305 lines
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Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); |
const socketio = require("socket.io"); |
const diff = require("jsondiffpatch"); |
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); |
const winston = require("winston"); |
const judgeResult = require("../libs/judgeResult"); |
const interfaces = require("../libs/judger_interfaces"); |
let ioInstance; |
let detailProgressNamespace; |
let roughProgressNamespace; |
let compileProgressNamespace; |
const currentJudgeList = {}; |
const finishedJudgeList = {}; |
const compiledList = []; |
const clientDetailProgressList = {}; |
const clientDisplayConfigList = {}; |
function processOverallResult(source, config) { |
if (source == null) |
return null; |
if (source.error != null) { |
return { |
error: source.error, |
systemMessage: source.systemMessage |
}; |
} |
return { |
compile: source.compile, |
judge: config.showDetailResult ? (source.judge && { |
subtasks: source.judge.subtasks && source.judge.subtasks.map(st => ({ |
score: st.score, |
cases: st.cases.map(cs => ({ |
status: cs.status, |
result: cs.result && { |
type: cs.result.type, |
time: config.showUsage ? cs.result.time : undefined, |
memory: config.showUsage ? cs.result.memory : undefined, |
scoringRate: cs.result.scoringRate, |
systemMessage: cs.result.systemMessage, |
input: config.showTestdata ? cs.result.input : undefined, |
output: config.showTestdata ? cs.result.output : undefined, |
userOutput: config.showTestdata ? cs.result.userOutput : undefined, |
userError: config.showTestdata ? cs.result.userError : undefined, |
spjMessage: config.showTestdata ? cs.result.spjMessage : undefined, |
} |
})) |
})) |
}) : null |
}; |
} |
function getCompileStatus(status) { |
if (["System Error", "Compile Error", "No Testdata"].includes(status)) { |
return status; |
} |
else { |
return "Submitted"; |
} |
} |
function processRoughResult(source, config) { |
const result = config.showResult ? |
source.result : |
getCompileStatus(source.result); |
return { |
result: result, |
time: config.showUsage ? source.time : null, |
memory: config.showUsage ? source.memory : null, |
score: config.showScore ? source.score : null |
}; |
} |
function forAllClients(ns, taskId, exec) { |
ns.in(taskId.toString()).clients((err, clients) => { |
if (!err) { |
clients.forEach(client => { |
exec(client); |
}); |
} |
else { |
winston.warn(`Error while listing socketio clients in ${taskId}`, err); |
} |
}); |
} |
function initializeSocketIO(s) { |
ioInstance = socketio(s); |
const initializeNamespace = (name, exec) => { |
winston.debug('initializing socketIO', name); |
const newNamespace = ioInstance.of('/' + name); |
newNamespace.on('connection', (socket) => { |
socket.on('disconnect', () => { |
winston.info(`Client ${socket.id} disconnected.`); |
delete clientDisplayConfigList[socket.id]; |
if (clientDetailProgressList[socket.id]) { |
delete clientDetailProgressList[socket.id]; |
} |
}); |
socket.on('join', (reqJwt, cb) => { |
winston.info(`Client ${socket.id} connected.`); |
let req; |
try { |
req = jwt.verify(reqJwt, syzoj.config.session_secret); |
if (req.type !== name) { |
throw new Error("Request type in token mismatch."); |
} |
clientDisplayConfigList[socket.id] = req.displayConfig; |
const taskId = req.taskId; |
winston.verbose(`A client trying to join ${name} namespace for ${taskId}.`); |
socket.join(taskId.toString()); |
exec(req, socket).then(x => cb(x), err => cb({ ok: false, message: err.toString() })); |
} |
catch (err) { |
winston.info('Error while joining.'); |
cb({ |
ok: false, |
message: err.toString() |
}); |
return; |
} |
}); |
}); |
return newNamespace; |
}; |
detailProgressNamespace = initializeNamespace('detail', async (req, socket) => { |
const taskId = req.taskId; |
if (finishedJudgeList[taskId]) { |
winston.debug(`Judge task #${taskId} has been finished, ${JSON.stringify(currentJudgeList[taskId])}`); |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: false, |
finished: true, |
result: processOverallResult(currentJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[socket.id]), |
roughResult: processRoughResult(finishedJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[socket.id]) |
}; |
} |
else { |
winston.debug(`Judge task #${taskId} has not been finished`); |
if (currentJudgeList[taskId]) { |
clientDetailProgressList[socket.id] = { |
version: 0, |
content: processOverallResult(currentJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[socket.id]) |
}; |
return { |
ok: true, |
finished: false, |
running: true, |
current: clientDetailProgressList[socket.id] |
}; |
} |
else { |
return { |
ok: true, |
finished: false, |
running: false |
}; |
} |
} |
}); |
roughProgressNamespace = initializeNamespace('rough', async (req, socket) => { |
const taskId = req.taskId; |
if (finishedJudgeList[taskId]) { |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: false, |
finished: true, |
result: processRoughResult(finishedJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[socket.id]) |
}; |
} |
else if (currentJudgeList[taskId]) { |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: true, |
finished: false |
}; |
} |
else { |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: false, |
finished: false |
}; |
} |
}); |
compileProgressNamespace = initializeNamespace('compile', async (req, socket) => { |
const taskId = req.taskId; |
if (compiledList[taskId]) { |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: false, |
finished: true, |
result: compiledList[taskId] |
}; |
} |
else if (currentJudgeList[taskId]) { |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: true, |
finished: false |
}; |
} |
else { |
return { |
ok: true, |
running: false, |
finished: false |
}; |
} |
}); |
} |
exports.initializeSocketIO = initializeSocketIO; |
function createTask(taskId) { |
winston.debug(`Judge task #${taskId} has started`); |
currentJudgeList[taskId] = {}; |
finishedJudgeList[taskId] = null; |
forAllClients(detailProgressNamespace, taskId, (clientId) => { |
clientDetailProgressList[clientId] = { |
version: 0, |
content: {} |
}; |
}); |
roughProgressNamespace.to(taskId.toString()).emit("start", { taskId: taskId }); |
detailProgressNamespace.to(taskId.toString()).emit("start", { taskId: taskId }); |
compileProgressNamespace.to(taskId.toString()).emit("start", { taskId: taskId }); |
} |
exports.createTask = createTask; |
function updateCompileStatus(taskId, result) { |
winston.debug(`Updating compilation status for #${taskId}`); |
compiledList[taskId] = { result: result.status === interfaces.TaskStatus.Done ? 'Submitted' : 'Compile Error' }; |
compileProgressNamespace.to(taskId.toString()).emit('finish', { |
taskId: taskId, |
result: compiledList[taskId] |
}); |
} |
exports.updateCompileStatus = updateCompileStatus; |
function updateProgress(taskId, data) { |
winston.verbose(`Updating progress for #${taskId}`); |
currentJudgeList[taskId] = data; |
const finalResult = judgeResult.convertResult(taskId, data); |
const roughResult = { |
result: "Running", |
time: finalResult.time, |
memory: finalResult.memory, |
score: finalResult.score |
}; |
forAllClients(detailProgressNamespace, taskId, (client) => { |
winston.debug(`Pushing progress update to ${client}`); |
if (clientDetailProgressList[client] && clientDisplayConfigList[client]) { |
const original = clientDetailProgressList[client].content; |
const updated = processOverallResult(currentJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[client]); |
const version = clientDetailProgressList[client].version; |
detailProgressNamespace.sockets[client].emit('update', { |
taskId: taskId, |
from: version, |
to: version + 1, |
delta: diff.diff(original, updated), |
roughResult: roughResult |
}); |
clientDetailProgressList[client].version++; |
} |
}); |
} |
exports.updateProgress = updateProgress; |
function updateResult(taskId, data) { |
currentJudgeList[taskId] = data; |
if (compiledList[taskId] == null) { |
if (data.error != null) { |
compiledList[taskId] = { result: "System Error" }; |
compileProgressNamespace.to(taskId.toString()).emit('finish', { |
taskId: taskId, |
result: compiledList[taskId] |
}); |
} |
} |
const finalResult = judgeResult.convertResult(taskId, data); |
const roughResult = { |
result: finalResult.statusString, |
time: finalResult.time, |
memory: finalResult.memory, |
score: finalResult.score |
}; |
finishedJudgeList[taskId] = roughResult; |
forAllClients(roughProgressNamespace, taskId, (client) => { |
winston.debug(`Pushing rough result to ${client}`); |
roughProgressNamespace.sockets[client].emit('finish', { |
taskId: taskId, |
result: processRoughResult(finishedJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[client]) |
}); |
}); |
forAllClients(detailProgressNamespace, taskId, (client) => { |
if (clientDisplayConfigList[client]) { |
winston.debug(`Pushing detail result to ${client}`); |
detailProgressNamespace.sockets[client].emit('finish', { |
taskId: taskId, |
result: processOverallResult(currentJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[client]), |
roughResult: processRoughResult(finishedJudgeList[taskId], clientDisplayConfigList[client]) |
}); |
delete clientDetailProgressList[client]; |
} |
}); |
} |
exports.updateResult = updateResult; |
function cleanupProgress(taskId) { |
setTimeout(() => { delete currentJudgeList[taskId]; }, 10000); |
} |
exports.cleanupProgress = cleanupProgress; |
//# sourceMappingURL=socketio.js.map |