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Rewrite intenals.

Kalle Stenflo 11 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 20
  3. 24
  4. 120
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  6. 22
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  8. 96
  9. 34
  10. 5785
  11. 1
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  13. 229
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  15. BIN
  16. 1951
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  18. 926
  19. 50469
  20. 1
  21. 298
  22. 100
  23. 2
  24. 118
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  27. 618
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  30. 27
  31. 1066
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  62. 41
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  65. 31
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  71. 16
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  77. 6
  78. 2
  79. 4
  80. 181
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  83. 388
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  85. 5
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  87. 101
  88. 143
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  100. 88
  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More


@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ package com.jayway.jsonassert;
import com.jayway.jsonassert.impl.JsonAsserterImpl;
import com.jayway.jsonassert.impl.matcher.*;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;


@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ package com.jayway.jsonassert.impl;
import com.jayway.jsonassert.JsonAsserter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import static java.lang.String.format;
@ -68,9 +71,13 @@ public class JsonAsserterImpl implements JsonAsserter {
public JsonAsserter assertNotDefined(String path) {
try {
Object o =, path);
//Object o =, path);
Configuration c = Configuration.builder().options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY).build();
throw new AssertionError(format("Document contains the path <%s> but was expected not to.", path));
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
return this;
@ -78,9 +85,14 @@ public class JsonAsserterImpl implements JsonAsserter {
public JsonAsserter assertNotDefined(String path, String message) {
try {
Object o =, path);
//Object o =, path);
Configuration c = Configuration.builder().options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY).build();
throw new AssertionError(format("Document contains the path <%s> but was expected not to.", path));
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
return this;


@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ public class JsonAssertTest {
" }\n" +
public void invalid_path() throws Exception {
with(JSON).assertThat("$[*].fooBar", collectionWithSize(equalTo(4)));
@Test(expected = AssertionError.class)
public void failed_error_message() throws Exception {
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ public class JsonAssertTest {
with(JSON).assertThat("$[0]", hasEntry("category", "reference"))
.assertThat("$[0]", hasEntry("title", "Sayings of the Century"))
.assertThat("$[0]", hasEntry("category", "reference"))
.assertThat("$[0]", is(collectionWithSize(equalTo(1))))
.assertThat("$[0]", mapContainingKey(equalTo("category")))
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ public class JsonAssertTest {
with(JSON).assertThat("$.['store'].['book'][0]", hasEntry("category", "reference"))
.assertThat("$.['store'].['book'][0]", hasEntry("title", "Sayings of the Century"))
.assertThat("$..['book'][0]", hasEntry("category", "reference"))
.assertThat("$..['book'][0]", is(collectionWithSize(equalTo(1))))
.assertThat("$.['store'].['book'][0]", mapContainingKey(equalTo("category")))
@ -150,16 +153,23 @@ public class JsonAssertTest {
public void invalid_path() throws Exception {
with(JSON).assertThat("$[*].fooBar", emptyCollection());
public void path_including_wildcard_path_followed_by_another_path_concatenates_results_to_list() throws Exception {
with(getResourceAsStream("lotto.json")).assertThat("[*].winnerId", hasItems(23, 54));
public void testNotDefined() throws Exception {
JsonAsserter asserter = JsonAssert.with("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}");
asserter.assertEquals("$.foo", "bar"); // pass
asserter.assertEquals("$foo", "bar"); // pass
asserter.assertNotDefined("$.xxx"); // fail but should be pass
asserter.assertNotDefined("$xxx"); // fail but should be pass
private InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resourceName) {
return getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourceName);


@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.web.bench;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json.JacksonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import io.gatling.jsonpath.JsonPath$;
import org.boon.json.JsonParser;
import org.boon.json.ObjectMapper;
import org.boon.json.implementation.JsonParserCharArray;
import org.boon.json.implementation.ObjectMapperImpl;
import scala.collection.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class Bench {
protected final String json;
protected final String path;
private final boolean value;
public Bench(String json, String path, boolean value) {
this.json = json;
this.path = path;
this.value = value;
public Result runJayway() {
String result = null;
String error = null;
long time;
Object res = null;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
if(value) {
res = JsonPath.parse(json).read(path);
} else {
res = JsonPath.parse(json).readPathList(path);
} catch (Exception e){
error = getError(e);
} finally {
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
if(res instanceof String) {
result = "\"" + res + "\"";
} else if(res instanceof Number) {
result = res.toString();
} else if(res instanceof Boolean){
result = res.toString();
} else {
result = res != null ? JsonProviderFactory.createProvider().toJson(res) : null;
return new Result("jayway", time, result, error);
public Result runBoon() {
String result = null;
String error = null;
long time;
Iterator<Object> query = null;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!");
io.gatling.jsonpath.JsonPath jsonPath = JsonPath$.MODULE$.compile(path).right().get();
JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParserCharArray();
Object jsonModel = jsonParser.parse(json);
query = jsonPath.query(jsonModel);
} catch (Exception e){
error = getError(e);
} finally {
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
if(query != null) {
List<Object> res = new ArrayList<Object>();
while (query.hasNext()) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapperImpl();
result = mapper.toJson(res);
return new Result("boon", time, result, error);
public Result runNebhale() {
String result = null;
String error = null;
long time;
Object res = null;
JacksonProvider jacksonProvider = new JacksonProvider();
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!");
com.nebhale.jsonpath.JsonPath compiled = com.nebhale.jsonpath.JsonPath.compile(path);
res =, Object.class);
} catch (Exception e){
error = getError(e);
} finally {
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
result = res!=null? jacksonProvider.toJson(res):null;
return new Result("nebhale", time, result, error);
public List<Result> runAll(){
return asList(runJayway(), runBoon(), runNebhale());
private String getError(Exception e){
String ex = e.getMessage();
if(ex == null || ex.trim().isEmpty()){
ex = "Undefined error";
return ex;


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.web.bench;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonFormatter;
import java.util.List;
public class Result {
public final String provider;
public final String active;
public final long time;
public final String result;
public final String error;
public Result(String provider, long time, String result, String error) {
this.provider = provider; = provider == "jayway" ? "active" : "";
this.time = time;
this.result = result != null ? JsonFormatter.prettyPrint(result) : result;
this.error = error;


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.web.boot;
import static org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler.NO_SESSIONS;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.web.resource.IndexResource;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.web.resource.StaticResource;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Connector;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder;
import org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.JacksonFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.mvc.mustache.MustacheMvcFeature;
import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Server s = new Server();
s.setConnectors(new Connector[] { createConnector(s) });
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(NO_SESSIONS);
ServletHolder servletHolder = new ServletHolder(createJerseyServlet());
context.addServlet(servletHolder, "/*");
private static ServerConnector createConnector(Server s){
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(s);
return connector;
private static ServletContainer createJerseyServlet() throws IOException {
ResourceConfig resourceConfig = new ResourceConfig();, "templates");
resourceConfig.register(new IndexResource());
resourceConfig.register(new StaticResource());
return new ServletContainer(resourceConfig);


@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.web.resource;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.web.bench.Bench;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.web.bench.Result;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.mvc.Viewable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class IndexResource {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexResource.class);
public final static Map<String, String> TEMPLATES = loadTemplates();
public Viewable get(@QueryParam("template") @DefaultValue("goessner") String template){
return createView(TEMPLATES.get(template), "$[0].title", true, template, null);
public Viewable post(@FormParam("json") String json,
@FormParam("path") String path,
@FormParam("type") String type,
@FormParam("template") String template){
boolean value = "VALUE".equalsIgnoreCase(type);
return createView(json, path, value, template, new Bench(json, path, value).runAll());
private Viewable createView(String json, String path, boolean value, String selectedTemplate, List<Result> results){
Map<String, Object> res = new HashMap<String, Object>();
res.put("results", results);
res.put("json", json);
res.put("path", path);
res.put("value-checked", value?"checked":"");
res.put("path-checked", (!value)?"checked":"");
res.put("templates", asList(new Template("goessner", "goessner", selectedTemplate), new Template("twitter" , "twitter", selectedTemplate), new Template("webapp", "webapp", selectedTemplate), new Template("20k", "20k", selectedTemplate)));
return new Viewable("/index", res);
private static Map<String, String> loadTemplates(){
try {
String goessner = IOUtils.toString(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("json/goessner.json"), "UTF-8");
String twitter = IOUtils.toString(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("json/twitter.json"));
String webapp = IOUtils.toString(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("json/webxml.json"));
String twentyK = IOUtils.toString(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("json/20k.json"));
Map<String, String> templates = new HashMap<String, String>();
templates.put("goessner", goessner);
templates.put("twitter", twitter);
templates.put("webapp", webapp);
templates.put("20k", twentyK);
return templates;
} catch (Exception e){
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static class Template {
public final String value;
public final String name;
public final String selected;
private Template(String value, String name, String selectedValue) {
this.value = value; = name;
this.selected = value.equalsIgnoreCase(selectedValue)?"selected":"";


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.web.resource;
public class StaticResource {
public InputStream getFonts(@Context UriInfo uriInfo){
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("fonts/" + uriInfo.getPathParameters().getFirst("resource"));
public InputStream getJs(@Context UriInfo uriInfo){
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("js/" + uriInfo.getPathParameters().getFirst("resource"));
public InputStream getCss(@Context UriInfo uriInfo){
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("css/" + uriInfo.getPathParameters().getFirst("resource"));

json-path-web-test/src/main/resources/css/bootstrap.css vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
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json-path-web-test/src/main/resources/js/bootstrap.js vendored

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
/* JSONPath 0.8.0 - XPath for JSON
* Copyright (c) 2007 Stefan Goessner (
* Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) licence.
function jsonPath(obj, expr, arg) {
var P = {
resultType: arg && arg.resultType || "VALUE",
result: [],
normalize: function(expr) {
var subx = [];
return expr.replace(/[\['](\??\(.*?\))[\]']/g, function($0,$1){return "[#"+(subx.push($1)-1)+"]";})
.replace(/'?\.'?|\['?/g, ";")
.replace(/;;;|;;/g, ";..;")
.replace(/;$|'?\]|'$/g, "")
.replace(/#([0-9]+)/g, function($0,$1){return subx[$1];});
asPath: function(path) {
var x = path.split(";"), p = "$";
for (var i=1,n=x.length; i<n; i++)
p += /^[0-9*]+$/.test(x[i]) ? ("["+x[i]+"]") : ("['"+x[i]+"']");
return p;
store: function(p, v) {
if (p) P.result[P.result.length] = P.resultType == "PATH" ? P.asPath(p) : v;
return !!p;
trace: function(expr, val, path) {
if (expr) {
var x = expr.split(";"), loc = x.shift();
x = x.join(";");
if (val && val.hasOwnProperty(loc))
P.trace(x, val[loc], path + ";" + loc);
else if (loc === "*")
P.walk(loc, x, val, path, function(m,l,x,v,p) { P.trace(m+";"+x,v,p); });
else if (loc === "..") {
P.trace(x, val, path);
P.walk(loc, x, val, path, function(m,l,x,v,p) { typeof v[m] === "object" && P.trace("..;"+x,v[m],p+";"+m); });
else if (/,/.test(loc)) { // [name1,name2,...]
for (var s=loc.split(/'?,'?/),i=0,n=s.length; i<n; i++)
P.trace(s[i]+";"+x, val, path);
else if (/^\(.*?\)$/.test(loc)) // [(expr)]
P.trace(P.eval(loc, val, path.substr(path.lastIndexOf(";")+1))+";"+x, val, path);
else if (/^\?\(.*?\)$/.test(loc)) // [?(expr)]
P.walk(loc, x, val, path, function(m,l,x,v,p) { if (P.eval(l.replace(/^\?\((.*?)\)$/,"$1"),v[m],m)) P.trace(m+";"+x,v,p); });
else if (/^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?([0-9]*)$/.test(loc)) // [start:end:step] phyton slice syntax
P.slice(loc, x, val, path);
else, val);
walk: function(loc, expr, val, path, f) {
if (val instanceof Array) {
for (var i=0,n=val.length; i<n; i++)
if (i in val)
else if (typeof val === "object") {
for (var m in val)
if (val.hasOwnProperty(m))
slice: function(loc, expr, val, path) {
if (val instanceof Array) {
var len=val.length, start=0, end=len, step=1;
loc.replace(/^(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?(-?[0-9]*)$/g, function($0,$1,$2,$3){start=parseInt($1||start);end=parseInt($2||end);step=parseInt($3||step);});
start = (start < 0) ? Math.max(0,start+len) : Math.min(len,start);
end = (end < 0) ? Math.max(0,end+len) : Math.min(len,end);
for (var i=start; i<end; i+=step)
P.trace(i+";"+expr, val, path);
eval: function(x, _v, _vname) {
try { return $ && _v && eval(x.replace(/@/g, "_v")); }
catch(e) { throw new SyntaxError("jsonPath: " + e.message + ": " + x.replace(/@/g, "_v").replace(/\^/g, "_a")); }
var $ = obj;
if (expr && obj && (P.resultType == "VALUE" || P.resultType == "PATH")) {
P.trace(P.normalize(expr).replace(/^\$;/,""), obj, "$");
return P.result.length ? P.result : false;


@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
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"text": "20-5-1874: Sterfdag Alexander B. Dyer, Gen vd Unie. 1e Generaal die aanschaf Gatling gun nastreefde #amerikaanseburgeroorlog"
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@


@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
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<h3>JSONPath evaluator</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<form method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<select id="templates" name="template" class="form-control" onChange='window.location="?template=" + this.value;'>
<option value="{{value}}" {{selected}}>{{name}}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<textarea id="json" name="json" rows="20" class="form-control">{{json}}</textarea>
<div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="type" id="optTypeValue" value="value" {{value-checked}} />
Matching values
<div class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="type" id="optTypePath" value="path" {{path-checked}} />
Normalized path expressions
<div class="input-group">
<input id="path" name="path" value="{{path}}" placeholder="Enter path" class="form-control"/>
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Go!</button>
<div class="col-md-6">
<ul id="tabs" class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
<li class="active"><a href="#jayway" data-toggle="tab">Jayway</a></li>
<li><a href="#boon" data-toggle="tab">Boon</a></li>
<li><a href="#nebhale" data-toggle="tab">Nebhale</a></li>
<li><a href="#goessner" data-toggle="tab">Gossner</a></li>
<div id="my-tab-content" class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane {{active}}" id="{{provider}}">
<span id="{{provider}}-time">{{time}}</span>&nbsp;millis
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<pre class="prettyprint" style="background-color: transparent; border: none;">{{result}}</pre>
<p class="bg-danger">{{error}}</p>
<div class="tab-pane" id="goessner">
<span id="goessner-time"></span>&nbsp;millis
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<pre id="goessner-res" class="prettyprint" style="background-color: transparent; border: none;"></pre>
$( document ).ready(function() {
if( $('#jayway').length )
//var value = $("#optTypeValue").prop("checked", true);
var value = $("#optTypeValue").is(':checked');
var start = new Date().getTime();
var json = JSON.parse($('#json').val());
var path = $('#path').val();
var res = '';
res = jsonPath(json, path, {resultType:"VALUE"});
} else {
res = jsonPath(json, path, {resultType:"PATH"});
var elapsed = new Date().getTime() - start;
$("#goessner-res").text(JSON.stringify(res, null, ' '));


@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.*;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notNull;
* User: kalle
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ public class Configuration {
private final JsonProvider provider;
private final EnumSet<Option> options;
private final Set<Option> options;
private Configuration(JsonProvider provider, EnumSet<Option> options) {
notNull(provider, "provider can not be null");
notNull(options, "options can not be null");
this.provider = provider;
this.options = options;
this.options = Collections.unmodifiableSet(options);
public Configuration provider(JsonProvider provider) {


@ -14,13 +14,16 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler.PathCompiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.Path;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.isNumeric;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notNull;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.*;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
@ -50,7 +53,9 @@ public class Criteria {
private static final Object NOT_SET = new Object();
private final JsonPath key;
//private final JsonPath key;
//private final Path key;
private final Path key;
private final List<Criteria> criteriaChain;
@ -63,17 +68,29 @@ public class Criteria {
Utils.notEmpty(key, "key can not be null or empty");
this.criteriaChain = new ArrayList<Criteria>();
this.key = JsonPath.compile(key);
this.key = PathCompiler.tokenize(key);
private Criteria(Path path) {
Utils.notNull(path, "path can not be null");
this.criteriaChain = new ArrayList<Criteria>();
this.key = path;
private Criteria(List<Criteria> criteriaChain, String key) {
Utils.notEmpty(key, "key can not be null or empty");
this.criteriaChain = criteriaChain;
//this.key = JsonPath.compile(key);
this.key = JsonPath.compile(key);
//this.key = PathCompiler.compile(key);
this.key = PathCompiler.tokenize(key);
JsonPath getKey() {
//JsonPath getKey() {
//Path getKey() {
Path getKey() {
return this.key;
@ -83,11 +100,7 @@ public class Criteria {
* @param map map to check
* @return true if criteria is a match
boolean matches(Map<String, Object> map, Configuration configuration) {
if (this.criteriaChain.size() == 1) {
return criteriaChain.get(0).singleObjectApply(map, configuration);
} else {
boolean matches(Object map, Configuration configuration) {
for (Criteria c : this.criteriaChain) {
if (!c.singleObjectApply(map, configuration)) {
return false;
@ -95,11 +108,14 @@ public class Criteria {
return true;
private static Object readSafely(JsonPath path, Map<String, Object> map) {
//private static Object readSafely(JsonPath path, Map<String, Object> map) {
//private static Object readSafely(Path path, Object map) {
private static Object readSafely(Path path, Object map) {
try {
return path.evaluate(map, Configuration.defaultConfiguration()).get();
//return PathEvaluator.evaluate(path, map, JsonProviderFactory.createProvider(), Collections.EMPTY_SET).getResult();
//return path. read(map);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
return null;
@ -119,7 +135,7 @@ public class Criteria {
return predicate.accept((T) singleObjectOrCollection);
boolean singleObjectApply(Map<String, Object> map, final Configuration configuration) {
private boolean singleObjectApply(Object map, final Configuration configuration) {
for (CriteriaType key : this.criteria.keySet()) {
@ -243,7 +259,9 @@ public class Criteria {
return !empty;
} else if (CriteriaType.EXISTS.equals(key)) {
if (configuration.getProvider().isArray(map)) {
return false;
final boolean exp = (Boolean) expectedVal;
return objectOrAnyCollectionItemMatches(map, new Predicate<Object>() {
@ -251,10 +269,17 @@ public class Criteria {
boolean act = true;
Object res;
try {
res = getKey().read(value, configuration.options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY));
Set<Option> options = new HashSet<Option>() {{
//res = getKey().read(value, configuration.options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY));
//res = PathEvaluator.evaluate(getKey(), value, configuration.getProvider(), options).getResult();
res = getKey().evaluate(value, Configuration.defaultConfiguration().options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY)).get();
if (configuration.getProvider().isArray(res)) {
if (getKey().isDefinite()) {
act = true;
} else {
act = (configuration.getProvider().length(res) > 0);
@ -331,6 +356,15 @@ public class Criteria {
return true;
* Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
* @param key filed name
* @return the new criteria
public static Criteria where(Path key) {
return new Criteria(key);
* Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
@ -492,7 +526,8 @@ public class Criteria {
* The <code>all</code> operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value in the specified array all values in the array must be matched.
* The <code>all</code> operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value
* in the specified array all values in the array must be matched.
* @param o
* @return
@ -502,7 +537,8 @@ public class Criteria {
* The <code>all</code> operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value in the specified array all values in the array must be matched.
* The <code>all</code> operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value
* in the specified array all values in the array must be matched.
* @param c
* @return
@ -515,14 +551,19 @@ public class Criteria {
* The <code>size</code> operator matches any array with the specified number of elements.
* The <code>size</code> operator matches:
* @param s
* <ol>
* <li>array with the specified number of elements.</li>
* <li>string with given length.</li>
* </ol>
* @param size
* @return
public Criteria size(int s) {
public Criteria size(int size) {
criteria.put(CriteriaType.SIZE, s);
criteria.put(CriteriaType.SIZE, size);
return this;
@ -573,6 +614,45 @@ public class Criteria {
return this;
public Criteria matches(String operator, String expected) {
Object check;
if (expected.startsWith("'") && expected.endsWith("'")) {
check = expected.substring(1, expected.length() - 1);
} else if ("true".equals(expected)) {
check = Boolean.TRUE;
} else if ("false".equals(expected)) {
check = Boolean.FALSE;
} else if ("null".equals(expected)) {
check = null;
} else if (isNumeric(expected)) {
if (expected.contains(".")) {
check = Double.parseDouble(expected);
} else {
check = Integer.parseInt(expected);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type not supported: " + expected);
if ("==".equals(operator)) {
return is(check);
} else if (">".equals(operator)) {
return gt(check);
} else if (">=".equals(operator)) {
return gte(check);
} else if ("<".equals(operator)) {
return lt(check);
} else if ("<=".equals(operator)) {
return lte(check);
} else if ("!=".equals(operator)) {
return ne(check);
} else if ("<>".equals(operator)) {
return ne(check);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operator not supported: " + operator);
* Creates an 'or' criteria using the $or operator for all of the provided criteria
@ -608,7 +688,9 @@ public class Criteria {
private void checkFilterCanBeApplied(CriteriaType type) {
if (getKey().getTokenizer().size() > 2) {
//if (getKey().getTokenizer().size() > 2) {
//if(getKey().getComponents().length > 2) {
if (getKey().tokenCount() > 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use " + type + " filter on a multi-level path expression");
@ -618,4 +700,17 @@ public class Criteria {
boolean accept(T value);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<Criteria> iterator = criteriaChain.iterator();
Criteria c =;
if (c.isValue != NOT_SET) {
sb.append("@").append(key.toString().substring(1) + " == " + ((c.isValue instanceof String) ? ("'" + c.isValue + "'") : c.isValue.toString()));
return sb.toString();


@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler.PathCompiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.EvaluationContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.join;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notNull;
public class Criteria2 implements Predicate {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Criteria2.class);
private final Path path;
private CriteriaType criteriaType;
private Object expected;
private final List<Criteria2> criteriaChain;
private enum CriteriaType {
EQ {
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
boolean res = (0 == safeCompare(expected, actual, configuration));
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected, res);
return res;
NE {
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
boolean res = (0 != safeCompare(expected, actual, configuration));
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected, res);
return res;
GT {
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
if ((expected == null) ^ (actual == null)) {
return false;
boolean res = (0 > safeCompare(expected, actual, configuration));
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected, res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
if ((expected == null) ^ (actual == null)) {
return false;
boolean res = (0 >= safeCompare(expected, actual, configuration));
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected, res);
return res;
LT {
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
if ((expected == null) ^ (actual == null)) {
return false;
boolean res = (0 < safeCompare(expected, actual, configuration));
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected, res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
if ((expected == null) ^ (actual == null)) {
return false;
boolean res = (0 <= safeCompare(expected, actual, configuration));
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected, res);
return res;
IN {
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
boolean res = false;
Collection exps = (Collection) expected;
for (Object exp : exps) {
if (0 == safeCompare(exp, actual, configuration)) {
res = true;
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), join(", ", exps), res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
Collection nexps = (Collection) expected;
boolean res = !nexps.contains(actual);
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), join(", ", nexps), res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
boolean res = true;
Collection exps = (Collection) expected;
if (configuration.getProvider().isArray(actual)) {
for (Object exp : exps) {
boolean found = false;
for (Object check : configuration.getProvider().toIterable(actual)) {
if (0 == safeCompare(exp, check, configuration)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
res = false;
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", join(", ", configuration.getProvider().toIterable(actual)), name(), join(", ", exps), res);
} else {
res = false;
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", "<NOT AN ARRAY>", name(), join(", ", exps), res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
int size = (Integer) expected;
boolean res;
if (configuration.getProvider().isArray(actual)) {
int length = configuration.getProvider().length(actual);
res = length == size;
logger.debug("Array with size {} {} {} => {}", length, name(), size, res);
} else if (actual instanceof String) {
int length = ((String) actual).length();
res = length == size;
logger.debug("String with length {} {} {} => {}", length, name(), size, res);
} else {
res = false;
logger.debug("{} {} {} => {}", actual == null ? "null" : actual.getClass().getName(), name(), size, res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
//This must be handled outside
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
final Class<?> expType = (Class<?>) expected;
final Class<?> actType = actual == null ? null : actual.getClass();
if (actType != null) {
return expType.isAssignableFrom(actType);
return false;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
boolean res = false;
final Pattern pattern = (Pattern) expected;
if (actual != null && actual instanceof String) {
res = pattern.matcher(actual.toString()).matches();
logger.debug("[{}] {} [{}] => {}", actual, name(), expected.toString(), res);
return res;
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
Predicate exp = (Predicate) expected;
return exp.apply(actual, configuration);
boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
boolean res = false;
if (actual != null) {
if (configuration.getProvider().isArray(actual)) {
int len = configuration.getProvider().length(actual);
res = (0 != len);
logger.debug("array length = {} {} => {}", len, name(), res);
} else if (actual instanceof String) {
int len = ((String) actual).length();
res = (0 != len);
logger.debug("string length = {} {} => {}", len, name(), res);
return res;
abstract boolean eval(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration);
public static CriteriaType parse(String str) {
if ("==".equals(str)) {
return EQ;
} else if (">".equals(str)) {
return GT;
} else if (">=".equals(str)) {
return GTE;
} else if ("<".equals(str)) {
return LT;
} else if ("<=".equals(str)) {
return LTE;
} else if ("!=".equals(str)) {
return NE;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CriteriaType " + str + " can not be parsed");
private Criteria2(List<Criteria2> criteriaChain, Path path) {
if (!path.isDefinite()) {
throw new InvalidCriteriaException("A criteria path must be definite. The path " + path.toString() + " is not!");
this.path = path;
this.criteriaChain = criteriaChain;
private Criteria2(Path path) {
this(new LinkedList<Criteria2>(), path);
private Criteria2(Path path, CriteriaType criteriaType, Object expected) {
this(new LinkedList<Criteria2>(), path);
this.criteriaType = criteriaType;
this.expected = expected;
public boolean apply(Object model, Configuration configuration) {
for (Criteria2 criteria : criteriaChain) {
if (!criteria.eval(model, configuration)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean eval(Object model, Configuration configuration) {
if (CriteriaType.EXISTS == criteriaType) {
boolean exists = ((Boolean) expected);
try {
path.evaluate(model, configuration.options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY)).get();
return exists == true;
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
return exists == false;
} else {
try {
final Object actual = path.evaluate(model, configuration).get();
return criteriaType.eval(expected, actual, configuration);
} catch (CompareException e) {
return false;
} catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
return false;
* Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
* @param key filed name
* @return the new criteria
public static Criteria2 where(Path key) {
return new Criteria2(key);
* Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
* @param key filed name
* @return the new criteria
public static Criteria2 where(String key) {
return where(PathCompiler.tokenize(key));
* Static factory method to create a Criteria using the provided key
* @param key ads new filed to criteria
* @return the criteria builder
public Criteria2 and(String key) {
return new Criteria2(this.criteriaChain, PathCompiler.tokenize(key));
* Creates a criterion using equality
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 is(Object o) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.EQ;
this.expected = o;
return this;
* Creates a criterion using equality
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 eq(Object o) {
return is(o);
* Creates a criterion using the <b>!=</b> operator
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 ne(Object o) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.NE;
this.expected = o;
return this;
* Creates a criterion using the <b>&lt;</b> operator
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 lt(Object o) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.LT;
this.expected = o;
return this;
* Creates a criterion using the <b>&lt;=</b> operator
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 lte(Object o) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.LTE;
this.expected = o;
return this;
* Creates a criterion using the <b>&gt;</b> operator
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 gt(Object o) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.GT;
this.expected = o;
return this;
* Creates a criterion using the <b>&gt;=</b> operator
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 gte(Object o) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.GTE;
this.expected = o;
return this;
* Creates a criterion using a Regex
* @param pattern
* @return
public Criteria2 regex(Pattern pattern) {
notNull(pattern, "pattern can not be null");
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.REGEX;
this.expected = pattern;
return this;
* The <code>in</code> operator is analogous to the SQL IN modifier, allowing you
* to specify an array of possible matches.
* @param o the values to match against
* @return
public Criteria2 in(Object... o) {
return in(Arrays.asList(o));
* The <code>in</code> operator is analogous to the SQL IN modifier, allowing you
* to specify an array of possible matches.
* @param c the collection containing the values to match against
* @return
public Criteria2 in(Collection<?> c) {
notNull(c, "collection can not be null");
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.IN;
this.expected = c;
return this;
* The <code>nin</code> operator is similar to $in except that it selects objects for
* which the specified field does not have any value in the specified array.
* @param o the values to match against
* @return
public Criteria2 nin(Object... o) {
return nin(Arrays.asList(o));
* The <code>nin</code> operator is similar to $in except that it selects objects for
* which the specified field does not have any value in the specified array.
* @param c the values to match against
* @return
public Criteria2 nin(Collection<?> c) {
notNull(c, "collection can not be null");
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.NIN;
this.expected = c;
return this;
* The <code>all</code> operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value
* in the specified array all values in the array must be matched.
* @param o
* @return
public Criteria2 all(Object... o) {
return all(Arrays.asList(o));
* The <code>all</code> operator is similar to $in, but instead of matching any value
* in the specified array all values in the array must be matched.
* @param c
* @return
public Criteria2 all(Collection<?> c) {
notNull(c, "collection can not be null");
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.ALL;
this.expected = c;
return this;
* The <code>size</code> operator matches:
* <p/>
* <ol>
* <li>array with the specified number of elements.</li>
* <li>string with given length.</li>
* </ol>
* @param size
* @return
public Criteria2 size(int size) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.SIZE;
this.expected = size;
return this;
* Check for existence (or lack thereof) of a field.
* @param b
* @return
public Criteria2 exists(boolean b) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.EXISTS;
this.expected = b;
return this;
* The $type operator matches values based on their Java type.
* @param t
* @return
public Criteria2 type(Class<?> t) {
notNull(t, "type can not be null");
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.TYPE;
this.expected = t;
return this;
* The <code>notEmpty</code> operator checks that an array or String is not empty.
* @return
public Criteria2 notEmpty() {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.NOT_EMPTY;
this.expected = null;
return this;
* The <code>matches</code> operator checks that an object matches the given predicate.
* @return
public Criteria2 matches(Predicate p) {
this.criteriaType = CriteriaType.TYPE.MATCHES;
this.expected = p;
return this;
private static int safeCompare(Object expected, Object actual, Configuration configuration) {
if (expected == null && actual != null) {
return -1;
} else if (expected != null && actual == null) {
return 1;
} else if (expected == null && actual == null) {
return 0;
} else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof String) {
return ((String) expected).compareTo((String) actual);
} else if (expected instanceof Number && actual instanceof Number) {
return new BigDecimal(expected.toString()).compareTo(new BigDecimal(actual.toString()));
} else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof Number) {
return new BigDecimal(expected.toString()).compareTo(new BigDecimal(actual.toString()));
} else if (expected instanceof String && actual instanceof Boolean) {
Boolean e = Boolean.valueOf((String)expected);
Boolean a = (Boolean) actual;
return e.compareTo(a);
} else if (expected instanceof Boolean && actual instanceof Boolean) {
Boolean e = (Boolean) expected;
Boolean a = (Boolean) actual;
return e.compareTo(a);
} else {
logger.debug("Can not compare a {} with a {}", expected.getClass().getName(), actual.getClass().getName());
throw new CompareException();
private static class CompareException extends RuntimeException {
public static Criteria2 create(String path, String operator, String expected) {
if (expected.startsWith("'") && expected.endsWith("'")) {
expected = expected.substring(1, expected.length() - 1);
Path p = PathCompiler.tokenize(path);
if (operator.isEmpty()) {
return Criteria2.where(path).exists(true);
} else {
return new Criteria2(p, CriteriaType.parse(operator), expected);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();


@ -14,31 +14,31 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A filter is used to filter the content of a JSON array in a JSONPath.
* <p/>
* Sample
* <p/>
* <code>
* String doc = {"items": [{"name" : "john"}, {"name": "bob"}]}
* <p/>
* List<String> names =, "$items[?].name", Filter.filter(Criteria.where("name").is("john"));
* </code>
* @see Criteria
* @author Kalle Stenflo
* @see Criteria
public abstract class Filter<T> {
* Creates a new filter based on given criteria
* @param criteria the filter criteria
* @return a new filter
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
* Filters the provided list based on this filter configuration
* @param filterItems items to filter
* @param configuration the json provider configuration that is used to create the result list
* @return the filtered list
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
* Check if this filter will accept or reject the given object
* @param obj item to check
* @return true if filter matches
@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
* Check if this filter will accept or reject the given object
* @param obj item to check
* @param configuration
* @return true if filter matches
@ -104,14 +107,15 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
return accept(obj);
public Filter addCriteria(Criteria criteria) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can not add criteria to a FilterAdapter.");
private static class MapFilter extends FilterAdapter<Map<String, Object>> {
private static class MapFilter extends FilterAdapter<Object> {
private HashMap<String, Criteria> criteria = new LinkedHashMap<String, Criteria>();
@ -120,8 +124,8 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
public MapFilter addCriteria(Criteria criteria) {
Criteria existing = this.criteria.get(criteria.getKey().getPath());
String key = criteria.getKey().getPath();
String key = criteria.getKey().toString();
Criteria existing = this.criteria.get(key);
if (existing == null) {
this.criteria.put(key, criteria);
} else {
@ -131,12 +135,12 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
public boolean accept(Map<String, Object> map) {
public boolean accept(Object map) {
return accept(map, Configuration.defaultConfiguration());
public boolean accept(Map<String, Object> map, Configuration configuration) {
public boolean accept(Object map, Configuration configuration) {
for (Criteria criterion : this.criteria.values()) {
if (!criterion.matches(map, configuration)) {
return false;
@ -144,5 +148,23 @@ public abstract class Filter<T> {
return true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<Criteria> criteriaIterator = criteria.values().iterator();
Criteria criterion =;
while (criteriaIterator.hasNext()) {
sb.append(" && ")
return sb.toString();


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class Filter2 implements Predicate {
private List<Criteria2> criteriaList = new ArrayList<Criteria2>();
private Filter2(Criteria2 criteria) {
private Filter2(List<Criteria2> criteriaList) {
this.criteriaList = criteriaList;
public static Filter2 filter(Criteria2 criteria) {
return new Filter2(criteria);
public static Filter2 filter(List<Criteria2> criteriaList) {
return new Filter2(criteriaList);
public boolean apply(Object target, Configuration configuration) {
for (Criteria2 criteria : criteriaList) {
if (!criteria.apply(target, configuration)) {
return false;
return true;
public void addCriteria(Criteria2 criteria) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Criteria2 crit : criteriaList) {
return sb.toString();


@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class IndefinitePathException extends RuntimeException {
public IndefinitePathException(String path) {
super("The path " + path + " is not definite");


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -15,27 +15,22 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonReader;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathToken;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathTokenizer;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.PathTokenFilter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.HttpProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProviderFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.*;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler.PathCompiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.http.HttpProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.Path;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.*;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
* <p/>
@ -100,54 +95,22 @@ import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class JsonPath {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonPath.class.getName());
private static final Pattern DEFINITE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*(\\.\\.|\\*|\\[[\\\\/]|\\?|,|:\\s?]|\\[\\s?:|>|\\(|<|=|\\+).*");
private static Pattern DEFINITE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*(\\.\\.|\\*|\\[[\\\\/]|\\?|,|:\\s?]|\\[\\s?:|>|\\(|<|=|\\+).*");
private PathTokenizer tokenizer;
private LinkedList<Filter> filters;
private JsonPath(String jsonPath, Filter[] filters) {
private final Path path;
private JsonPath(String jsonPath, Filter2[] filters) {
notNull(jsonPath, "path can not be null");
jsonPath = jsonPath.trim();
notEmpty(jsonPath, "path can not be empty");
int filterCountInPath = Utils.countMatches(jsonPath, "[?]");
isTrue(filterCountInPath == filters.length, "Filters in path ([?]) does not match provided filters.");
this.tokenizer = new PathTokenizer(jsonPath);
LOG.debug("New JsonPath:\n{}", this.tokenizer.toString());
this.filters = new LinkedList<Filter>();
PathTokenizer getTokenizer() {
return this.tokenizer;
this.path = PathCompiler.tokenize(jsonPath, filters);
public JsonPath copy() {
Filter[] filterCopy = filters.isEmpty()?new Filter[0]:new Filter[filters.size()];
return new JsonPath(tokenizer.getPath(), filters.toArray(filterCopy));
* Returns the string representation of this JsonPath
* @return path as String
public String getPath() {
return this.tokenizer.getPath();
return this.path.toString();
@ -172,7 +135,6 @@ public class JsonPath {
public static boolean isPathDefinite(String path) {
String preparedPath = path.replaceAll("\"[^\"\\\\\\n\r]*\"", "");
return !DEFINITE_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(preparedPath).matches();
@ -198,7 +160,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @return true if path is definite (points to single item)
public boolean isPathDefinite() {
return JsonPath.isPathDefinite(getPath());
return path.isDefinite();
@ -208,7 +170,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @param jsonObject a container Object
* @param <T> expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @return object(s) matched by the given path
public <T> T read(Object jsonObject) {
@ -223,46 +185,36 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @param jsonObject a container Object
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @param <T> expected return type
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
* @return object(s) matched by the given path
public <T> T read(Object jsonObject, Configuration configuration) {
notNull(jsonObject, "json can not be null");
notNull(configuration, "configuration can not be null");
if (this.getPath().equals("$")) {
//This path only references the whole object. No need to do any work here...
return (T) jsonObject;
if (!configuration.getProvider().isContainer(jsonObject)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid container object");
return path.evaluate(jsonObject, configuration).get();
LinkedList<Filter> contextFilters = new LinkedList<Filter>(filters);
Object result = jsonObject;
boolean inArrayContext = false;
for (PathToken pathToken : tokenizer) {
PathTokenFilter filter = pathToken.getFilter();
LOG.debug("Applying filter: " + filter + " to " + result);
result = filter.filter(result, configuration, contextFilters, inArrayContext);
if(result == null && !pathToken.isEndToken()){
throw new PathNotFoundException("Path token: '" + pathToken.getFragment() + "' not found.");
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json document.
* Note that the document must be identified as either a List or Map by
* the {@link JsonProvider}
* @param jsonObject a container Object
* @return list of definite path strings to object matched by path
public List<String> readPathList(Object jsonObject) {
return readPathList(jsonObject, Configuration.defaultConfiguration());
if (!inArrayContext) {
inArrayContext = filter.isArrayFilter();
return (T) result;
* Applies this JsonPath to the provided json document.
* Note that the document must be identified as either a List or Map by
* the {@link JsonProvider}
* @param jsonObject a container Object
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @return list of definite path strings to object matched by path
public List<String> readPathList(Object jsonObject, Configuration configuration) {
return path.evaluate(jsonObject, configuration).getPathList();
@ -420,7 +372,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @param filters filters to be applied to the filter place holders [?] in the path
* @return compiled JsonPath
public static JsonPath compile(String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
public static JsonPath compile(String jsonPath, Filter2... filters) {
notEmpty(jsonPath, "json can not be null or empty");
return new JsonPath(jsonPath, filters);
@ -443,8 +395,9 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static <T> T read(Object json, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
return compile(jsonPath, filters).read(json);
public static <T> T read(Object json, String jsonPath, Filter2... filters) {
//return compile(jsonPath, filters).read(json);
return new JsonReader().parse(json).read(jsonPath, filters);
@ -458,7 +411,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static <T> T read(String json, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) {
public static <T> T read(String json, String jsonPath, Filter2... filters) {
return new JsonReader().parse(json).read(jsonPath, filters);
@ -472,7 +425,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static <T> T read(URL jsonURL, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) throws IOException {
public static <T> T read(URL jsonURL, String jsonPath, Filter2... filters) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(jsonURL).read(jsonPath, filters);
@ -486,7 +439,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static <T> T read(File jsonFile, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) throws IOException {
public static <T> T read(File jsonFile, String jsonPath, Filter2... filters) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(jsonFile).read(jsonPath, filters);
@ -500,7 +453,7 @@ public class JsonPath {
* @return list of objects matched by the given path
public static <T> T read(InputStream jsonInputStream, String jsonPath, Filter... filters) throws IOException {
public static <T> T read(InputStream jsonInputStream, String jsonPath, Filter2... filters) throws IOException {
return new JsonReader().parse(jsonInputStream).read(jsonPath, filters);


@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ import;
public interface ParseContext {
ReadContext parse(String json);
ReadContext parse(Object json);
ReadContext parse(InputStream json);
ReadContext parse(File json) throws IOException;
ReadContext parse(URL json) throws IOException;


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
public interface Predicate {
boolean apply(Object target, Configuration configuration);


@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import java.util.List;
* User: kalle
* Date: 8/30/13
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ public interface ReadContext {
* @param <T>
* @return result
<T> T read(String path, Filter... filters);
<T> T read(String path, Filter2... filters);
* Reads the given path from this context
@ -46,4 +48,22 @@ public interface ReadContext {
* @return result
<T> T read(JsonPath path);
* Reads the given path list from this context
* @param path a container Object
* @param filters filters
* @return list of definite path strings to object matched by path
List<String> readPathList(String path, Filter2... filters);
* Reads the given path list from this context
* @param path path to apply
* @return list of definite path strings to object matched by path
List<String> readPathList(JsonPath path);


@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ package com.jayway.jsonpath;
public interface Transformer<T> {
* @param obj object to transform
* @param configuration configuration to use
* @return the transformed object
@ -28,5 +27,4 @@ public interface Transformer<T> {
public Object transform(T obj, Configuration configuration);


@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.Path;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
public class Cache {
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private final Map<String, Path> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Path>();
private final Deque<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
private final int limit;
public Cache(int limit) {
this.limit = limit;
public void put(String key, Path value) {
Path oldValue = map.put(key, value);
if (oldValue != null) {
} else {
if (map.size() > limit) {
public Path get(String key) {
return map.get(key);
private void addKey(String key) {
try {
} finally {
private String removeLast() {
try {
final String removedKey = queue.removeLast();
return removedKey;
} finally {
private void removeThenAddKey(String key) {
try {
} finally {
private void removeFirstOccurrence(String key) {
try {
} finally {
public Path getSilent(String key) {
return map.get(key);
public void remove(String key) {
public int size() {
return map.size();
public String toString() {
return map.toString();


@ -1,40 +1,49 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
public class JsonFormatter
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class JsonFormatter {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonFormatter.class);
private static final String INDENT = " ";
private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static void appendIndent(StringBuilder sb, int count)
private static void appendIndent(StringBuilder sb, int count) {
for (; count > 0; --count) sb.append(INDENT);
private static boolean isEscaped(StringBuilder sb, int index)
private static boolean isEscaped(StringBuilder sb, int index) {
boolean escaped = false;
while (index > 0 && sb.charAt(--index) == '\\') escaped = !escaped;
int idx = Math.min(index, sb.length());
try {
while (idx > 0 && sb.charAt(--idx) == '\\') {
escaped = !escaped;
} catch (Exception e){
logger.warn("Failed to check escaped ", e);
return escaped;
public static String prettyPrint(String input)
public static String prettyPrint(String input) {
input = input.replaceAll("[\\r\\n]", "");
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(input.length() * 2);
boolean quoteOpened = false;
int depth = 0;
for(int i=0; i<input.length(); ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i) {
char ch = input.charAt(i);
switch (ch)
switch (ch) {
case '{':
case '[':
if (!quoteOpened)
if (!quoteOpened) {
appendIndent(output, ++depth);
@ -43,8 +52,7 @@ public class JsonFormatter
case ']':
if (quoteOpened)
else {
appendIndent(output, --depth);
@ -53,17 +61,14 @@ public class JsonFormatter
case '"':
case '\'':
if (quoteOpened)
if (quoteOpened) {
if (!isEscaped(output, i))
quoteOpened = false;
else quoteOpened = true;
} else quoteOpened = true;
case ',':
if (!quoteOpened)
if (!quoteOpened) {
appendIndent(output, depth);


@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.*;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.HttpProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.http.HttpProviderFactory;
import java.util.List;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.*;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notEmpty;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notNull;
* User: kalle
@ -26,10 +27,6 @@ public class JsonReader implements ParseContext, ReadContext {
public JsonReader(JsonProvider jsonProvider) {
public JsonReader(Configuration configuration) {
notNull(configuration, "configuration can not be null");
this.configuration = configuration;
@ -92,7 +89,7 @@ public class JsonReader implements ParseContext, ReadContext {
public <T> T read(String path, Filter... filters) {
public <T> T read(String path, Filter2... filters) {
notEmpty(path, "path can not be null or empty");
return read(JsonPath.compile(path, filters));
@ -103,4 +100,15 @@ public class JsonReader implements ParseContext, ReadContext {
return, configuration);
public List<String> readPathList(String path, Filter2... filters) {
notEmpty(path, "path can not be null or empty");
return readPathList(JsonPath.compile(path, filters));
public List<String> readPathList(JsonPath path) {
notNull(path, "path can not be null");
return path.readPathList(json, configuration);


@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Parser {
public enum Token {
BLANK(' '),
private final char c;
Token(char c) {
this.c = c;
protected String buffer;
private int i;
public Parser(String src) {
buffer = src;
i = -1;
public char prev(){
return buffer.charAt(i-1);
public boolean prevIs(char c){
if(i <= 0){
return false;
return prev() == c;
public char curr(){
return buffer.charAt(i);
public char peek(){
return buffer.charAt(i + 1);
public boolean peekIs(Token token){
return buffer.charAt(i+1) == token.c;
public char next(){
return buffer.charAt(++i);
public boolean hasNext(){
return i < buffer.length() - 1;
public String next(int count){
int y = i;
i = i + count - 1;
return buffer.substring(y, i+1);
//return Arrays.copyOfRange(buffer, y, i+1);
public void trim(Token token){
while (peekIs(token)){
public int findOffset(Token... tokens){
int y = i;
char check;
do {
if(y == buffer.length()-1 && contains(tokens, Token.END.c)){
check = buffer.charAt(++y);
} while (!contains(tokens, check));
return y-i;
public String nextUntil(Token... tokens){
int offset = findOffset(tokens);
return next(offset);
public boolean isInts(String chars, boolean allowSequence){
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length(); i++){
char c = chars.charAt(i);
boolean isSequenceChar = (c == ' ' || c == ',');
if(!Character.isDigit(c) || (isSequenceChar && allowSequence)){
return false;
return true;
private boolean contains(Token[] arr, char checkFor){
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if(arr[i].c == checkFor){
return true;
return false;
public Filter2 parse(String filterString){
char[] chars = filterString.trim().toCharArray();
int i = 0;
do {
char current = chars[i];
switch (current){
case '?':
case '(':
case ')':
case '\'';
} while (i < chars.length);


@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class PathFormalizer extends Parser {
private static final Fragment ROOT = new Fragment(Type.ROOT, "$");
private static final Fragment SCAN = new Fragment(Type.SCAN, "..");
StringBuilder formalized = new StringBuilder();
public PathFormalizer(String path) {
public String formalize() {
TokenBuffer buffer = new TokenBuffer();
do {
char current = next();
switch (current) {
case '$':
case '.':
if (!buffer.isEmpty()) {
if (peekIs(Token.DOT)) {
case '[':
if (!buffer.isEmpty()) {
case ']':
if (!buffer.isEmpty()) {
case '?':
if (peekIs(Token.OPEN_PARENTHESIS)) {
buffer.append("?" + nextUntil(Token.CLOSE_BRACKET));
} while (hasNext());
if (!buffer.isEmpty()) {
for (Fragment f : buffer.getFragments()) {
System.out.println("Fragment: " + f.frag + " Type: " + f.type);
return formalized.toString();
private static class TokenBuffer {
private List<Fragment> fragments = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
public TokenBuffer append(String s) {
return this;
public TokenBuffer append(char c) {
return this;
public void flush() {
fragments.add(new Fragment(Type.PROPERTY, sb.toString().trim()));
sb = new StringBuilder();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return sb.length() == 0;
public List<Fragment> getFragments() {
return fragments;
private Fragment createFragment(String data) {
if ("$".equals(data)) {
return ROOT;
} else if ("..".equals(data)) {
return SCAN;
} else if (isInts(data, true)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(data));
} else {
return new Fragment(Type.PROPERTY, new String(data));
private static class Fragment {
private Type type;
private String frag;
private Fragment(Type type, String frag) {
this.type = type;
this.frag = frag;
//"[-1:]" sliceFrom
//"[:1]" sliceTo
//"[0:5]" sliceBetween
//"[(@.length - 1)]"
private static Fragment create(String str) {
boolean isProperty = str.startsWith("'") && str.endsWith("'");
if (isProperty) {
return new Fragment(Type.PROPERTY, new String(str.substring(1, str.length()-1)));
} else if ("$".equals(str)) {
return ROOT;
} else if ("..".equals(str)) {
return SCAN;
} else if ("*".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("-1:".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if (":1".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("1:2".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("1".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("1,2,3".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("(@.length() - 1)".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("?( == 'bar')".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else if ("1,2,3".equals(str)) {
return new Fragment(Type.INDEX, new String(str));
} else {
return new Fragment(Type.PROPERTY, new String(str));
public String toString() {
return frag;
private static enum Type {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String path = "$.store['foo'].arr[10][?(@.isbn)].isbn";
PathFormalizer p = new PathFormalizer(path);
String f = p.formalize();


@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidModelException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.FilterFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.PathTokenFilter;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class PathToken {
private static final Pattern ARRAY_INDEX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[(\\d+)]");
private final String fragment;
private final int tokenIndex;
private final boolean endToken;
public PathToken(String fragment, int tokenIndex, boolean isEndToken) {
this.fragment = fragment;
this.tokenIndex = tokenIndex;
this.endToken = isEndToken;
public PathTokenFilter getFilter(){
return FilterFactory.createFilter(this);
public Object filter(Object model, Configuration configuration){
return FilterFactory.createFilter(this).filter(model, configuration);
public Object apply(Object model, Configuration configuration){
return FilterFactory.createFilter(this).getRef(model, configuration);
public String getFragment() {
return fragment;
public boolean isRootToken(){
return this.tokenIndex == 0;
public boolean isEndToken(){
return this.endToken;
public boolean isArrayIndexToken(){
return ARRAY_INDEX_PATTERN.matcher(fragment).matches();
public int getArrayIndex(){
Matcher matcher = ARRAY_INDEX_PATTERN.matcher(fragment);
return Integer.parseInt(;
else throw new InvalidModelException("Could not get array index from fragment " + fragment);


@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class PathTokenizer implements Iterable<PathToken> {
private static Pattern INVALID_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[^\\?\\+=\\-\\*/!]\\(");
private List<PathToken> pathTokens = new LinkedList<PathToken>();
private char[] pathChars;
private transient int index = 0;
public PathTokenizer(String jsonPath) {
if (INVALID_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(jsonPath).matches()) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Invalid path: " + jsonPath);
if (!jsonPath.startsWith("$") && !jsonPath.startsWith("$[")) {
jsonPath = "$." + jsonPath;
this.pathChars = jsonPath.toCharArray();
List<String> tokens = splitPath();
int len = tokens.size();
int i = 0;
for (String pathFragment : tokens) {
pathTokens.add(new PathToken(pathFragment, i, (i==(len-1)) ));
public List<String> getFragments() {
List<String> fragments = new LinkedList<String>();
for (PathToken pathToken : pathTokens) {
return fragments;
public int size(){
return pathTokens.size();
public String getPath() {
return new String(pathChars);
public LinkedList<PathToken> getPathTokens(){
return new LinkedList<PathToken>(pathTokens);
public Iterator<PathToken> iterator() {
return pathTokens.iterator();
public PathToken removeLastPathToken(){
PathToken lastPathToken = pathTokens.get(pathTokens.size() - 1);
//TODO: this should also trim the pathChars
pathTokens.remove(pathTokens.size() - 1);
return lastPathToken;
// Split path
private boolean isEmpty() {
return index == pathChars.length;
private char peek() {
return pathChars[index];
private char poll() {
char peek = peek();
return peek;
public List<String> splitPath() {
List<String> fragments = new LinkedList<String>();
while (!isEmpty()) {
skip(' ');
char current = peek();
switch (current) {
case '$':
case '.':
if (!isEmpty() && peek() == '.') {
case '[':
fragments.add(extract(true, ']'));
fragments.add(extract(false, '[', '.'));
return fragments;
private String extract(boolean includeSopChar, char... stopChars) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (!isEmpty() && (!isStopChar(peek(), stopChars))) {
if (peek() == '(') {
do {
} while (peek() != ')');
} else {
char c = poll();
if (isStopChar(c, stopChars)) {
if (includeSopChar) {
} else {
if (includeSopChar) {
assertValidPeek(false, stopChars);
} else {
assertValidPeek(true, stopChars);
return clean(sb);
private String clean(StringBuilder sb) {
String src = sb.toString();
src = trim(src, "'");
src = trim(src, ")");
src = trim(src, "(");
src = trimLeft(src, "?");
src = trimLeft(src, "@");
if (src.length() >= 5 && src.subSequence(0, 2).equals("['")) {
src = src.substring(2);
src = src.substring(0, src.length() - 2);
return src.trim();
private String trim(String src, String trim) {
return trimLeft(trimRight(src, trim), trim);
private String trimRight(String src, String trim) {
String scanFor = trim + " ";
if (src.contains(scanFor)) {
while (src.contains(scanFor)) {
src = src.replace(scanFor, trim);
return src;
private String trimLeft(String src, String trim) {
String scanFor = " " + trim;
if (src.contains(scanFor)) {
while (src.contains(scanFor)) {
src = src.replace(scanFor, trim);
return src;
private boolean isStopChar(char c, char... scanFor) {
boolean found = false;
for (char check : scanFor) {
if (check == c) {
found = true;
return found;
private void skip(char target) {
if (isEmpty()) {
while (pathChars[index] == target) {
private void assertNotInvalidPeek(char... invalidChars) {
if (isEmpty()) {
char peek = peek();
for (char check : invalidChars) {
if (check == peek) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Char: " + peek + " at current position is not valid!");
private void assertValidPeek(boolean acceptEmpty, char... validChars) {
if (isEmpty() && acceptEmpty) {
if (isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Path is incomplete");
boolean found = false;
char peek = peek();
for (char check : validChars) {
if (check == peek) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Path is invalid");
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("PATH: ").append(getPath()).append("\n");
sb.append(String.format("%-50s%-10s%-10s%-10s", "Fragment", "Root", "End", "Array")).append("\n");
for (PathToken pathToken : pathTokens) {
sb.append(String.format("%-50s%-10b%-10b%-10b", pathToken.getFragment(), pathToken.isRootToken(), pathToken.isEndToken(), pathToken.isArrayIndexToken())).append("\n");
return sb.toString();


@ -3,9 +3,49 @@ package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidConversionException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class Utils {
public static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* Creates a range of integers from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive)
* @param start
* @param end
* @return
public static List<Integer> createRange(int start, int end) {
List<Integer> range = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
return range;
// accept a collection of objects, since all objects have toString()
public static String join(String delimiter, String wrap, Iterable<? extends Object> objs) {
Iterator<? extends Object> iter = objs.iterator();
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
return "";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
return buffer.toString();
// accept a collection of objects, since all objects have toString()
public static String join(String delimiter, Iterable<? extends Object> objs) {
return join(delimiter, "", objs);
// IO
@ -17,7 +57,8 @@ public class Utils {
if (closeable != null) {
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
} catch (IOException ignore) {
@ -25,10 +66,35 @@ public class Utils {
// Strings
public static boolean isInt(String str) {
if (str == null) {
return false;
int sz = str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isNumeric(String str) {
if (str == null) {
return false;
int sz = str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
if (Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)) == false && !(str.charAt(i) == '.')) {
return false;
return true;
* <p>Checks if a CharSequence is empty ("") or null.</p>
* <p/>
* <pre>
* StringUtils.isEmpty(null) = true
* StringUtils.isEmpty("") = true
@ -36,7 +102,7 @@ public class Utils {
* StringUtils.isEmpty("bob") = false
* StringUtils.isEmpty(" bob ") = false
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <p>NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0.
* It no longer trims the CharSequence.
* That functionality is available in isBlank().</p>
@ -63,9 +129,9 @@ public class Utils {
* <p>Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger string.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>A {@code null} or empty ("") String input returns {@code 0}.</p>
* <p/>
* <pre>
* StringUtils.countMatches(null, *) = 0
* StringUtils.countMatches("", *) = 0
@ -103,7 +169,7 @@ public class Utils {
* <p>Validate that the specified argument is not {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <p/>
* <pre>Validate.notNull(myObject, "The object must not be null");</pre>
* @param <T> the object type
@ -125,9 +191,9 @@ public class Utils {
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating according to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <p/>
* <pre>Validate.isTrue(i > 0.0, "The value must be greater than zero: %d", i);</pre>
* <p/>
* <p>For performance reasons, the long value is passed as a separate parameter and
* appended to the exception message only in the case of an error.</p>
@ -145,7 +211,7 @@ public class Utils {
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence is
* neither {@code null} nor a length of zero (no characters);
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <p/>
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myString, "The string must not be empty");</pre>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
@ -167,12 +233,12 @@ public class Utils {
// Converters
* converts to Integer with radix 10
@ -244,7 +310,7 @@ public class Utils {
* <p>Deep clone an {@code Object} using serialization.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>This is many times slower than writing clone methods by hand
* on all objects in your object graph. However, for complex object
* graphs, or for those that don't support deep cloning this can
@ -293,11 +359,11 @@ public class Utils {
* <p>Serializes an {@code Object} to the specified stream.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The stream will be closed once the object is written.
* This avoids the need for a finally clause, and maybe also exception
* handling, in the application code.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The stream passed in is not buffered internally within this method.
* This is the responsibility of your application if desired.</p>
@ -345,13 +411,14 @@ public class Utils {
// Deserialize
* <p>Deserializes an {@code Object} from the specified stream.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The stream will be closed once the object is written. This
* avoids the need for a finally clause, and maybe also exception
* handling, in the application code.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The stream passed in is not buffered internally within this method.
* This is the responsibility of your application if desired.</p>
@ -410,7 +477,7 @@ public class Utils {
* containers and application servers, no matter in which of the
* <code>ClassLoader</code> the particular class that encapsulates
* serialization/deserialization lives. </p>
* <p/>
* <p>For more in-depth information about the problem for which this
* class here is a workaround, see the JIRA issue LANG-626. </p>
@ -419,6 +486,7 @@ public class Utils {
* Constructor.
* @param in The <code>InputStream</code>.
* @param classLoader classloader to use
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading stream header.
@ -432,6 +500,7 @@ public class Utils {
* Overriden version that uses the parametrized <code>ClassLoader</code> or the <code>ClassLoader</code>
* of the current <code>Thread</code> to resolve the class.
* @param desc An instance of class <code>ObjectStreamClass</code>.
* @return A <code>Class</code> object corresponding to <code>desc</code>.
* @throws IOException Any of the usual Input/Output exceptions.


@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.eval.ExpressionEvaluator;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class ArrayEvalFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
private static final Pattern CONDITION_STATEMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[\\s?\\?\\(.*?[!=<>]+.*?\\)\\s?]");
private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s?(@.*?)\\s?([!=<>]+)\\s?(.*?)\\s?");
private ConditionStatement[] conditionStatements;
public ArrayEvalFilter(String condition) {
// [?( == 'Luke Skywalker' && @.occupation == 'Farm boy')]
// [?( == 'Luke Skywalker')]
condition = condition.trim();
condition = condition.substring(3, condition.length()-2);
String[] split = condition.split("&&");
conditionStatements = new ConditionStatement[split.length];
for(int i = 0; i < split.length; i++){
conditionStatements[i] = createConditionStatement(split[i]);
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
Iterable<Object> src = null;
try {
src = jsonProvider.toIterable(obj);
} catch (ClassCastException e){
throw new PathNotFoundException("The path fragment '" + this.condition + "' can not be applied to a JSON object only a JSON array.", e);
Object result = jsonProvider.createArray();
for (Object item : src) {
if (isMatch(item, configuration, conditionStatements)) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), item);
return result;
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("");
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return true;
private boolean isMatch(Object check, Configuration configuration, ConditionStatement... conditionStatements) {
try {
for (ConditionStatement conditionStatement : conditionStatements) {
Object value =, configuration.options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY));
boolean match = ExpressionEvaluator.eval(value, conditionStatement.getOperator(), conditionStatement.getExpected());
return false;
return true;
} catch (PathNotFoundException e){
return false;
} catch (RuntimeException e){
throw e;
static boolean isConditionStatement(String condition) {
return CONDITION_STATEMENT_PATTERN.matcher(condition).matches();
static ConditionStatement createConditionStatement(String condition) {
Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(condition);
if (matcher.matches()) {
String property =;
String operator =;
String expected =;
return new ConditionStatement(condition, property, operator, expected);
} else {
return null;
static class ConditionStatement {
private final String condition;
private final String field;
private final String operator;
private final String expected;
private final JsonPath path;
ConditionStatement(String condition, String field, String operator, String expected) {
this.condition = condition;
this.field = field;
this.operator = operator;
this.expected = trim(expected, 1, 1);
this.expected = expected;
this.path = JsonPath.compile(this.field.replace("@.", "$."));
} else {
this.path = JsonPath.compile(this.field.replace("@", "$"));
ConditionStatement(String field, String operator, String expected) {
this(null, field, operator, expected);
String getCondition() {
return condition;
public JsonPath getJsonPath() {
return path;
public String getField() {
return field;
public String getOperator() {
return operator;
public String getExpected() {
return expected;
public String toString() {
return "ConditionStatement{" +
"field='" + field + '\'' +
", operator='" + operator + '\'' +
", expected='" + expected + '\'' +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ConditionStatement that = (ConditionStatement) o;
if (expected != null ? !expected.equals(that.expected) : that.expected != null) return false;
if (field != null ? !field.equals(that.field) : that.field != null) return false;
if (operator != null ? !operator.equals(that.operator) : that.operator != null) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = field != null ? field.hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (operator != null ? operator.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (expected != null ? expected.hashCode() : 0);
return result;


@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class ArrayIndexFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
private static final Pattern SINGLE_ARRAY_INDEX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[\\d+\\]");
private static final Pattern COMMA = Pattern.compile(",");
private static final Pattern SPACE = Pattern.compile(" ");
private static final String OPERATOR = ":";
private final String trimmedCondition;
private boolean usesLenght;
public ArrayIndexFilter(String condition) {
// remove '[' and ']'
String trimmedCondition = trim(condition, 1, 1);
this.usesLenght = trimmedCondition.contains("@.length");
// resolve '@.length'
trimmedCondition = trim(trimmedCondition, 1, 1);
trimmedCondition = trimmedCondition.replace("@.length", "");
trimmedCondition = trimmedCondition + OPERATOR;
this.trimmedCondition = trimmedCondition;
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
Object result = jsonProvider.createArray();
if (trimmedCondition.contains(OPERATOR)) {
if (trimmedCondition.startsWith(OPERATOR)) {
String trimmedCondition = trim(this.trimmedCondition, 1, 0);
int get = Integer.parseInt(trimmedCondition);
for (int i = 0; i < get; i++) {
try {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, i));
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
return result;
} else if (trimmedCondition.endsWith(OPERATOR)) {
String trimmedCondition = trim(SPACE.matcher(this.trimmedCondition).replaceAll(""), 0, 1);
int get = Integer.parseInt(trimmedCondition);
if(get > 0 || usesLenght){
if(get > 0){
get = get * -1;
return jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, jsonProvider.length(obj) + get);
} else {
int start = jsonProvider.length(obj) + get;
int stop = jsonProvider.length(obj);
if(start < 0){
start = 0;
for (int i = start; i < stop; i ++){
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, i));
return result;
} else {
String[] indexes = this.trimmedCondition.split(OPERATOR);
int start = Integer.parseInt(indexes[0]);
int stop = Integer.parseInt(indexes[1]);
for (int i = start; i < stop; i ++){
try {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, i));
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
return result;
} else {
String[] indexArr = COMMA.split(trimmedCondition);
//if(obj == null || jsonProvider.length(obj) == 0){
if(obj == null){
return result;
try {
if (indexArr.length == 1) {
if(jsonProvider.length(obj) == 0){
throw new PathNotFoundException("Array index [" + indexArr[0] + "] not found in path");
return jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, indexArr[0]);
} else {
for (String idx : indexArr) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, idx.trim()));
return result;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
throw new PathNotFoundException("Array index " + indexArr + " not found in path", e);
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
String trimmedCondition = trim(condition, 1, 1);
return configuration.getProvider().getProperty(obj, trimmedCondition);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return true;


@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class ArrayQueryFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
ArrayQueryFilter(String condition) {
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration, LinkedList<Filter> filters, boolean inArrayContext) {
Filter filter = filters.poll();
return filter.doFilter(configuration.getProvider().toIterable(obj), configuration);
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("");
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return true;


@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathToken;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class FieldFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
private final String[] split;
private final PathToken pathToken;
public FieldFilter(PathToken pathToken) {
this.pathToken = pathToken;
this.split = condition.split("','");
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration, LinkedList<Filter> filters, boolean inArrayContext) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
if (jsonProvider.isArray(obj)) {
if (!inArrayContext) {
throw new PathNotFoundException("Path '" + condition + "' is being applied to an array. Arrays can not have attributes.");
} else {
Object result = jsonProvider.createArray();
for (Object current : jsonProvider.toIterable(obj)) {
if (jsonProvider.isMap(current)) {
Collection<String> keys = jsonProvider.getPropertyKeys(current);
if(split.length == 1){
if (keys.contains(condition)) {
Object o = jsonProvider.getProperty(current, condition);
boolean isArr = jsonProvider.isArray(o);
boolean isEnd = pathToken.isEndToken();
if (isArr && !isEnd) {
for(Object item : jsonProvider.toIterable(o)){
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), item);
} else {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), jsonProvider.getProperty(current, condition));
} else {
Object res = jsonProvider.createMap();
for (String prop : split) {
if (keys.contains(prop)) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(res, prop, jsonProvider.getProperty(current, prop));
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), res);
return result;
} else if (jsonProvider.isMap(obj)){
Collection<String> keys = jsonProvider.getPropertyKeys(obj);
if(!keys.contains(condition) && split.length == 1){
throw new PathNotFoundException("Path '" + condition + "' not found in the current context:\n" + jsonProvider.toJson(obj));
return null;
} else {
throw new PathNotFoundException("Path '" + condition + "' not found in the current context:\n" + jsonProvider.toJson(obj));
} else {
if(split.length == 1){
return jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, condition);
} else {
Object res = jsonProvider.createMap();
for (String prop : split) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(res, prop, jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, prop));
return res;
} else {
throw new PathNotFoundException("Failed to access property: '" + condition + "' on object " + obj);
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
if (jsonProvider.isArray(obj)) {
return obj;
} else {
return jsonProvider.getProperty(obj, condition);
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
return filter(obj, configuration);
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return false;


@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathToken;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class FilterFactory {
private final static PathTokenFilter DOCUMENT_FILTER = new PassthroughFilter("$", false);
private final static PathTokenFilter ALL_ARRAY_ITEMS_FILTER = new PassthroughFilter("[*]", true);
private final static PathTokenFilter WILDCARD_FILTER = new WildcardFilter("*");
private final static PathTokenFilter SCAN_FILTER = new ScanFilter("..");
private final static PathTokenFilter ARRAY_QUERY_FILTER = new ArrayQueryFilter("[?]");
public static PathTokenFilter createFilter(PathToken token) {
String pathFragment = token.getFragment();
if (DOCUMENT_FILTER.getCondition().equals(pathFragment) && token.isRootToken()) { //"$"
} else if (ALL_ARRAY_ITEMS_FILTER.getCondition().equals(pathFragment)) { //"[*]"
} else if ("*".equals(pathFragment)) {
} else if (SCAN_FILTER.getCondition().equals(pathFragment)) {
} else if (ARRAY_QUERY_FILTER.getCondition().equals(pathFragment)) { //"[?]"
} else if (!pathFragment.contains("[")) {
return new FieldFilter(token);
} else if (pathFragment.contains("[")) {
if (pathFragment.startsWith("[?")) {
return new ArrayEvalFilter(pathFragment);
} else if (!pathFragment.contains("=") && !pathFragment.contains("<") && !pathFragment.contains(">")) {
return new HasPathFilter(pathFragment);
} else {
throw new InvalidPathException("Failed to create PathTokenFilter for path fragment: " + pathFragment);
} else {
//[0,1, ...]
return new ArrayIndexFilter(pathFragment);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can not find filter for path fragment " + pathFragment);


@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class HasPathFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
private final JsonPath path;
public HasPathFilter(String condition) {
String trimmedCondition = condition;
trimmedCondition = trimmedCondition.replace("['", ".");
trimmedCondition = trimmedCondition.replace("']", "");
this.path = JsonPath.compile(trim(trimmedCondition, 5, 2));
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
Iterable<Object> src = jsonProvider.toIterable(obj);
Object result = jsonProvider.createArray();
for (Object item : src) {
try{, Configuration.builder().options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY).jsonProvider(jsonProvider).build());
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), item);
} catch (PathNotFoundException e){
// the path was not found in the item
return result;
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return true;


@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class PassthroughFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
private boolean isArrayFilter;
public PassthroughFilter(String condition, boolean isArrayFilter) {
this.isArrayFilter = isArrayFilter;
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
return obj;
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
return obj;
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return isArrayFilter;


@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public abstract class PathTokenFilter {
final String condition;
PathTokenFilter(String condition) {
this.condition = condition;
String getCondition() {
return condition;
static String trim(String str, int front, int end) {
String res = str;
if (front > 0) {
res = str.substring(front);
if (end > 0) {
res = res.substring(0, res.length() - end);
return res;
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration, LinkedList<Filter> filters, boolean inArrayContext){
return filter(obj, configuration);
public abstract Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration);
public abstract Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration);
public abstract boolean isArrayFilter();
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + " => " + condition;
} else {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + " => '" + condition + "'";


@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class ScanFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
public ScanFilter(String condition) {
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
Object result = jsonProvider.createArray();
scan(obj, result, jsonProvider);
return result;
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return true;
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private void scan(Object container, Object result, JsonProvider jsonProvider) {
if (jsonProvider.isMap(container)) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), container);
for (Object value : jsonProvider.toIterable(container)) {
if (jsonProvider.isContainer(value)) {
scan(value, result, jsonProvider);


@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class WildcardFilter extends PathTokenFilter {
public WildcardFilter(String condition) {
public Object filter(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
JsonProvider jsonProvider = configuration.getProvider();
Object result = jsonProvider.createArray();
if (jsonProvider.isArray(obj)) {
for (Object current : jsonProvider.toIterable(obj)) {
for (Object value : jsonProvider.toIterable(current)) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), value);
} else {
for (Object value : jsonProvider.toIterable(obj)) {
jsonProvider.setProperty(result, jsonProvider.length(result), value);
return result;
public Object getRef(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isArrayFilter() {
return true;


@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.eval;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class ExpressionEvaluator {
private static final String NULL_VALUE = "null";
public enum Operator {
less_or_greater_than("<>"), //same as not_equal
private final String representation;
private Operator(String representation) {
this.representation = representation;
public String getRepresentation() {
return representation;
private static Map<String, Operator> operatorsByRepresentation;
static {
Map<String, Operator> map = new HashMap<String, Operator>();
for (Operator op : Operator.values()) {
map.put(op.getRepresentation(), op);
ExpressionEvaluator.operatorsByRepresentation = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
public static <T> boolean eval(T actual, String comparator, String expected) {
Operator operator = operatorsByRepresentation.get(comparator);
if (operator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported operator " + comparator);
if(actual == null){
if(operator == Operator.equal){
return NULL_VALUE.equals(expected);
} else if(operator == Operator.not_equal || operator == Operator.less_or_greater_than){
return !NULL_VALUE.equals(expected);
} else {
if(operator == Operator.not_equal || operator == Operator.less_or_greater_than){
return true;
if (actual instanceof Long) {
Long a = (Long) actual;
Long e = Long.parseLong(expected.trim());
switch (operator) {
case equal:
return a.longValue() == e.longValue();
case not_equal:
case less_or_greater_than:
return a.longValue() != e.longValue();
case greater_than:
return a > e;
case greater_than_or_equal:
return a >= e;
case less_than:
return a < e;
case less_than_or_equal:
return a <= e;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
} else if (actual instanceof Integer) {
Integer a = (Integer) actual;
Integer e = Integer.parseInt(expected.trim());
switch (operator) {
case equal:
return a.intValue() == e.intValue();
case not_equal:
case less_or_greater_than:
return a.intValue() != e.intValue();
case greater_than:
return a > e;
case greater_than_or_equal:
return a >= e;
case less_than:
return a < e;
case less_than_or_equal:
return a <= e;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
} else if (actual instanceof Double) {
Double a = (Double) actual;
Double e = Double.parseDouble(expected.trim());
switch (operator) {
case equal:
return a.doubleValue() == e.doubleValue();
case not_equal:
case less_or_greater_than:
return a.doubleValue() != e.doubleValue();
case greater_than:
return a > e;
case greater_than_or_equal:
return a >= e;
case less_than:
return a < e;
case less_than_or_equal:
return a <= e;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
} else if (actual instanceof String) {
switch (operator) {
case greater_than:
case greater_than_or_equal:
case less_than:
case less_than_or_equal:
// we might want to throw an exception here
return false;
case equal:
case not_equal:
case less_or_greater_than:
String a = (String) actual;
String expectedTrimmed = expected.trim();
if (expectedTrimmed.startsWith("'")) {
expectedTrimmed = expectedTrimmed.substring(1);
if (expectedTrimmed.endsWith("'")) {
expectedTrimmed = expectedTrimmed.substring(0, expected.length() - 1);
if (operator == Operator.equal) {
return a.equals(expectedTrimmed);
} else if (operator == Operator.not_equal || operator == Operator.less_or_greater_than) {
return !a.equals(expectedTrimmed);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
} else if (actual instanceof Boolean) {
switch (operator) {
case equal:
case not_equal:
case less_or_greater_than:
Boolean a = (Boolean) actual;
Boolean e = Boolean.valueOf(expected);
if (operator == Operator.equal) {
return a.equals(e);
} else if (operator == Operator.not_equal || operator == Operator.less_or_greater_than) {
return !a.equals(e);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
} else if (actual instanceof BigInteger) {
BigInteger a = (BigInteger) actual;
BigInteger e = new BigInteger(expected.trim());
switch (operator) {
case equal:
return a.compareTo(e) == 0;
case not_equal:
return a.compareTo(e) != 0;
case less_or_greater_than:
return a.compareTo(e) != 0;
case greater_than:
return a.compareTo(e) > 0;
case greater_than_or_equal:
return a.compareTo(e) >= 0;
case less_than:
return a.compareTo(e) < 0;
case less_than_or_equal:
return a.compareTo(e) <= 0;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
} else if (actual instanceof BigDecimal) {
BigDecimal a = (BigDecimal) actual;
BigDecimal e = new BigDecimal(expected);
switch (operator) {
case equal:
return a.compareTo(e) == 0;
case not_equal:
return a.compareTo(e) != 0;
case less_or_greater_than:
return a.compareTo(e) != 0;
case greater_than:
return a.compareTo(e) > 0;
case greater_than_or_equal:
return a.compareTo(e) >= 0;
case less_than:
return a.compareTo(e) < 0;
case less_than_or_equal:
return a.compareTo(e) <= 0;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot handle operator " + operator);
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.String.format;
class ArrayPathToken extends PathToken {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArrayPathToken.class);
public static enum Operation {
private final List<Integer> criteria;
private final Operation operation;
private final boolean isDefinite;
public ArrayPathToken(List<Integer> criteria, Operation operation) {
this.criteria = criteria;
this.operation = operation;
this.isDefinite = (Operation.SINGLE_INDEX == operation || Operation.CONTEXT_SIZE == operation);
void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (!ctx.jsonProvider().isArray(model)) {
throw new InvalidPathException(format("Filter: %s can only be applied to arrays. Current context is: %s", toString(), model));
try {
if (operation == Operation.SINGLE_INDEX) {
handleArrayIndex(criteria.get(0), currentPath, model, ctx);
} else if (operation == Operation.INDEX_SEQUENCE) {
for (Integer idx : criteria) {
handleArrayIndex(criteria.get(idx), currentPath, model, ctx);
} else if (Operation.CONTEXT_SIZE == operation) {
int length = ctx.jsonProvider().length(model);
int idx = length + criteria.get(0);
handleArrayIndex(idx, currentPath, model, ctx);
else if (Operation.SLICE_FROM == operation) {
int input = criteria.get(0);
int length = ctx.jsonProvider().length(model);
int from = input;
if (from < 0) {
//calculate slice start from array length
from = length + from;
from = Math.max(0, from);
logger.debug("Slice from index on array with length: {}. From index: {} to: {}. Input: {}", length, from, length - 1, toString());
if (length == 0 || from >= length) {
for (int i = from; i < length; i++) {
handleArrayIndex(i, currentPath, model, ctx);
else if (Operation.SLICE_TO == operation) {
int input = criteria.get(0);
int length = ctx.jsonProvider().length(model);
int to = input;
if (to < 0) {
//calculate slice end from array length
to = length + to;
to = Math.min(length, to);
logger.debug("Slice to index on array with length: {}. From index: 0 to: {}. Input: {}", length, to, toString());
if (length == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < to; i++) {
handleArrayIndex(i, currentPath, model, ctx);
else if (Operation.SLICE_BETWEEN == operation) {
int from = criteria.get(0);
int to = criteria.get(1);
int length = ctx.jsonProvider().length(model);
to = Math.min(length, to);
if (from >= to || length == 0) {
logger.debug("Slice between indexes on array with length: {}. From index: {} to: {}. Input: {}", length, from, to, toString());
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
handleArrayIndex(i, currentPath, model, ctx);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new PathNotFoundException(e);
public String getPathFragment() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (Operation.SINGLE_INDEX == operation || Operation.INDEX_SEQUENCE == operation) {
.append(Utils.join(",", "", criteria))
} else if (Operation.CONTEXT_SIZE == operation) {
} else if (Operation.SLICE_FROM == operation) {
} else if (Operation.SLICE_TO == operation) {
} else if (Operation.SLICE_BETWEEN == operation) {
} else
sb.append("NOT IMPLEMENTED");
return sb.toString();
boolean isTokenDefinite() {
return isDefinite;


@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonFormatter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.EvaluationContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
class CompiledPath implements Path {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompiledPath.class);
private final PathToken root;
public CompiledPath(PathToken root) {
this.root = root;
public EvaluationContext evaluate(Object model, Configuration configuration) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Evaluating path: {}", toString());
EvaluationContextImpl ctx = new EvaluationContextImpl(configuration, isDefinite());
root.evaluate("", model, ctx);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Found:\n{}", JsonFormatter.prettyPrint(ctx.configuration().getProvider().toJson(ctx.getPathList())));
return ctx;
public boolean isDefinite() {
return root.isPathDefinite();
public int tokenCount() {
return root.getTokenCount();
public String toString() {
return root.toString();


@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.EvaluationContext;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
class EvaluationContextImpl implements EvaluationContext {
private final Configuration configuration;
private final Object objectResult;
private final List<String> pathResult;
private final boolean isDefinite;
private int resultIndex = 0;
EvaluationContextImpl(Configuration configuration, boolean isDefinite) {
this.configuration = configuration;
this.objectResult = configuration.getProvider().createArray();
this.pathResult = new ArrayList<String>();
this.isDefinite = isDefinite;
void addResult(String path, Object model) {
configuration.getProvider().setProperty(objectResult, resultIndex, model);
public JsonProvider jsonProvider() {
return configuration.getProvider();
public Set<Option> options() {
return configuration.getOptions();
public Configuration configuration() {
return configuration;
public <T> T get() {
if (isDefinite) {
return (T) jsonProvider().getProperty(objectResult, 0);
return (T) objectResult;
public List<String> getPathList() {
return pathResult;


@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter2;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import java.util.Collection;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
class FilterPathToken extends PathToken {
private static final String[] FRAGMENTS = {
private final Collection<Filter2> filters;
public FilterPathToken(Filter2 filter) {
this.filters = asList(filter);
public FilterPathToken(Collection<Filter2> filters) {
this.filters = filters;
void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (!ctx.jsonProvider().isArray(model)) {
throw new InvalidPathException(format("Filter: %s can only be applied to arrays. Current context is: %s", toString(), model));
int idx = 0;
Iterable<Object> objects = ctx.jsonProvider().toIterable(model);
for (Object idxModel : objects) {
if (accept(idxModel, ctx.configuration())) {
handleArrayIndex(idx, currentPath, model, ctx);
public boolean accept(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
boolean accept = true;
for (Filter2 filter : filters) {
if (!filter.apply (obj, configuration)) {
accept = false;
return accept;
public String getPathFragment() {
return FRAGMENTS[filters.size() - 1];
boolean isTokenDefinite() {
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria2;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter2;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Cache;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler.Path;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils.notEmpty;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class PathCompiler {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PathCompiler.class);
private static final String PROPERTY_OPEN = "['";
private static final String PROPERTY_CLOSE = "']";
private static final char DOCUMENT = '$';
private static final char ANY = '*';
private static final char PERIOD = '.';
private static final char BRACKET_OPEN = '[';
private static final char BRACKET_CLOSE = ']';
private static final Cache cache = new Cache(200);
public static Path tokenize(String path, Filter2... filters) {
notEmpty(path, "Path may not be null empty");
path = path.trim();
LinkedList<Filter2> filterList = new LinkedList<Filter2>(asList(filters));
if (!path.startsWith("$")) {
path = "$." + path;
Path p = cache.get(path + filterList.toString());
if(p != null){
return p;
RootPathToken root = null;
char[] chars = path.toCharArray();
int i = 0;
int positions;
String fragment = "";
do {
char current = chars[i];
switch (current) {
fragment = "$";
positions = fastForwardUntilClosed(chars, i);
fragment = new String(chars, i, positions);
i += positions;
case PERIOD:
if (chars[i] == PERIOD) {
//This is a deep scan
fragment = "..";
} else {
positions = fastForward(chars, i);
if (positions == 0) {
} else if (positions == 1 && chars[i] == '*') {
fragment = new String("[*]");
} else {
assertValidFieldChars(chars, i, positions);
fragment = PROPERTY_OPEN + new String(chars, i, positions) + PROPERTY_CLOSE;
i += positions;
case ANY:
fragment = new String("[*]");
positions = fastForward(chars, i);
fragment = PROPERTY_OPEN + new String(chars, i, positions) + PROPERTY_CLOSE;
i += positions;
if (root == null) {
root = (RootPathToken) PathComponentAnalyzer.analyze(fragment, filterList);
} else {
root.append(PathComponentAnalyzer.analyze(fragment, filterList));
} while (i < chars.length);
Path pa = new CompiledPath(root);
cache.put(path, pa);
return pa;
private static void assertValidFieldChars(char[] chars, int start, int positions) {
int i = start;
while (i < start + positions) {
char c = chars[i];
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '-' && c != '_' && c != '$' && c != '@') {
throw new InvalidPathException("Invalid field name! Use bracket notation if your filed names does not match pattern: ([a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9@\\$_\\-]*)$");
private static int fastForward(char[] chars, int index) {
int skipCount = 0;
while (index < chars.length) {
char current = chars[index];
if (current == PERIOD || current == BRACKET_OPEN) {
return skipCount;
private static int fastForwardUntilClosed(char[] chars, int index) {
int skipCount = 0;
int nestedBrackets = 0;
//First char is always '[' no need to check it
while (index < chars.length) {
char current = chars[index];
if (current == BRACKET_CLOSE && nestedBrackets == 0) {
if (current == BRACKET_OPEN) {
if (current == BRACKET_CLOSE) {
return skipCount;
static class PathComponentAnalyzer {
private static final Pattern FILTER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\[\\s*\\?\\s*[,\\s*\\?]*?\\s*]$"); //[?] or [?, ?, ...]
private char[] chars;
private int i;
private char current;
private final LinkedList<Filter2> filterList;
private final String pathFragment;
PathComponentAnalyzer(String pathFragment, LinkedList<Filter2> filterList) {
this.pathFragment = pathFragment;
this.filterList = filterList;
static PathToken analyze(String pathFragment, LinkedList<Filter2> filterList) {
return new PathComponentAnalyzer(pathFragment, filterList).analyze();
public PathToken analyze() {
if ("$".equals(pathFragment)) return new RootPathToken();
else if ("..".equals(pathFragment)) return new ScanPathToken();
else if ("[*]".equals(pathFragment)) return new WildcardPathToken();
else if (".*".equals(pathFragment)) return new WildcardPathToken();
else if ("[?]".equals(pathFragment)) return new FilterPathToken(filterList.poll());
else if (FILTER_PATTERN.matcher(pathFragment).matches()) {
final int criteriaCount = Utils.countMatches(pathFragment, "?");
List<Filter2> filters = new ArrayList<Filter2>(criteriaCount);
for (int i = 0; i < criteriaCount; i++) {
return new FilterPathToken(filters);
this.chars = pathFragment.toCharArray();
this.i = 0;
do {
current = chars[i];
switch (current) {
case '?':
return analyzeCriteriaSequence();
case '\'':
return analyzeProperty();
if (Character.isDigit(current) || current == ':' || current == '-' || current == '@') {
return analyzeArraySequence();
} while (i < chars.length);
throw new InvalidPathException("Could not analyze path component: " + pathFragment);
//[?( == 'bar')]
//[?(@['foo']['bar'] == 'bar')]
//[?(@ == 'bar')]
private PathToken analyzeCriteriaSequence() {
StringBuilder pathBuffer = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder operatorBuffer = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder valueBuffer = new StringBuilder();
List<Criteria2> criteria = new ArrayList<Criteria2>();
int bracketCount = 0;
boolean functionBracketOpened = false;
boolean functionBracketClosed = false;
current = chars[++i]; //skip the '?'
while (current != ']' || bracketCount != 0) {
switch (current) {
case '(':
functionBracketOpened = true;
case ')':
functionBracketClosed = true;
case '[':
case ']':
case '@':
if (bracketCount == 0 && isOperatorChar(current)) {
} else if (bracketCount == 0 && isLogicOperatorChar(current)) {
if (isLogicOperatorChar(chars[i + 1])) {
char op1 = current;
char op2 = chars[++i];
criteria.add(createCriteria(pathBuffer, operatorBuffer, valueBuffer));
pathBuffer = new StringBuilder();
operatorBuffer = new StringBuilder();
valueBuffer = new StringBuilder();
} else if (operatorBuffer.length() > 0) {
} else {
current = chars[++i];
if (!functionBracketOpened || !functionBracketClosed) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Function wrapping brackets are not matching. A filter function must match [?(<statement>)]");
criteria.add(createCriteria(pathBuffer, operatorBuffer, valueBuffer));
Iterator<Criteria2> iterator = criteria.iterator();
Criteria2 current =;
Filter2 filter = Filter2.filter(current);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
filter. addCriteria(;
return new FilterPathToken(filter);
Filter2 filter2 = Filter2.filter(criteria);
return new FilterPathToken(filter2);
private Criteria2 createCriteria(StringBuilder pathBuffer, StringBuilder operatorBuffer, StringBuilder valueBuffer) {
return Criteria2.create(pathBuffer.toString().trim(), operatorBuffer.toString().trim(), valueBuffer.toString().trim());
String value = valueBuffer.toString().trim();
Path path = PathCompiler.tokenize(pathBuffer.toString().trim());
String operator = operatorBuffer.toString().trim();
if (operator.isEmpty() && value.isEmpty()) {
return Criteria.where(path).exists(true);
} else {
return Criteria.where(path).matches(operator, value);
private boolean isAnd(char c) {
return c == '&';
private boolean isOr(char c) {
if (c == '|') {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OR operator is not supported.");
return false;
private boolean isLogicOperatorChar(char c) {
return isAnd(c) || isOr(c);
private boolean isOperatorChar(char c) {
return c == '=' || c == '!' || c == '<' || c == '>';
private PathToken analyzeProperty() {
String property = null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
boolean propertyIsOpen = false;
while (current != ']') {
switch (current) {
case '\'':
if (propertyIsOpen) {
property = buffer.toString();
propertyIsOpen = false;
} else {
propertyIsOpen = true;
if (propertyIsOpen) {
current = chars[++i];
return new PropertyPathToken(property);
//"[-1:]" sliceFrom
//"[:1]" sliceTo
//"[0:5]" sliceBetween
//"[(@.length - 1)]"
private PathToken analyzeArraySequence() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
boolean contextSize = (current == '@');
boolean sliceTo = false;
boolean sliceFrom = false;
boolean sliceBetween = false;
boolean indexSequence = false;
boolean singleIndex = false;
if (contextSize) {
current = chars[++i];
current = chars[++i];
while (current != '-') {
if (current == ' ' || current == '(' || current == ')') {
current = chars[++i];
current = chars[++i];
String function = buffer.toString();
buffer = new StringBuilder();
if (!function.equals("size") && !function.equals("length")) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Invalid function: @." + function + ". Supported functions are: [(@.length - n)] and [(@.size() - n)]");
while (current != ')') {
if (current == ' ') {
current = chars[++i];
current = chars[++i];
} else {
while (Character.isDigit(current) || current == ',' || current == ' ' || current == ':' || current == '-') {
switch (current) {
case ' ':
case ':':
if (buffer.length() == 0) {
//this is a tail slice [:12]
sliceTo = true;
current = chars[++i];
while (Character.isDigit(current) || current == ' ' || current == '-') {
if (current != ' ') {
current = chars[++i];
buffer = new StringBuilder();
} else {
//we now this starts with [12:???
buffer = new StringBuilder();
current = chars[++i];
//this is a tail slice [:12]
while (Character.isDigit(current) || current == ' ' || current == '-') {
if (current != ' ') {
current = chars[++i];
if (buffer.length() == 0) {
sliceFrom = true;
} else {
sliceBetween = true;
buffer = new StringBuilder();
case ',':
buffer = new StringBuilder();
indexSequence = true;
if (current == ']') {
current = chars[++i];
if (buffer.length() > 0) {
singleIndex = (numbers.size() == 1) && !sliceTo && !sliceFrom && !contextSize;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.debug("numbers are : {}", numbers.toString());
logger.debug("sequence is singleNumber : {}", singleIndex);
logger.debug("sequence is numberSequence : {}", indexSequence);
logger.debug("sequence is sliceFrom : {}", sliceFrom);
logger.debug("sequence is sliceTo : {}", sliceTo);
logger.debug("sequence is sliceBetween : {}", sliceBetween);
logger.debug("sequence is contextFetch : {}", contextSize);
ArrayPathToken.Operation operation = null;
if (singleIndex) operation = ArrayPathToken.Operation.SINGLE_INDEX;
else if (indexSequence) operation = ArrayPathToken.Operation.INDEX_SEQUENCE;
else if (sliceFrom) operation = ArrayPathToken.Operation.SLICE_FROM;
else if (sliceTo) operation = ArrayPathToken.Operation.SLICE_TO;
else if (sliceBetween) operation = ArrayPathToken.Operation.SLICE_BETWEEN;
else if (contextSize) operation = ArrayPathToken.Operation.CONTEXT_SIZE;
assert operation != null;
return new ArrayPathToken(numbers, operation);


@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
abstract class PathToken {
private PathToken next;
private Boolean definite = null;
PathToken appendTailToken(PathToken next) { = next;
return next;
void handleObjectProperty(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx, String property) {
String evalPath = currentPath + "['" + property + "']";
Object propertyVal = readObjectProperty(property, model, ctx);
if (isLeaf()) {
ctx.addResult(evalPath, propertyVal);
} else {
next().evaluate(evalPath, propertyVal, ctx);
private Object readObjectProperty(String property, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (ctx.options().contains(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY) && !ctx.jsonProvider().getPropertyKeys(model).contains(property)) {
throw new PathNotFoundException("Path [" + property + "] not found in the current context:\n" + ctx.jsonProvider().toJson(model));
return ctx.jsonProvider().getProperty(model, property);
void handleArrayIndex(int index, String currentPath, Object json, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
String evalPath = currentPath + "[" + index + "]";
Object evalHit = ctx.jsonProvider().getProperty(json, index);
if (isLeaf()) {
ctx.addResult(evalPath, evalHit);
} else {
next().evaluate(evalPath, evalHit, ctx);
PathToken next() {
if (isLeaf()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Current path token is a leaf");
return next;
boolean isLeaf() {
return next == null;
public int getTokenCount() {
int cnt = 1;
PathToken token = this;
while (!token.isLeaf()){
token =;
return cnt;
public boolean isPathDefinite() {
if(definite != null){
return definite.booleanValue();
boolean isDefinite = isTokenDefinite();
if (isDefinite && !isLeaf()) {
isDefinite = next.isPathDefinite();
definite = isDefinite;
return isDefinite;
public String toString() {
if (isLeaf()) {
return getPathFragment();
} else {
return getPathFragment() + next().toString();
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj);
abstract void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx);
abstract boolean isTokenDefinite();
abstract String getPathFragment();


@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException;
class PropertyPathToken extends PathToken {
private final String property;
public PropertyPathToken(String property) { = property;
public String getProperty() {
return property;
void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (!ctx.jsonProvider().isMap(model)) {
throw new PathNotFoundException("Property " + currentPath + " not found!");
handleObjectProperty(currentPath, model, ctx, property);
boolean isTokenDefinite() {
return true;
public String getPathFragment() {
return new StringBuilder()


@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
class RootPathToken extends PathToken /*implements Path*/ {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RootPathToken.class);
private PathToken tail;
private int tokenCount;
public RootPathToken() {
this.tail = this;
this.tokenCount = 1;
public int getTokenCount() {
return tokenCount;
public RootPathToken append(PathToken next) {
this.tail = tail.appendTailToken(next);
return this;
public EvaluationContextImpl evaluate(Object model, Configuration configuration) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Evaluating path: {}", toString());
EvaluationContextImpl ctx = new EvaluationContextImpl(configuration, isDefinite());
evaluate("", model, ctx);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Found:\n{}", JsonFormatter.prettyPrint(ctx.configuration().getProvider().toJson(ctx.getPathList())));
return ctx;
void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (isLeaf()) {
ctx.addResult("$", model);
} else {
next().evaluate("$", model, ctx);
public String getPathFragment() {
return "$";
boolean isTokenDefinite() {
return true;


@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class ScanPathToken extends PathToken {
void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (isLeaf()) {
ctx.addResult(currentPath, model);
Predicate predicate = createScanPredicate(next(), ctx);
Map<String, Object> predicateMatches = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
walk(currentPath, model, ctx, predicate, predicateMatches);
//Filters has already been evaluated
PathToken next = next();
if (next instanceof FilterPathToken) {
if (next.isLeaf()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> match : predicateMatches.entrySet()) {
ctx.addResult(match.getKey(), match.getValue());
} else {
next =;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> match : predicateMatches.entrySet()) {
next.evaluate(match.getKey(), match.getValue(), ctx);
public void walk(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx, Predicate predicate, Map<String, Object> predicateMatches) {
if (ctx.jsonProvider().isMap(model)) {
walkObject(currentPath, model, ctx, predicate, predicateMatches);
} else if (ctx.jsonProvider().isArray(model)) {
walkArray(currentPath, model, ctx, predicate, predicateMatches);
public void walkArray(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx, Predicate predicate, Map<String, Object> predicateMatches) {
if (predicate.matches(model)) {
predicateMatches.put(currentPath, model);
Iterable<Object> models = ctx.jsonProvider().toIterable(model);
int idx = 0;
for (Object evalModel : models) {
String evalPath = currentPath + "[" + idx + "]";
if (predicate.clazz().equals(FilterPathToken.class)) {
if (predicate.matches(evalModel)) {
predicateMatches.put(evalPath, evalModel);
walk(evalPath, evalModel, ctx, predicate, predicateMatches);
public void walkObject(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx, Predicate predicate, Map<String, Object> predicateMatches) {
if (predicate.matches(model)) {
predicateMatches.put(currentPath, model);
Collection<String> properties = ctx.jsonProvider().getPropertyKeys(model);
for (String property : properties) {
String evalPath = currentPath + "['" + property + "']";
Object propertyModel = ctx.jsonProvider().getProperty(model, property);
walk(evalPath, propertyModel, ctx, predicate, predicateMatches);
private Predicate createScanPredicate(final PathToken target, final EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (target instanceof PropertyPathToken) {
return new Predicate() {
private PropertyPathToken propertyPathToken = (PropertyPathToken) target;
public Class<?> clazz() {
return PropertyPathToken.class;
public boolean matches(Object model) {
Collection<String> keys = ctx.jsonProvider().getPropertyKeys(model);
return keys.contains(propertyPathToken.getProperty());
} else if (target instanceof ArrayPathToken) {
return new Predicate() {
public Class<?> clazz() {
return ArrayPathToken.class;
public boolean matches(Object model) {
return ctx.jsonProvider().isArray(model);
} else if (target instanceof WildcardPathToken) {
return new Predicate() {
public Class<?> clazz() {
return WildcardPathToken.class;
public boolean matches(Object model) {
return true;
} else if (target instanceof FilterPathToken) {
return new Predicate() {
private FilterPathToken filterPathToken = (FilterPathToken) target;
public Class<?> clazz() {
return FilterPathToken.class;
public boolean matches(Object model) {
return filterPathToken.accept(model, ctx.configuration());
} else {
return new Predicate() {
public Class<?> clazz() {
return null;
public boolean matches(Object model) {
return false;
boolean isTokenDefinite() {
return false;
public String getPathFragment() {
return "..";
private interface Predicate {
Class<?> clazz();
boolean matches(Object model);


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler;
class WildcardPathToken extends PathToken {
void evaluate(String currentPath, Object model, EvaluationContextImpl ctx) {
if (ctx.jsonProvider().isMap(model)) {
for (String property : ctx.jsonProvider().getPropertyKeys(model)) {
handleObjectProperty(currentPath, model, ctx, property);
} else if (ctx.jsonProvider().isArray(model)) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < ctx.jsonProvider().length(model); idx++) {
handleArrayIndex(idx, currentPath, model, ctx);
boolean isTokenDefinite() {
return false;
public String getPathFragment() {
return "[*]";

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/impl/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/internal/spi/json/

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -80,8 +80,14 @@ public abstract class AbstractJsonProvider implements JsonProvider {
if (isMap(obj))
((Map) obj).put(key.toString(), value);
else {
int index = key instanceof Integer? (Integer) key : Integer.parseInt(key.toString());
((List) obj).add(index, value);
List list = (List) obj;
int index;
if (key != null) {
index = key instanceof Integer ? (Integer) key : Integer.parseInt(key.toString());
} else {
index = list.size();
list.add(index, value);
@ -110,14 +116,14 @@ public abstract class AbstractJsonProvider implements JsonProvider {
return keys;
} else {
return ((Map) obj).keySet();
* Get the length of an array or object
* @param obj an array or an object
* @return the number of entries in the array or object

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/impl/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/internal/spi/json/

@ -12,25 +12,30 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidJsonException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.MappingProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.Mode;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.Mode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public class JacksonProvider extends AbstractJsonProvider implements MappingProvider{
public class JacksonProvider extends AbstractJsonProvider {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JacksonProvider.class);
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
@ -44,6 +49,7 @@ public class JacksonProvider extends AbstractJsonProvider implements MappingProv
try {
return objectMapper.readValue(json, Object.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.debug("Invalid JSON: \n" + json);
throw new InvalidJsonException(e);
@ -89,22 +95,5 @@ public class JacksonProvider extends AbstractJsonProvider implements MappingProv
return new LinkedList<Object>();
// Mapping provider
public <T> T convertValue(Object fromValue, Class<T> toValueType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return objectMapper.convertValue(fromValue, toValueType);
public <T extends Collection<E>, E> T convertValue(Object fromValue, Class<T> collectionType, Class<E> elementType) throws IllegalArgumentException {
CollectionType colType = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(collectionType, elementType);
return (T)objectMapper.convertValue(fromValue, colType);

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/impl/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/internal/spi/json/

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidJsonException;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.Mode;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.Mode;
import net.minidev.json.JSONArray;
import net.minidev.json.JSONObject;
import net.minidev.json.parser.ContainerFactory;
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ public class JsonSmartJsonProvider extends AbstractJsonProvider {
private Mode mode;
private ContainerFactory containerFactory = ContainerFactory.FACTORY_SIMPLE;
private ContainerFactory containerFactory = ContainerFactory.FACTORY_ORDERED;
//private ContainerFactory containerFactory = ContainerFactory.FACTORY_SIMPLE;
public JsonSmartJsonProvider() {
@ -55,7 +56,6 @@ public class JsonSmartJsonProvider extends AbstractJsonProvider {
public Object parse(String json) {
try {
//return parser.parse(json, ContainerFactory.FACTORY_ORDERED);
return createParser().parse(json, containerFactory);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new InvalidJsonException(e);


@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
import java.util.Collection;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public interface MappingProvider {
public <T> T convertValue(Object fromValue, Class<T> toValueType) throws IllegalArgumentException;
public <T extends Collection<E>, E> T convertValue(Object fromValue, Class<T> collectionType, Class<E> elementType) throws IllegalArgumentException;


@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl.JacksonProvider;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
public abstract class MappingProviderFactory {
public static MappingProviderFactory factory = new MappingProviderFactory() {
private MappingProvider provider = null;
protected MappingProvider create() {
if (this.provider == null) {
synchronized (MappingProviderFactory.class) {
try {
provider = new JacksonProvider();
return provider;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(" not found on classpath. This is an optional dependency needed for POJO conversions.", e);
} else {
return provider;
protected abstract MappingProvider create();
public static MappingProvider createProvider() {
return factory.create();


@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
import java.util.List;
public interface EvaluationContext {
Configuration configuration();
<T> T get();
List<String> getPathList();


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
public interface Path {
EvaluationContext evaluate(Object model, Configuration configuration);
boolean isDefinite();
int tokenCount();


@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.compiler;
public interface PathCompiler {

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/http/

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.http;

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/http/

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.http;

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/json/

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidJsonException;
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public interface JsonProvider {
* Get the length of an array or object
* @param obj an array or an object
* @return the number of entries in the array or object

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/json/

@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl.JsonSmartJsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json.JacksonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json.JsonSmartJsonProvider;
* @author Kalle Stenflo
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl.JsonSmartJsonProvider;
public abstract class JsonProviderFactory {
private static JsonProvider provider = new JsonSmartJsonProvider();
//private static JsonProvider provider = new JacksonProvider();
public static JsonProvider createProvider() {
return provider;

json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/ → json-path/src/main/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/spi/json/

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json;
* @author Kalle Stenflo


@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ public class ArraySlicingTest {
public void get_from_tail(){
Integer result =, "$[3:]");
assertEquals(8, result.intValue());
List<Integer> result =, "$[3:]");
assertThat(result, Matchers.contains(7, 8, 13, 20));


@ -25,12 +25,10 @@ public class ComplianceTest {
assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(json, "$.a"), equalTo("a"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$.*"), hasItems("a", "b", "e"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$['*']"), hasItems("a", "b", "e"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$[*]"), hasItems("a", "b", "e"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(json, "$['a']"), equalTo("a"));
//assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(json, "$.'c d'"), is(equalTo("e"))); //low
//assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$[*]"), hasItems("a", "b", "e")); //low
assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(json, "$.['c d']"), is(equalTo("e")));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$[*]"), hasItems("a", "b", "e"));
@ -71,183 +69,10 @@ public class ComplianceTest {
assertThat(JsonPath.<Integer>read(json, "$.points[4].x"), equalTo(0));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<Integer>>read(json, "$.points[?( == 'i4')].x"), hasItem(-6));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<Integer>>read(json, "$.points[*].x"), hasItems(4, -2, 8, -6, 0, 1));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$.points[?(@.z)].id"), hasItems("i2", "i5"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(json, "$.points[(@.length - 1)].id"), equalTo("i6"));
//assertThat(JsonPath.<List<Integer>>read(json, "$['points'][?(@.x * @.x + @.y * @.y > 50)].id"), hasItems(?)); //low
public void test_four() throws Exception {
String json = "{ \"menu\": {\n" +
" \"header\": \"SVG Viewer\",\n" +
" \"items\": [\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Open\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"OpenNew\", \"label\": \"Open New\"},\n" +
" null,\n" +
" {\"id\": \"ZoomIn\", \"label\": \"Zoom In\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"ZoomOut\", \"label\": \"Zoom Out\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"OriginalView\", \"label\": \"Original View\"},\n" +
" null,\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Quality\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Pause\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Mute\"},\n" +
" null,\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Find\", \"label\": \"Find...\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"FindAgain\", \"label\": \"Find Again\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Copy\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"CopyAgain\", \"label\": \"Copy Again\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"CopySVG\", \"label\": \"Copy SVG\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"ViewSVG\", \"label\": \"View SVG\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"ViewSource\", \"label\": \"View Source\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"SaveAs\", \"label\": \"Save As\"},\n" +
" null,\n" +
" {\"id\": \"Help\"},\n" +
" {\"id\": \"About\", \"label\": \"About Adobe CVG Viewer...\"}\n" +
" ]\n" +
" }\n" +
" }";
//assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$.menu.items[?(@ && && !@.label)].id"), hasItems("?")); //low
//assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$.menu.items[?(@ && @.label && /SVG/.test(@.label))].id"), hasItems("?")); //low
//assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$.menu.items[?(!@)]"), hasItems("?")); //low
//assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(json, "$..[0]"), hasItems("?")); //low
{ "o": { a: "a",
b: "b",
"c d": "e"
"p": [ "$.a",
"$.'c d'",
"$['*']" ,
{ "o": [ 1, "2", 3.14, true, null ],
"p": [ "$[0]",
{ "o": { points: [
{ id: "i1", x: 4, y: -5 },
{ id: "i2", x: -2, y: 2, z: 1 },
{ id: "i3", x: 8, y: 3 },
{ id: "i4", x: -6, y: -1 },
{ id: "i5", x: 0, y: 2, z: 1 },
{ id: "i6", x: 1, y: 4 }
"p": [ "$.points[1]",
"$['points'][?(@.x*@.x+@.y*@.y > 50)].id",
{ "o": { "menu": {
"header": "SVG Viewer",
"items": [
{"id": "Open"},
{"id": "OpenNew", "label": "Open New"},
{"id": "ZoomIn", "label": "Zoom In"},
{"id": "ZoomOut", "label": "Zoom Out"},
{"id": "OriginalView", "label": "Original View"},
{"id": "Quality"},
{"id": "Pause"},
{"id": "Mute"},
{"id": "Find", "label": "Find..."},
{"id": "FindAgain", "label": "Find Again"},
{"id": "Copy"},
{"id": "CopyAgain", "label": "Copy Again"},
{"id": "CopySVG", "label": "Copy SVG"},
{"id": "ViewSVG", "label": "View SVG"},
{"id": "ViewSource", "label": "View Source"},
{"id": "SaveAs", "label": "Save As"},
{"id": "Help"},
{"id": "About", "label": "About Adobe CVG Viewer..."}
"p": [ "$.menu.items[?(@ && && !@.label)].id",
"$.menu.items[?(@ && @.label && /SVG/.test(@.label))].id",
{ "o": { a: [1,2,3,4],
b: [5,6,7,8]
"p": [ "$..[0]",
{ "o": { lin: {color:"red", x:2, y:3},
cir: {color:"blue", x:5, y:2, r:1 },
arc: {color:"green", x:2, y:4, r:2, phi0:30, dphi:120 },
pnt: {x:0, y:7 }
"p": [ "$.'?(@.color)'.x",
{ "o": { lin: {color:"red", x:2, y:3},
cir: {color:"blue", x:5, y:2, r:1 },
arc: {color:"green", x:2, y:4, r:2, phi0:30, dphi:120 },
pnt: {x:0, y:7 }
"p": [ "$.'?(@.color)'.x",
{ "o": { text: [ "hello", "world2.0"] },
"p": [ "$.text[?(@.length > 5)]",
"$.text[?(@.charAt(0) == 'h')]"
{ "o": { a: { a:2, b:3 },
b: { a:4, b:5 },
c: { a: { a:6, b:7}, c:8}
"p": [ "$..a"
{ "o": { a: [ { a:5, '@':2, '$':3 }, // issue 7: resolved by escaping the '@' character
{ a:6, '@':3, '$':4 }, // in a JSONPath expression.
{ a:7, '@':4, '$':5 }
"p": [ "$.a[?(@['\\@']==3)]",


@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
public class DeepScanTest {
private static final String DOCUMENT = "{\n" +
" \"store\":{\n" +
" \"book\":[\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"category\":\"reference\",\n" +
" \"author\":\"Nigel Rees\",\n" +
" \"title\":\"Sayings of the Century\",\n" +
" \"price\":8.95\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"category\":\"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\":\"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" +
" \"title\":\"Sword of Honour\",\n" +
" \"price\":12.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"category\":\"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\":\"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\":\"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\":\"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\":22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"bicycle\":{\n" +
" \"color\":\"red\",\n" +
" \"price\":19.95\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
private static final JsonProvider prov = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider();
private static final Set<Option> opts = Collections.emptySet();
public void correct_path() {
System.out.println(PathEvaluator.evaluate("$.store..", DOCUMENT, prov, opts));
public void a_string_property_can_be_scanned_for() {
PathEvaluationResult result = PathEvaluator.evaluate("$.store..category", DOCUMENT, prov, opts);
assertThat(result.getPathList(), hasItems("$['store']['book'][0]['category']", "$['store']['book'][1]['category']", "$['store']['book'][2]['category']"));
assertThat(result.getResultList(), hasItems(
public void a_path_can_end_with_deep_scan() {
String json = "{\"items\":[1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 20]}";
//System.out.println(, "$.."));
System.out.println(PathEvaluator.evaluate("$..", json, prov, opts).toString());


@ -1,20 +1,9 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.eval.ExpressionEvaluator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.BigIntegerNode;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria.where;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter.filter;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
@ -24,6 +13,8 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class ExpressionEvalTest {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpressionEvalTest.class);
public static final String DOCUMENT= "{\n" +
" \"characters\": [\n" +
" {\n" +
@ -64,11 +55,13 @@ public class ExpressionEvalTest {
" \"Your Highness\"\n" +
" ], \n" +
" \"name\": \"Leia Organa\", \n" +
" \"occupation\": \"Senator\", \n" +
" \"occupation\": \"Senator\" \n" +
" }\n" +
" ]\n" +
private static final JsonProvider jp = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider();
public void long_eval() throws Exception {
@ -194,7 +187,8 @@ public class ExpressionEvalTest {
Object o =, "$.characters[?( == 'Luke Skywalker' && @.occupation == 'Farm boy')]");
assertEquals("[{\"occupation\":\"Farm boy\",\"name\":\"Luke Skywalker\",\"aliases\":[\"Nerf herder\"],\"offspring\":null}]", o.toString());
assertThat((String), "[0].name"), is("Luke Skywalker"));
assertThat((String), "[0].occupation"), is("Farm boy"));
@ -205,30 +199,37 @@ public class ExpressionEvalTest {
assertEquals("[]", o.toString());
o =, "$.characters[?( == 'Luke Skywalker' && @.occupation != 'City boy')]");
assertEquals("[{\"occupation\":\"Farm boy\",\"name\":\"Luke Skywalker\",\"aliases\":[\"Nerf herder\"],\"offspring\":null}]", o.toString());
assertThat((String), "[0].name"), is("Luke Skywalker"));
assertThat((String), "[0].occupation"), CoreMatchers.not("City boy"));
public void nulls_filter() {
List<Map<String, Object>> result =, "$.characters[?]", filter(where("offspring").exists(false)));
assertEquals(1, result.size());
//List<Map<String, Object>> result =, "$.characters[?(@.offspring == null)]");
//List<Map<String, Object>> result =, "$.characters[?]", Filter.filter(Criteria.where("offspring").is(null)));
//assertEquals(2, result.size());
result =, "$.characters[?(@.offspring == null)]");
assertEquals(1, result.size());
// result =, "$.characters[?]", filter(where("offspring").exists(false)));
// System.out.println(result);
// assertEquals(1, result.size());
// result =, "$.characters[?(@.offspring != null)]");
// assertEquals(3, result.size());
// result =, "$.characters[?(@.offspring)]");
// assertEquals(4, result.size());
result =, "$.characters[?(@.offspring != null)]");
assertEquals(3, result.size());
result =, "$.characters[?(@.offspring)]");
assertEquals(4, result.size());
PathEvaluationResult res = PathEvaluator.evaluate("$.characters[?(@.offspring != null)]", DOCUMENT, JsonProviderFactory.createProvider(), Collections.EMPTY_SET, new Filter[0]);


@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria2.*;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter2.filter;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class Filter2Test {
Configuration conf = Configuration.defaultConfiguration();
Object json = conf.getProvider().parse(
"{" +
" \"int-key\" : 1, " +
" \"long-key\" : 3000000000, " +
" \"double-key\" : 10.1, " +
" \"boolean-key\" : true, " +
" \"null-key\" : null, " +
" \"string-key\" : \"string\", " +
" \"string-key-empty\" : \"\", " +
" \"char-key\" : \"c\", " +
" \"arr-empty\" : [], " +
" \"int-arr\" : [0,1,2,3,4], " +
" \"string-arr\" : [\"a\",\"b\",\"c\",\"d\",\"e\"] " +
// EQ
public void int_eq_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").eq(1)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").eq(666)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void long_eq_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").eq(3000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").eq(666L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void double_eq_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").eq(10.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").eq(10.10D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").eq(10.11D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void string_eq_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").eq("string")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").eq("666")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void boolean_eq_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("boolean-key").eq(true)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("boolean-key").eq(false)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void null_eq_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").eq(null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").eq("666")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").eq(null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
// NE
public void int_ne_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").ne(1)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").ne(666)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void long_ne_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").ne(3000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").ne(666L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void double_ne_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").ne(10.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").ne(10.10D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").ne(10.11D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void string_ne_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").ne("string")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").ne("666")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void boolean_ne_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("boolean-key").ne(true)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("boolean-key").ne(false)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void null_ne_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").ne(null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").ne("666")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").ne(null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
// LT
public void int_lt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").lt(10)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").lt(0)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void long_lt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").lt(4000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").lt(666L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void double_lt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").lt(100.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").lt(1.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void string_lt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("char-key").lt("x")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("char-key").lt("a")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
// LTE
public void int_lte_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").lte(10)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").lte(1)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").lte(0)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void long_lte_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").lte(4000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").lte(3000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").lte(666L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void double_lte_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").lte(100.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").lte(10.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").lte(1.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
// GT
public void int_gt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").gt(10)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").gt(0)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void long_gt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").gt(4000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").gt(666L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void double_gt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").gt(100.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").gt(1.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void string_gt_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("char-key").gt("x")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("char-key").gt("a")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
// GTE
public void int_gte_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").gte(10)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").gte(1)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").gte(0)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void long_gte_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").gte(4000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").gte(3000000000L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("long-key").gte(666L)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void double_gte_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").gte(100.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").gte(10.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("double-key").gte(1.1D)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
// Regex
public void string_regex_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").regex(Pattern.compile("^string$"))).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").regex(Pattern.compile("^tring$"))).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").regex(Pattern.compile("^string$"))).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").regex(Pattern.compile("^string$"))).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
// IN
public void string_in_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").in("a", null, "string")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").in("a", null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").in("a", null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").in("a", "b")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("string-arr").in("a")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
// NIN
public void string_nin_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").nin("a", null, "string")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").nin("a", null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").nin("a", null)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").nin("a", "b")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-arr").nin("a")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
// ALL
public void int_all_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-arr").all(0,1)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("int-arr").all(0,7)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void string_all_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-arr").all("a","b")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-arr").all("a","x")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void not_array_all_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").all("a","b")).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void array_size_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-arr").size(5)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-arr").size(7)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void string_size_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").size(6)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").size(7)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void other_size_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").size(6)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void null_size_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").size(6)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void exists_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").exists(true)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").exists(false)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("missing-key").exists(true)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("missing-key").exists(false)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void type_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").type(String.class)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").type(Integer.class)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").type(String.class)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-key").type(Integer.class)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").type(String.class)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-arr").type(List.class)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
public void not_empty_evals() {
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").notEmpty()).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("string-key-empty").notEmpty()).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("int-arr").notEmpty()).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);
assertThat(filter(where("arr-empty").notEmpty()).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
assertThat(filter(where("null-key").notEmpty()).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(false);
public void matches_evals() {
Predicate p = new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(Object target, Configuration configuration) {
Map<String, Object> t = (Map<String, Object>) target;
Object o = t.get("int-key");
Integer i = (Integer) o;
return i == 1;
assertThat(filter(where("string-key").eq("string").and("$").matches(p)).apply(json, conf)).isEqualTo(true);


@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
@ -9,10 +10,12 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria.where;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter.filter;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria2.where;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter2.filter;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
@ -57,7 +60,9 @@ public class FilterTest {
" }\n" +
private static final JsonProvider jp = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider();
private static final Configuration conf = Configuration.defaultConfiguration();
// Single filter tests
@ -69,10 +74,10 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", "foo");
check.put("bar", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("bar").is(null)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").is("foo")).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").is("xxx")).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("bar").is("xxx")).apply(check, conf));
@ -81,10 +86,10 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", "foo");
check.put("bar", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").ne("not foo")).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").ne(null)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").ne("not foo")).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").ne("foo")).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("bar").ne(null)).apply(check, conf));
@ -93,10 +98,10 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", 12.5D);
check.put("foo_null", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").gt(12D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").gt(null)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").gt(20D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo_null").gt(20D)).apply(check, conf));
@ -105,11 +110,11 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", 12.5D);
check.put("foo_null", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").gte(12D)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").gte(12.5D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").gte(null)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").gte(20D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo_null").gte(20D)).apply(check, conf));
@ -118,10 +123,10 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", 10.5D);
check.put("foo_null", null);
//assertTrue(filter(where("foo").lt(12D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").lt(null)).apply(check, conf));
//assertFalse(filter(where("foo").lt(5D)).apply(check, conf));
//assertFalse(filter(where("foo_null").lt(5D)).apply(check, conf));
@ -130,10 +135,10 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", 12.5D);
check.put("foo_null", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").lte(13D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").lte(null)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").lte(5D)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo_null").lte(5D)).apply(check, conf));
@ -142,15 +147,15 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("item", 3);
check.put("null_item", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("item").in(1, 2, 3)).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").in(asList(1, 2, 3))).accept(check));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(4, 5, 6)).accept(check));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(asList(4, 5, 6))).accept(check));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(asList((Object) null))).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").in(1, 2, 3)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").in(asList(1, 2, 3))).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(4, 5, 6)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(asList(4, 5, 6))).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(asList('A'))).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").in(asList((Object) null))).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("null_item").in((Object) null)).accept(check));
assertFalse(filter(where("null_item").in(1, 2, 3)).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("null_item").in((Object) null)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("null_item").in(1, 2, 3)).apply(check, conf));
@ -159,14 +164,14 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("item", 3);
check.put("null_item", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(4, 5)).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(asList(4, 5))).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("null_item").nin(1, 2, 3)).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(asList((Object) null))).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(4, 5)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(asList(4, 5))).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(asList('A'))).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("null_item").nin(1, 2, 3)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("item").nin(asList((Object) null))).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").nin(3)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("item").nin(asList(3))).apply(check, conf));
@ -174,8 +179,8 @@ public class FilterTest {
Map<String, Object> check = new HashMap<String, Object>();
check.put("items", asList(1, 2, 3));
assertTrue(filter(where("items").all(1, 2, 3)).accept(check));
assertFalse(filter(where("items").all(1, 2, 3, 4)).accept(check));
assertTrue(filter(where("items").all(1, 2, 3)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("items").all(1, 2, 3, 4)).apply(check, conf));
@ -184,9 +189,9 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("items", asList(1, 2, 3));
check.put("items_empty", Collections.emptyList());
assertTrue(filter(where("items").size(3)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("items_empty").size(0)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("items").size(2)).apply(check, conf));
@ -196,14 +201,14 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("foo", "foo");
check.put("foo_null", null);
assertTrue(filter(where("foo").exists(true)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo").exists(false)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("foo_null").exists(true)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("foo_null").exists(false)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("bar").exists(false)).accept(check, Configuration.defaultConfiguration()));
assertTrue(filter(where("bar").exists(false)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("bar").exists(true)).apply(check, conf));
@ -215,18 +220,18 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("long", 1L);
check.put("double", 1.12D);
assertFalse(filter(where("string_null").type(String.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("string").type(String.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("string").type(Number.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("int").type(Integer.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("int").type(Long.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("long").type(Long.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("long").type(Integer.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("double").type(Double.class)).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("double").type(Integer.class)).apply(check, conf));
@ -235,12 +240,55 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("name", "kalle");
check.put("name_null", null);
assertFalse(filter(where("name_null").regex(Pattern.compile(".alle"))).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("name").regex(Pattern.compile(".alle"))).apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("name").regex(Pattern.compile("KALLE"))).apply(check, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("name").regex(Pattern.compile("KALLE", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE))).apply(check, conf));
public void combine_filter_deep_criteria() {
String json = "[\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"first-name\" : \"John\",\n" +
" \"last-name\" : \"Irving\",\n" +
" \"address\" : {\"state\" : \"Texas\"}\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"first-name\" : \"Jock\",\n" +
" \"last-name\" : \"Ewing\",\n" +
" \"address\" : {\"state\" : \"Texas\"}\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"first-name\" : \"Jock\",\n" +
" \"last-name\" : \"Barnes\",\n" +
" \"address\" : {\"state\" : \"Nevada\"}\n" +
" } \n" +
Filter2 filter = filter(
List<Map<String, Object>> jocksInTexas1 =, "$[?]", filter);
List<Map<String, Object>> jocksInTexas2 =, "$[?(@.first-name == 'Jock' && @.address.state == 'Texas')]");
assertThat((String), "[0].address.state"), is("Texas"));
assertThat((String), "[0].first-name"), is("Jock"));
assertThat((String), "[0].last-name"), is("Ewing"));
assertTrue(filter(where("name").regex(Pattern.compile("KALLE", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE))).accept(check));
System.out.println("res1" + jocksInTexas1);
System.out.println("res2" + jocksInTexas2);
@ -259,11 +307,11 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("long", 1L);
check.put("double", 1.12D);
Filter shouldMarch = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("int").lt(11));
Filter shouldNotMarch = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("int").gt(11));
Filter2 shouldMarch = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("int").lt(11));
Filter2 shouldNotMarch = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("int").gt(11));
assertTrue(shouldMarch.apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(shouldNotMarch.apply(check, conf));
@ -276,13 +324,13 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("long", 1L);
check.put("double", 1.12D);
Filter filter = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("int").lt(11));
Filter2 filter = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("int").lt(11));
assertTrue(filter.apply(check, conf));
assertFalse(filter.apply(check, conf));
@ -296,23 +344,23 @@ public class FilterTest {
check.put("long", 1L);
check.put("double", 1.12D);
Filter filter = filter(where("string").is("foo"));
Filter2 filter = filter(where("string").is("foo"));
assertTrue(filter.apply(check, conf));
Criteria criteria = where("string").is("not eq");
Criteria2 criteria = where("string").is("not eq");
assertFalse(filter.apply(check, conf));
filter = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("string").is("not eq"));
assertFalse(filter.apply(check, conf));
filter = filter(where("string").is("foo").and("string").is("foo"));
assertTrue(filter.apply(check, conf));
@ -320,7 +368,7 @@ public class FilterTest {
public void arrays_of_maps_can_be_filtered() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> rootGrandChild_A = new HashMap<String, Object>();
rootGrandChild_A.put("name", "rootGrandChild_A");
@ -349,7 +397,7 @@ public class FilterTest {
Filter customFilter = new Filter.FilterAdapter<Map<String, Object>>() {
public boolean accept(Map<String, Object> map) {
public boolean apply(check, confMap<String, Object> map) {
if (map.get("name").equals("rootGrandChild_A")) {
return true;
@ -360,21 +408,25 @@ public class FilterTest {
Filter rootChildFilter = filter(where("name").regex(Pattern.compile("rootChild_[A|B]")));
Filter rootGrandChildFilter = filter(where("name").regex(Pattern.compile("rootGrandChild_[A|B]")));
List read =, "children[?].children[?][?]", rootChildFilter, rootGrandChildFilter, customFilter);
//TODO: breaking v2 (solved by [?,?])
//List read =, "children[?].children[?][?]", rootChildFilter, rootGrandChildFilter, customFilter);
List read =, "children[?].children[?, ?]", rootChildFilter, rootGrandChildFilter, customFilter);
public void arrays_of_objects_can_be_filtered() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> doc = new HashMap<String, Object>();
doc.put("items", asList(1, 2, 3));
Filter customFilter = new Filter.FilterAdapter() {
public boolean accept(Object o, Configuration configuration) {
public boolean apply(check, confObject o, Configuration configuration) {
return 1 == (Integer) o;
@ -382,25 +434,29 @@ public class FilterTest {
List<Integer> res =, "$.items[?]", customFilter);
assertEquals(1, res.get(0).intValue());
public void filters_can_contain_json_path_expressions() throws Exception {
Object doc = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT).getJsonObject();
Object doc = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider().parse(DOCUMENT);
assertFalse(filter(where("$.store.bicycle.color").ne("red")).apply(doc, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("store..price").gt(10)).apply(doc, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("$.store..price").gte(100)).apply(doc, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("$.store..category").ne("fiction")).apply(doc, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("$.store.bicycle.color").ne("blue")).apply(doc, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("$.store..color").exists(true)).apply(doc, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("$.store..color").regex(Pattern.compile("^r.d$"))).apply(doc, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("$.store..color").type(String.class)).apply(doc, conf));
assertTrue(filter(where("$.store..price").is(12.99)).apply(doc, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("$.store..price").is(13.99)).apply(doc, conf));
assertFalse(filter(where("$.store..flavor").exists(true)).apply(doc, conf));
@ -427,33 +483,22 @@ public class FilterTest {
" ]\n" +
Object doc = JsonModel.model(json).getJsonObject();
Object doc = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider().parse(json);
List<Map<String, Object>> result =, "$.fields[?]", filter(where("errors").notEmpty()));
assertEquals(1, result.size());
result =, "$.fields[?]", filter(where("name").notEmpty()));
assertEquals(2, result.size());
List<Map<String, Object>> result2 =, "$.fields[?]", filter(where("name").notEmpty()));
assertEquals(2, result2.size());
public void collection_based_filters_cannot_be_applied_to_multi_level_expressions() {
@Test(expected = InvalidCriteriaException.class)
public void filter_path_must_be_absolute() {
try {
fail("This should have thrown an exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
fail("This should have thrown an exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {


@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.HttpProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.http.HttpProviderFactory;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
* Date: 3/10/12
* Time: 8:12 AM
public class HttpProviderTest {


@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import net.minidev.json.JSONObject;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ import;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class IssuesTest {
private static final JsonProvider jp = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider();
public void issue_36() {
@ -37,22 +37,23 @@ public class IssuesTest {
Object o1 =, "$.arrayOfObjectsAndArrays..k ");
Object o2 =, "$.arrayOfObjects..k ");
assertEquals("[[\"json\"],[\"path\"],[\"is\"],[\"cool\"]]", o1.toString());
assertEquals("[\"json\",\"path\",\"is\",\"cool\"]", o2.toString());
assertEquals("[[\"json\"],[\"path\"],[\"is\"],[\"cool\"]]", jp.toJson(o1));
assertEquals("[\"json\",\"path\",\"is\",\"cool\"]", jp.toJson(o2));
@Test(expected = PathNotFoundException.class)
public void issue_11() throws Exception {
String json = "{ \"foo\" : [] }";
List<String> result =, "$.foo[?(@.rel= 'item')][0].uri");
System.out.println(JsonPath.compile("$.foo[?(@.rel= 'item')][0].uri").isPathDefinite());
System.out.println(JsonPath.compile("$.foo[?(@.rel= 'item')][0]").isPathDefinite());
System.out.println(JsonPath.compile("$.foo[?(@.rel= 'item')]").isPathDefinite());
List<String> result =, "$.foo[?(@.rel == 'item')][0].uri");
@Test(expected = PathNotFoundException.class)
public void issue_11b() throws Exception {
String json = "{ \"foo\" : [] }";, "$.foo[0].uri");
public void issue_15() throws Exception {
String json = "{ \"store\": {\n" +
@ -122,6 +123,71 @@ public class IssuesTest {
assertEquals(1, result.size());
public void issue_37() {
String json = "[\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"9\",\n" +
" \"sku\": \"SKU-001\",\n" +
" \"compatible\": false\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"13\",\n" +
" \"sku\": \"SKU-005\",\n" +
" \"compatible\": true\n" +
" },\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"id\": \"11\",\n" +
" \"sku\": \"SKU-003\",\n" +
" \"compatible\": true\n" +
" }\n" +
List<Double> result =, "$.[?(@.compatible == true)].sku");
//assertThat(result.get(0), is(new Double(10.1)));
//assertThat(result.get(1), is(new Double(21.0)));
public void issue_38() {
String json = "{\n" +
" \"datapoints\":[\n" +
" [\n" +
" 10.1,\n" +
" 13.0\n" +
" ],\n" +
" [\n" +
" 21.0,\n" +
" 22.0\n" +
" ]\n" +
" ]\n" +
List<Double> result =, "$.datapoints.[*].[0]");
assertThat(result.get(0), is(new Double(10.1)));
assertThat(result.get(1), is(new Double(21.0)));
public void issue_39() {
String json = "{\n" +
" \"obj1\": {\n" +
" \"arr\": [\"1\", \"2\"]\n" +
" },\n" +
" \"obj2\": {\n" +
" \"arr\": [\"3\", \"4\"]\n" +
" }\n" +
List<String> result =, "$..arr");
assertThat(result.size(), is(2));
public void issue_28_int() {
String json = "{\"contents\": [1,2,3]}";
@ -179,9 +245,10 @@ public class IssuesTest {
public void issue_29_a() throws Exception {
String json = "{\"list\": [ { \"a\":\"atext\", \"b.b-a\":\"batext2\", \"b\":{ \"b-a\":\"batext\", \"b-b\":\"bbtext\" } }, { \"a\":\"atext2\", \"b\":{ \"b-a\":\"batext2\", \"b-b\":\"bbtext2\" } } ] }";
List<JSONObject> result =, "$.list[?(@['b.b-a']=='batext2')]");
List<Map<String, Object>> result =, "$.list[?(@['b.b-a']=='batext2')]");
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals("atext", result.get(0).get("a"));
Object a = result.get(0).get("a");
assertEquals("atext", a);
result =, "$.list[?(@.b.b-a=='batext2')]");
assertEquals(1, result.size());
@ -193,7 +260,7 @@ public class IssuesTest {
public void issue_29_b() throws Exception {
String json = "{\"list\": [ { \"a\":\"atext\", \"b\":{ \"b-a\":\"batext\", \"b-b\":\"bbtext\" } }, { \"a\":\"atext2\", \"b\":{ \"b-a\":\"batext2\", \"b-b\":\"bbtext2\" } } ] }";
List<String> result =, "$.list[?]", Filter.filter(Criteria.where("b.b-a").eq("batext2")));
List<String> result =, "$.list[?]", Filter2.filter(Criteria2.where("b.b-a").eq("batext2")));
assertTrue(result.size() == 1);
@ -243,4 +310,18 @@ public class IssuesTest {
public void array_root() {
String json = "[\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"a\": 1,\n" +
" \"b\": 2,\n" +
" \"c\": 3\n" +
" }\n" +
assertEquals(1,, "$[0].a"));


@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 3/14/12
* Time: 7:30 AM
public class JsonModelChainedCallsTest {
public final static String DOCUMENT =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
" \"book\": [ \n" +
" { \"category\": \"reference\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Nigel Rees\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sayings of the Century\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.95\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sword of Honour\",\n" +
" \"price\": 12.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Herman Melville\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Moby Dick\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-553-21311-3\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\": 22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"bicycle\": {\n" +
" \"color\": \"red\",\n" +
" \"price\": 19.95,\n" +
" \"foo:bar\": \"fooBar\",\n" +
" \"number\": 12,\n" +
" \"dot.notation\": \"new\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void convert_and_map() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Transformer<Map<String, Object>> transformer = new Transformer<Map<String, Object>>() {
public Object transform(Map<String, Object> map, Configuration configuration) {
map.put("author", "kalle");
return map;
Book book = model.opsForObject("[0]").transform(transformer).to(Book.class);
assertEquals(, "kalle");
public void convert_each_and_map() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Transformer<Object> transformer = new Transformer<Object>() {
public Object transform(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) obj;
map.put("author", "kalle");
return map;
List<Book> books = model.opsForArray("").each(transformer).toList().of(Book.class);
public static class Book {
public String category;
public String author;
public String title;
public Double price;


@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria.where;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter.filter;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonModel.model;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 3/4/12
* Time: 8:36 PM
public class JsonModelMappingTest {
public final static String DOCUMENT =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
" \"book\": [ \n" +
" { \"category\": \"reference\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Nigel Rees\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sayings of the Century\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.95\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sword of Honour\",\n" +
" \"price\": 12.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Herman Melville\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Moby Dick\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-553-21311-3\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\": 22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"bicycle\": {\n" +
" \"color\": \"red\",\n" +
" \"price\": 19.95,\n" +
" \"foo:bar\": \"fooBar\",\n" +
" \"dot.notation\": \"new\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void map_and_filter_can_be_combined() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Filter filter = Filter.filter(Criteria.where("category").is("fiction").and("price").gt(10D));
List<Book> books ="$[?]", filter).toList().of(Book.class);
JsonPath jsonPath = JsonPath.compile("$[?]", filter(where("category").is("fiction").and("price").gt(10D)));
Object read =;
List<Book> books1 = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT).map("$[?]", filter).toListOf(Book.class);
public void map_a_json_model_to_an_Class() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Book book ="$[1]").to(Book.class);
assertEquals("fiction", book.category);
assertEquals("Evelyn Waugh",;
assertEquals("Sword of Honour", book.title);
assertEquals(12.99D, book.price);
public void map_a_json_model_to_a_List() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
List<Book> booksList ="$[0,1]").toListOf(Book.class);
assertEquals("fiction", booksList.get(1).category);
assertEquals("Evelyn Waugh", booksList.get(1).author);
assertEquals("Sword of Honour", booksList.get(1).title);
assertEquals(12.99D, booksList.get(1).price);
booksList ="$[*]").toListOf(Book.class);
assertEquals("fiction", booksList.get(1).category);
assertEquals("Evelyn Waugh", booksList.get(1).author);
assertEquals("Sword of Honour", booksList.get(1).title);
assertEquals(12.99D, booksList.get(1).price);
booksList ="$[*]").toList().of(Book.class);
assertEquals("fiction", booksList.get(1).category);
assertEquals("Evelyn Waugh", booksList.get(1).author);
assertEquals("Sword of Honour", booksList.get(1).title);
assertEquals(12.99D, booksList.get(1).price);
public void map_a_json_model_to_a_Set() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Set<Book> bookSet ="$[1]").toSetOf(Book.class);
Book book = bookSet.iterator().next();
assertEquals("fiction", book.category);
assertEquals("Evelyn Waugh",;
assertEquals("Sword of Honour", book.title);
assertEquals(12.99D, book.price);
public static class Book {
public String category;
public String author;
public String title;
public String isbn;
public Double price;


@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.*;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonModel.model;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 3/4/12
* Time: 4:55 PM
public class JsonModelOpsTest {
public final static String DOCUMENT =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
" \"book\": [ \n" +
" { \"category\": \"reference\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Nigel Rees\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sayings of the Century\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.95\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sword of Honour\",\n" +
" \"price\": 12.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Herman Melville\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Moby Dick\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-553-21311-3\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\": 22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"bicycle\": {\n" +
" \"color\": \"red\",\n" +
" \"price\": 19.95,\n" +
" \"foo:bar\": \"fooBar\",\n" +
" \"number\": 12,\n" +
" \"dot.notation\": \"new\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void convert_values() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = model(DOCUMENT).getSubModel("store.bicycle");
JsonModel.ObjectOps ops = model.opsForObject();
assertEquals(19.95D, ops.getDouble("price"));
assertEquals(new Long(12), ops.getLong("number"));
assertEquals(new Integer(12), ops.getInteger("number"));
int i = ops.getInteger("number");
long l = ops.getLong("number");
double d = ops.getDouble("price");
public void object_ops_can_update() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
.put("author", "Kalle")
.put("price", 12.30D);
assertEquals("Kalle", model.get("[0].author"));
assertEquals(12.30D, model.get("[0].price"));
public void array_ops_can_add_element() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Map<String, Object> newBook = new HashMap<String, Object>();
newBook.put("category", "reference");
newBook.put("author", "Kalle");
newBook.put("title", "JSONPath book");
newBook.put("isbn", "0-553-21311-34");
newBook.put("price", 12.10D);
JsonModel subModel = model.getSubModel("[4]");
assertEquals("reference", subModel.get("category"));
assertEquals("Kalle", subModel.get("author"));
assertEquals("JSONPath book", subModel.get("title"));
assertEquals("0-553-21311-34", subModel.get("isbn"));
assertEquals(12.10D, subModel.get("price"));
public void ops_can_transform_object_root() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> rootDocument = new HashMap<String, Object>();
rootDocument.put("category", "reference");
rootDocument.put("author", "Kalle");
rootDocument.put("title", "JSONPath book");
rootDocument.put("isbn", "0-553-21311-34");
rootDocument.put("price", 12.10D);
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(rootDocument);
model.opsForObject().transform(new Transformer<Map<String, Object>>() {
public Object transform(Map<String, Object> obj, Configuration configuration) {
obj.put("name", "kalle");
return obj;
assertEquals("kalle", model.get("name"));
public void ops_can_transform_array_root() throws Exception {
List<Object> rootDocument = new ArrayList<Object>();
rootDocument.add(Collections.singletonMap("name", "kalle"));
rootDocument.add(Collections.singletonMap("name", "bob"));
rootDocument.add(Collections.singletonMap("name", "zak"));
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(rootDocument);
model.opsForArray().transform(new Transformer<List<Object>>() {
public Object transform(List<Object> obj, Configuration configuration) {
return Collections.singletonMap("root", "new");
assertEquals("new", model.get("root"));
public void ops_can_transform_nested_document() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> childDocument = new HashMap<String, Object>();
childDocument.put("level", 1);
Map<String, Object> rootDocument = new HashMap<String, Object>();
rootDocument.put("category", "reference");
rootDocument.put("author", "Kalle");
rootDocument.put("title", "JSONPath book");
rootDocument.put("isbn", "0-553-21311-34");
rootDocument.put("price", 12.10D);
rootDocument.put("child", childDocument);
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(rootDocument);
model.opsForObject("child").transform(new Transformer<Map<String, Object>>() {
public Object transform(Map<String, Object> obj, Configuration configuration) {
obj.put("name", "kalle");
return obj;
assertEquals("kalle", model.get(""));
public void arrays_can_be_mapped() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
List<Book> books1 = model.opsForArray("").toList().of(Book.class);
List<Book> books2 = model.opsForArray("").toListOf(Book.class);
Set<Book> books3 = model.opsForArray("").toSetOf(Book.class);
assertEquals(4, books1.size());
assertEquals(4, books2.size());
assertEquals(4, books3.size());
public void objects_can_be_mapped() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
Book book = model.opsForObject("[1]").to(Book.class);
assertEquals("fiction", book.category);
assertEquals("Evelyn Waugh",;
assertEquals("Sword of Honour", book.title);
assertEquals(12.99D, book.price);
public void object_can_be_transformed() throws Exception {
Transformer transformer = new Transformer<Map<String, Object>>() {
public Map<String, Object> transform(Map<String, Object> model, Configuration configuration) {
model.put("newProp", "newProp");
return model;
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
assertEquals("newProp", model.get("[1].newProp"));
public void arrays_can_be_transformed() throws Exception {
Transformer transformer = new Transformer<List<Object>>() {
public Object transform(List<Object> model, Configuration configuration) {
for (Object o : model) {
Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) o;
map.put("newProp", "newProp");
return model;
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
assertEquals("newProp", model.get("[1].newProp"));
public void array_can_be_transformed_to_primitives() throws Exception {
Transformer positionTransformer = new Transformer<List<Object>>() {
private int i = 0;
public Object transform(List<Object> model, Configuration configuration) {
List<Object> newList = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (Object o : model) {
newList.add(new Integer(i++));
return newList;
Transformer multiplyingTransformer = new Transformer<List<Object>>() {
public Object transform(List<Object> model, Configuration configuration) {
for (int i = 0; i < model.size(); i++) {
int curr = (Integer) model.get(i);
model.set(i, curr * 2);
return model;
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
assertEquals(2, model.get("[1]"));
public static class Book {
public String category;
public String author;
public String title;
public String isbn;
public Double price;


@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 3/11/12
* Time: 5:07 PM
public class JsonModelSubModelTest {
public final static String DOCUMENT =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
" \"book\": [ \n" +
" { \"category\": \"reference\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Nigel Rees\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sayings of the Century\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.95\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sword of Honour\",\n" +
" \"price\": 12.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Herman Melville\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Moby Dick\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-553-21311-3\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\": 22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"bicycle\": {\n" +
" \"color\": \"red\",\n" +
" \"price\": 19.95,\n" +
" \"foo:bar\": \"fooBar\",\n" +
" \"dot.notation\": \"new\",\n" +
" \"book\": { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\": 22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void a_sub_model_path_must_be_definite() throws Exception {
public void test_a_sub_model_can_be_fetched_and_read() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
assertEquals("Nigel Rees", model.getSubModel("$[0]").get("author"));
assertEquals("Nigel Rees", model.getSubModel(JsonPath.compile("$[0]")).get("author"));
public void when_a_sub_model_is_updated_the_master_model_is_updated() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
JsonModel subModel = model.getSubModel("[0]");
subModel.opsForObject().put("author", "kalle");
assertEquals("kalle", model.get("[0].author"));
public void when_a_sub_model_root_is_transformed_the_master_model_is_updated() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
JsonModel subModel = model.getSubModel("[0]");
subModel.opsForObject().transform(new Transformer<Map<String, Object>>() {
public Object transform(Map<String, Object> obj, Configuration configuration) {
return Collections.singletonMap("prop", "new");
assertEquals("new", model.get("[0].prop"));
public void when_a_sub_model_child_is_transformed_the_master_model_is_updated() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
JsonModel subModel = model.getSubModel("");
subModel.opsForObject().transform(new Transformer<Map<String, Object>>() {
public Object transform(Map<String, Object> obj, Configuration configuration) {
return Collections.singletonMap("prop", "new");
assertEquals("new", model.get(""));


@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 11/8/11
* Time: 7:52 PM
public class JsonModelTest {
public final static String DOCUMENT =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
" \"book\": [ \n" +
" { \"category\": \"reference\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Nigel Rees\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sayings of the Century\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.95\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Evelyn Waugh\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Sword of Honour\",\n" +
" \"price\": 12.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"Herman Melville\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"Moby Dick\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-553-21311-3\",\n" +
" \"price\": 8.99\n" +
" },\n" +
" { \"category\": \"fiction\",\n" +
" \"author\": \"J. R. R. Tolkien\",\n" +
" \"title\": \"The Lord of the Rings\",\n" +
" \"isbn\": \"0-395-19395-8\",\n" +
" \"price\": 22.99\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"bicycle\": {\n" +
" \"color\": \"red\",\n" +
" \"price\": 19.95,\n" +
" \"foo:bar\": \"fooBar\",\n" +
" \"dot.notation\": \"new\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public final static String INVALID_DOCUMENT = "{?\\?\\?!!?~q`}}}}}\"\" \"store\": {\n";
@Test(expected = InvalidJsonException.class)
public void invalid_json_throws() throws Exception {
@Test(expected = InvalidPathException.class)
public void invalid_path_throws() throws Exception {
public void a_model_can_be_pretty_printed() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(DOCUMENT);
public void has_path_validates() throws Exception {
public void a_json_document_can_be_fetched_with_a_URL() throws Exception {
URL url = new URL("");
assertEquals("REQUEST_DENIED", JsonModel.model(url).get("status"));
public void a_json_document_can_be_fetched_with_a_InputStream() throws Exception {
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(DOCUMENT.getBytes());
assertEquals("Nigel Rees", JsonModel.model(bis).get("[0].author"));
public void maps_and_list_can_queried() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> doc = new HashMap<String, Object>();
doc.put("items", asList(0, 1, 2));
doc.put("child", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value"));
JsonModel model = JsonModel.model(doc);
assertEquals("value", model.get("$child.key"));
assertEquals(1, model.get("$items[1]"));
assertEquals("{\"child\":{\"key\":\"value\"},\"items\":[0,1,2]}", model.toJson());
public void query_for_null_property_returns_null() {
String documentWithNull =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
" \"book\": { \n" +
" \"color\": null\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
Object color = JsonModel.model(documentWithNull).get("");
@Test(expected = InvalidPathException.class)
public void query_for_property_on_array_throws() throws Exception {


@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class JsonPathFilterTest {
" }\n" +
public void arrays_of_maps_can_be_filtered() throws Exception {
@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ public class JsonPathFilterTest {
List read =, "children[?].children[?][?]", rootChildFilter, rootGrandChildFilter, customFilter);
//TODO: breaking v2 solved by [?,?]
//List read =, "children[?].children[?][?]", rootChildFilter, rootGrandChildFilter, customFilter);
List read =, "children[?].children[?, ?]", rootChildFilter, rootGrandChildFilter, customFilter);
@ -129,4 +130,5 @@ public class JsonPathFilterTest {
assertEquals(1, res.get(0).intValue());


@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.compiler.PathCompiler;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonProviderFactory;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.util.ScriptEngineJsonPath;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItems;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ public class JsonPathTest {
" }\n" +
public final static Object OBJ_DOCUMENT = JsonProviderFactory.createProvider().parse(DOCUMENT);
private final static String PRODUCT_JSON = "{\n" +
"\t\"product\": [ {\n" +
@ -78,6 +82,16 @@ public class JsonPathTest {
private final static String ARRAY_EXPAND = "[{\"parent\": \"ONE\", \"child\": {\"name\": \"NAME_ONE\"}}, [{\"parent\": \"TWO\", \"child\": {\"name\": \"NAME_TWO\"}}]]";
@Test(expected = PathNotFoundException.class)
public void missing_prop() {
Object read = JsonPath.using(Configuration.defaultConfiguration().options(Option.THROW_ON_MISSING_PROPERTY)).parse(DOCUMENT).read("$[*].fooBar");
public void bracket_notation_with_dots() {
String json = "{\n" +
@ -171,8 +185,8 @@ public class JsonPathTest {
public void read_path_with_colon() throws Exception {
assertEquals(, "$"), "fooBar");
//TODO: breaking v2
//assertEquals(, "$"), "fooBar");
assertEquals(, "$['store']['bicycle']['foo:bar']"), "fooBar");
@ -219,10 +233,17 @@ public class JsonPathTest {
public void all_store_properties() throws Exception {
List<Object> itemsInStore =, "$.store.*");
assertEquals(, "$.[0].[0].author"), "Nigel Rees");
assertEquals(, "$.[0][0].author"), "Nigel Rees");
List<String> result = PathCompiler.tokenize("$.store.*").evaluate(OBJ_DOCUMENT, Configuration.defaultConfiguration()).getPathList();
@ -234,9 +255,12 @@ public class JsonPathTest {
public void access_array_by_index_from_tail() throws Exception {
//TODO: breaking change
//assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(DOCUMENT, "$[(@.length-1)].author"), equalTo("J. R. R. Tolkien"));
//assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(DOCUMENT, "$[1:].author"), equalTo("J. R. R. Tolkien"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(DOCUMENT, "$[(@.length-1)].author"), equalTo("J. R. R. Tolkien"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<String>read(DOCUMENT, "$[1:].author"), equalTo("J. R. R. Tolkien"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(DOCUMENT, "$[(@.length-1)].author"), hasItems("J. R. R. Tolkien"));
assertThat(JsonPath.<List<String>>read(DOCUMENT, "$[1:].author"), hasItems("Evelyn Waugh","Herman Melville","J. R. R. Tolkien"));


@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.impl.JacksonProvider;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.spi.json.JacksonProvider;
import org.junit.Test;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonModel.model;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
@ -55,16 +50,7 @@ public class JsonProviderTest {
public void clone_test() throws Exception {
Serializable jsonObject = (Serializable) model(DOCUMENT).getJsonObject();
Object clone = Utils.clone(jsonObject);


@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
@ -53,22 +51,6 @@ public class MultiAttributeTest {
public void multiple_attributes_from_array_content(){
List<Map<String, Object>> matches =, "$[*].['category', 'title']");
assertEquals(4, matches.size());
assertEquals(2, matches.get(1).size());
public void multiple_attributes_from_single_object(){
Map<String, Object> match =, "$.store.bicycle['color', 'display-price']");


@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ public class NullHandlingTest {
@Test(expected = PathNotFoundException.class)
public void not_defined_property_throws_PathNotFoundException() {
assertNull(, "$.children[0].child.age"));, "$.children[0].child.age");


@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.PathTokenizer;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItems;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 2/2/11
* Time: 1:22 PM
public class PathTest {
Filter filter = new Filter(){
public boolean accept(Object obj) {
return true;
public boolean accept(Object obj, Configuration configuration) {
return true;
public Filter addCriteria(Criteria criteria) {
return this;
public void path_is_not_definite() throws Exception {
assertFalse(JsonPath.compile("$book[?]", filter).isPathDefinite());
public void path_is_definite() throws Exception {
public void valid_path_is_split_correctly() throws Exception {
assertPath("$.store[*]", hasItems("$", "store", "[*]"));
assertPath("$", hasItems("$"));
assertPath("$..*", hasItems("$", "..", "*"));
assertPath("$.store", hasItems("$", "store"));
assertPath("$.store.*", hasItems("$", "store", "*"));
assertPath("$.store[*].name", hasItems("$", "store", "[*]", "name"));
assertPath("$[-1:]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[-1:]", "foo", "bar"));
assertPath("$[?(@.isbn)]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.isbn)]"));
assertPath("['store'].['price']", hasItems("$", "store", "price"));
assertPath("$.['store'].['price']", hasItems("$", "store", "price"));
assertPath("$.['store']['price']", hasItems("$", "store", "price"));
assertPath("$.['store'].price", hasItems("$", "store", "price"));
assertPath("$.['store space']['price space']", hasItems("$", "store space", "price space"));
assertPath("$.['store']['nice.price']", hasItems("$", "store", "nice.price"));
assertPath("$[?(@.price<10)]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.price<10)]"));
assertPath("$[?(@.price<10)]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.price<10)]"));
assertPath("$[*].author", hasItems("$", "store", "book", "[*]", "author"));
assertPath("$.store..price", hasItems("$", "store", "..", "price"));
public void white_space_are_removed() throws Exception {
assertPath("$.[ 'store' ]", hasItems("$", "store"));
assertPath("$.[ 'store' ]", hasItems("$", "store"));
assertPath("$.['store bore']", hasItems("$", "store bore"));
assertPath("$[ ?(@.price<10) ]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.price<10)]"));
assertPath("$[?(@.price<10 )]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.price<10)]"));
assertPath("$[?( @.price<10)]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.price<10)]"));
assertPath("$[ ?(@.price<10)]", hasItems("$", "..", "book", "[?(@.price<10)]"));
public void dot_ending_ignored() throws Exception {
assertPath("$['something'].", hasItems("$", "..", "something"));
public void invalid_path_throws_exception() throws Exception {
public void multi_field_select(){
PathTokenizer tokenizer = new PathTokenizer("$.contents[*].['groupType', 'type']");
for (String fragment : tokenizer.getFragments()) {
// Helpers
private void assertPathInvalid(String path) {
try {
PathTokenizer tokenizer = new PathTokenizer(path);
assertTrue("Expected exception!", false);
} catch (InvalidPathException expected) {}
private void assertPath(String path, Matcher<Iterable<String>> matcher) {
System.out.println("PATH: " + path);
PathTokenizer tokenizer = new PathTokenizer(path);
for (String fragment : tokenizer.getFragments()) {
assertThat(tokenizer.getFragments(), matcher);

json-path/src/test/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/ → json-path/src/test/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath;
import org.junit.Test;
import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonModel.model;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: kallestenflo
* Date: 3/11/12
* Time: 4:44 PM
public class JsonModelSubModelDetachedTest {
public class Runner {
public final static String DOCUMENT =
"{ \"store\": {\n" +
@ -47,19 +40,16 @@ public class JsonModelSubModelDetachedTest {
" }\n" +
public void a_sub_model_can_be_detached() throws Exception {
JsonModel model = model(DOCUMENT);
JsonModel detachedModel = model.getSubModelDetached("$[*]");
public static void main(String[] args) {
assertEquals(4, model.opsForArray("$").size());
assertEquals(5, detachedModel.opsForArray("$").size());
JsonPath jp = JsonPath.compile("$[3]");
ReadContext readContext = JsonPath.parse(DOCUMENT);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (long i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {;
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);

json-path/src/test/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/internal/filter/ → json-path/src/test/java/com/jayway/jsonpath/internal/

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter;
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.hamcrest.Matchers;


@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package com.jayway.jsonpath.internal;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static;
public class ArrayPathTokenTest extends TestBase {
public void array_can_select_single_index_by_context_length() {
Map<String, Object> result = read(ARRAY, "$[(@.length-1)]");
assertThat(result).contains(entry("foo", "foo-val-6"));
public void array_can_select_multiple_indexes() {
List<Map> result = read(ARRAY, "$[0,1]");
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-0"),
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-1"));
public void array_can_be_sliced_to_2() {
List<Map> result = read(ARRAY, "$[:2]");
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-0"),
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-1"));
public void array_can_be_sliced_to_2_from_tail() {
List<Map> result = read(ARRAY, "$[:-5]");
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-0"),
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-1"));
public void array_can_be_sliced_from_2() {
List<Map> result = read(ARRAY, "$[5:]");
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-5"),
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-6"));
public void array_can_be_sliced_from_2_from_tail() {
List<Map> result = read(ARRAY, "$[-2:]");
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-5"),
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-6"));
public void array_can_be_sliced_between() {
List<Map> result = read(ARRAY, "$[2:4]");
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-2"),
singletonMap("foo", "foo-val-3"));

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