18 changed files with 6771 additions and 6772 deletions
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@ -1,339 +1,320 @@
<template> |
<div> |
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="tableData" style="width: 100%" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" row-key="id" default-expand-all lazy |
:tree-props="{children: 'children', hasChildren: 'hasChildren'}"> |
<el-table-column prop="title" label="目录大纲"> |
<template #default='scope'> |
<span v-if="scope.row.children" class="f18 fw600 col333">{{scope.row.title}}</span> |
<a v-else :href="'/class/play/'+classid+'/'+scope.row.id" target="_blank" class="item-pl f15"> |
<i class="iconfont icon-bofang2 colb3c f14 mrt10"></i>{{scope.row.title}} |
</a> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column fixed="right" label="发布状态" width="100"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<el-switch v-if="!scope.row.children" v-model="scope.row.display" :active-value="1" |
:inactive-value="0" active-color="#0082fc" inactive-color="#dadde5" |
@click="handleClose(scope.row)"> |
</el-switch> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
<div> |
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="tableData" style="width: 100%" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" row-key="id" default-expand-all lazy :tree-props="{ children: 'children', hasChildren: 'hasChildren' }"> |
<el-table-column prop="title" label="目录大纲"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<span v-if="scope.row.children" class="f18 fw600 col333">{{ scope.row.title }}</span> |
<a v-else :href="'/class/play/' + classid + '/' + scope.row.id" target="_blank" class="item-pl f15"> <i class="iconfont icon-bofang2 colb3c f14 mrt10"></i>{{ scope.row.title }} </a> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column fixed="right" label="发布状态" width="100"> |
<template #default="scope"> |
<el-switch v-if="!scope.row.children" v-model="scope.row.display" :active-value="1" :inactive-value="0" active-color="#0082fc" inactive-color="#dadde5" @click="handleClose(scope.row)"> </el-switch> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router' |
import { scheduleList, noticeAdd, noticeEdit, scheduleUpdate, studyLog } from "@/api/study_admin"; |
import { ref, toRefs, reactive, getCurrentInstance, nextTick } from 'vue'; |
import store from '@/store' |
import { _debounce } from "@/utils/debounce"; |
export default { |
name: 'class_homework', |
setup() { |
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance() |
const route = useRoute() |
const classid = route.params.classid; |
const state = reactive({ |
headers: { |
'authentication': store.getters.get_authentication |
}, |
loading: true, |
tableData: [], // 数据列表 |
multipleSelection: [], // 选中项 |
total: 0, // 总条数 |
page: 1, // 当前页 |
perpage: 10, // 分页大小 |
id: '', |
kw: '', |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
dialogEdit: false, |
dialogUidLog: false, |
numbereRef: { |
title: '', |
url: '', |
}, |
rules: { |
title: [ |
{ required: true, message: '请输入公告内容', trigger: 'blur' }, |
], |
url: [ |
{ required: true, type: "url", message: '请输入正确的url', trigger: 'blur' }, |
], |
}, |
rowStudent: {}, |
modEdit: { |
id: '', |
xs_name: '', |
gongsi: '', |
gangwei: '', |
shouji: '', |
fenshu: '', |
beizhu: '', |
}, |
uidLog: [], |
alltime: '', |
username: '', |
}) |
// 获取学生列表 |
const getnotice = async () => { |
state.loading = true |
const res = await scheduleList(classid); |
if (res.code === 200) { |
state.tableData = res.data |
state.total = res.data.total |
state.page = res.data.current_page |
state.loading = false |
} |
}; |
getnotice(); |
// 观看记录 |
const getUserLog = async (uid) => { |
state.loading = true |
const res = await studyLog(classid, uid); |
if (res.code === 200) { |
state.uidLog = res.data.data; |
state.alltime = res.data.alltime; |
state.username = res.data.username; |
state.dialogUidLog = true; |
state.loading = false |
} |
}; |
// 设置当前查看的数据item |
const setItem = (item) => { |
state.item = item |
state.isShowItem = true |
} |
const handleOption = () => { |
state.page = 1 |
getnotice() |
} |
// 选择项 |
const handleSelectionChange = (val) => { |
state.multipleSelection = val |
} |
const changePage = (val) => { |
state.page = val |
getnotice() |
} |
// 每页显示条数 |
const handleSizeChange = (val) => { |
state.perpage = val |
getnotice() |
} |
// 更新状态 |
const handleClose = async (row) => { |
const params = { |
data: { |
id: row.id, |
display: row.display, |
title: row.title, |
} |
} |
const res = await scheduleUpdate(classid, params); |
if (res.message === 'success') { |
if (res.data.display == 1) { |
proxy.$notify({ |
title: '发布成功', |
type: 'success', |
message: res.data.title + '【发布成功】', |
}); |
} else { |
proxy.$notify.info({ |
title: '取消发布成功', |
message: res.data.title + '【已取消发布】', |
}); |
} |
} else { |
proxy.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '服务器错误', |
center: true |
}); |
} |
import { useRoute } from "vue-router"; |
import { scheduleList, noticeAdd, noticeEdit, scheduleUpdate, studyLog } from "@/api/study_admin"; |
import { ref, toRefs, reactive, getCurrentInstance, nextTick } from "vue"; |
import store from "@/store"; |
import { _debounce } from "@/utils/debounce"; |
export default { |
name: "class_homework", |
setup() { |
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); |
const route = useRoute(); |
const classid = route.params.classid; |
const state = reactive({ |
headers: { |
authentication: store.getters.get_authentication, |
}, |
loading: true, |
tableData: [], // 数据列表 |
multipleSelection: [], // 选中项 |
total: 0, // 总条数 |
page: 1, // 当前页 |
perpage: 10, // 分页大小 |
id: "", |
kw: "", |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
dialogEdit: false, |
dialogUidLog: false, |
numbereRef: { |
title: "", |
url: "", |
}, |
rules: { |
title: [{ required: true, message: "请输入公告内容", trigger: "blur" }], |
url: [{ required: true, type: "url", message: "请输入正确的url", trigger: "blur" }], |
}, |
rowStudent: {}, |
modEdit: { |
id: "", |
xs_name: "", |
gongsi: "", |
gangwei: "", |
shouji: "", |
fenshu: "", |
beizhu: "", |
}, |
uidLog: [], |
alltime: "", |
username: "", |
}); |
// 获取学生列表 |
const getnotice = async () => { |
state.loading = true; |
const res = await scheduleList(classid); |
if (res.code === 200) { |
state.tableData = res.data; |
state.total = res.data.total; |
state.page = res.data.current_page; |
state.loading = false; |
} |
}; |
getnotice(); |
// 观看记录 |
const getUserLog = async (uid) => { |
state.loading = true; |
const res = await studyLog(classid, uid); |
if (res.code === 200) { |
state.uidLog = res.data.data; |
state.alltime = res.data.alltime; |
state.username = res.data.username; |
state.dialogUidLog = true; |
state.loading = false; |
} |
}; |
// 设置当前查看的数据item |
const setItem = (item) => { |
state.item = item; |
state.isShowItem = true; |
}; |
const handleOption = () => { |
state.page = 1; |
getnotice(); |
}; |
// 选择项 |
const handleSelectionChange = (val) => { |
state.multipleSelection = val; |
}; |
const changePage = (val) => { |
state.page = val; |
getnotice(); |
}; |
// 每页显示条数 |
const handleSizeChange = (val) => { |
state.perpage = val; |
getnotice(); |
}; |
// 更新状态 |
const handleClose = async (row) => { |
const params = { |
data: { |
id: row.id, |
display: row.display, |
title: row.title, |
}, |
}; |
const res = await scheduleUpdate(classid, params); |
if (res.message === "success") { |
if (res.data.display == 1) { |
proxy.$notify({ |
title: "发布成功", |
type: "success", |
iconClass: "schedule-success", |
message: res.data.title + "【发布成功】", |
}); |
} else { |
proxy.$notify.info({ |
title: "取消发布成功", |
type: "info", |
iconClass: "schedule-info", |
message: res.data.title + "【已取消发布】", |
}); |
} |
} else { |
proxy.$message({ |
type: "error", |
message: "服务器错误", |
center: true, |
}); |
} |
}; |
// 添加公告 |
const submitForm = _debounce(() => { |
_submitForm(); |
}, 300); |
const numberValidateRef = ref(null); |
const _submitForm = () => { |
nextTick(() => { |
numberValidateRef.value.validate(async (valid) => { |
if (valid) { |
const params = { |
title: state.numbereRef.title, |
url: state.numbereRef.url, |
}; |
// 添加公告 |
const submitForm = _debounce(() => { |
_submitForm(); |
}, 300) |
const numberValidateRef = ref(null); |
const _submitForm = () => { |
nextTick(() => { |
numberValidateRef.value.validate(async (valid) => { |
if (valid) { |
const params = { |
title: state.numbereRef.title, |
url: state.numbereRef.url, |
} |
const res = await noticeAdd(classid, params) |
if (res.message === 'success') { |
state.dialogFormVisible = false; |
proxy.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '添加成功', |
center: true |
}); |
setTimeout(function () { |
getnotice() |
}, 100); |
} |
} |
}); |
}) |
} |
const noticeValidateRef = ref(null); |
const resnoticeEdit = () => { |
noticeValidateRef.value.validate(async (valid) => { |
if (valid) { |
const params = { |
data: state.modEdit, |
} |
const res = await noticeEdit(classid, params); |
if (res.code === 200) { |
state.dialogEdit = false; |
proxy.$message({ |
type: 'success', |
message: '编辑成功', |
center: true |
}); |
getnotice() |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
const openStudent = (row) => { |
state.modEdit = row; |
state.dialogEdit = true; |
} |
const eidtForm = () => { |
resnoticeEdit(); |
} |
// const tableRowClassName = ({ row }) => { |
// if (row.children) { |
// return 'title-row'; |
// } |
// return ''; |
// } |
return { |
...toRefs(state), |
classid, |
setItem, |
handleSelectionChange, |
getnotice, |
changePage, |
handleOption, |
handleClose, |
handleSizeChange, |
numberValidateRef, |
submitForm, |
openStudent, |
eidtForm, |
getUserLog, |
noticeValidateRef, |
//tableRowClassName |
const res = await noticeAdd(classid, params); |
if (res.message === "success") { |
state.dialogFormVisible = false; |
proxy.$message({ |
type: "success", |
message: "添加成功", |
center: true, |
}); |
setTimeout(function() { |
getnotice(); |
}, 100); |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
}; |
const noticeValidateRef = ref(null); |
const resnoticeEdit = () => { |
noticeValidateRef.value.validate(async (valid) => { |
if (valid) { |
const params = { |
data: state.modEdit, |
}; |
const res = await noticeEdit(classid, params); |
if (res.code === 200) { |
state.dialogEdit = false; |
proxy.$message({ |
type: "success", |
message: "编辑成功", |
center: true, |
}); |
getnotice(); |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
const openStudent = (row) => { |
state.modEdit = row; |
state.dialogEdit = true; |
}; |
const eidtForm = () => { |
resnoticeEdit(); |
}; |
// const tableRowClassName = ({ row }) => { |
// if (row.children) { |
// return 'title-row'; |
// } |
// return ''; |
// } |
return { |
...toRefs(state), |
classid, |
setItem, |
handleSelectionChange, |
getnotice, |
changePage, |
handleOption, |
handleClose, |
handleSizeChange, |
numberValidateRef, |
submitForm, |
openStudent, |
eidtForm, |
getUserLog, |
noticeValidateRef, |
//tableRowClassName |
}; |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
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color: #0082fc; |
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display: inline-block; |
text-align: right; |
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