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<div class="mbg idBanner">
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<li v-for="(item, i) in menuList.slice(0, 6)" :key="i">
<router-link @mouseenter="gethot(" class="c1a flex-3 flex-1" :to="'/video?class1=' +" target="_blank">
<span>{{ item.it618_classname }}</span>
<i class="arrow el-icon-arrow-right"></i>
<div class="child-nav">
<div class="child-wrapper">
<li class="child-item" v-for="(child, j) in item.class2" :key="j">
<router-link class="c2a" :to="'/video?class1=' + + '&class2=' +" target="_blank">
{{ child.it618_classname }}
<div class="amore">
<router-link class="mra flex-1" :to="'/video?class1=' +" target="_blank">
<span>查看{{ item.it618_classname }}全部课程</span>
<i class="arrow el-icon-arrow-right"></i>
<div class="hot">
<h2 class="col617">热门推荐</h2>
<li v-for="(item, i) in item.hotdata" :key="i">
<router-link class="lk hide-txt" :to="'/video/' +" target="_blank">
{{ item.title }}
<span>{{ item.class_hour }}</span>
<em>{{ item.number_people }}</em>
<!-- <a href="/video?class1=37&class2=0" class="c1a flex-3 flex-1">
<i class="arrow el-icon-arrow-right"></i>
</a> -->
<router-link class="c1a flex-3 flex-1" to="/video?class1=37&class2=0" target="_blank">
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<li class="child-item"><router-link to="/video?class1=37&class2=9" class="c2a">基础操作</router-link></li>
<li class="child-item"><router-link to="/video?class1=37&class2=16" class="c2a">ETL</router-link></li>
<li class="child-item"><router-link to="/video?class1=37&class2=27" class="c2a">直播分享</router-link></li>
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<a :href="cover.click_url" target="_blank">
<el-image :src="cover.img_url" style=" width: 100%; position: static">
<template #error>
<div style="width: 100%; height: 200px;" class="flex-5">
<i class="el-icon-loading f24 colb3c"></i>
import { getCategories } from "@/api/video";
import { getcateHot } from "@/api/index";
import { toRefs, reactive } from "vue";
export default {
setup() {
const state = reactive({
menuList: [],
listhot: [],
cover: {},
isloadHot: [],
const fetchMenuList = async () => {
const res = await getCategories();
if (res.code === 200) {
state.menuList =;
// 旧版banner cid广告位
// const fetchgetCover = async () => {
// const res = await getCover();
// if (res.code === 200) {
// state.cover =[0];
// }
// };
// fetchgetCover();
// 新版版banner 我的帆软广告位
window.fineAd.getAdvertisement({ adId: "1d4b2f969fcd43a99205e88c53b05d8d" });
const fetchgetcateHot = async (class1) => {
const res = await getcateHot(class1);
if (res.code === 200) {
state.listhot =;
state.menuList.forEach((item, index) => {
if ( === class1) {
state.menuList[index]["hotdata"] =;
const gethot = (class1) => {
// 节流
state.menuList.forEach((item, index) => {
if ( === class1) {
if (!state.menuList[index]["hotdata"]) {
return {
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