* This file is part of SYZOJ.
* Copyright (c) 2016 Menci <huanghaorui301@gmail.com>
* SYZOJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SYZOJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with SYZOJ. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'use strict';
let Problem = syzoj.model('problem');
let JudgeState = syzoj.model('judge_state');
let WaitingJudge = syzoj.model('waiting_judge');
let Contest = syzoj.model('contest');
let ProblemTag = syzoj.model('problem_tag');
let ProblemTagMap = syzoj.model('problem_tag_map');
app.get('/problems', async (req, res) => {
try {
let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await Problem.count(), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.problem);
let problems = await Problem.query(paginate);
await problems.forEachAsync(async problem => {
problem.allowedEdit = await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user);
problem.judge_state = await problem.getJudgeState(res.locals.user, true);
problem.tags = await problem.getTags();
res.render('problems', {
allowedManageTag: res.locals.user && await res.locals.user.hasPrivilege('manage_problem_tag'),
problems: problems,
paginate: paginate
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problems/search', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.query.keyword) || 0;
let where = {
$or: {
title: { like: `%${req.query.keyword}%` },
id: id
let order = [syzoj.db.literal('`id` = ' + id + ' DESC')];
let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await Problem.count(where), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.problem);
let problems = await Problem.query(paginate, where, order);
await problems.forEachAsync(async problem => {
problem.allowedEdit = await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user);
problem.judge_state = await problem.getJudgeState(res.locals.user, true);
problem.tags = await problem.getTags();
res.render('problems', {
allowedManageTag: res.locals.user && await res.locals.user.hasPrivilege('manage_problem_tag'),
problems: problems,
paginate: paginate
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problems/tag/:tagIDs', async (req, res) => {
try {
let tagIDs = Array.from(new Set(req.params.tagIDs.split(',').map(x => parseInt(x))));
let tags = await tagIDs.mapAsync(async tagID => ProblemTag.fromID(tagID));
// Validate the tagIDs
for (let tag of tags) {
if (!tag) {
return res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problems']));
let sql = 'SELECT * FROM `problem` WHERE\n';
for (let tagID of tagIDs) {
if (tagID !== tagIDs[0]) {
sql += 'AND\n';
sql += '`problem`.`id` IN (SELECT `problem_id` FROM `problem_tag_map` WHERE `tag_id` = ' + tagID + ')';
let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(await Problem.count(sql), req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.problem);
let problems = await Problem.query(sql + paginate.toSQL());
await problems.forEachAsync(async problem => {
problem.allowedEdit = await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user);
problem.judge_state = await problem.getJudgeState(res.locals.user, true);
problem.tags = await problem.getTags();
res.render('problems', {
allowedManageTag: res.locals.user && await res.locals.user.hasPrivilege('manage_problem_tag'),
problems: problems,
tags: tags,
paginate: paginate
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) {
throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
problem.allowedEdit = await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user);
problem.allowedManage = await problem.isAllowedManageBy(res.locals.user);
if (problem.is_public || problem.allowedEdit) {
await syzoj.utils.markdown(problem, [ 'description', 'input_format', 'output_format', 'example', 'limit_and_hint' ]);
} else {
throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
let state = await problem.getJudgeState(res.locals.user, false);
problem.tags = await problem.getTags();
res.render('problem', {
problem: problem,
state: state
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id/export', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem || !problem.is_public) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
let obj = {
title: problem.title,
description: problem.description,
input_format: problem.input_format,
output_format: problem.output_format,
example: problem.example,
limit_and_hint: problem.limit_and_hint,
time_limit: problem.time_limit,
memory_limit: problem.memory_limit,
file_io: problem.file_io,
file_io_input_name: problem.file_io_input_name,
file_io_output_name: problem.file_io_output_name,
tags: []
let tags = await problem.getTags();
obj.tags = tags.map(tag => tag.name);
res.send({ success: true, obj: obj });
} catch (e) {
res.send({ success: false, error: e });
app.get('/problem/:id/edit', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id) || 0;
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) {
if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) });
problem = await Problem.create();
problem.id = id;
problem.allowedEdit = true;
problem.tags = [];
problem.new = true;
} else {
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
problem.allowedEdit = await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user);
problem.tags = await problem.getTags();
problem.allowedManage = await problem.isAllowedManageBy(res.locals.user);
res.render('problem_edit', {
problem: problem
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.post('/problem/:id/edit', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id) || 0;
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) {
if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) });
problem = await Problem.create();
let customID = parseInt(req.body.id);
if (customID) {
if (await Problem.fromID(customID)) throw new ErrorMessage('ID 已被使用。');
problem.id = customID;
} else if (id) problem.id = id;
problem.user_id = res.locals.user.id;
} else {
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
if (await res.locals.user.hasPrivilege('manage_problem')) {
let customID = parseInt(req.body.id);
if (customID && customID !== id) {
if (await Problem.fromID(customID)) throw new ErrorMessage('ID 已被使用。');
await problem.changeID(customID);
if (!req.body.title.trim()) throw new ErrorMessage('题目名不能为空。');
problem.title = req.body.title;
problem.description = req.body.description;
problem.input_format = req.body.input_format;
problem.output_format = req.body.output_format;
problem.example = req.body.example;
problem.limit_and_hint = req.body.limit_and_hint;
// Save the problem first, to have the `id` allocated
await problem.save();
if (!req.body.tags) {
req.body.tags = [];
} else if (!Array.isArray(req.body.tags)) {
req.body.tags = [req.body.tags];
let newTagIDs = await req.body.tags.map(x => parseInt(x)).filterAsync(async x => ProblemTag.fromID(x));
await problem.setTags(newTagIDs);
res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', problem.id]));
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id/import', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id) || 0;
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) {
if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) });
problem = await Problem.create();
problem.id = id;
problem.new = true;
problem.user_id = res.locals.user.id;
} else {
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
res.render('problem_import', {
problem: problem
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.post('/problem/:id/import', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id) || 0;
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) {
if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) });
problem = await Problem.create();
let customID = parseInt(req.body.id);
if (customID) {
if (await Problem.fromID(customID)) throw new ErrorMessage('ID 已被使用。');
problem.id = customID;
} else if (id) problem.id = id;
problem.user_id = res.locals.user.id;
} else {
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
let request = require('request-promise');
let url = require('url');
let json = await request({
uri: req.body.url + (req.body.url.endsWith('/') ? 'export' : '/export'),
timeout: 1500,
json: true
if (!json.success) throw new ErrorMessage('题目加载失败。', null, json.error);
if (!json.obj.title.trim()) throw new ErrorMessage('题目名不能为空。');
problem.title = json.obj.title;
problem.description = json.obj.description;
problem.input_format = json.obj.input_format;
problem.output_format = json.obj.output_format;
problem.example = json.obj.example;
problem.limit_and_hint = json.obj.limit_and_hint;
problem.time_limit = json.obj.time_limit;
problem.memory_limit = json.obj.memory_limit;
problem.file_io = json.obj.file_io;
problem.file_io_input_name = json.obj.file_io_input_name;
problem.file_io_output_name = json.obj.file_io_output_name;
let validateMsg = await problem.validate();
if (validateMsg) throw new ErrorMessage('无效的题目数据配置。', null, validateMsg);
await problem.save();
let tagIDs = (await json.obj.tags.mapAsync(name => ProblemTag.findOne({ where: { name: name } }))).filter(x => x).map(tag => tag.id);
await problem.setTags(tagIDs);
let download = require('download');
let tmp = require('tmp-promise');
let tmpFile = await tmp.file();
let fs = require('bluebird').promisifyAll(require('fs'));
try {
let data = await download(req.body.url + (req.body.url.endsWith('/') ? 'download' : '/download'));
await fs.writeFileAsync(tmpFile.path, data);
await problem.updateTestdata(tmpFile.path);
} catch (e) {
res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', problem.id]));
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id/data', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
await problem.loadRelationships();
res.render('problem_data', {
problem: problem
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.post('/problem/:id/data', app.multer.single('testdata'), async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedEditBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
await problem.loadRelationships();
problem.time_limit = req.body.time_limit;
problem.memory_limit = req.body.memory_limit;
problem.file_io = req.body.io_method === 'file-io';
problem.file_io_input_name = req.body.file_io_input_name;
problem.file_io_output_name = req.body.file_io_output_name;
let validateMsg = await problem.validate();
if (validateMsg) throw new ErrorMessage('无效的题目数据配置。', null, validateMsg);
if (req.file) {
await problem.updateTestdata(req.file.path);
await problem.save();
res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', id, 'data']));
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
// Set problem public
async function setPublic(req, res, is_public) {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
let allowedManage = await problem.isAllowedManageBy(res.locals.user);
if (!allowedManage) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
problem.is_public = is_public;
await problem.save();
res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['problem', id]));
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id/public', async (req, res) => {
await setPublic(req, res, true);
app.get('/problem/:id/dis_public', async (req, res) => {
await setPublic(req, res, false);
app.post('/problem/:id/submit', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
if (!syzoj.config.languages[req.body.language]) throw new ErrorMessage('不支持该语言。');
if (!res.locals.user) throw new ErrorMessage('请登录后继续。', { '登录': syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['login'], { 'url': req.originalUrl }) });
let judge_state = await JudgeState.create({
code: req.body.code,
language: req.body.language,
user_id: res.locals.user.id,
problem_id: req.params.id
let contest_id = parseInt(req.query.contest_id), redirectToContest = false;
if (contest_id) {
let contest = await Contest.fromID(contest_id);
if (!contest) throw new ErrorMessage('无此比赛。');
let problems_id = await contest.getProblems();
if (!problems_id.includes(id)) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
judge_state.type = 1;
judge_state.type_info = contest_id;
await judge_state.save();
if (contest.type === 'noi') redirectToContest = true;
} else {
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
judge_state.type = problem.is_public ? 0 : 2;
await judge_state.save();
await judge_state.updateRelatedInfo(true);
let waiting_judge = await WaitingJudge.create({
judge_id: judge_state.id
await waiting_judge.save();
if (redirectToContest) {
res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['contest', contest_id]));
} else {
res.redirect(syzoj.utils.makeUrl(['submission', judge_state.id]));
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id/download', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
await problem.loadRelationships();
if (!problem.testdata) throw new ErrorMessage('无测试数据。');
res.download(problem.testdata.getPath(), `testdata_${id}.zip`);
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e
app.get('/problem/:id/statistics/:type', async (req, res) => {
try {
let id = parseInt(req.params.id);
let problem = await Problem.fromID(id);
if (!problem) throw new ErrorMessage('无此题目。');
if (!await problem.isAllowedUseBy(res.locals.user)) throw new ErrorMessage('您没有权限进行此操作。');
let count = await problem.countStatistics(req.params.type);
if (count === null) throw new ErrorMessage('无此统计类型。');
let paginate = syzoj.utils.paginate(count, req.query.page, syzoj.config.page.problem_statistics);
let statistics = await problem.getStatistics(req.params.type, paginate);
await statistics.judge_state.forEachAsync(async x => x.loadRelationships());
res.render('statistics', {
statistics: statistics,
paginate: paginate,
problem: problem
} catch (e) {
res.render('error', {
err: e