let Problem = syzoj.model('problem'); let Article = syzoj.model('article'); let ArticleComment = syzoj.model('article-comment'); let User = syzoj.model('user'); let Reply = syzoj.model('reply'); let NewReply = syzoj.model('new_reply'); app.get('/discussion/:type?', async (req, res) => { try { if (!['global', 'problems'].includes(req.params.type)) { res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['discussion', 'global'])); } const in_problems = req.params.type === 'problems'; let where; if (in_problems) { where = { problem_id: TypeORM.Not(TypeORM.IsNull()) }; } else { where = { problem_id: null }; } let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await Article.countForPagination(where), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.discussion); let articles = await Article.queryPage(paginate, where, { sort_time: 'DESC' }); for (let article of articles) { await article.loadRelationships(); if (in_problems) { article.problem = await Problem.findById(article.problem_id); } } res.render('discussion', { articles: articles, paginate: paginate, problem: null, in_problems: in_problems }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/discussion/problem/:pid', async (req, res) => { try { let pid = parseInt(req.params.pid); let problem = await Problem.findById(pid); if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。'); if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) { throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } let where = { problem_id: pid }; let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await Article.countForPagination(where), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.discussion); let articles = await Article.queryPage(paginate, where, { sort_time: 'DESC' }); for (let article of articles) await article.loadRelationships(); res.render('discussion', { articles: articles, paginate: paginate, problem: problem, in_problems: false }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/article/:id', async (req, res) => { // try { // let id = parseInt(req.params.id); // let replyQuery = await Reply.createQueryBuilder(); // let article = await Article.findById(id); // if (!article) throw new ErrorMessage('无此帖子。'); // // await article.loadRelationships(); // article.allowedEdit = await article.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user); // article.allowedComment = await article.isAllowedCommentBy(res.locals.user); // article.content = await syzoj.utils.markdown(article.content); // // let where = { article_id: id }; // let commentsCount = await ArticleComment.countForPagination(where); // let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(commentsCount, req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.article_comment); // // let comments = await ArticleComment.queryPage(paginate, where, { // public_time: 'DESC' // }); // // for (let comment of comments) { // const commentId = comment.id; // const reply = await replyQuery.where("comment_id = :commentId", { commentId }).getMany(); // if (reply.length === 0) { // comment.reply = []; // } else { // comment.reply = await reply.mapAsync(async (item) => { // const replyUserId = item.user_id; // item.reply_user = await User.findById(replyUserId); // return item // }); // } // comment.content = await syzoj.utils.markdown(comment.content); // comment.allowedEdit = await comment.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user); // await comment.loadRelationships(); // } // // let problem = null; // if (article.problem_id) { // problem = await Problem.findById(article.problem_id); // if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) { // throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); // } // } // res.render('article', { // user: res.locals.user, // article: article, // comments: comments, // paginate: paginate, // problem: problem, // commentsCount: commentsCount // }); // } catch (e) { // syzoj.log(e); // res.render('error', { // err: e // }); // } try { let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let article = await Article.findById(id); if (!article) throw new ErrorMessage('无此帖子。'); await article.loadRelationships(); article.allowedEdit = await article.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user); article.allowedComment = await article.isAllowedCommentBy(res.locals.user); article.content = await syzoj.utils.markdown(article.content); let where = { article_id: id }; let commentsCount = await NewReply.countForPagination(where); let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(commentsCount, req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.article_comment); let comments = await NewReply.queryPage(paginate, where, { public_time: 'DESC' }); console.log(comments); for (let comment of comments) { comment.content = await syzoj.utils.markdown(comment.content); comment.allowedEdit = await comment.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user); await comment.loadRelationships(); } let problem = null; if (article.problem_id) { problem = await Problem.findById(article.problem_id); if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) { throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } } res.render('article', { user: res.locals.user, article: article, comments: comments, paginate: paginate, problem: problem, commentsCount: commentsCount }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.get('/article/:id/edit', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let article = await Article.findById(id); if (!article) { article = await Article.create(); article.id = 0; article.allowedEdit = true; } else { article.allowedEdit = await article.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user); } res.render('article_edit', { article: article }); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/article/:id/edit', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let article = await Article.findById(id); let time = syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate(); if (!article) { article = await Article.create(); article.user_id = res.locals.user.id; article.public_time = article.sort_time = time; if (req.query.problem_id) { let problem = await Problem.findById(req.query.problem_id); if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。'); article.problem_id = problem.id; } else { article.problem_id = null; } } else { if (!await article.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } if (!req.body.title.trim()) throw new ErrorMessage('标题不能为空。'); article.title = req.body.title; article.content = req.body.content; article.update_time = time; article.is_notice = (res.locals.user && res.locals.user.is_admin ? req.body.is_notice === 'on' : article.is_notice); await article.save(); res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['article', article.id])); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/article/:id/delete', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let article = await Article.findById(id); if (!article) { throw new ErrorMessage('无此帖子。'); } else { if (!await article.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } await Promise.all((await ArticleComment.find({ article_id: article.id })).map(comment => comment.destroy())); await Promise.all((await Reply.find({ article_id: article.id })).map(reply => reply.destroy())); await article.destroy(); res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['discussion', 'global'])); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/article/:id/comment', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let article = await Article.findById(id); let to_id = article.user_id; if (!article) { throw new ErrorMessage('无此帖子。'); } else { if (!await article.isAllowedCommentBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } let comment = await NewReply.create({ content: req.body.comment, article_id: id, from_user_id: res.locals.user.id, to_user_id: to_id, public_time: syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate(), update_time: syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate(), comments_num: 1, }); await comment.save(); await article.resetReplyCountAndTime(); res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['article', article.id])); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/article/:id/comment/:commentId', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let commentId = parseInt(req.params.commentId); let userId = parseInt(res.locals.user.id); let article = await Article.findById(id); let articleComment = await ArticleComment.findById(commentId); if (!articleComment) { throw new ErrorMessage('无此回复。'); } if (!article) { throw new ErrorMessage('无此帖子。'); } else { if (!await article.isAllowedCommentBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } let newReply = await Reply.create({ content: req.body.comment, article_id: id, user_id: userId, comment_id: commentId, public_time: syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate(), update_time: syzoj.utils.getCurrentDate() }); const reply = await newReply.save(); await article.resetReplyCountAndTime(); // res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['article', article.id])); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/article/:article_id/comment/:id/delete', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let comment = await ArticleComment.findById(id); let replyQuery = await Reply.createQueryBuilder(); if (!comment) { throw new ErrorMessage('无此评论。'); } else { if (!await comment.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。'); } const article = await Article.findById(comment.article_id); await comment.destroy(); await replyQuery.delete().from(Reply).where("comment_id = :id", { id }).execute(); await article.resetReplyCountAndTime(); res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['article', comment.article_id])); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } }); app.post('/article/:articleId/reply/:id/delete', async (req, res) => { try { if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) }); let id = parseInt(req.params.id); let reply = await Reply.findById(id); let articleId = parseInt(req.params.articleId); let replyQuery = await Reply.createQueryBuilder(); if (!reply) { throw new ErrorMessage('无此回复。'); } await reply.destroy(); res.redirect(`/article/${articleId}`); } catch (e) { syzoj.log(e); res.render('error', { err: e }); } });