPath does not always produce a List as response

- Fixed issue that path was never considered definite if containing a ':'
- Bracket notation is now first class citizen $.foo.bar == $.['foo'].['bar']
- Added JsonAsserter.assertNotDefined(String path) to allow checks for negative existence of a path