@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.CharacterIndex;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Path; |
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.Utils; |
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.FilterCompiler; |
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.function.ParamType; |
import com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.function.Parameter; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Collection; |
@ -23,10 +25,16 @@ public class PathCompiler {
private static final char OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = '['; |
private static final char CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET = ']'; |
private static final char OPEN_PARENTHESIS = '('; |
private static final char CLOSE_PARENTHESIS = ')'; |
private static final char OPEN_BRACE = '{'; |
private static final char CLOSE_BRACE = '}'; |
private static final char WILDCARD = '*'; |
private static final char PERIOD = '.'; |
private static final char SPACE = ' '; |
private static final char TAB = '\t'; |
private static final char CR = '\r'; |
private static final char LF = '\r'; |
private static final char BEGIN_FILTER = '?'; |
private static final char COMMA = ','; |
private static final char SPLIT = ':'; |
@ -71,10 +79,26 @@ public class PathCompiler {
} |
} |
private void readWhitespace() { |
while (path.inBounds()) { |
char c = path.currentChar(); |
if (!isWhitespace(c)) { |
break; |
} |
path.incrementPosition(1); |
} |
} |
private Boolean isPathContext(char c) { |
return (c == DOC_CONTEXT || c == EVAL_CONTEXT); |
} |
//[$ | @]
private RootPathToken readContextToken() { |
if (!path.currentCharIs(DOC_CONTEXT) && !path.currentCharIs(EVAL_CONTEXT)) { |
readWhitespace(); |
if (!isPathContext(path.currentChar())) { |
throw new InvalidPathException("Path must start with '$' or '@'"); |
} |
@ -152,26 +176,54 @@ public class PathCompiler {
int readPosition = startPosition; |
int endPosition = 0; |
boolean isFunction = false; |
while (path.inBounds(readPosition)) { |
char c = path.charAt(readPosition); |
if (c == SPACE) { |
throw new InvalidPathException("Use bracket notion ['my prop'] if your property contains blank characters. position: " + path.position()); |
} |
if (c == PERIOD || c == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET) { |
else if (c == PERIOD || c == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET) { |
endPosition = readPosition; |
break; |
} |
else if (c == OPEN_PARENTHESIS) { |
isFunction = true; |
endPosition = readPosition++; |
break; |
} |
readPosition++; |
} |
if (endPosition == 0) { |
endPosition = path.length(); |
} |
List<Parameter> functionParameters = null; |
if (isFunction) { |
if (path.inBounds(readPosition+1)) { |
// read the next token to determine if we have a simple no-args function call
char c = path.charAt(readPosition + 1); |
path.setPosition(endPosition+1); |
// parse the arguments of the function - arguments that are inner queries or JSON document(s)
String functionName = path.subSequence(startPosition, endPosition).toString(); |
functionParameters = parseFunctionParameters(functionName); |
} else { |
path.setPosition(readPosition + 1); |
} |
} |
else { |
path.setPosition(readPosition); |
} |
} |
else { |
path.setPosition(endPosition); |
} |
String property = path.subSequence(startPosition, endPosition).toString(); |
if(property.endsWith("()")){ |
appender.appendPathToken(PathTokenFactory.createFunctionPathToken(property)); |
if(isFunction){ |
appender.appendPathToken(PathTokenFactory.createFunctionPathToken(property, functionParameters)); |
} else { |
appender.appendPathToken(PathTokenFactory.createSinglePropertyPathToken(property, SINGLE_QUOTE)); |
} |
@ -179,6 +231,151 @@ public class PathCompiler {
return path.currentIsTail() || readNextToken(appender); |
} |
/** |
* Parse the parameters of a function call, either the caller has supplied JSON data, or the caller has supplied |
* another path expression which must be evaluated and in turn invoked against the root document. In this tokenizer |
* we're only concerned with parsing the path thus the output of this function is a list of parameters with the Path |
* set if the parameter is an expression. If the parameter is a JSON document then the value of the cachedValue is |
* set on the object. |
* |
* Sequence for parsing out the parameters: |
* |
* This code has its own tokenizer - it does some rudimentary level of lexing in that it can distinguish between JSON block parameters |
* and sub-JSON blocks - it effectively regex's out the parameters into string blocks that can then be passed along to the appropriate parser. |
* Since sub-jsonpath expressions can themselves contain other function calls this routine needs to be sensitive to token counting to |
* determine the boundaries. Since the Path parser isn't aware of JSON processing this uber routine is needed. |
* |
* Parameters are separated by COMMAs ',' |
* |
* <pre> |
* doc = {"numbers": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]} |
* |
* $.sum({10}, $.numbers.avg()) |
* </pre> |
* |
* The above is a valid function call, we're first summing 10 + avg of 1...10 (5.5) so the total should be 15.5 |
* |
* @return |
* An ordered list of parameters that are to processed via the function. Typically functions either process |
* an array of values and/or can consume parameters in addition to the values provided from the consumption of |
* an array. |
*/ |
private List<Parameter> parseFunctionParameters(String funcName) { |
PathToken currentToken; |
ParamType type = null; |
// Parenthesis starts at 1 since we're marking the start of a function call, the close paren will denote the
// last parameter boundary
Integer groupParen = 1, groupBracket = 0, groupBrace = 0, groupQuote = 0; |
Boolean endOfStream = false; |
char priorChar = 0; |
List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); |
StringBuffer parameter = new StringBuffer(); |
while (path.inBounds() && !endOfStream) { |
char c = path.currentChar(); |
path.incrementPosition(1); |
// we're at the start of the stream, and don't know what type of parameter we have
if (type == null) { |
if (isWhitespace(c)) { |
continue; |
} |
if (c == OPEN_BRACE || isDigit(c) || DOUBLE_QUOTE == c) { |
type = ParamType.JSON; |
} |
else if (isPathContext(c)) { |
type = ParamType.PATH; // read until we reach a terminating comma and we've reset grouping to zero
} |
} |
switch (c) { |
if (priorChar != '\\' && groupQuote > 0) { |
if (groupQuote == 0) { |
throw new InvalidPathException("Unexpected quote '\"' at character position: " + path.position()); |
} |
groupQuote--; |
} |
else { |
groupQuote++; |
} |
break; |
groupParen++; |
break; |
case OPEN_BRACE: |
groupBrace++; |
break; |
groupBracket++; |
break; |
if (0 == groupBrace) { |
throw new InvalidPathException("Unexpected close brace '}' at character position: " + path.position()); |
} |
groupBrace--; |
break; |
if (0 == groupBracket) { |
throw new InvalidPathException("Unexpected close bracket ']' at character position: " + path.position()); |
} |
groupBracket--; |
break; |
// In either the close paren case where we have zero paren groups left, capture the parameter, or where
// we've encountered a COMMA do the same
groupParen--; |
if (0 != groupParen) { |
parameter.append(c); |
} |
case COMMA: |
// In this state we've reach the end of a function parameter and we can pass along the parameter string
// to the parser
if ((0 == groupQuote && 0 == groupBrace && 0 == groupBracket |
&& ((0 == groupParen && CLOSE_PARENTHESIS == c) || 1 == groupParen))) { |
endOfStream = (0 == groupParen); |
if (null != type) { |
Parameter param = null; |
switch (type) { |
case JSON: |
// parse the json and set the value
param = new Parameter(parameter.toString()); |
break; |
case PATH: |
LinkedList<Predicate> predicates = new LinkedList<Predicate>(); |
PathCompiler compiler = new PathCompiler(parameter.toString(), predicates); |
param = new Parameter(compiler.compile()); |
break; |
} |
if (null != param) { |
parameters.add(param); |
} |
parameter.delete(0, parameter.length()); |
type = null; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
if (type != null && !(c == COMMA && 0 == groupBrace && 0 == groupBracket && 1 == groupParen)) { |
parameter.append(c); |
} |
priorChar = c; |
} |
if (0 != groupBrace || 0 != groupParen || 0 != groupBracket) { |
throw new InvalidPathException("Arguments to function: '" + funcName + "' are not closed properly."); |
} |
return parameters; |
} |
private boolean isWhitespace(char c) { |
return (c == SPACE || c == TAB || c == LF || c == CR); |
} |
// [?], [?,?, ..]