const enums = require('./enums');
const util = require('util');
const winston = require('winston');
const msgPack = require('msgpack-lite');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const interface = require('./judger_interfaces');
const judgeResult = require('./judgeResult');
let Problem = syzoj.model('problem');
const judgeStateCache = new Map();
const progressPusher = require('../modules/socketio');
function getRunningTaskStatusString(result) {
let isPending = status => [0, 1].includes(status);
let allFinished = 0, allTotal = 0;
for (let subtask of result.judge.subtasks) {
for (let curr of subtask.cases) {
if (!isPending(curr.status)) allFinished++;
return `Running ${allFinished}/${allTotal}`;
let judgeQueue;
async function connect() {
const JudgeState = syzoj.model('judge_state');
const blockableRedisClient = syzoj.redis.duplicate();
judgeQueue = {
redisZADD: util.promisify(syzoj.redis.zadd).bind(syzoj.redis),
redisBZPOPMAX: util.promisify(blockableRedisClient.bzpopmax).bind(blockableRedisClient),
async push(data, priority) {
return await this.redisZADD('judge', priority, JSON.stringify(data));
async poll(timeout) {
const result = await this.redisBZPOPMAX('judge', timeout);
if (!result) return null;
return {
data: JSON.parse(result[1]),
priority: result[2]
const judgeNamespace = syzoj.socketIO.of('judge');
judgeNamespace.on('connect', socket => {
winston.info(`Judge client ${socket.id} connected.`);
let pendingAckTaskObj = null, waitingForTask = false;
socket.on('waitForTask', async (token, ack) => {
// Ignore requests with invalid token.
if (token != syzoj.config.judge_token) {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} emitted waitForTask with invalid token.`);
if (waitingForTask) {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} emitted waitForTask, but already waiting, ignoring.`);
waitingForTask = true;
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} emitted waitForTask.`);
// Poll the judge queue, timeout = 10s.
let obj;
while (socket.connected && !obj) {
obj = await judgeQueue.poll(10);
if (!obj) {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} disconnected, stop poll the queue.`);
// Socket disconnected and no task got.
winston.warn(`Judge task ${obj.data.content.taskId} poped from queue.`);
// Re-push to queue if got task but judge client already disconnected.
if (socket.disconnected) {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} got task but disconnected re-pushing task ${obj.data.content.taskId} to queue.`);
judgeQueue.push(obj.data, obj.priority);
// Send task to judge client, and wait for ack.
const task = obj.data;
pendingAckTaskObj = obj;
winston.warn(`Sending task ${task.content.taskId} to judge client ${socket.id}.`);
socket.emit('onTask', msgPack.encode(task), () => {
// Acked.
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} acked task ${task.content.taskId}.`);
pendingAckTaskObj = null;
waitingForTask = false;
socket.on('disconnect', reason => {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} disconnected, reason = ${util.inspect(reason)}.`);
if (pendingAckTaskObj) {
// A task sent but not acked, push to queue again.
winston.warn(`Re-pushing task ${pendingAckTaskObj.data.content.taskId} to judge queue.`);
judgeQueue.push(pendingAckTaskObj.data, pendingAckTaskObj.priority);
pendingAckTaskObj = null;
socket.on('reportProgress', async (token, payload) => {
// Ignore requests with invalid token.
if (token !== syzoj.config.judge_token) {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} emitted reportProgress with invalid token.`);
const progress = msgPack.decode(payload);
winston.verbose(`Got progress from progress exchange, id: ${progress.taskId}`);
if (progress.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Started) {
judgeStateCache.set(progress.taskId, {
result: 'Compiling',
score: 0,
time: 0,
memory: 0
} else if (progress.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Compiled) {
progressPusher.updateCompileStatus(progress.taskId, progress.progress);
} else if (progress.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Progress) {
const convertedResult = judgeResult.convertResult(progress.taskId, progress.progress);
judgeStateCache.set(progress.taskId, {
result: getRunningTaskStatusString(progress.progress),
score: convertedResult.score,
time: convertedResult.time,
memory: convertedResult.memory
progressPusher.updateProgress(progress.taskId, progress.progress);
} else if (progress.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Finished) {
progressPusher.updateResult(progress.taskId, progress.progress);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
} else if (progress.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Reported) {
socket.on('reportResult', async (token, payload) => {
// Ignore requests with invalid token.
if (token !== syzoj.config.judge_token) {
winston.warn(`Judge client ${socket.id} emitted reportResult with invalid token.`);
const result = msgPack.decode(payload);
winston.verbose('Received report for task ' + result.taskId);
const judge_state = await JudgeState.findOne({
where: {
task_id: result.taskId
if (result.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Finished) {
const convertedResult = judgeResult.convertResult(result.taskId, result.progress);
winston.verbose('Reporting report finished: ' + result.taskId);
if (!judge_state) return;
const problemId = judge_state.problem_id;
let problemQuery = await Problem.createQueryBuilder();
const problemInfo = await problemQuery.where("id = :id", { id: problemId }).getOne();
const problem_time_limit = problemInfo.time_limit;
const subtasksArray = convertedResult.result.judge ? convertedResult.result.judge.subtasks : [];
const timeArray = subtasksArray.map((subtasksItem) => {
return subtasksItem.cases.map((subtasksItemCases) => {
return subtasksItemCases.result.time
function flat(array, result=[]){
for (let i=0;i<array.length;i++){
if (Array.isArray(array[i])){
flat(array[i], result);
} else {
return result;
const flatTimeArray = flat(timeArray);
const maxItemTime = Math.max.apply(this, flatTimeArray);
let baseScore = 0;
if (judge_state.type === 0) {
baseScore = 100;
if (judge_state.type === 2) {
baseScore = syzoj.config.practice_rating
if (convertedResult.statusString === 'Accepted' && maxItemTime < problem_time_limit * 0.9) {
const beyondTime = problem_time_limit - maxItemTime;
const extraScore = (beyondTime / problem_time_limit).toString().slice(0,3)*baseScore;
judge_state.score = convertedResult.score + extraScore;
} else {
judge_state.score = convertedResult.score;
judge_state.pending = false;
judge_state.status = convertedResult.statusString;
judge_state.total_time = convertedResult.time;
judge_state.max_memory = convertedResult.memory;
judge_state.result = convertedResult.result;
await judge_state.save();
await judge_state.updateRelatedInfo(false);
} else if (result.type === interface.ProgressReportType.Compiled) {
if (!judge_state) return;
judge_state.compilation = result.progress;
await judge_state.save();
} else {
winston.error('Unsupported result type: ' + result.type);
module.exports.connect = connect;
module.exports.judge = async function (judge_state, problem, priority) {
let type, param, extraData = null;
switch (problem.type) {
case 'submit-answer':
type = enums.ProblemType.AnswerSubmission;
param = null;
extraData = await fs.readFile(syzoj.model('file').resolvePath('answer', judge_state.code));
case 'interaction':
type = enums.ProblemType.Interaction;
param = {
language: judge_state.language,
code: judge_state.code,
timeLimit: problem.time_limit,
memoryLimit: problem.memory_limit,
type = enums.ProblemType.Standard;
param = {
language: judge_state.language,
code: judge_state.code,
timeLimit: problem.time_limit,
memoryLimit: problem.memory_limit,
fileIOInput: problem.file_io ? problem.file_io_input_name : null,
fileIOOutput: problem.file_io ? problem.file_io_output_name : null
const content = {
taskId: judge_state.task_id,
testData: problem.id.toString(),
type: type,
priority: priority,
param: param
content: content,
extraData: extraData
}, priority);
winston.warn(`Judge task ${content.taskId} enqueued.`);
module.exports.getCachedJudgeState = taskId => judgeStateCache.get(taskId);