9 changed files with 20484 additions and 1 deletions
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# open-JSD-9261 |
JSD-9261 网页框轮播+图片方法 |
JSD-9261 网页框轮播+图片方法\ |
免责说明:该源码为第三方爱好者提供,不保证源码和方案的可靠性,也不提供任何形式的源码教学指导和协助!\ |
仅作为开发者学习参考使用!禁止用于任何商业用途!\ |
为保护开发者隐私,开发者信息已隐去!若原开发者希望公开自己的信息,可联系hugh处理。 |
@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
/** |
* Author: Vinayak Rangnathrao Jadhav |
* Project: jR3DCarousel |
* Version: 1.0.5 |
**/ |
(function (factory) { |
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { |
define(["jquery"], factory); |
} else if (typeof exports === "object") { |
module.exports = factory(require("jquery")); |
} else { |
factory(jQuery); |
} |
})(function($){ |
$.fn.jR3DCarousel = function(options){ |
var _defaults = { |
width : innerWidth, /* largest allowed width */ |
height: innerHeight, /* largest allowed height */ |
slides : [], /* array of images source, optional in case of custom template */ |
slideLayout : 'fill', /* contain | fill | cover */ |
perspective: 0, /* perspective - default is dynamic, perpendicular */ |
animation: 'slide3D', /* slide | slide3D | scroll | scroll3D | fade */ |
animationCurve: 'ease', /* ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | linear | bezier */ |
animationDuration: 700, /* duration of animation transition in milliseconds*/ |
animationInterval: 2000, /* interval between transitions or show time of per slide in milliseconds */ |
autoplay: true, /* start playing Carousel continuously, pauses when slide is hovered */ |
controls: true, /* control buttons */ |
slideClass: 'jR3DCarouselSlide',/* name of the css class of slides in custom template */ |
navigation: 'circles', /* circles | squares | '' */ |
rotationDirection: 'rtl', /* rtl - right to left | ltr - left to right */ |
onSlideShow: function(){} /* callback when Slide show event occurs */ |
} |
var _settings = $.extend( true, {}, _defaults, options ); |
var _container = this; |
var _width = _settings.width; |
var _height = _settings.height; |
var _aspectRatio = _settings.width/_settings.height; |
var _jR3DCarouselDiv = $( "<div class='jR3DCarousel' />" ) |
.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', transition:'transform '+_settings.animationDuration+'ms '+_settings.animationCurve, 'transformStyle': 'preserve-3d' }) |
.appendTo(_container); |
var _currentSlideIndex = 0; |
var _targetSlideIndex = 1; |
var _animations = new Animations(); |
var _previousButton; |
var _nextButton; |
var _timer; |
var _baseAngle; |
var _rotationAngle = 0; |
var _translateZ; |
var _perspective; |
var _transform; |
var _noOfSlides = _settings.slides.length || _container.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).length; |
(function setup(){ |
/* create jR3DCarousel */ |
createjR3DCarousel(); |
/* create control buttons */ |
if(_settings.controls){ |
_createControls(); |
} |
/* create navigation bar */ |
if(_settings.navigation){ |
_createNavigation(); |
} |
/* adjust size according to device */ |
addEventListener('resize', _maintainResposive); |
_maintainResposive(); |
/* start jR3DCarousel if autoplay */ |
if(_settings.autoplay){ |
/* event handlers */ |
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange); |
addEventListener("beforeunload", function () { |
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange); |
}); |
function handleVisibilityChange() { |
if (document.hidden) { |
//console.log("hidden.. stop running expensive task")
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
} else { |
//console.log("not hidden.. page has focus, begin running task")
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
} |
} |
_container.hover(function(){ |
clearTimeout($(this).data('timeout')); |
$(this).data('timeout', setTimeout(function(){ |
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
}, _settings.animationInterval+_settings.animationDuration)); |
}); |
/* start jR3DCarousel if autoplay */ |
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
} |
function createjR3DCarousel(){ |
/* compute translate and perspective */ |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_height/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_height/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
} |
/* compute base angle */ |
_baseAngle = 360 / _noOfSlides; |
/* create jR3DCarousel slide stack */ |
for(var i = 0; i < _settings.slides.length; i++){ |
var slide = $( "<div class='jR3DCarouselSlide' data-index="+i+" />" ) |
.append( "<img src='"+_settings.slides[i].src+"' alt='"+_settings.slides[i].alt+"' />" ); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateX('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
} |
slide.css({ transform: _transform }); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.append(slide); |
} |
}else{ |
_container.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).each(function(i){ |
var slide = $(this).attr('data-index', i); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateX('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
} |
slide = slide.css({ transform: _transform }).detach(); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.append(slide); |
}); |
} |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).css({position: 'absolute', left: 0, top:0, width:'100%', height:'100%', backfaceVisibility: 'hidden'}) |
.find('img').css({ width:'100%', height:'100%', objectFit:_settings.slideLayout }); |
_perspective = _settings.perspective || _perspective; |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective, width: _width+'px', height: _height+'px', position: "relative", overflow: 'visible'}); |
} |
function _createControls(){ |
if(_settings.rotationDirection == 'rtl'){ |
_previousButton = $( "<div class='previous controls' style='left: 0.1em;'>⟨</div>"); |
_nextButton = $( "<div class='next controls' style='right: 0.1em;'>⟩</div>"); |
}else{ |
_previousButton = $( "<div class='previous controls' style='right: 0.1em;'>⟩</div>"); |
_nextButton = $( "<div class='next controls' style='left: 0.1em;'>⟨</div>"); |
} |
_previousButton.add(_nextButton) |
.css({position: 'absolute', top:'50%', zIndex:1, transform: 'translateY(-50%)', fontSize: '4em', color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97)', cursor:'pointer', userSelect: 'none'}) |
.appendTo(_container) |
.hide(); |
/* event handlers */ |
_previousButton.on('click', function(){ |
_playPreviousSlide(); |
}); |
_nextButton.on('click', function(){ |
_playNextSlide(); |
}); |
/* event handlers */ |
_container.on('mouseenter touchstart',function(){ |
_previousButton.add(_nextButton).show(); |
}) |
.on('mouseleave touchcancel',function(){ |
_previousButton.add(_nextButton).hide(); |
}) |
_previousButton.hover(function(){ |
_previousButton.css({color: 'rgba(201, 201, 201, 0.97)'}); |
},function(){ |
_previousButton.css({color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97)'}); |
}); |
_nextButton.hover(function(){ |
_nextButton.css({color: 'rgba(201, 201, 201, 0.97)'}); |
},function(){ |
_nextButton.css({color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97)'}); |
}); |
/* keyboard navigation keys support */ |
$(document).on('keydown', function(e){ |
var rect = _container[0].getBoundingClientRect(); |
var inView = rect.bottom > 0 && rect.right > 0 && |
rect.left < (innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) && |
rect.top < (innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); |
if(inView && e.which == 37){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
if(_settings.rotationDirection == 'rtl'){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
}else{ |
_nextButton.click(); |
} |
}else if(inView && e.which == 39){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
if(_settings.rotationDirection == 'rtl'){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
}else{ |
_previousButton.click(); |
} |
} |
}); |
/* touch navigation support */ |
_swipedetect(_container, function(swipedir){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
/* swipedir contains either "none", "left", "right", "up", or "down" */ |
if (swipedir =='left'){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
}else if (swipedir =='right'){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
if (swipedir =='down'){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
}else if (swipedir =='up'){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
function _createNavigation(){ |
var _navigation = $('<div class=navigation />').css({ position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, right: 0 }); |
for(var i = 0; i < _noOfSlides; i++){ |
_navigation.append('<div class=nav></div>'); |
} |
if(_settings.navigation == 'circles'){ |
_navigation.find('.nav').css({ borderRadius: '12px' }); |
} |
_navigation.find('.nav').css({ display: 'inline-block', margin: '5px', cursor: 'pointer', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.77)', width: '12px', height: '12px', transition: 'all '+_settings.animationDuration+'ms ease' }) |
.first().css({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)' }); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.after(_navigation); |
/* event handler */ |
_container.on('click', '.nav', function(){ |
_playSlideByIndex($(this).index()); |
}); |
} |
})(); |
function _playjR3DCarousel(){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
_timer = setInterval(_playNextSlide, _settings.animationInterval+_settings.animationDuration); |
//console.log("_playjR3DCarousel called "+_timer);
} |
function _pausejR3DCarousel(){ |
if(_timer){ |
//console.log("_pausejR3DCarousel called "+_timer);
clearInterval(_timer); |
} |
} |
function _playNextSlide(){ |
_targetSlideIndex = _currentSlideIndex + 1; |
_animations.run(_settings.animation, _targetSlideIndex); |
_slideCarouseld(); |
} |
function _playPreviousSlide(){ |
_targetSlideIndex = _currentSlideIndex - 1; |
_animations.run(_settings.animation, _targetSlideIndex); |
_slideCarouseld(); |
} |
function _playSlideByIndex(relativeSlideIndex){ |
var _currentRoundNo = Math.floor(_currentSlideIndex / _noOfSlides); |
_targetSlideIndex = _currentRoundNo *_noOfSlides + relativeSlideIndex; |
_animations.run(_settings.animation, _targetSlideIndex); |
_slideCarouseld(); |
} |
function _getPreviousSlide(){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).eq((_currentSlideIndex-1) % _noOfSlides); |
} |
function _getCurrentSlide(){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).eq(_currentSlideIndex % _noOfSlides); |
} |
function _getNextSlide(){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).eq((_currentSlideIndex+1) % _noOfSlides); |
} |
function _getSlideByIndex(idx){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass+'[data-index='+idx+']'); |
} |
function Animations(){ |
this.animations = { |
slide : _slide, |
slide3D : _slide3D, |
scroll: _scroll, |
scroll3D: _scroll3D, |
fade: _fade |
} |
} |
Animations.prototype.run = function run(animation, targetSlideIndex){ |
this.animations[animation](targetSlideIndex); |
} |
function _slide(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: '', overflow: 'hidden' }); |
_rotationAngle = _baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _slide3D(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective, overflow: 'visible' }); |
_rotationAngle = _baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _scroll(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: '', overflow: 'hidden' }); |
_rotationAngle=_baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateX('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _scroll3D(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective, overflow: 'visible' }); |
_rotationAngle=_baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateX('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _fade(targetSlideIndex){ |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transition: 'opacity '+ _settings.animationDuration+'ms '+_settings.animationCurve, opacity: 0}); |
_rotationAngle = _baseAngle * targetSlideIndex;
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)'}); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ opacity: 1 }); |
} |
function _slideCarouseld(){ |
_container.find('.nav').css({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.77)' }) |
.eq(_targetSlideIndex % _noOfSlides).css({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77)' }); |
_currentSlideIndex = Math.round(_rotationAngle/_baseAngle); |
//console.log("_currentSlideIndex " +_currentSlideIndex)
_settings.onSlideShow.call(this, _getCurrentSlide()); |
} |
function _maintainResposive(){ |
_container.width('100%'); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.hide(); |
_width = _container.width() < _settings.width ? _container.width() : _settings.width; |
_height = _width/_aspectRatio; |
_container.css({width: _width+'px', height: _height+'px' }); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_height/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_height/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
} |
_container.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).each(function(i){ |
var slide = $(this); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateX('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
} |
slide.css({ transform: _transform }); |
}); |
_perspective = _settings.perspective || _perspective; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.show(); |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective }); |
function _swipedetect(el, handleswipe){ |
var touchsurface = el, swipedir, startX, startY, distX, distY, |
threshold = 20, //required min distance traveled to be considered swipe
restraint = 100, // maximum distance allowed at the same time in perpendicular direction
allowedTime = 700, // maximum time allowed to travel that distance
elapsedTime, startTime |
touchsurface.on('touchstart', function(e){ |
var touchobj = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] |
swipedir = 'none' |
startX = touchobj.pageX |
startY = touchobj.pageY |
startTime = new Date().getTime() // record time when finger first makes contact with surface
}) |
.on('touchmove', function(e){ |
e.preventDefault() // prevent scrolling when inside DIV
}) |
.on('touchend', function(e){ |
var touchobj = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] |
distX = touchobj.pageX - startX // get horizontal dist traveled by finger while in contact with surface
distY = touchobj.pageY - startY // get vertical dist traveled by finger while in contact with surface
elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime // get time elapsed
if (elapsedTime <= allowedTime){ // first condition for awipe met
if (Math.abs(distX) >= threshold && Math.abs(distY) <= restraint){ // 2nd condition for horizontal swipe met
swipedir = (distX < 0)? 'left' : 'right' // if dist traveled is negative, it indicates left swipe
} |
else if (Math.abs(distY) >= threshold && Math.abs(distX) <= restraint){ // 2nd condition for vertical swipe met
swipedir = (distY < 0)? 'up' : 'down' // if dist traveled is negative, it indicates up swipe
} |
} |
handleswipe(swipedir) |
}) |
} |
/* public API */
this.showSlide = function(index){ |
var relativeSlideIndex = index % _noOfSlides; |
_playSlideByIndex(relativeSlideIndex); |
} |
this.getCurrentSlide = function(){ |
return _getCurrentSlide(); |
} |
this.getSlideByIndex = function(index){ |
return _getSlideByIndex(index); |
} |
this.showPreviousSlide = function(){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
} |
this.showNextSlide = function(){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
} |
this.playCarousel = function(){ |
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
} |
this.pauseCarousel = function(){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
} |
return this; |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
1.报表文件加载js文件:jR3DCarousel.js |
2.报表文件的form初始化事件中添加js代码 |
var contentHtml = '<div id="loop-show-images-qazwsx123" style="position:absolute;z-index: 2000;display:none"></div>'; |
$('body').prepend(contentHtml); |
var contentHtml = '<div id="loop-show-images-qazwsx123-body" style="position: absolute;width: 100%;height: 100%;z-index: 1000;display:none;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.6);"></div>'; |
$('body').prepend(contentHtml); |
$("body").on('click', "#loop-show-images-qazwsx123-body", function(){ |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123").css("display","none"); |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123-body").css("display","none"); |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123").empty(); |
}) |
3.在4个网页控件上覆盖了4个按钮(button0,button1,button2,button3),用于触发单击事件 |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123").css("display","block"); |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123-body").css("display","block"); |
//debugger; |
var sizeWidth = $('body').width()*0.6; |
var sizeHeight = $('body').height()*0.6; |
var leftValue = $('body').width()*0.2+"px"; |
var topValue = $('body').height()*0.2+"px"; |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123").css("left",leftValue); |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123").css("top",topValue); |
var slidesUrls = []; |
var slide = {}; |
if(isVideo1== '0') |
{ |
slide = {}; |
slide.src = url1; |
slidesUrls.push(slide); |
} |
if(isVideo2== '0') |
{ |
slide = {}; |
slide.src = url2; |
slidesUrls.push(slide); |
} |
if(isVideo3== '0') |
{ |
slide = {}; |
slide.src = url3; |
slidesUrls.push(slide); |
} |
if(isVideo4== '0') |
{ |
slide = {}; |
slide.src = url4; |
slidesUrls.push(slide); |
} |
$("#loop-show-images-qazwsx123").jR3DCarousel({ |
width :sizeWidth, /* largest allowed width */ |
height: sizeHeight, /* largest allowed height */ |
slides : slidesUrls, /* array of images source, optional in case of custom template */ |
slideLayout : 'fill', /* contain | fill | cover */ |
perspective: 0, /* perspective - default is dynamic, perpendicular */ |
animation: 'slide3D', /* slide | slide3D | scroll | scroll3D | fade */ |
animationCurve: 'ease', /* ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | linear | bezier */ |
animationDuration: 700, /* duration of animation transition in milliseconds*/ |
animationInterval: 2000, /* interval between transitions or show time of per slide in milliseconds */ |
autoplay: false, /* start playing Carousel continuously, pauses when slide is hovered */ |
controls: true, /* control buttons */ |
//slideClass: 'jR3DCarouselSlide',/* name of the css class of slides in custom template */ |
navigation: 'circles', /* circles | squares | '' */ |
rotationDirection: 'rtl', /* rtl - right to left | ltr - left to right */ |
}); |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> |
<plugin> |
<id>com.fr.plugin.third.party.jsdjcgb</id> |
<name><![CDATA[图片轮播]]></name> |
<active>yes</active> |
<version>0.1</version> |
<env-version>10.0</env-version> |
<jartime>2019-01-01</jartime> |
<vendor>追心</vendor> |
<description><![CDATA[]]></description> |
<change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes> |
<extra-form> |
<JavaScriptFileHandler class="com.fr.plugin.third.party.jsdjcgb.web.ResourceJavaScriptFileHandler"/> |
</extra-form> |
<function-recorder class="com.fr.plugin.third.party.jsdjcgb.web.ResourceJavaScriptFileHandler"/> |
</plugin> |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package com.fr.plugin.third.party.jsdjcgb.web; |
import com.fr.intelli.record.Focus; |
import com.fr.intelli.record.Original; |
import com.fr.record.analyzer.EnableMetrics; |
import com.fr.stable.fun.Authorize; |
import com.fr.stable.fun.impl.AbstractJavaScriptFileHandler; |
@EnableMetrics |
@Authorize(callSignKey = "com.fr.plugin.third.party.jsdjcgb") |
public class ResourceJavaScriptFileHandler extends AbstractJavaScriptFileHandler { |
@Override |
@Focus(id = "com.fr.plugin.third.party.jsdjcgb", text = "plugin-jsdjcgb", source = Original.PLUGIN) |
public String[] pathsForFiles() { |
return new String[]{ |
"/com/fr/plugin/third/party/jsdjcgb/jR3DCarousel.js", |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
/** |
* Author: Vinayak Rangnathrao Jadhav |
* Project: jR3DCarousel |
* Version: 1.0.5 |
**/ |
(function (factory) { |
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { |
define(["jquery"], factory); |
} else if (typeof exports === "object") { |
module.exports = factory(require("jquery")); |
} else { |
factory(jQuery); |
} |
})(function($){ |
$.fn.jR3DCarousel = function(options){ |
var _defaults = { |
width : innerWidth, /* largest allowed width */ |
height: innerHeight, /* largest allowed height */ |
slides : [], /* array of images source, optional in case of custom template */ |
slideLayout : 'fill', /* contain | fill | cover */ |
perspective: 0, /* perspective - default is dynamic, perpendicular */ |
animation: 'slide3D', /* slide | slide3D | scroll | scroll3D | fade */ |
animationCurve: 'ease', /* ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | linear | bezier */ |
animationDuration: 700, /* duration of animation transition in milliseconds*/ |
animationInterval: 2000, /* interval between transitions or show time of per slide in milliseconds */ |
autoplay: true, /* start playing Carousel continuously, pauses when slide is hovered */ |
controls: true, /* control buttons */ |
slideClass: 'jR3DCarouselSlide',/* name of the css class of slides in custom template */ |
navigation: 'circles', /* circles | squares | '' */ |
rotationDirection: 'rtl', /* rtl - right to left | ltr - left to right */ |
onSlideShow: function(){} /* callback when Slide show event occurs */ |
} |
var _settings = $.extend( true, {}, _defaults, options ); |
var _container = this; |
var _width = _settings.width; |
var _height = _settings.height; |
var _aspectRatio = _settings.width/_settings.height; |
var _jR3DCarouselDiv = $( "<div class='jR3DCarousel' />" ) |
.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%', transition:'transform '+_settings.animationDuration+'ms '+_settings.animationCurve, 'transformStyle': 'preserve-3d' }) |
.appendTo(_container); |
var _currentSlideIndex = 0; |
var _targetSlideIndex = 1; |
var _animations = new Animations(); |
var _previousButton; |
var _nextButton; |
var _timer; |
var _baseAngle; |
var _rotationAngle = 0; |
var _translateZ; |
var _perspective; |
var _transform; |
var _noOfSlides = _settings.slides.length || _container.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).length; |
(function setup(){ |
/* create jR3DCarousel */ |
createjR3DCarousel(); |
/* create control buttons */ |
if(_settings.controls){ |
_createControls(); |
} |
/* create navigation bar */ |
if(_settings.navigation){ |
_createNavigation(); |
} |
/* adjust size according to device */ |
addEventListener('resize', _maintainResposive); |
_maintainResposive(); |
/* start jR3DCarousel if autoplay */ |
if(_settings.autoplay){ |
/* event handlers */ |
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange); |
addEventListener("beforeunload", function () { |
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange); |
}); |
function handleVisibilityChange() { |
if (document.hidden) { |
//console.log("hidden.. stop running expensive task")
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
} else { |
//console.log("not hidden.. page has focus, begin running task")
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
} |
} |
_container.hover(function(){ |
clearTimeout($(this).data('timeout')); |
$(this).data('timeout', setTimeout(function(){ |
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
}, _settings.animationInterval+_settings.animationDuration)); |
}); |
/* start jR3DCarousel if autoplay */ |
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
} |
function createjR3DCarousel(){ |
/* compute translate and perspective */ |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_height/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_height/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
} |
/* compute base angle */ |
_baseAngle = 360 / _noOfSlides; |
/* create jR3DCarousel slide stack */ |
for(var i = 0; i < _settings.slides.length; i++){ |
var slide = $( "<div class='jR3DCarouselSlide' data-index="+i+" />" ) |
.append( "<img src='"+_settings.slides[i].src+"' alt='"+_settings.slides[i].alt+"' />" ); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateX('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
} |
slide.css({ transform: _transform }); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.append(slide); |
} |
}else{ |
_container.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).each(function(i){ |
var slide = $(this).attr('data-index', i); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateX('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
} |
slide = slide.css({ transform: _transform }).detach(); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.append(slide); |
}); |
} |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).css({position: 'absolute', left: 0, top:0, width:'100%', height:'100%', backfaceVisibility: 'hidden'}) |
.find('img').css({ width:'100%', height:'100%', objectFit:_settings.slideLayout }); |
_perspective = _settings.perspective || _perspective; |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective, width: _width+'px', height: _height+'px', position: "relative", overflow: 'visible'}); |
} |
function _createControls(){ |
if(_settings.rotationDirection == 'rtl'){ |
_previousButton = $( "<div class='previous controls' style='left: 0.1em;'>⟨</div>"); |
_nextButton = $( "<div class='next controls' style='right: 0.1em;'>⟩</div>"); |
}else{ |
_previousButton = $( "<div class='previous controls' style='right: 0.1em;'>⟩</div>"); |
_nextButton = $( "<div class='next controls' style='left: 0.1em;'>⟨</div>"); |
} |
_previousButton.add(_nextButton) |
.css({position: 'absolute', top:'50%', zIndex:1, transform: 'translateY(-50%)', fontSize: '4em', color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97)', cursor:'pointer', userSelect: 'none'}) |
.appendTo(_container) |
.hide(); |
/* event handlers */ |
_previousButton.on('click', function(){ |
_playPreviousSlide(); |
}); |
_nextButton.on('click', function(){ |
_playNextSlide(); |
}); |
/* event handlers */ |
_container.on('mouseenter touchstart',function(){ |
_previousButton.add(_nextButton).show(); |
}) |
.on('mouseleave touchcancel',function(){ |
_previousButton.add(_nextButton).hide(); |
}) |
_previousButton.hover(function(){ |
_previousButton.css({color: 'rgba(201, 201, 201, 0.97)'}); |
},function(){ |
_previousButton.css({color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97)'}); |
}); |
_nextButton.hover(function(){ |
_nextButton.css({color: 'rgba(201, 201, 201, 0.97)'}); |
},function(){ |
_nextButton.css({color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.97)'}); |
}); |
/* keyboard navigation keys support */ |
$(document).on('keydown', function(e){ |
var rect = _container[0].getBoundingClientRect(); |
var inView = rect.bottom > 0 && rect.right > 0 && |
rect.left < (innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) && |
rect.top < (innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); |
if(inView && e.which == 37){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
if(_settings.rotationDirection == 'rtl'){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
}else{ |
_nextButton.click(); |
} |
}else if(inView && e.which == 39){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
if(_settings.rotationDirection == 'rtl'){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
}else{ |
_previousButton.click(); |
} |
} |
}); |
/* touch navigation support */ |
_swipedetect(_container, function(swipedir){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
/* swipedir contains either "none", "left", "right", "up", or "down" */ |
if (swipedir =='left'){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
}else if (swipedir =='right'){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
if (swipedir =='down'){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
}else if (swipedir =='up'){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
function _createNavigation(){ |
var _navigation = $('<div class=navigation />').css({ position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, right: 0 }); |
for(var i = 0; i < _noOfSlides; i++){ |
_navigation.append('<div class=nav></div>'); |
} |
if(_settings.navigation == 'circles'){ |
_navigation.find('.nav').css({ borderRadius: '12px' }); |
} |
_navigation.find('.nav').css({ display: 'inline-block', margin: '5px', cursor: 'pointer', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.77)', width: '12px', height: '12px', transition: 'all '+_settings.animationDuration+'ms ease' }) |
.first().css({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)' }); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.after(_navigation); |
/* event handler */ |
_container.on('click', '.nav', function(){ |
_playSlideByIndex($(this).index()); |
}); |
} |
})(); |
function _playjR3DCarousel(){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
_timer = setInterval(_playNextSlide, _settings.animationInterval+_settings.animationDuration); |
//console.log("_playjR3DCarousel called "+_timer);
} |
function _pausejR3DCarousel(){ |
if(_timer){ |
//console.log("_pausejR3DCarousel called "+_timer);
clearInterval(_timer); |
} |
} |
function _playNextSlide(){ |
_targetSlideIndex = _currentSlideIndex + 1; |
_animations.run(_settings.animation, _targetSlideIndex); |
_slideCarouseld(); |
} |
function _playPreviousSlide(){ |
_targetSlideIndex = _currentSlideIndex - 1; |
_animations.run(_settings.animation, _targetSlideIndex); |
_slideCarouseld(); |
} |
function _playSlideByIndex(relativeSlideIndex){ |
var _currentRoundNo = Math.floor(_currentSlideIndex / _noOfSlides); |
_targetSlideIndex = _currentRoundNo *_noOfSlides + relativeSlideIndex; |
_animations.run(_settings.animation, _targetSlideIndex); |
_slideCarouseld(); |
} |
function _getPreviousSlide(){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).eq((_currentSlideIndex-1) % _noOfSlides); |
} |
function _getCurrentSlide(){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).eq(_currentSlideIndex % _noOfSlides); |
} |
function _getNextSlide(){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).eq((_currentSlideIndex+1) % _noOfSlides); |
} |
function _getSlideByIndex(idx){ |
return _jR3DCarouselDiv.find('.'+_settings.slideClass+'[data-index='+idx+']'); |
} |
function Animations(){ |
this.animations = { |
slide : _slide, |
slide3D : _slide3D, |
scroll: _scroll, |
scroll3D: _scroll3D, |
fade: _fade |
} |
} |
Animations.prototype.run = function run(animation, targetSlideIndex){ |
this.animations[animation](targetSlideIndex); |
} |
function _slide(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: '', overflow: 'hidden' }); |
_rotationAngle = _baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _slide3D(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective, overflow: 'visible' }); |
_rotationAngle = _baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _scroll(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: '', overflow: 'hidden' }); |
_rotationAngle=_baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateX('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _scroll3D(targetSlideIndex){ |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective, overflow: 'visible' }); |
_rotationAngle=_baseAngle * targetSlideIndex; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateX('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
} |
function _fade(targetSlideIndex){ |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transition: 'opacity '+ _settings.animationDuration+'ms '+_settings.animationCurve, opacity: 0}); |
_rotationAngle = _baseAngle * targetSlideIndex;
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)'}); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ opacity: 1 }); |
} |
function _slideCarouseld(){ |
_container.find('.nav').css({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.77)' }) |
.eq(_targetSlideIndex % _noOfSlides).css({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77)' }); |
_currentSlideIndex = Math.round(_rotationAngle/_baseAngle); |
//console.log("_currentSlideIndex " +_currentSlideIndex)
_settings.onSlideShow.call(this, _getCurrentSlide()); |
} |
function _maintainResposive(){ |
_container.width('100%'); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.hide(); |
_width = _container.width() < _settings.width ? _container.width() : _settings.width; |
_height = _width/_aspectRatio; |
_container.css({width: _width+'px', height: _height+'px' }); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_translateZ = (_height/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_height/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_translateZ = (_width/2) / Math.tan(Math.PI/_noOfSlides); |
_perspective = (_width/2) * Math.tan(2*Math.PI/_noOfSlides)+'px'; |
} |
_container.find('.'+_settings.slideClass).each(function(i){ |
var slide = $(this); |
if(_settings.animation.indexOf('slide')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation.indexOf('scroll')!=-1){ |
_transform = 'rotateX('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
}else if(_settings.animation == 'fade'){ |
_transform = 'rotateY('+_baseAngle*i+'deg) translateZ('+_translateZ+'px)'; |
} |
slide.css({ transform: _transform }); |
}); |
_perspective = _settings.perspective || _perspective; |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.css({ transform: 'translateZ('+-_translateZ+'px) rotateY('+-_rotationAngle+'deg)' }); |
_jR3DCarouselDiv.show(); |
_container.css({ perspective: _perspective }); |
function _swipedetect(el, handleswipe){ |
var touchsurface = el, swipedir, startX, startY, distX, distY, |
threshold = 20, //required min distance traveled to be considered swipe
restraint = 100, // maximum distance allowed at the same time in perpendicular direction
allowedTime = 700, // maximum time allowed to travel that distance
elapsedTime, startTime |
touchsurface.on('touchstart', function(e){ |
var touchobj = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] |
swipedir = 'none' |
startX = touchobj.pageX |
startY = touchobj.pageY |
startTime = new Date().getTime() // record time when finger first makes contact with surface
}) |
.on('touchmove', function(e){ |
e.preventDefault() // prevent scrolling when inside DIV
}) |
.on('touchend', function(e){ |
var touchobj = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] |
distX = touchobj.pageX - startX // get horizontal dist traveled by finger while in contact with surface
distY = touchobj.pageY - startY // get vertical dist traveled by finger while in contact with surface
elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime // get time elapsed
if (elapsedTime <= allowedTime){ // first condition for awipe met
if (Math.abs(distX) >= threshold && Math.abs(distY) <= restraint){ // 2nd condition for horizontal swipe met
swipedir = (distX < 0)? 'left' : 'right' // if dist traveled is negative, it indicates left swipe
} |
else if (Math.abs(distY) >= threshold && Math.abs(distX) <= restraint){ // 2nd condition for vertical swipe met
swipedir = (distY < 0)? 'up' : 'down' // if dist traveled is negative, it indicates up swipe
} |
} |
handleswipe(swipedir) |
}) |
} |
/* public API */
this.showSlide = function(index){ |
var relativeSlideIndex = index % _noOfSlides; |
_playSlideByIndex(relativeSlideIndex); |
} |
this.getCurrentSlide = function(){ |
return _getCurrentSlide(); |
} |
this.getSlideByIndex = function(index){ |
return _getSlideByIndex(index); |
} |
this.showPreviousSlide = function(){ |
_previousButton.click(); |
} |
this.showNextSlide = function(){ |
_nextButton.click(); |
} |
this.playCarousel = function(){ |
_playjR3DCarousel(); |
} |
this.pauseCarousel = function(){ |
_pausejR3DCarousel(); |
} |
return this; |
} |
}); |
Reference in new issue