You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
603 B

layui.use('table', function(){
var table = layui.table;
elem: '#demo',
url: FR.serverURL + FR.servletURL + '?op=im&cmd=allImage', //数据接口
page: false, //开启分页
cols: [[ //表头
{field: 'image', title: '图片', width:200, fixed: 'left',templet:'<div><img src="{{ d.image}}"></div>'},
{field: 'id', title: 'ID', width:400},
{field: 'size', title: '大小(KB)', width:200, sort : true},
{field: 'template', title: '所在模板', width: 350}