forked from fanruan/fineui
2 years ago
39 changed files with 1781 additions and 1503 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ |
import { LayerController } from "../core/controller/controller.layer"; |
import { LayerController } from "../core/controller/controller.layer"; |
import { BroadcastController } from "../core/controller/controller.broadcast"; |
import { BroadcastController } from "../core/controller/controller.broadcast"; |
import { StyleLoaderManager } from "../core/loader/"; |
export type Layers = LayerController; |
export const Layers = new LayerController(); |
export type Broadcasts = BroadcastController; |
export const Broadcasts = new BroadcastController(); |
export const StyleLoaders = new StyleLoaderManager(); |
@ -1,410 +1,405 @@ |
import { Widget } from "./widget"; |
import { Widget } from "./widget"; |
export interface _base { |
type UnionToIntersection<Union> = ( |
assert: (v: any, is: Function) => Boolean; |
Union extends unknown |
? (x: Union) => void |
: never |
) extends ((x: infer Intersection) => void) |
? Intersection |
: never; |
warn: (message: any) => Boolean; |
UUID: () => string; |
export declare function assert(v: any, is: Function): Boolean; |
isWidget: (widget: any) => widget is Widget; |
export declare function warn(message: any): Boolean; |
createWidgets: (items: any, options: any, context: any) => any; |
export declare function UUID(): string; |
createItems: <T, U, K>(data: T[], innerAttr?: U, outerAttr?: K) => (U & T & K)[]; |
export declare function isWidget(widget: any): widget is Widget; |
packageItems: (items: any[], layouts: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function createWidgets(items: any, options: any, context: any): any; |
formatEL: <T>(obj: T) => { el: T } | T; |
export declare function createItems<T, U, K>(data: T[], innerAttr?: U, outerAttr?: K): (U & T & K)[]; |
stripEL: <T>(obj: { el: T } | T) => T; |
export declare function packageItems(items: any[], layouts: any[]): any[]; |
trans2Element: (widgets: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function formatEL<T>(obj: T): { el: T } | T; |
export declare function stripEL<T>(obj: { el: T } | T): T; |
export declare function trans2Element(widgets: any[]): any[]; |
// 集合相关方法
// 集合相关方法
where: (collection: any[] | object | string, source: object) => any[]; |
export declare function where(collection: any[] | object | string, source: object): any[]; |
findWhere: (collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object | undefined; |
export declare function findWhere(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any): object | undefined; |
invoke: (collection: any[] | object | string, methodName: Function | string, arg?: any) => any[]; |
export declare function invoke(collection: any[] | object | string, methodName: Function | string, arg?: any): any[]; |
pluck: (collection: any[] | object | string, property: string) => any[]; |
export declare function pluck(collection: any[] | object | string, property: string): any[]; |
shuffle: (collection: any[] | object | string) => any[]; |
export declare function shuffle(collection: any[] | object | string): any[]; |
sample: (collection: any[] | object | string, n?: number) => any[]; |
export declare function sample(collection: any[] | object | string, n?: number): any[]; |
toArray: (collection: any[] | object | string) => any[]; |
export declare function toArray(collection: any[] | object | string): any[]; |
size: (collection: any) => number; |
export declare function size(collection: any): number; |
each<T>(collection: ArrayLike<T>, iteratee?: (index: number, value: T) => void, thisArg?: any): ArrayLike<T>; |
export declare function each<T>(collection: ArrayLike<T>, iteratee?: (index: number, value: T) => void, thisArg?: any): ArrayLike<T>; |
each<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(collection: T, iteratee?: (index: K, value: T[K]) => void, thisArg?: any): T; |
export declare function each<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(collection: T, iteratee?: (index: K, value: T[K]) => void, thisArg?: any): T; |
each<T>(collection: T, iteratee?: any, thisArg?: any): T; |
export declare function each<T>(collection: T, iteratee?: any, thisArg?: any): T; |
map: <T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string | null | undefined, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => U) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => U[]; |
export declare function map<T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string | null | undefined, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => U) | object | string, thisArg?: any): U[]; |
reduce: <T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((total: U extends T ? U : T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U extends T ? U : T) | object | string, initialValue?: U | T) => U extends T ? U : T; |
export declare function reduce<T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((total: U extends T ? U : T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U extends T ? U : T) | object | string, initialValue?: U | T): U extends T ? U : T; |
reduceRight: <T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((total: U extends T ? U : T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U extends T ? U : T) | object | string, initialValue?: U | T) => U extends T ? U : T; |
export declare function reduceRight<T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((total: U extends T ? U : T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U extends T ? U : T) | object | string, initialValue?: U | T): U extends T ? U : T; |
find: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => T | undefined; |
export declare function find<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): T | undefined; |
filter: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => T[]; |
export declare function filter<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): T[]; |
reject: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => T[]; |
export declare function reject<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): T[]; |
every: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function every<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): boolean; |
all: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function all<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): boolean; |
some: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function some<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): boolean; |
any: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function any<T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any): boolean; |
max: <T>(collection: T[]) => T; |
export declare function max<T>(collection: T[]): T; |
min: <T>(collection: T[]) => T; |
export declare function min<T>(collection: T[]): T; |
sortBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => number) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => any[]; |
export declare function sortBy<T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => number) | object | string, thisArg?: any): any[]; |
groupBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object; |
export declare function groupBy<T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any): object; |
indexBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object; |
export declare function indexBy<T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any): object; |
countBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object; |
export declare function countBy<T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any): object; |
count: (from: number, to: number, predicate: Function) => number; |
export declare function count(from: number, to: number, predicate: Function): number; |
inverse: (from: number, to: number, predicate: Function) => number; |
export declare function inverse(from: number, to: number, predicate: Function): number; |
firstKey: (obj: object) => string; |
export declare function firstKey(obj: object): string; |
lastKey: (obj: object) => string; |
export declare function lastKey(obj: object): string; |
firstObject: (obj: object) => any; |
export declare function firstObject(obj: object): any; |
lastObject: (obj: object) => any; |
export declare function lastObject(obj: object): any; |
concat: (obj1: any, obj2: any, ...args: any[]) => any; |
export declare function concat(obj1: any, obj2: any, ...args: any[]): any; |
backEach: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function backEach(obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any): boolean; |
backAny: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function backAny(obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any): boolean; |
backEvery: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function backEvery(obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any): boolean; |
backFindKey: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => string; |
export declare function backFindKey(obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any): string; |
backFind: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => any; |
export declare function backFind(obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any): any; |
remove: (obj: any, predicate: any, context?: any) => void; |
export declare function remove(obj: any, predicate: any, context?: any): void; |
removeAt: (obj: any, index: number | number[]) => void; |
export declare function removeAt(obj: any, index: number | number[]): void; |
string2Array: (str: string) => string[]; |
export declare function string2Array(str: string): string[]; |
array2String: (array: any[]) => string; |
export declare function array2String(array: any[]): string; |
abc2Int: (str: string) => number; |
export declare function abc2Int(str: string): number; |
int2Abc: (num: number) => string; |
export declare function int2Abc(num: number): string; |
// 数组相关的方法
// 数组相关的方法
first: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T; |
export declare function first<T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any): T; |
initial: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T[]; |
export declare function initial<T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any): T[]; |
last: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T; |
export declare function last<T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any): T; |
rest: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T[]; |
export declare function rest<T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any): T[]; |
compact: (array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function compact(array: any[]): any[]; |
flatten: (array: any[], isShallow?: boolean, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => any[]; |
export declare function flatten(array: any[], isShallow?: boolean, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any): any[]; |
without: (array: any[], value?: any) => any[]; |
export declare function without(array: any[], value?: any): any[]; |
union: (...array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function union(...array: any[]): any[]; |
intersection: (...array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function intersection(...array: any[]): any[]; |
difference: (...array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function difference(...array: any[]): any[]; |
zip: (...array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function zip(...array: any[]): any[]; |
unzip: (...array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function unzip(...array: any[]): any[]; |
object: (keys: string[], values?: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function object(keys: string[], values?: any[]): any[]; |
indexOf: (array: any[], value: any, fromIndex?: number) => number; |
export declare function indexOf(array: any[], value: any, fromIndex?: number): number; |
lastIndexOf: (array: any[], value: any, fromIndex?: number) => number; |
export declare function lastIndexOf(array: any[], value: any, fromIndex?: number): number; |
sortedIndex: (array: any[], value: any, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => number; |
export declare function sortedIndex(array: any[], value: any, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any): number; |
range: (start: number, end: number, step: number) => number[]; |
export declare function range(start: number, end: number, step: number): number[]; |
take: <T>(array: T[], n: number) => T[]; |
export declare function take<T>(array: T[], n: number): T[]; |
takeRight: <T>(array: T[], n: number) => T[]; |
export declare function takeRight<T>(array: T[], n: number): T[]; |
findIndex: <T>(array: T[], predicate?: ((index: number, item: T, array: T[]) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => number; |
export declare function findIndex<T>(array: T[], predicate?: ((index: number, item: T, array: T[]) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any): number; |
findLastIndex: <T>(array: T[], predicate?: ((index: number, item: T, array: T[]) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => number; |
export declare function findLastIndex<T>(array: T[], predicate?: ((index: number, item: T, array: T[]) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any): number; |
makeArray: <T>(length: number, value?: T) => number[] | T[]; |
export declare function makeArray<T>(length: number, value?: T): number[] | T[]; |
makeObject: (array: any[], value: any) => any; |
export declare function makeObject(array: any[], value: any): any; |
makeArrayByArray: <T>(array: any[], value: T) => T[]; |
export declare function makeArrayByArray<T>(array: any[], value: T): T[]; |
uniq: <T>(array: T[], isSorted?: boolean, iteratee?: any, context?: any) => T[]; |
export declare function uniq<T>(array: T[], isSorted?: boolean, iteratee?: any, context?: any): T[]; |
// 对象相关方法
// 对象相关方法
keys: (object: object) => string[]; |
export declare function keys(object: object): string[]; |
allKeys: (object: object) => string[]; |
values: (object: object) => any[]; |
export declare function allKeys(object: object): string[]; |
pairs: (object: object) => any[]; |
export declare function values(object: object): any[]; |
invert: (object: object, multiValue: boolean) => object; |
export declare function pairs(object: object): any[]; |
create: (prototype: object, properties?: object) => object; |
export declare function invert(object: object, multiValue: boolean): object; |
functions: (object: object) => string[]; |
export declare function create(prototype: object, properties?: object): object; |
extend<T extends object>(object: T): T; |
export declare function functions(object: object): string[]; |
extend<T extends object, U extends unknown[]>(object: T, ...sources: U): T & UnionToIntersection<NonNullable<U[number]>>; |
defaults: (object: object, ...sources: any[]) => object; |
export declare function extend<T extends object>(object: T): T; |
export declare function extend<T extends object, U extends unknown[]>(object: T, ...sources: U): T & UnionToIntersection<NonNullable<U[number]>>; |
clone: <T>(object: T) => T; |
export declare function defaults(object: object, ...sources: any[]): object; |
property: (path: any[] | string) => Function; |
export declare function clone<T>(object: T): T; |
propertyOf: (object: object) => Function; |
export declare function property(path: any[] | string): Function; |
isEqual: (value: any, other: any, customizer?: Function, thisArg?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function propertyOf(object: object): Function; |
isMatch: (object: object, source: object, customizer?: Function, thisArg?: any) => boolean; |
export declare function isEqual(value: any, other: any, customizer?: Function, thisArg?: any): boolean; |
isEmpty: (value: any[] | object | string | null | undefined | number) => boolean; |
export declare function isMatch(object: object, source: object, customizer?: Function, thisArg?: any): boolean; |
isElement: (value: any) => boolean; |
export declare function isEmpty(value: any[] | object | string | null | undefined | number): boolean; |
isNumber: (value: any) => value is number; |
export declare function isElement(value: any): boolean; |
isString: (value: any) => value is string; |
export declare function isNumber(value: any): value is number; |
isArray: <T>(value: T[] | any) => value is T[]; |
export declare function isString(value: any): value is string; |
isObject: (value: any) => value is object; |
export declare function isArray<T>(value: T[] | any): value is T[]; |
isPlainObject: (value: any) => value is object; |
export declare function isObject(value: any): value is object; |
isArguments: (value: any) => boolean; |
export declare function isPlainObject(value: any): value is object; |
isFunction: (value: any) => value is Function; |
export declare function isArguments(value: any): boolean; |
isFinite: (value: any) => value is number; |
export declare function isFunction(value: any): value is Function; |
isBoolean: (value: any) => value is boolean; |
export declare function isFinite(value: any): value is number; |
isDate: (value: any) => value is Date; |
export declare function isBoolean(value: any): value is boolean; |
isRegExp: (value: any) => value is RegExp; |
export declare function isDate(value: any): value is Date; |
isError: (value: any) => value is Error; |
export declare function isRegExp(value: any): value is RegExp; |
isNaN: (value: any) => value is number; |
export declare function isError(value: any): value is Error; |
isUndefined: (value: any) => value is undefined; |
export declare function isNaN(value: any): value is number; |
zipObject: (props: any[], values?: any[]) => object; |
export declare function isUndefined(value: any): value is undefined; |
cloneDeep: <T>(value: T) => T; |
export declare function zipObject(props: any[], values?: any[]): object; |
findKey: (object: object, predicate?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => any; |
export declare function cloneDeep<T>(value: T): T; |
pick: (object: object, predicate?: Function | string | string[], thisArg?: any) => object; |
export declare function findKey(object: object, predicate?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any): any; |
omit: (object: object, predicate?: Function | string | string[], thisArg?: any) => object; |
export declare function pick(object: object, predicate?: Function | string | string[], thisArg?: any): object; |
tap: (value: any, interceptor: Function, thisArg?: any) => any; |
export declare function omit(object: object, predicate?: Function | string | string[], thisArg?: any): object; |
inherit: (sb: any, sp: any, overrides?: any) => any; |
export declare function tap(value: any, interceptor: Function, thisArg?: any): any; |
init: () => void; |
export declare function inherit(sb: any, sp: any, overrides?: any): any; |
has: (obj: object, keys: string | string[]) => boolean; |
export declare function init(): void; |
freeze: <T>(value: T) => T; |
export declare function has(obj: object, keys: string | string[]): boolean; |
isKey: (key: any) => key is (number | string); |
export declare function freeze<T>(value: T): T; |
isCapitalEqual: (a: string | null | undefined, b: string | null | undefined) => boolean; |
export declare function isKey(key: any): key is (number | string); |
isWidthOrHeight: (w: number | string) => boolean; |
export declare function isCapitalEqual(a: string | null | undefined, b: string | null | undefined): boolean; |
isNotNull: <T>(obj: T) => obj is NonNullable<T>; |
export declare function isWidthOrHeight(w: number | string): boolean; |
isNull: (obj: any) => obj is (undefined | null); |
export declare function isNotNull<T>(obj: T): obj is NonNullable<T>; |
isEmptyArray: <T, U>(arr: T[] | U) => arr is T[] & { length: 0 }; |
export declare function isNull(obj: any): obj is (undefined | null); |
isNotEmptyArray: <T, U>(arr: T[] | U) => arr is [T, ...T[]]; |
export declare function isEmptyArray<T, U>(arr: T[] | U): arr is T[] & { length: 0 }; |
isEmptyObject: (obj: any) => boolean; |
export declare function isNotEmptyArray<T, U>(arr: T[] | U): arr is [T, ...T[]]; |
isNotEmptyObject: (obj: any) => obj is object; |
export declare function isEmptyObject(obj: any): boolean; |
isWindow: (obj: any) => obj is Window; |
export declare function isNotEmptyObject(obj: any): obj is object; |
deepClone: <T>(obj: T) => T; |
export declare function isWindow(obj: any): obj is Window; |
deepExtend: merge["deepExtend"]; |
export declare function deepClone<T>(obj: T): T; |
isDeepMatch: (object: any, attrs: any) => boolean; |
export declare function deepExtend<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource; |
contains: (obj: any[], target: any, fromIndex?: number) => boolean; |
export declare function deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2; |
deepContains: (obj: any[], copy: any) => boolean; |
export declare function deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2; |
deepIndexOf: (obj: any[], target: any) => number; |
export declare function deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2, source3: TSource3): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3; |
deepRemove: (obj: any[], target: any) => boolean; |
export declare function deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2, source3: TSource3, source4: TSource4): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4; |
deepWithout: (obj: any[], target: any) => any[]; |
export declare function deepExtend(object: any, ...otherArgs: any[]): any; |
deepUnique: (array: any[]) => any[]; |
export declare function isDeepMatch(object: any, attrs: any): boolean; |
deepDiff: (object: any, other: any) => string[]; |
export declare function contains(obj: any[], target: any, fromIndex?: number): boolean; |
uniqueId: (prefix?: string) => string; |
export declare function deepContains(obj: any[], copy: any): boolean; |
result: (object: any, key: string) => any; |
export declare function deepIndexOf(obj: any[], target: any): number; |
chain: (value: any) => any; |
export declare function deepRemove(obj: any[], target: any): boolean; |
iteratee: (func?: Function, thisArg?: any) => Function; |
export declare function deepWithout(obj: any[], target: any): any[]; |
unescape: (str?: string) => string; |
export declare function deepUnique(array: any[]): any[]; |
bind: <T extends Function>(func: T, thisArg: any, ...partials: any) => T; |
export declare function deepDiff(object: any, other: any): string[]; |
once: (func: Function) => Function; |
export declare function uniqueId(prefix?: string): string; |
partial: (func: Function, ...partials: any) => Function; |
export declare function result(object: any, key: string): any; |
debounce: <T extends Function>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: any) => T; |
export declare function chain(value: any): any; |
throttle: <T extends Function>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: any) => T; |
export declare function iteratee(func?: Function, thisArg?: any): Function; |
delay: (func: Function, wait: number, ...args: any[]) => number; |
export declare function unescape(str?: string): string; |
defer: (func: Function, ...args: any[]) => number; |
export declare function bind<T extends Function>(func: T, thisArg: any, ...partials: any): T; |
wrap: (value: any, wrapper: Function) => Function; |
export declare function once(func: Function): Function; |
nextTick: (func?: Function) => Promise<any>; |
export declare function partial(func: Function, ...partials: any): Function; |
random: (min?: number, max?: number, floating?: boolean) => number; |
export declare function debounce<T extends Function>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: any): T; |
parseInt: (s: string | number) => number; |
export declare function throttle<T extends Function>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: any): T; |
parseSafeInt: (s: string) => number; |
export declare function delay(func: Function, wait: number, ...args: any[]): number; |
parseFloat: (string: string) => number; |
export declare function defer(func: Function, ...args: any[]): number; |
isNaturalNumber: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function wrap(value: any, wrapper: Function): Function; |
isPositiveInteger: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function nextTick(func?: Function): Promise<any>; |
isNegativeInteger: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function random(min?: number, max?: number, floating?: boolean): number; |
isInteger: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function parseInt(s: string | number): number; |
isNumeric: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function parseSafeInt(s: string): number; |
isFloat: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function parseFloat(string: string): number; |
isOdd: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function isNaturalNumber(value: string | number): boolean; |
isEven: (value: string | number) => boolean; |
export declare function isPositiveInteger(value: string | number): boolean; |
sum: (array: any[], iteratee?: Function, context?: any) => number; |
export declare function isNegativeInteger(value: string | number): boolean; |
average: (array: any[], iteratee?: Function, context?: any) => number; |
export declare function isInteger(value: string | number): boolean; |
trim: (string?: string, chars?: string) => string; |
export declare function isNumeric(value: string | number): boolean; |
toUpperCase: (string: string) => string; |
export declare function isFloat(value: string | number): boolean; |
toLowerCase: (string: string) => string; |
export declare function isOdd(value: string | number): boolean; |
isEndWithBlank: (string: string) => boolean; |
export declare function isEven(value: string | number): boolean; |
isLiteral: (string: string) => boolean; |
export declare function sum(array: any[], iteratee?: Function, context?: any): number; |
stripQuotes: (string: string) => string; |
export declare function average(array: any[], iteratee?: Function, context?: any): number; |
camelize: (string: string) => string; |
export declare function trim(string?: string, chars?: string): string; |
hyphenate: (string: string) => string; |
export declare function toUpperCase(string: string): string; |
isNotEmptyString: (string: any) => boolean; |
export declare function toLowerCase(string: string): string; |
isEmptyString: (str: any) => str is ""; |
export declare function isEndWithBlank(string: string): boolean; |
encrypt: (type: string, text: string, key: string) => string; |
export declare function isLiteral(string: string): boolean; |
escape: (string: string) => string; |
export declare function stripQuotes(string: string): string; |
leftPad: (val: string, size: number, ch: string) => string; |
export declare function camelize(string: string): string; |
format: (format: string, ...str: string[]) => string; |
export declare function hyphenate(string: string): string; |
isLeapYear: (year: number) => boolean; |
export declare function isNotEmptyString(string: any): boolean; |
checkDateVoid: (YY: string | number, MM: string | number, DD: string | number, minDate: string, maxDate: string) => (number | string)[]; |
export declare function isEmptyString(str: any): str is ""; |
checkDateLegal: (str: string) => boolean; |
export declare function encrypt(type: string, text: string, key: string): string; |
parseDateTime: (str: string, fmt: string) => Date; |
export declare function escape(string: string): string; |
getDate: (...args: (number | string)[]) => Date; |
export declare function leftPad(val: string, size: number, ch: string): string; |
getTime: (...args: any[]) => number; |
export declare function format(format: string, ...str: string[]): string; |
/** |
* 判断一个对象是不是promise |
* @param obj 对象 |
*/ |
isPromise: (obj: any) => obj is Promise<any>; |
} |
type merge = { |
export declare function isLeapYear(year: number): boolean; |
deepExtend<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource; |
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2; |
export declare function checkDateVoid(YY: string | number, MM: string | number, DD: string | number, minDate: string, maxDate: string): (number | string)[]; |
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2; |
export declare function checkDateLegal(str: string): boolean; |
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2, source3: TSource3): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3; |
export declare function parseDateTime(str: string, fmt: string): Date; |
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2, source3: TSource3, source4: TSource4): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4; |
export declare function getDate(...args: (number | string)[]): Date; |
deepExtend(object: any, ...otherArgs: any[]): any; |
export declare function getTime(...args: any[]): number; |
} |
type UnionToIntersection<Union> = ( |
/** |
Union extends unknown |
* 判断一个对象是不是promise |
? (x: Union) => void |
* @param obj 对象 |
: never |
*/ |
) extends ((x: infer Intersection) => void) |
export declare function isPromise(obj: any): obj is Promise<any>; |
? Intersection |
: never; |
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ |
export type _array = { |
export declare function pushArray(sArray: any[], array: any[]): void; |
pushArray: (sArray: any[], array: any[]) => void; |
pushDistinct: (sArray: any[], obj: any) => void; |
export declare function pushDistinct(sArray: any[], obj: any): void; |
pushDistinctArray: (sArray: any[], array: any[]) => void; |
} |
export declare function pushDistinctArray(sArray: any[], array: any[]): void; |
@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ |
import { _array } from "./array"; |
export * from "./array"; |
import { _string } from "./string"; |
export * from "./string"; |
import { _number } from "./number"; |
export * from "./number"; |
import { _function } from "./function"; |
export * from "./function"; |
import { _Date, _date } from "./date"; |
export * from "./date"; |
export interface _func extends _array, _string, _number, _date { |
Date: _Date; |
Func: _function; |
} |
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@ |
export type _addI18n = (v: string | object) => string; |
export declare function addI18n(v: string | object): string; |
export type _i18nText = (key: string, ..._args: any[]) => string; |
export declare function i18nText(key: string, ..._args: any[]): string; |
export type _i18n = { |
addI18n: _addI18n; |
i18nText: _i18nText; |
} |
@ -1,47 +1,42 @@ |
type _module = (xtype: string, cls: any) => void; |
export declare function module(xtype: string, cls: any): void; |
type _constant = <T>(xtype: string, cls: T) => (() => T); |
type _model = (xtype: string, cls: any) => Function; |
export declare function constant<T>(xtype: string, cls: T): (() => T); |
type _store = (xtype: string, cls: any) => Function; |
type _service = (xtype: string, cls: any) => Function; |
export declare function model(xtype: string, cls: any): Function; |
type _provider = (xtype: string, cls: any) => Function; |
export declare function store(xtype: string, cls: any): Function; |
interface _modules { |
getModule: (type: string) => any; |
export declare function service(xtype: string, cls: any): Function; |
getAllModules: () => any; |
export declare function provider(xtype: string, cls: any): Function; |
export declare namespace Modules { |
function getModule(type: string): any; |
function getAllModules(): any; |
} |
} |
interface _constants { |
export declare namespace Constants { |
getConstant: (type: string) => any; |
function getConstant(type: string): any; |
} |
} |
interface _models { |
export declare namespace Models { |
getModel: (type: string, options?: any) => any; |
function getModel(type: string, options?: any): any; |
} |
} |
interface _stores { |
export declare namespace Stores { |
getStore: (type: string, options?: any) => any; |
function getStore(type: string, options?: any): any; |
} |
} |
interface _providers { |
export declare namespace Providers { |
getProvider: (type: string, options?: any) => any; |
function getProvider(type: string, options?: any): any; |
} |
} |
interface _services { |
export declare namespace Services { |
getService: (type: string, options?: any) => any; |
function getService(type: string, options?: any): any; |
} |
} |
export type _inject = { |
// export declare function shortcut(xtype: string, cls: any): void
module: _module; |
constant: _constant; |
// export declare function component(xtype: string, cls: any): void
model: _model; |
store: _store; |
provider: _provider; |
service: _service; |
Modules: _modules; |
Constants: _constants; |
Models: _models; |
Stores: _stores; |
Providers: _providers; |
Services: _services; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
import { OB } from "../ob"; |
export declare class StyleLoaderManager extends OB { |
loadStyle(name: string, styleString: string): void |
get(name: string): HTMLElement |
has(name: string): boolean |
removeStyle(name: string): void |
} |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
import { Widget } from "../../../core/widget"; |
import { Widget } from "../../widget"; |
export type _DetectElementResize = { |
export declare function addResizeListener(widget: Widget, fn: Function): Function |
addResizeListener: (widget: Widget, fn: Function) => Function |
removeResizeListener: (widget: Widget, fn?: Function) => void |
export declare function removeResizeListener(widget: Widget, fn?: Function): void |
} |
@ -1,58 +1,125 @@ |
import { Widget } from "../../../core/widget"; |
import { Widget } from "../../widget"; |
export declare function ready(fn: Function): void |
export type _DOM = { |
ready: (fn: Function) => void |
export declare function patchProps(fromElement: any, toElement: any): void |
// TODO: 引入jquery描述后处理
export declare function hang(doms: Widget[]): DocumentFragment |
patchProps: (fromElement: any, toElement: any) => void |
export declare function isExist(obj: Widget): boolean |
hang: (doms: Widget[]) => DocumentFragment |
isExist: (obj: Widget) => boolean |
export declare function preloadImages(srcArray: string[], onload: Function): void |
preloadImages: (srcArray: string[], onload: Function) => void |
getTextSizeWidth: (text: string, fontSize?: number) => number |
export declare function getTextSizeWidth(text: string, fontSize?: number): number |
getTextSizeHeight: (text: string, fontSize?: number) => number |
getScrollWidth: () => number |
export declare function getTextSizeHeight(text: string, fontSize?: number): number |
getImage: (param: string, fillStyle?: string, backgroundColor?: string) => { width: number, height: number, src: string, style: string, param: string } |
export declare function getScrollWidth(): number |
isColor: (color: string) => boolean |
isRGBColor: (color: string) => boolean |
export declare function getImage(param: string, fillStyle?: string, backgroundColor?: string): { |
isHexColor: (color: string) => boolean |
width: number, |
isDarkColor: (hex: string) => boolean |
height: number, |
getContrastColor: (color: string) => string |
src: string, |
rgb2hex: (rgbColour: string) => string |
style: string, |
rgb2json: (rgbColour: string) => { r: number, g: number, b: number } |
param: string |
rgba2json: (rgbColour: string) => { r: number, g: number, b: number, a:number } |
} |
json2rgb: (rgb: { r: number, g: number, b: number }) => string |
json2rgba: (rgba: { r: number, g: number, b: number, a:number }) => string |
export declare function isColor(color: string): boolean |
int2hex: (strNum: number) => string |
hex2rgb: (color: string) => string |
export declare function isRGBColor(color: string): boolean |
rgba2rgb: (rgbColor: string, bgColor?:string) => string |
export declare function isHexColor(color: string): boolean |
getLeftPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
getInnerLeftPosition: (combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
export declare function isDarkColor(hex: string): boolean |
getRightPosition: (combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
getInnerRightPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
export declare function getContrastColor(color: string): string |
getTopPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?: number) => { top: number} |
getBottomPosition: (combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraHeight?: number) => { top: number} |
export declare function rgb2hex(rgbColour: string): string |
isLeftSpaceEnough: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => boolean |
isInnerLeftSpaceEnough: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => boolean |
export declare function rgb2json(rgbColour: string): { r: number, g: number, b: number } |
isRightSpaceEnough: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => boolean |
isInnerRightSpaceEnough: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => boolean |
export declare function rgba2json(rgbColour: string): { r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number } |
isTopSpaceEnough: (combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraHeight?: number) => boolean |
isBottomSpaceEnough: (combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraHeight?: number) => boolean |
export declare function json2rgb(rgb: { r: number, g: number, b: number }): string |
isRightSpaceLarger: (combo: Widget) => boolean |
isBottomSpaceLarger: (combo: Widget) => boolean |
export declare function json2rgba(rgba: { r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number }): string |
getLeftAlignPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
getLeftAdaptPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
export declare function int2hex(strNum: number): string |
getRightAlignPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
getRightAdaptPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number) => { left: number} |
export declare function hex2rgb(color: string): string |
getTopAlignPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?:number, needAdaptHeight?:boolean) => { top: number, adaptHeight?: number} |
getTopAdaptPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?:number, needAdaptHeight?:boolean) => { top: number, adaptHeight?: number} |
export declare function rgba2rgb(rgbColor: string, bgColor?: string): string |
getBottomAlignPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?:number, needAdaptHeight?:boolean) => { top: number, adaptHeight?: number} |
getBottomAdaptPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?:number, needAdaptHeight?:boolean) => { top: number, adaptHeight?: number} |
export declare function getLeftPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
getCenterAdaptPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget) => { left: number } |
getMiddleAdaptPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget) => { top: number } |
export declare function getInnerLeftPosition(combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
getComboPositionByDirections: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?:number, extraHeight?:number, needAdaptHeight?:number, directions?:number) => { dir: string, left?: number, top?: number, change?: string} |
getComboPosition: (combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?:number, extraHeight?:number, needAdaptHeight?:number, directions?:number) => { dir: string, left?: number, top?: number, change?: string} |
export declare function getRightPosition(combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
export declare function getInnerRightPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
export declare function getTopPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?: number): { top: number } |
export declare function getBottomPosition(combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraHeight?: number): { top: number } |
export declare function isLeftSpaceEnough(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): boolean |
export declare function isInnerLeftSpaceEnough(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): boolean |
export declare function isRightSpaceEnough(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): boolean |
export declare function isInnerRightSpaceEnough(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): boolean |
export declare function isTopSpaceEnough(combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraHeight?: number): boolean |
export declare function isBottomSpaceEnough(combo: Widget, popup?: Widget, extraHeight?: number): boolean |
export declare function isRightSpaceLarger(combo: Widget): boolean |
export declare function isBottomSpaceLarger(combo: Widget): boolean |
export declare function getLeftAlignPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
export declare function getLeftAdaptPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
export declare function getRightAlignPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
export declare function getRightAdaptPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number): { left: number } |
export declare function getTopAlignPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?: number, needAdaptHeight?: boolean): { |
top: number, |
adaptHeight?: number |
} |
export declare function getTopAdaptPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?: number, needAdaptHeight?: boolean): { |
top: number, |
adaptHeight?: number |
} |
export declare function getBottomAlignPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?: number, needAdaptHeight?: boolean): { |
top: number, |
adaptHeight?: number |
} |
export declare function getBottomAdaptPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraHeight?: number, needAdaptHeight?: boolean): { |
top: number, |
adaptHeight?: number |
} |
export declare function getCenterAdaptPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget): { left: number } |
export declare function getMiddleAdaptPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget): { top: number } |
export declare function getComboPositionByDirections(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number, extraHeight?: number, needAdaptHeight?: number, directions?: number): { |
dir: string, |
left?: number, |
top?: number, |
change?: string |
} |
export declare function getComboPosition(combo: Widget, popup: Widget, extraWidth?: number, extraHeight?: number, needAdaptHeight?: number, directions?: number): { |
dir: string, |
left?: number, |
top?: number, |
change?: string |
} |
} |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ |
export type _EventListener = { |
export declare function listen(target: EventTarget, eventType: string, callback: Function): { remove: () => void } |
listen: (target: EventTarget, eventType: string, callback: Function) => { remove: () => void } |
capture: (target: EventTarget, eventType: string, callback: Function) => { remove: () => void } |
export declare function capture(target: EventTarget, eventType: string, callback: Function): { remove: () => void } |
registerDefault: () => void |
} |
export declare function registerDefault(): void |
@ -1,13 +1,21 @@ |
export type _function = { |
export declare function isIE(): boolean; |
isIE: () => boolean; |
getIEVersion: () => number; |
export declare function getIEVersion(): number; |
isEdge: () => boolean; |
isChrome: () => boolean; |
export declare function isEdge(): boolean; |
isFireFox: () => boolean; |
isOpera: () => boolean; |
export declare function isChrome(): boolean; |
isSafari: () => boolean; |
isMac: () => boolean; |
export declare function isFireFox(): boolean; |
isWindows: () => boolean; |
isSupportCss3: (style: any) => boolean; |
export declare function isOpera(): boolean; |
getSafariVersion: () => number; |
} |
export declare function isSafari(): boolean; |
export declare function isMac(): boolean; |
export declare function isWindows(): boolean; |
export declare function isSupportCss3(style: any): boolean; |
export declare function getSafariVersion(): number; |
@ -1,11 +1,5 @@ |
import { _function } from "./function"; |
export * from "./function"; |
import { _EventListener } from './eventListener'; |
export * as EventListener from "./eventListener"; |
import { _DetectElementResize } from './detectElementResize'; |
export * as ResizeDetector from "./detectElementResize"; |
import { _load } from './load'; |
export * from "./load"; |
import { _DOM } from './dom'; |
export * as DOM from "./dom"; |
export interface _web extends _function, _load { |
EventListener: _EventListener, |
ResizeDetector: _DetectElementResize, |
} |
@ -1,3 +1 @@ |
export type _load = { |
export declare function $import(src: string, ext?: string, must?: boolean): void |
$import: (src: string, ext?: string, must?: boolean) => void |
} |
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ |
export type _aes = { |
export declare function aesEncrypt(text: string, key: string): string |
aesEncrypt: (text: string, key:string) => string |
aesDecrypt: (text: string, key:string) => string |
export declare function aesDecrypt(text: string, key: string): string |
} |
@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ |
export type _aspect = { |
export declare function before(target: object, methodName: string, advice: Function): { |
before: (target: object, methodName: string, advice: Function) => { advice: Function, index: number, remove: () => void} |
advice: Function, |
after: (target: object, methodName: string, advice: Function) => { advice: Function, index: number, remove: () => void} |
index: number, |
remove: () => void |
} |
export declare function after(target: object, methodName: string, advice: Function): { |
advice: Function, |
index: number, |
remove: () => void |
} |
} |
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ |
export type _base64 = { |
export declare function encode(input: string): string |
encode: (input: string) => string |
decode: (text: string) => string |
export declare function decode(text: string): string |
} |
@ -1,14 +1,23 @@ |
export type _cache = { |
export declare function setUsername(username: string): void |
setUsername: (username: string) => void |
getUsername: () => string |
export declare function getUsername(): string |
_getKeyPrefix: () => string |
_generateKey: (key?: string) => void |
export declare function _getKeyPrefix(): string |
getItem: (key?: string) => string |
setItem: (key: string, value: any) => void |
export declare function _generateKey(key?: string): void |
removeItem: (key: string) => void |
clear: () => void |
export declare function getItem(key?: string): string |
keys: () => string[] |
addCookie: (name: string, value: any, path?: string, expiresHours?: number) => void |
export declare function setItem(key: string, value: any): void |
getCookie: (name: string) => string |
deleteCookie: (name: string, path?: string) => void |
export declare function removeItem(key: string): void |
} |
export declare function clear(): void |
export declare function keys(): string[] |
export declare function addCookie(name: string, value: any, path?: string, expiresHours?: number): void |
export declare function getCookie(name: string): string |
export declare function deleteCookie(name: string, path?: string): void |
@ -1,3 +1 @@ |
export type _chinesePY = { |
export declare function makeFirstPY(str: string, options?: { ignoreMulti?: boolean, splitChar?: string }): string |
makeFirstPY: (str: string, options?: { ignoreMulti?: boolean, splitChar?: string }) => string |
} |
@ -1,34 +1,16 @@ |
import { _aes } from './aes'; |
export * from "./aes"; |
import { _aspect } from './aspect'; |
export * as aspect from "./aspect"; |
import { _base64 } from './base64'; |
export * from "./base64"; |
import { _cache } from './cache'; |
export * as Cache from "./cache"; |
import { _chinesePY } from './chinesePY'; |
export * from "./chinesePY"; |
import { MouseMoveTracker } from './events/mousemovetracker'; |
export * from "./events/mousemovetracker"; |
import { WheelHandler } from './events/wheelhandler'; |
export * from "./events/wheelhandler"; |
import { CellSizeAndPositionManager, ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager } from './cellSizeAndPositionManager'; |
export * from "./cellSizeAndPositionManager"; |
import { Heap } from './heap'; |
export * from "./heap"; |
import { LinkedHashMap } from './linkedHashMap'; |
export * from "./linkedHashMap"; |
import { LRU } from './lru'; |
export * from "./lru"; |
import { PrefixIntervalTree } from './prefixIntervalTree'; |
export * from "./prefixIntervalTree"; |
import { Queue } from './queue'; |
export * from "./queue"; |
import { Section } from './sectionManager'; |
export * from "./sectionManager"; |
import { Tree } from './tree'; |
export * from "./tree"; |
import { Vector, Region } from './vector'; |
export * from "./vector"; |
export interface _utils extends _aes, _base64, _chinesePY { |
aspect: _aspect |
Cache: _cache |
MouseMoveTracker: typeof MouseMoveTracker |
WheelHandler: typeof WheelHandler |
CellSizeAndPositionManager: typeof CellSizeAndPositionManager |
ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager: typeof ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager |
Heap: typeof Heap |
LinkedHashMap: typeof LinkedHashMap |
LRU: typeof LRU |
PrefixIntervalTree: typeof PrefixIntervalTree |
Queue: typeof Queue |
Section: typeof Section |
Tree: typeof Tree |
Vector: typeof Vector |
Region: typeof Region |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
declare namespace Fix { |
function define(model: any): any |
function watch(model: any, expOrFn: string | Function, cb: Function, options: Obj): Function[] |
function set(target: any, key: string, val: any): void |
function del(target: any, key: string): void |
function toJSON(model: any): any |
function mixin(xtype: string, mixin: any): void |
class Model { |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,597 @@ |
// import { Combo } from "./base/combination/combo";
// import { ButtonGroup } from "./base/combination/group.button";
// import { Tab } from "./base/combination/tab";
// import { Pane } from "./base/pane";
// import { BasicButton } from "./base/single/button/button.basic";
// import { NodeButton } from "./base/single/button/button.node";
// import { Button } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button";
// import { TextButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.text";
// import { IconTextItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/icontextitem";
// import { Editor } from "./base/single/editor/editor";
// import { Iframe } from "./base/single/iframe/iframe";
// import { Checkbox } from "./base/single/input/checkbox";
// import { Input } from "./base/single/input/input";
// import { AbstractLabel } from "./base/single/label/abstract.label";
// import { Label } from "./base/single/label/label";
// import { Single } from "./base/single/single";
// import { Text } from "./base/single/text";
// import { Trigger } from "./base/single/trigger/trigger";
// import { IconChangeButton } from "./case/button/icon/icon.change";
// import { MultiSelectItem } from "./case/button/item.multiselect";
// import { BubbleCombo } from "./case/combo/bubblecombo/combo.bubble";
// import { TextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/combo.textvalue";
// import { TextValueComboPopup } from "./case/combo/popup.textvalue";
// import { SmallTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/combo.textvaluesmall";
// import { SearchTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/searchtextvaluecombo/combo.searchtextvalue";
// import { SignEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.sign";
// import { StateEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.state";
// import { AllValueMultiTextValueCombo } from "./component/allvaluemultitextvaluecombo/allvalue.multitextvalue.combo";
// import { Form } from "./component/form/form";
// import { AbstractTreeValueChooser } from "./component/treevaluechooser/abstract.treevaluechooser";
// import { AbstractListTreeValueChooser } from "./component/treevaluechooser/abstract.treevaluechooser.list";
// import { Action, ActionFactory } from "./core/action/action";
// import { ShowAction } from "./core/action/";
// import { _base } from "./core/base";
// import { Behavior, BehaviorFactory } from "./core/behavior/behavior";
// import { HighlightBehavior } from "./core/behavior/behavior.highlight";
// import { RedMarkBehavior } from "./core/behavior/behavior.redmark";
// import * as decorator from "./core/decorator/decorator";
// import { _func } from "./core/func";
// import { _i18n } from "./core/i18n";
// import { _Plugin } from "./core/plugin";
// import { _var } from "./core/var";
// import { OB } from "./core/ob";
// import { Widget } from "./core/widget";
// import { _inject } from "./core/inject";
// import { Layout } from "./core/wrapper/layout";
// import { AbsoluteLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.absolute";
// import { HTapeLayout, VTapeLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.tape";
// import { HorizontalFillLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/fill/fill.horizontal";
// import { VerticalFillLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/fill/fill.vertical";
// import { VerticalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.vertical";
// import { DefaultLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.default";
// import { DownListCombo } from "./widget/downlist/combo.downlist";
// import { DownListPopup } from "./widget/downlist/popup.downlist";
// import { Icon } from "./base/single/icon/icon";
// import { LeftVerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.leftvertical";
// import {
// LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout,
// RightVerticalAdaptLayout,
// } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.leftrightvertical";
// import { IconTextIconItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/icontexticonitem";
// import { HorizontalAutoLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/auto.horizontal";
// import { InlineVerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/inline.vertical";
// import { TableAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.table";
// import { IconButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.icon";
// import { TextEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.text";
// import { IconLabel } from "./base/single/label/icon.label";
// import { Popover, BarPopover } from "./base/layer/layer.popover";
// import { IconCombo } from "./case/combo/iconcombo/combo.icon";
// import { DynamicDateCombo } from "./widget/dynamicdate/dynamicdate.combo";
// import { CustomTree } from "./base/tree/customtree";
// import { ButtonTree } from "./base/combination/tree.button";
// import { IconArrowNode } from "./case/button/node/node.icon.arrow";
// import { MidTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.mid.treeleaf";
// import { FirstTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.first.treeleaf";
// import { LastTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.last.treeleaf";
// import { SmallTextEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.text.small";
// import { MultifileEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.multifile";
// import { AbsoluteCenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/";
// import { HorizontalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.horizontal";
// import { FloatLeftLayout, FloatRightLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.flow";
// import { CenterAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/";
// import { VerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.vertical";
// import { MultiSelectInsertCombo } from "./widget/multiselect/multiselect.insert.combo";
// import { MultiSelectCombo } from "./widget/multiselect/multiselect.combo";
// import { SearchEditor } from "./widget/editor/";
// import { MultiLayerSingleLevelTree } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.leveltree";
// import { SimpleColorChooser } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser.simple";
// import { ColorChooser } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser";
// import { A } from "./base/a/a";
// import { Html } from "./base/single/html/html";
// import { Switcher } from "./base/combination/switcher";
// import { Expander } from "./base/combination/expander";
// import { Loader } from "./base/combination/loader";
// import { ListPane } from "./case/layer/pane.list";
// import { MultiPopupView } from "./case/layer/layer.multipopup";
// import { MultiSelectBar } from "./case/toolbar/toolbar.multiselect";
// import { SelectList } from "./case/list/";
// import { AbstractAllValueChooser } from "./component/allvaluechooser/abstract.allvaluechooser";
// import { AllValueChooserCombo } from "./component/allvaluechooser/combo.allvaluechooser";
// import { TextAreaEditor } from "./base/single/editor/editor.textarea";
// import { SingleSelectItem } from "./case/button/item.singleselect";
// import { DynamicDateTimeCombo } from "./widget/dynamicdatetime/dynamicdatetime.combo";
// import { MultiTreeCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.combo";
// import { CenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/middle/";
// import { VirtualGroup } from "./base/combination/group.virtual";
// import { GridLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.grid";
// import { TriggerIconButton } from "./case/button/icon/icon.trigger";
// import { Searcher } from "./base/combination/searcher";
// import { ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.listtreevaluechooser";
// import { TreeValueChooserCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.treevaluechooser";
// import { TreeValueChooserInsertCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.treevaluechooser.insert";
// import { Radio } from "./base/single/input/radio/radio";
// import { MultiLayerSelectTreePopup } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.popup";
// import { MultiLayerSingleTreePopup } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.popup";
// import { MultiLayerDownListPopup } from "./widget/multilayerdownlist/multilayerdownlist.popup";
// import { TreeView } from "./base/tree/ztree/treeview";
// import { MultiTreePopup } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.popup";
// import { SingleSelectRadioItem } from "./case/button/";
// import { SingleSelectInsertCombo } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselect.insert.combo";
// import { SingleSelectCombo } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselect.combo";
// import { CardLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.card";
// import { DynamicYearMonthCombo } from "./widget/yearmonth/combo.yearmonth";
// import { TimeCombo } from "./widget/time/time.combo";
// import { ListTreeView } from "./base/tree/ztree/list/listtreeview";
// import { ListAsyncTree } from "./base/tree/ztree/list/listasynctree";
// import { AsyncTree } from "./base/tree/ztree/asynctree";
// import { MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.combo";
// import { MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.combo";
// import { MultiLayerDownListCombo } from "./widget/multilayerdownlist/multilayerdownlist.combo";
// import { MultiTreeListCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.list.combo";
// import { MultiTreeInsertCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.insert.combo";
// import { TextValueDownListCombo } from "./widget/textvaluedownlistcombo/combo.textvaluedownlist";
// import { Switch } from "./case/button/switch";
// import { HorizontalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.horizontal";
// import { ShelterEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.shelter";
// import { TextTrigger } from "./case/trigger/trigger.text";
// import { SelectTextTrigger } from "./case/trigger/";
// import { DateInterval } from "./widget/timeinterval/dateinterval";
// import { DynamicDatePane } from "./widget/datepane/datepane";
// import { AllCountPager } from "./case/pager/pager.all.count";
// import { DirectionPager } from "./case/pager/pager.direction";
// import { PopupView } from "./base/layer/layer.popup";
// import { BubblePopupView, BubblePopupBarView, TextBubblePopupBarView } from "./case/combo/bubblecombo/popup.bubble";
// import { ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox } from "./case/checkbox/check.arrownode";
// import { NumberInterval } from "./widget/numberinterval/numberinterval";
// import { DynamicYearQuarterCombo } from "./widget/yearquarter/combo.yearquarter";
// import { DynamicYearCombo } from "./widget/year/combo.year";
// import { DynamicYearPopup } from "./widget/year/popup.year";
// import { IntervalSlider } from "./widget/intervalslider/intervalslider";
// import { MultiSelectInsertList } from "./widget/multiselectlist/multiselectlist.insert";
// import { YearMonthInterval } from "./widget/yearmonthinterval/yearmonthinterval";
// import { NumberEditor } from "./widget/numbereditor/numbereditor";
// import { TextValueCheckCombo } from "./case/combo/textvaluecheckcombo/combo.textvaluecheck";
// import { Segment } from "./case/segment/segment";
// import { LinearSegment } from "./case/linersegment/linear.segment";
// import { Img } from "./base/single/img/img";
// import { EditorIconCheckCombo } from "./case/combo/editoriconcheckcombo/combo.editiconcheck";
// import { IconTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/icontextvaluecombo/combo.icontextvalue";
// import { ListView } from "./base/list/listview";
// import { VirtualList } from "./base/list/virtuallist";
// import { VirtualGroupList } from "./base/list/virtualgrouplist";
// import { FloatCenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/middle/";
// import { _msg } from "./base/foundation/message";
// import { _web } from "./core/platform/web";
// import { DynamicYearMonthPopup } from "./widget/yearmonth/popup.yearmonth";
// import { _utils } from "./core/utils";
// import { Controller } from "./core/controller/controller";
// import { LayerController } from "./core/controller/controller.layer";
// import { DateCalendarPopup } from "./widget/date/calendar/";
// import { Tree, Node } from "./core/utils/tree";
// import { TextNode } from "./base/single/button/node/textnode";
// import { TextValueCheckComboPopup } from "./case/combo/textvaluecheckcombo/popup.textvaluecheck";
// import { ImageButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.image";
// import { History, Router } from "./router/router";
// import { DateTimeCombo } from "./widget/datetime/datetime.combo";
// import { FloatHorizontalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/float.horizontal";
// import { AdaptiveLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.adaptive";
// import { HexColorChooserPopup } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser.popup.hex";
// import { BlankIconTextItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/blankicontextitem";
// import { Broadcasts, Layers } from "./base/base";
// import { BroadcastController } from "./core/controller/controller.broadcast";
// import { Pager } from "./base/pager/pager";
// import { TimeInterval } from "./widget/timeinterval/timeinterval";
// import { DynamicDateTimePane } from "./widget/datetimepane/datetimepane";
// import { SingleSelectInsertList } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselectlist.insert";
// import { MultiSelectTree } from "./widget/multiselecttree/multiselecttree";
// import { HtmlLabel } from "./base/single/label/html.label";
// import { TreeValueChooserPane } from "./component/treevaluechooser/pane.treevaluechooser";
// import { TdLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/";
// import { MultiLayerSelectLevelTree } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.leveltree";
// import { SelectTreeExpander } from "./widget/selecttree/selecttree.expander";
// import { DownListGroupItem } from "./widget/downlist/item.downlistgroup";
// import { VerticalStickyLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/sticky/sticky.vertical";
// import { HorizontalStickyLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/sticky/sticky.horizontal";
// import { TableLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.table";
// import "./shims-tsx";
// import { Workers } from "./core/worker/workers";
// export interface BI extends _func, _i18n, _base, _inject, _var, _web, _utils {
// OB: typeof OB;
// Plugin: _Plugin;
// Widget: typeof Widget;
// Single: typeof Single;
// BasicButton: typeof BasicButton;
// NodeButton: typeof NodeButton;
// Checkbox: typeof Checkbox;
// Button: typeof Button;
// TextButton: typeof TextButton;
// IconChangeButton: typeof IconChangeButton;
// Trigger: typeof Trigger;
// Action: typeof Action;
// ActionFactory: typeof ActionFactory;
// ShowAction: typeof ShowAction;
// Controller: typeof Controller;
// Layers: Layers;
// LayerController: typeof LayerController;
// Broadcasts: Broadcasts;
// BroadcastController: typeof BroadcastController;
// Behavior: typeof Behavior;
// BehaviorFactory: typeof BehaviorFactory;
// HighlightBehavior: typeof HighlightBehavior;
// RedMarkBehavior: typeof RedMarkBehavior;
// Pane: typeof Pane;
// Tab: typeof Tab;
// ButtonGroup: typeof ButtonGroup;
// Combo: typeof Combo;
// TextValueCombo: typeof TextValueCombo;
// TextValueComboPopup: typeof TextValueComboPopup;
// SmallTextValueCombo: typeof SmallTextValueCombo;
// BubbleCombo: typeof BubbleCombo;
// AllValueMultiTextValueCombo: typeof AllValueMultiTextValueCombo;
// Form: typeof Form;
// IconTextItem: typeof IconTextItem;
// MultiSelectItem: typeof MultiSelectItem;
// AbstractLabel: typeof AbstractLabel;
// Label: typeof Label;
// Text: typeof Text;
// Editor: typeof Editor;
// SignEditor: typeof SignEditor;
// StateEditor: typeof StateEditor;
// Layout: typeof Layout;
// HTapeLayout: typeof HTapeLayout;
// VTapeLayout: typeof VTapeLayout;
// AbstractTreeValueChooser: typeof AbstractTreeValueChooser;
// AbstractListTreeValueChooser: typeof AbstractListTreeValueChooser;
// ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo: typeof ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo;
// TreeValueChooserCombo: typeof TreeValueChooserCombo;
// TreeValueChooserInsertCombo: typeof TreeValueChooserInsertCombo;
// MultiLayerSelectTreePopup: typeof MultiLayerSelectTreePopup;
// MultiLayerSingleTreePopup: typeof MultiLayerSingleTreePopup;
// MultiLayerDownListPopup: typeof MultiLayerDownListPopup;
// TreeView: typeof TreeView;
// ListTreeView: typeof ListTreeView;
// ListAsyncTree: typeof ListAsyncTree;
// AsyncTree: typeof AsyncTree;
// MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo: typeof MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo;
// MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo: typeof MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo;
// MultiLayerDownListCombo: typeof MultiLayerDownListCombo;
// MultiTreeListCombo: typeof MultiTreeListCombo;
// MultiTreeInsertCombo: typeof MultiTreeInsertCombo;
// Decorators: typeof decorator;
// DownListCombo: typeof DownListCombo;
// DownListPopup: typeof DownListPopup;
// Iframe: typeof Iframe;
// AbsoluteLayout: typeof AbsoluteLayout;
// HorizontalFillLayout: typeof HorizontalFillLayout;
// VerticalFillLayout: typeof VerticalFillLayout;
// VerticalLayout: typeof VerticalLayout;
// DefaultLayout: typeof DefaultLayout;
// Input: typeof Input;
// SearchTextValueCombo: typeof SearchTextValueCombo;
// Icon: typeof Icon;
// LeftVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof LeftVerticalAdaptLayout;
// LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout;
// IconTextIconItem: typeof IconTextIconItem;
// HorizontalAutoLayout: typeof HorizontalAutoLayout;
// InlineVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof InlineVerticalAdaptLayout;
// RightVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof RightVerticalAdaptLayout;
// TableAdaptLayout: typeof TableAdaptLayout;
// AbsoluteCenterLayout: typeof AbsoluteCenterLayout;
// HorizontalAdaptLayout: typeof HorizontalAdaptLayout;
// FloatLeftLayout: typeof FloatLeftLayout;
// FloatRightLayout: typeof FloatRightLayout;
// CenterAdaptLayout: typeof CenterAdaptLayout;
// VerticalAdaptLayout: typeof VerticalAdaptLayout;
// IconButton: typeof IconButton;
// TriggerIconButton: typeof TriggerIconButton;
// Searcher: typeof Searcher;
// TextEditor: typeof TextEditor;
// Radio: typeof Radio;
// A: typeof A;
// Html: typeof Html;
// Switcher: typeof Switcher;
// Expander: typeof Expander;
// Loader: typeof Loader;
// ListPane: typeof ListPane;
// MultiPopupView: typeof MultiPopupView;
// MultiSelectBar: typeof MultiSelectBar;
// SelectList: typeof SelectList;
// IconLabel: typeof IconLabel;
// Popover: typeof Popover;
// BarPopover: typeof BarPopover;
// IconCombo: typeof IconCombo;
// DynamicDateCombo: typeof DynamicDateCombo;
// CustomTree: typeof CustomTree;
// ButtonTree: typeof ButtonTree;
// IconArrowNode: typeof IconArrowNode;
// MidTreeLeafItem: typeof MidTreeLeafItem;
// FirstTreeLeafItem: typeof FirstTreeLeafItem;
// LastTreeLeafItem: typeof LastTreeLeafItem;
// SmallTextEditor: typeof SmallTextEditor;
// MultifileEditor: typeof MultifileEditor;
// MultiSelectInsertCombo: typeof MultiSelectInsertCombo;
// MultiSelectCombo: typeof MultiSelectCombo;
// SearchEditor: typeof SearchEditor;
// MultiLayerSingleLevelTree: typeof MultiLayerSingleLevelTree;
// SimpleColorChooser: typeof SimpleColorChooser;
// ColorChooser: typeof ColorChooser;
// AbstractAllValueChooser: typeof AbstractAllValueChooser;
// AllValueChooserCombo: typeof AllValueChooserCombo;
// TextAreaEditor: typeof TextAreaEditor;
// SingleSelectItem: typeof SingleSelectItem;
// DynamicDateTimeCombo: typeof DynamicDateTimeCombo;
// MultiTreeCombo: typeof MultiTreeCombo;
// CenterLayout: typeof CenterLayout;
// VirtualGroup: typeof VirtualGroup;
// GridLayout: typeof GridLayout;
// MultiTreePopup: typeof MultiTreePopup;
// SingleSelectRadioItem: typeof SingleSelectRadioItem;
// SingleSelectInsertCombo: typeof SingleSelectInsertCombo;
// SingleSelectCombo: typeof SingleSelectCombo;
// CardLayout: typeof CardLayout;
// DynamicYearMonthCombo: typeof DynamicYearMonthCombo;
// TimeCombo: typeof TimeCombo;
// TextValueDownListCombo: typeof TextValueDownListCombo;
// Switch: typeof Switch;
// HorizontalLayout: typeof HorizontalLayout;
// ShelterEditor: typeof ShelterEditor;
// TextTrigger: typeof TextTrigger;
// SelectTextTrigger: typeof SelectTextTrigger;
// DateInterval: typeof DateInterval;
// DynamicDatePane: typeof DynamicDatePane;
// AllCountPager: typeof AllCountPager;
// DirectionPager: typeof DirectionPager;
// Pager: typeof Pager;
// PopupView: typeof PopupView;
// BubblePopupView: typeof BubblePopupView;
// BubblePopupBarView: typeof BubblePopupBarView;
// TextBubblePopupBarView: typeof TextBubblePopupBarView;
// ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox: typeof ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox;
// NumberInterval: typeof NumberInterval;
// DynamicYearQuarterCombo: typeof DynamicYearQuarterCombo;
// DynamicYearCombo: typeof DynamicYearCombo;
// DynamicYearPopup: typeof DynamicYearPopup;
// IntervalSlider: typeof IntervalSlider;
// MultiSelectInsertList: typeof MultiSelectInsertList;
// YearMonthInterval: typeof YearMonthInterval;
// TextValueCheckCombo: typeof TextValueCheckCombo;
// NumberEditor: typeof NumberEditor;
// Segment: typeof Segment;
// LinearSegment: typeof LinearSegment;
// Img: typeof Img;
// EditorIconCheckCombo: typeof EditorIconCheckCombo;
// IconTextValueCombo: typeof IconTextValueCombo;
// ListView: typeof ListView;
// VirtualList: typeof VirtualList;
// VirtualGroupList: typeof VirtualGroupList;
// FloatCenterLayout: typeof FloatCenterLayout;
// Msg: _msg;
// DynamicYearMonthPopup: typeof DynamicYearMonthPopup;
// DateCalendarPopup: typeof DateCalendarPopup;
// TextNode: typeof TextNode;
// TextValueCheckComboPopup: typeof TextValueCheckComboPopup;
// ImageButton: typeof ImageButton;
// Router: typeof Router;
// history: History,
// DateTimeCombo: typeof DateTimeCombo;
// FloatHorizontalLayout: typeof FloatHorizontalLayout;
// AdaptiveLayout: typeof AdaptiveLayout;
// HexColorChooserPopup: typeof HexColorChooserPopup;
// BlankIconTextItem: typeof BlankIconTextItem;
// TimeInterval: typeof TimeInterval;
// DynamicDateTimePane: typeof DynamicDateTimePane;
// SingleSelectInsertList: typeof SingleSelectInsertList;
// MultiSelectTree: typeof MultiSelectTree;
// HtmlLabel: typeof HtmlLabel;
// TreeValueChooserPane: typeof TreeValueChooserPane;
// TdLayout: typeof TdLayout;
// MultiLayerSelectLevelTree: typeof MultiLayerSelectLevelTree;
// SelectTreeExpander: typeof SelectTreeExpander;
// DownListGroupItem: typeof DownListGroupItem;
// VerticalStickyLayout: typeof VerticalStickyLayout;
// HorizontalStickyLayout: typeof HorizontalStickyLayout;
// TableLayout: typeof TableLayout;
// Workers: typeof Workers;
// }
// export default {
// Decorators: decorator,
// Workers,
// };
// export {
// OB,
// Widget,
// Single,
// BasicButton,
// Checkbox,
// Icon,
// LeftVerticalAdaptLayout,
// LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout,
// SearchTextValueCombo,
// Input,
// IconTextItem,
// AllValueMultiTextValueCombo,
// IconTextIconItem,
// Layout,
// HorizontalAutoLayout,
// InlineVerticalAdaptLayout,
// RightVerticalAdaptLayout,
// TableAdaptLayout,
// AbsoluteCenterLayout,
// HorizontalAdaptLayout,
// FloatLeftLayout,
// FloatRightLayout,
// HorizontalFillLayout,
// VerticalFillLayout,
// VerticalLayout,
// AbsoluteLayout,
// DefaultLayout,
// HTapeLayout,
// CenterAdaptLayout,
// VTapeLayout,
// VerticalAdaptLayout,
// IconButton,
// Trigger,
// TriggerIconButton,
// Action,
// ActionFactory,
// ShowAction,
// Controller,
// LayerController,
// BroadcastController,
// Behavior,
// BehaviorFactory,
// RedMarkBehavior,
// HighlightBehavior,
// Searcher,
// AbstractLabel,
// Label,
// TextButton,
// DownListCombo,
// DownListPopup,
// IconChangeButton,
// Button,
// TextEditor,
// A,
// Html,
// Switcher,
// Expander,
// BubbleCombo,
// Loader,
// ListPane,
// MultiPopupView,
// MultiSelectBar,
// SelectList,
// TextValueCombo,
// TextValueComboPopup,
// SmallTextValueCombo,
// Editor,
// IconLabel,
// Popover,
// BarPopover,
// Tab,
// AbstractTreeValueChooser,
// AbstractListTreeValueChooser,
// ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo,
// TreeValueChooserCombo,
// TreeValueChooserInsertCombo,
// MultiLayerSelectTreePopup,
// MultiLayerSingleTreePopup,
// MultiLayerDownListPopup,
// TreeView,
// ListTreeView,
// ListAsyncTree,
// AsyncTree,
// MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo,
// MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo,
// MultiLayerDownListCombo,
// MultiTreeListCombo,
// MultiTreeInsertCombo,
// Combo,
// IconCombo,
// DynamicDateCombo,
// Radio,
// MultiSelectItem,
// CustomTree,
// ButtonGroup,
// ButtonTree,
// NodeButton,
// IconArrowNode,
// MidTreeLeafItem,
// FirstTreeLeafItem,
// LastTreeLeafItem,
// SmallTextEditor,
// MultifileEditor,
// SignEditor,
// StateEditor,
// MultiSelectInsertCombo,
// MultiSelectCombo,
// SearchEditor,
// Text,
// Pane,
// MultiLayerSingleLevelTree,
// ColorChooser,
// SimpleColorChooser,
// AbstractAllValueChooser,
// AllValueChooserCombo,
// TextAreaEditor,
// SingleSelectItem,
// DynamicDateTimeCombo,
// MultiTreeCombo,
// CenterLayout,
// VirtualGroup,
// GridLayout,
// MultiTreePopup,
// SingleSelectRadioItem,
// SingleSelectInsertCombo,
// SingleSelectCombo,
// CardLayout,
// DynamicYearMonthCombo,
// TimeCombo,
// Iframe,
// TextValueDownListCombo,
// Switch,
// HorizontalLayout,
// ShelterEditor,
// Form,
// TextTrigger,
// SelectTextTrigger,
// DateInterval,
// DynamicDatePane,
// AllCountPager,
// Pager,
// PopupView,
// BubblePopupView,
// BubblePopupBarView,
// TextBubblePopupBarView,
// ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox,
// NumberInterval,
// DynamicYearQuarterCombo,
// DynamicYearCombo,
// DynamicYearPopup,
// IntervalSlider,
// MultiSelectInsertList,
// YearMonthInterval,
// TextValueCheckCombo,
// NumberEditor,
// Segment,
// LinearSegment,
// Img,
// EditorIconCheckCombo,
// IconTextValueCombo,
// ListView,
// VirtualList,
// VirtualGroupList,
// FloatCenterLayout,
// DynamicYearMonthPopup,
// DateCalendarPopup,
// Tree,
// Node,
// TextNode,
// TextValueCheckComboPopup,
// ImageButton,
// Router,
// History,
// DateTimeCombo,
// FloatHorizontalLayout,
// AdaptiveLayout,
// HexColorChooserPopup,
// BlankIconTextItem,
// TimeInterval,
// DynamicDateTimePane,
// SingleSelectInsertList,
// MultiSelectTree,
// HtmlLabel,
// TreeValueChooserPane,
// TdLayout,
// MultiLayerSelectLevelTree,
// SelectTreeExpander,
// DirectionPager,
// DownListGroupItem,
// HorizontalStickyLayout,
// VerticalStickyLayout,
// TableLayout,
// };
@ -1,597 +1,211 @@ |
import { Combo } from "./base/combination/combo"; |
export * from "./core/action/"; |
import { ButtonGroup } from "./base/combination/group.button"; |
export * from "./core/action/action"; |
import { Tab } from "./base/combination/tab"; |
export * from "./core/behavior/behavior"; |
import { Pane } from "./base/pane"; |
export * from "./core/behavior/behavior.highlight"; |
import { BasicButton } from "./base/single/button/button.basic"; |
export * from "./core/behavior/behavior.redmark"; |
import { NodeButton } from "./base/single/button/button.node"; |
export * from "./core/controller/controller.broadcast"; |
import { Button } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button"; |
export * from "./core/controller/controller"; |
import { TextButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.text"; |
export * from "./core/controller/controller.layer"; |
import { IconTextItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/icontextitem"; |
export * as Decorators from "./core/decorator/decorator"; |
import { Editor } from "./base/single/editor/editor"; |
export * from "./core/base"; |
import { Iframe } from "./base/single/iframe/iframe"; |
export * from "./core/i18n"; |
import { Checkbox } from "./base/single/input/checkbox"; |
export * from "./core/func"; |
import { Input } from "./base/single/input/input"; |
export * from "./core/inject"; |
import { AbstractLabel } from "./base/single/label/abstract.label"; |
export * from "./core/ob"; |
import { Label } from "./base/single/label/label"; |
export * from "./core/plugin"; |
import { Single } from "./base/single/single"; |
export * from "./core/var"; |
import { Text } from "./base/single/text"; |
export * from "./core/widget"; |
import { Trigger } from "./base/single/trigger/trigger"; |
export * from "./core/utils"; |
import { IconChangeButton } from "./case/button/icon/icon.change"; |
export * from "./core/platform/web"; |
import { MultiSelectItem } from "./case/button/item.multiselect"; |
export * from "./core/worker/workers"; |
import { BubbleCombo } from "./case/combo/bubblecombo/combo.bubble"; |
export { Combo } from "./base/combination/combo"; |
import { TextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/combo.textvalue"; |
export { ButtonGroup } from "./base/combination/group.button"; |
import { TextValueComboPopup } from "./case/combo/popup.textvalue"; |
export { Tab } from "./base/combination/tab"; |
import { SmallTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/combo.textvaluesmall"; |
export { Pane } from "./base/pane"; |
import { SearchTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/searchtextvaluecombo/combo.searchtextvalue"; |
export { BasicButton } from "./base/single/button/button.basic"; |
import { SignEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.sign"; |
export { NodeButton } from "./base/single/button/button.node"; |
import { StateEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.state"; |
export { Button } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button"; |
import { AllValueMultiTextValueCombo } from "./component/allvaluemultitextvaluecombo/allvalue.multitextvalue.combo"; |
export { TextButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.text"; |
import { Form } from "./component/form/form"; |
export { IconTextItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/icontextitem"; |
import { AbstractTreeValueChooser } from "./component/treevaluechooser/abstract.treevaluechooser"; |
export { Editor } from "./base/single/editor/editor"; |
import { AbstractListTreeValueChooser } from "./component/treevaluechooser/abstract.treevaluechooser.list"; |
export { Iframe } from "./base/single/iframe/iframe"; |
import { Action, ActionFactory } from "./core/action/action"; |
export { Checkbox } from "./base/single/input/checkbox"; |
import { ShowAction } from "./core/action/"; |
export { Input } from "./base/single/input/input"; |
import { _base } from "./core/base"; |
export { AbstractLabel } from "./base/single/label/abstract.label"; |
import { Behavior, BehaviorFactory } from "./core/behavior/behavior"; |
export { Label } from "./base/single/label/label"; |
import { HighlightBehavior } from "./core/behavior/behavior.highlight"; |
export { Single } from "./base/single/single"; |
import { RedMarkBehavior } from "./core/behavior/behavior.redmark"; |
export { Text } from "./base/single/text"; |
import * as decorator from "./core/decorator/decorator"; |
export { Trigger } from "./base/single/trigger/trigger"; |
import { _func } from "./core/func"; |
export { IconChangeButton } from "./case/button/icon/icon.change"; |
import { _i18n } from "./core/i18n"; |
export { MultiSelectItem } from "./case/button/item.multiselect"; |
import { _Plugin } from "./core/plugin"; |
export { BubbleCombo } from "./case/combo/bubblecombo/combo.bubble"; |
import { _var } from "./core/var"; |
export { TextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/combo.textvalue"; |
import { OB } from "./core/ob"; |
export { TextValueComboPopup } from "./case/combo/popup.textvalue"; |
import { Widget } from "./core/widget"; |
export { SmallTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/combo.textvaluesmall"; |
import { _inject } from "./core/inject"; |
export { SearchTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/searchtextvaluecombo/combo.searchtextvalue"; |
import { Layout } from "./core/wrapper/layout"; |
export { SignEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.sign"; |
import { AbsoluteLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.absolute"; |
export { StateEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.state"; |
import { HTapeLayout, VTapeLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.tape"; |
export { AllValueMultiTextValueCombo } from "./component/allvaluemultitextvaluecombo/allvalue.multitextvalue.combo"; |
import { HorizontalFillLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/fill/fill.horizontal"; |
export { Form } from "./component/form/form"; |
import { VerticalFillLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/fill/fill.vertical"; |
export { AbstractTreeValueChooser } from "./component/treevaluechooser/abstract.treevaluechooser"; |
import { VerticalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.vertical"; |
export { AbstractListTreeValueChooser } from "./component/treevaluechooser/abstract.treevaluechooser.list"; |
import { DefaultLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.default"; |
export { Action, ActionFactory } from "./core/action/action"; |
import { DownListCombo } from "./widget/downlist/combo.downlist"; |
export { ShowAction } from "./core/action/"; |
import { DownListPopup } from "./widget/downlist/popup.downlist"; |
export { Behavior, BehaviorFactory } from "./core/behavior/behavior"; |
import { Icon } from "./base/single/icon/icon"; |
export { HighlightBehavior } from "./core/behavior/behavior.highlight"; |
import { LeftVerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.leftvertical"; |
export { RedMarkBehavior } from "./core/behavior/behavior.redmark"; |
import { |
LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout, |
RightVerticalAdaptLayout, |
} from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.leftrightvertical"; |
import { IconTextIconItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/icontexticonitem"; |
import { HorizontalAutoLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/auto.horizontal"; |
import { InlineVerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/inline.vertical"; |
import { TableAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.table"; |
import { IconButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.icon"; |
import { TextEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.text"; |
import { IconLabel } from "./base/single/label/icon.label"; |
import { Popover, BarPopover } from "./base/layer/layer.popover"; |
import { IconCombo } from "./case/combo/iconcombo/combo.icon"; |
import { DynamicDateCombo } from "./widget/dynamicdate/dynamicdate.combo"; |
import { CustomTree } from "./base/tree/customtree"; |
import { ButtonTree } from "./base/combination/tree.button"; |
import { IconArrowNode } from "./case/button/node/node.icon.arrow"; |
import { MidTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.mid.treeleaf"; |
import { FirstTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.first.treeleaf"; |
import { LastTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.last.treeleaf"; |
import { SmallTextEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.text.small"; |
import { MultifileEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.multifile"; |
import { AbsoluteCenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/"; |
import { HorizontalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.horizontal"; |
import { FloatLeftLayout, FloatRightLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.flow"; |
import { CenterAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/"; |
import { VerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.vertical"; |
import { MultiSelectInsertCombo } from "./widget/multiselect/multiselect.insert.combo"; |
import { MultiSelectCombo } from "./widget/multiselect/multiselect.combo"; |
import { SearchEditor } from "./widget/editor/"; |
import { MultiLayerSingleLevelTree } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.leveltree"; |
import { SimpleColorChooser } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser.simple"; |
import { ColorChooser } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser"; |
import { A } from "./base/a/a"; |
import { Html } from "./base/single/html/html"; |
import { Switcher } from "./base/combination/switcher"; |
import { Expander } from "./base/combination/expander"; |
import { Loader } from "./base/combination/loader"; |
import { ListPane } from "./case/layer/pane.list"; |
import { MultiPopupView } from "./case/layer/layer.multipopup"; |
import { MultiSelectBar } from "./case/toolbar/toolbar.multiselect"; |
import { SelectList } from "./case/list/"; |
import { AbstractAllValueChooser } from "./component/allvaluechooser/abstract.allvaluechooser"; |
import { AllValueChooserCombo } from "./component/allvaluechooser/combo.allvaluechooser"; |
import { TextAreaEditor } from "./base/single/editor/editor.textarea"; |
import { SingleSelectItem } from "./case/button/item.singleselect"; |
import { DynamicDateTimeCombo } from "./widget/dynamicdatetime/dynamicdatetime.combo"; |
import { MultiTreeCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.combo"; |
import { CenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/middle/"; |
import { VirtualGroup } from "./base/combination/group.virtual"; |
import { GridLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.grid"; |
import { TriggerIconButton } from "./case/button/icon/icon.trigger"; |
import { Searcher } from "./base/combination/searcher"; |
import { ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.listtreevaluechooser"; |
import { TreeValueChooserCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.treevaluechooser"; |
import { TreeValueChooserInsertCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.treevaluechooser.insert"; |
import { Radio } from "./base/single/input/radio/radio"; |
import { MultiLayerSelectTreePopup } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.popup"; |
import { MultiLayerSingleTreePopup } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.popup"; |
import { MultiLayerDownListPopup } from "./widget/multilayerdownlist/multilayerdownlist.popup"; |
import { TreeView } from "./base/tree/ztree/treeview"; |
import { MultiTreePopup } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.popup"; |
import { SingleSelectRadioItem } from "./case/button/"; |
import { SingleSelectInsertCombo } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselect.insert.combo"; |
import { SingleSelectCombo } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselect.combo"; |
import { CardLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.card"; |
import { DynamicYearMonthCombo } from "./widget/yearmonth/combo.yearmonth"; |
import { TimeCombo } from "./widget/time/time.combo"; |
import { ListTreeView } from "./base/tree/ztree/list/listtreeview"; |
import { ListAsyncTree } from "./base/tree/ztree/list/listasynctree"; |
import { AsyncTree } from "./base/tree/ztree/asynctree"; |
import { MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.combo"; |
import { MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.combo"; |
import { MultiLayerDownListCombo } from "./widget/multilayerdownlist/multilayerdownlist.combo"; |
import { MultiTreeListCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.list.combo"; |
import { MultiTreeInsertCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.insert.combo"; |
import { TextValueDownListCombo } from "./widget/textvaluedownlistcombo/combo.textvaluedownlist"; |
import { Switch } from "./case/button/switch"; |
import { HorizontalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.horizontal"; |
import { ShelterEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.shelter"; |
import { TextTrigger } from "./case/trigger/trigger.text"; |
import { SelectTextTrigger } from "./case/trigger/"; |
import { DateInterval } from "./widget/timeinterval/dateinterval"; |
import { DynamicDatePane } from "./widget/datepane/datepane"; |
import { AllCountPager } from "./case/pager/pager.all.count"; |
import { DirectionPager } from "./case/pager/pager.direction"; |
import { PopupView } from "./base/layer/layer.popup"; |
import { BubblePopupView, BubblePopupBarView, TextBubblePopupBarView } from "./case/combo/bubblecombo/popup.bubble"; |
import { ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox } from "./case/checkbox/check.arrownode"; |
import { NumberInterval } from "./widget/numberinterval/numberinterval"; |
import { DynamicYearQuarterCombo } from "./widget/yearquarter/combo.yearquarter"; |
import { DynamicYearCombo } from "./widget/year/combo.year"; |
import { DynamicYearPopup } from "./widget/year/popup.year"; |
import { IntervalSlider } from "./widget/intervalslider/intervalslider"; |
import { MultiSelectInsertList } from "./widget/multiselectlist/multiselectlist.insert"; |
import { YearMonthInterval } from "./widget/yearmonthinterval/yearmonthinterval"; |
import { NumberEditor } from "./widget/numbereditor/numbereditor"; |
import { TextValueCheckCombo } from "./case/combo/textvaluecheckcombo/combo.textvaluecheck"; |
import { Segment } from "./case/segment/segment"; |
import { LinearSegment } from "./case/linersegment/linear.segment"; |
import { Img } from "./base/single/img/img"; |
import { EditorIconCheckCombo } from "./case/combo/editoriconcheckcombo/combo.editiconcheck"; |
import { IconTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/icontextvaluecombo/combo.icontextvalue"; |
import { ListView } from "./base/list/listview"; |
import { VirtualList } from "./base/list/virtuallist"; |
import { VirtualGroupList } from "./base/list/virtualgrouplist"; |
import { FloatCenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/middle/"; |
import { _msg } from "./base/foundation/message"; |
import { _web } from "./core/platform/web"; |
import { DynamicYearMonthPopup } from "./widget/yearmonth/popup.yearmonth"; |
import { _utils } from "./core/utils"; |
import { Controller } from "./core/controller/controller"; |
import { LayerController } from "./core/controller/controller.layer"; |
import { DateCalendarPopup } from "./widget/date/calendar/"; |
import { Tree, Node } from "./core/utils/tree"; |
import { TextNode } from "./base/single/button/node/textnode"; |
import { TextValueCheckComboPopup } from "./case/combo/textvaluecheckcombo/popup.textvaluecheck"; |
import { ImageButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.image"; |
import { History, Router } from "./router/router"; |
import { DateTimeCombo } from "./widget/datetime/datetime.combo"; |
import { FloatHorizontalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/float.horizontal"; |
import { AdaptiveLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.adaptive"; |
import { HexColorChooserPopup } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser.popup.hex"; |
import { BlankIconTextItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/blankicontextitem"; |
import { Broadcasts, Layers } from "./base/base"; |
import { BroadcastController } from "./core/controller/controller.broadcast"; |
import { Pager } from "./base/pager/pager"; |
import { TimeInterval } from "./widget/timeinterval/timeinterval"; |
import { DynamicDateTimePane } from "./widget/datetimepane/datetimepane"; |
import { SingleSelectInsertList } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselectlist.insert"; |
import { MultiSelectTree } from "./widget/multiselecttree/multiselecttree"; |
import { HtmlLabel } from "./base/single/label/html.label"; |
import { TreeValueChooserPane } from "./component/treevaluechooser/pane.treevaluechooser"; |
import { TdLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/"; |
import { MultiLayerSelectLevelTree } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.leveltree"; |
import { SelectTreeExpander } from "./widget/selecttree/selecttree.expander"; |
import { DownListGroupItem } from "./widget/downlist/item.downlistgroup"; |
import { VerticalStickyLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/sticky/sticky.vertical"; |
import { HorizontalStickyLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/sticky/sticky.horizontal"; |
import { TableLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.table"; |
import "./shims-tsx"; |
import { Workers } from "./core/worker/workers"; |
export interface BI extends _func, _i18n, _base, _inject, _var, _web, _utils { |
export { OB } from "./core/ob"; |
OB: typeof OB; |
export { Widget } from "./core/widget"; |
Plugin: _Plugin; |
export { Layout } from "./core/wrapper/layout"; |
Widget: typeof Widget; |
export { AbsoluteLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.absolute"; |
Single: typeof Single; |
export { HTapeLayout, VTapeLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.tape"; |
BasicButton: typeof BasicButton; |
export { HorizontalFillLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/fill/fill.horizontal"; |
NodeButton: typeof NodeButton; |
export { VerticalFillLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/fill/fill.vertical"; |
Checkbox: typeof Checkbox; |
export { VerticalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.vertical"; |
Button: typeof Button; |
export { DefaultLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.default"; |
TextButton: typeof TextButton; |
export { DownListCombo } from "./widget/downlist/combo.downlist"; |
IconChangeButton: typeof IconChangeButton; |
export { DownListPopup } from "./widget/downlist/popup.downlist"; |
Trigger: typeof Trigger; |
export { Icon } from "./base/single/icon/icon"; |
Action: typeof Action; |
export { LeftVerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.leftvertical"; |
ActionFactory: typeof ActionFactory; |
ShowAction: typeof ShowAction; |
Controller: typeof Controller; |
Layers: Layers; |
LayerController: typeof LayerController; |
Broadcasts: Broadcasts; |
BroadcastController: typeof BroadcastController; |
Behavior: typeof Behavior; |
BehaviorFactory: typeof BehaviorFactory; |
HighlightBehavior: typeof HighlightBehavior; |
RedMarkBehavior: typeof RedMarkBehavior; |
Pane: typeof Pane; |
Tab: typeof Tab; |
ButtonGroup: typeof ButtonGroup; |
Combo: typeof Combo; |
TextValueCombo: typeof TextValueCombo; |
TextValueComboPopup: typeof TextValueComboPopup; |
SmallTextValueCombo: typeof SmallTextValueCombo; |
BubbleCombo: typeof BubbleCombo; |
AllValueMultiTextValueCombo: typeof AllValueMultiTextValueCombo; |
Form: typeof Form; |
IconTextItem: typeof IconTextItem; |
MultiSelectItem: typeof MultiSelectItem; |
AbstractLabel: typeof AbstractLabel; |
Label: typeof Label; |
Text: typeof Text; |
Editor: typeof Editor; |
SignEditor: typeof SignEditor; |
StateEditor: typeof StateEditor; |
Layout: typeof Layout; |
HTapeLayout: typeof HTapeLayout; |
VTapeLayout: typeof VTapeLayout; |
AbstractTreeValueChooser: typeof AbstractTreeValueChooser; |
AbstractListTreeValueChooser: typeof AbstractListTreeValueChooser; |
ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo: typeof ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo; |
TreeValueChooserCombo: typeof TreeValueChooserCombo; |
TreeValueChooserInsertCombo: typeof TreeValueChooserInsertCombo; |
MultiLayerSelectTreePopup: typeof MultiLayerSelectTreePopup; |
MultiLayerSingleTreePopup: typeof MultiLayerSingleTreePopup; |
MultiLayerDownListPopup: typeof MultiLayerDownListPopup; |
TreeView: typeof TreeView; |
ListTreeView: typeof ListTreeView; |
ListAsyncTree: typeof ListAsyncTree; |
AsyncTree: typeof AsyncTree; |
MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo: typeof MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo; |
MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo: typeof MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo; |
MultiLayerDownListCombo: typeof MultiLayerDownListCombo; |
MultiTreeListCombo: typeof MultiTreeListCombo; |
MultiTreeInsertCombo: typeof MultiTreeInsertCombo; |
Decorators: typeof decorator; |
DownListCombo: typeof DownListCombo; |
DownListPopup: typeof DownListPopup; |
Iframe: typeof Iframe; |
AbsoluteLayout: typeof AbsoluteLayout; |
HorizontalFillLayout: typeof HorizontalFillLayout; |
VerticalFillLayout: typeof VerticalFillLayout; |
VerticalLayout: typeof VerticalLayout; |
DefaultLayout: typeof DefaultLayout; |
Input: typeof Input; |
SearchTextValueCombo: typeof SearchTextValueCombo; |
Icon: typeof Icon; |
LeftVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof LeftVerticalAdaptLayout; |
LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout; |
IconTextIconItem: typeof IconTextIconItem; |
HorizontalAutoLayout: typeof HorizontalAutoLayout; |
InlineVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof InlineVerticalAdaptLayout; |
RightVerticalAdaptLayout: typeof RightVerticalAdaptLayout; |
TableAdaptLayout: typeof TableAdaptLayout; |
AbsoluteCenterLayout: typeof AbsoluteCenterLayout; |
HorizontalAdaptLayout: typeof HorizontalAdaptLayout; |
FloatLeftLayout: typeof FloatLeftLayout; |
FloatRightLayout: typeof FloatRightLayout; |
CenterAdaptLayout: typeof CenterAdaptLayout; |
VerticalAdaptLayout: typeof VerticalAdaptLayout; |
IconButton: typeof IconButton; |
TriggerIconButton: typeof TriggerIconButton; |
Searcher: typeof Searcher; |
TextEditor: typeof TextEditor; |
Radio: typeof Radio; |
A: typeof A; |
Html: typeof Html; |
Switcher: typeof Switcher; |
Expander: typeof Expander; |
Loader: typeof Loader; |
ListPane: typeof ListPane; |
MultiPopupView: typeof MultiPopupView; |
MultiSelectBar: typeof MultiSelectBar; |
SelectList: typeof SelectList; |
IconLabel: typeof IconLabel; |
Popover: typeof Popover; |
BarPopover: typeof BarPopover; |
IconCombo: typeof IconCombo; |
DynamicDateCombo: typeof DynamicDateCombo; |
CustomTree: typeof CustomTree; |
ButtonTree: typeof ButtonTree; |
IconArrowNode: typeof IconArrowNode; |
MidTreeLeafItem: typeof MidTreeLeafItem; |
FirstTreeLeafItem: typeof FirstTreeLeafItem; |
LastTreeLeafItem: typeof LastTreeLeafItem; |
SmallTextEditor: typeof SmallTextEditor; |
MultifileEditor: typeof MultifileEditor; |
MultiSelectInsertCombo: typeof MultiSelectInsertCombo; |
MultiSelectCombo: typeof MultiSelectCombo; |
SearchEditor: typeof SearchEditor; |
MultiLayerSingleLevelTree: typeof MultiLayerSingleLevelTree; |
SimpleColorChooser: typeof SimpleColorChooser; |
ColorChooser: typeof ColorChooser; |
AbstractAllValueChooser: typeof AbstractAllValueChooser; |
AllValueChooserCombo: typeof AllValueChooserCombo; |
TextAreaEditor: typeof TextAreaEditor; |
SingleSelectItem: typeof SingleSelectItem; |
DynamicDateTimeCombo: typeof DynamicDateTimeCombo; |
MultiTreeCombo: typeof MultiTreeCombo; |
CenterLayout: typeof CenterLayout; |
VirtualGroup: typeof VirtualGroup; |
GridLayout: typeof GridLayout; |
MultiTreePopup: typeof MultiTreePopup; |
SingleSelectRadioItem: typeof SingleSelectRadioItem; |
SingleSelectInsertCombo: typeof SingleSelectInsertCombo; |
SingleSelectCombo: typeof SingleSelectCombo; |
CardLayout: typeof CardLayout; |
DynamicYearMonthCombo: typeof DynamicYearMonthCombo; |
TimeCombo: typeof TimeCombo; |
TextValueDownListCombo: typeof TextValueDownListCombo; |
Switch: typeof Switch; |
HorizontalLayout: typeof HorizontalLayout; |
ShelterEditor: typeof ShelterEditor; |
TextTrigger: typeof TextTrigger; |
SelectTextTrigger: typeof SelectTextTrigger; |
DateInterval: typeof DateInterval; |
DynamicDatePane: typeof DynamicDatePane; |
AllCountPager: typeof AllCountPager; |
DirectionPager: typeof DirectionPager; |
Pager: typeof Pager; |
PopupView: typeof PopupView; |
BubblePopupView: typeof BubblePopupView; |
BubblePopupBarView: typeof BubblePopupBarView; |
TextBubblePopupBarView: typeof TextBubblePopupBarView; |
ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox: typeof ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox; |
NumberInterval: typeof NumberInterval; |
DynamicYearQuarterCombo: typeof DynamicYearQuarterCombo; |
DynamicYearCombo: typeof DynamicYearCombo; |
DynamicYearPopup: typeof DynamicYearPopup; |
IntervalSlider: typeof IntervalSlider; |
MultiSelectInsertList: typeof MultiSelectInsertList; |
YearMonthInterval: typeof YearMonthInterval; |
TextValueCheckCombo: typeof TextValueCheckCombo; |
NumberEditor: typeof NumberEditor; |
Segment: typeof Segment; |
LinearSegment: typeof LinearSegment; |
Img: typeof Img; |
EditorIconCheckCombo: typeof EditorIconCheckCombo; |
IconTextValueCombo: typeof IconTextValueCombo; |
ListView: typeof ListView; |
VirtualList: typeof VirtualList; |
VirtualGroupList: typeof VirtualGroupList; |
FloatCenterLayout: typeof FloatCenterLayout; |
Msg: _msg; |
DynamicYearMonthPopup: typeof DynamicYearMonthPopup; |
DateCalendarPopup: typeof DateCalendarPopup; |
TextNode: typeof TextNode; |
TextValueCheckComboPopup: typeof TextValueCheckComboPopup; |
ImageButton: typeof ImageButton; |
Router: typeof Router; |
history: History, |
DateTimeCombo: typeof DateTimeCombo; |
FloatHorizontalLayout: typeof FloatHorizontalLayout; |
AdaptiveLayout: typeof AdaptiveLayout; |
HexColorChooserPopup: typeof HexColorChooserPopup; |
BlankIconTextItem: typeof BlankIconTextItem; |
TimeInterval: typeof TimeInterval; |
DynamicDateTimePane: typeof DynamicDateTimePane; |
SingleSelectInsertList: typeof SingleSelectInsertList; |
MultiSelectTree: typeof MultiSelectTree; |
HtmlLabel: typeof HtmlLabel; |
TreeValueChooserPane: typeof TreeValueChooserPane; |
TdLayout: typeof TdLayout; |
MultiLayerSelectLevelTree: typeof MultiLayerSelectLevelTree; |
SelectTreeExpander: typeof SelectTreeExpander; |
DownListGroupItem: typeof DownListGroupItem; |
VerticalStickyLayout: typeof VerticalStickyLayout; |
HorizontalStickyLayout: typeof HorizontalStickyLayout; |
TableLayout: typeof TableLayout; |
Workers: typeof Workers; |
} |
export default { |
Decorators: decorator, |
Workers, |
}; |
export { |
export { |
OB, |
Widget, |
Single, |
BasicButton, |
Checkbox, |
Icon, |
LeftVerticalAdaptLayout, |
LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout, |
LeftRightVerticalAdaptLayout, |
SearchTextValueCombo, |
RightVerticalAdaptLayout |
Input, |
} from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.leftrightvertical"; |
IconTextItem, |
export { IconTextIconItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/icontexticonitem"; |
AllValueMultiTextValueCombo, |
export { HorizontalAutoLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/auto.horizontal"; |
IconTextIconItem, |
export { InlineVerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/inline.vertical"; |
Layout, |
export { TableAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.table"; |
HorizontalAutoLayout, |
export { IconButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.icon"; |
InlineVerticalAdaptLayout, |
export { TextEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.text"; |
RightVerticalAdaptLayout, |
export { IconLabel } from "./base/single/label/icon.label"; |
TableAdaptLayout, |
export { Popover, BarPopover } from "./base/layer/layer.popover"; |
AbsoluteCenterLayout, |
export { IconCombo } from "./case/combo/iconcombo/combo.icon"; |
HorizontalAdaptLayout, |
export { DynamicDateCombo } from "./widget/dynamicdate/dynamicdate.combo"; |
FloatLeftLayout, |
export { CustomTree } from "./base/tree/customtree"; |
FloatRightLayout, |
export { ButtonTree } from "./base/combination/tree.button"; |
HorizontalFillLayout, |
export { IconArrowNode } from "./case/button/node/node.icon.arrow"; |
VerticalFillLayout, |
export { MidTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.mid.treeleaf"; |
VerticalLayout, |
export { FirstTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.first.treeleaf"; |
AbsoluteLayout, |
export { LastTreeLeafItem } from "./case/button/treeitem/item.last.treeleaf"; |
DefaultLayout, |
export { SmallTextEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.text.small"; |
HTapeLayout, |
export { MultifileEditor } from "./widget/editor/editor.multifile"; |
CenterAdaptLayout, |
export { AbsoluteCenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/"; |
VTapeLayout, |
export { HorizontalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.horizontal"; |
VerticalAdaptLayout, |
export { FloatLeftLayout, FloatRightLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.flow"; |
IconButton, |
export { CenterAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/"; |
Trigger, |
export { VerticalAdaptLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/adapt.vertical"; |
TriggerIconButton, |
export { MultiSelectInsertCombo } from "./widget/multiselect/multiselect.insert.combo"; |
Action, |
export { MultiSelectCombo } from "./widget/multiselect/multiselect.combo"; |
ActionFactory, |
export { SearchEditor } from "./widget/editor/"; |
ShowAction, |
export { MultiLayerSingleLevelTree } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.leveltree"; |
Controller, |
export { SimpleColorChooser } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser.simple"; |
LayerController, |
export { ColorChooser } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser"; |
BroadcastController, |
export { A } from "./base/a/a"; |
Behavior, |
export { Html } from "./base/single/html/html"; |
BehaviorFactory, |
export { Switcher } from "./base/combination/switcher"; |
RedMarkBehavior, |
export { Expander } from "./base/combination/expander"; |
HighlightBehavior, |
export { Loader } from "./base/combination/loader"; |
Searcher, |
export { ListPane } from "./case/layer/pane.list"; |
AbstractLabel, |
export { MultiPopupView } from "./case/layer/layer.multipopup"; |
Label, |
export { MultiSelectBar } from "./case/toolbar/toolbar.multiselect"; |
TextButton, |
export { SelectList } from "./case/list/"; |
DownListCombo, |
export { AbstractAllValueChooser } from "./component/allvaluechooser/abstract.allvaluechooser"; |
DownListPopup, |
export { AllValueChooserCombo } from "./component/allvaluechooser/combo.allvaluechooser"; |
IconChangeButton, |
export { TextAreaEditor } from "./base/single/editor/editor.textarea"; |
Button, |
export { SingleSelectItem } from "./case/button/item.singleselect"; |
TextEditor, |
export { DynamicDateTimeCombo } from "./widget/dynamicdatetime/dynamicdatetime.combo"; |
A, |
export { MultiTreeCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.combo"; |
Html, |
export { CenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/middle/"; |
Switcher, |
export { VirtualGroup } from "./base/combination/group.virtual"; |
Expander, |
export { GridLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.grid"; |
BubbleCombo, |
export { TriggerIconButton } from "./case/button/icon/icon.trigger"; |
Loader, |
export { Searcher } from "./base/combination/searcher"; |
ListPane, |
export { ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.listtreevaluechooser"; |
MultiPopupView, |
export { TreeValueChooserCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.treevaluechooser"; |
MultiSelectBar, |
export { TreeValueChooserInsertCombo } from "./component/treevaluechooser/combo.treevaluechooser.insert"; |
SelectList, |
export { Radio } from "./base/single/input/radio/radio"; |
TextValueCombo, |
export { MultiLayerSelectTreePopup } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.popup"; |
TextValueComboPopup, |
export { MultiLayerSingleTreePopup } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.popup"; |
SmallTextValueCombo, |
export { MultiLayerDownListPopup } from "./widget/multilayerdownlist/multilayerdownlist.popup"; |
Editor, |
export { TreeView } from "./base/tree/ztree/treeview"; |
IconLabel, |
export { MultiTreePopup } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.popup"; |
Popover, |
export { SingleSelectRadioItem } from "./case/button/"; |
BarPopover, |
export { SingleSelectInsertCombo } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselect.insert.combo"; |
Tab, |
export { SingleSelectCombo } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselect.combo"; |
AbstractTreeValueChooser, |
export { CardLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.card"; |
AbstractListTreeValueChooser, |
export { DynamicYearMonthCombo } from "./widget/yearmonth/combo.yearmonth"; |
ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo, |
export { TimeCombo } from "./widget/time/time.combo"; |
TreeValueChooserCombo, |
export { ListTreeView } from "./base/tree/ztree/list/listtreeview"; |
TreeValueChooserInsertCombo, |
export { ListAsyncTree } from "./base/tree/ztree/list/listasynctree"; |
MultiLayerSelectTreePopup, |
export { AsyncTree } from "./base/tree/ztree/asynctree"; |
MultiLayerSingleTreePopup, |
export { MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo } from "./widget/multilayersingletree/multilayersingletree.combo"; |
MultiLayerDownListPopup, |
export { MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.combo"; |
TreeView, |
export { MultiLayerDownListCombo } from "./widget/multilayerdownlist/multilayerdownlist.combo"; |
ListTreeView, |
export { MultiTreeListCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.list.combo"; |
ListAsyncTree, |
export { MultiTreeInsertCombo } from "./widget/multitree/multi.tree.insert.combo"; |
AsyncTree, |
export { TextValueDownListCombo } from "./widget/textvaluedownlistcombo/combo.textvaluedownlist"; |
MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo, |
export { Switch } from "./case/button/switch"; |
MultiLayerSelectTreeCombo, |
export { HorizontalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.horizontal"; |
MultiLayerDownListCombo, |
export { ShelterEditor } from "./case/editor/editor.shelter"; |
MultiTreeListCombo, |
export { TextTrigger } from "./case/trigger/trigger.text"; |
MultiTreeInsertCombo, |
export { SelectTextTrigger } from "./case/trigger/"; |
Combo, |
export { DateInterval } from "./widget/timeinterval/dateinterval"; |
IconCombo, |
export { DynamicDatePane } from "./widget/datepane/datepane"; |
DynamicDateCombo, |
export { AllCountPager } from "./case/pager/pager.all.count"; |
Radio, |
export { DirectionPager } from "./case/pager/pager.direction"; |
MultiSelectItem, |
export { PopupView } from "./base/layer/layer.popup"; |
CustomTree, |
export { BubblePopupView, BubblePopupBarView, TextBubblePopupBarView } from "./case/combo/bubblecombo/popup.bubble"; |
ButtonGroup, |
export { ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox } from "./case/checkbox/check.arrownode"; |
ButtonTree, |
export { NumberInterval } from "./widget/numberinterval/numberinterval"; |
NodeButton, |
export { DynamicYearQuarterCombo } from "./widget/yearquarter/combo.yearquarter"; |
IconArrowNode, |
export { DynamicYearCombo } from "./widget/year/combo.year"; |
MidTreeLeafItem, |
export { DynamicYearPopup } from "./widget/year/popup.year"; |
FirstTreeLeafItem, |
export { IntervalSlider } from "./widget/intervalslider/intervalslider"; |
LastTreeLeafItem, |
export { MultiSelectInsertList } from "./widget/multiselectlist/multiselectlist.insert"; |
SmallTextEditor, |
export { YearMonthInterval } from "./widget/yearmonthinterval/yearmonthinterval"; |
MultifileEditor, |
export { NumberEditor } from "./widget/numbereditor/numbereditor"; |
SignEditor, |
export { TextValueCheckCombo } from "./case/combo/textvaluecheckcombo/combo.textvaluecheck"; |
StateEditor, |
export { Segment } from "./case/segment/segment"; |
MultiSelectInsertCombo, |
export { LinearSegment } from "./case/linersegment/linear.segment"; |
MultiSelectCombo, |
export { Img } from "./base/single/img/img"; |
SearchEditor, |
export { EditorIconCheckCombo } from "./case/combo/editoriconcheckcombo/combo.editiconcheck"; |
Text, |
export { IconTextValueCombo } from "./case/combo/icontextvaluecombo/combo.icontextvalue"; |
Pane, |
export { ListView } from "./base/list/listview"; |
MultiLayerSingleLevelTree, |
export { VirtualList } from "./base/list/virtuallist"; |
ColorChooser, |
export { VirtualGroupList } from "./base/list/virtualgrouplist"; |
SimpleColorChooser, |
export { FloatCenterLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/middle/"; |
AbstractAllValueChooser, |
export { Msg } from "./base/foundation/message"; |
AllValueChooserCombo, |
export { DynamicYearMonthPopup } from "./widget/yearmonth/popup.yearmonth"; |
TextAreaEditor, |
export { Controller } from "./core/controller/controller"; |
SingleSelectItem, |
export { LayerController } from "./core/controller/controller.layer"; |
DynamicDateTimeCombo, |
export { DateCalendarPopup } from "./widget/date/calendar/"; |
MultiTreeCombo, |
export { Tree, Node } from "./core/utils/tree"; |
CenterLayout, |
export { TextNode } from "./base/single/button/node/textnode"; |
VirtualGroup, |
export { TextValueCheckComboPopup } from "./case/combo/textvaluecheckcombo/popup.textvaluecheck"; |
GridLayout, |
export { ImageButton } from "./base/single/button/buttons/button.image"; |
MultiTreePopup, |
export { History, Router } from "./router/router"; |
SingleSelectRadioItem, |
export { DateTimeCombo } from "./widget/datetime/datetime.combo"; |
SingleSelectInsertCombo, |
export { FloatHorizontalLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/adapt/float.horizontal"; |
SingleSelectCombo, |
export { AdaptiveLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.adaptive"; |
CardLayout, |
export { HexColorChooserPopup } from "./case/colorchooser/colorchooser.popup.hex"; |
DynamicYearMonthCombo, |
export { BlankIconTextItem } from "./base/single/button/listitem/blankicontextitem"; |
TimeCombo, |
export { Broadcasts, Layers, StyleLoaders } from "./base/base"; |
Iframe, |
export { BroadcastController } from "./core/controller/controller.broadcast"; |
TextValueDownListCombo, |
export { Pager } from "./base/pager/pager"; |
Switch, |
export { TimeInterval } from "./widget/timeinterval/timeinterval"; |
HorizontalLayout, |
export { DynamicDateTimePane } from "./widget/datetimepane/datetimepane"; |
ShelterEditor, |
export { SingleSelectInsertList } from "./widget/singleselect/singleselectlist.insert"; |
Form, |
export { MultiSelectTree } from "./widget/multiselecttree/multiselecttree"; |
TextTrigger, |
export { HtmlLabel } from "./base/single/label/html.label"; |
SelectTextTrigger, |
export { TreeValueChooserPane } from "./component/treevaluechooser/pane.treevaluechooser"; |
DateInterval, |
export { TdLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/"; |
DynamicDatePane, |
export { MultiLayerSelectLevelTree } from "./widget/multilayerselecttree/multilayerselecttree.leveltree"; |
AllCountPager, |
export { SelectTreeExpander } from "./widget/selecttree/selecttree.expander"; |
Pager, |
export { DownListGroupItem } from "./widget/downlist/item.downlistgroup"; |
PopupView, |
export { VerticalStickyLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/sticky/sticky.vertical"; |
BubblePopupView, |
export { HorizontalStickyLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/sticky/sticky.horizontal"; |
BubblePopupBarView, |
export { TableLayout } from "./core/wrapper/layout/layout.table"; |
TextBubblePopupBarView, |
export { Workers } from "./core/worker/workers"; |
ArrowTreeGroupNodeCheckbox, |
NumberInterval, |
import "./fix/fix"; |
DynamicYearQuarterCombo, |
DynamicYearCombo, |
DynamicYearPopup, |
IntervalSlider, |
MultiSelectInsertList, |
YearMonthInterval, |
TextValueCheckCombo, |
NumberEditor, |
Segment, |
LinearSegment, |
Img, |
EditorIconCheckCombo, |
IconTextValueCombo, |
ListView, |
VirtualList, |
VirtualGroupList, |
FloatCenterLayout, |
DynamicYearMonthPopup, |
DateCalendarPopup, |
Tree, |
Node, |
TextNode, |
TextValueCheckComboPopup, |
ImageButton, |
Router, |
History, |
DateTimeCombo, |
FloatHorizontalLayout, |
AdaptiveLayout, |
HexColorChooserPopup, |
BlankIconTextItem, |
TimeInterval, |
DynamicDateTimePane, |
SingleSelectInsertList, |
MultiSelectTree, |
HtmlLabel, |
TreeValueChooserPane, |
TdLayout, |
MultiLayerSelectLevelTree, |
SelectTreeExpander, |
DirectionPager, |
DownListGroupItem, |
HorizontalStickyLayout, |
VerticalStickyLayout, |
TableLayout, |
}; |
Reference in new issue