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@Visualization(category = "天空主题扩展配置")
public class SkyThemeConfig extends DefaultConfiguration {
private static volatile SkyThemeConfig config = null;
public static SkyThemeConfig getInstance() {
if (config == null) {
config = ConfigContext.getConfigInstance(SkyThemeConfig.class);
return config;
@Identifier(value = "isOpen", name = "开起扩展配置", description = "开起后刷新生效", status = Status.HIDE, group = "core")
private Conf<Boolean> isOpen = Holders.simple(true);
@Identifier(value = "", name = "", description = "", status = Status.HIDE, group = "core")
private Conf<String> test = Holders.simple("");
@Identifier(value = "logoFontSize", name = "Logo字体大小", description = "", status = Status.SHOW, group = "logo")
private Conf<Double> logoFontSize = Holders.simple(16D);
@Identifier(value = "logoFontColor", name = "Logo字体颜色", description = "请使用#FFFFFF或rgb(255,255,255)", status = Status.SHOW, group = "logo")
private Conf<String> logoFontColor = Holders.simple("#FFFFFF");
@Identifier(value = "navFontSize", name = "导航字体大小", description = "", status = Status.SHOW, group = "nav")
private Conf<Integer> navFontSize = Holders.simple(12);
@Identifier(value = "navFontColor", name = "导航字体颜色", description = "请使用#FFFFFF或rgb(255,255,255)", status = Status.SHOW, group = "nav")
private Conf<String> navFontColor = Holders.simple("#FFFFFF");
@Identifier(value = "topFontSize", name = "顶部字体大小", description = "", status = Status.SHOW, group = "top")
private Conf<Integer> topFontSize = Holders.simple(13);
@Identifier(value = "topFontColor", name = "顶部字体颜色", description = "请使用#FFFFFF或rgb(255,255,255)", status = Status.SHOW, group = "top")
private Conf<String> topFontColor = Holders.simple("#FFFFFF");
@Identifier(value = "childMenuFontSize", name = "子菜单字体大小", description = "", status = Status.SHOW, group = "child")
private Conf<Integer> childMenuFontSize = Holders.simple(14);
@Identifier(value = "childMenuFontColor", name = "子菜单字体颜色", description = "请使用#FFFFFF或rgb(255,255,255)", status = Status.HIDE, group = "child")
private Conf<String> childMenuFontColor = Holders.simple("#3d4d66");
@Identifier(value = "menuWidth", name = "左侧菜单宽度", description = "", status = Status.SHOW, group = "leftMenu")
private Conf<Integer> leftMenuWidth = Holders.simple(240);
@Identifier(value = "menuMarginColor", name = "菜单间隔颜色", description = "请使用#FFFFFF或rgb(255,255,255)", status = Status.SHOW, group = "leftMenu")
private Conf<String> leftMenuColor = Holders.simple("#c1c1c1");
public Boolean getIsOpen() {
return isOpen.get();
public Double getLogoFontSize() {
return logoFontSize.get();
public String getLogoFontColor() {
return logoFontColor.get();
public Integer getNavFontSize() {
return navFontSize.get();
public String getNavFontColor() {
return navFontColor.get();
public Integer getTopFontSize() {
return topFontSize.get();
public String getTopFontColor() {
return topFontColor.get();
public Integer getChildMenuFontSize() {
return childMenuFontSize.get();
public String getChildMenuFontColor() {
return childMenuFontColor.get();
public Integer getLeftMenuWidth() {
return leftMenuWidth.get();
public String getLeftMenuColor() {
return leftMenuColor.get();
public String getNameSpace() {
return "SkyThemeConfig";