154 lines
5.1 KiB

* This file is part of moemark-renderer.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Menci <huanghaorui301@gmail.com>
* moemark-renderer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* moemark-renderer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with moemark-renderer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const MoeMark = require('moemark');
const katex = require('katex');
const mj = require('mathjax-node');
let defaultCache = {
data: {},
get(key) {
return this.data[key];
set(key, val) {
this.data[key] = val;
let config = {
highlight: require('./highlight')
let uuid = require('uuid');
function render(s, cb) {
if (!s.trim()) return cb('');
let mathCnt = 0, mathPending = 0, maths = new Array(), mathID = new Array(), hlCnt = 0, hlPending = 0, hls = new Array(), hlID = new Array(), res, callback, ss, cache = render.cache, cacheOption = render.cacheOption, finished = false;
if (cacheOption.result) {
let x = cache.get('RES_' + s);
if (x !== undefined) return cb(x);
lineNumber: false,
math: true,
highlight: function(code, lang) {
if (cacheOption.highlight) {
let x = cache.get('H_' + lang + '_' + code);
if (x !== undefined) return x;
let id = hlCnt;
hlCnt++, hlPending++;
config.highlight(code, lang, res => {
hls[id] = res;
if (cacheOption.highlight) cache.set('H_' + lang + '_' + code, res);
if (!--hlPending) finish();
return hlID[id] = uuid();
mathRenderer: function(str, display) {
let mathFinish = (error, result) => {
if (error) maths[id] = '<p><div style="display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #000; "><strong>' + error.toString() + '</strong></div></p>';
else if (display) maths[id] = '<p style="text-align: center; ">' + result + '</p>';
else maths[id] = result;
if (cacheOption.math) cache.set('M_' + display + '_' + str, maths[id]);
if (!--mathPending) finish();
const id = mathCnt;
mathCnt++, mathPending++;
try {
let x = cache.get('M_' + display + '_' + str);
if (x !== undefined) process.nextTick(() => mathFinish(null, x));
else {
let res = katex.renderToString(str, { displayMode: display });
process.nextTick(() => mathFinish(null, '<span style="zoom: 1.01; ">' + res + '</span>'));
} catch (e) {
math: str,
format: display ? 'TeX' : 'inline-TeX',
svg: true,
width: 0
}, data => {
mathFinish(data.errors, data.svg);
return mathID[id] = uuid();
function finish() {
if (finished || !res || mathPending || hlPending) return;
finished = true;
if (maths.length || hls.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < maths.length; i++) {
res = res.replace(mathID[i], maths[i]);
for (let i = 0; i < hls.length; i++) {
res = res.replace(hlID[i], hls[i]);
if (cacheOption.result) cache.set('RES_' + s, res);
try {
let XSS = require('xss');
let CSSFilter = require('cssfilter');
let whiteList = Object.assign({}, require('xss/lib/default').whiteList);
delete whiteList.audio;
delete whiteList.video;
for (let tag in whiteList) whiteList[tag] = whiteList[tag].concat(['style', 'class']);
let xss = new XSS.FilterXSS({
whiteList: whiteList,
stripIgnoreTag: true,
onTagAttr: (tag, name, value, isWhiteAttr) => {
if (tag.toLowerCase() === 'img' && name.toLowerCase() === 'src' && value.startsWith('data:image/')) return name + '="' + XSS.escapeAttrValue(value) + '"';
let replaceXSS = s => {
s = xss.process(s);
if (s) {
s = `<div style="position: relative; overflow: hidden; ">${s}</div>`;
return s;
res = replaceXSS(MoeMark(s));
if (mathPending == 0 && hlPending == 0) {
} catch(e) {
render.moemark = MoeMark;
render.cache = defaultCache;
render.cacheOption = {
highlight: true,
math: true,
result: false
render.config = config;
module.exports = render;