You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1142 lines
50 KiB

PieLineCombChartWrapper = ExtendedChart.extend({
_init: function (dom, option) {
var self = this;
self.chartBaseOption = option;
this.width = option.width || $(dom).width();// 补充从dom获取.
this.height = option.height || $(dom).height();
this.chartData =;
this.titleConf = option.titleConf;
this.seriesConf = option.seriesConf;
this.axisConf = option.axisConf;
this.bgConf = option.bgConf;
this.labelConf = option.labelConf;
this.tipsConf = option.tipsConf;
this.legendConf = option.legendConf;
this.styleCond = option.styleCond;
this.hyperLinkPie = option.pie;
this.hyperLinkLine = option.line;
this.isLoadAnimal = option.isLoadAnimal;
if (window.FR != undefined) {
FR.$defaultImport("/com/fr/plugin/pielinecomb/web/echarts.min.js", "js", false, false);
var chart = pielinecombecharts.init(dom);
self.basechart = chart;
window.testChart = chart;
window.PieLineCombChartInst = this;
return chart;
initChart: function() {
var self = this;
var myChart = self.basechart;
/*if (self.titleConf.titlevisiable) {
self.chartConf.margintop += 30;
if (self.legendConf.showlegend && self.legendConf.legendposition == "1") {
self.chartConf.margintop += 20;
if (self.titleConf.titlevisiable && self.legendConf.legendposition == "1") {
self.legendConf.legendtop += 20;
var option = this.getSrcOption();
option.animation = this.isLoadAnimal || true;
getChartImage: function() {
var self = this;
var imgstr = self.basechart.getDataURL({
"type": "png",
"excludeComponents": ['toolbox','tooltip']
if (imgstr && imgstr.length > 0) {
imgstr = imgstr.substr(imgstr.indexOf(',')+1);
return imgstr;
getSrcOption: function() {
var self = this;
this.chartTop = 50;
this.chartLeft = 60;
this.chartButtom = 30;
this.chartRight = 120;
var axisYPosLeftNum = 0;
var axisYPosRightNum = 0;
if (e.position == 'right') {
if (axisYPosRightNum > 0) {
e.offset = axisYPosRightNum * 60;
} else {
if (axisYPosLeftNum > 0) {
e.offset = axisYPosLeftNum * 60;
this.chartLeft = axisYPosLeftNum * 60;
this.chartRight = axisYPosRightNum * 60;
// 标签
var pieLabelOpt = {
show: self.labelConf.showPieLabel,
position: self.labelConf.piePosition,
rotate: self.labelConf.pieDirection,
color: self.labelConf.pielabelcolor,
fontFamily: self.labelConf.pielabelfamily,
fontSize: self.labelConf.pielabelsize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(self.labelConf.pielabelstyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(self.labelConf.pielabelstyle),
formatter: function (params) {
if (!params.value[1] || params.value[1] == 0 || params.value[1] == '') {
return '';
if (self.labelConf.pieValueType == "1") {
var valueStr = '';
if (self.labelConf.showPieSeries) {
valueStr += '|' + params.seriesName;
if (self.labelConf.showPieCategory) {
valueStr += '|' + params.value[0];
if (self.labelConf.showPieValue) {
valueStr += '|' + params.value[1];
return valueStr.length > 0 ? valueStr.substring(1) : '';
} else {
return new Function(self.labelConf.pieJsPane).call({series: params.seriesName, data: params.value});
var lineLabelOpt = {
show: self.labelConf.showLineLabel,
position: self.labelConf.linePosition,
rotate: self.labelConf.lineDirection,
color: self.labelConf.linelabelcolor,
fontFamily: self.labelConf.linelabelfamily,
fontSize: self.labelConf.linelabelsize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(self.labelConf.linelabelstyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(self.labelConf.linelabelstyle),
formatter: function (params) {
if (!params.value[1] || params.value[1] == 0 || params.value[1] == '') {
return '';
if (self.labelConf.lineValueType == "1") {
var valueStr = '';
if (self.labelConf.showLineSeries) {
valueStr += '|' + params.seriesName;
if (self.labelConf.showLineCategory) {
valueStr += '|' + params.value[0];
if (self.labelConf.showLineValue) {
valueStr += '|' + params.value[1];
return valueStr.length > 0 ? valueStr.substring(1) : '';
} else {
return new Function(self.labelConf.lineJsPane).call({series: params.seriesName, data: params.value});
// 系列
var seriesNameArr = [];
var axisXdata = [];
var axisXLabeldata = [];
var axisOpt = [];
if (this.chartData.pie && this.chartData.pie.xAxisData && this.chartData.pie.xAxisData.length > 0) {
axisXdata = this.chartData.pie.xAxisData;
axisXLabeldata = this.chartData.pie.xAxisLabelData;
for (var k in this.chartData.pie.seriesData) {
var seriesToYAxisName = 'Y轴';
if (self.styleCond.pieSeriesAxis && self.styleCond.pieSeriesAxis.length > 0) {
var tmpPieAxisCond = null;
for (var m = 0; m < self.styleCond.pieSeriesAxis.length; m++) {
var cond = self.styleCond.pieSeriesAxis[m].condition;
if (cond) {
cond = cond.replace(/\{系列名称\}/g, k);
cond = cond.replace(/\{系列序号\}/g, this.chartData.pie.seriesIndex[k]);
if (eval(cond)) {
tmpPieAxisCond = self.styleCond.pieSeriesAxis[m];
} else {
tmpPieAxisCond = self.styleCond.pieSeriesAxis[m];
if (tmpPieAxisCond) {
seriesToYAxisName = tmpPieAxisCond.axisYName;
var seriesToYAxis = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < self.axisConf.axisY.length; m++) {
if (self.axisConf.axisY[m].axisName == seriesToYAxisName) {
seriesToYAxis = m;
// 条件属性
var tmpSeriesData = self.chartData.pie.seriesData[k];
for (var m = 0; m < tmpSeriesData.length; m++) {
var categoryTmp = tmpSeriesData[m][0];
var valueTmp = tmpSeriesData[m][1];
tmpSeriesData[m] = {
value: tmpSeriesData[m]
// 配色
var condConf = self.getStyleCond('pie', 'color', k, categoryTmp, valueTmp);
if (condConf) {
tmpSeriesData[m].itemStyle = {
color: condConf.itemcolor
// 标签
condConf = self.getStyleCond('pie', 'label', k, categoryTmp, valueTmp);
if (condConf) {
tmpSeriesData[m].label = {
show: condConf.showPieLabel,
position: condConf.piePosition,
rotate: condConf.pieDirection,
color: condConf.pielabelcolor,
fontFamily: condConf.pielabelfamily,
fontSize: condConf.pielabelsize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(condConf.pielabelstyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(condConf.pielabelstyle),
formatter: (function(obj){
var thisObj = $.extend(true, {}, obj);
thisObj.series = k; = [categoryTmp, valueTmp];
return function(params){
if (thisObj.pieValueType == "1") {
var valueStr = '';
if (thisObj.showPieSeries) {
valueStr += '|' + params.seriesName;
if (thisObj.showPieCategory) {
valueStr += '|' +[0];
if (thisObj.showPieValue) {
valueStr += '|' +[1];
return valueStr.length > 0 ? valueStr.substring(1) : '';
} else {
return new Function(thisObj.pieJsPane).call({series: thisObj.series, data:});
// 提示
condConf = self.getStyleCond('pie', 'tips', k, categoryTmp, valueTmp);
if (condConf) {
tmpSeriesData[m].tooltip = {
show: condConf.showTip,
backgroundColor: self.hexToRgba(condConf.bgColor, condConf.bgOpacity).rgba,
textStyle: {
color: condConf.tipcolor,
fontSize: condConf.tipsize,
fontFamily: condConf.tipfamily,
fontStyle: self.getFontStyle(condConf.tipstyle),
fontWeight: self.getFontWeight(condConf.tipstyle)
formatter: (function(obj){
var thisObj = $.extend(true, {}, obj);
thisObj.series = k; = [categoryTmp, valueTmp];
return function(params){
if (thisObj.valueType == 1) {
var itemColor = self.seriesConf.seriesColorList.split("|")[params.seriesIndex];
var vHtml = '<div>';
if (thisObj.showCategory) {
vHtml += '<div>' + params.value[0] + '</div>';
if (thisObj.showSeries || thisObj.showValue) {
vHtml += '<div style="display: flex;align-items:center;margin-top:5px;">';
vHtml += '<span style="width:10px;height:10px;border-radius:5px;background-color: '+itemColor+'"></span>';
if (thisObj.showSeries) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.seriesName + '</span>';
if (thisObj.showValue) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.value[1] + '</span>';
if (thisObj.showSeries || thisObj.showValue) {
vHtml += '</div>';
vHtml += '</div>';
return vHtml;
/*var valueStr = '';
if (thisObj.showSeries) {
valueStr += '系列:' + params.seriesName + '<br/>';
if (thisObj.showCategory) {
valueStr += '分类:' +[0] + '<br/>';
if (thisObj.showValue) {
valueStr += '数值:' +[1] + '<br/>';
return valueStr;*/
} else {
return new Function(thisObj.jsPane).call({series: params.seriesName, seriesIndex:params.seriesIndex, data:});
name: k,
type: 'bar',
yAxisIndex: seriesToYAxis,
label: pieLabelOpt,
data: tmpSeriesData
if (self.seriesConf.pieWidthType == 1) {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].barGap = self.seriesConf.pieSeriesGapWidth + '%';
} else {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].barWidth = self.seriesConf.pieFixWidth;
var pieTipsConf = self.tipsConf.pie;
if (pieTipsConf.showTip) {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].tooltip = {
show: true,
backgroundColor: self.hexToRgba(pieTipsConf.bgColor, pieTipsConf.bgOpacity).rgba,
textStyle: {
color: pieTipsConf.tipcolor,
fontSize: pieTipsConf.tipsize,
fontFamily: pieTipsConf.tipfamily,
fontStyle: self.getFontStyle(pieTipsConf.tipstyle),
fontWeight: self.getFontWeight(pieTipsConf.tipstyle)
formatter: function (params) {
var pieTipsConf = self.tipsConf.pie;
if (pieTipsConf.valueType == 1) {
var itemColor = self.seriesConf.seriesColorList.split("|")[params.seriesIndex];
var vHtml = '<div>';
if (pieTipsConf.showCategory) {
vHtml += '<div>' + params.value[0] + '</div>';
if (pieTipsConf.showSeries || pieTipsConf.showValue) {
vHtml += '<div style="display: flex;align-items:center;margin-top:5px;">';
vHtml += '<span style="width:10px;height:10px;border-radius:5px;background-color: '+itemColor+'"></span>';
if (pieTipsConf.showSeries) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.seriesName + '</span>';
if (pieTipsConf.showValue) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.value[1] + '</span>';
if (pieTipsConf.showSeries || pieTipsConf.showValue) {
vHtml += '</div>';
vHtml += '</div>';
return vHtml;
} else {
return new Function(pieTipsConf.jsPane).call({series: params.seriesName, data: params.value});
if (this.chartData.line && this.chartData.line.xAxisData && this.chartData.line.xAxisData.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.chartData.line.xAxisData.length; i++) {
if (axisXdata.indexOf(this.chartData.line.xAxisData[i]) < 0) {
for (var k in self.chartData.line.seriesData) {
var seriesToYAxisName = 'Y轴';
if (self.styleCond.lineSeriesAxis && self.styleCond.lineSeriesAxis.length > 0) {
var tmpPieAxisCond = null;
for (var m = 0; m < self.styleCond.lineSeriesAxis.length; m++) {
var cond = self.styleCond.lineSeriesAxis[m].condition;
if (cond) {
cond = cond.replace(/\{系列名称\}/g, k);
cond = cond.replace(/\{系列序号\}/g, this.chartData.line.seriesIndex[k]);
if (eval(cond)) {
tmpPieAxisCond = self.styleCond.lineSeriesAxis[m];
} else {
tmpPieAxisCond = self.styleCond.lineSeriesAxis[m];
if (tmpPieAxisCond) {
seriesToYAxisName = tmpPieAxisCond.axisYName;
var seriesToYAxis = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < self.axisConf.axisY.length; m++) {
if (self.axisConf.axisY[m].axisName == seriesToYAxisName) {
seriesToYAxis = m;
// 条件属性
var tmpSeriesData = self.chartData.line.seriesData[k];
for (var m = 0; m < tmpSeriesData.length; m++) {
var categoryTmp = tmpSeriesData[m][0];
var valueTmp = tmpSeriesData[m][1];
tmpSeriesData[m] = {
value: tmpSeriesData[m]
if (!valueTmp || valueTmp == 0 || valueTmp == '') {
tmpSeriesData[m].symbolSize = 0;
// 配色
var condConf = self.getStyleCond('line', 'color', k, categoryTmp, valueTmp);
if (condConf) {
tmpSeriesData[m].itemStyle = {
color: condConf.itemcolor
// 标签
condConf = self.getStyleCond('line', 'label', k, categoryTmp, valueTmp);
if (condConf) {
tmpSeriesData[m].label = {
show: condConf.showLineLabel,
position: condConf.linePosition,
rotate: condConf.lineDirection,
color: condConf.linelabelcolor,
fontFamily: condConf.linelabelfamily,
fontSize: condConf.linelabelsize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(condConf.linelabelstyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(condConf.linelabelstyle),
formatter: (function(obj){
var thisObj = $.extend(true, {}, obj);
thisObj.series = k; = [categoryTmp, valueTmp];
return function(params){
if (thisObj.lineValueType == "1") {
var valueStr = '';
if (thisObj.showLineSeries) {
valueStr += '|' + params.seriesName;
if (thisObj.showLineCategory) {
valueStr += '|' +[0];
if (thisObj.showLineValue) {
valueStr += '|' +[1];
return valueStr.length > 0 ? valueStr.substring(1) : '';
} else {
return new Function(thisObj.lineJsPane).call({series: thisObj.series, data:});
// 提示
condConf = self.getStyleCond('line', 'tips', k, categoryTmp, valueTmp);
if (condConf) {
tmpSeriesData[m].tooltip = {
show: condConf.showTip,
backgroundColor: self.hexToRgba(condConf.bgColor, condConf.bgOpacity).rgba,
textStyle: {
color: condConf.tipcolor,
fontSize: condConf.tipsize,
fontFamily: condConf.tipfamily,
fontStyle: self.getFontStyle(condConf.tipstyle),
fontWeight: self.getFontWeight(condConf.tipstyle)
formatter: (function(obj){
var thisObj = $.extend(true, {}, obj);
thisObj.series = k; = [categoryTmp, valueTmp];
return function(params){
if (thisObj.valueType == 1) {
var itemColor = self.seriesConf.seriesColorList.split("|")[params.seriesIndex];
var vHtml = '<div>';
if (thisObj.showCategory) {
vHtml += '<div>' + params.value[0] + '</div>';
if (thisObj.showSeries || thisObj.showValue) {
vHtml += '<div style="display: flex;align-items:center;margin-top:5px;">';
vHtml += '<span style="width:10px;height:10px;border-radius:5px;background-color: '+itemColor+'"></span>';
if (thisObj.showSeries) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.seriesName + '</span>';
if (thisObj.showValue) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.value[1] + '</span>';
if (thisObj.showSeries || thisObj.showValue) {
vHtml += '</div>';
vHtml += '</div>';
return vHtml;
/*var valueStr = '';
if (thisObj.showSeries) {
valueStr += '系列:' + params.seriesName + '<br/>';
if (thisObj.showCategory) {
valueStr += '分类:' +[0] + '<br/>';
if (thisObj.showValue) {
valueStr += '数值:' +[1] + '<br/>';
return valueStr;*/
} else {
return new Function(thisObj.jsPane).call({series: params.seriesName, data:});
name: k,
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: seriesToYAxis,
label: lineLabelOpt,
data: this.chartData.line.seriesData[k]
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].lineStyle = {
width: self.seriesConf.lineWidth,
type: self.seriesConf.lineType
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].symbolSize = self.seriesConf.lineCornerRadius;
if (self.seriesConf.lineCornerShape == '圆形') {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].symbol = 'circle';
} else if (self.seriesConf.lineCornerShape == '三角行') {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].symbol = 'triangle';
} else if (self.seriesConf.lineCornerShape == '正方形') {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].symbol = 'rect';
} else if (self.seriesConf.lineCornerShape == '菱形') {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].symbol = 'diamond';
if (self.seriesConf.lineCornerType == 1) {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].smooth = true;
if (self.seriesConf.lineCornerColorType != '系列色') {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].itemStyle = {
color: self.seriesConf.lineCornerColor
var lineTipsConf = self.tipsConf.line;
if (lineTipsConf.showTip) {
axisOpt[axisOpt.length - 1].tooltip = {
show: true,
backgroundColor: self.hexToRgba(lineTipsConf.bgColor, lineTipsConf.bgOpacity).rgba,
textStyle: {
color: lineTipsConf.tipcolor,
fontSize: lineTipsConf.tipsize,
fontFamily: lineTipsConf.tipfamily,
fontStyle: self.getFontStyle(lineTipsConf.tipstyle),
fontWeight: self.getFontWeight(lineTipsConf.tipstyle)
formatter: function (params) {
var lineTipsConf = self.tipsConf.line;
if (lineTipsConf.valueType == 1) {
var itemColor = self.seriesConf.seriesColorList.split("|")[params.seriesIndex];
var vHtml = '<div>';
if (lineTipsConf.showCategory) {
vHtml += '<div>' + params.value[0] + '</div>';
if (lineTipsConf.showSeries || lineTipsConf.showValue) {
vHtml += '<div style="display: flex;align-items:center;margin-top:5px;">';
vHtml += '<span style="width:10px;height:10px;border-radius:5px;background-color: '+itemColor+'"></span>';
if (lineTipsConf.showSeries) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.seriesName + '</span>';
if (lineTipsConf.showValue) {
vHtml += '<span style="margin-left:10px;">' + params.value[1] + '</span>';
if (lineTipsConf.showSeries || lineTipsConf.showValue) {
vHtml += '</div>';
vHtml += '</div>';
return vHtml;
} else {
return new Function(lineTipsConf.jsPane).call({series: params.seriesName, data: params.value});
self.axisXdata = axisXdata;
self.axisXLabeldata = axisXLabeldata;
// X坐标轴
var axisXConf = this.axisConf.axisX;
var axisXOpt = {
type: 'category',
name: axisXConf.isTitleVisiable ? axisXConf.titleName : '',
nameLocation: this.getLocation(axisXConf.titleAlignment) || 'end',
boundaryGap: true,
nameRotate: axisXConf.titleRotation || 0,
nameTextStyle: {
color: axisXConf.titlecolor,
fontFamily: axisXConf.titlefamily,
fontSize: axisXConf.titlesize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(axisXConf.titlestyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(axisXConf.titlestyle),
padding: [8,0,0,0],
verticalAlign: 'top'
scale: true,
axisLine: {
show: true
axisTick: {
alignWithLabel: true
axisLabel: {
show: axisXConf.isLabelVisiable,
color: axisXConf.labelcolor,
fontFamily: axisXConf.labelfamily,
fontSize: axisXConf.labelsize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(axisXConf.labelstyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(axisXConf.labelstyle),
rotate: axisXConf.labelRotation,
formatter: function (value, index) {
if (self.axisConf.axisX.labelFormatType == 1) {
return axisXLabeldata[index];
} else {
return new Function(self.axisConf.axisX.labelJsPane).call({value: value});
data: axisXdata
//option.xAxis[0] = axisXOpt;
// Y坐标轴
var axisYConfArr = this.axisConf.axisY;
var axisYOpt = [];
for (var i = 0; i < axisYConfArr.length; i++) {
var axisYConf = axisYConfArr[i];
type: 'value',
name: axisYConf.isTitleVisiable ? axisYConf.titleName : '',
position: i == 0 ? 'left' : 'right',
offset: axisYConf.offset,
nameRotate: axisYConf.titleRotation || 0,
nameTextStyle: {
color: axisYConf.titlecolor,
fontFamily: axisYConf.titlefamily,
fontSize: axisYConf.titlesize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(axisYConf.titlestyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(axisYConf.titlestyle)
alignTicks: true,
axisLabel: {
show: axisYConf.isLabelVisiable,
color: axisYConf.labelcolor,
fontFamily: axisYConf.labelfamily,
fontSize: axisYConf.labelsize,
fontStyle: this.getFontStyle(axisYConf.labelstyle),
fontWeight: this.getFontWeight(axisYConf.labelstyle),
rotate: axisYConf.labelRotation,
formatter: (function(obj){
var thisObj = $.extend(true, {}, obj);
return function(value, index){
if (thisObj.labelFormatType == 1) {
return value;
} else {
return new Function(thisObj.labelJsPane).call({value: value});
/*formatter: function (value, index) {
if (axisYConf.labelFormatType == 1) {
return value;
} else {
return new Function(axisYConf.labelJsPane).call({value: value});
axisLine: {
show: true
splitLine: {
show: false
if (axisYConf.showMinValue) {
axisYOpt[axisYOpt.length - 1].min = axisYConf.minValue;
if (axisYConf.showMaxValue) {
axisYOpt[axisYOpt.length - 1].max = axisYConf.maxValue;
if (axisYConf.showInterval) {
axisYOpt[axisYOpt.length - 1].interval = axisYConf.intervalValue;
// 图例
var legendOpt = {
type: 'scroll',
show: self.legendConf.showlegend,
textStyle: {
color: self.legendConf.legendcolor,
fontSize: self.legendConf.legendsize,
fontStyle: self.getFontStyle(self.legendConf.legendstyle),
fontFamily: self.legendConf.legendfamily,
fontWeight: self.getFontWeight(self.legendConf.legendstyle)
if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "1") {
legendOpt.orient = 'horizontal'; = self.legendConf.legendmargin;
legendOpt.left = 'center';
} else if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "2") {
legendOpt.orient = 'vertical';
legendOpt.left = self.legendConf.legendmargin; = 'middle';
} else if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "3") {
legendOpt.orient = 'horizontal';
legendOpt.bottom = self.legendConf.legendmargin;
legendOpt.left = 'center';
} else if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "4") {
legendOpt.orient = 'vertical';
legendOpt.right = self.legendConf.legendmargin; = 'middle';
if (self.legendConf.legendalignment == "2") {
if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "1" || self.legendConf.legendposition == "3") {
legendOpt.left = 'left';
} else { = 'top';
} else if (self.legendConf.legendalignment == "4") {
if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "1" || self.legendConf.legendposition == "3") {
legendOpt.left = 'right';
} else { = 'bottom';
if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "2") {
self.chartLeft += (self.calTextWidth(self.getArrayMaxLengthItem(seriesNameArr))[0] || 20) + 30;
} else if (self.legendConf.legendposition == "3") {
self.chartButtom += 20;
} else if(self.legendConf.legendposition == "4") {
self.chartRight += (self.calTextWidth(self.getArrayMaxLengthItem(seriesNameArr))[0] || 20) + 30;
if (self.legendConf.showlegend && self.legendConf.legendposition == "1") {
self.chartTop += 30;
var dataZoomOpt = [{
type: 'inside',
xAxisIndex: [0],
start: 0,
end: 100
if (self.bgConf.isShowZoomTool) {
type: 'slider',
xAxisIndex: [0],
start: 0,
end: 100
var option = {
color: self.seriesConf.seriesColorList.split("|"),
backgroundColor: self.hexToRgba(self.bgConf.bgColor, self.bgConf.bgOpacity).rgba,
title: {
show: self.titleConf.titlevisiable || false,
text: self.titleConf.titlename,
left: self.getAlign(self.titleConf.titleposition),
backgroundColor: self.hexToRgba(self.titleConf.titlebgcolor, self.titleConf.titleBgOpacity).rgba,
textStyle: {
color: self.titleConf.titlecolor,
fontSize: self.titleConf.titlesize,
fontStyle: self.getFontStyle(self.titleConf.titlestyle),
fontFamily: self.titleConf.titlefamily,
fontWeight: self.getFontWeight(self.titleConf.titlestyle)
grid: {
top: self.chartTop,
left : self.chartLeft,
buttom: self.chartButtom,
right: self.chartRight
legend: legendOpt,
dataZoom: dataZoomOpt,
tooltip: {
show: true,
trigger: 'item',
axisPointer: {
type: 'none'
xAxis: [axisXOpt],
yAxis: axisYOpt,
series: axisOpt
return option;
addBgRegion: function() {
var self = this;
var myChart = this.basechart;
var axisXdata = this.axisXdata;
var pos0 = myChart.convertToPixel({seriesIndex: 0}, [axisXdata[0], 0]);
var pos1 = myChart.convertToPixel({seriesIndex: 0}, [axisXdata[1], 0]);
var dividerXWidth = pos1[0] - pos0[0];
this.dataRegionWidth = myChart.getModel().getComponent('xAxis').axis._extent[1];
this.dataRegionHeight = myChart.getModel().getComponent('yAxis').axis._extent[1];
var regionColorArr = this.chartData.pie.regionColor;
if (self.bgConf.chartType == 2) {
regionColorArr = this.chartData.line.regionColor;
var regionColorConf = [];
var startIdx = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < axisXdata.length; i++) {
var tmpPos = myChart.convertToPixel({seriesIndex: 0}, [axisXdata[i], 0]);
if (tmpPos[0] > this.dataRegionWidth + this.chartLeft) {
if (tmpPos[0] < 0 + this.chartLeft) {
} else {
if (parseInt(regionColorArr[axisXdata[i]]) >= 0) {
if (regionColorConf.length == 0 || regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].end !== undefined) {
start: startIdx - 1,
colorIdx: regionColorArr[axisXdata[i]]
} else if (regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].colorIdx != regionColorArr[axisXdata[i]]){
regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].end = startIdx - 1;
start: startIdx - 1,
colorIdx: regionColorArr[axisXdata[i]]
} else if (regionColorConf.length > 0 && regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].end == undefined) {
regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].end = startIdx - 1;
if (regionColorConf.length > 0 && regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].end == undefined) {
regionColorConf[regionColorConf.length - 1].end = startIdx;
var graphicRectBgColorArr = self.bgConf.gridXColorList.split("|");
var graphicRectArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < regionColorConf.length; i++) {
type: 'rect',
x: 0,
y: 0,
draggable: false,
shape: {
x: self.chartLeft + (regionColorConf[i].start * dividerXWidth),
y: self.chartTop,
width: (regionColorConf[i].end - regionColorConf[i].start) * dividerXWidth,
height: self.dataRegionHeight
style: {
fill: self.hexToRgba(graphicRectBgColorArr[regionColorConf[i].colorIdx], 50).rgba
var gridLineArr = this.chartData.pie.gridLine;
if (self.bgConf.chartType == 2) {
gridLineArr = this.chartData.line.gridLine;
var gridLineConf = [];
for (var i = 0; i < axisXdata.length; i++) {
if (gridLineArr.indexOf(axisXdata[i]) >= 0) {
var tmpPos = myChart.convertToPixel({seriesIndex: 0}, [axisXdata[i], 0]);
if (tmpPos[0] > this.dataRegionWidth + this.chartLeft) {
if (tmpPos[0] < 0 + this.chartLeft) {
for (var i = 0; i < gridLineConf.length; i++) {
type: 'line',
position: [gridLineConf[i], self.chartTop],
draggable: false,
shape: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: self.dataRegionHeight
style: {
stroke: self.bgConf.gridXColor,
lineWidth: 1,
shadowBlur: 0
// Y轴网格
var axisY = myChart.getModel().getComponent('yAxis').axis;
var valueYRange = axisY.scale._extent[1] - axisY.scale._extent[0];
var pixYRange = axisY._extent[1] - axisY._extent[0];
if (self.bgConf.fixHeight > 0) {
var valueIdx = self.bgConf.fixHeight;
while (valueIdx < valueYRange) {
var lineYPos = valueIdx * pixYRange / valueYRange;
type: 'line',
position: [self.chartLeft, self.chartTop + pixYRange - lineYPos],
draggable: false,
shape: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: self.dataRegionWidth,
y2: 0
style: {
stroke: self.bgConf.gridYColor,
lineWidth: 1,
shadowBlur: 0
valueIdx += self.bgConf.fixHeight;
if (self.styleCond.grid && self.styleCond.grid.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < self.styleCond.grid.length; i++) {
var valueIdx = self.styleCond.grid[i].valueY;
var lineYPos = valueIdx * pixYRange / valueYRange;
type: 'line',
position: [self.chartLeft, self.chartTop + pixYRange - lineYPos],
draggable: false,
shape: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: self.dataRegionWidth,
y2: 0
style: {
stroke: self.styleCond.grid[i].lineColor,
lineWidth: 1,
shadowBlur: 0
var _opt = myChart.getOption(); //self.getSrcOption();
_opt.graphic = graphicRectArr;
myChart.setOption(_opt, true);
getStyleCond: function(chart, ele, series, category, value) {
if (chart == 'pie') {
var pieStyleCondArr = this.styleCond.pie;
if (!pieStyleCondArr || pieStyleCondArr.length <= 0) {
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < pieStyleCondArr.length; i++) {
if (pieStyleCondArr[i].title == ele) {
var cond = pieStyleCondArr[i].condition;
cond = cond.replace(/\{分类名\}/g, category);
cond = cond.replace(/\{系列名\}/g, series);
cond = cond.replace(/\{数值\}/g, value);
if (eval(cond)) {
return pieStyleCondArr[i];
} else if (chart == 'line') {
var pieStyleCondArr = this.styleCond.line;
if (!pieStyleCondArr || pieStyleCondArr.length <= 0) {
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < pieStyleCondArr.length; i++) {
if (pieStyleCondArr[i].title == ele) {
var cond = pieStyleCondArr[i].condition;
cond = cond.replace(/\{分类名\}/g, category);
cond = cond.replace(/\{系列名\}/g, series);
cond = cond.replace(/\{数值\}/g, value);
if (eval(cond)) {
return pieStyleCondArr[i];
getArrayMaxLengthItem: function(arr) {
var item = arr[0];
for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].length > item.length) {
item = arr[i];
return item;
initEvent: function() {
var self = this;
self.basechart.on('dataZoom', function (params) {
self.basechart.on('click', 'series', function (params) {
var linkParams = {
series: params.seriesName,
category: params.value[0],
value: params.value[1],
linkKey: params.componentSubType == 'bar' ? 'pie' : 'line'
_customDoLink: function (params) {
params.linkKey = params.linkKey || 'pie';
var hyperLink = this.hyperLinkLine;
if (params && hyperLink && hyperLink.parasMap) {
params.chartIndex = this.chartIndex || 0;
this._doLinkWithFilter(params, hyperLink);
hexToRgba: function(hex, al) {
var hexColor = /^#/.test(hex) ? hex.slice(1) : hex,
alp = hex === 'transparent' ? 0 : Math.ceil(al),
r, g, b;
hexColor = /^[0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6}$/i.test(hexColor) ? hexColor : 'fffff';
if (hexColor.length === 3) {
hexColor = hexColor.replace(/(\w)(\w)(\w)/gi, '$1$1$2$2$3$3');
r = hexColor.slice(0, 2);
g = hexColor.slice(2, 4);
b = hexColor.slice(4, 6);
r = parseInt(r, 16);
g = parseInt(g, 16);
b = parseInt(b, 16);
return {
hex: '#' + hexColor,
alpha: alp,
rgba: 'rgba(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ', ' + (alp / 100).toFixed(2) + ')'
getAlign: function (align) {
if ("2" == align) {
return "left";
} else if ("0" == align) {
return "center";
} else if ("4" == align) {
return "right";
getLocation: function (align) {
if ("2" == align) {
return "start";
} else if ("0" == align) {
return "middle";
} else if ("4" == align) {
return "end";
getFontStyle: function (style) {
if ("2" == style || "3" == style) {
return "italic";
} else {
return "normal";
getFontWeight: function(style){
if ("1" == style || "3" == style) {
return "bold";
} else {
return "normal";
calTextWidth: function(str, fontSize) {
var fontSize = fontSize || 12;
var strHtml = $('<span>')
.attr("id", "temp_cal_text_font_size")
"display": "none",
"font-size": fontSize + "px",
"font-family": "Microsoft YaHei"
var width = $('#temp_cal_text_font_size').width();
var height = $('#temp_cal_text_font_size').height();
return [width, height];
_emptyData: function (options) {
options = options || {}; = || [];
return === 0;