import * as TypeORM from "typeorm"; import Model from "./common"; declare var syzoj, ErrorMessage: any; import User from "./user"; import Problem from "./problem"; import Contest from "./contest"; const Judger = syzoj.lib('judger'); @TypeORM.Entity() @TypeORM.Index(['id', 'is_public', 'type_info', 'type']) export default class JudgeState extends Model { @TypeORM.PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number; // The data zip's md5 if it's a submit-answer problem @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "mediumtext" }) code: string; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "varchar", length: 20 }) language: string; @TypeORM.Index() @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "varchar", length: 50 }) status: string; @TypeORM.Index() @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "varchar", length: 50 }) task_id: string; @TypeORM.Index() @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) score: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) total_time: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) code_length: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "boolean" }) pending: boolean; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) max_memory: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "json" }) compilation: any; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "json" }) result: any; @TypeORM.Index() @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) user_id: number; @TypeORM.Index() @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) problem_id: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) submit_time: number; /* * "type" indicate it's contest's submission(type = 1) or normal submission(type = 0) * if it's contest's submission (type = 1), the type_info is contest_id * use this way represent because it's easy to expand // Menci:这锅我不背,是 Chenyao 留下来的坑。 */ @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) type: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "integer" }) type_info: number; @TypeORM.Column({ nullable: true, type: "boolean" }) is_public: boolean; user?: User; problem?: Problem; async loadRelationships() { if (!this.user) { this.user = await User.findById(this.user_id); } if (!this.problem) { if (this.problem_id) this.problem = await Problem.findById(this.problem_id); } } async isAllowedVisitBy(user) { await this.loadRelationships(); if (user && === this.problem.user_id) return true; else if (this.type === 0) return this.problem.is_public || (user && (await user.hasPrivilege('manage_problem'))); else if (this.type === 1) { let contest = await Contest.findById(this.type_info); if (contest.isRunning()) { return user && await contest.isSupervisior(user); } else { return true; } } } async updateRelatedInfo(newSubmission) { if (this.type === 0) { await this.loadRelationships(); // No need to await them. this.user.refreshSubmitInfo(); this.problem.resetSubmissionCount(); } else if (this.type === 1) { let contest = await Contest.findById(this.type_info); await contest.newSubmission(this); } } async rejudge() { await syzoj.utils.lock(['JudgeState::rejudge',], async () => { await this.loadRelationships(); let oldStatus = this.status; this.status = 'Unknown'; this.pending = false; this.score = null; if (this.language) { // language is empty if it's a submit-answer problem this.total_time = null; this.max_memory = null; } this.result = {}; this.task_id = require('randomstring').generate(10); await; await this.problem.resetSubmissionCount(); if (oldStatus === 'Accepted') { await this.user.refreshSubmitInfo(); await; } if (this.type === 1) { let contest = await Contest.findById(this.type_info); await contest.newSubmission(this); } try { await Judger.judge(this, this.problem, 1); this.pending = true; this.status = 'Waiting'; await; } catch (err) { console.log("Error while connecting to judge frontend: " + err.toString()); throw new ErrorMessage("无法开始评测。"); } }); } async getProblemType() { await this.loadRelationships(); return this.problem.type; } }